Here we go, the first of six races in the summer six-pack of Cup events on TNT. Last season, this is where the TV portion of the season took a wrong turn. This year, TNT vows to change course and relate to the viewers at home in a very different way.
TNT's own Marc Fein will host Larry McReynolds from the TNT mobile stage in the infield. Fein and Bill Weber will combine to host the ninety minutes of pre-race programming TNT will present before every race. The pre-race shows will be a mix of live interviews and pre-produced features.
Once the coverage is underway, Bill Weber will call the play-by-play action with Kyle Petty and Wally Dallenbach in the booth. Down on pit road will be Lindsay Czarniak, Matt Yocum, Ralph Shaheen and Marty Snider. TNT will used McReynolds to show technical issues with a cut-a-way car.
TNT will actively invite viewers to use their broadband computers to sign-up for RaceBuddy. This free page will have four camera angles live that viewers can choose, and an in-car camera that will change as viewers vote for different drivers. It will also include email sent directly to Larry McReynolds at the race, and offers fans a change to email video questions to be used on the telecast.
RaceBuddy is available by going to NASCAR.com, and this is a very brave experiment with the fans to see if they will respond to an active online companion to the TV broadcast.
This post will serve to host your comments about the entire TNT presentation both online and on TV. To add your opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button below. The rules for posting are listed on the right side of the main page. Thank you for taking the time to participate with us in this forum.
1 – 200 of 534 Newer› Newest»So, Hinder's back, albeit with an opening that focuses more on race highlights than Hinder itself.
Before everyone emails me about it, here is the scoop.
After two hours, John Roberts ended the NASCAR RaceDay on SPEED by asking viewers to turn the channel over to Fox and watch the Formula-1 race. Wow!
What he was saying, without saying it, was that the next ninety minutes of TNT pre-race was going to be the exact same content RaceDay had just finished talking about. So, fans could go watch the F-1 race and then come back for the actual NASCAR event.
Got to wonder if Roberts talked to anyone about that before he did it, or it was just a silent protest on the fact that RaceDay has been pushed so much earlier because of TNT?
I bet that got the attention of the TNT execs.
So he promoted his network's show(Fox ie Speed) F1. You really think this is strange? I know you try hard to trash...but this seems like a stretch, even more than your shirts problem!
How naive are you?
Well, it *is* a NASCAR show, so you'd think that promoting a non-NASCAR event that overlaps with the NASCAR race would be foolish/look bad.
Please do not email me questions about RaceBuddy. Use the link on the NASCAR.com website if you are having problems. Thanks.
Is it just me, or is this pre-race show in TNT disjointed?
There is no continuity, no flow. It just jumps from one thing to another. Like the piece on the Roush ARCA driver --- where did that come from?
And what on earth are the guys doing out in the heat with jackets on!
I don't understand why the decision was made to move Raceday...ESPN runs NFL Gameday all the way up to 1:00 p.m. on NFL Sundays even though FOX and CBS have pre-game shows that are also broadcasting at the same time.
Racebuddy link if you are having trouble getting the live feed. http://www.tnt.tv/sports/nascar/racebuddy08_live/
I just posted this on the wrong spot and am re posting here...I missed the beginning of this show..what is the temp of this Race.
the F1 race on Fox does not start until 1pm...odd for JR to say but I am sure he was told to say something.
Also since the guys are NOT in A/C must they wear jackets? Do all sports guys wear jackets when it's in the 90's and muggy as hello?
I do not know my sports dress but know when they are not in AC in hot weather and in hot coats, I do wonder.
I guess we are back to last years ESPN/SPEED pretend each other does not exist with TNT and SPEED. ODD since they share people on the tv.
I like the different video clips but I agree with TRL there is no flow.
Did you read my earlier column about SPEED and TNT? You might get a kick out of that.
One thing is for sure, those guys are going to be hot after four hours outside on that set. Whew...
TBS - very funny - WTF?
Now the cutaway car is a commercial!
Got a little TNT/NASCAR.com/SPEED deal going here.
Did you notice the SPEED videos now appearing on NASCAR.com?
Had to be a trade-off to move the highest rated pre-race show just for six weeks.
Wait until things really get underway, everything is going to be a commercial.
I'd rather watch them do turn 10 at Villeneuve thanks :)
Actually did switch over to TNT for a few minutes before the F1 race started. Thats with the stage they have set up? Looks like junk. Heck low budget Speed stages look 100 times better. That banner on the very top of the desk is so distracting. Never mind whats below it.
OH, yes, JD, I did read that column--- you mean you didn't hear me laughing all the way to Florida?
Ok this pride of nascar is nice and all - but if you are gonna have a 1 1/2 hour pre race, get in the drivers meetings, show the track - not this old canned stuff that was probably put together 3 months ago. Just do somethign relevant - if anything run all the commercials now!
Does this feature on Bobby Allison look a lot like The Real Deal?
Great Larry Mac Interview with Bobby Allison!
Larry Mac and Kyle are going to be the best part of this package. Those guys just have so much experience between them.
Why so much canned stuff? Yes, I liked the interview with Bobby, but it's nothing new.
Can you say "copycat"? TNT isn't coming up with anything new.
When I see Kyle like this, I wonder how much more effective he would be on Tradin' Paint without his hat on and dressed in adult clothes. He really does look and sound good on-camera.
I switched over from the F1 race to catch the last half of this interview with Allison...are they ONLY doing canned stuff..nothing relevant about today's drivers??
This time gap from RaceDay to the race is off putting...even though I missed most of RaceDay for various reasons...can't watch TV NON STOP...it's just so bloody HOT I can hardly watch these guys OUTSIDE in jackets...ludicrous
JD, I get the quid pro quo on the change in time on Raceday, but is some Speed videos on Nascar.com worth the compromise?
Maybe time will tell, but I know how to get to Speed.com - maybe it is just me.
Ok, now back to the program that is supposed to be Nascar on TNT Live! Oh, wait, I mean All State Countdown to green. Huh???
pride of nascar featuring bobby allison: THAT'S what i'm talking about! this was the sole reason i watched pre-race last season on tnt and the featurette as picked up where it left off last year.
these guys will not live forever and how tragic if someone doesn't sit down and talk to them the way larry mac sat down w/bobby.
We just got a preview what the next 6 weeks will be like "Watch me Bill "tag along" Engval on TBS - Now lets get back to racing boys! Dibs on the number of times they will show that today? I say over 20
Bill H
PS Sponser be danged - Denny take off the shades - you look like tom cruise in risky business
I vote NO. I think SPEED should have kept RaceDay right up against the start time of the race.
The ratings were up and so much of the show in the final hour depended on the drivers going to intros and talking with Wendy. Did you notice that today? RaceDay was a completely different show.
Anyone having Trackside flashbacks?
TNT Should invest in a closed pit studio like ESPN and FOX. I mean the wind is rediculous. You can hear it, and they guys have to hold on to their papers for deer life!
I love seeing the older drivers from the sport and am glad I caught the bit with Allison....BUT are they hearing from the garage and today's drivers as well?
I am channel hopping with the F1 race...but I thought Larry Mac did a nice interview...copycat or not.
But somebody go up there and take off those jackets, long sleeved shirts and some short sleeved cotton shirts, lol. It is like NoLa outside here today in Ohio. Ughy muggy.
Hope they talk about hydration for the race on TNT...gotta be a hot one there.
Bill H said:
PS Sponser be danged - Denny take off the shades - you look like tom cruise in risky business
and, might i add, it's rude. i don't care who the sponsor is, i don't care who the driver is. i was taught and we taught our children that, when you talk with someone, you TAKE OFF your sunglasses. period. hook 'em in the collar of the firesuit, wear 'em on top of your head -- whatever. just do not leave them on your face. i am always disappointed when my driver neglects to remove his, altho' he's one of the best at taking them off for an interview.
there is no excuse for bad manners -- not even for a sponsor!
When they first announced the outdoor stage, everyone was puzzled. What happens when it rains? Remember Bestwick and company with the lightning behind them a couple of weeks ago?
JD Didn't the same thing happen last year? I seem to remember a lot of interviews from the motorcoach lot until ESPN started and then they directly competed
It was the first time that SPEED moved the show right up against both TNT and ESPN. It worked.
Amazing that they backed-off this season. Should be interesting to see what they do for the ESPN portion.
Yeesh. I can't believe some of the comments on here. I think the guys look rather nice in their jackets and it's only in the 80's at the track right now. The set looks fine to me, too. It's simple with just enough Castrol/GTX logos who IS the sponsor of the pre-race show. And Castrol/GTX is some of the best motor oil on the market, in my opinion. I've used it faithfully in my vehicles for years. At least they are not saying 'Sunoco fuel' every five seconds and pushing the 'Digger cam' like the other network. Content-wise, I like the show so far. It doesn't seem disjointed to me. The bit with Bobby Allison is similar to what they did last year with Kyle Petty doing those segments and among the many race fans I correspond with, it was a huge hit.
So far, so good. For this fan, anyway. I'll continue to watch the TNT pre-race show each weekend.
Mr. Weber is coming up next for the second pre-race show.
Is EriK back?
That stage looks like a carnival ride. I expect it to start spinning any moment. And there's Bill Weber checking everyone height to be sure they can "ride" the stage.
Bill H
"We will see how it all plays out"
ok...nice to hear it is not so hot in Penn...I missed the temperature.
Jackets are doable if it's low humidity and and in the 80's I guess. but when it feels like 94 outside here...I just figured most of the country was like this since it's been hot in DC and NYC too.
Thanks for the weather temp update.
Anon, what really bothered you about the Sonoco stuff? Was it Mike Joy's connection to the product? TV announcers mention the series sponsors like Goodyear and Sonoco all the time.
What made you nuts about it?
oops, sorry for the spelling
Pre-Race show from the booth? Talk about cramped space.
There was a story Friday or Saturday on nascar.com about the sunglasses. Turns out, as many posters have theorized in the past, that most drivers have sunglasses endorsement deals, and they're very enthusiastic about these deals because of the free expensive sunglasses and related branded apparel they receive. Some of the drivers have entire lines of sunglasses named after them.
So they're going to do what the sunglass companies want, which is wear them as much as possible on TV for endorsement purposes.
Unless NASCAR stops them. But since NASCAR hasn't stopped the tracks from allowing ministers to say the names of race sponsors during prayers/invocation (truly tacky), I doubt they'll do anything about the sunglasses.
It looks as if they are in someone's cluttered garage.
What's with the tiny round cocktail table for two?..or is it a table for one?:-)
That looks odd.
And that annoying spinning graphic behind Weber...if they would've not put that in the budget...could've gotten a larger table, I'll bet.
Ok..I am nitpicking maybe? But it's hot...I need some ice coffee or tea.
It's storming in the area right now, so I've been in the dark on DirecTV since Countdown to Green began; I really wanted to see how they did, too.
I just think it is strange to have the pre-race show from the booth. I remember they used to put Weber up on the roof with a desk for the pre-race show back in 2006.
Good point. The TV networks used to ask the drivers to take off the shades for inside interviews like NASCAR Now or Countdown.
As we have documented this season so often, the shades issue is a tough one.
Rumor is that Kasey Khane was advised not to wear shades in TV interviews because he could make more money "selling" his look with his nice eyes. I guess everything is ultimately for sale huh?
sophia....decaf please...its a long race!
I have to disagree with most of you, I actually enjoyed that pre-race show.
As far as showing these taped segments rather than news on the track.. well, that's what the second pre-race show is for.. hopefully.
I really enjoyed the Pride of NASCAR feature again. It may be like the Real Deal, but not everyone tunes in to watch RaceDay. You can call it copying, but for me personally, I did not see the segment with Allison on RaceDay, so this was nice to see.
And so far so good with RaceBuddy. The feed is only off slightly, which is much better than what I had anticipated.
My only complaint is that the music is a little too loud to hear whomever is talking.
anon 1:33 -- yep, read that article as well. but it's still a rude behavior in my world -- and now my driver just failed to take his glasses off! arrgggh.
it could be "managed" if nascar chose to (which is the core of your point) and the fact that it isn't may say a little something about the mindset of the powers that be in the sport. but, as a fan, i find it very disrespectful and it will remain unacceptable to me. nothing i can do about changing it but i do object.
and i agree about the invocations: as i've said many a time before, i seriously doubt that God give a rat's patootie about who's sponsoring the race -- and you DO know how small a rat's patootie is, right?!?
Is anyone else having the problem of VERY low volume on the HotPass national feed channel?
Bill Weber mic is messed up.
Bill Weber mic is messed up.
Sounds like Weber's mic bit the dust.
Looks like our pal Bill had some mic issues.
Yeah, they just had Wally step in to lead the broadcast to break.
i had to step away: when they were reviewing busch's weekend, did they mention what he had to say to his crew after he wrecked the car in practice?
Great minds think alike.
OK, TNT, get your act together.
What's with the sound?
so, RaceBuddy has now launched and the video streams are now live.
It sounds like they told Bill in his ear "Turn on your mic", so then he repeated what he said. But that didnt seem to fix anything.
unfortunately bill's mic is back
so far I like this "RaceBuddy". Cant wait to see it work duing the race.
Drop me a line at editor@thedalyplanet.tv when you get a moment please. Thanks.
Man this was an awful pre race show performance by TNT
The pieces and packages were poorly produced, particularly in the area of closing them. Each one seemed to just drop out at the end. No summary, closing lines.
Shaheen on the plane with Kyle. The crew at the dirt track. Allison.
Just terrible. And the "host" does not appear to have pre screend any of them.
Bad start for TNT when up against live FR-1 for an hour!!!
Bray Kroter
I'm still having practically no audio on the national feed except for the commercials, damn near blew my speakers out
Lots of interviews on the grid!
woodstock?!? WOODSTOCK? man, that is one very long reach.
racebuddy video stream is very crisp and clean on my laptop. i had initially been concerned b/c i use a mac but so far, so good (altho' the audio is almost non-existent. guess that will get better once the race is on.) very strange watch kahne being interviewed on tnt and racebuddy, each from it's own angle.
Ok I've got Racebuddy up but I can't find a way to turn the sound off. This surprises me since it directly competes with Trackpass as in you can't run both to keep RB up and still use Pitcommand scanner component even though they direct you to Trackpass on RB.
racebuddy is AHEAD of tv: interesting.
The guy was doing so well with the anthem, until the word "free".
Ruined it.
Racebuddy is working great here...
very nice video
Varsha really off his game today..on F1 broadcast
You guys should make sure to use the button on the lower right of the camera stream to take it full screen...that is a nice touch.
Race Buddy ok so far on my notebook but like newracefan says there is no volume control.
I'm having audio problems across the whole TNT spectrum :)
I could not even watch the F-1 race and I am a huge Varsha fan. The disjointed commentary and the confusion over cameras and almost everything else made it a mess.
Interesting, the TNT audio is working fine on the audio options on the driver channels
What kind of a starting grid did TNT do? I'm in the dark here.
Darn it..between talking on phone to my young 86 year old mom, trying to multi task F1 race and here, what was said about Woodstock??
Nosey minds want to know.
:-) I think Red mentioned it.
Anyone hearing driver audio while using the driver scan feature?
I am not at all, even on the Stewart in-car.
That's the problem when F1 goes on Fox. They have to dumb down the commentary and there's no pre-race show.
by by RaceBuddy, I can't hear my drivers scanner on Trackpass too so off it goes. Too bad I liked the idea and would have used it
I can't get RaceBuddy to work on anything but SeaMonkey, but that doesn't have the WMP plugin, so I can't even use the service fully.
racebuddy leaderboard: ha anyone figured out the order? it's not the actual starting order, points order, car #. hmmm. not even alphabetical order.
Hang in there on the car audio, a lot of them don't talk too much at the start
just went to nascar.com and Race Buddy froze in loading mode...anybody else...
I wondered since it was free but thought I might try it for beginning of race...gotta get off this laptop..it's too hot to hold today.
Why does Wally always appear to be the only one reading ?
Sorry JD, just making a wardrobe observation ;)
jd: np driver audio here either. maybe once they drop the green? and can we pick the driver or will it sync with the driver video? i'm confused, i think.
woodstock reference: they were simply trying to make a point about the race in 1968 but dragged in the fact that woodstock is XYZ miles away from long pond and you may not remember it, even if you were there or somesuch. just seemed silly to me but, oh well. i do remember woodstock.
bevo, np
RaceBuddy is only 2 seconds behind my DirecTV feed
Thanks for the Woodstock 'splanation. That over head in Kyle's car shot not helpful.
Race buddy wont load here.
Shame to hype a service so much then not allow people to use it.
Its not my connection either I use cable and my neighbor uses DSL. Wont load using either connection.
I am hearing the audio noise we heard behind the truck race...anybody else notice?
Not as pronounced...odd
I had the same problem with RB. :(
This track looks pretty on tv.
An automated voice announces the drivers audio feed. The feed did not start until the green flag.
Hey RaceBuddy has worked fine for me and is almost in sync with the live race. Try again.
The TNT guys said there will be issue with space, they are using the entire Turner system for this one.
It froze for me when I tried to load it, but I got it going. Now it's about 5-6 seconds ahead of the TV, which looks strange when the TV shows the same in-car angle from Stewart that's on the computer.
sophiaz123 said...
I am hearing the audio noise we heard behind the truck race...anybody else notice?
Not as pronounced...odd
i'm getting a thump thump thump, a deep bass thump, sound but i can't tell if it's the tv or the fan -- and i'm not turning either off right now to try to troubleshoot!
Did you use the link in jfs-va post at the top?
Driver audio is working for me on RB but there are a lot of scripts running on the site. Might want to check your internet security settings.
RaceBuddy has been fine for me since before the race. And it is AHEAD of my live TV.
jd: i have no driver audio. is it coming on for you when that little triangle next to the words driver scan is green? alli can get is the track -- and that's pretty darn cool!
ok...I got this Race Buddy to load but am not hearing commentary ..some guy is saying numbers
20, 43, 07, 43 43
What do those humbers mean? Is it somebody directing in a booth or somethin? I can hear the car noise so that's cool...don't really need commentary as I watch..
ok, if this deal works and Ifigure out what the numbers mean this could be cool.
i thought I just heard Childress voice...or maybe it's Elliott Sadle lol
sophia, it is a machine identifying the car numbers.
Several gaps in good coverage-TNT didn't show the person delivering the invocation or saying 'start your engines'. Also, the audio has been spotty with no audio coming through at times. The Race Buddy coverage on the Internet is hard to follow because of the placemnt of the cameras.
No audio, then a Turner South Braves game, then no audio
Did they just loose audio or is it my Cable provider?
Just came back from commercial & no sound on TNT. Now some baseball..like the graphics tho!
OMG major audio issues Just got silence, baseball, silence. Somebody in bug trouble
TNT's (and TBS's) sports coverage is ridiculous, and here we go again.
Their NBA playoff coverage was a month-long commercial for "The Closer." Their baseball coverage was a three-week commercial for "Frank TV," and now NASCAR is a four-hour commercial for "The Bill Engvall Show."
They obviously don't know the meaning of "overkill."
Well, TNT lasted thirty minutes before things went downhill.
I think that was the baseball game on TBS sports that you heard there.
Time to check the routing again.
We have no TNT audio here - is it everyone?
and by Turner South I mean TBS's Sunday game of the week (which happens to be the Braves) then another commercial. Time to go beg Speed for an assist.
The audio seems to be out...
ment Big but bug works too
101 ways to ruin a NASCAR Race class is now in session. Your guest lecturer today will be the sound engineer from TNT.
They always label the audio routers as being live so no one will mess with them at ESPN.
Maybe that would be good to do in the Atlanta Turner HQ.
Wow. I hope those of you who complained last week and said, and I quote. "Im so glad FOX is over with" are feeling a bit silly now.
TNT is having all sorts of problems. Are interns for TNT running the race telecast today?
First segment looked nice on TNT.
( I didnt watch any pre-race)
That "new" in car camera for Kyle Busch isnt all that great. Although the announcers thought it was awesome. All I see are sponsors.
Ticker looks very read-able.
They sure did give #20 alot of love in those first laps.
WOW - big time audio issues after the commercial break.
Turning into a shaky start for TNT.
Wonder if NASCAR will throw a caution so TNT can figure out the problem. hahaa ( wouldnt surprise me )
JD -
Shouldn't they have a way to route into MRN / PRN in case they totally lose audio? I remember someone doing that once upon a time, Bristol I think.
I thought it was MRN for a second.
Now we've got canned audio...
What you are hearing is the backup audio feed that is usually routed over phone lines. (called QKT)
Now we're on a telephone!
Think I'll log out of the RB. It's basically what HotPass offers.
Good job on the site though by TNT, well done!
NO WAY.... a phone line ????
kiddin me
WOW they just apologized for audio problems - yet I can barely hear them ( they sound like they are in as tin can!
Sounds like TNT.AM lol
Since we did hear some audio of the Braves game on TBS, we can maybe assume that the problems are in Atlanta.
But, we also talked about the heat, so maybe something went amiss in the truck.
I'm getting real close to using MRN.
got audio back but it's terrible and it sounds like it's wally doing play by play. is weber's mic still down? have wally and kyle only and it has that "underwater" sound to it. (yeah, that's a technical term, i know. impressive, huh?)
hey! there's weber's mic again and he's joined the pit guy underwater as well.
This happend to FOX 2 years ago at Phoenix. I remember cause the audio sounded just like this.
did they go to a "backup" audio feed due to technical difficulties?
this sounds like cell phones on a radio call in show.
The video from Race Buddy is fine. It's the audio that's the problem. I'm hearing the cars but it doesn't seem to be from any of the four cameras.
PLEASE READ above...we already explained what happened.
Why would you change to MRN audio? This is what MRN sounds like lol
I used to use this technology announcing high school football and basketball on the radio. It is very reliable. But, they'd better keep announcers and pit reporters off camera because it'll likely be out of sync with the video.
audio sounds funky...indeed...call in talk radio sounding show with folks on cell phones
glad it's not my tv
Anon 2:33PM,
That is a good question. The radio feed is not available to the TV crew as a back-up. This is an equipment problem, not an issue of rights. They can call the rest of the race on the phone if needed.
On HotPass the TNT audio is fine (Stewart channel)
Looks like to weird in-car cam actually showed us something. Kyle was shifting
Is it me or not? TNT race ticker shows lap 21, Race View shows 20.
How do you guys like RaceBuddy so far?
Bevo, I just realized that as well. TNT audio is fine Stewart Channel
For RaceBuddy they should have a camera inside the Production Truck. Im sure all heck has broken loose when they lost audio.
I like RaceBuddy. its working great.
I thought my HD TV had lost its marbles when I turned the race on a few minutes ago. An audio at all. Now it sounds like a bad phone connection. Can barely hear it.
Commercial just now is fine - loud and clear, of course.
What's happened to the audio?
Thanks for that because it really helps to isolate the problem. It would be "downstream" of the production truck if DirecTV has the TNT audio just fine.
That means the audio portion of the uplink, the audio equipment on the downlink or an in-house Turner problem. We know the program uplink is fine because we are getting the national commercials with no problem.
Are they trowing in more commercials, so they can fix this? If so, I would take no audio, so I can watch some of the race!!
Seems to be fine on all of the driver channels. Problem is on the national feed channel and TNT.
I don't think the audio is off here or else I am going more deaf than I thought. I did have the no audio,bb issue but when they did come back it seemed fine
There we go. All good now.
About ten minutes to fix the problem. I bet that got their attention.
Signal is fine now.
Glad that helps. I'm switching between Stewart's HotPass audio and the TNT audio.
BTW you really need to check out HotPass sometime :)
I really like RaceBuddy.. it's awesome to watch during commercials. It sorta makes you feel like you're at the race. You can actually see the pit reporters in some shots getting their info. It's pretty cool.
jd: in re:racebuddy
1. the full screen driver shot is impressive! i'm looking forward to the pitstop camera.
2. the audio issue is significant: i have both audio buttons on max and the sound is still pretty bad.
3. driver scan is just that: hear the voice and then the mechanical voice identifies the car number involved. not really adding too much for me. maybe it's be more fun to just use the driver audio from the car that's on the screen? as it is, we get bits and pieces. of course, it may just take getting used to?
(oops, gotta run! off to pit stops!)
Anybody try the RaceBuddy chat room? Seems like a big mess...
I'm watching "Race Buddy" with Stewart's in-car, but the audio isn't Stewart's car. It sounds like audio from different locations around the track.
Race Buddy is good for the views, the driver scan leaves much to be desired.
But since the majority of the audience is only going to be watching on TV, the TV broadcast needs to be the priority. That 10 minutes of audio issues probably turned a lot of people off or have them change the channel temporarily. Even it wasn't related to Race Buddy, the fact TNT had such audio problems while debuting a new online tool with race views looks bad.
Many race fans don't use any tech toys during a race. I think it's important to keep that in mind. Race Buddy can be the best thing out there, but if the TV broadcast is bad, TNT is sunk.
Bevo, can you explain how that would happen? What kind of glitch would cause the source audio to work fine on some outlets, but not on others?
What a lovely way to "win friends and influence people".
Come on, TNT, get it together. Tell the summer interns to take a hike and put the professials to work on Sunday.
Or, are they doing the baseball?
Pit audio on Buddy is GREAT
Race buddy in car is great for pit stops.
Just as I thought Raceview isn't working, no doubt because of that Race Buddy stuff. I have fired off a red hot email to support asking if the folks who pay are going to get a refund. No doubt I will hear nothing. I'm furious.
racebuddy: oohhhh, that was so sweet! could almost TAST the brake dust from kahne's car and a geat shot of the top 5 leaving pit road.
Finally got race buddy to load.
Nice clear pictures! Wish the audio of the drivers was selectable, not all off them playing at the same time. But for free, it is simply amazing.
Hmmmm....can they show enough commercials today!
So one of the four race view boxes is used to air ads during cautions? I just saw a few ads including a Subway ad and a Jeff Burton Coke ad.
Easy guys, we are talking about both the online RaceBuddy and the TV broadcast today because TNT wants viewers to use both.
If you have a question, please drop me an email at editor@thedalyplanet.tv thanks!
evidently you even get the commercial audio if you are only using one specific camera on RB
I did not see any ads during the TV on RaceBuddy...
You only see ads on RaceBuddy when you first pull it up, or if you refresh your screen.
Am I the only one with digital TV problems with the race? On both the regular and the high def channels (Comcast cable) on my digital TV, the picture freezes and gets blocky and the audio stutters and drops, but only on TNT - all other channels are fine. Good old analog 19" TV is also fine.
anon 2:52: just saw that myself and hadn't realized what happened! i glanced over to see jeff burton standing w/2 guys, talking and wondered WTH had happened to his car? i figured it out just about the time he hugged the bald guy!
it's just too hot here today to multitask so racebuddy window goes to the back and i'm gonna focus on tnt's work for a while . . .
The audio you are getting on RaceBuddy I believe is the TV audio (following the mic the TV broadcast is set to) except for the announcers and commercials.
@jfs-va--thanks for the link! I thought I went in too early because nothing happened, but it started right up with your link :)
Check JD's post at 2:41 for the explanation.
So, this is about the time that folks realize we are less than 40 laps out of 200.....
They need to drop the spotter that is just saying car numbers off of the race buddy audio. Its not only annoying but pointless for the home viewer.
Up here in Glenbrook at the big ES we are trying to remember what QKT stands for. We know what it is and how it works. You would think us insiders would remember something like that.
Mike P.
I am enjoying the pictures from race buddy, but the audio not matching what I am watching is not enjoyable.
I'm going back to HDTV.
"It's an endurance race at Pocono" . . . Yeah, an endurance to stay awake. Yawn.
Put me on the list of people NOT using RaceBuddy
Mike, too funny!
Good to know the real TV boys are busy watching the race. I think they just pulled a patch or re-routed the audio in the break by accident. We got Turner baseball for five seconds before they pulled it. That was a good one.
Last night after the Nationwide Series practice on ESPN, the network began the tape delayed race with the delayed video but the live audio. It went national for over a minute before they caught it. That was a biggie.
kyle--did you try the direct link that jfs-va posted @ 1:02 pm? A lot of folks had trouble launching from the "launch" on NA$CAR but worked with the direct link. I'm on cable and the direct link worked for me.
@JD--I really like it :). Good to see the various views. I like watching the pit stops too :)
Its nice to see TNT is using the race as a commercial platform for the other shows they air, just like they did w/NBA. I see no need for the second scroll on the bottom ( yes its my pet peeve) to shill next weeks race ( 40 laps into this one) it must be for the "casual fan" who doesn't know theres a race next week. Also used it for other shows. The ticker at the top is ok, at least its spot on - so far.
ritchie: i agree. i've turned off the audio and am just keeping the video up. every now and again, there's a gem like the one i heard "now, listen pit guys. i told you guys to be ready for anything and you weren't ready." i still don't know which driver was complaining: it sounded like burton but the voice said "1" so who knows.
so, audio off, video on. might as well take advantage of what works!
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