Anybody have a clue about the program on ESPN2 at Noon? Is it a re-air of the same Lifelock program that was shown before?
We were told it was just a paid advertising program, but it sure looks like a well-produced special featuring a lot of the ESPN racing folks.
Here is the link to the Lifelock Racing website.
My digital guide says "Motorsports Explained: Indentity of a racing champion"
Looks like CLASSIC great old stuff. Thanks for bringing this up
If this is a paid advertisment, I want more of the same. This is a great show. Lots of vintage racing clips and great interviews. No way is this some kind of glorified commercial.
It's a shame they don't promote it at all.
Yes why IS IT ESPN just throws on such FANTASTIC SHOWS as an after thought and under the radar. This is the stuff real fans crave and long for!
Don't know if anyone has looked at the radar but it does not look good. The NW race may be on Monday, I live about a hour and 1/2 away and we got hammered here it was so dark I needed to turn on the lights. Since they can dry the track pretty fast ther might be hope but......
I am buds with Ryan McGee and I will email him and ask him about this program.
In my listings, it shows it as a paid special from LifeLock. From the footage used, I can tell you it looks like a NASCAR Media Group program.
This program should be used by ESPN if they get a rain delay or if a race runs short. When I get more info I will fill everyone in.
Well, NMG with Intersport. That was a good show.
My big question was why was Rusty shouting???? That was really irritating.
JD, speaking of ESPN2, did you see the Indy light series broadcast? It seems Bob Jenkins is doing to the Play-by-play.
Bob has being doing that series for several years now and he has not missed a beat.
I was hoping that we might see him step into a Nationwide Series race on ESPN2 when it is a stand-alone race. That would be great publicity for ESPN and I am sure he would do a great job.
Wishful thinking!
JD, to your comment about this show being listed as "paid-programing," I think that must be only in your local listings and a few others. My cable listings call it "Motorsports Explained: Identity of a Racing Champion" and is is listed as a "sports, non-event" type of program.
By the way, that looks like the same program that aired after the Indy 500.
JD, Bob works for IMS Productions & IMS Radio and probably won't work other ESPN events because of his turn announcing and pit road reporting duties there.
Unfortunate :(
I had taped it after Indy and watched it and really enjoyed it! I hope they do more of the same but ADVERSTISE it! The only reason I knew about it was because I was checking to make sure the DVR had all the scheduled shows and I saw it listed.
It was the same with the Chasing Glory show. I had done my occasional NASCAR search on my cable and found it.
Little birdie told me things are going very well between ESPN and Mr. Jenkins.
You just never know in TV land...
A replay of last week's race is on ESPN Deportes right now.
JD- I just happened to catch part of the program and thought it was very, very good. It seems to me this is exactly the type of show that could & should be replayed on E-Classic.
I understood that Ryan McGee was involved in the NASCAR Nation debacle on SPEED and was iritated with him as a result. HOWEVER, since I have found him writing for ESPN I have been REALLY impressed with him. He is both a very good and an interesting writer. Being a Richard Petty fan only since the hemi years, I really enjoyed what I saw of Ryan today - and especially his recent article on why The King should be higher than No. 6 on ESPN's all-time top 25 list of drivers.
He is a stand-up guy, I am going to try for an off-season Q&A with him in November.
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