Stop the email! I surrender. Yes, we know that SPEED could be using this Sunday to show all the episodes of NASCAR 39/10 or other NASCAR programming right before Daytona.
Instead, we welcome Pimp My Ride to SPEED as the network continues to define itself by non-racing lifestyle programming. Enjoy the 27 episode marathon this Sunday up against the Super Bowl and other NFL programming.
Click here for the link to the air schedule for this program series on SPEED. On one hand, the network has the perfect right to show whatever programming it chooses anytime.
On the other hand, some Camping World Truck Series highlights, some NASCAR Confidential programs or even a recap of the NASCAR 39/10 series that was only aired once at noon on weekdays might have been a nice touch.
SPEED begins the many SPEED Stage shows (minus Tradin' Paint) from the Daytona International Speedway on Thursday.
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JD, as soon as I saw the line up, I thought of you.
Why oh why? There's a mini marathon of PMR on MTV as I type this. Good grief, isn't this show out of production?
Maybe my age is showing, but why would anyone want a dance floor in their car, or a stereo system that's louder than cars on the track?
SPPED, why not appeal to a broader demographic, like race fans maybe? We are not all the the golden age bracket of 18-24 yrs old.
PS, Superbowl or not, they could've chosen better programming.
When I saw that I couldn't remember if this was the one that SPEED had or if it was a different one. I remembered that SPEED did one of those shows and couldn't remember the name of it. There have been so many of these types that I don't know which is which.
I do like to watch Trick My Truck from time to time because they help truckers but sometimes I do worry if the "bling" will make them targets for bad people :(.
Well I'm watching the Puppy Bowl right now. Can't wait for the Kitty Half Time Show <3. That puts me in a good mood as well as looking at the recording schedule and seeing all my NA$CAR shows back :).
Well there is always the 5 hour pregame show, and we thought a 2 hour RaceDay was too long. Oh My
I can't believe the long pregame bowl junk. Who watches that stuff??
anything with the word Pimp in it is trash in my book.
I have no idea why SPEED even wants to get near the lifestyle side. Give me motorsports news!!!!
speed has just jumped the shark in my mind
I just finished watching my recording of the Australian Open tennis. Later I will watch the Super Bowl. Maybe if Speed was showing something like V8 Supercars, or WRC, I might actually tune in.
The network's name is SPEED.
But it persists in running shows that have nothing to do with this name, despite the fact that we keep asking them to stop and show race-related programming.
I firmly believe "Pimp My Ride" and "Unique Whips" are essentially PLCs, commercials where the producers pay SPEED to air them.
Yet SPEED's website is heavily weighed toward racing, as is the site's "Highest Rated" list.
As time goes on I get the feeling that SPEED is trying to turn into ESPN. And at other times I get the feeling that they are just dumb.
Well, they say that if paint drying got ratings, then a network would show it. Someone, somewhere must like the junk SPEED shows because they show it over and over and over. And they don't seem to show anything much of NASCAR any more, so that makes me wonder if NASCAR programming gets ratings.
Mystifies the heck out of me because the shows really are just the same show with different loud guys yelling at each other, either over motorcycles, wrecked cars or pimped out cars. We can thank American Chopper for that genre that SPEED has latched onto with avengence.
Help us!
I like AC :) Pops, Mikey & Paulie <3
West Coast Diane said:
Oh yes. Thought of you JD when I decided to scroll through my Directv guide to record NASCAR stuff. I thought my remote got stuck or the guide was hung up...LOL!!
Nan...yes...we loved watching the WRC. What a shame we get a lifetime supply of PMR!!
Half way to Daytona in Baytown, TX...watching Super Bowl and awesome lightning show out our motorhome window. Waiting for halftime show to make a run to our favorite Cajun food restaurant in TX.
I have spent some quality time at the Baytown Sonic during the NHRA weekends there. Drive carefully!
I guess watching Monk marathon today was better than watching Speed channel and the long long long pre-game show too but didn't watch a minute of that. Found my 3D glasses in time to catch the commercial too. No lightening here in Spring Branch area of Houston really nice 75 degree evening. I'm wondering what the nascar broadcasts on Speed will be once the season starts.
I've had it with SPEED. I get a heck of alot more auto racing, and auto racing coverage on Mav TV than I do with SPEED.
Man TV?
c;mon people
cowboy up!
Boycott speed on the first NASCAR show from Daytona!
otheriwse, they'll think they're right and we're idiots
JD, do you know the story behind the disappearance of Trading Paint?
Oh, and my FIOS guide shows a channel called cars.tv, with no programming yet. Do you know what it will carry?
Maybe Speed saw PMR as a throwaway, figuring no one would watch anything except football.
I was told it had "played itself out."
Take that as you will...
mavtv.com Heck, they have Lucas Oil as a sponsor on their home page.
Its high time NASCAR starts searching out other options. Even if they end up not going through it, the threat of it should get SPEED's attitude adjusted when it comes to NASCAR.
You are welcome to return and post your opinion of that situation.
They missed a prime opportunity to gear the NASCAR fan up for the season yet again. They could have easily run the 39/10 show for those who couldn't see it at the normal god-awful time of noon during the week. I at least look forward to the next 3 Preseason Thunder shows dealing with previewing each manufacturer. Friday night I watched the Dodge preview and tomorrow starts Toyota and so on. At least give us SOMETHING SPEED!
I'm a huge Steeler fan, but that pre-game show on NBC was really bad. At times it seemed like nothing more than one long promo for upcoming movies and a rah rah for Kurt Warner.
Yeah, Pimp My Ride is such a great show for what should be a racing network. Looks like Speed is trying to find a new, hipper demographic. I don't think shows like Pimp will have the desired effect.
I second the motion that we all BOYCOTT SPEED
I can live with SPEED wanting to show "lifestyle" programs, but they could at least show ones that related to racing - Something like the Jack Roush Gong Show. As much as I don't like Pinks, at least they are portraying drag racing. When I hear about pimping a ride, "speed" is not a word that comes to mind.
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