Digger has jumped off the TV screen and left the NASCAR merchandise trailers. He is now a comic book star. The good news is that his adventures are on sale right now.
This update on Digger from Westfield Comics:
Fox's beloved animated NASCAR mascot makes his four-color comic book debut right here! The race-loving gopher and his family and friends (and nemesis) are featured in two accessible, all-ages, stand alone stories per issue in this four-part miniseries that will be heavily supported by Fox.
Originally priced at $3.99, this four-part miniseries is now on sale for $3.19. Click here and be the first to write a review of this new series.
No word on if or when Cletus, the NFL on Fox robot will make his comic book debut.
TDP welcomes your comments on this issue. Click on the comments button below to add your opinion. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Kill me now.
That is all.
Digger anything makes me a sad panda.
GAG a Maggot!
Say it isn't so. I am totally disgusted with the very thought of this and David Hill needs to be shot and hopefully they will be out of circulation by the time that the Fox tv portion of the NASCAR season comes back on.
YAY :)
I want to color :)
Oh dear Lord they have got to be kidding, thank goodness we've moved on to TNT (That is very hard for me to say because I love Mike Joy and the boys)
I wonder is more people will watch Nascar on Tv or go to the races because of this digger comic book.
@ David, ditto.
When will it stop?
If I had the money, I would buy them all up and burn them in the infield of Daytona next year. Like the disco records 30 years ago at that baseball game.
Are David Hill and Brian France the same person? They're both arrogant buffoons.
I really have no family-friendly comment I can make about this atrocity.
JD -
After reading this one bit of "good news" I'm almost sad I had the $$ to fix my computer that was damaged by power outage Sat. Night.
David Hill truly is the most clueless obliviot (oblivious idiot) on the sweet green earth.
Who is the rats nemesis? Maybe its JD or TNT Racebuddy? Or is it all of us sane right thinking race fans?
OK I just had to delete a paragraph so I'm ending it here.
I'm buying some copies in case we run out of toilet paper during some emergency.
I second all comments..Jojaye, u save me typing. Ditto
Boycott Digger!
Maybe now that Digger is a comic we won't see the animated show on the pre-race show?
Anyone who is dumb enough to buy it deserves what they get.
This is a very deep subject that calls for thorough, thoughtful contemplation before commenting...........BARF.
Billy Shakespeare
I wonder what Race Buddy has up his sleeve? Dart board covers? Bird cage liners? Targets at the shooting range?
What part of "NASCAR fans hate Digger" did they not understand?
My kingdom for a gallon or two of gopher-B-Gone.
Makes me feel like this
Jessica, that is exactly the way I feel. Very funny.
who cares.
What this DOES prove, is that inside the hallways of FOX, which is part of a PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANY, there is a complete lack of policing and control of abuses by executives for their own enrichment.
What has happened here is the creation of a product in which one or more FOX employees have an interest. That product is then promoted and exploited over the airways of the FOX network, IN SPITE OF OVERWHELMING NEGATIVE RESPONSE BY VIEWERS. Now, that abuse of position has allowed those insiders to create yet another financial opportunity for themseleves, which the STOCKHOLDERS OF NEWSCORP CANNOT BENEFIT FROM.
As a Newscorp shareholder, I will notify the Securities and Exchange Commission today
well, i'm thinking along matt's line: if this reduces or eliminates the rodent's presence on race broadcasts, i say: print away!
but it seems to indicate the opposite: much like a live rodent, this one's not going away without major firepower being brought to bear. unfortunately, we, as fans, don't have the necessary arsenal as we aren't employed by fox in an executive position.
but what we can do -- and what we do extremely well! -- is continue to complain, be vocal and refuse to accept the rodent.
but honestly? until hill is gone, the rodent will stay.
Fox's beloved animated NASCAR mascot. I think not. Last year I put the ground hog on my rotisserie and fed him to the dogs. So it does not exist as far as I am concerned.
If I watched 10 minutes of fox prerace this season, it was alot. Bottom line to the sponsors of prerace show. Guess what? I do not know who you are. My loss not in the least.
Mr. Hill, as another poster said, and it goes back to 1900 or so. Maybe I will buy a couple of copies, as my grand parents used old catalogs in the outhouse.
I'm not 5 years old and these cartoon characters aren't interfering with NASCAR broadcasts at this time so I don't care about this junk.
Football season is getting closer and closer. It sure will be interesting to see if screaming cartoon characters dance around the screen when Tony Romo and Donovan McNabb are in the huddle and if those same characters will be screaming and diving out of the way to avoid getting hit by Adrian Peterson and Larry Fitzgerald as they're racing towards the end zone.
It's extremely simple. If Hill justifies Digger's integration into NASCAR broadcasts by saying it makes the coverage better then he has absolutely positively no reason at all not to integrate cartoon characters into the NFL coverage as well. If cartoons make the NASCAR broadcasts better then they would certainly make the football broadcasts better, right? So what reason would there be not to do it?
I would imagine the pre-game football audience will quickly turn to the NFL on CBS pre-game shows when Curt-Howie-Terry-Jimmy-Michael are interrupted for weekly cartoons of robots flying around in outer space and the in-game fans will quickly tire of Joe Buck, Troy Aikman, Kenny Albert, Darryl Johnston, etc. spending 3 straight hours screaming out in fear of the lives of the cartoon characters that almost got run over by the "big, mean football players".
If Hill doesn't integrate the cartoon characters into his football coverage and then dares to bring them back to NASCAR in 2010 then it will definitely confirm what we've all expected. In his mind NASCAR fans are simple-minded idiots and don't deserve the same respect other sports fans do.
Time to put up or shut up Hill. If you believe integrating cartoons into sports enhances NASCAR coverage then back up your mouth and do it across the board for all your sports, including the NFL. Otherwise shut up, remove it from NASCAR, and treat us with the same respect you do the football fans and everyone else.
Be consistent, that's all I ask.
Hey SF82, I agree. Let's not even invent a new mascot. Let's just put Digger cams along the sidelines and switch to that view when a receiver is attempting a catch or somebody is being tackled out of bounds etc. It's perfect. The beauty of Digger cams and cartoons in the NFL also. Love it!
An open letter to Mr. David Hill, Chairman and C.E.O. of Fox Sports.
Dear Mr. Hill,
I will not be purchasing any items bearing the likeness of your NASCAR mascot, Digger, no matter what form they take. If you do not like that...
anon @12:24,
I completely agree. If Hill believes the NASCAR coverage is better off when you obstruct the on-track racing by shooting it from a ground level camera there should be no reason at all not to bring that to football coverage as well. I'm sure the reaction will be great from the football audience. Who wants a clear view of live action anyway, right?
Even better, if they want to stick to the NFL robot cartoon character they already have they should shoot live plays from the blimp. Make the players tiny little specks and call the shot the "Cletus Cam", pretending it's the view from the robot flying around in outer space. Brilliant!
You've got to be kidding me. That's horrible.
my comment has been deleted by the author.
How stupid can these people be? Digger makes be go off more than...
Hope FOX isn't counting on my money.
I echo one poster --- sponsors are you listening? I won't be watching, and I certainly won't be buying gopher stuff.
When it comes to Digger, I'm flat broke.... always and forever....
It can't be worse than the actual cartoon, which rarely makes any sense at all.
Who is going to be the first to enter a "review"?
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