What a wild triple-header it is going to be when NASCAR TV hits the air on Thursday.
The first order of business is a TV special on CNBC at 9PM ET. CNBC's Sports Business Reporter is named Darren Rovell. He is pictured above with NASCAR Chairman Brian France. Rovell tries to cover the economic issues involved in all sports, but that task is impossible. Normally, he winds-up covering exactly the same stick-and-ball beat that appears on SportsCenter every night.
This week, a special is airing called Inside Track: Refueling The Business of NASCAR. Although that title might not be as long as the ones over at Frontstretch.com, it does drive home the point that this is not going to be a regular series. CNBC has simply dipped a toe in the NASCAR water.
Click here to take a look at the official web page for this special. You can view the video on this page if you have broadband access. Even good old Kevin Costner sneaks in as a Web Extra.
The economy has been a topic at TDP since January. The sponsor loss and team mergers during the off-season were painful. Many veteran NASCAR team employees lost their jobs. Many drivers lost their rides. Into this situation, several months late, comes Rovell and CNBC.
What questions he brings and what conclusions he draws will be interesting. Like the IRL, the NHRA and other professional motorsports organizations, NASCAR has seen a significant loss in revenue from manufacturers and sponsors. Hopefully, Rovell will keep things in perspective and stay away from singling-out NASCAR as alone in these troubles. TDP will review the show and have a column up for your comments shortly after it concludes.
There are only two more episodes of NASCAR Now to go before ESPN reaches a milestone. Once Nicole Manske ends the 10AM Saturday version of the show, ESPN will have gone through the entire Fox and TNT season without promoting a single Sprint Cup Series race on television. What an accomplishment for the Worldwide Leader in Sports.
ESPN held NASCAR hostage for almost six months and no one lifted a finger about it. Do you think when NASCAR agreed to let ESPN originate a daily NASCAR news program that not promoting the Sprint Cup Series races was even a possibility? Well, it has happened. Chicagoland is the final non-ESPN Sprint Cup Series race.
Starting Monday, the entire tone of NASCAR Now will change. Each race will be endlessly promoted with detailed "advancer" pieces and interviews arranged specifically to promote the final seventeen Sprint Cup Series events.
ESPN had demanded that Fox and TNT promote the ESPN Nationwide Series races within the Fox and TNT live race broadcasts. In return, ESPN would be nice enough to promote the start time and TV network of the race they had just spent an hour previewing. Needless to say, neither Fox or TNT cared about NASCAR Now so no deal was made.
As we said during the season each time we reported on this ego-driven fiasco, the only people being hurt in this deal are the fans. At a time when NASCAR needed all the TV partners on the same page, ESPN decided to play politics. Six months of not promoting a single Sprint Cup Series race on the NASCAR Now TV series. Shameful.
Click here for the amazing story of "Wrong Way Jeremy Mayfield" and his adventures with the NASCAR drug police. How this did not make it to NASCAR Now, SportsCenter or even the local Charlotte area TV stations is amazing.
It will be even more amazing if Mayfield somehow shows up at the Chicagoland Speedway on Thursday. Stranger things have happened. Regardless of Mayfield's guilt or innocence, this comedy of errors is more reminiscent of the Keystone Cops than a top-notch drug testing company working for a professional sports organization.
While ESPN has taken the challenge of reporting on Mayfield head-on, SPEED has gone to any length to avoid dealing with this subject. Only the RaceDay program has broached the subject, with carefully worded comments towing the NASCAR party line. It should be interesting to see if John Roberts and Hermie Sadler update the Mayfield situation on NASCAR Live at 4:30PM ET from the track.
The complete weekend NASCAR TV schedule is posted on the right side of the TDP main page with times, TV announcers and guests listed.
We welcome your comments on the topics discussed above. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy your Thursday.
While ESPN's reluctance to promote and publicize the races on Fox and TNT seems strange at time, it does provide an element of journalistic objectivity to many of the segments on NASCAR Now. I think that much of the time this approach is successful; it allows them to report from "above the fray", in a manner similar to Real Sports on HBO.
Even in the instances where this "head in the sand" approach does seem a little bizarre, NASCAR Now does in general tackle more serious subject matter than Fox/Speed, and does so in a more intelligent way than the others, so I am willing to cut them a little slack.
Ron, seriously? NASCAR Now has a daily promo panel of races and ESPN actually plugs-in NHRA and IRL events rather than promote the Cup races.
Even the weekend NASCAR Now show that promotes the Sprint Cup race for the full hour never gives the TV network for viewers.
You don't find that to be an issue? Understand, this show has been on the air for three seasons and is NASCAR's daily news program.
no complaining by you about turner not promoting nationwide - not a spec - it's always a one way street with you jd - bitter grapes
I understand your frustrations, and I don't discount them. But I find virtually all of the NASCAR-related pre and post race programming on Fox/Speed to be so idiotic and shallow that I'm willing to overlook ESPN's quirks. At least NASCAR Now is willing to ask tougher questions when necessary, and act as something other than the cheerleaders/warm up act that Fox/Speed invariably provides. I find their programming simple-minded and devoid of meaningful ambition.
Of course, I'll pay closer attention to see if ESPN changes their approach as they take over the race broadcasts.
RonFWNC, ESPN is to journalistic integrity as Taco Bell is to fine dining. Your statement only makes sense if they do not promote their own races & that will never happen. ESPN is the undisputed program pimping champ of the sports universe.
Ron, seriously indeed, using journalistic integrity in describing the operation at ESPN?
The network that brought us the Ron Hornaday scandal!
Nuff said
Dave in Milw.
"no complaining by you about turner not promoting nationwide - not a spec - it's always a one way street with you jd - bitter grapes"
Are you saying that you didn't see any Nationwide series promotion on TNT's daily NASCAR news show?
Oh wait, that's right, only ESPN has a daily show. One that pretends to "cover" all of NASCAR. So your statement is pointless.
What a freaking mess this Jeremy drug test issue is. Same can be said about BSPN. Let's include NASCAR too.
If I were an owner, I'd put Jeremy in a car just to stir things up. He's no more of a danger on the track than some of the moving chicanes that race every week. I don't have to mention any names.
BF is going to paint a rosy picture of how things are in NASCAR. He is the worst person to be interviewed. He's good at double talk. Maybe he should be in politics.
I don't watch NN during the week, only Mondays. You are right JD, the fans suffer when each network has their own agenda. Especially BSPN. Arrogance personified.
Whenever the TV contract is up, maybe we'll get racing on one channel. By then, they'll be fewer races (thanks to the economy) so one network will be able to afford to show the whole season in 25 weeks.
@ Photojosh, touche.
It's lucky reporters like Fryer are still on the motorsports beat at all, given the way the industry's been collapsing.
If that were the case, we likely wouldn't hear any of the backstory to the high-profile Mayfield case.
We're certainly not going to see it on TV, in any event.
Rumor has it that some EESPN network carries NHRA, but if you watch SpoutsCenter you will never see a mention of the NHRA, or its results, unless they have pictures to show of a blow-up or wreck to show.
I really can give EESPN something of a pass for not ID'ing what network the Cup race is going to be on, but not for failing to report the day and time for the upcoming race.
How could Mayfield be so stupid as to not know the parameters of testing? I'm sure he knew by now he had a two-hour window and it took several hours and then he stalled an hour at his house? Unbelievable.
That story by Jenna Fryer on Mayfield is so funny as to be sad.
You would think at this point if you are Mayfield that a) you are expecting a test soon and b) you want to do everything you can to comply quickly and hassle-free as to demonstrate your innocence.
But this twisted scenario Fryer lays out pretty much tells you everything you need to know about Mayfield. I will be VERY interested in hearing the result of this latest test.
@ anon 2:59
It doesn't matter what the results are, they're suspect.
A former co-worker of mine is a regular marijuana user, and knows all sorts of ways to get around drug tests that he told me about. There's a powder that's ingested with water that will mask some drug use. I'm not sure what tests it screws up, but I'm sure there are all sorts of substances that can be masked or diminished. the drawback is they take a few hours to work their way into the system. They're not for a surprise drug test.
Also, you can buy pouches of clean urine that can be employed during tests. A tube runs from the bag so the urine can be deposited into a cup. There's even a handy-dandy disposable hand warmer packet that can be put against the pouch to bring the urine up to body temperature. I'm sure that's why he had to pee in front of someone. Mayfield may have found the scrutiny "humiliating", but given that it's easy to cheat in this manner on a test, it was necessary.
These cheating substances are not difficult to find. Obviously, the lab is fully aware of what's available. They gave him two hours to get to the lab (which is not enough time for the masking agent to work), and they made him pee in front of them (negating the use of someone else's urine).
If he tests negative, NASCAR will just say that Mayfield waited too long before he tested, and therefore had time to use a masking agent. If he tests positive, then he's a idiot for using drugs when he knew regular testing was going to be the norm. Either way, NASCAR wins. and Mayfield put himself in that position by delaying the test.
Every baseball game on ESPN the past couple of weeks has promoted the All-Star Game on Fox several times during each broadcast.
Regardless of Mayfield's guilt or innocence, this comedy of errors is more reminiscent of the Keystone Cops than a top-notch drug testing company working for a professional sports organization.
I don't see anything in the article that Aegis did to cause "a comedy of errors". I do see someone going out of their way to avoid a drug test however. If he were in any other line of work and pulled this kind of crap he would have been terminated immediately. Also it's not "humiliating" to pee in a cup in the presence of technician - it's standard procedure just like all the other times he has provided a sample.
It's time for him to get into rehab and save his life. Shame on all of those around him who just enable this behavior.
Anon 10:39PM,
Perhaps I did not make the differences clear. ESPN, Fox and Turner all pay millions of dollars in rights fees for the individual races.
ESPN has the final seventeen races and none of the Cup events before that point.
NASCAR Now is a daily show that covers all three of NASCAR's top series. This program is the key TV show that gets information to the fans on a daily basis.
The difference between an event and a program is the same as apples and oranges. They may both be on TV, but are entirely different.
ESPN decided to remove the Cup promotion until their demands were met by the two other Cup TV networks, neither one of whom cares about a daily TV show like NASCAR Now.
This ESPN strategy failed totally, but that did not stop them from continuing to hold this daily TV show hostage.
As I said in my column, shameful.
Mayfield's camp has a very different version of this issue.
Standard rules for testing away from the track should be published any day now. Each of the other pro sports has them.
NASCAR is now publicly painting Mayfield as a meth user, despite the fact that the judge agreed that the levels of meth reported by Aegis would have rendered Mayfield unconscious on the day he was tested.
I am all for anyone getting treatment for addiction of any type, but he sure does not fit the profile. As I said in my column, this should be a very interesting day.
PS Mayfield's side said Monday testing would allow NASCAR to announce their findings at the track for better media coverage.
And the beat goes on...
It's apples and apples-TNT and Fox don't promote ESPN's races, ESPN doesn't promote their races. It may be stupid by all parties, but I fail to see how it makes only ESPN's behavior "shameful." As far as NASCAR "allowing" ESPN to have a daily news show, if NASCAR is unhappy with the coverage they should be begging another channel to start one to compete with ESPN.
If one of the other broadcasters thought they could increase profits by having a daily Nascar news show they would have one. You don't need Nascar or anyone else's "permission" to produce a news show about them.
In the fall, CBS, FOX and ESPN all produce Sunday NFL news and preview shows that compete with each other. The 15 or so games that follow are, over two days, spread over four networks with up to five start times. None of the broadcasters say "Here is a list of every game, start time, and channel, including those on other networks." Via programming guides, clicking around, the internet, or this amazing new technology called the newspaper, fans amazingly somehow manage to find just the game they want to watch.
This drum has been beaten to death, and is as pointless as when the first stick crashed down on it. If Nascar doesn't want to require all broadcasters to promote all national Nascar races, no single broadcaster should be singled out for not promoting another broadcaster's programming.
The NASCAR Now show was a part of the new TV contract that began in 2007.
In order to produce a NASCAR TV program, footage and other TV issues need to be sorted out with the sanctioning body. It is not something that a network "just does."
You stick-and-ball analogy does not work for one very simple reason. While there are multiple regional games in NFL football, NASCAR at most has only three races per weekend.
It is important to get the casual sports fan who is watching ESPN2 pointed in the right direction.
The issue is sport first or network agenda first? Your comment says network agenda and I appreciate your comment.
apropos of absolutely nothing in this particular blog: i kid you not: the verification word for me is "roush'! had to post a comment just to be able to use it!
Anyone with an IQ over 3 can easily see that like most of their other rules, NASCAR's drug testing is flawed. Like in so many other things, NASCAR has caused their own problems through the ridiculous desire for control, secrecy, and micro-management, at the cost of common sense.
On the other hand, I wish someone other than Mayfield were the driver taking on NASCAR on this issue, or any other for that matter. His past history of behavior with Penske and Evernham makes him less than the ideal party for public sympathy. Even if he is right on this one, can anyone really not think back to all those other times when poor Jeremy was always "wronged" by authority figures through no fault of his own.
Idiocy and Stupidity reign supreme. I wish both sides would lose. The problem is that we, the fans of racing, are the ones losing the most.
Ya' know.......I think the judge would do well to say, "I will award Mayfield or NASCAR the winner in this case as the one who can first show me they are able to act with intelligence, maturity, and common sense."
While I a no fan of ESPN or its attitide< I have to say that on this cross promotion issue, I side with the home of "SPITCENTER"
A quid pro quo between networks for promotion is not an unreasonable expectation, but in this case, John, FOX is once again the bad boy. Remember when FOX and NBC took over the rights for NASCAR? FOX, under the bloviated arrogance of David "over-the" Hill
succeeded in keeping ESPN RPM Tonite completely banned from every NASCAR racetrack. It was Hill/FOX who started this fight, and I think that NASCAR should have stepped in years ago and told Hill that the race venues are open to all reporters. NASCAR didn't, and now NASCAR gets no promotion on ESPN until the last set of races of the year.
It pains me to say it, but ESPN is not at fault here. It comes down on NASCAR for failing to manage David "over-the"Hill
Bray Kroter
I think the CNBC report has a good possiblity to be interesting. Maybe Brian France will actually appear to have 2 brain cells to rub together during the interviews, but I doubt it.
Since I get my information on where/when the races are on from other sources on the web and I just don't find ESPN all that interesting, I guess the fact that ESPN continues to pretend that the NASCAR racing season begins when they take over in July ridiculous, but not something that I actually care about. I never watch sportscenter since I'm not into stick and ball sports and NASCAR Now, although much improved since it's start, is still too "stiff" and regimented in its format. Plus, I'm not home from work in time to see it on a regular basis so it's a non-issue for me. I blame NASCAR's lawyers for not ironing all of this type of detail out between all the partners before the deal was struck. It is the fans who are the most affected by all this - NASCAR took their money and danced away.
JD - you don't think Fox and Turner put their business model before the league's business priorities. You love to blame your former employer week in and week out. ESPN is bad at this - ESPN is bad at that. Clearly you have a chip on your shoulder that is crystal clear despite you attempt to hide behind "opinion".
It's actually becoming fun to point out to all your readers how your facts are often incorrect.
I hope that the CNBC special is replayed. I know that I will be watching Cup qualifying at that time.
And it appears Bristol has spoken so I guess as a fan there's no real point for me to voice my feelings, but I will anyway.
I find it very frustrating to watch the ONE daily news show for all of NASCAR series thinking that it should be my one stop for all important information of the racing action for this week, and one of the important things should be WHEN, WHERE & TIME for the telecast for this weeks race so I can set my Tivo or plan to be in front of the TV with out searching other sites to find out. JMHO
I was one several years ago that was upset because ESPN was cut out of the TV deal (now I realize it was because they weren't willing to pay a decent price) and was so thrilled when they were coming back. Now what I'm reminded off is, "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. " and that is exactly what has happened getting ESPN back.
As far as the Jeremy deal goes, ..... are you kidding me? Jeremy plays big time games and keeps poking the tiger with the stick to antagonize and yet it's still NASCAR's fault?
I agree with the person that wrote if he was really clean and wanted back in he would be busting his butt to get retested and prove his innocence. Only thing he's showing here is that just as in the past, he refuses to follow the rules of superiors and it's poor lil Jeremy, and / or he has smething he's trying to hide. Had Jeremy followed the original rules and been tested and consulted with the Dr's at the lab, had he honestly been innocent and tests come back showing so he would have been back driving in 6 weeks time, Jeremy with his video crews etc is the one that has turned this into a freak show and he's the star.
NASCAR has not prevented him from making a living doing all he knows, race car driving. As several before him has shown he can go to a different series to drive and continue making a living driving a race car.
IF NASCAR is so bad, why the heck does everyone want to be there so bad?
Like them or not NASCAR is a privately owned business that has worked to bring their series to the pinnacle of recognition in automobile racing. Higher purses, more notoriety and recognition for drivers teams and owners, far greater merchandise sales for being part of it, making drivers known and household names and in return for all this all you have to do is follow company rules.
As a sub contractor to ANY major corporation in the world how long would they allow you to be part of their organization if you refused t follow the rules put forth for sub contractors?
I also wonder if NASCAR is ticked at ESPN for NOT mentioning the "name of the race" in its crawls or SportsCenter reports, when the race sponsor has paid his/her "blackmail" money to NASCAR and is mentioned all the time on the telecast and not once per hour.
ESPN never called the Daytona race the "Coke Zero 400," it was just the Sprint Cup race from Daytona.
What's funny is when this all started in 2001, and Fox called the Atlanta spring race "the Cup Race From Atlanta," on SportsCenter and in crawls, ESPN called it the Cracker Barrel 500!
Strange how things change when you (ESPN) perform acts that appear to the viewers as inflicting partial-season suicide on the top level of your sport. ESPN is almost too selfish for me to watch. Pretty soon I'll delete the word "almost."
...as opposed to trying to inflict full-season homicide as in 2001.
(Sorry for leaving that out).
Who cares about commercials and promo's. Does anyone really watch or rather remember them ? A real race fan knows what, where and when.
The Mayfield situation is much more significant. The problem I have with Mayfield is that he did not tell Nascar that he was on a sript for ADHD. The med Aderall does have amphetamine in it even if a small amount. The potential side effects are publicly listed.
Lets assume that Mayfield is not a stoner but the implications of taking this medication are clear. If this drug does not alter moods to address Attention Deficit Syndrome then what other drug does ?
How was the sample tested ? Was a Mass Spectrometer used ? If so this device can see any element known to man and possibly the entire universe.
Some think that Nascar was lookin for Jeremy. Maybe somebody had an eye dropper full of meth and dripped it into his sample.
If Mayfield would have disclosed his medication immediately the deal may be different or they may have took him out of the car on the spot.
Nascar has been taking alot of heat in recent years and most of it deserved but the safety of fans and drivers is paramount. Sooner or later Nascar is going to win one of these battles and this maybe to one.
I do find it amazing that ESPN has earlier footage of Dr. Gary Wadler on NASCAR Now saying NASCAR's drug policy would not stand up in court and has not used it.
His words now make more sense than ever before, especially since the judge agreed with him when he issued the temporary injunction.
On another subject, in reference to the Anon comments at 8:24AM. I worked at ESPN from 1980 through 1989. Started in the library and wound-up in on-air operations as my final position.
Left 20 years ago to start a new network in Houston, TX called Prime Network. That company was sold to Fox and is now FoxSportsNet.
Just wanted to keep things in perspective.
I appreciate your blog, and I usually agree with your assessments of NASCAR media coverage.
However, I think you're absolutely wrong to hold ESPN to a higher standard than anyone else.
The only reason ESPN mentions the coverage of baseball's All-Star game is because they have a deal with baseball that compels them to do so. It's done in exchange for the right to broadcast from an in-stadium set during All-Star festivities, and falls in line with a deal they have to promote baseball playoff coverage on FOX and TBS. They did both deals so they could have continued access to live coverage of major baseball events that weren't airing on ESPN TV.
As for NASCAR, I see immaturity from all three networks. Yes, ESPN should do more to promote the Cup races, but outside of telling people what channel the race will be on, they are doing all they should be asked to. I hear them mention the green flag times a bunch, especially on the Sunday morning show.
They're just not going to tell the viewer to watch the race on a competitor's channel, and I don't blame them, since those networks have no desire to reciprocate.
I'd say that those other networks are just more interested in covering the race and not promoting other coverage, but since FOX and TNT are both famous for inundating us with promotional announcements during races (just like ESPN/ABC will), that's obviously not the case.
It's a classic battle of egos. As usual, we're the ones losing. However, we're really not losing, because if you're passionate enough about NASCAR to find this awesome blog, you're probably passionate enough about it to find out what network is carrying races.
Thanks, John, for resurrecting this blog, and for allowing such open discussion about NASCAR media coverage.
Here are my thoughts on the tv deal:
I truly wish that the daily Nascar news show would give us the tv listing to show where to watch the races. I know that SPEED will tell you about the races being on ESPN. I was talk about this blog with my dad who does not have a computer and was telling him about the networks refusing to tell us about the races on other networks and he said that that is a shame. His words were "Shame on them." As a fan of the National Champion University of Florida Gators football team, I will watch EPSN for wanting to know what channel the games will be aired on and even they don't tell us when the games are on CBS or PPV. That is frustrating. I have to go to the Gators website to find out the channels to watch the games on when we are not there in person.
As for the Mayfield situation, my dad said that he hoped that someone would take Nascar to task as they have too much power and really has no checks and balances. That is my dad's opinion. I for one love Nascar and want it to thrive.
I also wish that one network would cover all the races and that we would have consistency in the announcers and production team. My personal preference would be the Fox team as I love them. I also like Kyle Petty.
Those are my thoughts.
Anon at 7:30 is the only one who pointed out the history: When FOX/NBC-Turner got the cup deal, they effectively banned ESPN from participating inside the tracks. Doesn't anyone remember the ESPN interviews with drivers at the helipads, with rotors whirring and hair blowing all over the place. Gotta be some heavily bruised egos over THAT one.
Nevertheless, ESPN's motorsports coverage is but a shell of what it once was, despite the glitz and production values. When they came back I was anticipating the old network. What I got was stick-&-ball types. Even Bestwick and Punch have been squished into the Bristol mold.
At least FOX generates some buzz with their shows. Now, if they can just take the muzzles off....
The major improvement I've seen in the NASCAR Now shows this year is that for the most part they announce / publize the time of the next day's show. Given ESPN's habit of re-arranging their programming to provide coverage of other sporting events during the week, it is nice to have the confirmation of when the next show is supposed to air.
Unfortunately, there have been several times when the time announced for the next day's show isn't correct because there is no next day show. Even ESPN's on-line schedule, which is supposedly the authority, doesn't always have the correct scheduling information.
In fact, if I hadn't checked out The Daly Planet today I wouldn't have known that ESPN2 plans to broadcast the final practice session for the Nationwide race at Chicagoland tonight because last night's show didn't include it in the list of upcoming events for the weekend.
Still find it curious that the results of Mayfield's drug test were leaked to the media at Darlington when he was a DNQ and forcing a pre-race news conference. Only the name of the driver was not leaked...
ESPN is to journalistic integrity as Taco Bell is to fine dining.
Bit harse that.... on Taco Bell. Being from England, I rather enjoy the haute cuisine offered by Taco Bell when I visit the USA, normally several times in the week!
"start prime network" come on JD - you dance around the facts about yourself - yes you were a employee - but you were hardly a executive anything - rather just a former ESPN BOC employee looking for new work - facts JD - we know that's hard for you
Another fine example of the worthless trash coming from TDP. This was rather pathetic. Do you really think Fox or TNT would have gained 1 additional viewer if ESPN displayed the network airing the race? They spent all week talking about the race. Anybody that watches NASCAR Now would easily be able to find the race on TV.
Typical column from the number one male FOX cheerleader. NASCAR, FOX , started this when RPM was not allowed inside the track, only heliports. That pretty much killed RPM now.Now they refuse to promote the NN series. FOX is gradually dropping and soon will have to change it's ways.
Here you go again JD - bashing ESPN - why can't you just admit your distaste of your former employer. Today your tabloid headline says "ESPN Avoids" yet you yourself have been the first to admit ESPN is the only NASCAR broadcaster whom touches these sensitive subjects.. how many reporters have ever broke anything on FOX or Speed with regard to NASCAR and drug testing or lawsuits? Your followers on this blog need to know how out of touch you are with actual facts and substance.
Hi JD-
Looks like your personal troll has been busy again!
I try to catch Nascar Now on Monday nights for Bestwick, otherwise, I don't bother anymore. So I guess I don't have a horse in that race! (of whether to mention other networks) :)
Interview w/ Mayfield coming up on SportsCenter.....
Comes with the territory. Luckily, it's been three years so it's old hat.
Neither Fox nor TNT banned anyone from the track at anytime. Then called NASCAR Images and now called the NASCAR Media Group, this TV arm of the sanctioning body controls all media acccess to the tracks. That includes the TV networks not paying rights fees to broadcast races.
The days of Mike Massaro reporting from helipads had nothing to do with Fox or TNT. Just so we are square.
Anon 3:41PM,
In 1989 I was hired to create the production group at Prime Network from scratch. One year later. I was promoted to Director of Production and Operations. Two years after that I was promoted to General Manager of Prime Network, overseeing the Production and Operations Divisions. I would be happy to update you on my experiences after ESPN. Drop me a line at editor@thedalyplanet.tv anytime.
Anon 5:06PM,
I had a happy going away party and have maintained a good relationship with ESPN that continues to this day. The NASCAR information provided to TDP by ESPN has been invaluable to getting most of these topics out to the fans for discussion.
My opinion of the lack of promotion of the Sprint Cup Series races has been an on-going discussion with ESPN since February.
Thanks for allowing me to clarify that relationship.
I feel really bad for Mayfield now. I have heard him interviewed in the past saying how he has to be really careful what foods he eats before a race so he doesn't get sick. Nascar is trying to discredit him like poor Carl Long these small teams are treated more harshly than the big teams when Nascar (BF) doesn't realize that's where this sport came from. I wish another team would invite him to drive for them. I hope that happens to give him a chance!
Wow! Marty Smith just hit it out of the ballpark on the Mayfield story. What a total mess!
Check ESPN.com for Marty's story if you missed it.
Oh dear god the Tech Garage on ESPN 2. This is gonna suck.
Yeah JD I saw that story. Just a total joke now.
Perhaps the incredibly poor reporting of this situation as a whole has been part of why I really dont care about it but I do realize its a serious issue and needs resolution.
So ESPN.com can report on it but NASCAR Now just lets it blow by? Now I remember why I don't make an effort to see NN.
There is a new post up for comments on the Mayfield update from Marty Smith.
Good reporting, but there seems to be no end in sight to the chaos on both sides of the issue.
Gonna try to watch CNBC show. MERCY! Huge graphics, one still, one moving crawl, fast.
One moving crawl slower.
Dramamine anyone? I might need to tape paper across tv for this one..or just mainly LISTEN.
already feeling green.
Mr. Daly,
It has nothing to do with a stick and ball analogy, so I'll expand it: in the most important of ways, Nascar is EXACTLY like MLB, the NFL, NHL, NCAA Division I football and basketball, and the NBA. For that matter it is exactly like pro wrestling, broadway musicals, HBO and Showtime's Sunday night schedules, Jimmy Buffett's annual summer tour and online pornography.
Each and every one exists to absorb our leisure time and money. The smart participants in all of the above, whether athletes or performers, are in it for the money. If it was for love of the game or art they could be in a local adult league or on a community stage. The smart owners and producers are in it for the money. The smart people working at the theatres, tracks, stadiums and arenas are there for the money. The smart media people who cover the events, games, and performances, either in whole or via highlights, reviews, and previews, do it for the money.
Where's the money in promoting another company's product if they don't promote yours?
Just to go back to football for a second-consider the Sunday and Monday night games, which are exclusive to NBC and ESPN, respectively. Let me know the next time one of those games is mentioned beyond "later" or "tomorrow." Fox is never going to tell you not to forget "Dallas at Washington, coming up in half an hour over on NBC" when they could plug "Animation Domination following the end of the game." Has anyone finished a late game on CBS unaware that 60 Minutes was up next "live, except on the west coast?"
Everybody likes to tell themselves that whatever they like best is special and unique-and it is, just like everything else.
Matt TSB
expain it any way you want that makes you feel better and important. bottom line I a fan, and as you can see MANY others besides me disagree with your explanation. WE are the fans we can make or break your ratings, WE are the ones every network should be aiming at pleasing but it appears that they would rather not, they would rather explain to us how stupid we are for not liking the crap we are being force fed, and again telling us how stupid we are when we express what we do like from another network than your own.
Go ahead, continue sticking your head up your rear and try and tell us what we should be liking and your rating will be right down the crapper with you.
I listened to the greats broadcasting the races for years and have far more enjoyment from listening to them than watching this mess being produced for us to watch.
I don't need your network or any of the other self serving egos. I'll go back to the radio. So Mr Matt TSB IMHO that is how high I grade that superior work you brag about.
Just watched the CNBC piece and all I can say is it was pure fluff. No hard hitting questions on the plight of the sport, no heavy questioning of France about how badly the sport is doing in both attendance and viewership.
But I will say, I saw a lot of heads in the sand. The Ford rep maintains that the "Race on Sunday, buy on Monday" still stands. Carl Edwards says as long as they put a good show on the track, the fans will come back.
And then of course, what do they show as the usual Nascar fan? Weirdos, plus sized, loud and way over the top people who defy logic. Seeing that recent research has shown that more Nascar fans are college educated and earn more than the national average, I just have to wonder why they chose to focus on the people they did.
There are new posts up for Marty Smith and the Mayfield story as well as the CNBC special.
We will also be live blogging the Nationwide Series race on Friday night. Pleas join us.
In the meantime, please move your comments up to the next post.
Thanks as usual for the diverse and always interesting opinions.
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