It is time to talk about TNT and their summer run, including the "wide open" coverage from Daytona. What better place than with the Godfather, Dave Moody and the crew from Sirius Speedway.
Wednesday evening at 6PM yours truly will be stopping by Channel 128 for some NASCAR TV conversation. With ESPN about to step into the picture, we will no doubt be talking about the many changes that network made to pump-up the Sprint Cup coverage for The Chase.
With many thousands of page views and over one hundred comments, the "wide open" TNT coverage from Daytona is one of the most popular Daly Planet posts. As usual with NASCAR fans, some loved it and some hated it.
Update: Thanks to Dave and Suzi and the crew. Had a wonderful time and will update our discussions in the comments area.
Please join us if you can at 6PM Eastern Time on Sirius Channel 128 for some good NASCAR TV conversation. If you have a TV topic that you might like us to discuss, please feel free to add it to this post in the comments section or email us at editor@thedalyplanet.tv anytime. Thanks as always.
hey jd! looks like smoke just gave you yet another 'hot topic' to discuss! i don't have sirius so maybe a recap when you're finished would be pleasant?
I don't have Sirius either. A recap would be appreciated.
I'll be listening JD.
Did you ever get a clock for them?
Ms. Q went and got a nice one that she keeps...in her desk now.
John, if no one else has mentioned this you can talk about how TSN screwed up the coverage for Canadian fans. I was lucky enough to watch the American TNT feed but I feel badly for my fellow Canuckistanis who have no choice.
There is a long thread about it on the speed message boards.
Gotta go with red and karen. do not know if it is correct or not. but it would be nice to have a recap for those of us wo/Sirius. Just one more deal to multi task with, lol......
JD- If I miss one of PRN's weekly shows I can access it online after it has been broadcast. Does Sirius have anything similar - and if not, why? I think you've addressed this in the past, but I cannot recall the answer. Thanks.
Sirius is unable to put NASCAR programming online due to a contractual obligation NASCAR has with the Turner guys who operate NASCAR.com.
Thanks to Dave and everyone. We talked about TNT's "wide open" coverage and what fans were thinking when it was done.
We talked about why all three Cup TV networks cannot get together and do the same type of thing for 2009.
Other topics included ESPN coming on board in two weeks and how the TNT announce crew has really been received much better this season by the fans.
Good fun as always.
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