The ESPN2 block of Nationwide Series coverage begins at 6:30PM with qualifying. Then, Allen Bestwick is next with NASCAR Countdown at 8PM. The racing action begins at 8:30PM.
Bestwick will be joined in the Infield Pit Center by Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty for the pre-race show. Wallace will then move up to the broadcast booth and join Jerry Punch and Ray Evernham, who is in for Andy Petree.
With Vince Welch off to an IRL Sunday event, it will be the trio of Jamie Little, Shannon Spake and Dave Burns handling the action on pit road.
The weather has finally cleared in the area and SPEED was able to telecast a live truck series race earlier on Saturday. The NASCAR on ESPN team should enjoy great pictures and sound just like SPEED.
The Milwaukee Mile is a rough place to race with typical flat-track action that normally results in a caution flag or two. Both Kyle Busch and Carl Edwards were trying their best to get from the practice session at Sonoma to the Milwaukee track to keep their Nationwide Championship hunt under way.
The rest of the field is weakened a bit, but does contain several drivers like Ron Hornaday Jr. and Dennis Setzer who raced in the truck series race. In fact, today is Hornaday's birthday and he won the CWTS event. Keep on eye on "Grandpa."
This post will host your comments about the qualifying, pre-race and race coverage of the Nationwide Series from Milwaukee on ESPN2. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 348 Newer› Newest»What's the deal with the 99 w/o Aaron's and the 23 with them? I forget. Sorry for referring to car #s.
Anyone having audio problems with the ESPN2 qualifying?
Not me so far.
Just saw Butler 111 in the 23. Now it makes sense. But why can't Bayne run Aaron's too?
Hey JD, it's just you and me.
Highly doubt that Dot!
Qualifying is over, but I won't spoil it for you. If you can't wait, go to nascar.com
We know, just watching Jerry work with Rusty and Ray.
It's nice to see NW drivers instead of the CUP drivers. It's the only way they're going to get experience.
Trevor Bayne had the 99 bought for him to drive. That is why there are no Aaron's logos, they weren't scheduled to sponsor those races. Ken Butler III has his dad (Aaron's owner) sponsor his car for 18 races.
Thanks Anon 7:21, I know about the Butler owning Aaron's.
Good info, thanks. Could this be any more boring? Wow...at least Ray is making the best of his outing.
What a mess. I think they should let Speed handle this. If Rusty would tone it down a little, let Ray get in a few words.
With what U.S. Fidelis is reported to be doing, I'm thinking that the sponsor of Rusty's other car could be another potential nightmare. The claims they make in their TV commercials seem a little excessive.
Jason Keller's Ford is sponsored by Kleenex/Pick & Save. That's just too funny.
Correction, Scott tissue. Sorry. Still funny.
did Morgan get bumped?
Yes, got bumped. Bummer.
Dot, Pick & Save, actually hilarious.
I believe Dennis Setzer said he's driving a backup car to the older Keselowski and "probably won't go too long tonight."
JD wrote - Keep on eye on "Grandpa."
Keep on eye on ?!?!
Btw - I'm the one that coined the "Grampa" nickname for Hornaday ... over on the Speedtv.com message boards ... And the SPEED on-air talent picked up on it ...
26 speeding penalties on exiting pit road ... That's really unusual ... And fishy since one car in particular never got penalized ...
Heading out tonight, but have just one question. What is that airplane-rudder-looking thing on the roof of Michael McDowell's car? Never seen anything like that on a race car before.
Yes, please someone in the production booth - turn Rusty's mic down a couple of octaves. Who was the driver that didn't get penalized last week?
Ken Butler II does NOT own Aaron's, Inc ...
It's a publicly traded company on the NYSE ...
Butler is only the COO (Chief Operating Officer) ...
Some of the stockholders (maybe BoD too) have been upset with the amount of money that Butler has spent on the sponsorship program ... especially having the company pay for racing school for KB3 & his brother ...
@ VickyD, KyB, I believe.
Did you hear that water leaks at Rusty's Iowa track cancelled IRL qualifying?
I'm surprised Shannon interviewed Setzer ...
All cars have the roof cam mount so the aero is equal...that it?
@JD - No, not the "hockey puck", there was something behind it that looked like the tail "fin" on the back of an airplane and I've never seen anything like that before.
They got a shot of that rudder-like thing right after talking about the speeding penalties. Perhaps thats the target for the laser they use for speed control on pit row?
@Dmo - Speeding penalties are calculated using the transponder, so that doesn't look like it's related.
Poor Mr. Jesus :( Hate to see he was bumped
Go Mr. Alligator Go
Happy to see Aric racing tonight hope he can get a win that won't have an asterisk behind it :(. That was so messed up
oopsie...sound system messed up :(
what was going on with the audio of the invocation just then?
I didn't know whether the chaplain was repeating himself or the sound system hiccupped on our tv.
fly by and drive by :)
AB just apologized for "technical difficulties" so is it going to be one of those kind of nights.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Did you hear that water leaks at Rusty's Iowa track cancelled IRL qualifying?
Is that like those dreaded "weepers" at Texas Motor Speedway several years back?
That pit crew member on the 5-Hour Energy stuff needs to use his product. He got me yawning and I can't stop.
Liked those motorcycles a lot.
Gentlemen, turn on you mics!
Boy, the race hasn't even started and they're having audio problems at the track. I wonder if we'll hear the pitroad updates tonight.
We can talk to people in space but, can't get the audio to work at a track on the ground? Time to turn on the closed captioning.
@ DMO, funny.
One would almost expect an audio glitch with a wireless mic. But that poor guy was holding a wired mic!
Note to audio guy: Always tape mic switch down in the ON position.
Did you hear the click as the shaking hands turned the switch off?
He looks like a blast :)...hope Danny does well too I like him
hey gang! sorry i missed you guys on the truck race blog -- life takes priority, especially post-graduation!
already, i'm in letterbox mode with espn: ticker above w/the requiste checkered stripe beneath and scores running across the bottom. certainly wish that could be different . . .
How many times are they going to show Carl & KB passing cars??? JP was very exciting talking about them already.
Are they at a flat race track? How many times are we going to hear that?
@ VickyD, I know, huh?
Dang, the FoxTrax leaderboard isn't working. Anyone know of another one?
Here we go. It's the Kyle & Carl Show.
hey red, kyle and carl show maybe!
Daly Planet Editor said...
hey red, kyle and carl show maybe!
think i'd rather watch veggie tales, jd!
it is to plotz.
Red, we kinda like the scores at the bottom of our tv - we don't want to miss how much the Astros are losing by!!!!
Never mind, found the one at NASCAR.com.
And it looks like 5 cars are off already.
Anyone know if Stanton Barrett will race his Indy car tomorrow?
You have to be kidding me. The NASCAR.com leaderboard is showing lap 4, while the broadcast is on lap 11.
FoxTrax, why have you forsaken me?
@ Karen, since Stanton's name isn't Kyle or Carl, they didn't say during qual. You'd think they would since IRL is on ABC.
karenb, directions on where n'wide leaderboard is on nascar.com, please. that site makes me most unhappy and impatient and i just stop trying to find what i want.
@ Karen No he is not ruing I0wa
I meant "running"
36th on back, off or out.
Don't bother red, the leaderboard is eight to ten laps behind.
If you really do want to bother, click on the "Live: Nationwide series race" headline.
It doesn't look like Stanton Barrett is racing tomorrow.
Thanks, guys. Now, is Kittleson car owned by Stanton?
hey karenb? oh, never mind. i guess it was way to obvious to just have to click on the big box on the front page. sometimes, i have to wonder.
but 13 laps behind doesn't make it very useful now, does it?
i may abandon this race: punch seems determined to talk about 'those boys from california" and their race thru the field. i really just want to hear about the guys who commit on'wide each and every race.
Is Jerry Punch in the booth?
@charlie: that's be a "yeppers."
@ Charlie, I'll have what you're having. :)
Yes it's very frustrating Red :(
For about 5 minutes JP didn't say a word, that is why I asked.
lucky us, Jerry and Rusty! And the Kyle and Carl show -- gee, why am I watching this again?
@ Charlie, he was taking a power nap. Gearing up for the next baseball announcement. I was kidding you with my comment.
so, with nascar.com being so far behind on their leaderboard, it raises the question: doesn't everyone use the same source of telemetry? shouldn't they all be within a coupla laps at worst?
enjoying this race so far.
good to have ray in the booth!!
karen i dont believe stanton owns those cars, someone else does but stanton is one of their premier drivers
@ Gina, you're watching for the same reason we are. JD and the Planeteers.
ok, i'll only complain about this twice this weekend: once tonight and once tomorrow. the tech center (or any non-racing insert) should be in the SMALLER window and the race should be in the LARGER window.
Even ESPN.com's leaderboard isn't updating tonight, either.
At least some good racing for a change.
@ red, I'll join you.
attendance looks decent from that long view. has anyone mentioned numbers?
hey dr punch? we got it already: busch and edwards came all the way from california to race tonight and they're beating up on the n'wide regulars. can we please move on?
Just a couple more rsces till Marty Reid takes over the NN races.
really really good race. punch is being punch, really enjoy evernham though and wish he would do more races. dj and he would be a great mix
They should handicap Carl & Kyle more than just starting in the back ... if they're not gonna practice & qualify their cars ...
Say ... start them with a flat tire or a missing plug wire ...
Just to shake things up a bit ... esp when there's a dozen or S & Pers ...
ok...been fiddling around the house and eating...now can get on laptop.
tired of hearing about Carl & Kyle already.
I agree the tech center should be the SMALLER pic in the side by side. It's not brain surgery.
Not sure I am into this race but wanted to stay informed with you guys.
I'd rather follow Kyle & Rut on Twitter than watch this.
Also Twitter is wanting to add adds to DM's and @replies. Not going to go over well. First they said they would offer a Premium service but now want to put adds. They need to clean house with xxx & spammers first.
We have subtle thin horizontal ghosty lines on the tv....annoying. TW coming out again on Tues to fix. Had it on my digital box last month
@ JD, something to live for. When's DJ coming back? Did JP give him his vacation time?
And another complaint I have with nascar.com why does it take them over an hour to post the finish and the points for the truck race when they can update the cup points - as the guys race???
Let's skip over the 7th and 8th place cars during "Up To Speed".
Did I have one to many glasses of Cabernet with dinner, or is Shrubster NOT in first place, so far?
audio at this track is HORRIBLE and some female voices do not carry well OVER CAR NOISE.
@ tia... I so agree with you.
@jd: i don't know if i can hang on for marty reid. it can't happen soon enough.
like it or not Kyle & Carl are N'Wide Regulars this year, But I agree they could give some others air time
I think Carl and Kyle should start the race from a parking lot..and have a merger lane. :)
David, Rick Ware shown as owner of Stanton's car and Stanton as owner of Kittleson's. But I thought Stanton raced his own stuff.
Gee, like it's so hard for CUP drivers to mow down the NW drivers.
i think they are joint owners in the team karen
It's like they came up with one storyline during the production meeting and only one storyline: Carl & Kyle making their way from the back. And they have no other storylines to cover.
@vickyd: agreed in re: nascar.com not updating rapidly after a truck race. another example of one of the easy things a media partner could do to help that series.
@ dear Sophia, too funny.
MikeC - also they had to come all the way from California to do it!
not happy with the camera work so far...gotten spoiled with TNT's wide shots.
EXCESS in car cams and tight camera shots. Lather, rinse, repeat. ZZzzz
@darbar: in my experience, one can rarely have too many glasses of cabernet at dinner.
anon@9:22: i will agree that edwards and young mr busch are running on a regular basis in n'wide but in my opinion, they are NOT n'wide regualrs. they are cup regulars running in n'wide. big difference.
@ VickyD, you don't say. They had to come from CA?
Brendan's crew needs 5 hr Energy. Slooowww pit stop.
Personally, I think Shrubster should have started from the middle of Lake Michigan, made his way through downtown Milwaukee, run the bases at Miller Park at least 10 times and then over to the Mile.
I cracked up at Rusty's comment about being cooler here. It's still 84 degrees.
man, that was an ugly stop for lamar! spun his tires before the team got around to the left side then pulled out while before the catch can had been completely pulled. great job by the gas man to get it before it became a penalty. too bad no one mentioned it while it was happening.
how is mcdowell a rookie of the year contender?
anyone know why hamilton jr's tire changer has a blue uniform and the rest of the pit crew is in black/dark uniforms? consequence of sponsor issues?
@ dar 9:29, You're killing me.
that official saved them....
Anyone ever been to the Milwaukee Mile? It's a cool racetrack---although being from the area, I may be a little prejudice. Not a bad seat in the house. And State Fair Park is great, easy to get to and easy parking.
hey darbar? you changed your name on us?
too funny about YOUR idea for shrub's starting point. :)
McDowell has never run the Nationwide full time...same with Gaughan.
Heck John Andretti ran for rookie of the year...with 2 wins in Cup!
"BADLY," rusty, it makes them handle "BADLY," not "bad." it is, after all, your native language. can you please use it correctly?
anon@9:38: thanks! my memory had him driving enough n'wide to move him out of contention.
"BADLY," rusty, it makes them handle "BADLY," not "bad." it is, after all, your native language. can you please use it correctly?
Rusty speaks cat
wow, that was an OLD sportscenter commercial on "running of the mascots."
Very different style of coverage tonight. No hopping around the field and looking for the best racing on the track like the trucks earlier on SPEED.
More story oriented and sticking with a handful of cars.
Ray is doing a good job, but I bet he is wishing he was with DJ.
anon@9:41: "Rusty speaks cat"
sigh. yeah, i forgot.
and now, kez is announced by rusty with that silent "e" being used. rusty, it's "kez-low-ski," not "kez-el-ow-ski." oh, never mind: just use "that 88 cat."
"Ray is doing a good job, but I bet he is wishing he was with DJ."
haven't heard as much from evernham as i'd like. rusty needs to sit on his tongue for a while.
Shut up Rusty.
Seriously, you add nothing to the conversation. Go away. You're not clever, or informative, or funny. Just leave. Please.
Note to Rusty - make an appointment at the eye doctor's as soon as possible.
Yeah, red, I have a google account and finally remembered my name and password
I'd rather here MORE FROM RAY myself.
Tell me again why the hello we have Rusty in the booth? Sheesh. oh, DJ is gone.
Off to do a project, back in a bit.
Sophia, Lake Michigan is notorious for being VERY deep and having people getting lost.
Rusty is just badly or....is it bad?
If Steven Wallace is having troubles with his car, maybe he should get some warranty work done by US Fidelis.
Oh, wait...
Karen, the best line of the entire night !!!!
They're all off tonight. They don't even know who's who in the zoo. No wonder they use #s.
Remember when AB used to call these stand alone races with Randy LaJoie?
Those days seem a long time ago now....
@ KBaskins, way too funny.
I still believe the Up to Speed or Through the Field would not be needed if they would broadcast the race correctly. We would already know who was where. It is almost an excuse to kill time during a race when doing up to speed. If there is a pass on the track you will not see it because they are to busy doing through the field.
I would like to Kez-low-ski beat the CUP boys,kind a partial to him, He is from my area (Michigan boy)
So Kenny W stays on the track???
Finally a much needed caution.
Hey Red, we also need to teach Punch that Kyle is a one syllable name. Drives me nuts!
Dot, the Milwaukee Zoo is very close to the race track. Maybe that's the problem. See what happens when you get someone on here who lives near the track??? TMI
Kenny, get your smoky behind off the track.
McDowell really did not get a fair deal with Waltrip Racing last year..but in this day & age unless your have $$$$$, you may be out of luck.
How long after the green flag will we see Trevor's wall hit? Just had to get back to those commls.
@ dar, funny. Maybe the residents at the zoo can audition for the booth job next year.
Full Throttle! OMG! Hw stupid! So busy with that they missed the accident in the wall.
I was just going to say I'm pulling for Brad Coleman since he got the shaft last year.
annon, to be fair McDowell arguably never probably never earned the ride in the first place to be in cup that soon.
nice to see him have a NW ride though, hopefully they get sponsorship to run the 2nd half.
@ David, I agree. Old and young again.
Just wish Jerry could get us excited right now like Joy or Allen.
This is good racing....
steve l: oh, i so agree. it's really a simple name, no need to make it complicated.
@anon@9:58: agreed as well on mcdowell. i think he deserves better.
GREAT shot on of the marbles on that tire! we talk about it alot but we rarely get to see it when the tires come off. nice catch, producer!
hey! i think i just heard evernham for a moment there. nah, couldn't be. just sounds like rusty now . . .
Rusty must not even know about the testing ban Come on
Seeing the Miller plant brings back good memories...when you also visit the PBR plant...the Schlitz plant....
Milwaukee used to ROCK!!!!!!
Ray, are ya still with us Ray?
I'm still NOT buying that speeding penalty that they gave Grampa ...
They just did NOT want someone other than Kylie to win 2 races in one day ...
Ah, crap. The Shrub found his way out of the Lake. Yuck
JD did u hear ray on tuesday on speedway?
when asked about the COT and the racing, and thoughts of throwing a plate on these cars i agreed with him entirely. i really think if NASCAR was smart they would go after a guy like ray because he's had great ideas of how to make the COT a racier piece but i enjoy his presence on tv too.
Dot, unfortunately our beloved Sampson, the huge lowland gorilla, passed away a few months ago, otherwise he was going to apply for the position.
Dot, unfortunately our beloved Sampson, the huge lowland gorilla, passed away a few months ago, otherwise he was going to apply for the position.
Oops, Almirola got the shaft last year. But still had hoped Coleman would do well.
Rusty "pull his head off" ?? uh, you mean pull his hair out?> lol
i just don't think rusty is really adding information to this broadcast. every now and again, he hits on something but most of the time? it's just some sort of "stream of cousciousness" stuff.
aarrgghh! and now not one but TWO "driving the wheels off"! i'm only a few minutes away from the mute button. it just detracts from the entire event.
None of the three in the booth can do play by play.
Geez, I am telling you this is a mess.
@ dar, condolences for Sampson. He would have made a great replacement for Rusty.
It looks like there's some really good racing in the middle and back. If only they would show it!
So old school that he's not saying anything over the radio ?!?!?
Will someone please shove an octopus in Jamie's mouth??
just got to turn on the race and am seeing comments of good race on here. however, see shrub is leading and only 10 cars on the lead lap with 100 laps to go of 250 is it worth sticking with?
Since everyone seems to want to bash RW.
Ray's quote of the "#20 crew chief is not used to working with a young driver"
Since the 20 is normal run by the grizzled veteran Joey Logano
Not as good as Dr.J thinking that Wimmer was still running the 29
If Edwards gets to 2nd.....all we'll see is the front 2 cars.
And the obligatory Steven Wallace coverage. Helps having father in the booth. Way to show off that US Fidelis sponsorship.
@jd: i don't think "mess" begins to describe it for me. but you're right: we REALLY need a PxP guy right now.
i'm bouncing between TDP and CNN -- following the protests in iran. reminds me way too much of the protests in china 20 year ago.
I wish AB would go "Pro Wrestling" & take out Dr. Jerry & start doing play by play.
Let's just watch one car at a time!
What happened to Lani? Poor kid.
When you have cars going side by side at the Milwaukee Mile and you can't even raise your voice....something is very wrong.
And the live leaderboard is behind by 80 laps now - can't keep up with that.
Who did Trip Bruce cc for before? Heard his name several times before tonight.
@ Karen, Johnny Benson.
I've actually given up weeks ago on expecting excitement from JP. And I'd think if ESPN was going to make a change they'd have done it by now.
It seems like ESPN is staying loyal to him, since he stuck with them when the other networks had the contracts.
Oh yeah, then we get to see the chicken dance! Geesh.
JP would make a great GOLF announcer! Apply, apply....
@darbar--RFLMBO! That's too funny! Would love to see that :). Since you couldn't be bothered to do your N'wide job you have to start from Lake Michigan
I've told Herman about that smoking :( He really should listen to me more :)
Not that I want a CUP driver to win but, I hope it's Carl.
It was a big thing to bring in Marty Reid for the Nationwide Series this year starting in July.
Should be interesting to see what happens in 2010.
Trip worked for Ray, Ultra, & led Johnny Benson to the Truck Championship.
give me a break! there's racing happening and we're watching a tourist video? i mean, c'mon! the wheels fell off this bus about 45 minutes ago and i don't see anyone coming to jack it up and get the whole thing back on the road anytime soon.
now we've heard the amirola/hamlin episode twice tonight. not needed, guys!
If I hear that Almirola story one more time, I'm gonna scream. That's four freakin' times now!
Allen has such excitement in his voice. Why oh why???
If JD will allow me, the following link will take you to ESPN's leaderboard for tonight's race (it's up to date). Just click "leaders" on the left side:
well, now that Busch has taken over the lead, I've officially lost interest in watching this race. Hope the cup race is fun to watch tomorrow.
@ JD, what do you know about 2010? Or, are you teasing us? Maybe AB can teach JP how to play hockey in the off season.
wow, 13 cars out and Setzer the first...that is a S&P statement.
I swear to God if they show ONE cheesehead on anyone, I'm going to toss my cookies. Regardless of what anyone thinks, we are not cheesehead-wearing, squeeky cheese eating, chicken dance doing backwards idiots.
red, I was in China in 1989 during Tiananmen Square. It was terribly scary. They had to sneak our group out of Bejing to Hong Kong.
Dot, JB, duh!!! Thanks.
thanks, mikc and jd! nice to have a leaderboard!
so, they talk about the 18 car throwing sparks, the producer gives us a coupla of really great shots of the undercarriage and sets up the follow-up discussion for evernham and . . .
we go to commercial.
I have no idea about ESPN for next season. All I know is that everyone knows Jerry is not getting it done and this is a great example.
Anyone who watched the truck race on the same track earlier in the day understands how horrible Punch is at PXP.
If this is the excitement level that he brings to Indy in July, ESPN will sink like a stone when football begins.
Aric's story would be better if they told you he left Gibbs...to go to Ginn Racing. Not the best career move.
Running 10th for that team is a great effort - glad to see him receive some love from ESPN
@ dar, funny about the cheeseheads. This is how stereotypes get started. Not too long ago, people thought residents of LV lived in hotels.
there were only 8 S&P cars tonight jd...
10, 49, 0, 87, 91, 90, 96, 04 and 73
geez, what the heck did I miss...lots of comments to catch up. What shoulda taken 10 minutes tool longer. &^#^ Needle stuck on IV bag. Giving cat SubQ fluids every 6 or 7 days...his kidneys are good but other situations.
I almost had a nervous breakdown trying to get the huge needle changed. Lawd!!!!
Had to shut the door so cat wouldn't walk out of closet. HOT in there.
I wouldn't have tried this during TNT! now back to our show.
Steven up to 4th....I think all the love from The Daly Planet is giving him the Karma to run upfront.
@ Anon 10:27, I don't blame Aric for leaving Gibbs. It's a pride thing. I just wish he had a good ride. Maybe he could if they would get rid of the CUP drivers in NW.
@JD, JP is BSPNs answer to Digger. Someone is just saying "tough".
Not going to get too far off-topic, but it's like Iowa....people think all there is farms in the state. Was watching a television show about 5 years ago, and one of the lines in regards to one of the characters, "He lives on a farm in Des Moines, Iowa." LOL....let me tell ya, good luck in finding a farm in the city of Des Moines.
Think a new crew chief finally got hold of him and is setting him straight. About time.
wait, wait! "kyle busch has led only once but it's been for the last 60 laps"? that just sounds wrong, even tho' i understand what he meant.
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