Here are some Twitter messages from various journalists and NASCAR personalities as the news of Poole's passing was made public:
that's racin': David Poole, Charlotte Observer racing columnist and expert, has passed at the age of 50. (This is the NASCAR website of the Charlotte Observer)
Jenna Fryer: David Poole will be terribly missed. His absence in the NASCAR media center will be tremendous. (Fryer is the AP and Yahoo! Sports NASCAR reporter)
Becca Gladden: David Poole, NASCAR Writer for Charlotte Observer for the last 13 years, passed away today. Thoughts go out to David's family. (Freelance writer)
Marty Smith: Very, very sad day. (ESPN NASCAR Lead Reporter)
Brian France: "The NASCAR community is stunned and saddened by the loss of David Poole." (NASCAR Chairman and CEO)
Click here for a direct link to that's racin' and a some great tributes to David.
Click here for a must read by Monte Dutton from the Gaston Gazzette.
We always had fun with David, who welcomed me to the NASCAR Internet world three years ago. His emails and comments were very helpful in designing the content and format of TDP. Our hearts go out to the entire Poole family.
Please feel free to leave your comments below. Just click the comments button.
Always looked forward to his columns, even asked him a couple questions by email in the past and he would give a reply. He'll be missed.
RIP David.
I'm in shock. Just opened TDP and saw the news. Prayers to his family and friends.
He ALWAYS had time for fans, especially on the That's Racin' site. He would check into our forums periodically just to see what was up and drop a line. You would think a big-time reporter from a prestigious paper would find something "better" to do, but he really did care about the fan's perspective and racing in general. Truly a geniune guy, not to mention he was hands down the best beat writer in our sport. He will be sorely missed, this one will take a while to get over. Rest in peace big guy.
Just saw it on Twitter and left a condolence note on the Thatsracin site.
Very sad. Condolences to family and other loved ones.
Indeed he will be missed.
He truly cared about the sport.
Just read the sad news. Rest in Peace, Mr. Poole, I've always enjoyed your articles. My prayers are with his family and friends. Indeed it is a sad day.
A sad day for all NASCAR fans. David knew NASCAR. He always had time to answer questions from fans.
I didn't always agree with him, but I respected his knowledge and opinion.
You will be missed, David.
My prayers are with the family.
Very sad day for Sirius radio listeners of the Morning Drive.
David Poole was not on NASCAR's payroll. He told it like it is and didn't worry about repurcussions from NASCAR. Many of the other commentators are MRN employees which is a subsidiary of International Speedway Corp. They walk the corporate line.
David cannot be replaced on The Morning Drive on Sirius. If they choose another MRN clone, I'm done.
Mr. Poole graciously participated in an online chat with our fanboard, and we really enjoyed visiting with him.
RIP Mr. Poole. My best to his family and friends.
I got an email from David yesterday after I wrote agreeing with his position that conditions were too dangerous at Talladega.
He was a true gentleman.
Kenn Fong
Condolences go to David Poole's family. Additional condolences go to his readers. We've lost one of the few writers who "called 'em as he saw 'em" without too much regard to the company line.
RIP David.
Thanks to David I will never listen to music the same way.
His dramatic reads were priceless.
A warning to St. Peter, When you're handing David his robe and sandals,
skip the sandals.
Manfeet are not allowed.
Rest in Peace
(Dave at the Milwaukee Mile)
love him or hate him, he loved our sport and everyone involved in it. i didn't always agree with what he said (or how he said it sometimes!) but i always believed he had the love of the sport at the center of his words.
my thoughts and prayers to his family. he will be missed by this fan.
I just got home, turned on the TV and SPEED had this on the crawl. WOW.
I wrote condolences on the Charlotte Observer site.
I'll miss reading his columns. He knew how to stir things up.
Very sad news. My condolences to all the family and friends of Mr. Poole. He will be missed.
This is horribly sad news. David has participated in the past on racing boards I've frequentened & it was fun to spar w/him & get inside information. He will be sorely missed. Prayers & good thoughts to his family & friends.
I often disagreed with David Poole, but I always wanted to know what he thought. He was a fine writer, but from what I have seen on That's Racin he was an even better person and cared about others.
Some things, you just never expect and don't know what to say when they happen.
I'll miss David Poole.
Shocked. Opening Part of NN wasn't on the web much today. I was always interested to see his write ups or hear him on the Bull round table or battling it out with petty on the knock off of it.
Great insite big loss for all. Like him or hate him at least you knew where he stood.
My thoughts and prayers to his family. I enjoyed his reading his work. He will be missed.
JD, terrible news and so young too. My condolences to his family.
Rest in peace with the angels and the Lord, Mr Poole. God Bless his family and friends.
I just found out about a half hour ago-took me that long to go through the guest book. Yes, there are messages from familiar names (Kelley Earnhardt, Cathy Earnhardt Watkins, Steve Addington, James Ince, Jayski) who took time to post, but it was interesting how many people were just fans--avid listeners/readers who, even though they often disagreed, still listened and read his columns. Many had met him over the years at racetracks. And all felt compelled to leave their condolences. He touched a lot of people.
He was one of the first writers I discovered back 12 years ago or so when I became a serious fan. I agreed with his last column about 'dega, though like the others, I often disagreed. But the NASCAR world just won't be the same. RIP, David.
Just a sad sad day in NASCAR.
Major shock for me.
He will be missed
Very sad - I managed to catch his prog on the odd days I had off from work and really enjoyed hearing his views.
Condolences to his family - a very sad day for everyone.
That really sucks. His columns were wonderful and his perspective very welcome in the nascar world.
My thoughts go out to his family and loved ones. Nascar will be worse off without him around.
He always had time to answer a fan question, to talk about his grandson Eli, or to explain to you why you were misguided in your opinions. I really valued all the times I got to talk to him and will miss his honesty and humor. Prayers to his family and friends.
This is truly sad as I faithfully listened to David every morning for at least an hour. He was truly the last voice that you could turn to without the spin.....I will miss him....
RIP Old Friend
Inverness, FL
Not even sure what to say. I was so happy at getting the chance to meet him yesterday at the Birmingham Airport and so sad by the news today. I could tell he did not fell good but still took the time to talk to me. I can just see him now, sitting at Dale's side interviewing him. The racing society lost a great one. Will miss him greatly.
RIP David
I did not always agree with David, but I always wanted to hear/read what he had to say. He will be missed. Who else will Nascar what they don't want to hear?
Whether you liked it or not, David was the voice of the fans. His opinions were unbiased and he always let you know what he thought, regardless of who it involved or if it hurt anyone. As I'm writing this about 2 minutes after learning of his passing, I'm very saddened that the NASCAR world has lost a great journalist. I am a writer myself (only 20, been writing articles for 4 years) and I always enjoyed reading David's articles/blogs. The entire NASCAR world lost a great person today, and my prayers go out to his family during this time.
RIP David, and Godspeed.
He'll definitely be missed! As others stated whether you agreed or disagreed with him, you respected his work and his opinions.
RIP David
David was the first NASCAR writer who's name I remembered. Every time he wrote an article I read it. Like most I didn't always agree with his views but I always loved the fact he wasn't afraid to tell it to you. Not only is this a loss for NASCAR but for all of us as he was truly and awesome person.
My condolences to his family and friends.
Deepest sympathies and prayers for his family and friends. What shocking news.
His talent as a writer and love for the sport he covered will be sorely missed by those of us who followed his writings with faithful regularity. I can think of no higher praise for someone who put words to paper.
I really enjoyed listening to David in the mornings and I've always looked for his articles to read first. Like many others I didn't always agree with David's comments but always held a lot of respect for his views on the world of Nascar. Rest in peace David you will be greatly missed.
I was shocked when I turned on NN and saw that he had passed due to a heart attack. My deepest sympathies are with the family since it has been less than two months since I lost my very own wife to a sudden heart attack.
*hugs* major I'm sorry to hear about your loss :(
@ majorshouse, my condolences to you too.
I wonder if David knew how much he was loved and respected by those who only knew him on paper or online. Last I looked, there were over 500 comments at the Charlotte Observer. The comments are from all over the country. I hope this brings comfort to his family.
Sorry for your loss, too.:(
I just read a blog that David wrote a year after his own father. Moving to read that now. :( tough to read without getting choked up.
Oh wow this is just so sad. I have not been a race fan for very long, but you didn't have to read David very long or see him on TV very often to very quickly get the impression that he was sort of the dean of racing writers and one who they all looked up to as their elder-statesman (although I was shocked to learn he was only 50, I would have guessed 60).
One thing about Poole is that it was clear from his TV appearances that he was not in good health, and I always winced when I read his blog because he so often mentioned his awful diet when talking about the food he would eat at the track. I hope everyone takes this time to reflect on their own health and if they are in DAvid's shape take this as a call to do something about it and get fit.
we should all reflect a minute on the fragility and fleeting nature of life, and commit to take better care of ourselves
majorshouse, i think i can speak for all TDPlaneteers when i say i am so sorry to learn of the loss of your wife. one of the interesting social implications of the internet is that we link up with folks in the e-universe and we come to consider them friends.
you, sir, are one such person for me and many others and so we feel your loss. please know you're in my thoughts and prayers.
In shock. A friend called and told me the news driving home from work last night. I always enjoyed reading David's columns and listening to his interviews on the Rowdy podcast. I don't have Sirius so I never had the privlege of hearing his radio show, but from all accounts I missed a fun and entertaining show.
My favorite thing about David's writing is how he was never afraid to bluntly share his opinion, even if it wasn't PC. He will be missed. RIP David
@ red, well said. I agree with you.
I can't say I'm shocked but this is truly sad. And I hope it serves as a wake up call to those who don't take care of themselves. Such a senseless death and loss of incredible talent. Loved that he shot from the hip and never held back. Truly a blessing to NASCAR to have had him in our lives.
What a sad loss to the NASCAR family. I know he will be missed by many of us who did not always agree with him, but loved to read his columns and opinions.
I also liked the way he never took himself too seriously. Though he sometimes had a sharp tongue, he was not dogmatic.
RIP David.
My first introduction to David Poole's entertaining world of NASCAR was watching and listening to him debate with other journalists the latest hot topic on Speed TVs "Pit Bull" back in 2004 (great show IMO). That lead me to reading his column followed by listening daily to his Morning Drive show on Sirius while on my way to work. David left his mark on the sport and his presence in it will truly be missed by this fan.
My condolences to his family and friends.
RIP David
Thank you for all the great comments.
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