The day is here and the Indy 500 TV programming is set to kick-off.
It will be ESPN2 up first at 11AM Eastern Time with one hour of pre-race programming. Then, ABC will take-over at Noon with another pre-race show and then the event itself.
This is traditionally one of the toughest programs for the ESPN crew that normally handles the IRL races to produce. First of all, Indy has their own in-house TV production company just like NASCAR. IMS Productions will handle the manpower and staff the equipment at the Speedway.
This has led to things being a bit off-balance on the TV side. For those fans who remember the pre-race programming from last year, nothing more needs to be said. This year the pre-race show will no doubt be a little better coordinated.
ABC likes to have a show host for big events, and once again TV viewers will be dealing with Brent Musburger. Although Musburger is clearly a lover of stick-and-ball sports, he has come to understand the Indy 500 quite well.
This fact may come as a surprise to NASCAR fans, who dealt with a clearly out-of-place Musburger in 2007. ESPN has not yet announced if Musburger will return to the ABC Sprint Cup package later this season.
Luckily, the telecast has Marty Reid in the play-by-play position. While he does not have the dramatic flair of a Paul Page or the pipes of a Bob Jenkins, what Reid does have among all types of racing fans is credibility. Beginning with his off-road days and the old SCORE Series, Reid has also been involved in ESPN's NHRA coverage, is the voice of the IRL and fills-in on NASCAR events as needed.
Last season, Reid was involved in the infamous NASCAR Busch Series race from TN where ESPN actually pulled the live broadcast off all the ESPN Networks as the track chaplain was delivering the opening invocation. Once again, college football and NASCAR proved they do not mix. The point being, Reid has dealt with his share of challenges in live racing on TV.
What has IRL fans buzzing and may well get new fans talking is the hilarious combination of personalities alongside of Reid in the Indy 500 booth. Scott Goodyear's reputation as a wholesome and all-around good guy is just as solid as Eddie Cheever's reputation as a guy who is so difficult to deal with he could upset Gandhi.
Both have solid open-wheel experience, but their differences in style and personality make the combination work quite well. Reid may have to spend some of his time calling the race and some of his time playing referee when things get intense. Finally, the ESPN/ABC group may have hit on an effective team of announcers in the booth.
Most fans know TV veteran Jack Arute and ESPN reporter Vince Welch. Those two will play a key role at Indy by handling the pit road stories. Both of these personalities have a lot of experience, and could wind-up being called-on if serious issues arise from on-track incidents. Let us hope that is not the case.
Borrowed from ESPN's NASCAR coverage will be Jamie Little to fill the third pit road role. Little has a tendency to get a bit loud and a bit intense at times when neither is needed. This season, she has done a great job of defining her on-air personality on the NASCAR trail. As a former IRL TV veteran, Little should have no problem fitting-in at this event.
Squarely on the pit road hot-seat is young Brienne Pedigo. Now heading into her second Indy 500, this daughter of Panther Racing's owner has been working hard to gain credibility with the audience. She cut her TV teeth on the USAC broadcasts on the Outdoor Channel and still has some work to do on her TV skills. Now, with a full field and lots of good racing teams, this Indy 500 will provide her some good content to develop as stories during the event.
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1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»Thanks for stopping by, this should be a very interesting day of racing on TV.
I have gotten two emails from the track this morning that the traffic is horrible.
Both journalists suggest that this may be the biggest Indy 500 crowd in many years.
Well, the day started right with an exciting Monte Carlo F1 race..little break then back to the couch!
I know this is a bit off topic, so I apologize JD. But one of the interesting things this weekend is the contrast in announcing crews that work the major races.
I always find it a bit disappointing that the best trio covers the race most Americans miss - F1. I wish Varsha and Co. got a little more love for the work they do.
I'd be interested to hear everybody else's opinion on the topic if it isn't too off topic.
Did anyone hear Varsha screaming to get rid of the in-car camera view during the F1 race? I was doing the same thing at that time.
In-car camera shots just should not be used except for replays.
It is tough for the SPEED guys because (just like Indy) the American TV network does not control the cameras.
I did F-1 for many years at ESPN and that is the biggest problem. Someone else far away is making the decision of what viewers will see...and they work for Bernie!
Great F1 race to start the day! I think that Varsha and the guys do a great job considering they have no control over the feed they get from F1. I could do with a little less of the McLaren cheerleading but other than that are fantastic.
By the way be sure to check some of the F1 sites for "scenery" pics from Monte Carlo :)
Also starting today Sirius is carrying the British radio coverage of F1 races. I forgot to turn it on to check it out today.
Hope that's not an omen for the day
Whats with Brent Musberger? Why is he there?
ABC always have a "show host" for the big events like Indy. This is much more than just a race, so Musburger is on-hand to handle the host role.
Some of the ESPN NASCAR guys are handling this broadcast. The pre-race is so much better than last year.
We will see how things go on ABC.
I really enjoyed the first hour on ESPN2. All the pit reporters did a good job and the ESPN guys kept Brent Musburger to a very tight script. Nice job.
Now over to ABC for the big telecast.
There was a little "revisionist history" going on in the timeline of the split and reunification of open wheel racing.
Ganassi and Penske competed as CART teams in the 500 in 2000 and 2001 - both years being won by Ganassi (Montoya and Castroneves). Brent, in his timeline, tried to make it sound like Ganassi and Penske "bolted" for the IRL in those years - not true... just pure revisionism.
If I remember, CART and Tony Stewart (as a non-IRL driver by then) took the top 8 spots in 2001.
And as far as I'm concerned, CART won three years in a row, since no one has yet convinced me that Paul Tracy didn't complete the pass on Castroneves before the yellow came out in 2002.
I could not agree with you more on that point.
One interesting note:
Musburger and Jack Arute know each other better than you might expect, they worked together for years in the fall when Jack was Brent's sideline reporter on ABC's Saturday afternoon college football, covering mainly Big Ten games.
I know it's a lost cause but can't Brent just retire to his ranch? I'm sure he's a nice guy and all but let's start a new tradition with the reunification and have a clean slate.
I wonder what Dixon and Wheldon were doing with that Diet Pepsi they kept putting in their mouths during their interviews? They never swallowed it.
Did I just hear the old Wide World of Sports Indy 500 music leading into breaks?
Since I live in Indy, I've got time to kill before Race Day starts on Speed - since I'm blacked out.
I've never understood the logic of blacking-out Indy. They'll still get over 200,000 to go to the race (or at least claim over 200,000).
I sure did sound like that tune!
Brent likes his role, but his ranch in killer. Nice lifestyle.
Musburger is on a very tight leash in this show. What a big difference that has made.
Was the ESPN2 show blacked-out as well?
WOW! I had not idea the Indy was blacked out on local tv. how could I not have known that....many years ago I had an aunt and uncle that live in the area...and don't remember that. Bummer.
I watched part of the F1 but fell back asleep...exciting race and yes, I LOVE those guys that cover the race.
I would've LOVED to have heard Varsha yelling about the in car cam. A man after my own heart. :-)
JD I hope attendence is indeed great this year for the 500.
Yikes. Sorry for the typos earlier.
Brent says the Buzz is because Danica...might be part of it but I hope it's the merger of OW as well.. Oh, well...as long as attendence and rating improve for this series I will be happy!
You can watch online but I don't know if it would be cool with JD to put the link here.
I think those guys know the way around the blackout, and that is the reason turning off the local ABC tv station and DirecTV is so hilarious.
No, the ESPN2 pre-race was on. In fact, some of the local TV stations are still broadcasting from the track - including the ABC afilliate. Just the race is blacked-out, with a replay later tonight.
Reminds me of my youth in Michigan, before the race was broadcasted live. We'd listen to the race in the afternoon, then watch the edited replay on ABC later that night. So I guess some things never change, except now I can hear the jets get ready for the fly-over.
Isn't that amazing in today's world?
Helio's Dancing with the Stars partner Julianne is singing the National Anthem today. She was with him in the parade yesterday. I think they are quite enjoying the "are they dating or aren't they" publicity they're getting (they're not, but it benefits both PR wise for people to wonder). She has an album releasing to stores this week, I think.
I think the interest in Indy this year is going to be higher. The finale of Dancing with the Stars -on ABC - was earlier this week and offered Helio plenty of face time as he ended his "reign" as the winner. And of course, the past two weeks on ABC primetime there have been plenty "You've seen him dance, now watch Helio race!" on ABC. He was also on Entertainment Tonight and other shows as their "reporter" for the finale.
Danica is the main story, yes, but Helio is not far behind. Danica has the male fans (and women who admire the accomplishment), but Helio currently has the women fans locked up. I think it's interesting that a lot of (male) TV commentators and racing writers ignored the Helio factor in ticket sales and TV viewing today. There were 22 million votes cast in the finale of Dancing with the Stars.
If Dixon, Wheldon or Kanaan, or either of the Rahal or Andretti "kids" win, the mainstream media will (sadly) yawn tomorrow. They'll cover it, but just because they have to. If Danica or Helio wins today, you can expect CRAZY post race coverage tonight, tomorrow, and all of next week. For NASCAR's sake, their execs are probably crossing their fingers that one of those two doesn't win.
OK. You know one of the things I always look forward to as a kid was listening to the race on the radio then watching that night on the tv.
No screaming rock band on the patio this time for driver introductions. Let's see how the drivers handle it.
Wow, what a change! That was great.
I sure hope Marco got a boat load of money to wear that firesuit :)
How much money was the hat worth?
What a feature that was . . .
What did you guys think of that feature right before the race?
I hear since Indy got rid of the Snakepit (whatever that meant) the vulgarties and crude behavior or rock bands OVER the PA system is a real problem. You think Tony George would find more respectful bands to play...or whomever is in charge would.
The complaints fill up RMillers email box apparently.
Ok I am alreayd TIRED of this XM commercial..happens every time we watch the IRL race but honestly...can't they come up with a SECOND commercial? this one looks low budget.
I missed part of the segment, JD..you mean the ones where they talked about possibility of injury or worse for the drivers/family?
Didn't care for that in the pre-race personally. Kind of bad taste especially with this weekend honoring those who died in service to their country.
I thought the piece about driver risk was ok...but the timing and placement could've been better...like not today.
I liked the Helio segment, too but I have always liked him. It was great getting to see MORE of his personality from DWTS.
That's why I feel we need MORE SHOWS to feature OW drivers.
It's fun to get to know the personalities. And Helio is so familiar, he doesn't seem like such a foreigner...if that makes sense...and we like familiarity...as long as it is not over done.
Seems it's a cross-promotion with Blockbuster, you can buy a hat there :)
Question for anyone who might know, is Mr. Nabors back in better health this year?
I wonder if the IRL site will be able to handle the traffic for the streaming and scoring today.
That Dave Callabro can sure sing!
Nabors has not attended to sing Back on The Farm in Indiana for years...they use recording...don't think that has changed but haven't heard about this year.
Living in Hawaii it's a huge trip!
Anybody else having a problem witht the ABC HD picture being very distorted?
The left side of the pic is on the right side is on the left.
It is split 50/50.
My other channels are fine.
ABC / WLS - Chicago DirecTV
bevo: Re: Monaco Grand Prix.
Also enjoyed the race although I thought Varsha and Company dwelled too much over reporting the fastest lap times. It is no mystery that cars run faster on a dry track with slick tires than in the rain!
I have no problem with the ABC/ESPN pit crew except for Jack Arute who apparently also has a second job as PR director for the IRL.
Football sized flag? My close captioning said "Football field sized flag"
What a different a word makes.":)
Good Lord! Never let her sing the anthem again.
Correct me if I'm way off on this, but doesn't the Purdue marching band traditionally accompany the singing of the national anthem?
I agree about the anthem..I could tell by how she was playing with the melody it was not going to be great. Should have had a military band play it, imo.
Great to see Jim Nabors in person!! Cool beans.
What a voice.
That kind of bugged me too about the speeds.
As far as Arute goes if you heard him uncensored on satellite radio you might change your mind, funny and twisted :)
Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Good Lord! Never let her sing the anthem again.
LOL That's why she's a ballroom dancer (a very good one too-she's won two DWTS championships, not just with Helio). But she's "famous" and she wanted to record a CD... so she gets a record deal and gets to record a CD. That's the way fame works nowadays.
Her CD came out earlier this week apparently.
Sarah stalled
Remember on Andy Griffith, when Gomer said "Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!"
It was great to see Jim back...for those who didn't know he had a liver transplant back in 1994 but has other health issues. I was shocked but pleasantly so to see him back in PERSON!
Wow I am glad Sarah got her car started. Really STINKS her sponsor never sent her the money...I could not believe that when I read it.
Would have been better if they just stayed with the sound of the engines and moved through the grid instead of Brent talking over it.
display problem resolved at 12:05. We are all good now.
I do wish racing broadcasts would GET that we like hearing the car engines over yakking or MUSIC...instead of bumper music, imagine turned up engine volume instead.
Is Mr. Drama going to be on this entire broadcast?
Geez...next month, Bill weber.
Too bad NASCAR uses restricter plates...The sheer speed really is awesome!
I didn't hear about Sarah's sponsor not sending her the money but we have heard that quite a few times lately in Nascar. Yes, I had to mute the national anthem I believe a military band would have been much better and a great rendition from Jim Nabors. I like Marty Reid but don't care for Eddie Cheever or Scott Goodyear.
IS anyone gonna mention schekter's father and his racing lineage?????
Lap 8??
o to have side by side in nascar...
When I heard debris i was gonna post SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE and lo, and behold..they did.
Wow - did they just pull out of side-by-side due to pitstops?
NASCAR has NO IDEA what they are missing not having side by side.
I am tired of their excuses because I tell you what, you see the commercial and rarely leave the room with the side by side. That's what I love about Indy races.
I DO wish they could get a handle on headsets and background noise for these announcers...seems huge problem for ESPN/ABC this year.
Not pitting because they are hunting for a mirror off the back up I'd bet!!
She may need a little more practice at that. Good one Eddie!
Ok..i take back my OK comment about the segment on Race risks/death...I only caught part of it but did not know they interviewed the widows of those killed on the track.
Not a good day to show that...like bevo said..wrong weekend as well.
Man, HATE seeing SARAH's bad luck. MOST FRUSTRATING.
The only prob with side by side is that on the HD feed the box is so small, I actually get a bigger picture in the regular feed. That said small picture is better than no picture.
Pit reporters doing a good job getting information so far
This certainly is a very good vibe going-on with the ABC gang.
The pictures are great, the announcers have been on the money and even Jamie Little has been low key.
I cannot remember the last time that an Indy 500 pre-race show was that organized and easy to watch.
NO complaining about side-by-side>>>It's great
Funny coming from Eddie "the king of mistakes" He always had an excuse though
I am off to the other room to watch so i can pay better attention to the race.
Will be back here if I miss something or need information!
Kind of an odd camera and angle to use there on the front stretch
local breaks suck with no SBS
bevo said...
Kind of an odd camera and angle to use there on the front stretch
agreed -- that confused me as well. not sure if it was intended to show the grandeur of the moment or what but it was certainly . . . interesting.
last commercial break did not have side by side for me here in philly. is that the norm? i thought irl always used side by side in commercial break?
(and jd? any info from mike joy in re: those inside walls at lowe's? just wondering if you'd heard back. i'm assuming mike joy is a tad busy but it'd be nice to know the answer. thanks.)
awesome cablecam on the pit stop approach
I agree JD, it works for the pit row. Not so much for the time before.
He said they put atenuators (sp?) on the end because they had not finished building the walls.
Each one is custom made and they should be done for the fall race.
Look for big rubber kind of things on the end of the backstretch inner walls.
Mike also said the crowd was coming in and the weather should be fine.
Nice to hear Marty's spotter :)
Great job pulling up AJ4's other fuel fire incident so fast.
Boy, yellows lasting sooo long
I don't usually mention production names, but ESPN has made it very public. ESPN veteran Neil Goldberg is producing the race today and he is leading a very good effort.
The stories are being told, the announcers are outstanding and the video choices are solid.
You have to wonder if the big changes in NASCAR have had an effect on the lack of hype and showbiz stuff that is in this race.
daly planet editor said...
He said they put atenuators (sp?) on the end because they had not finished building the walls.
Each one is custom made and they should be done for the fall race.
Look for big rubber kind of things on the end of the backstretch inner walls.
so. i'm thinking that means that those open ends of the walls have been protected with the attenuators but the walls themselves are still awaiting the fall update. good to know and many thanks for getting back to me.
now, back to a very good indy!
Daly Planet Editor said...
I don't usually mention production names, but ESPN has made it very public. ESPN veteran Neil Goldberg is producing the race today and he is leading a very good effort.
The stories are being told, the announcers are outstanding and the video choices are solid.
You have to wonder if the big changes in NASCAR have had an effect on the lack of hype and showbiz stuff that is in this race.
With all that has happened with the series in the last months should have really pumped them up to put everything into this production. I'm sure they see this as a turning point for them and the INDY cars.
Another great job with the replay, plus we got to see the front stretch camera
I really like the cable cam being used on pit road.
Yep, I am truly amazed at the turn-a-round this season.
The mess that was Todd Harris with Musburger and loud rock bands and awkward moments is totally gone.
This smacks of a good NASCAR telecast. The side-by-side is outstanding, and must make Mr. France cringe.
We are now going to have to watch three hours of NASCAR where every commercial will be full screen.
I have a killer pic of that. I will use it on the wrap-up column that will be up after the race.
It was big of Indy to let them use it and it is so high in the air its amazing.
I would think INDY car is set to become #2 to F1 everywhere except the USA. The list of countries represented in the race is impressive plus 3 females.
Notice they don't have a cute little graphic every time they use the cable cam and they haven't named it? :)
my nerdy friend from Canada....I knew it couldn't last!
Yes, but they do have the " Go Daddy Trivia
question"!!! and the frontstrech camera is sponsored by DIRECTV
"My nerdy friend from Canada"
Great line by Cheever!
BTW I'm a big Goodyear fan
My nerdy friend from Canada"
Only because Cheever has not been able to get any of the answers all month.
Actually DirecTV is a big sponsor for the IRL at all of the races and their website.
I can handle the mentions, I'm just thankful everything doesn't have an action graphic every time it's used.
That wheel shouldn't have broken off.
Hope they have a pit reporter follow up on the wheel. It should have been tethered.
I'm starting to get a little tired of Danicamania. Anyone else?
"We are now going to have to watch three hours of NASCAR where every commercial will be full screen."
Three hours? Try 4 and 1/2 to 5 hours plus prerace. We've never made it through a CC 600 without nodding off at least once or switching to another channel for a while yet. The kids flat out won't watch it (they'll eat the food we cook, but won't watch more than 30 minutes of the race, they watch movies or play games.) We watch it when we're in town because it's a NASCAR race and we're NASCAR fans, but it's really too long.
interestingly enough ESPN had the cable cam for the 400 last year (I was there just like I'm at the 500 now) I didn't see it used on the broadcast but it was definitely installed in the same place as the current one.
well, i do sit in on irl from time to time b/c our youngest daughter is a big fan. and i have to say: this is an amazing broadcast job by the booth/truck -- wherever the guys are today! smooth, good camera angles, announcers on the game, intelligent use of crew/driver radio. as i say, i do watch quite a bit of irl and this broadcast continues the pattern of a great show. methinks nascar broadcast partners are being given a master class today! good job, guys and gals!
I don't think it's been out of proportion today. They've done a very good job covering most of the field today.
Couple of things
1. The overhead on pit lane is phenomal.
2. The crowd is amazing. While I see some empty areas its offset by the infield which is way more packed than I've ever seen.
3. I hope you Nascar fans see what a real safety team can be like. The cars are basically still grinding to a halt and the safety team is almost there. And this is with cars still on the track. It is a complete and total joke how Nascar refuses to have a safety team.
4. The yellow flags are long as someone mentioned but these cars tend to distengrate and send a ton parts all over the track.
Tim Hartigan
Fort Lauderdale, Fl
Someday NASCAR will have a safety team??!!! Can't believe they don't yet. Same with ethanol or some other alternative fuel!!
Will people be leaving the 500 broadcast to watch RACEDAY??
Not me
PIP...its all the rage.
I don't normally watch this race, but happened to run into it during a commercial break.
I love the split screen 1/3 / 2/3 race to commercial ratio.
NASCAR, listen up!!!
Daly Planet Editor said...
PIP...its all the rage.
Don't you need 2 cable boxes tp pull that off?
I don't normally watch this race, but happened to run into it during a commercial break.
I love the split screen 1/3 / 2/3 race to commercial ratio.
NASCAR, listen up!!!
The day I stop watching the Indy 500 to listen to Jimmy Spencer is the day I realize I'm really not interested in the sport of auto racing at all.
Marty Reid is doing a great job of capturing the increasing intensity at the race.
Anonymous said...
The day I stop watching the Indy 500 to listen to Jimmy Spencer is the day I realize I'm really not interested in the sport of auto racing at all.
May 25, 2008 2:59 PM
NASCAR needs to protect their sponsors and say "no" for them with respect to side by side. No doubt fans would retaliate against a sponsor that may not be comfortable in getting their money's worth with side-by-side ads.
Thinking there has been some "sandbagging" going on here through the 1st half of the race
Oh TK toasted! Good job coming back in from SBS too! Kudos again ABC
Marco strikes again!
Boy, this could get ugly down there
This was in the paper the other day:
Rich Feinberg, ABC/ESPN vice president for motor sports — which also covers NASCAR — says he's often asked why Indy-car racing is the only U.S. circuit that offers side-by-side coverage. NASCAR, which allows broadcasters to jump out of commercials for live coverage of any really big action, occasionally has side-by-side race coverage.
"We'd like to do it with NASCAR," Feinberg says. "They have to give us permission. We're in ongoing discussions about creative ways we could do it so it wouldn't be a one-time stunt."
Cmon NASCAR!!! The ads are still the main focus on the screen today and they come in loud and clear. Convince your sponsors to give it a chance. It's the only way most fans won't get up and take a break or fast forward through on DVR.
You may think that saying no to side by side is "protecting the sponsor", but allowing side by side protects the sponsors even more becasuse it takes away the natural inclination to leave the tv to go to kitchen, bathroom, etc. at ever commercial break.
Great job - breaking into the commercial to cover the accident.
Looked like TK got on the brakes and lost it.
Michael - that's why Graham doesn't race for Bobby.
They should come back with Marco at Sonoma last year
Great interview with TK.
Wendy is talking to Humpy on Raceday
Havent we heard about all we are going to hear from Humpy Wheeler ??
Evidently I missed something in the replay, but it looked to me as if Marco got a run on TK and just got underneath him.
The "experts" obviously disagree with me.
Sorry JD but Wendy could be interviewing Elvis after discovering he's actually been living in Mooresville the last 30 years. No way I'm switching to Raceday.
Havent we heard about all we are going to hear from Humpy Wheeler ??
Yea..Two ultra rich guys having a hissy fit.
The problem is where he did it, in the turn.
Marco has had problems playing nice with his teammates before when there was no need for it. I think it has more to do with not being focused for the whole race, not much awareness on his part.
haus: well, i agree with you. but, since andretti apologized, maybe he also thought he screwed up? i don't have a pony in this show but it certainly seemed like andretti had the speed and, if it were in nascar, i would have said that kaanan should have lifted. that being said: we appear to be in the minority here.
the one i feel REALLY badly for is sarah fisher. sure hope this doesn't end her ownership. let's hope that the media gets on board with her effort and she gets to kentucky!
bevo: i'll give you that it was in the turn, that makes what the announcers were saying more intelligent -- or at least understandable. thanks for the clarification.
My follow up question is what was Marco to do? Should he have lifted? It looked as if he would have run over TK.
haus: only answer is 'he should have lifted, fallen in line behind TK and waited until the next chance.' (of course, i think TK might have lifted as well. and where was fisher's spotter? or is that 'too nascar'?)
So, here comes the stretch run for the TV crew. Everyone is tired and grumpy with a long way to go.
Marty is going to have to continue his great performance.
I think this is a wonderful thing you are doing for the open-wheel fans.
I have been to the Indy 500 and appreciate the tradition and history. I am not a fan and do not follow any of the open-wheel series.
When I go to a dirt track, I enjoy anything that gets on the track.
I have read most of the comments and seems that everyone is ejoying this comment area.
High five, JD :)
Yes he (Marco) should have lifted just a bit. These cars have a lot more responsiveness than Cup cars. You don't rely on momentum that much.
As far as Fisher's spotter she really didn't have much of a chance. If you catch it in real time you'll see how fast it happened.
Tony Stewart once said the difference between driving an Indy car and a Cup car was something like the difference between driving a Sherman tank and a Corvette :)
Anonymous said...
Sorry JD but Wendy could be interviewing Elvis after discovering he's actually been living in Mooresville the last 30 years. No way I'm switching to Raceday.
May 25, 2008 3:19 PM
Ha. I was just visiting a board for a VERY popular driver where they mention every mention of him on TV and someone mentioned raceday is on. Everybody was like, eh...no way we're switching from Indy. I was surprised.
They're all talking about poor Sarah Fisher and how gracious Tony Kanaan was in his interview and Danica is right to tell her crew to make her car faster.
Sorry RaceDay, you're out of luck today. I'm sure everyone will be back next week though.
Great broadcast indeed!
NO fancy graphics, or bells and whistles to GUNK UP THE SCREEN.
the side by side is the best.
I almost cried when they interviewed Sarah...Jamie asking about the emotion involved and could she explain it or something...jamie must not have gotten the memo Sarah's sponsor screwed her out of their check and she has borrowed from Friends, family and OTHERS to get to this point.
What an action paced race.
It's going to be hard for me not to tape NASCAR and ff thru the commercials after this broadcast....
Or get that DVR JD keeps buggin me about...lol. :-)
For right now, it looks as if the closest you will get to side by side in NASCAR is Hot Pass.
It isn't perfect and it obviously is an extra expense, but you do get to see the action more than compared to full screen commercials.
As someone who is not a regular IRL viewer, I certainly am impressed by both the MED team and the clean-up crew.
I haven't read all the comments but has anyone noticed Eddie & Scott getting along pretty famously? Goodyear seems at times a bit deferential to Cheever, but Eddie is also playing nice for a change.
Their comments on the pre-race spot about crashes/injuries/deaths were quite poignant.
Interesting race!
Fisher losing sponsor is old news..They replaced them with new sponsors for the race today>>>
Fisher gets sponsor for Indy 500
Herald News Services
Published: Friday, May 23, 2008
- Motorsport - After having a sponsor go back on their word and never send in the money, Sarah Fisher finally got some good news Thursday.
Text 4 Cars.com, an automobile resale site that provides information on various cars to prospective customers, agreed to sponsor Fisher's car in Sunday's 92nd Indianapolis 500.
"I was so happy I was skipping across the race shop today," Fisher said Thursday. "The guys at the shop got on me because they had just finishing cleaning the floor for a sponsor event tonight.''
I understand but some of us are happy with cable EXCEPT for the plethora of junk and commercials on NASCAR.
AND IRL cares enough about fans to CONTINUE to do side by side and not make us fork out extra.
WOW..horrible crash that went onto pit road.
JD Yes, the emergency crews from NASCAR could learn a lot from these guys but I have heard that for years. It's either Indy or F1 that has a beam in the helmet of drivers..so if there is NO movement of head after a wreck, the haul ASAP to reach him.
Thanks again JD for this Indy race special. I am a fan of IRL and a bigger one with the merger.
Daly Planet Editor said...
As someone who is not a regular IRL viewer, I certainly am impressed by both the MED team and the clean-up crew.
May 25, 2008 3:57 PM
Yes, big difference in a world class med team vs local EMT's at each NASCAR race
That was her sponsor before Friday, the one she has on the car today stepped in to cover her (text4cars). She got her money for Indy but maybe not for Kentucky.
Whoops! Someone beat me to it about Fisher.
daly planet editor said...
As someone who is not a regular IRL viewer, I certainly am impressed by both the MED team and the clean-up crew.
best is the business, jd, best in the business. as an earlier post noted, these guys are at the car quickly, sometimes even before it rolls to a stop!
The med teams also travel with every driver's extensive medical record and history so they have it if they have to go to a local hospital. That counters NASCAR's claim that local EMTs know the local medical treatments better and the driver will get better treatment. They might know where the local hospitals are, but they don't know the actual patients like the IRL docs do.
Ryan Newman and Tony Stewart have really pushed NASCAR for a med team, but...nope.
thanks I knew that it was her sponsor from earlier in the month that pulled out..I should've been more clear.
but I hadn't gotten the update that somebody came to bat for her on Friday.
Glad to hear that.
funny not much on J. Andretti or M. Duno running lead lap in top 20!
The big advantage IRL med teams have is they know the complete medical histories of every driver and have built up a working relationship with them.
Why are we not "side-by-side"?
Sophia, you may be interested to know NASCAR quietly pulled the approval for the guy - Gunselman- who crashed into Dario (who I miss seeing today in either race). He can no longer drive on NASCAR superspeedways.
--Gunselman is now only approved for tracks 1.5-mile in length or shorter, NASCAR officials said. He had previously been approved for all tracks in the series.
Gunselman has not raced since the Talladega incident. He was subsequently released by his MSRP Motorsports team.
SophiaZ123 said...
thanks I knew that it was her sponsor from earlier in the month that pulled out..I should've been more clear.
but I hadn't gotten the update that somebody came to bat for her on Friday.
Glad to hear that.
May 25, 2008 4:08 PM
Which leads to why Jamie didn't ask" What the hell you crying about girl..you just got over $200,000 for starting"
anonymous said...
Why are we not "side-by-side"?
i think i posted that same question earlier -- i know i THOUGHT it. does it have anything to do with local versus network commercial breaks? anyone?
Hopefully some of yall will catch an IRL race in person some time. We've had some of the best races ever down here at Texas, three aside for 10 laps at a time and amazingly close finishes. Even had a fight in Victory Lane between a driver and an old coot owner ;)
Anonymous said...
Why are we not "side-by-side"?
May 25, 2008 4:11 PM
1 local break per hour..local breaks not SBS
Thanks, I thought it might be a local break but wasn't sure.
Yep, no side by side for local breaks
You know if she never had to pit Danica would have about a dozen wins :)
anon 4:13 -- gee, i dunno. maybe she's crying because $200K isn't gonna cover her cost for being there today and have enough left over to get her to kentucky to race. as with any owner/driver, the finances will stress you out way before the racing does. having to find a sponsor race to race takes your focus away your racing -- just ask the nascar teams in the same situation.
Danica's out of the race, and so am I.
anon 4:20 -- ahh, c'mon back! there's still a lotta racing going on. please don't tell me you "only watch for danica"? please?
Danica appears to be showing a little Hamlin out there
I kind of like this girl a lot more now....
red said...
anon 4:13 -- gee, i dunno. maybe she's crying because $200K isn't gonna cover her cost for being there today and have enough left over to get her to kentucky to race. as with any owner/driver, the
+++ the sponsor money
I was flipping channels what pi.....off Danika
2.5 mil to the winner? WOW!
2.5 mil to the winner? WOW!
One dead bug there!
Time for Marty Reid to make his money. His words will be recorded and used forever.
This should be good.
Think these drivers are wound so tight for all that the 500 means to an open wheel driver. I don't think we see as much emotion (highs & lows) in any other race
JD, are the crews and families on the pits watching the broadcast feed or an in house feed? It would be real annoying if I was trying to watch my team and I was suddenly watching myself.
wow, this is a badly timed commercial break.
If Meira wins there will be a lot of smiles down in the pits.
i was thinking the same thing
They have ABC, the IMS and scoring.
newracefan said...
I was flipping channels what pi.....off Danika
well, that'll teach you to flip channels on indy 500!
danica got pinched coming off pit road by brisco and was . . . most unhappy. in my opinion, she was correctly placed in the fast lane following her pit stop and he came too far out exiting his pit and just nailed her. broke her suspension and that was that.
as for the rest? well, announcers have now called her a "firebrand." does anyone even USE that sort of language in america anymore? loved the way it took the big mahoff to 'convince' her to jump back over the wall!
I really like that guy, he is a real racer all the time. Boy, this commercial was a BIG mistake.
In case anyone from Blogger is listening. It would be nice to have an auto refresh option on the blog site.
haus20 said...
In case anyone from Blogger is listening. It would be nice to have an auto refresh option on the blog site.
Hit your F5 button. Refreshes quickly.
Get ready for some breathtaking passes :)
Thanks Red I can't get my PIP to work, guess I'll have to read the manual
Great job by the booth!
I predict complaints?
I know that...I am saying it would be nice to not have to hit the f5 button.
And no one else finished the race so I could see his wife?
I see they took lessons from Fox for the finish.
I guess if your not first you don't get shown crossing the line in Indy car either
Be nice to see who finished second.
They blew the end... I can't believe it after a near perfect broadcast they don't show the finish!
what?? they did show the finsih. and come on, we all know who finished 2nd.
I REALLY needed to see that flagman wave the checkers for 5econds and the hugging women. KUMBAYA ESPN. You stink!!!
I invest all this time and you can't show the guys finish?????
How can they be so ------- stupid not to show the end???
They did such a fantastic job the whole day and fart it away!
The complaints seem to be a little less than ones during a FOX broadcast regarding the finish. why is that?
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