Sunday, the combined forces of ESPN and ABC kick-off a long day of NASCAR.
First up is the one hour edition of NASCAR Now at 10AM Eastern Time on ESPN2. This program is normally hosted by either Erik Kuselias or Ryan Burr. It is live in the ESPN HD studio in Bristol, CT. Stacy Compton, Boris Said, and sometimes Tim Cowlishaw are used in the studio for analysis.
At 3PM, ABC begins its sports day with NASCAR Countdown, which this week will be thirty minutes in length. Suzy Kolber will be hosting the program from the Infield Studio along with Brad Daugherty who the network says is "the voice of the fans." ESPN NASCAR analyst Rusty Wallace usually appears during the first fifteen minutes of this show. Brent Musburger will be on-hand once again to act as the "show host" for the entire ABC programming block.
The network transitions to event coverage at 3:30PM. Dr. Jerry Punch, Rusty Wallace, and Andy Petree offer the race commentary. Allen Bestwick, Mike Massaro, Jamie Little, and Dave Burns are the reporters on pit road.
This is ESPN's first season back in NASCAR, and this track is notorious for big accidents and hot tempers. It will be interesting to note the dynamic between the pit reporters and the drivers as the race progresses.
Note: The Daly Planet has received several emails indicating that Suzy Kolber will not be in Texas on Sunday, but ESPN still lists her as the host. We shall wait and see.
This page will host your comments about NASCAR Now, NASCAR Countdown, and ABC's coverage of the NEXTEL Cup race. You may add your comment before, during, or after these programs. Please keep your focus on the TV issues associated with these programs, and read the rules on the right side of the main page before adding your post.
To give us your opinion, simply click on the COMMENTS button below, and follow the instructions. We do not want your email address, and there is nothing to join. We only want your thoughts on how you think the NASCAR TV partners are doing with these programs today. Thanks for stopping-by The Daly Planet.
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Here's an early morning thought for the Daly "Planetarium" (I like that)
If ESPN/ABC had their programming act together, they would, having recognized the crushing ratings blow that the CBS PAtriots vs Colts is going to put on daytime tv,they would have planned to repeat the Texas race tonight in primetime on espn 2 WITHOUT PUTTING THE RESULTS IN THEIR BOTTOM LINE GRAPHIC
Too much to wish for, I guess. Instead we'll see womens division 3 billiards or some such nonsense
JD you mentioned in your other (great) column's comments that the NFL game today would likely have the attention of east and central time zone fans.
It's actually going to have the attention of the entire country. The game has 96 % "clearance" in the US and is on at 1 p.m. on the West Coast. The only areas where it wasn't supposed to air were Oakland ,Cleveland, and Houston. The Oakland Raiders game isn't sold out, so - to the relief of the fans who would rather watch Pats/Colts (a 4-1 margin according to the Oakland paper) - the game will be aired there. Some Houston and Cleveland-area fans are trying to find sports bars airing the game instead of watching their teams.
In other words, this game has captured the attention of much of the nation and it's a real shame ESPN/NASCAR couldn't do something to counter it, like mentioned in the comment above.
Also noticed in several promos for the race that aired on ESPN2 Fri/Sat, including the ones made by Jerry Punch and NASCAR Now, they keep emphasizing that coverage starts at 3 p.m and there's no specific mention that it's Countdown that begins at 3, not the race (3:45). I think that's interesting since NASCAR Countdown, like NFL Today and other preshows like the old Countdown to Green, is listed as a separate program in the TV guide. They've mentioned Countdown as a separate show in the past, at least in on air promos.
I admit - with no regrets - I'm recording the race today. Can't turn down a big spread of food at my brother's house, plus the ESPN coverage doesn't make it vital for me to watch live. Why be aggravated?
I think what "NASCAR on ESPN/ABC" is facing today with the football game is that unlike most regular season games, this one has become more of a social event. People who normally don't care about New England-Indianpolis and/or root against them are watching this game. People who don't care about football much at all are attending the get-togethers, much like Super Bowl type gatherings on a smaller scale. (Beer aisle at the store yesterday = MADHOUSE.)
It's just bad luck for NASCAR and ESPN and they couldn't have predicted it with the scheduling.
BUT there was *no need* for a Texas race to start at 3:30-3:45 EST. If they had originally scheduled the race -the race, not the Countdown - to begin at 1 p.m. or the latest 2 p.m. EST, even racing fans who are football fans would have gotten to see a nice chunk of the race live.
Anonymous 8:44: I like your idea about repeating the race tonight. Unfortunately, while ESPN2 always seems to show reruns of poker or The Contender, tonight it's several hours of NHRA coverage, which is new on tape delay. So in the scheme of things, it's more important for that to air. But it was a good idea.
I'm watching NASCAR Now and noticed two things mentioned this morning on the new threads comments. One is the graphic said "Race-3 PM" and Erik said -and has repeated -"coverage begins at 3" -like posted above, no mention of Countdown.
Also mentioned in the other thread: like ESPNNews, the Bottom Line ticker on NN is also running the "Final Points Standings" for the Busch Series. That's funny. Sad but funny.
For the first 20 minutes, NN has been the Jeff Jimmie show, and Chad Knaus is going to be interviewed live in the next 1/2 hour. I personally like all three very much, but am tired of hearing them talk and being talked about. It's 25 minutes into the show and they're just now getting to the news of the week with Marty Smith -which lasted 3 minutes. So as of 1/2 hour in, I'll be done with NN for the day.
There's a real lack of original and in-depth content in this show especially when it's an hour.
I am watching Nascar Now right now they are discussing the Busch race, 3 seconds of Harvick and no wait it's Carl's mom again just in case we missed her yesterday, no recap of the race and it was on ESPN it was all Carl. Granted he clinched the championship so cover the race and Carl there were more than 2 cars on the track. Marty Smith just made a hugh statement about the COT. Can not overcome bad pit stops because you can not pass with the COT that's why so much single file racing and increase in drivers salaries because now it will be all about the driver. These are 2 big issues now back to Erik hey Boris what do you think about Bruton buying New Hampshire. What????
Anon 9:54:
-BUT there was *no need* for a Texas race to start at 3:30-3:45 EST. If they had originally scheduled the race -the race, not the Countdown - to begin at 1 p.m. or the latest 2 p.m. EST, even racing fans who are football fans would have gotten to see a nice chunk of the race live.
Agreed. If the green flag waved at 1 and the race ended around 5 Eastern, then viewers could have watched the entire race and joined the Patriots/Colts in progress, probably missing 1 to 1 1/2 quarters at most. Instead they'll both end around the same time, 7:30.
I don't care for the NASCAR coverage in ESPN, but having said that, they have to talk about the 2 leaders. If you watch any NFL coverage, it starts with the 2 QBs.
I mentioned being at the store yesterday and seeing the full shopping carts getting ready for the Pats/Cotls game. In my family is the same. I'm watching the race in my room, 'cause the whole family/friends are watching it in the family room with a big spread.
I was glad they discussed Clint. For the whole season, Denny and Kyle have been the golden boys of all race coverage. Finally they are giving Clint his dues. He is not cocky like Kyle and Denny, just lets his driving do his talking.
I wish they would quit saying Jeff is not good at Texas. Sure, he's had some bad finishes, but he is the only driver with 5 top 5 finishes. Matt has 4.
Maybe ESPN is listening to us. They actually showed Truck Series highlights on NASCAR Now this morning. And even talked about the Truck Series with Stacy and Boris.
Like Texas, the green flag start time for Phoenix and Homestead is also 3:44 PM EST. Makes sense for Phoenix. It should make sense for Homestead to end at night, but the ratings drop (20.3%!!!) last year didn't prove that, maybe they should move it back earlier.
A little off topic but I think exemplifying how far NASCAR has fallen off track (and related to what Mr. Daly said about ESPN's NASCAR coverage music in other blog entry): the national anthem singer for the FINALE at Homestead is... the lead singer of the rock band FUEL (who?). Someone named Toryn Green. Last year Chris Daughtry from American Idol turned down the FUEL lead singer job and went on to great success without FUEL, so I guess this guy took the job instead.
Is that the very best that NASCAR can book for their final race? No, the national anthem singer is not crucial to the race outcome, but for NASCAR image purposes it is. Why can't they get someone famous anymore? (Carrie Underwood and Trisha Yearwood each did absolutely beautiful renditions of the anthem at the World Series last week. James Taylor's version wasn't quite as good technically but it was heartfelt, as he had been a Sox fan all his life and was born in Boston.)
"You know what they say. The only people who do not like Truck races are the people who have not seen Truck races."
Erik Kuselias, NASCAR Now - 11/4/07
That would include the viewers of NASCAR Now on the Sunday morning and Monday afternoon one hour versions of his show...since February. This wake-up call came about ten months too late.
If ESPN were smart they would hire JD to consult for the overhaul of their NASCAR telecast strategy for next year. Of course ESPN and NASCAR for that matter have the arrogant attitude that we know what is best for you and you will take what we give you. That is not a good business strategy in an open market economy. There is a big football game today that I am sure will drain a lot of viewers from the race which is a shame. I never used to even take a phone call during a race. I am talking ringer on mute. But I will be watching the big game today. I can't believe ESPN is so stupid that they will not use the valuable feedback on JDs Site and make real changes. The unhappy fans remind me of a roach in the kitchen. You may see one come from under the fridge and we all know that means there are probably dozens more you can't see. I think of the same with the posters on this site. I am not sure how many people post to this site but I am guessing at least hundreds if not thousands. I applaud the legitimate suggestions I see to improve the dreadful telecasts. There may are be a small number of posters but I am confident they share the opinions of tens of thousands if not millions of fans that see the train headed in the wrong direction. Now the only question remains is does ESPN want to improve the telecasts? Is there somebody within the vast bureaucracy that has the power to make real changes or will we be tortured again next year?
Tom B
Anonymous said...
Is that the very best that NASCAR can book for their final race? No, the national anthem singer is not crucial to the race outcome, but for NASCAR image purposes it is. Why can't they get someone famous anymore?
November 4, 2007 11:39 AM
IMO the TV ratings directly affect this. As a singer, you know you're going to get great visibility and publicity from TV viewers at a World Series game/NFL playoff game. Big NASCAR races used to be the same way, but not anymore. And now that the NASCAR Cup banquet has been relegated to TV dumping grounds I'd bet they have trouble getting a host, and that singer Kelly Clarkson will plead "sudden exhaustion" to get out of it.
The race today - We're watching RaceDay, then the football game. We'll flip back to the race to keep up and record it on another TV. It's sort of disloyal, but them's the breaks.
JD, will you review the Mike and Mike show at Texas on ESPN2?
I don't know who is singing the anthem today. But could be that James Taylor, Trisha Yearwood, Carrie Underwood don't fit the desired NASCAR/ESPN demo for their big finale race. Too old or too country.
Like JD said, that's where they're making a mistake in pushing what they want to be as opposed to what they are.
they would have planned to repeat the Texas race tonight in primetime on espn 2 WITHOUT PUTTING THE RESULTS IN THEIR BOTTOM LINE GRAPHIC
That's unrealistic.
The race is over. The results need to be reported, not held for people who chose not to watch it live.
Anon 1:03PM,
Unfortunately, there was little to review. Mike and Mike did not have a live camera to watch the Speedway wake-up at sunrise. They did not have any TMS race footage that they used during "bumps" into and out of commercial.
The only thing they did was interview a sleepy but pleasant Jimmie Johnson in the final thirty minutes of the show. It was a big disappointment in many ways.
With a huge race on ABC on Sunday, they should have at least brought on Jerry Punch and Rusty Wallace who are the "faces" of NASCAR on ESPN and ABC.
Just like Greenie's webmaster Rob said, it was a straight Mike and Mike show that just happened to be in TX. For my money, they could have done the show from the studio and just interviewed JJ by satellite.
I was also very disappointed to see that they did not use the Infield Studio, which would have made a much better looking set and allowed a peek at the sunrise and the garage activity.
Any publicity is goog publicity, so I guess they will take it. In my mind, there was a strange disconnect between the crew at the track for the race and the Mike and Mike crew who was visiting.
The Mike and Mike show I watched for hours at the suggestion of this site. I saw football, baseball, socker, and a whole bunch of other junk. I finally gave up, and missed the Jimmy Johnson (racer) interview. I did catch the other Jimmy Johnson though. What a waste of time.
Suzy is at the track.
and Brent looked like he slept in his suit.
JD, who would send a false E-mail like that to mislead us?
JD, whats going on? why are the opening ceremonies early? does this have to do with football?
Green Flag 3:50
Sitting here, playing a tile matching game and listening to the NASCAR prerace show, it all of a sudden just hit me:
NASCAR television broadcasts have turned into one huge fraternity party drinking game!
Wonder how we'd be come 8 pm if we took a drink every time that:
* Carl Edwards was mentioned as the NBS champ
* The J&J show was brought up
(Fill in your other choices of your own now)
I think we get the drift....
Anonymous said...
Green Flag 3:50
November 4, 2007 3:26 PM
I DO NOT think the race will start then...the opening ceremonies happened way too soon. I think the race will start in a few minutes. anyone else think NASCAR is trying to start this race early? What effect could this have TV viewers?
And people here complain about any mention of football in the broadcasts ... Dale Jr. asking for football scores over the radio, his crew chief watching football on the monitor, this clearly shows the NFL is king, and people want the scores during NASCAR broadcasts.
Anonymous 3:32 may be right, since they're circling the track now. Somehow I don't think they will run prerace laps for 15 minutes more...
Giving scordes is fine, as long as they don't do it during green flag racing.
Football starts at 4:15,,,no effect
JD, this race seemed to start early. could this have anything to do with football?
Carl Edwards in the Office Depot Chevy? I don't think so.
well, not a 3:50 green flag for some reason...even nascar.com said 3:50.
Karen said...
Carl Edwards in the Office Depot Chevy? I don't think so.
November 4, 2007 3:37 PM
Dang. Do I take a BIGGER drink or a SMALLER drink on that one? LOL
People, please do not stray from critiquing the coverage at hand.
Erik said...
And people here complain about any mention of football in the broadcasts ... Dale Jr. asking for football scores over the radio, his crew chief watching football on the monitor, this clearly shows the NFL is king, and people want the scores during NASCAR broadcasts.
November 4, 2007 3:34 PM
Really? Because Dale Jr. is asking for the score? I somehow think the guys racing for the championship are more focuesed on the race.
Ugh, Erik just tries to troll the site and get reactions out of regular posters like usual. We already know the NFL is the #1 sport in the US. If we want to watch it, we'd have a different channel on and follow it.
Crazy thing about live green-flag racing...with the TV on mute and PRN on the radio, I'm turned around typing a comment...I hear some excitement from the radio announcers and turn to see the TV and there is a commercial on. Not even 10 laps into the race! We've said it numerous times, but imagine a football/baseball/basketball game that played commercials during live action. There would be outrage. And when they were gone, guess what, CAUTION! Awful coverage.
According to FoxTrax, Allmendinger is already 4 laps down. No mention of this from the ESPN boys.
Rick said...
According to FoxTrax, Allmendinger is already 4 laps down. No mention of this from the ESPN boys.
November 4, 2007 3:45 PM
um....ESPN covered the situation with the 84. please be fair with your comments.
I agree, let's stick to the race.
Dr. Punch said "and this crowd of 190,000 people!" Before,during, and after he said that, you could see the large amounts of empty seats.
They're going to a lot less viewers if they keep the cameras alternating only on the lead two cars and Gordon/Johnson. Other than briefly showing Allmendinger who was off the pace after Hamlin got into him, they didn't bother to show anyone else. And the split screen of Gordon/johnson was bigger than the one of the leaders. Are they deliberately trying to drive fans away to the NFL game? Because I wasn't considering it before but am now.
And right back from commercials to show pit road for a few seconds...then right back to more commercials without recaping what just happened or resetting the field.
I mean, 3 races from the champion being crowed and the guy in first just had a quick pit stop and come out with the race lead to earn an important five bonus points and...that isn't considered important enough to stay live instead of showing ads? I'm frustrated and we haven't even finished 20 laps yet.
one for one on missed restarts
wow...missed restart by a long shot... I think ABC is demanding more commercials be aired and It might not be the fault of the crew at the track.
so are there any other drivers in this race beside jimmie johnson and jeff gordon??? well there is a much smaller box there with a few dots in them. but all I hear about when there is a pass for the lead is the race for the points!!!!
Anonymous said...
Rick said...
According to FoxTrax, Allmendinger is already 4 laps down. No mention of this from the ESPN boys.
November 4, 2007 3:45 PM
um....ESPN covered the situation with the 84. please be fair with your comments.
November 4, 2007 3:47 PM
I must have missed them relating that information. I apologize.
missed restart, 45 stayed out to lead lap not mentioned. Did give us who got pit road violations. 1 out of 3 usually 0 out of 3 so improvement I guess
How's this for fair?? We've alredy missed a restart, take a chug.
You can't tell what is going on in the race. You can see the 1-2-3 cars and that's it for the entire first 3 laps after the restart. Makes it hard to follow the race at all.
PammH said...
How's this for fair?? We've alredy missed a restart, take a chug.
November 4, 2007 3:54 PM
People, this board should not become a drinking game. You should critique if something is wrong, but don't cross the line.
how am I susposed to understan whats going on here no draft tracker yet.... boy susprised it hasnt come out yet.... sure hope its soon so I can "know what the air is doing"!!!!!!!!!!
Anon 3:14PM,
Was a newspaper site that interviewed her.
AHHHHHHH!!! Actor Vince Vaughn interviewed in the pit studio by Suzy and Brad instead of resetting the field or doing anything related to the actual race. Instead, we get publicity for the movie Fred Claus DURING the race.
The San Diego Minnesota game has 7 minutes left when the colts vs. pats game was supposed to start. how could this effect NASCAR ratings?
Update on Reutimann they are trying but evidently no camera shot we are talking to Vince Vaughn, how about resetting the field many cars stayed out.
Anyone get any info about the early start?
Hey Rusty's watching the race not the monitor he was the first one to call the caution.
I just know that they started the opening ceremonies before 3:30. race started at 3:40 when NASCAR.com said it would start at 3:50.
I have never seen the cars going 170mph coming off turn 4 to the green flag on a re-start. Perhaps they missed the re-start. Ya-think? Nothing like misleading the fans. Does Punch & ESPN think we are that dumb?
OK, let's get it done and I will apologize that I felt that the quality of the coverage we're seeing on ESPN made me compare it (in a joking manner) to a drinking game.
I'll leave it at that -- that the broadcast quality is so far down from recent years that it may as well BE a game.
Strange, just dumped out of a DirectTV ad to take pit road live during caution 4.
maybe they are front loading the commercials?
Please reset the field. Andy has already said that it got shuffled due to pit stragety which is a step in the right direction please follow up when back from commercial
well, we have not missed a restart since the first one...
They're advertising that HotPass will be in HD next season
No problem, almost all of us knew what you meant.
I am just wondering why they dumped out of commercial to come back for pit stops.
Daly Planet Editor said...
I am just wondering why they dumped out of commercial to come back for pit stops.
November 4, 2007 4:14 PM
Isn't that a good thing?
"Rick said...
Anonymous said...
um....ESPN covered the situation with the 84. please be fair with your comments.
November 4, 2007 3:47 PM
I must have missed them relating that information. I apologize."
No need to apologize IMHO. While ABC did show the 84 off the pace, they never mentioned him being four laps down or even showed him off track. i didn't know that until you mentioned it here.
Last I heard on ESPN his spotter was saying stay out.
Anyone know why Carl Edwards is 42nd?? He's a Chaser & they haven't mentioned it that I've heard-I'm shocked.
Still the top 3 or the Jeff and Jimmie show. BTW 99 is 40th why? Biffle 37th wasn't he the eliminator pick?
Sure is time for the old field recap right about now....
Have they mentioned Carl Edwards? Why is in 40th position if the broadcasters said something I missed it and sorry?
why would ABC talk about Spanish coverage of the race on SAP when, on my TV, it does not work.
I love this comment from the pit reporter...
"One guy who is flying around the racetrack that no one is talking about is Kasey Kahne..."
Ummm, your employer is the one covering the race and NOT talking about Kasey Kahne. Thanks for pointing that out to us (and them).
99 being the last car on the lead lap I'd speculate he had to duck back into the pits for some reason?
Anonymous said... at 4:22pm
"why would ABC talk about Spanish coverage of the race on SAP when, on my TV, it does not work."
Confirmed in Atlanta, watching in HD. My TiVo tells me the only audio program offered is English.
Listening to the Officials Channel on TrackPass and they have been watching the 21 for the last 20 laps or so as possibly leaking oil. Sounds like something a producer might look into.
Carl's problems are due to an incredibly tight car. I'm listening to his radio and he keeps telling Bob Osborne that he can't go any faster. He's had no penalties and no green-flag pit stops.
Not only that, Bill Elliot is in front of him and seems to be leaking oil. Carl says he has crap all over his windshield.
Boy, I can still remember the times I chafed impatiently waiting for the announcers to finish "Through the Field" so we could see what was up in the fight for the lead!!!!
KB thanks for info on Carl and please ABC do not talk about "points as of now" for the chasers!!
Edwards HotPass channel says they're pitting in 10. Make a tire pressure adjustment and take a wedge out. Sounds like they just missed the setup
I happen to appreciate the NFL updates on the screen since I am an NFL fan also. I presume ESPN shows the NFL scores to keep casual viewers from switching channels to check on NFL and maybe not coming back.
Sale of NH speedway AND the other half of North Wilkesboro to Bruton Smith conradicts many statements over the years by Smith and Bahre. Since Jerry P. and Andy P. do or did live within an hour or so of North W., it will be interesting to see if they mention the contradiction.
Edwards problem is in turns 3 & 4. Larry Mac doing the call
they are doing a nice job covering pit stops.
Wow, somebody yelled in Jamies ear and must have told her to call the stop and stop talking about Hornish and Penske,,too funny
Good pitstop coverage. I was actually looking earlier on ESPN.com for the pit road assignments and couldn't find it. It's got to be some place but I can't find it.
If you go to FOX Sports website and its NASCAR section, it does show a listing for pit selections.
Busch Series Fan! said...
Good pitstop coverage. I was actually looking earlier on ESPN.com for the pit road assignments and couldn't find it. It's got to be some place but I can't find it.
November 4, 2007 4:41 PM
I saw it this morning on Jayski's articles pag. I think it was a link to FoxSports.
They appear to be watching the race and not just the monitors. Keep it up guys
Lifting hood on 99.
Looks like they're doing some work on the front right suspension
Did you guys see the bottle bounce off Kyle Busch's front windshield from the backstretch stands and then hit the ground and break?
It was right after the JJ Yeley spin when he was following the pace car. Never mentioned.
They hd to go and do it. Carls mom during a green flag run of a cup race.
I had to back up the DVR and take a look JD. There was definitely a bottle that came out of the stands.
I sat on the backstretch stands the first tow race at TMS, that's a rowdy crowd back there.
I've got the race on but am not watching it. Walked by the TV and there was an ad on for next March's Atlanta race, so I stopped to watch that. Then the race came back from commercial and Mr. Brent Musberger had the gall to state "An absolutely beautiful day to go racing here at Texas Motor Speedway. A huge crowd on hand. They know the Dallas Cowboys don't play until tonight so they've come out to watch the Chase continue for the Nextel Cup..."
Lap 117.
Thank God the local NFL team isn't competing directly with over 160,000 NASCAR fans.
I know we're not allowed to use profanity here, so I won't say anything else.
Oh, and I've gone ahead and turned the race off, too. Guess I will mow the lawn today.
Was it Texas where they threw the full pepsis at Gordon?
Boy Carl's mother has gotten more airtime today that poor Matt!
They're working on the front right sway bar on the 99
why haven't they either told us the condition of Bill Elliott and Kyle petty and/or shown us video of them getting out of their cars? if they're fine, let us see them get out and wave/get in the ambulance. If they're not, let us know. why are they leaving us hanging?
Smoke and Zippy taling Colts/Pats and Skins during this caution.
There are probably a lot of things the drivers talk about during a long race aside from racing...it's ESPN searching for it and promoting it during their coverage to make it seem like football is bigger/better. Makes no sense, considering that ESPN covers auto racing live and other channels are showing football live.
By the way, the much-hyped football game hasn't been all that exciting as they near halftime.
Poor Chad Knaus is having problems with the other drivers having wrecks. Well Nascar should only have the the chasers racing then maybe he'll be a little happier!!!!
Probably should have brought this up sooner today but it just occurred to me.
Am I just missing it, or have they not been fully setting the starting lineup before the races begin?
I'll be honest that I've ended up missing the prelim stuff a bunch of times this year but I'm not remembering hearing them go through and set the field with the qualifying order prior to the start of the race.
Or has it just been so offhanded and low key it just passed over my head?
It's very frustrating that ABC seems to be so in love with the "Chase Point Ticker" that they show it much more then the Intervals ticker. You can't tell who's on the lead lap, who's off the track or how many laps anybody is behind without referencing a race site on the computer.
Finally just now they showed the Intervals ticker, but they only showed it for the top 15 cars and went right back to the Chase Point ticker. Truly a bad decision.
emerald, they run it on the front of the desk as they are yakking. they never say it out loud.
Busch Series Fan! said...
Poor Chad Knaus is having problems with the other drivers having wrecks. Well Nascar should only have the the chasers racing then maybe he'll be a little happier!!!!
November 4, 2007 5:26 PM
does that have to do with TV?
did yall know Jimmie and Jeff are title contenders?
No wonder I missed it, Pamm. I miss the few moments of actual commentary to tell you who made the race.
why is the 99 in the garage? noone ever told us
So what will ABC do at 6:30 when this race probably won't be done and they're desperate to get Funniest Videos on the air?
wickedj said...
why is the 99 in the garage? noone ever told us
He's NOT in the garage
Anonymous said...
So what will ABC do at 6:30 when this race probably won't be done and they're desperate to get Funniest Videos on the air?
November 4, 2007 5:42 PM
the race is not supposed to end until 7:30.
it's the 00 who is in the garage. Engine I think but I got that from 48's in car they are pitting next to him so it mattered to them
I think the poster is referencing 6:30 central time for the race finish there.
Illpolo said:
---By the way, the much-hyped football game hasn't been all that exciting as they near halftime.
Sadly for NASCAR and ABC, it's actually been quite good. It's not a blowout which is what they had to be hoping for. Colts just scored with under 30 seconds to go, up 13-7 at the half. Couldn't ask for better than that if I'm a TV exec.
You can tell by the slow rate of posting today that the game is capturing some interest. Maybe some folks will come back to the race now at halftime, that's what we're doing.
Bevo - my bad...lol used his busch #
>>>> the race is not supposed to end until 7:30.
If you live in Central time zone, it's scheduled to end at 6:30
Anonymous said...
You can tell by the slow rate of posting today that the game is capturing some interest. Maybe some folks will come back to the race now at halftime, that's what we're doing.
November 4, 2007 5:46 PM
what slow rate? its the same as last week.
Newracefan, do you think the guys in the booth know that the 00 car is in the garage? I doubt it!
does ANYBODY know what happened to 21 and 45?? I was making chili and cornbread and will have to get the boombox even though MRN guys are NOT working today...PRN guys are...but too much information NOT being given us.
P.S. My MRN AFFILIATE is having tech problems..when you tune in the station, it sounds like two stations talking over each other..I checked the stereo with PRE SET buttons and it's the same way...it is getting DARKER...wonder if that affects this FM station..RATS!^%#$!
What happened to the wrecked cars, please
Jd and all, that's TERRIBLE if somebody did throw a bottle at kyle B
SophiaZ123 said...
does ANYBODY know what happened to 21 and 45?? I was making chili and cornbread and will have to get the boombox even though MRN guys are NOT working today...PRN guys are...but too much information NOT being given us.
November 4, 2007 5:55 PM
40 move up and collected the 45 and the 21
We'll have to go with no news is good news. Never heard from Kyle and Bill or about them so they must be fine.... right?
21 back on the track. Thanks racetrax
sophia, the 40, 21, and 45 all got back out on the track after the wreck according to MRN. They interviewed Kyle and he didn't want to get out on the track because his car was so damaged but felt he had to b/c of the points. But their scoring cards were pulled by NASCAR according to MRN probably b/c they were so wrecked, and they had to come in for more repairs. This was about 20-25 minutes ago.
Robby Gordon is back out on the track after leaving the race eons ago.
and yeah, none of this was mentioned on ABC.
I am not completely giving 100% of my time watching the race but has ESPN/ABC shown the "free pass" car during a yellow? If so I haven't seen it.
Thank you ANON for the big wreck updates!!! I LOVE THIS SITE!!
My MRN connection bites the dust but I can get my info here.
we have not heard from Brent since the colts game started.
p.s. I DID see the wreck but NO follow up..man, you think the guys in the booth would PRETEND to be concerned...silly me, asking about guys NOT in the chase.
MEOW HISS. How dare I ask.
Big crash
can YOU BELIEVE on the wreck replay, the ARROW was pointiing to J GORDON car??????????
How about pointing out where the race started. Can these guys hiss me off ANYMORE// NO follow up from previous wrecks...
I WANTED to know if the 24 and the 48 were ok...this is about the championship after all.
Hold on, they're going to use the draft/downforce green stuff coming out of break
Bevo don't remind them I was hoping they would forget
Everything is about the 24 and 48...I mean it's pretty significant that Tony Stewart just got bumped and wrecked and yet the only mention by good ol' Suzy Kolber is about how Gordon was lucky. I wish they would just cover the race and not dramatize everything.
One of the good things about the nascar broadcasts, at least they don't use those stupid sound effects like on the football games.
They were running it back and forth during the break, looks like they'll use it pretty soon.
Illpolo said...
Everything is about the 24 and 48
As it should be, one of the two will win the championship in 2 weeks.
We certainly have seen a stripped-down version of coverage today with out a lot of fluff.
Now is the crunch time for Jerry Punch, the last one hundred laps where he has been running out of gas himself.
I think Andy Petree is having a very good telecast. Tim Brewer, not so much.
This is prob their best cup race so far. Still missing follow up on all wrecks, lucky dogs and who returned to the track but I am not as annoyed as I usually get by this time. Could do without Suzy and Brad they add nothing
Looks like someone at ABC/ESPN is checking us out. Saw the last commercial break on HotPass. Dang it! :)
While they were busy focusing on Carl Edwards and went to the Tech Center, Truex bumped Gordon then took his spot, then Burton and Harvick passed him. Pretty important stuff and NONE of it was shown as they STILL have Edwards on the TV with the in-car camera.
So, 7:30PM Eastern Time is the scheduled off for local news or other local programming.
8PM is the "hard off" for ABC's wonderful we will fix your home up show.
Looks fine so far. If any stations just click over to local news at 7:30 if the race telecast is still going, please report it here of drop me an email.
I am disappointed that the coverage does not cover all the sub-plots we have in Cup
** contest for top 10 (to go to NY)
** owner's point between 34-36
** rookie points
** contest for 13--1st of non Chase
They could tell us by how many points each one in these categories. Not everyone is routing for the 24 and 48. This gives fans of other cars something to root for.
The analysis sucks. Rusty and company keep reminding us that this is not a good track for Jeff. They ought to look up the facts. Jeff has 5 top 5 finishes. NO ONE ESLE HAS THAT MANY. Sure Burton has 2 wins, but he has an average finish of 18. Matt has 4 top 5s and the best average finish of 7.8
YAY!!! They fixed the radio station and I can listen to PRN..they are NOT the quality of MRN but I hope they tell me more than the tv talking heads. I now have TV MUTED. It may be an improvement to some of you but the lack of FOLLOW up in details still is atrocious.
The cam work may be better..they are ACTUALLY CATCHING the wrecks...so that is good.
Still, can Suzy and Brad and give us a follow up. KRISTA voda is on PRN??
Since when? Nice suprise
Clint Bowyer headed back to the pics...car not handling well..upset on his radio according to Krista..second green stop pit stop :(
Krista Voda is working as a pit reporter for PRN this weekend with the blessing of SPEED Channel.
Audition comes to mind.
Commercial during a battle for the lead!!!!!! AHHHHH!
With Kenseth and Hamlin dead even for the lead and side-by-side trying to decide who might win the race with just 60 laps to go, ESPN goes to commercial.
ESPN has made it impossible to watch the race and know what is happening without Internet or radio.
Ok...they are still showing ELLIOTT and PETTY on the crawl..is NASCAR allowing them to race? I thought they stopped scoring them?
Any updates on that
Thanks for the info on Krista. Nice to hear her voice. I hope she does well if she wants it but I hope she stays on SPEED. Nice to know SPEED plays well and gets along with 'others' :-)
Somebody hit the wall...Denny hit the wall
Lead change during commercial
even better than battle for lead. Lead car bounced off wall and still in commercial
Hamlin hits the wall and loses his chance to win the race! And ESPN was at commercial!!!
17 has a flat
Did you see that HotPass is going to HD next season?
SORRY!! was not looking at the tv!!
DID NOT MEAN to post a spoiler during the commercial.
I'm sorry but that last 10 minutes was inexcusable. They left the race with Hamlin and Kenseth fighting for the lead with 60 laps to go, followed by Hamlin getting loose and hitting Kenseth and then the wall to bring out the caution and causing Kenseth to have a flat tire. ESPN was at commercial the whole time and could have possibly forseen something like that happening considering how close the two were on the track.
Then, they came back to show the replay, pit stops, and then right back to commercial.
That to me explains a major reason why their ratings and coverage is terrible. I could go on and on about all of these events but I need to turn up the volume on PRN and check where everyone ended up on FoxTrax. What a way to have to follow the race!
TURN UP the WICK??????
And now Brent said Jimmie Johnson can open up an insurmountable lead over Gordon if he wins the race??? Why do they let him talk?
Why is that that "sailing by" is ALWAYS the the description for passing?
Well, sailing is better than pedaling.
But not by much.
I am TIRED of having to multi task to watch the RACE. ESPN is the PITS.
All these commercials STINK up the joint as well..wonder how many they will cram into the end..ok. I am looking at tv..>WHY so much SPLIT SCREENING for the cchief?? is that necessary?? ANOTHER COMMERCIAL
More commercials with 49 laps to go. They just ran two sets of commercials 10 laps ago?!?!?!
Commercials are a necessary evil, unless you'd rather have all races going PPV. Rather they get them in now, rather than the last 20 laps. Who knows how long the battle for the lead would last.
There must be a clip board that says "State the Obvious Cliche" that Musberger reads before his air time. What in the world is he doing here?
Well, they certainly did have a rough patch. Unfocused on the commentary (where did Jamie McMurray come from) and missed the key wreck in commercial.
Let's see if they re-group in commercial break and get focused on the race itself and not Jimmy and Jeff.
Bevo, I will ask the DirecTV guys about it on Monday and update that item.
Bevo it's all your fault
The Superbowl Jr. game is better than this race. How can ESPN try to dual with thes?
John, just FYI: ABC primetime on Sundays begins usually 7 PM, not 8. America's Funniest Home Videos at 7:30 is a new episode tonight. I'd hope that they would be flexible with the race running into it as long as it doesn't run into Extreme Makeover: Home Edition at 8, but I don't know that for a fact. America's Funniest Home videos ratings last week were as follows:
(Viewers: #3: 9.16 million)
Which means way more viewers than a NASCAR race gets. (Extreme Makeover had 14.07 million viewers last Sunday.)
Technically 7 p.m. Eastern is the start of primetime (60 Minutes and NFL Overrun on CBS, and Football Night in America on NBC) and we must remember this is also November sweeps when primetime ratings are measured to set ad rates. That may have an (bad) effect the next two weeks as NASCAR runs into that 7 PM area.
40 to go which would take about 20 minutes if there are no cautions. That would put the end of the race at 6:20 local time, leaving 10 minutes for post-race.
WHY cut away from a buring car???
Anon 6:58PM,
The 7:30PM timeslot tonight for ABC is local news access for the east coast stations. Should be interesting.
Wow..Biffles bad luck almost as bad as Jr's lately?
Biffle looks mad at the guy helping him out..wonder if he got hung up in the neck stuff or something
ABC's own website shows America's Funniest Home Videos at 6:30/7:30 tonight.
newracefan _
Sorry about that :)
Because some stations will opt not to originate local news at this time on Sunday, this half hour must be filled by ABC.
For other stations that lost their early local news, ABC owes them a thirty minute window for news to fill.
I live on the East Coast, and my stations here in South Florida will do a news broadcast at 7:30PM.
NASCAR Broadcasting 101 - NEVER cut away from a burning car! Bad bad bad bad BAD.
Atlanta showing what looks like a local special at 7:30pm ET "Road to the CMA's. (R)"
Good job catching JG going 3 wide on pit road though.
Noooooo. it's back again how about resetting the field since there were so many diff pit strageties
Rusty stop with the dirty air already and you were doing so well too
"The 7:30PM timeslot tonight for ABC is local news access for the east coast stations. Should be interesting."
John, we're getting america's funniest home videos airing on the East Coast at 7:30, just as it did last week. If it got 9 million plus viewers last week, it must be the airing on most of the East Coast. It's listed on abc.com, tv.guide.com and zap2it.com, along with our digital TV guide (I'm a bit of a TV ratings follower and have all the Tv listings and Tv ratings sites bookmarked). Perhaps there are a few exceptions, but I don't think local news is the norm, since this program slot is counted in network November ratings sweeps.
Before this week, the races were earlier ending around 6-6:30 and were rushed off for local programming. Not tonight, and not for the next two weeks. AFHV is also scheduled for 7;30 PM Sunday Nov 11, following the phoenix race.
Thanks JD. That clears things up. I guess its similar situation when local news pre-empted NASCAR Countdown on the last Saturday night race, the local station wanted time for their news broadcast.
PRN normally has a post-race, call-in show with the race broiadcasters right after the race ends.
They didn't just go to commercial with less than 25 laps left.
That was the issue for ABC tonight. Local stations can opt to originate the news show they lost by contract.
ABC Entertainment will take it right in the shorts between the race running long and the stations that split off for news.
One big wreck in the final twenty laps, and a red flag would really make things interesting.
Commercials with 20 laps left...as Johnson passes Newman for 2nd and he closes in on the lead. Who knows what else is happening if you only watch it on TV.
More GD commercials????????
JD that is interesting EAST COAST in Fl has news so late..here it is either 6 or 6.30 for local and/or national. PRIMETIME sunday here is 7pm
I do worry about it being SWEEPS..if they throw this to ESPN CLASSIC many will be gypped.
The big question right now is will we see the winner interviewed or will the crew chief talk and then ABC run now that they are past the scheduled off time for certain?
10 minutes left in the slot...
3 minutes
WOW!!! What a finish..but I was rooting for the other guy.
this is way too close...it would be a bad move if ABC leaves at 7:30...
30 seconds... what will happen??
Bad move for race fans if ABC leaves in a hurry, but an ABC entertainment exec is looking at its primetime lineup for much higher ratings.
Looked like they were about ready to cut out when they rolled the credits.
wow...that closing music scared me...I thought they were leaving before victory lane...
They did not even mention that Jimmie has now matched Tony for wins. They now both have 32--except that Jimmie has gotten them by running 100 fewer races than Tony.
Whoever just made that decision as the credits were rolling deserves a lot of credit.
Do you think Jimmie was testing ABC's resolve?
WOW I really thought no interview with the winner. Great decision by ABC
Here in British Columbia we get our ABC feed from Seattle. They're sticking with race coverage. Then again, it's only 4:35 here on the Left Coast.
Dang..Jr was really depressed and finished 14th...wonder why PRN even interviewed him...what a season. Then the PRN guys have to make a wisecrack to Krista's comment.
Give me MRN...I don't need guys congratulating others fro their wittyisms (rolls eyes)
Well, here we go. NASCAR is getting little post race stuff..they should've started the race earlier. Idiots.
ABC deserves credit for sticking with the post-race...I really thought they were going to leave when the credits began to roll.
Bad move for race fans if ABC leaves in a hurry, but an ABC entertainment exec is looking at its primetime lineup for much higher ratings.
This just in, Erik:
We know. We don't care.
Albuquerque's affiliate hung thru to the end instead of breaking for local news.
Good job KOAT!!!
World News is next... no.. AFV is next. Didn 't seem like they were really rushed off the air on this one. Looks loke we'll JIP local programming here in ATL.
And they're gone. Gotta rush off to "Whacked Out Sports".
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