The Daly Planet has never received such an outpouring of emotion and frustration.
Never have so many NASCAR fans from so many different states, countries, and continents come together to speak on one topic. After two days of possibly the best "fan journalism" in the country, all we have to say is...wow.
What started as one little column about next season generated a "reader comments" section the likes of which many journalists and TV personalities told me they have never seen before. It snowballed into what some folks are calling a "fan manifesto" for the NASCAR TV networks and the sanctioning body executives.
You can read the original column by clicking here, and please make sure to open the COMMENTS section at the bottom of the article by clicking on the word "comments." Never in the history of this website has that word had more meaning.
After reading your comments, veteran Charlotte Observer NASCAR writer David Poole said, "What NASCAR needs to understand most is that it's that kind of passion they they are incredibly lucky to have, that people care that much about what's shown and how it's shown." He then added, "fans amaze me." I second that emotion.
Now that the COMMENTS section has reached well over two hundred, it is time to find out what we learned from the generous outpouring of opinions from fans for a sport they love. Here are some of the key points that were the most popular.
Fans were offended that only one car could be seen finishing the race. They took it personally, even if their favorite was the winner. They asked, what did that prove? What fan goes to the race track and on the final lap watches the winner finish, and then puts their hands over their eyes? The easy answer...is none.
Why then, should a TV network be allowed to put its "electronic hands" over the eyes of millions of fans? In 2007, all cars on the lead lap need to be seen finishing the races.
Fans want to hear about NASCAR from professional announcers who know the sport. They want to be treated as though they understand "the game," and want to get more knowledge from the TV experts. Being reminded over-and-over again of the basic fundamentals of the sport is not only ridiculous, it is insulting.
What NFL fan gets the forward pass explained in every week's game? What baseball fan gets "how many strikes make an out" reviewed during the seventh inning stretch?
Fans want to see all the "players" on the field treated equally. The fan base of a driver does not "go away" just because on this particular day, on this particular lap, he is running in twentieth place. The entire field makes up the race, not just the top five combined with the "stories" the TV networks decided to follow from their own pre-race telecasts.
Fans want to feel NASCAR on TV is not "scripted," but live and in-progress with every team being treated equally.
Fans wanted to see the best racing on the track, even if it was not in the top five. The basic desire of the TV viewers is to see the same racing action that the fans at the track are watching. This was fundamentally not the case in 2007 for many races.
TV networks simply did not dare to "leave" the top five for fear that something would happen and they would miss it. Show the racing, and take the risk.
Over-and-over again, fans said that the radio version of what was going-on did not match the TV pictures. One fan who worked at the tracks said the TV pictures did not match the battles and the racing that the actual fans at the track were watching. How does this "separation" of reality happen?
What is happening for the fans in the stands should be what is happening for the fans watching on TV.
Fans want to remind the TV networks they have viewing options. Next season, four channels of DirecTV's Hot Pass are waiting along with the InternetTV feed and updated live leaderboards from the NASCAR.com gang. Once again, radio will allow all the races to be heard in an exciting and professional manner as they happen. As one fan said, "the TV mute button is the first option."
Why make fans seek other sources of information by forcing a TV-driven agenda into a live sporting event?
Many fans have confessed that for 2008 they will simply record the live races and either join them in-progress or view them later and fast-forward through the commercials. Isn't it somewhat ironic that fans are fast-forwarding by the sponsor's commercials to see the exact same sponsor's race team...race?
The placement, presentation, and number of TV commercials in NASCAR events is a crucial issue. Millions of DVR's and TiVo's can hardly wait for February.
Fans want NASCAR to be the priority of the network broadcasting the race. Sports information is available everywhere, it does not need to be on a "ticker" running at the bottom of the screen covering up the racing. There do not need to be updates and cut-ins and Infield discussions of baseball, basketball and football during a NASCAR race.
The priority during a live race should be on the forty-three stories unfolding on the track. Viewers who need information on other sports should be directed to the TV network's Internet site.
The later start times and the resulting lack of post-race interviews was a common thread. What used to be a Sunday afternoon passion has become an evening affair that forces many people to step away from the TV and back into the responsibilities of real life.
Fans want to be able to watch a race and then have some time before dinner. Now, they can often come back after dinner with the family and catch the last fifty laps...live. Returning to traditional start times will bring additional viewership.
Finally, the common theme among all the opinions was that racing was a great sport, and that NASCAR held its destiny in its own hands. 2008 is going to be a pivotal year for both the sanctioning body and the TV networks working in support of a multi-billion dollar contract.
Thank you fans for taking the time to share your open and honest opinions about NASCAR on TV, and using your personal experiences to enlighten the networks, the media and the NASCAR executives about the reality they created. Now, it is time for the NASCAR TV partners to step-up and show us that they listened.
The countdown clock at Jayski.com is now under 45 days to the Daytona 500. Plenty of time to take the views of the fans and incorporate them into the 2008 coverage of the sport we love. It should be interesting to see what changes. Stay tuned!
The Daly Planet welcomes comments from readers. Simply click on the COMMENTS button below, or email editor@thedalyplanet.tv if you wish not to be published. Thanks once again for stopping by and leaving your opinion.
Thanks for a nice accurate summary of our comments.
NASCAR racing is like a long time love that has strayed. You still love him or her but it's getting harder and harder remain together and loyal because of they way they have changed. We are at the point of "one more chance".
John --
I've read most of the comments that you refer to and agree with many of them.
You've got a great blog, and you did an excellent summary of the comments.
It would be nice to have some confidence in the various decision makers when it comes to covering the 2008 races, but I don't have any.
During the past few days, I've had the opportunity to watch Speed's coverage of the Australian V-8 Supercars. The cars look kind of like the COT, but they appear to really handle and hit about 300 kph (which I think is a little under 200 mph).
If that series were covered on a regular basis here, I'd switch in a heart-beat and would never look back at Cup racing.
And that's from a guy whose been watching Cup races as long as they've been televised. I've got better things to do with my Sundays than watch pretty boys being fawned over, commentators blab (except for the talented Alan Bestwick) and talk down to me like I'm seeing a race for the first time, and more commercials in four hours than we used to see in an entire day.
I sure hope you can get through to the guys who are ruining Cup racing -- because if you can't, I'm gone.
Best of Luck --
Thanks for a great blog entry and summary of all those comments.
JD, SceneDaily.com says the NASCAR Vice President of Broadcasting and New Media is leaving Jan. 15 to head up a Hollywood Internet site (like YouTube). Is that going to affect the programming input or suggestions NASCAR provides this season to ESPN and Speed Channel, or affect NASCAR images? I'm assuming he's in charge or communicates with the networks on behalf of NASCAR. Thanks again.
I don't remember if I posted on that original thread. But if I didn't, I have no need to now because you (and the other 200 comments) have summed up exactly what my complaints with NASCAR TV broadcasts are.
I really hope someone at NASCAR is listening.
A great summary of how many of us feel. If we only believed that anyone who could make a change was listening! Thank you for giving us all the chance to express our feelings of loss at what Nascar has become.
Yeah, that pretty well sums it all up, JD.
But I have no confidence that the people who need to read it, primarily those at ABC/ESPN, even care what viewers think of their product.
They have adopted that "We know what's best--you customers should just accept it" attitude that's so prevalent in today's business.
Of course, they also have no idea why they're losing viewers so quickly.
Your column is very much appreciated. However, aren't you just beating your head against a brick wall? I am very afraid with the sickness and death of Bill France, Jr., the last ear to hear the fans is gone. I fully believe Brian France is trying to act like his father in wielding power. However, Mr. France did it for the sake of the sport and Brian France is wielding it for the sake of being able to. He has bullied the fans and owners while living in fear of the networks. Some of us fans are holding on for dear life but no one can hold on forever. I have often said I am a stock car fan, not a NASCAR fan. Well, NASCAR and the networks are fast killing the sport I have been a fan of since the late fifties.
I love the blog and the comments and it's great that you're trying to get the networks to see that there's a problem with their coverage of NASCAR. Unfortunately, I have a great fear that it won't make a bit of difference. Maybe I'm simply too cynical but if ESPN were truly interested in listening to what the fans want, they would have made wholesale changes to their coverage after a couple of races and I wouldn't have had to listen to another peep from Brent Musberger or any of the other NASCAR know-nothings they included in their coverage. I really do admire Suzy Kolber but she doesn't belong on ESPN's NASCAR coverage. Why they felt the need to give us so many gimmicks, both visually and personnel-wise, I'll never know.
I do hope all of the comments make a difference. But if they don't, I'll simply listen to the races on the radio, and hope that NASCAR itself doesn't completely screw up the sport I love.
JD, I'll agree with the other posters here. I see no reason to think that the broadcasters care about what the fans think.
ESPN, TNT, and FOX have agendas. They purchase the broadcast rights to NASCAR because it makes sense to do so for the big picture. Producing the events is a secondary concern, and if the goals are met at the end of the day, there is no reason to change.
When NASCAR was growing fast in the 90's, it was strong and well managed. That is not the case today, and if you look closely, the parallels with CART in the early 90's are alarming. Brian France is out of his league when it comes to running the sport.
If Brian France and NA$CAR really cared for the fans, they would make soooo many changes to the format. Brian must someday understand that it it the FANS who provide the money to the hallowed sponsors who, in turn, pass that money on to NA$CAR. The fans are nearly in rebellion now.
Yes, I'm a former fan since the 50s. I may TIVO the first few races to see if my drivers can make the field. But I won't support any of the sponsors that are OFFICIAL and thereby freezing out others in their category.
I cancelled my Nextel contract because of the legal shenanigans with ATT. I wouldn't even consider Nationwide because they have told the other insurance sponsors to leave NA$CAR after 2008. I am personally boycotting any sponsor in the top-35, simply because NA$CAR won't let my drivers have a chance to race even when they may be in the 10 fastest cars to qualify.
I can't/won't stay up all night to watch the late races. I suspect Brian will get the message when the networks' income starts decreasing because of decreased ratings.
I live less than 60 miles from Daytona and will avoid that race this year in protest...not even a blip in Brian's income, but I don't think I'm alone...
I hate what has happened to NA$CAR.
I'm hoping something will change next season, but I doubt anything will. FOX's coverage shouldn't even be a comparison to the nonsense ESPN puts out. I really hope that ESPN will put their ego aside for once and make some significant changes for the 2008 season.
Unfortunately, I don't see much hope for change. The networks might throw a small bone or two to attempt to placate the fans, but I don't see them doing anything to significantly alter the status quo. Even if the networks provided "perfect" coverage week-to-week, plenty of the issues discussed here are with Nascar itself. We all know how readily Nascar accepts change. At the end of the day, we're just fans ... not the billion dollar corporations that wield the real power.
Last summer's image of poor Mike Massaro having to badger poor Dale Jr. after another disastrous finish will always sum up ESPN's coverage of the 2007 NASCAR season for me.
But I'm frothing at the mouth for the first race.
I know the purpose of this blog is to focus on the television broadcast and I know that many of us veered from that topic in the previous blog. I also think you did a great job of extricating the comments related specifically to the broadcast and television for this column. But I can't help thinking that changes to the broadcast only addresses one side of the equation. There is no way to bring fans back without also discussing some of the changes that NASCAR has implemented in the last few years that have nothing to do with the broadcast. I can't say for sure but I would bet that more fans have been alienated by those changes than anything that the networks have done. But that is a debate for another blog.
Fortunately there ARE othe options than NASCAR on TV. I've been a follower of NASCAR since the early 60's, and began to note the end of the NASCAR we knew and loved when the 50th year celebrations with the NASCAR gold-foil collectibles and the NASCAR collectible baseball came on the scene.
It's VERY obvious that NASCAR is Hollywood now....scripted pre-race shows with tanned and styled demeanors have taken the place of the "good old boy" who used to populate these shows. And, frankly, the races, with the exception of Daytona, Talladega and Bristol(that's changing....) just aren't all that interesting anymore. Thank goodness for DVR.
Money has always been in this sport, but, in recent years it's become too much of a factor. I long for the NASCAR of old.
What's so hard about a straightforward, professional presentation of a sporting event?
Once again you prove you have given the fan a voice they have never had. Thanks so much!!
TV is just one of many problems faceing nascar in 2008. I gave up tickets to richmond this year after having to pay $180.00 dollars for a $30.00 dollar room after driving 200 miles to get there. I go back to the fire cracker 250 at daytona so Ive been a fan for a long time. I belive it has come down to pay your bills or go to a race. Maybe we just need to stop going or watching to get there attention
JD, Thanks for painting a realistic picture of what's going on with NASCAR and the networks. Unfortunately, all of these concerns have been addressed to the max on the NASCAR and ESPN message boards since mid season last year. I hated last year, but I still can't wait for the 2008 season to start. I went out and bought a tivo just for the races. I hope the sponsors will push for better broadcasts, after all that's where the money comes from. Maybe they need to be the ones to force some changes with NASCAR and the networks.
JD, an excellent summary of fans' complaints. I must echo the sentiment of many and say that not all the problems are of TV's making -- some are NASCAR's doing.
I was an orginal PSL holder at Texas Motor Speedway. I gave up my seats for this year because season ticket prices were now costing me more than my property taxes on my home and land. I just couldn't justify the expense any longer.
My sincere hope is that someone in authority at the broadcasting level and in NASCAR see what they've done to our sport --- AND CORRECT IT!
My gut instinct though, tells me I'm spitting into the wind.
Please keep up the great work, John.
We're with you all the way.
Palestine, TX
You have hit the bulls eye with this story. I agree with the summary of comments. I was at Bristol when it was built, watched Bobby, Donnie, and Red Farmer race motifieds at Bristol and have watched races on TV since the first broadcast. Today's coverage stinks. During the chase, I couldn't keep up with my driver because they kept running the points chase as the race was running. Didn't matter till the race was over but what was happening on the track did matter. They missed several incidents that had outcomes on the race and standings other than the chasers. Need new blood for broadcasters too. Too many trying to be chief instead of reporting. Don't even tell me your name, just report the total event. Little less JR, Gordon, and Jimmy even if they are winning, too. Good luck getting any changes. Radio is better even if it's not quite as big or as great as they are reporting.
After all these years, I am now forced to live on the memories of our existence, the good times, and even the sad. I recall the times I was lured to simply sit and watch your every move, not saying a word, but being fully engulfed in your simple beauty. These qualities have only recently diminished, and so I am sure there is within me the same stirrings and love I once felt for you. It is hard to imagine, that you no longer arouse me the way you did, you see, not so long ago, I still yearned for your closeness and all consuming allure. I long for those days again, where the mere mention of your name brought excitement and desire. The outside world was in dim focus, whenever we were together, the birds may have sung, but I could not hear them when you were with me. Even when the rain came while we together, I was not deterred. My only regrets were the Holiday Season, but I understood your need for time alone, and knew you would always return around Valentine’s Day, that we could renew our love affair once again.
Your Faithful Follower,
P.S. Agreement Null and Void if you don’t get your act together NASCAR…
JD, Fantastic summary of all the posts and good for David Poole that he allowed you to quote him. I am going to play the optmist here (usually am the cynical one) and believe that we made a difference. I guess time will tell. Keep fighting the fight cause we have your back.
I will give Fox a change this year and the second half of the year I will watch the live leader board on Nascar.com., As for the commentary of the other to networks they need to learn form the F1 BTCC series and Australian V8 Supercar series to learn how to call a race. And by the way Nascar I'd rather watch all other forms of motorsports than your only Hendrick boys matter in nascar.
JD- Thank you for your blog and especially for your insightful commentary, here and in the preceding article. Hopefully the focus you give NASCAR fans will result in improvements for all who value NASCAR.
What MRN and, to a somewhat lesser extent, PRN now often do better than ESPN, TNT (in particular), and sometimes FOX is to make the story of the race the star - rather than the storytellers or a pre-determined story line.
Despite the passion most fans have for NASCAR, we are not willing to accept just anything.
Thank you for caring and helping.
JD - THANK YOU! Your summary is right on target. I hope the producer, directors, and announcers for NASCAR take these comments to heart and apply some reason to the 2008 season.
There have been lots of efforts to try and attract new fans, a lot of which have alienated the core fans. Someone once told me when I was a new sergeant that "The enemy of pretty good was perfect." Seems like that, combined with a dose of K-I-S-S and some dedicated veteran NASCAR TV producers may bring things back on track.
Thank you again for all of your work - this blog has been fantastic!
Cheers, AFMSgt
BRAVO for an EXCELLENT column! You have said it all, Mr. Daly!
And in so saying, you also make the point on why you need to continue your blog . . .
I think people are spoiled by what we do have on TV. They have given us TOO much and there-in lies not only the problem with the viewership and ratings but also the commercials and content. Hell, they gotta pay for all that high tech stuff.. I for one dont really care what channel or crew broadcasts the race and honestly, I do enjoy people like Mike Massaro and Jamie Little. I do miss the days of Punch in the pits though.
The other issue is something a reader posted above. Ticket price. No wonder there are people disguised as seats at some tracks when an average ticket is over 75 bucks. Family of four, 300 right there, plus gas, lodging etc. 500+ for a few hours. Disney World is less then that :) and you can get four tickets, 8 hot dogs, 8 cokes at a baseball game for half that.
Fans also havent been developed. the young kid who was 7 ten years ago doesnt have to go to the race anymore now that they are 17. They have no reason.
ahh yes the almighty dollar.
I hope the one reader buys a RED BULL and not an AMP then if he isnt buying top 35 products.
I have to agree with all the comments. I am a new fan to NASCAR only 2 years now. I have to agree I want to see the WHOLE race not just the top 5 cars. I want to see some mid field racing, I want to see those guys fight for that finish even when it is not for the win. I am part of the new base NASCAR is after and I have to be honest I get more excited listening to the MRN boys call the race then the over processed crap that they want to show me on TV. I even have 2 TV's in my living room so I can watch the race and DirectTV hot pass at the same time. Then I had to bring my satelite radio into the living room just to hear a better race. Thats what fans do. Now we want to see a better product for our money.
Beautifully summarized, and every pount made is on my list of reasons why I no longer watch NASCAR.
Unfortunately, no one will listen and absolutely nothing will change. But you are to be admired for the excellence of your efforts.
Great article! They won't change, Suzie will be back. I feel the only thing that will get NA$CAR and the network's attention is: EMPTY SEATS. Just think... you'll save $50.00 alone on what use-to-be ...FREE parking.
Great column as always, I only hope the powers that be in TV and NA$CAR are reading,,,and comprehending what we're saying.
John Daly, You have a way with words, and have summarized this topic nicely. Nascar fans can only hope that your dedication to this topic will bring positive results.
In '71 I worked at I-70 Speedway (a Hi-Banked 1/2 Mile Odessa, MO) as PA guy, met a since lifelong friend who did the PR. Tried to do a TV show of weekly racing there but failed to get sponsorship. Have a degree in Communications, but it's been a long time since I thought about cuts, and fades.
My I-70 friend cued me to the Radio broadcasts. After a year, I converted. The tuner is set up next to my seat. If something is serious, I can always turn up the TV sound. What I appreciate about radio is it feels like Indy of old. Back when listening to Indy was the way to follow it. Imagining the cars going through the turns as the action shifted from corner to corner. Part fantasy, part reality and so much mental imagery to keep me interested.
Compared to TV coverage it's like watching reruns of I Love Lucy. Been there done that in the mid 70's. It can be summed up in one word, stale.
Agree Alan Bestwick is the best on ESPN. Watching Mike Joy on Barrett-Jackson reminds me of what he really is-- a talented, honest, very knowledgeable, likable guy. But, he, as with some of the air talents, is afraid to challenge Nascar.
Attended my first IRL race this year in KC. Exciting, so I tuned in. Split screen is great and the commentary is much better. Add F1 to the list of knowledgeable broadcasts with interesting personalities. Top it off with the 24 hours of Daytona or LeMans. Nothing like laying there waiting to fall asleep watching guys pushing cars to the to the limit in darkness and rain.
The excitement of those events is partially conveyed by the camera positioning and director's work. But, for me it's back to old Indy days, the announcer must be tuned into the event on the screen, not his past.
Yes-- Bob Varsha-David Hobbs; Alan Bestwick; Mike Joy; Ned Jarrett; Benny Parsons; Buddy Baker; Eli Gold. No-- DW; the entire ESPN crew especially RW; Network Pre-race/ Post-race/ and for the most part during race coverage.
No more Inside Nextel Cup, No ESPN nascar programming, Hip-Hop; Heavy Metal; Punk Rock; No DW or Rusty (did I say that?)
And finally, let's see factory manufactured cars racing, as this was "stock car" racing. Common template begone.
Yes to Ken Squire for good commentators, too. I watched the 1979 Daytona 500 on my computer for the first time, and the team of Ken Squire and former Indy and F1 driver David Hobbs is amazing.
I have this racing league on YouTube, and I've become more enraptured with that then I have with anything on TV. If TV sucks, I just watch a race on my computer when I need a racing fix... or one of my racing tapes from 1994-2002...
If I knew where Nascar in Chicago was on the radio, I'd tune in. While F1 racing may be abseloutely horrid, their commentary is much better then the crap Nascar has.
Whenever a driver who everyone counts out jumps into the top 10, I don't want to hear "Where did (s)he come from?! (S)he was two laps down!". I want to hear "Look at that! (S)he's made up those two laps and is breaking into the top 10!"
As for what drivers I root for, I cheer for Robby Gordon and Juan Montoya because they have balls and aren't whiny bastards about it.
I also cheer for A.J. Allmendinger because he actually seems like he has a sense of humor. David Gilliland seems like a good ol' boy without the Southern accent. Just appreciates what he has and does his best. Martin Truex, Jr. is the only driver (not even Sellout Jr.) that's running the whole schedule that has the Good ol' Boy appeal.
As for every other driver in the field? They all have the same personality, so you might as well cheer for whoever has the coolest looking cars or for whoever's from your state/country (for those of you non U.S. fans).
I can't speak for many of the rookie drivers. I hope to see some real spunky personality from Villeneuve, Hornish, and Franchitti.
My schedule:
- ARCA (It's like the old Busch series. Plus... 500 MILES AT THE ROCK!!)
- Craftsman Truck Series (Only honest racing left in Nascar's major series)
- Daytona 500 (Watch them keep the cameras on... oh... ALL HENDRICK CARS!!! YAY EXCITING RACE HENDRICK HENDRICK HENDRICK HENTONA 500!!... No, not exciting. Go Go Robby Gordon wreck all the Hendrick cars! )
- First Talladega race.
- The TM Master Cup series on YouTube.
JD you amaze me !
I had to give up checking the blog here and just get them emailed to me - it was to tuff to keep up with the flow, no,- the flood of comments.
You took all of our comments and you were able to distill them into a shorter more readable list.
Thank You! Looking forward to the "response" from the networks - in the form of better coverage.
Again my thanks for this blog & all your hard work.
Thank You for a great summary. What NASCAR and the media need to understand is that fans just want to see the race. None of the other garbage they try to "dress it up" in does anything but annoy us. I don't NEED a 11/2 hour pre-race to go over what happened LAST week. I don't want to watch some mini concert of some flavor of the month musician. I don't care about the cut-a-away car, I care about the cars that are, you know, actually racing on the track! We want to see THE RACE! THE RACE! THE RACE!
John, you rock! That was a great summary of the comments and it was a lot to do considering the volume. Now it's time for the networks AND NASCAR to step up and try and make things better. However, I don't really expect that to happen -- Brian France thinks he's a legend, the problem is it's only in his own mind. 2008 will indeed be a pivotal year -- thanks very much for providing this place for the fans to provide their input. David Poole thinks we're awesome huh? Well maybe the mainstream media needs to step up and call a spade a spade too instead of just placating NASCAR.
2008 is NASCAR's last chance with me. I've been a fan since 1993. Back then it was racing. Today, it's nothing more than entertainment. The drivers can say what they think or show what they think. It's always, "Well the such and such car ran okay. I hate that I got into Bobby down there, really wish I hadn't" I want thye emotion back in the sport. Stop penalizing the drivers and teams for things that have nothing to do with the racing.
Last but not least, as shown at Kansas....they need to figure out what their own rules are and abide by them.
Last chance.
I heard your KFAN bit and I second all those thoughts about the TV coverage. I have posted similar thoughts at insiderracing.com and email from around the country is saying that 2008 is the last chance for many. In no other form of auto racing is the condescension from the broadcast team so bad as in NASCAR Cup racing today. No one will be come a race fan just by the pandering of a network to explain all the mundane nuances of a spring set up. Good golly, just give us our racing and let the rest of the world figure it out on their own. I am now a loyal reader of this site!
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