As Dale Jarrett takes some planned time-off, Rusty Wallace has been making the most of his time back in the TV announce booth. Once again this weekend, it will be Wallace joining Dr. Jerry Punch and Andy Petree to call the action on ESPN2.
The network will be presenting the Nationwide Series race from Dover International Speedway on Saturday beginning at 2:30PM Eastern Time live. The race is also shown on ESPN2HD, ESPN360.com and in Spanish on ESPN Deportes.
This season, Wallace has assumed the role of joining Allen Bestwick and Brad Daugherty to form the on-air team in ESPN's Infield Pit Center. Their interaction has been great, and has added a new dimension to the telecasts. This threesome will once again host NASCAR Countdown from Dover to begin ESPN2's coverage. Wallace will then head upstairs to the booth.
The rest of the NASCAR on ESPN team at Dover will include Dave Burns, Shannon Spake and Jamie Little on pit road. Mike Massaro is off this week. Tim Brewer will be on-scene with his reports from the Tech Center.
Needless to say, all eyes are on this race because teen phenom Joey Logano takes over the driving chores of the Gibbs Racing #20 car that has been so dominant this season. Logano has just turned 18, which is the age mandated by NASCAR to compete in the Nationwide Series.
This will give the ESPN team a good opportunity to pump some new life into the Nationwide Series, which has been struggling. Wallace is a team-owner in the series, and his son Steven has been having an up-and-down year as Rusty's driver.
With the Monster Mile offering a tough test, the storyline could not be better for ESPN. Logano against both the other Nationwide drivers and the "cross-overs" from the Sprint Cup side. Finally, the focus will be on the Nationwide action.
Before the ESPN2 telecast, SPEED sneaks-in Sprint Cup practice and happy hour starting at Noon Eastern. Mike Joy, Darrell Waltrip and Larry McReynolds will be in the booth. On pit road will be Krista Voda, Dick Berggren and Matt Yocum.
Tradin' Paint comes along after the race at 7PM with host John Roberts and Kyle Petty being joined by veteran reporter Nate Ryan from USA Today. NASCAR Performance is at 7:30PM with host Larry McReynolds being joined by Chad Knaus and Doug Richert filling-in for the suspended Bootie Barker.
This post will serve to host your comments about the Saturday NASCAR programming on both ESPN2 and SPEED. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are on the right side of the main page. Thanks for stopping by.
Cant wait to here rusty he has been great all year long.He has won at dover three times so he knows what he is talking about.
It certainly is amazing at how much better he is on TV and how enthusiastic he has been about this series.
Once ESPN moves to the Cup side, I think he will really be a presence.
Rusty is better this year than last, I just hope the overall booth is a good as they were 2 races ago and not like last week that was a little rough.
Rusty in the booth, huh? Looks like need to make sure the batteries in my remote work. I would hate to lose use of my mute button. Whoever thought it was a good idea to use Rusty Wallace as an announcer should be fired.
ESPN comes on with qualify saying "Welcome LIVE from Dover" then procede to mess up the tape on the first 2 qualifiers??? Booth was talking about the 7 car qualifing while the tape of the 47 was being shown,,,Funny stuff
"Where's my remote?"
You know who I am speaking of.
Noticed the last couple of weeks that Steven Wallace has now become STEVE Wallace both in graphics and the booth
Ok what did I miss I just realized the NW qualifying was on.
Carl Edwards is filling in for Kyle Petty on Tradin' Paint since Kyle is attending his daughter's wedding.
I don't know about you guys, but does anyone think Carl Edward's mom is just too much? Cousin Carl isn't exactly Joey Logano's age, where a parent is normal, but Carl is a grown man, and there's his mommy, being shown prominently every week. Even this morning during qualifying, there she was, in the little box in the top right corner of the screen---and BTW, she never quite looks mom-like, more girlfriend-like.
ESPN did mess up the early qualifying pictures. I couldn't figure out who was qualifying and what was going on with the commentary.
Also, is Joey Logano going to be the Danica of Nascar? All Joey all the time? Should be interesting.
Hey, what's this new show, "Identity of a Champion"? Is this something new or is it a repeat??? Looks pretty good in the first few minutes.
If I remember correctly this is the first standard NASCAR oval qualifying session ESPN has covered since Daytona, and if this is an indication of what we're going to get when they start covering the Cup qualifying sessions we're in for a big headache.
First of all there were multiple technical glitches. It looked like they tried to use some limited form of TiVo style format but screwed that up by combining live audio with TiVo'ed video during the start of the broadcast. While we were seeing #1 qualifier Kelly Bires qualifying on the screen we were hearing the announcers calling #2 qualifier Mike Wallace's laps. Once they got that fixed the lap tracker broke down in the most important moment of the whole session - when the final car ran and created the lone "bump" of the session.
On top of the glitches ESPN still is struggling to keep the focus on the race track. We missed parts or all of multiple cars' qualifying laps (not warm-up laps, actual timed laps) for numerous video packages - the construction of Miles the Monster, Stanton Barrett filming stunts in Hollywood, the Denny Hamlin - Kyle Petty incident in the Dover Cup race last year, etc., and ESPN verbally ignored the existence of one qualifier that ran during a commercial break. And on several occasions the announcers ignored the on-track action to have long-winded converstations amongst themselves about various issues. There were times where they would say "driver X is on the track", go onto a long conversation about something else, end that conversation, throw it to a pit reporter, and then come back and say "now driver Y is on the track", never once verbally following up on what the previous driver did.
Just like last year during ESPN qualifying and practice sessions, the on-track action is being treated as nothing but a distraction to ESPN's production of a NASCAR talk show. Full-screen video packages and booth chatter about anything but the session they are there to cover continues to dominate the day at ESPN.
And the other two recurrent themes of ESPN coverage reared their ugly heads again:
1.) on-track qualifying action in a tiny box while the screen is filled with useless clutter like the gigantic bar graph on the bottom of the screen and driver stats and other miscellaneous stuff on the right side of the screen
2.) the continued ESPN obsession with Carl Edwards's mom
ESPN has MAJOR work to do to fix their qualifying and practice coverage. They've done a great job of improving their race broadcasts based on what I've seen during the Nationwide races, now it's time to go back and make some changes to qualifying and practice.
Carl's very pretty girlfriend (who is a physician) was at Charlotte last week and they showed her briefly on FOX during the anthem. For whatever reason, TV prefers to show his mom, who is also attractive. I'm sure other moms are at the tracks sometimes, but TV loves Carl's mom. Kasey Kahne's mom, who is also attractive, was at the track in Victory Lane the past two weeks and the cameras didn't focus on her like at all during the race like they do on Carl's mom. Maybe because she often chooses not to sit on top of the pit box and stands/sits behind it instead.
It seems to be a TV production issue, not a Carl issue. Maybe someone in production, especially at ESPN where Carl's mom seems to be the most prominent, has a crush on her. The focus is too frequent to be coincidental.
They should know they're not doing Carl any favors b/c people, especially female fans, seem to be tired of seeing her; they are also feeding Carl's growing reputation as a "mama's boy" which is a reputation I doubt most hardcore racers want to have.
I am working on the tech problem explanation from ESPN.
Thanks for the update on Carl being on tradin paint tonight.
SLF Amen, I missed the first 20 minutes or so but it was not the booths best work. Hopefully it's because they were out of practice although that won't explain why they still choose to use all the graphics with the car in the small window for the entire run. I already read it lose the stats box it doesn't need to stay up more than it takes to read it. Hey how about they just verbally tell us and that way they are talking about the car/driver on the track and not something different.
There is a new post up if anyone would like to comment on the racing program on ESPN2.
Lifelock's Identity of a Racing Champion
IIRC last year the Busch series on ESPN was often decent.
The CUP stank due to reasons SFan mentioned. Precanned video, jabbering about everything except the cars, tiny car box during quals and a bunch of junk on the screen. so much for thinking ESPN has improved.
Gonna be another long bad year for tv racing? geez
Just like last year during ESPN qualifying and practice sessions, the on-track action is being treated as nothing but a distraction to ESPN's production of a NASCAR talk show.
Bravo! This describes the ESPN NASCAR practice and qualifying philosophy to a T. It also makes it mostly unwatchable, I had forgotten had bad it was.
While I don't begrudge Dale Jarrett's right to take an extended vacation after such a long career, I think the booth will be in for some rough times when he gets back. It takes practice to build live race chemistry and the chemistry suffers when one of the main three is only going to be in the booth the last half of the season. I hope it's not going to be that way next year - DJ only working half the season. If so, better than say it up front than say "he's on vacation."
Joey Logano will be interesting to watch. I'm amused people think the regular set of Nationwide-only drivers struggling to make a name and career for themselves are going to lay down for an 18-year-old "anointed one", or the Cup drivers today are going to let Logano put them to shame. Because if an 18 year old can come in and put the smackdown on them in his first race, what does it say about the current Cup drivers? It's not going to happen - not even his "teammates" Busch and Hamlin are going to take it easy on him at the end of a race. He might get a top 10, but I think there's an equal chance he'll be in the garage long before the race is over.
Raining at Dover, going to change schedules around today.
Tornado watch including the city of Dover has been issued for the afternoon -
Watch also runs across parts of NJ, MD, Pennsylvania.
Just saw the radar. All I can say is yikes.
I'd have to say this is about the worst possible week for ESPN2 to have a live programming commitment to the French Open live at noon on a Monday eh?
Let's hope this rain leaves and they get this race in live today because I sense we're in deep trouble if we're depending on live TV coverage on Monday.
@anon 10:56--yes they brought that up on Trackside the other week when he was on. He's maturing now so of course needs a more mature name. He'll answer to anything though :).
I don't see Bobby Labonte as Robert or Bob EVER...he'll always be Bobby! I know Bob is their dad's name, but it's not Bobby at all.
I hope everyone in the Dover area is safe!
They'll just put the race on ESPN Classic on Monday if needed.
I've tried to think of some positive corrective criticism for the folks at ESPN/ABC regarding the qualifying broadcast this morning.
I am still trying to understand why ESPN/ABC wants Nascar.
If ESPN/ABC did care about the product they are broadcasting, after more than a year, the fundamentals would be easy, but a problem may arise, which is understandable. For some reason(s) the production people can go from, can’t buy a mistake, to tripping over their own feet. It’s past time the bugs should be worked out. I would not specifically purchase or patronize any product or service advertised during a Nascar event shown on ESPN/ABC. I’m still watching, (that’s where the show is), still not happy with the coverage, but I don’t have to support your advertisers.
Looking at the radar, the current system extends all the way into West Virginia. Since Dover doesn't have lights, I think Monday racing is very likely.
another possible ESPN/SPEED Simulcast on Monday ala the Richmond NW race?
Do me a favor and change that one thing and re-post. We love our female readers and I find that out of bounds.
Regular ESPN doesn't necessarily have the most essential programming on Monday. Hopefully they'll make the decision to put it on there.
J. D.,
About half an hour ago, I spoke with a friend who took his fiancé to the race. They were in the stands, wearing trash bag ponchos but still got soaked. There isn't very much shelter at the track.
I pulled up WeatherChannel.com and described the satellite map to him. There was a big storm cell, appx, 1/3 of the width of the state, just approaching Dover, although allowing from a SW to NE general direction, the worst of that storm cell will be north of the track.
But the real storm cell is just behind that one, and it's about half the state wide, and again, allowing for the same general path, the heart and bulk of that storm goes smack through the track.
The hourly forecasts also show rain past sundown.
My friends are bailing on the race and Wendy's track walk.
It's interesting to note two different producing/journalistic styles. AT the beginning of Speed pre-race, the Speed/Fox producers must have leaned on Mike Joy, because he said there might be showers in a couple of hours. This seems odd to me in retrospect, as Fox/Speed doesn't even have the race. Just before the signed off, Jeff Hammond was reduced to reading a dictionary definition to fill.
However, right from the beginning, Allen Bestwick talked about the rain that we could see, and described there was more to come.
Alameda, California
This would be the perfect time for ESPN to explain what the drivers and crews and officials are directed to do at tracks in case of tornadoes. I believe they were evacuated at the Texas track within the past year or two, though not on race day. It would answer the questions viewers have about this issue: after all, the drivers' RVs at the tracks may cost two million dollars, but they are still mobile homes at their base. And we all know mobile homes are most at danger during tornadoes.
I don't believe Bestwick mentioned the tornado watch at the outset of the Countdown. He mentioned rain and showed the radar, which was a good idea. If he's mentioned the tornado watch since then, I missed it.
anon 3:20 -- agree completely. there is a casino right next door so folks could be evacuated to the basement of that building. but the haulers and coaches wouldn't fare very well, i'm afraid.
that bring said: tornado watch for my area -- 17 miles NW of philly -- has been lifted. dover still under watch until 5 pm.
Red what town do you live in, I'm prob not to far away, Perkiomenville which is near Pottstown. How was the truck race?
Rain Delay coverage as good as can be expected. The only issue I've had is not letting a problem/disgreement/story run it's course and move on. Excellent to have both drivers, Brad and Denny, on to give their comments. I even thought it was a little funny that Rusty started addressing BD instead of Denny. Rusty did pretty good walking that line. There was no reason to ask Steven or David about Brad/Denny. It brought back memories of Jamie not lettin' it go. Whoever told her, if anyone, to get their opinions doesn't look bad, Jamie does.
This type of rain fill is part of Allen Bestwick's ability to host hours of conversation about the sport without any real problem.
Imagine Suzy Kolber handling this situation. The ESPN change this season has been great.
AB is great, Mike Joy is also excellent at it but they had to leave the booth and lost that option due to the tornado warning, I am assuming it was lifted or Doc and Andy are braver?
Are they going to switch channels with NASCAR or NHRA at 5:30?
newracefan said...
Red what town do you live in, I'm prob not to far away, Perkiomenville which is near Pottstown. How was the truck race?
knew i enjoyed "talking " with you: we're neighbors, as 'twere! we're in lansdale and yep, i know where you are. when i take the bus to dover, we pick it up right there in perkiomenville!
truck race was great! don't know what you guys saw on tv but we saw some pretty good racing, including 3 wide . . . coming off pit road! best moment? the rookie beats the veteran on that critical restart at the end! crowd went crazy nuts (as my daughters would say!) AND may i just say (brace yourselves!): i saw ALL trucks cross the finish line!
oddest moment they gave the kid the race flag and he took a victory lap all the way around the track -- even tho' the seats were closed everywhere except from the exit of turn 3 to the entrance of turn 1! kid drove all the way around, past ALLLL those empty seats while we all laughed! but he got a great round of applause when he came back to pit road.
a fine time was had by all -- and i gotta admit: i almost missed hearing a commentator, ANY commentator, explain what happened to some of the trucks. and please note, i used the word "almost"!
Tornado Watch is not a big deal. Now if there is a thunderstorm and tornado warning within the area thats is something to worry about.
A Tornado Watch means there is a chance of strong thunderstorms containing a Tornado.
Red, We really are neighbors, I'll wave the next time I drive thru Lansdale. No bus for me tomorrow we'll drive down early and nap in the car after we get there. This rain coverage has been very good so far and we may actually get this race in. I assume they will bump the NHRA qualifying since it is already a taped replay.
30 laps to go on on the replay of last week's race airing on ESPN Deportes.
is the NHRA qualifying supposed to be live? I think it is already tape delayed so whenever it starts on the deuce will be fine since it isn't live.
The last TX race they had tornado warnings and had to get the cameramen to safety due to the weather. They have "tornado shelters" here that they direct folks to head for.
In my part of DFW *most* things pass us by. The panhandle sends it to Fort Worth, Dallas gets what's left and then we get what's left when Dallas is done. However sometimes there's still more stuff that gets built up so some of the smaller towns east of us get it. There was one a few years ago that had a tornado hit it, but it totally missed us here in DFW. In fact, IIRC, they didn't even have any warnings for us here in DFW, but it was the other towns.
You 5pm comment is spot on>
Imagine anyone other than Bestwick on the espn crew trying to pull off the fill!!
By the second 20 minutes, Punch would be waxing poetic about how close he and (fill in NASCAR superstar name here) were back when he and (fill in superstar's wife or girlfriend name here)sat around the (pool, patio, garage) and talked about the challenges of (fill in race related targedy here)
and how deeply he was moved by (his, her or their) amazing (courage, faith, perseverennce, loyalty) and what a deep impact it had on the good Dr. Gag me
JD- What are your thoughts about the interview with Steve W. & David Stremme?
I thought the interview was pretty good, but I was intrigued by the way it was done. Do you think Rusty might have been asked to have his drivers go to the media center and just hang around until ESPN had a spot/need to fill to use them?
Just tuned in..talking to Reut...Dover doesn't have lights..how long til the race starts?? will they get the whole deal in?
SophiaZ123 said...
Just tuned in..talking to Reut...Dover doesn't have lights..how long til the race starts?? will they get the whole deal in?
One of the announcers said if they got it going by 6:15, they'd get it done within 2 hours and that'd work.
Opening ceremonies now. ESPN2 broadcast schedule also looks free of live sports for the night; that's good.
Sunset 822 in Dover, my guess race end under caution due to darkness but better that then no race at all. I wonder how many people bailed out? I stayed ALL day last year for the cup race and then it was called but we didn't get poured on like those fans.
Finally, a simple rendition of the anthem without all the improvization we usually see. Great pipes on that girl.
What a difference a year makes. Race start at 6PM instead of 3PM and ESPN never missed a beat.
Notice Jerry Punch kept a very low profile, even after the rain left the area.
Jd, they keep thanking us for staying w/them. I THRILLED that they've stayed w/us!! What programming got moved because of Nascar?
After 3 1/2 hours of prerace I'll give an "A"
Alan really does a good job.
In race reporter is still not a good thing. Greg did know it was coming so I guess I better get over it.
They moved NHRA qualifying that was supposed to be on at 5:30PM.
I am getting email from NHRA fans because ESPN did not move it to ESPN Classic which is very old basketball shows. NBA vs. NHRA.
There is a new one.
So does this mean they used up all the commercials and we can watch commercial free. I wish :P
I am getting email from NHRA fans because ESPN did not move it to ESPN Classic which is very old basketball shows. NBA vs. NHRA.
There is a new one.
Really it is NASCAR vs NHRA
The race is on ESPN360 also and it's not showing NHRA qualifying.
Good use of Tim Brewer in the Tech Center. Also, he's trying to add some inflection to his voice-it's helping.
Unreal to see that asphlat fly up from the jet dryer!!
Anyone see what happened to Logano? Said they were going to show it, but I didn't see it.
The broadcasters are too busy showing us the cup drivers to show us what happened to Logano.
Maybe we could send the in-race reporter a question asking him to update us on the Nationwide drivers.
Got to love that real time ticker.
JD - good one! And have you noticed how many cars are already out?
Wonder if we had some start and park cars?
this focus on the CUP drivers is really ruining it for me...but that's an old comment and I am NOT wanting to start a debate..just being honest.
I was out of the room for a minute...did they ever show what happened to Logano? Course maybe it's good they are backing off the hype on that young man, but if something happened....sigh
Ok..I have been watching NASCAR 4 years and hate to sound like a Jethro Bodine but what does the term "Start and park mean?".
Sophia, they just showed it - a little bump in the pits but it was a long time coming.
They may be start and park but they are not leaving until the race is over, there is no tunnel they are stuck in the infield.
It took from lap 25 to lap 75 before we saw JL's reason for front end damage. Poor
Update: my friends left the track and went shopping to kill time and dry off. after several updates from me, they went back to the race.
They're made of sterner stuff than me. 3 hours in the rain is my limit.
Alameda, California
Soph- start the race and quit early, sometimes it becasue they don't have money for another set of tires (Morgan Shepard doesn't do it now since some drivers have stepped up and payed for them) sometimes it's their intent from the beginning. They get paided based on where they finished no matter why they stopped racing.
It took from lap 25 to lap 75 before we saw JL's reason for front end damage. Poor
May 31, 2008 6:56 PM
If you were watching the race, they did show it live during the stop.
anon 700 I did catch it but I was only guessing that was what caused the damage I wasn't totally sure it was the cause. Hence the poor
yes, the only difference from the live shot was the replay was in slow motion.
WOW. Thanks for the explanation..glad I asked. It's sad they can't afford a second set of tires.
I also FINALLY saw the replay of Logano in the pits...but was busy sending a couple emails eariler...only paying partial attention to the race but trying to do better now...been a GORGEOUS day outside.
geez....6 or 7laps of racing then 5 minutes of commercials...reminds me why i feel i get more than my moneys worth with direct tv hotpass...wish they had it for nationwide....i grade the rain fill an A+....race coverage C+ at best
@JD--agreed! Allen did a great job in keeping the flow going and making it as interesting as they could for those of us at home.
@Sophia--it means exactly what it says. They start the race and then park it after X laps. They're cars who consistently leave early (say after 20 laps) pretty much every race. Even if they do happen to stay in longer and make it half way or further, due to past history, they still have that S&P tag. They always get a lot of grief especially when cars that would have finished the race are sent home for a S&Per who may have barely out qualified them.
I really enjoy DJs segments he does on NN. I'm glad we get to follow him today :).
Missed restart.
Start & Park Example:
14th - 43rd made about the same amount of money when you consider
the price of 1 vs 6 sets of tires!!
14 Jason Leffler 21 #38 Toyota 0 202 running /0 $23,468
15 Mike Wallace 24 #7 Toyota 0 202 running /0 $23,968
16 Steve Wallace 30 #66 Chevrolet 0 201 running /0 $23,018
17 Marcos Ambrose 11 #59 Ford 0 201 running /0 $22,818
18 James Buescher 17 #32 Toyota 0 201 running /0 $22,618
19 Kelly Bires 23 #47 Ford 0 201 running /0 $22,443
20 Kenny Wallace 26 #28 Chevrolet 0 201 running /0 $23,593
21 Chase Miller 25 #9 Dodge 0 201 running /0 $22,193
22 Landon Cassill 18 #5 Chevrolet 0 201 running /0 $22,068
23 Brad Coleman 8 #27 Ford 0 201 running /0 $22,343
24 Kyle Krisiloff 27 #41 Dodge 0 200 running /0 $21,868
25 Kertus Davis 33 #01 Chevrolet 0 200 running /0 $21,918
26 D.J. Kennington 28 #81 Dodge 0 200 running /0 $21,668
27 Robby Gordon 20 #22 Dodge 0 199 running /0 $15,100
28 Kevin Lepage 29 #161 Ford 0 199 running /0 $21,518
29 Eric McClure 31 #24 Chevrolet 0 199 running /0 $21,468
30 Robert Richardson Jr. 38 #4 Chevrolet 0 194 running /0 $21,668
31 Jeff Burton 4 #29 Chevrolet 4 192 accident /5 $14,895
32 Jason Keller 7 #111 Chevrolet 0 181 engine /0 $21,303
33 Johnny Borneman III 34 #283 Ford 0 167 running /0 $14,800
34 Morgan Shepherd 32 #89 Dodge 0 127 handling /0 $14,765
35 Derrike Cope 35 #52 Chevrolet 0 55 ignition /0 $14,735
36 Jamie McMurray 9 #16 Ford 0 39 accident /0 $14,700
37 John Young 37 #37 Ford 0 32 accident /0 $21,133
38 Johnny Chapman 40 #90 Chevrolet 0 19 vibration /0 $14,610
39 Larry Gunselman 39 #91 Chevrolet 0 16 brakes /0 $14,560
40 Mike Harmon 41 #84 Chevrolet 0 12 vibration /0 $14,515
41 Mike Potter 42 # Chevrolet 0 9 engine /0 $14,465
42 Brett Rowe 36 #05 Chevrolet 0 7 handling /0 $20,893
43 Scott Gaylord 43 #255 Ford 0 2 engine /0 $14,374
Has there been a rundown of the field?
It seems to me that there have been a lot more commercials during this race? Are they being front loaded? Here's to hoping!
We used to joke around that one tip someone was a "start and park" car was....no pit crew!
I don't get why there all these spots being shown...maybe because the race will be about 2hrs without the '' nascar debris cautions" for filler?!
Scary to see that prize money when Rusty said yesterday that it cost about $150,000 per race to run a Nationwide car.
This is going to be a crazy dash to the finish
I think JP is doing a good job in the booth today. Rusty is a little loud but ok. Let's see if ESPN misses the restart again.
Yes we missed the restart
They tivoed I've been green on fox trax
THANKS SO MUCH for taking the time to really show me the examples and details of the term.
Are there going to be any cars left at the end of the race?
oh please The arrogance of CUP drivers is getting out of hand. :(
About 30 minutes til sunset hopefully no more cautions.
Will someone ever haul in the Shrub and his mouth? Jason Leffler didn't take him out on purpose. The car got loose and he lost it. Shrubbie is such a jerk, making a comment that he's got a teammate who can't handle being number 2. How much more arrogant can Shrubbie get? Almost as bad as Hamlin. I sure liked what Mike Wallace said in regards to Hamlin's comments. Seems like Hamlin isn't going to get much support from his fellow drivers.
With comments like that, that's why I don't like Kyle Busch. Good race though.
Great to see Morgan running here at the end. 22nd now
If that is the finish line shot we can expect from ESPN during the final seventeen Cup races then things are looking up for the Chase!
Great to see a few cars cross the finish line...as opposed to Artie's agenda...it's all about what "HE LIKES".
even though we did not see them all, ESPN show several.
Thanks for respecting the fans a little bit at the END OF THE RACE.
At least we know there was more than ONE CAR in the race.
Bummer, Cup guy won...
Nice to see Morgan did well...lagano finished 6th...was it all cup guys in the top 10 (rolls eyes)
Haha I liked Rusty's response to JP's question.. DUH
And regarding Kyle Busch.. wow I hate his attitude so much, his comments actually make me laugh. Please, you may be good in a racecar, but I don't know how anyone can breathe standing in the same room as you, since your ego takes up all the room.
Great finish.. overall good job by ESPN.
Your comment made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!
But I am not saying which comment...lol...so true, so true.
Good coverage of the finish of the race.
I don't care what ANYBODY says if you gyp us OUT OF THE END, the previous 3 hrs plus coverage gets turned into a zero.
Just like I felt with the Indy race.
I know races can miss restarts and stuff on the track..but let's face it...
Except for the missed restart ESPN did a great job, after a loooonnnngggg rain delay all the guys held up. AB didn't participate as much but I'm sure he was all talked out, great finish and I'm glad to see they concentrated on where the battle was Stremme/Reut/Biff. I was afraid it would be Lagono overload but it wasn't.
Yet, another excellent race broadcast by ESPN. This blows what Fox does out of water.
Haha Sophia, I think I know which comment. ;)
@darbar--I love Mike! I'm waiting for them to get into his face! A few years back when he and Shane had their bru ha ha and he said a bad word on TV even though he didn't know the cameras were still rolling. The fans were pissed and on the various sites we were more than willing to send him money to pay his fine. I was in a chat with him a few months later and appreciated us wanting to help :).
Uh, was Carl boring on tradin' paint or what? When you consider that the show is supposed to be debate, and take up controversial subjects, these two guys were really bad.
Carl didn't seem able to take one side on any issue. "I don't know---two sides to every issue---I don't know enough to comment. Sheesh, this show was WEAK.
Seeing how many hot button issues were on deck, having these two fence sitters on the show was a bad choice.
JUST caught your comments as well. Yes, yes, yes.
AMAZING the attitude..heaven forbid NW guys drive in their own series with these arrogant cup drivers...where are the old school guys when you need them :-)
Darn it Darn it!
I missed NP~~~!!! wahh.
thanks for the fill in on TP...glad I didn't waste my time there..duh..if you don't have an opinion DON't be a fill in for sure.
Wish these shows were REPEATED. I forgot ALL ABOUT THEM with the late running race.
oh SPEED has on some show with the picture STRETCHED WIDE across my old 4.3 tv...gut looks short and fat.
How bloody annoying...glad I am not watching now. Will SPEED figure out how to make shows LOOK GOOD ON MAJORITY TV with their new HD toys? sorry to get off track...
Soph NP 1030am tomorrow they usually repeat the sat show on sun
Sophia -
Trading Paint and NASCAR Performance are both repeated Sunday morning back to back starting at 10 EDT.
Thanks for the info on NP!
Now to set vcr!
Did they mention Bootie being gone? :)
If you got a DVR you would not have to set anything!
There is a new post up about the ESPN coverage of the Nationwide Series race from Dover.
@JD--YUP! Every time I add a new show, I always think to myself, I hope there's no limit on Season Passes because I set everything on SP. For some reason it won't SP Auto/NASCAR Racing but everything else I can.
Actually, even with the DVR, I DID have to set a tape as well.
I had to work, so I was prepared for all possibilities. I'd figured they'd probably dump to Classic if it were still raining when the Drag Racing was scheduled to come on, so I recorded both ESPN2HD and ESPN Classic on my DVR through 8PM. Problem is, the Stanley Cup Finals started at 8 (and I'm a Red Wings fan), and so I could only choose to DVR 1 other channel from 8PM on. Knowing it was unlikely that the race would run that long, and since I can't tape ESPN Classic since it's on digital (but can get ESPN2 that way), I set the tape on ESPN2. Well, I was wrong about the dump to Classic, and I'm glad I decided to use the tape for ESPN2, because I almost didn't bother with it because I figured the race would be called well before 8. Going by the start of the tape there's some 4 laps to go when it clicked over to 8PM, so it looks like it ended up working out. Can catch up on it all tomorrow afternoon and watch the Cup race tomorrow night!
There are a bunch of great drivers in Nationwide-young and old. Why is it that there appears to be a priority in interviewing Steven Wallace about every topic from the weather to the price of gas? Another unwritten rule in the booth seems to be that you must frequently pay a compliment to the #66 no matter how bad he's doing? Just curious....
Rusty back in the booth. Can't wait until he is OUT of the booth. This guy can't create an original line on his own. The things he says are just repeats of what Jerry and Andy have already said.
Motor mouth may make a good comment now and then, but, please get somebody else in place of Rusty and keep Jerry and Andy.
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