After some bad weather on Saturday, the NASCAR on Fox gang is enjoying cool temperatures and sunny skies from the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
The Fox coverage begins at 1:30PM, with the green flag scheduled to fall slightly before 2:15PM. Coverage of the race is scheduled to run until 6PM Eastern Time.
Chris Myers hosts the pre-race coverage from the Hollywood Hotel, with Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond alongside. Look for continued coverage of the Team 99 penalties and a preview of the close finishes that this track seems to provide.
Mike Joy hosts the race coverage, with Waltrip and Larry McReynolds alongside in the broadcast booth. Down on pit road are Dick Berggren, Matt Yocum, Steve Byrnes and Krista Voda.
Despite the tire issues, this race has the potential to be one of the best broadcasts of the season in any series. Fox continues to tinker with some TV elements and viewers should watch for the "quad split" effect on pit stops that shows four different pictures. Fox uses a good ticker for information, and continues to offer outstanding integration between all the announcers on the broadcast team.
This page will host your comments about the Sprint Cup race from Atlanta on Fox Sports. To add your comment, simply click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are on the right side of the main page, and this blog is for TV-related comments. Thank you for spending time with us.
1 – 200 of 334 Newer› Newest»Good you put the start time up there. It will cut down on the complaining from the TV Guide readers here!
Did I miss it on RaceDay, what is the temp at the Speedway?
JR just said the green flag will drop at 2.17 !!
I see it's 46 in Atlanta by weather.com at 1.29
I might be the only one, but I really like that song.
Your not alone I like it too
Was DW kidding when he said the oil lid thing from this point on should be LEGAL??
Did I hear that correctly?
That song is pretty benign compared to most..it's the OVER USE that can drive ya nuts.
If, as Chris Myers said, Jack Roush is appealing the 99's penalty, why isn't Bob Osborne on top of the box this week?
The weather is a lot nicer down here than yesterday morning. The high should be about 55, and there's a slight breeze. But with most of the grandstands having the sun shine right on them, it will feel like it's about 70. Should be perfect weather for a race
Anon 1:39,
I don't think they've actually filed the appeal yet. The last I heard was that they were just considering an appeal, but hadn't decided whether or not to go forward with it.
Anonymous said...
If, as Chris Myers said, Jack Roush is appealing the 99's penalty, why isn't Bob Osborne on top of the box this week?
March 9, 2008 1:39 PM
I believe they said it is better to get the penalty out of the way now in case they DONT win the appeal. That way they don't have to have Osborne out closer to the chase and if they win well then they only had a 2 week suspension and nothing else.
Right, so Roush is NOT appealing and Myers just made that up.
I'm glad Fox wasn't afraid to bring up the fact that many people are skeptical about whether the #99 team made an honest mistake. Hopefully they aren't afraid to bring up the tire issues later in the pre-race show. Tony Stewart, Denny Hamlin, Jeff Gordon, and many others have been critical of these new tires and I think this definitely deserves some air-time. I'm glad Speed didn't shy away from this issue on Raceday, and it was great of Wendy to track down the Goodyear representative after talking to Tony. I was disappointed though that the Goodyear guy said next to nothing. He responded to Tony saying the tires were bad by saying something to the effect of "we made this tire change in December". How exactly did that address any of Tony's concerns? Hopefully someone at Fox tracks down Tony and another Goodyear representative because this issue is a lot more important in my mind than Larry Mac visiting the Weather Channel and "who is the hippest driver in NASCAR".
Interesting topic on the pre-race show. which made me think, did NASCAR ever crash test the COT?
Quote of the day:
Chris M."Robby was fined for having an improper nose"
Jeff H. "on his face?"
That is why I like NASCAR on FOX
When Jeff Gordon calls you out, you'd better listen. He said he thinks Goodyear panicked with the tires...yikes!! Glad they talked to him.
Really don't care for all the self-promotion by Fox. "long into whatever to get our ringtone" geez..:(
Did you guys happen to catch that police car caught going off the ramp Duke of Hazzard style on RaceDay this morning? Hope that driver was ok - he got serious air then took a hard slam. You see that tire fly off and Wendy even mentioned that it almost took out one of those million dollar motorcoaches.
Tony Stewart, Denny Hamlin, Jeff Gordon, and many others have been critical of these new tires and I think this definitely deserves some air-time.
Tony (and a few others) have this complaint week in and week out. It's time for them to stop blaming the tire and take some of the blame themselves.
Driving style counts, too.
This is my first year of having Hi-Def at home and I'm excited about how it shows "everything"....BUT...
As long as they are going to call for these Close-Ups for those inside the Hollywood Hotel, DW & JH need some polite advice.
DW - trim your eye brows.
JH -- TV Makeup
I don't say this to be a smart ass, but it's hard to actually step up and tell your on-air personality that they really need to do this....especially at a network level.
Beleive me, I wouldnt want those close ups on ME either. !!!
Yep, this should be an interesting challenge for the NASCAR on Fox crew to keep all these storylines in mind for the entire race.
I'm stunned that the tire issue concerns were completely ignored by Fox.
After all the cars that have spun out by themselves the last few weeks because of the hard tires, the amount of tire failures we've seen, and the numerous complaints about the tires on TV earlier this week from many drivers, this should have definitely been put into the script of things to talk about on the pre-race show.
Even if it wasn't on the script they should have at least touched on it when Jeff Gordon brought the issue up again during his pre-race interview on Fox.
How many more tire-related crashes and driver complaints about the tires do we need to see before someone at Fox notices and brings up this issue on the air?
Hopefully the NASCAR Now guys include a discussion on the tires during their roundtable tomorrow since Fox completely blew it off.
That new NASCAR on FOX logo looks HUGE and OVERSIZED on all our 4.3 tvs. Goodness.
Way oversized logo.
Also the close up on our tvs the guys look WAY TOO BIG on the close ups...glad others noticed it.
I saw that wreck earlier, too...was that car SUPPOSED to go air borne and then land the way it did? SCARY.
Here's a new gripe: during the announcement of the presentation of the colors and the entire national anthem, they never once showed a shot of the color guard. I noticed this because my husband is a retired Army Ranger and the
75th Ranger Regiment from Fort Benning (where we loved living) were bearing the colors. We really wanted to see them.
They did talk about tires during Jeff's interview. why do we need overkill?
So when when Chris Myers makes the Ultimate Shot at the Core Fan and asks why we have to OK with going from "Spago in LA and The Great spots in Las Vegas to the Waffle House house in Atlanta" no one on this site reacts? This is the track where we used to Crwon The Champ...Correct?
Very Interesting. This blog is full of conflict. Brian France has to define who the core fan is before we Cater to them...and he better tall Chris Myers and FOX.
Myers is a frequent topic on this blog. Just search for him and Daly Planet on Google for the previous columns and comments about him.
Mostly, we just roll our eyes.
I think you are over-reacting. That was a casual statement. That is the problem with a lot a people. they talk a casual statement and run with it.
JPM's commercials are awesome
BTW - When I lived in the Charlotte are, I used to have a Waffle House Visa Card!
Hey weather folks,
Any chance of rain today in Atlanta?
Did FOX Adopt the In Race Reporter and Copy ESPN with using Junior?
Checked radar earlier not a cloud in the sky
So JD you were not offended by the Waffle House House Comment?
no rain today.
FOX always interviews a driver via radio. that has nothing to do with ESPN.
Just checked TIVO Vegas...No Radio Interview
JD, at the beginning of the coverage, they said the track temp was 76 degrees.
Fox has always talked to a driver on the pace lap. The difference is that fox does not talk to the crew chief at the same time.
thanks pam
Just checked TIVO Fontana...No Radio Interview
stricklinfan82 said...
I'm stunned that the tire issue concerns were completely ignored by Fox.
No major problems, just the tires are different. Funny most comments are that they can't just hold it wide open, what a novel concept..they will now have to "DRIVE" their cars..
Anonymous said...
Just checked TIVO Fontana...No Radio Interview
March 9, 2008 2:23 PM
Vegas? Fontana? what are you talking about?
Anonymous said...
FOX always interviews a driver via radio. that has nothing to do with ESPN.
FOX needs to raise the volume on their driver scanners. I can't even tell what they're saying half the time.
I'm noticing more and more tighter shots on the cars today.
The last couple of days at Atlanta, I noticed that the "wider" the camera shot, the "slower" the cars looked on TV.
DW mentioned the slower times, and I have to agree that it is very noticeable on TV.
Does anyone else agree that the cars literally look slower ?
1st Commercail Lap 9 - Brutal
What happened to J.J. Yeley? Does anyone at Fox know?
Now Fontana was a completely different animal. Not much was normal that weekend.
You will have to take my word for it. I have been a part of the Fox broadcasts for all 7 seasons. I am also affiliated with the ESPN broadcasts as well. It's not a matter of copying each other.
BTW, yes we are all getting along better. We share facilities every week. We are all friends, both on the production and engineering side.
Thanks for noticing.
So you checked 2 races. Does that mean they have never interviewed a driver via radio. No. So they did not copy the idea from ESPN. Even SPEED interviews drivers via radio for the truck race.
Boring Racing Racing lap 14
Commercail 2 Lap 22
Wow 16 cars already a lap down!
better more commercials now than later.
Tech trouble in TV land.
Thank You ANON 2:32 for clarifying.
Are You affilaited with the current Broadcast?
Sorry ANON 2:32 for checking yor facts on the EVERY Race comment.
Yes the WWF side of NASCAR comes into play
Are you guys seeing the same video problem on the Fox feed that you are watching?
No problems at all here
JD, do you think Byrnes would add more and be a better fit to the Hotel than Meyers?
Great job of showing all the lead lap cars leaving pit road with a nice wide shot. I hope a similar shot is used for the finish of the race.
JD, my SD feed is just fine.
Feed in So Cal is fine. But the bogus caution so that the cars could get adjustments? No wonder they didn't show the debris.
I have a vertical hold problem with a nice big black bar across teh bottom of the screen. Only on my Fox station.
Figures, only in Florida!
During the 4 box pit stop - I couldnt see the pit times on the bottom 2 boxes..... need to squeeze them more
They had better show the debris...No problems here with HD
Vertyicle Hold is a Problem in Charlotte as Well
All fixed, local station problem. They are usually pretty good about getting things fixed. Whew..
It would really help the NASCAR credibility if we could SEE the debris.
If a NASCAR official spots it, it should be communicated to FOX.
Drives me crazy not seeing what the caution was for and I DONT place blame on FOX....I believe its a communication issue between NASCAR and the FOX truck
I am apart of this production in atlanta.
Hope you are enjoying the race (as boring as it is)
Does Matt Yocum offer antything during the race? Seems his only purpose is he is the only one Tonyt Stewart likes.
didn't show the debris-that's a no-no, in my book.
1/2 the field down a lap after 30 laps so NASCAR throws a yellow, What a joke.
would you drop me an email please at editor@thedalyplanet.tv when you have a moment? Thanks.
I guess the boring race is why you have time to blog?
It would really help the NASCAR credibility if we could SEE the debris.
If a NASCAR official spots it, it should be communicated to FOX.
Drives me crazy not seeing what the caution was for and I DONT place blame on FOX....I believe its a communication issue between NASCAR and the FOX truck
Here's a crazy idea. Have a camera follow the cleanup crew that is sent out to pick up the "debris".
btw. it was debris under the sprint billboard in turn 2. We didn't see them pick it up.
TV Guy said...
I am apart of this production in atlanta.
Hope you are enjoying the race (as boring as it is)
March 9, 2008 2:46 PM
43 cars racing is boring? So you need wrecks for your coverage to be exciting!
Thanks tvguy.
NASCAR has all the Camera Angles that the TV Truck has. NASCAR will tell the the TV Truck where the debris is and on what camera. This is a FOX problem.
The 48 is all kinds of sideways off a turn and we gotta hear about someone falling down and refusing medical help cuz the "500" is the next day.
Then its "Horton Hears a WHO" . Guess the race is secondary. WHY I HATE FOX COVERAGE
The KOBALT animation goin to the break was real nice.
Liked that !!
TV Guy said...
btw. it was debris under the sprint billboard in turn 2. We didn't see them pick it up.
March 9, 2008 2:49 PM
If this is true and they did not pick anything up, NASCAR has a real problem and we better hear the fans and teams this week
Chris Myers never said "I kid b/c I care" in whole. He did start to say it and stopped. I'm surprised no one even mentioned this so far.
Have y'all ever seen TV programs or in race programs ever interview Paul Menard or do a profile of him? He won a Busch race a year or two ago and I saw a little about him, but he never seems to get interviewed (even when DEI is mentioned) or have his car focused on, like in a race today.
I ask because the Forbes list of world's richest people came out the other day and Paul's dad is #127 on the list, worth 7.2 BILLION dollars. I was kinda shocked.
James France (NASCAR) is #843 on the list with 1.4 billion; Bruton Smith is worth 1.2 billion and #962 on the list. Isn't it weird we always hear about billionaire Bruton when Menard is 7 times richer.
I find it strange that I've never heard any TV folks mention anything about Paul Menard's staggering family wealth. I'd love to hear a little about it from him, perhaps he lives lowkey and doesn't spend money like he could.
Menard Cup, anybody? He can certainly buy NASCAR if he wants.
Lap 61
1st Time we see another battle other than the lead or a commercial. Must be beacause our leader is junior.
I kid becasue I UY&^%
Greewn Flag racing and going to another commercial I see staged Kyle Busch sayinbg the "PLOT THICKENS" does anyone else HATE that?
What, no crowd boos on the broadcast when Junior lost the lead?
Junior loses the lead, so they go to commercial
Did they just Miss the lead change?
Thanks to Mike Joy for a quick explanation on the water in the gas issue from last fall at Atlanta. It effected a few different cars last year and it seemed to be swept under the carpet this weekend, but we can always rely on Mike Joy AND Bestwick to remember this kinds of issues and bring it to surface, but NOT make a huge deal out of it.
Greatly appreciated Mike !!
Get Me to Bristol this race is a Snoozer. As well as this Broadcast
I didn't know Menard's father was that rich, but I knew he was a billionaire.
Paul has a huge estate in North Carolina. IIRC, when he signed on with DEI he brought a five person staff with him to be housed in DEI offices, much to Jr's amusement. I got the impression Jr thought that was a bit much for a rookie.
But those are things I've read (and seen pics of his estate). Never heard it mentioned on ESPN or Speed channel or FOX. Maybe him being a midpacker they don;t want to be seen favoring him b/c he's not very impressive in Cup so far. Plus him being rich maybe the networks or Paul think fans might not support him. I don't support him because I've never seen him crack a smile.
Audio problems where you are?
I HATE the full-screen Race Breaks during green flag racing, no matter how brief the highlights are. I'm happy that ESPN got rid of the "what you missed" highlight packages during green flag racing and wish Fox would do the same.
Yet again.
Junior wins the fan poll for who's gonna win the race. Pretty good for a guy that hasn't won a race in three years. God, people are stupid.
No audio problems here JD.
How come FOX does not use as many other Driver Radios as other Networks?
I didn't say they didn't pick anything up. I said we didn't see it.
This is an honest question... would you rather see the debris, or a pit report about your favorite driver, quick to break and get back for the restart?
If the debris is in turn 2, the cameras (except for the robo there)are looking at their respective assignments for the upcoming pit stops. We do not have a camera for every car.
We are also aware that we need to get to commercial and get back for the restart or to follow up on adjustments.
Another note. We use caution flags to clean the lenses of the robo cameras, so it is possible that the camera was being cleaned at the time the debris was being retrieved.
thanks anon 3:02.
I really don't like races where the cars spread out so early.
5 Pit Reports in the first 80 Laps...Give Me Something! Please
Thanks. Local TV having a tough day in my area.
I don't think the Fox guys thought things would be playing out like this.
Better Show me this Debris
here you go...debris.
4 Box Pit Stops is total BS
Now was that soo hard to show
That works I don't need to see the debrie right away but I like to see it at some point before the restart
Makes me believe that nothing was picked up the first time!
Thank You TV guy...I really cant believ someone is sitting in the TV truck and has time to be on this Blog? Powere of Your Blog JD!
Interactive TV. Please Show me More Chandra Johnson LOL
Yes, I agree, the debris doesn't have to be the first thing shown, but if not shown it only leads one to believe that it was bogus.
TV Guy,
Thanks for the explanation. When we're sitting at home it's easy to say "have a camera find the debris" but if every camera needs to be used for something else I guess I can understand that's why we don't see the debris.
I'm sure you can understand though, especially after Tony Stewart's comments last year and many drivers on-air comments (Michael Waltrip for one) that they actually believe there are yellows "for the show" and "aren't a bad thing because we're in the entertainment business", that we are going to be skeptical when we don't see any debris.
In a perfect world we'd like to see the stops and the debris but if you say that's not as easy as it sounds then I'll believe you. Thanks for the insights.
OK... I saw debris !! We all thank you I think.
I think Yocum is the best of the pit reporters on either network. He was the only guy who was hired by both NBC and Fox. Thinking about it, I don't think he's had Stewart's pit yet this year. I don't even remember him interviewing Tony. I think Krista did the interview following his wreck, but not sure.
Anonymous said...
4 Box Pit Stops is total BS
I 2nd that. I'd much rather see the 3 pit box vertical stack on one side while you see the cars enter and leave pit road on the other half.
Here's an idea: dig up the GOPHER CAM and use it to find the debris.
TV Guy is it True that you are actually Producing the Show Right Now?
You don't like Dick Berggeren in the pits:
"He takesh the pitsh in the shechond poshishition"
I am not producing the show...I am in the tape room patiently waiting for a replay.
My opinion Yocum has no Content, just regergitates what they say on the radios...personally opionion he is the weakest
TV Guy did we miss the replay of the first debrisa becasue you were blogging? LOL
ooops...my bad. lol
NO STATE FARM SAFETY UPDATES during green flag racing!!!
This is a snoozer
And they're up against college hoop conference championships
om CBS and ESPN
Click click click
Nielsen crashing
Again, another full-screen "feature" instead of green flag racing. These things need to stop. I'm sure Fox enjoys the money from State Farm but that doesn't do the fans any favors. When the field is under green we should always be able to see cars on the track, even if it's in a little box. That goes for safety features, replays, interviews from the care cetner, Race Breaks, whatever. Split-screens are a fan's best friend so please use them.
I also don't like the "4 box" for pit stops. Giving us a 4th pitting car and taking away the camera shot of the entire pit road was a bad idea. We have no perspective on who beat who off pit road.
Someone please tell me how a 4 box pit stop is any WORSE then just show the winner at the checkered - There are 38 other Cars racing off pit road, No Idea What Happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agree no full screen feature during green flag running and NO 4 pitstops just give me 3 and the entire lane for a better perspective of the overall.
They all report what is said on the radio. Since I don't have access to what is being said on the team radio, I appreciate hearing that. I just listened closely to the pit reports, and more info from Yocum than the others. Krista gave no information altho she talked a lot longer than the other three. And, none of them refered to anything said on the radio. Krista Voda is a good host, but not a good pit reporter. I like Bergren too.
funny, as many people complaining about them showing "boring green flag racing" as those upset that they break from the racing to show updates!
If this Blog believes they have the power to change coverage...please please end the 4 box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
During green flag racing is about the only time they have to fit these paid spots into the telecast for this race. Long green flag runs and very few cautions which are quick to clean up. During the cautions they barely have enough time to cover the pit stops, and get in the commercial breaks.
Just put the saftey feature in a 2-box and problem is solved
The 4 box is going to be a tough one to get rid of.
You may not like it, but the fan of the guy running 4th loves it.
I actually agree with you. I like the 3 box better.
Just put the saftey feature in a 2-box and problem is solved
Amen! I understand the content is sponsored and that's why they need to show it but please use the split-screen when there is green flag racing going on.
Yes, this FOX practice of showing stuff during green flag instead of SPLIT SCREEN is lousy idea.
Also many tight shows today...I think they need to SHORTEN these cup races, personally.
Who was the yellow car behind Mikey that just got really loose and then straightened up? The camera was on that car as that happened but Krista was talking....I wish they would pay more attention to the track.
tv guy, thanks for the explanation.
I would also like THREE PIT stops and the pit road shown on the side.
I am getting sleepy. . . Another cut away explanation and showing KK IN CAR cam...WHY? If they are talking about him SHOW THE CARS ON THE TRACK.
COME ON FOX..you are picking up last season's bad habit of ESPN.
Can't believe I said that....geez
Get away from the cutaway car....ZZZZzzzzz
I'm sure the sponsors of those features paid to get the viewers full attention, rather than having it divided with the race.
Let Mike & Larry do the race. Send DW & Jeff home.
you hit the nail erik....
4-Box: The Guy Running 4th was not in the 4-BOX! I know you are busy doing replays and blogging TV guy but please Pay attention to your own braodcast!
They full screen Hammond update was terrible!
Without much happening up front, we havent heard much about the good run AGAIN this week by Scott Riggs in the 66 car.
Good run last week at Vegas til he spun and today he's STILL on the lead lap.
Usually during green flag racing they do the top 5 graphic going into commercial. Wonder why they're not doing that today?
I noticed this morning on ESPNEWS that the ESPN Fantasy NASCAR guy said to avoid Clint Bowyer today because he ran so bad at Las Vegas. It's a shame this "expert" only reads stats and can't take into account that he ran a backup car with no laps of practice last week, that Bowyer said he had a great car in practice, and that Las Vegas is NOT Atlanta. I agree with you JD that the fantasy NASCAR guy on NASCAR Now and ESPNEWS needs to go.
How about a thru the field to get an idea of how bad everyone car is since there is not much passing
Oh my God, ANOTHER full-screen feature ignoring green flag racing! I've had enough of this, what's next, a Sportscenter Minute powered by Vizio?
Yes, there are some little niggling things that I'd like to see change, but they don't matter right now.
I'm enjoying the race. I love the cameras showing the mid-pack racing --- 3 and 4 wide is fun to watch.
TVguy, thanks for the explanation of why we don't always see the debris.
I also appreciate that we don't have to watch the little gopher animation every time we are switched to the camera. Watching Kasey slide over it was fantastic.
I suspect no one posting on this blog is doing so from a grandstand seat at the Track.
Nor did they pay airfare or the high price of gas to travel to Atlanta, pay for a motel, pay for the cheapest seat in the house or the best seat that still wouldn't allow them to see nearly what they're seeing on this broadcast.
Someone has to pay the freight for the privilege of seeing this race, and those people paying expect to get value for their money i.e. commercial time.
Appreciate that you can watch this race for free and sit back and enjoy it instead of carping on every little thing.
tv guy-
Thanks for the insight. Just ignore the rude comments. We appreciate the perspective you bring.
The "4th place guy" was an example. I am busy and I am sorry if I misspoke.
Good job by Steve Byrnes jumping on the Kyle Busch story. It must be awfully hard to monitor 10 or 11 different drivers in their section of pit road at the same time so I give him and all these pit reporters credit for working so hard and being on top of things.
Loved the JPM Big Red commercial
Liked the one last week for Juicy fruit.
Like this NAPA commercial but can't believe Mikey can LAUGH over that Bristol crash. OUCH.
Anyway, they need to do more NAPA letters to Mikey commercials...some of those were my favorite..
"No my head is still located between my shoulders" LMAO
Go Mikey!
Terrible race, but not FOX's fault.
I've never - ever seen so many loose race cars.
They CAN'T race if they wanted to.
Sad - So Sad !!
Great Race Track - but no chance to race.
I cant wait to hear the drivers AFTER the race.
Green Flag Stops coming - I predict Debris
stricklinfan82 said...
Oh my God, ANOTHER full-screen feature ignoring green flag racing! I've had enough of this, what's next, a Sportscenter Minute powered by Vizio?
March 9, 2008 3:47 PM
Between your constant complaints, you might stop and think that maybe the alternative would be a full commercial break? Can you just watch and enjoy the free product you are getting.
The story now could be the 2-time defending champ and the sweeper of Atlanta in '07 about to go a lap down.
With all this racing they should have a very very big fill - what is the sceduled off time? i really hope the fill it and dont jump to MASH - I do like MASH though
Ken-Michigan said...
Terrible race, but not FOX's fault.
I've never - ever seen so many loose race cars.
They CAN'T race if they wanted to.
Sad - So Sad !!
Great Race Track - but no chance to race.
I cant wait to hear the drivers AFTER the race.
March 9, 2008 3:57 PM
I'll bet you anything that this race has more total passes than any of the races so far.
We have not seen those passes.
Anonymous said...
With all this racing they should have a very very big fill - what is the sceduled off time? i really hope the fill it and dont jump to MASH - I do like MASH though
March 9, 2008 3:59 PM
Just passed 1/2 way in almost 2 hours...remember cars are slower..off at 6, I think
I still LOVE the split-screen of the leader on the track and the green flag pit stops. The Speed and ESPN guys need to copy this.
The handling issues over this COT is starting to overshadow the "great racing" everybody yaps about.
If they get too close sideways the cars get loose...can't handle the cars and fight it the whole time....should the good driver handling a bad car put drivers at risk or make for bad racing?
I don't remember hearing this much complaining about CAR HANDLING last season...yes, always gripes on TIRES but with the designed flaw (imo) of the SPLITTER, you would think they would want the cars to "handle better."
I don't get this jump to the COT. Imagine how frustrated the drivers must be. :(
Why did Yocum toss to Krista when the 99 was still pitting and Gordon was not in yet He had NO CONTENT
Anonymous 3:02pm said,
"I didn't know Menard's father was that rich, but I knew he was a billionaire.
Paul has a huge estate in North Carolina. IIRC, when he signed on with DEI he brought a five person staff with him to be housed in DEI offices, much to Jr's amusement. I got the impression Jr thought that was a bit much for a rookie.
But those are things I've read (and seen pics of his estate). Never heard it mentioned on ESPN or Speed channel or FOX. Maybe him being a midpacker they don;t want to be seen favoring him b/c he's not very impressive in Cup so far. Plus him being rich maybe the networks or Paul think fans might not support him. I don't support him because I've never seen him crack a smile."
I had no idea the guy was rich, either. But that does bring up a good point...
You can be rich as the US MINT and it doesn't make you a better race car driver. Your daddy could buy you the series but that doesn't mean you could win it in a fair race!
JJ struggling in this race a bit.
I know Chad Knaus said of Vegas things he learned: NEVER to run the set up from there ever again.
These COTs are an issue for the racing it would seem.
From a TV / Race Fan standpoint...
I want to hear what the drivers are saying on the radio to the crew.
Gotta be great AUDIO today....sometimes the audio will tell more than the video.
OR is any of the audio even air-able ??
Jimmie is so mad he is not even talking
quick reminder on Kenseth Arby's free medium curly fries, I found this from Arby's website as to HOW to get the fries.
Arby's will give away free medium Curly Fries every Monday following the race weekend - deemed "Matt's Monday" - if Kenseth wins.
Customers will need to bring in a printed copy of the official race results from either a newspaper or website as their coupon at participating Arby's on "Matt's Monday" to receive their free order.
If anyone mentioned the cutaway car explanation of the lid off the oil storage tank, I missed it.
I wanted to comment on it because even though "most of us" who post here are veteran broadcast watchers, we may not have seen every part under the hood, on the bottom of the car, or even hidden inside the car.
I was glad to see them show us folks who weren't sure where this oil thing was what it looked like. It's not something that ever really came up before here lately.
TV Guy do you communicate to the Producer what the Bloggers on this site say during the race or after?
At this rate, without any more cautions, the race would be over just past 5:20p.m. (Eastern). Fox doesn't go off the air until 6:00p.m.
520 works for me I have to go to a friends for dinner :(
Why havent they talked about the 42 and 43? they are running 11th and 12 th
no we are inside the studio during green flag
Why havent they talked about the 42 and 43? they are running 11th and 12 th
well nevermind about the 43, now i need some 42 and 83 talk
i'd rather hear the crank it up on the engines on the track...doesn't this just sound like a car shop??
Hope they do another with cars going fast
crank it up on pit stops is even worse than 4 boxes - we are getting cheated
I do not speak to the producers, directors during the show about the blog.
They do read after the fact as you know.
I will say that "constructive" criticism is welcomed. If you have a gripe, bring a solution with it. Just bringing an "I don't like..." is a waste of the 2 calories it takes to type it.
Anonymous said...
no we are inside the studio during green flag
March 9, 2008 4:19 PM
Do you people know these are paid promotions(this one was Lowes Kobalt)? If they won't allow split screens on commercials, just be happy most of the on-air promotions are short.
Bear Racing Inc. said...
Why havent they talked about the 42 and 43? they are running 11th and 12 th
They jut did a small bit on the 43 talking about how well hes racing and how he owned this track for a while.
And who the heck cares about the 42? Just kidding. But they did some stuff about him early in the race about his run last year (top 5)
I think the Fox crew is doing a great job today despite the poor racing conditions that Goodyear created here today.
The only major complaint I have is the constant full-screen race recaps, safety reports, cutaway car, and "look at this cool trophy, zoom in on it, it even says Kobalt Tools 500 right there, how cool!" we've been getting during green flag racing.
Good job guys, keep it up.
Mike Joy just said Kyle Busch in the Deuce Lap 117 - Check it Mike
Didn't Mike Skinner run all 3 races at AMS this weekend?
I noticed this last year, and it bugged me then, but DW makes this noise, like blowing out his mouth that drives me crazy. It's not a "Whew" but more like a blowing sound when he's not talking. Just every once in a while I can hear it.
Do they not have a cough button on their mics?
Didn't Mike Skinner run all 3 races at AMS this weekend?
No, he didn't run the Nationwide race.
Plenty of content in Yocum's report, as opposed to another pit reporter in that round of pit reports reporting bush was saying on radio his hands hurt, and robbie replying I know Buddy. That was it. Hands hurt and I know Buddy. Now that's some substantial content there. Not!
Wow, is this boring. Tough when the on-track product is poor.
Mike seems to be doing his best, but you can only do what you can do.
I notice people complain a race is "boring" when incidentally there just happen to be few crashes.
If you like crashes. they have demolition derbies, and you might want to try those.
I think the Fox crew is doing a great job today despite the poor racing conditions that Goodyear created here today.
You work for Hoosier, don't you?
Daly Planet Editor said...
Wow, is this boring. Tough when the on-track product is poor.
Mike seems to be doing his best, but you can only do what you can do.
March 9, 2008 4:37 PM
Watching on live leaderboard, there have been more passing than any race this year. It's TV not showing the racing, not sure where you get off giving the tv crew the break.
Let's have the Pit Stop 6-pack.
6 small boxes on left half - race off pit road on right half.
Sell it to Coors Light , they can get a logo during the pit stop and we all win !!
Dont laugh... it CAN work
No, boring is when there's no battles for the lead, and a driver sprinting out to a 2 second lead within 10 laps after the green flag has flown. The play by play can only be as good as the action that's before them. It's thrown them so far off their game that Mike Joy made the rare mistake of calling Kurt Busch "Kyle"
One example was the 17, they recapped what he did, but did not show him coming from last and then from 1 lap down. Plenty of racing and passing if your a fan and watch on something other than TV.
Sadler brings out the caution and supposedly hit the wall. But DW says he doesn't think he hit the wall.
We don't get a replay.
How stupid does NASCAR and FOX think we are on this fake caution? As sadler said the other day this insults my intelligence.
We wanted to let FOX know that we have changed channels to the Oklahoma Texas game. My wife is so annoyed at NASCAR she's even staying in here with me to watch b-ball.
So, there is racing back in the field but we are not seeing it?
You work for Hoosier, don't you?
Nope, I'm just a race fan that hates the fact that these tires are not allowing side-by-side racing. It looks like Tony, Jeff, Denny, and all the other drivers knew what they were talking after all with their concerns over the tire situation.
I could be wrong and this lack of racing could have nothing to do with the tires but I doubt it. I guess we'll all find out together when the drivers are interviewed after the race.
anon 4:45, they replayed that spin a couple of times on MY TV.
If they's passing going on, we at home are not seeing it..:(
Not much passing I am watching about 4 different cars and they have been in pretty much the same spot. It's more like people going backwards then people passing
anon 4:45 I have to agree with you, Fox is calling way too many phantom caution. The audacity of them.
Daly Planet Editor said...
So, there is racing back in the field but we are not seeing it?
March 9, 2008 4:46 PM
Think how many times today they have recapped somebody's great move from the back or making up laps. We get the recap, but have not been show the racing .
Pamm h, you're thinking of Elliott's second spin which brought out the second caution.
The first caution is the one where darryl said he didn't think Eliott hit anything, but FOX didn't show a replay, even though the "hit" brought out the caution.
He hit to bring out the second caution. Two replays of that and none of the first.
could be wrong and this lack of racing could have nothing to do with the tires but I doubt it. I guess we'll all find out together when the drivers are interviewed after the race.
March 9, 2008 4:47 PM
Drivers say that a monkey can drive their cars at daytona, just hold it open. Now they are at a track they have to drive, feather and not hold it open. I don't think the "real drivers" will have much to say, like DW said it's like 1982 "real racing"
the first Sadler caution, we did not have a look that would show you anything but smoke. It would have looked sloppy to show it. Sometimes you just have to trust us.
We did have a good look at the second spin, which we showed.
The big delima. Do viewers want to see a battle betweens cars 4 laps down without a prayer to win. Or, do they want to see the lead lap cars that still in the race?
for DW, there has been 8 different leaders.
Usually it's pretty simple...start at the front and pan back until the first two cars or pack that is racing. That is what fans want to see, racing.
Why are you always so harsh?
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