There is an unexpected twist that has been thrown into the mix for the live Sprint Cup race today. The Texas wind has kicked-up and gusts of 40 mph have been blowing everything around at the speedway.
This should affect the race in several ways. First, the COT's at speed are bothered by cross-winds. Secondly, the big bump on the track where the tunnel is located should now upset the cars even more with the wind blowing. Finally, the trash from the fans will be blowing onto the track and the COT is notorious for overheating when the grill is blocked.
Fox is going to have to adapt from the scripted opening to deal with these issues. All the other stories concerning Kyle Busch, Carl Edwards and the potential closure of the 8 team have already been discussed on NASCAR Now and Raceday.
Speaking of NASCAR Now on ESPN2, who from NASCAR is going to make the phone call to get things straightened out for the rest of the season? This Sunday morning, once again NASCAR Now refused to promote the start time and TV network of the very race they were on the air to promote. Instead, the network again promoted the NHRA races...simply because they were on ESPN2.
Chris Myers and Jeff Hammond start the day at 1:30PM from the Hollywood Hotel. Darrell Waltrip will appear on the show and then move upstairs for the 2:16PM green flag to call the race. Mike Joy and Larry McReynolds will once again be alongside Waltrip.
Down on pit road will be the best group of reporters in the business. Dick Berggren, Steve Byrnes, Matt Yocum and Krista Voda will hopefully be used a lot more often to recap the field and follow the stories of the day.
This race features a tough pit road entrance, a dogleg on the frontstretch and a big bump over the tunnel. The challenge for the production team is to track the progress of the teams as pit strategy and gas mileage scenarios play out. Accidents at this track take a while to clean-up, so expect to see the Hollywood Hotel during extended cautions.
This post will serve to host your comments about the TV coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from Texas on Fox. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 388 Newer› Newest»In Canada, TSN has the race listed for 3:00 Eastern, following a World Men's Curling game between France and Canada. I haven't seen anything telling whether it's to be joined-in-progress or time-delayed ( if the race goes long it bumps into basketball, though, so I expect JIP ). My cable company (Cogeco) doesn't have Fox on basic tier, although it is available.
I dont think NASCAR cares if ESPN or any other network pushes their races. It seems they got their check, now they just need to put on as little of a show. I watched all of 1 minute of yesterdays practices and the nationwide race. And that was when I was rebooting my computer so I switch the tv from pc to directv to see who was leading, saw it was Ky bush and turned it off. Instead I spent all yesterday watching old kitchen nightmare episodes on hulu. Maybe gordon ramsey can help nascar.
I'll watch todays race, only cause I watched all the kitchen nightmares that was on hulu yesterday, though I did watch a movie on netflix this morning while raceday was on.
Do you detect a pattern here nascar? Improve the product please, make us wanna watch it.
Bill H
The wind is out of the northwest so the grandstand should block most of the wind over the tunnel. The big big problem will be coming out of turn two and down the backstretch. Most of the wrecks on a normal day are in turn two so it might be a demolition derby today.
As for that outfit that Hammond has on... let's just say there are a few bars he could walk into dressed like that but...
Thanks Bevo ROTFL
It must be joined-in-progress, because my Shaw guide says the race ends at 3:00 Pacific time on both FOX and TSN. That sucks that you won't be able to watch the entire race.
And they're showing the Indycar race on TSN2, so they couldn't move it there. TSN has the same problem as ESPN, where they have way too many programming commitments and not enough bandwidth. TSN3, anyone?
I hate TSN.
@ Bevo, JJ agrees with you.
If there is one good thing to say about FOX, they schedule paid programming after the race.
@nrf & Dot-
Thanks :)
Pretty stupid of the IRL to go head-to-head with NASCAR today. NHRA has eliminations on ESPN2 too.
Hi everybody, Hammond is going to get some grief today.
Jeff's getting it from everyone. Will he change his clothes?
I'm ok with the hat but... I wonder how many people got the Charles Nelson Reily comment
uh oh Digger's back..........
@ Nrf, I did.
nrf-only old folks like me! And we've been warned ahead about the rodent...ugh,
Wild Bill Hickock was a noted natty dresser BUT he had the fastest gun in the west
I knew it, it's because Digger and friends can only live in an unpaved infield. Martinsville and Bristol are all asphalt and buildings. Hopeffly it's only the prerasce but I am not hopeful
I'm just barely old enough to get the Charles Nelson Riley comparison. Barely. :-)
I'm still laughing about your first comment. I didn't see Hammond earlier, so when I first saw him a couple of minutes ago, I immediately thought the same as you.
hey gang. can't decide whether to watch the race or do the ever-beckoning yard work while listening to it on the radio. (truth be told, i'm leaning toward being outdoors b/c it's an incredible day here in the philly area.) is this a prn race?
Yup, it is a PRN race. It is a Bruton Smith track.
That's not how you wear a cowboy hat :)
Make the song STOP!!!!!
Red Yardwork, thats for next week, DVR the NW race and go outside, that's my plan
gopher show....
Speaking of network cross-promoting, I noticed during Monday's TWIN that Steve said that there was "no racing" on the weekend after Texas. He said this while explaining that there would be no SPEED shows, but in reality there certainly will be racing - there is a Nationwide race. But that's on ESPN2, so I guess it works both ways.
Bevo, I remember a James Garner Sally Field movie that talked about different ways to wear a CB hat and what attitude it implied, I don't remember Jeff's as being one of the choices
"NASCAR fans love animated characters...". That was a pathetic segue to a Digger cartoon.
Everyone who's a racing fan hates Digger. They. Just. Don't. Get. It.
Please, make it stop.
that was just sad....
I watched Digger. Self torture. All I have to say is, Huh?
About the upcoming "Driver Rant" from DW...if it's the same thing he, Hammond, and Larry Mac were going on about on Trackside, let me say I could not disagree more strongly.
If your alternative is listening to PRN I would suggest watching the IRL race.
The guys on PRN are more concerned with making lame jokes and inside references than they are with calling the actual race.
Bevo can you get a hold of your friends and find out how crowded the DIgger trailer is. I read on Nascar Insiders that it's been backed the past few races
BF has sucked the passion out of the drivers with fines and penalties. You'd think DW would know this.
jd: thanks. i simply can't keep that factoid in my head (who owns which track and how that impacts the station -- altho' i think my local station carries both prn and mrn so who knows.)
nrf: no dvr for this technological luddite. does comcast offer a reasonable price on it yet? and with the weather threatening rain thru out the week, i'd sure like to get some of the yard cleaned off. but . . . it is texas and that's always interesting to watch.
track girl: thankfully, i don't watch pre-race so not sure which song has become an earwig for you but the ice cream truck just keeps circling the block and now i have THAT little ditty trapped in my brain!
well. Gopher or not, I have to agree with DW and his rant.
Yay politically correct America!!
Red Comcost reasonable your kidding right. I'm waiting for FIOS TV to get here and then I can get Speed HD too.
I liked the DW rant
I'll try but cell phone service always overloads up there on raceday
What this sport needs is better RACING, not WWE-style antics from the drivers. If given the choice between Denny's post-Martinsville attitude and Kyle's toddler-tantrums, I'll take Denny's maturity and professionalism every time.
Please, please, please have a better anthem than yesterday
A piano now that's different
DW has a great rant but its selective.
If someone gets into Mikey or another DW favorite he will call for their head.
Its just a shame there's so much clear bias on the telecast now.
PRN has the radio coverage, should be an interesting broadcast. Hope we get some looks through the field because its probably going to be a long green FAST start to this race and we'll probably only have 20 cars on the lead lap by lap 100.
Ragan is a sleeper today
@Bill H--LOL! Could you imagine Gordon yelling...SHUT IT DOWN!
@bevo--LOL! about Hammond's Get Up
@nrf--I got the CNR reference...I remember him from the Match Game :). oooooo...hadn't thought about that re: Digger and Bristol/M'ville. interesting
interesting piano anthem :)
No flyover? That was the fastest anthem I've ever heard.
2nd straight SMI race without a flyover...
Piano?/ comeone nascar - my teen aughter just said she could do that.
Its not as if nascar has a race every day, cant they get someone to sing that we know and isnt promoting a tv show?
Probably have digger and friends do the antham next week.
Bill H
I must be cranky today. That kid is obviously a great piano player, but he seems to have misplaced the National Anthem.
Well they'll have a B1 flyover at the Rangers opener tomorrow - does that count?
The best anthem that Gossage ever had here was the TCU marching band
I'd rather have a simple instrumental anthem than someone who really can't sing or someone taking "liberties" with the anthem
Bands and kids are the only ones who should do anthems.
12 year old kid on the piano was GREAT doing the anthem!
@bevo--agreed! I wish Mr. Gossage would get the Horned Frogs to do it EVERY time! They're great! And Pokeynose needs to get that nice trooper back every year too
Are the Versus guys on the IRL races (Jenkins, Arute) still with ESPN too?
Good crowd. Or, is it an illusion?
Looks like the just drapped that jacket over larry - darrell - how bout a jr win?
also - whoe made decision to show the starting order backwards???
They have all season Bill. The radio actually presents the grid the same way
Frontstretch grandstand holds 150,000 so it's probably about 180,000 today. BTW I was way off on my estimate for yesterday there - it was only 90,000.
My pick is Ragan with Montoya as a dark horse
@ Bill H, it's the only time they'll show the Odd Wads. They even spoke about them too.
No flyover because of the wind I was emailed. Take it for what is it...
Jenkins and Arute are working for the IRL package on Versus. My understanding right now is that Jenkins is not on the ESPN Indy package.
Well, its all leaders all the time right now...
Gee DW, maybe if we could see the whole field instead of just one car at a time...
Or if the camera people had any kind of reaction time.
anthem-awful...waaay too much messin' w/the tune. Bill H-that's how they do it on the radio also.
Seems to me that the FOX team could save a lot of money by having Mike Joy pre-record the line "Robby Gordon, spinning out in turn 2" - that way they could just press a button when it happens every race
Thanks. So Marty Reid again for Indy I assume. It was great watching Jenkins during qualifying, I'm Tivoing the IRL race today.
I predict lapped traffic by lap 50. A lot of it.
Why does Jeff Hammond wear that bad outfit? It's very windy here in Houston today too, but sunny. I hope they don't have big issues at the track that wind can be treacherous. Hubby rewound tivo so we are a little behind.
My Comcast system changed Versus to a pay tier and wants me to pay for IRL races and hunting shows.
Not gonna happen. No more IRL in this house.
thanks JD for the update re: flyover
Pit command still has the Martinsville track up so the cars appear to be driving in the stands it's a little disconcerting.
25 mph sustained out of the northwest with 40 mph gusts
refresh it nrf...dunno if u have or not
Bevo are you at the track?
nrf, that is too funny!
Vicky, Hammond always dresses up cowboy style at this event. Been doing it for years. One year he wore chaps and never heard the end of it.
Pretty boring affair, time to start telling the stories.
Live streaming on indycar.com
like I said, 20 cars will be lapped by lap 100 at least.
Harvick dropping like a rock too.
Speak of the devil PRN just mentioned Harvick among Bowyer and Newman falling back. Reminding track will change throughout the race
Think they'll mention Blaney? He's laps down.
JD, I know Hammond dresses western at the track but he looks so kooky doing it. Even here in Houston we hardly see anyone wearing westernwear even hubby who is a native Houstonian doesn't do it.
@JD--that's a shame :( I wonder if a lot of folks are going to say 'no' an how that will affect IRL overall. Will be interesting to see over the next few months.
Was there Friday and yesterday. Gave my tickets to some friends so they could see their first NASCAR race today. To cool and windy for me today :) I can grill on my patio out of the wind here!
Harvick is BAD loose. You can see it.
Glad they showed him though
Hammond should be told not to wear that outfit if he visits San Francisco.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I think FOX is doing well at finding the battles for once
Bevo yes it's easier watching from our family room instead of driving up there and back.
I wore tassled loafers, khaki pants with a cuff and a pink polo shirt to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. They are still talking about me!
That was a fun day...
@nrf--LOL! I didn't realize the winds were *that* strong! That's funny! Talk about being able to be up close to the action
hmmm, prn seems to be seeing some great racing, especially from ambrose. there appears to be some fairly fun beatin' and bangin' back there. wonder what fox is seeing?
oh yeah, the top 5 or so plus the "usual suspects."
and folks wonder why tv ratings are down for nascar this year? if the tv broadcasts could show what the radio guys are describing, it'd be exciting.
(and hoots just radioed down to "tell the #13 --max papis --to pick a lane . . . ")
@ JD, thanks for the laugh.
I think on radio though its easier to find action because you aren't having to tell what the camera is showing. You can just pick a battle and talk about it. Now it used to be that the tv guys would do the same and the camera would find it, but it just looks like between the booth and the production truck the communication, for lack of a better term, sucks.
Bliss just went behind the wall per PRN
Dot said...
@ JD, thanks for the laugh
and, given the mental image it evoked, may i send the psychiatrist's bill to you directly?!? i think i've been scarred for life.
Texas World Speedway - saw my first NASCAR race there. Twin of Talladega
what an incredible shot we've seen about 3 times so far in 40 laps...of the FLAGSTAND! ~sacasm~
prn: bliss headed to the garage and now a full field (name and position) rundown in progress.
We also went to Texas World Speedway and saw DW beat Sr. & Kenny Schrader and others by a lap. It had rained the day before and had to slosh thru a lot of mud but it was a pretty good race. That track is massive.
@red--yes for some reason MRN/PRN seem to be at different tracks than TV :( must be that manufacturing action Kyle was going on about last year
ESPN had bad IRL ratings and went to versus??????????? Lame station. Even Robin Miller did not understand this but the tv schedule is what STINKS. IRL should look at NASCAR and time races AROUND that or on different days.
Re: Cowboy hat, I thought it was Burt Reynolds telling Sally Field about what the hat means way back in "Smokey and the Bandit"
THe Fox affiliate in CIncy is carrying race in 4:3, FULL screen. Further proof TPTB that emailed me last week did not have a clue about technology.
I dread the total digital changeover. :( Local stations don't know how to cut and crop pics to fit 4:3 and small percentage has the 16;9 compared to the old style.
They gotta figure out to keep tv pictures good for EVERYBODY.
Woo Hoo, they're taking about my boy.
50 lap recap?
kenseth takes the lead but fox hasn't mentioned it, have they?
@ red, Isn't Kenseth 16th?
Dot said...
@ red, Isn't Kenseth 16th?
when i posted (around lap 48 or so) he had taken the lead. that was a coupla laps before the green flag pit stops started. i was watching fox with the mute on, reading the closed captioning and listening to prn.
@ red, there it is. I didn't know they were pitting. I'm a little behind.
Smelling a lot like a COT gas mileage race early on...
Soph I think it was called Murphys Law. Dot he's 1st 16th was in the middle of pit stops.
I wonder if the cars will use my fuel because of the wind direction. I didn't really pay attention to that information and whether it was head wind or tail wind.
jd: in re: mileage race: didn't i catch something somewhere this week about a different tire compound today and how that might impact the traditional fuel mileage race scenario at texas?
Bliss and Blaney in the garage. Guess they could not afford the gas. Wait, isn't it free?
You really gotta give Tony Stewart credit. Last year the car he is driving had all the Hendrick advantages they do this year, but it couldn't crack the Top 25. I love Smoke but I didn't think in his first year he would be able to improve the car into a car that runs up front. Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised, but I am both shocked and delighted to see the 14 running so well.
Now that everyone has pitted, it's time for a debris caution.
Annon. To me it IS another Hendrick car.
Newman too.
Daly Planet Editor said...
"Bliss and Blaney in the garage. Guess they could not afford the gas. Wait, isn't it free?"
and with that, jd moves into the headliner role of TDP comedy tour!
anon@2:50: i agree. we all wanted to believe he could do it in his first year as owner and are all (sheepishly) somewhat surprised.
there's another thru the field by mrn . .
Dot, you have to watch the field summary and when Jr. is getting ready to be lapped, that's when Nascar will throw a debris caution. Who's Mr. Clean?
okay, that is creepy - I think larry mcreynolds just basically read my blog comment above about tony stewart on the air.
Ok. I remember that movie Murphys Law..but also the 'hat' discussion was mentioned in Smokey...I think that the only time Burt took the hat off was for certain recreational activities,or something like that.
Wreck at beginning of IRL race (no spoilers or names for those taping) MERCY the camera work makes me get vertigo on road courses! Need seasick med. back to Texas which is boring on mute on second tv in LRoom. :)
Weather warnings over ticker...73 now, storms tonight and HIGH tomorrow mid 30's! Yikes. Cincy Reds opening day going to be freezing.
@ VickyD, I check Racetrax. JR is 11th so there's some time to go.
Wow, they just cut off DW.
I predict a caution soon, Robby about to be lapped and he usually doesn't cooperate
I posted a comment here on the Nationwide Series race and ESPN emailed me in about 5 min.
Wouldn't it be easier if the PR guys would just log in and comment themselves?
Dot, I'm just a conspiracy theorist.
How many cars are racing in this race, I think I counted 10 so far
Bill H
@ VickyD, me too. Mostly as a joke.
I'd like to see some sort of follow-up on the Bliss & Blaney situation....are these teams even bringing a pit crew, and if they are, are they a legit pit crew? Those teams have no intentions whatsoever of completing all 500 miles. I'd almost like to see them implement a rule where a team has to complete at least 1 pit stop in order to get their share of the purse....unless it's a case of a blown engine or transmission.
ok, i concede defeat. i'm hearing a much better race from prn than i'm seeing on fox. so, as much as i enjoy being here with everyone, i'm headed outside for a long while.
catch you all on the flip side!
"Coming soon from Toyota: The Battle Seeker! Tired of your TV broadcast not finding exciting action on the racetrack? Well with this exciting device you can program your driver and style of action to follow the excitement on the track!
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Hoem Depot must pay big bucks to Fox for all this airtime. Horrible coverage..
Just an aside - IRL still doing split-screen for commercials on Versus
Hey! Actually hopped to the back to update the champ! Nice move.
Home Depot too! ;)
@ Mike, especially since they out qualified sponsored cars. This is what needs to be looked at. It seems anyone can qual, but not last a third of the race.
I can hardly wait for Racebuddy to return. The Turner guys told me they were going to offer it to Fox and ESPN but the NASCAR.com deal killed their good intentions.
Fans need alternatives and right now, only the radio is available.
As JD has said with the NW series. The elephant is in the room, we KNOW who all the start and park drivers are...lets just talk about it already!
A list of some of the lap cars well I guess that's something
LOL! David! Where do I order!
JD...isnt TNT turner, and doesnt Turner run NASCAR.com?
Seems kinds odd they would shoot down their own offer if you follow what Im saying...
Lapped cars get together in front of the 17, Tony closes even more. Battle for the lead!
@ gymmie
lol wish I knew!
Tony goes 3 wide with a lapped car and Matt and takes the lead!
I must have the script today...
I know it's early but, I hope whoever wins doesn't take Hammond's hat wearing advice.
@ VickyD, JR down to 16th........
Does the word $$$$ mean anything?
I was begging to have Racebuddy on every Sprint Cup event this season for the good of the sport, but just like the side-by-side commercials, too many cooks in the kitchen.
Imagine a sport like NASCAR with no online video? Somewhere, the MLB and NFL guys are laughing.
How many on the lead lap? Racetrax is confusing.
I called it! Hotdog wrapper mystery caution.
There I go, asking again.
Lap 98, 18 cars a lap down...long green run...
2 points for me!!!
JD, yeah it makes sense now.
Its a shame, a major shame. Honestly this would be a non-issue if the broadcast group would get their heads out of their you know whats.
Artie is back and so is the quad-split. Hilarious.
@ JD, just like yesterday. Invisible wrappers. Nice of the track to go green with their concessions.
LONG stop for kyle busch
Lug hung in the socket on the RR on kyle busch. Bummer.
HAHAHA they just talked about Mikey and his pit assignment cheat sheet. Well, he overshot his pit, backed up, then STILL had the car in reverse after the stop. Guess when its not your day, its not your day.
David, thanks I couldn't figure out how he backed up so far, Sounds like a TWIN highlight to me
@ David, hope they play his radio.
3D graphic instead of the cars? Stoopid.
Does anyone know of a site which shows pit stop information for each (or most) teams?
West Coast Kenny
Alameda, California
I'm really surprised that there haven't been any wrecks in turn two today
I believe jayski has a breakdown of where everyone is pitting but in terms of a recap of what everyone does each stop and adjustments and such, dont believe anyone has that information anywhere
It still has the gas mileage smell right now.
F1 :) But no not for NASCAR that I know of.
Now the race will be worth watching.
Re: 18
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
West Coast Kenny
Alameda, California
More pit road drama. That could be exciting than the race.
18 team radio:
Kyle--"give me the driver's name Jeff"
spotter--"it was andretti"
Kyle--"thats what I thought"
Battle for the lead
The Biff could be the man today.
Time to go through the field
ok im back did i miss anything?
Kyle Busch and Andretti got together, cut Kyle's LR down, Tail end of going 2 laps down. Driving mad.
Biffle leads
The racebreak with Myers and Hammond did nothing to help us understand who was where outside the top fifteen or so.
Need a big reset and some pit reporters to tell us what is going on.
Why is Kyle B down to 37th and is he mad at Andretti.
IRL is a mess.
I am ready for a nap.
14 closing on the 17. hopefully we'll have a battle after the break
Hubby is switching back and forth between both races so it's hard to keep up with either of them. Missed KB's problem.
Are they saying "State Farms sticks it to you?"
sophia, look up 2 comments =)
from yours i mean. lol
Dot, I sure think they do. I switched to Geico!
Geico.com, so easy a blogger can do it!
Junior found himself the high line and he is slicing and dicing his way through the field right now.
Nothing from Fox.
@ JD, big SF mess in FL.
Kyle closing in on Mr. Andretti
Kinda hard to keep up today, the wife and daughter are here. They're pretty loud. :(
The large black bars at the top and bottom of my tv are back. It doesn't make sense to me. Last week as soon as the race coverage went off things went back to full screen. Everything on Fox and Speed has been fine this week. I'm losing at least 7 inches of screen.
NRF- my pit command has the right track.
It's a shame ESPN doesn't mention Fox and Speed. Speed told the time and channel of the Nationwide race 4,5,or more times. They even showed it on their lineup at the beginning of their shows.
I liked DW's rant. I disagree that that the drivers are worried about NASCAR. The "system" has broken them from spouting off. In my short time NASCAR has only penalized when dirty words were said on TV. The "Press" and "Fans" are the ones who beat the crap out of a driver when they speak their mind. Or in the case of Kyle Busch when he doesn't speak he gets trashed. IMHO
Well the daughter left so I might get to pay attention. :)
I know. Junior is driving like mad. I think he's trying to catch up to the 42.
How they can miss every story every time is beyond me.
added NOTHING to the report. in fact she may as well told us nothing
What's wrong w/Marcos. Out of top ten, out of site.
That's what I thought a couple of weeks ago. Just ask the folks on the Texas and Louisiana coast about State Farm sticking it to you
Did they just skip over Junior??
18 busted for speeding
@ David, heartbreaking isn't it?
Here we go....
well it might not be as bad as it could have been for them. It is for me! Im rooting for him! lol
Now they're forced to us where everyone is.
Reut long time on pit road now lapped
got a 1 lap penalty for pitting over the front line
And Danica in a big wreck but she's ok.
This is the first time in a long time that the Fox booth sounds like the old ESPN booth. Boredom and silence are the order of the day.
What does that say about the racing?
Halfway...no recap.
Haven't we already heard about the Atlanta/Not Atlanta car for the 2? There must be something happening on the track that they can talk about
Sponsors and boredom do not make for great TV.
Seems to me in previous years we got a lot more information from the pit reporters on Fox
what old ESPN are we talking about? pre-2001 or pre-2009
That was an abrupt cut going to commercial
Here are the most recent Twitters from Fox:
Myers here: Talking to Jeff about how #5 is the perfect driver to give info to his crew chief. He started 23rd & is now 9th.
Hammond here: Just got in from outside & the heavy wind gusts are really creating headaches for all the cars. Watch out for what happens...
OK, whatever!
The 48 just overtook the 88- who has been haunting the top ten for most of the race.
2007 and 2008.
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