Updated: No Tuesday info from NASCAR on the drug test given to Jeremy Mayfield eight days ago. Dr. Black, the head of the drug testing company said to the media that the result would be available on Friday.
Update #2: Click here for a nice follow-up story from Bob Pockrass at scenedaily.com that re-states what is going on and tries to offer some possible explanations.
Update #3: The possibility exists that the delay in the Mayfield information may be from additional testing of the (second) B sample. This was also mentioned by David Newton on Tuesday's NASCAR Now program.
Update #4: Mayfield's General Manager Bobby Wooten has resigned, but not without strong words in support of Mayfield and against NASCAR's drug testing. Click here to read what this former police officer had to say about the meth issue. It's fascinating.
The saga of "Wrong Way" Jeremy Mayfield continues with the NASCAR media very clearly stuck in the middle of a mess.
Last Monday, Mayfield was drug tested three times. The final time was at his house by the NASCAR drug police after a full day of complete chaos. Click here to review that story from Bob Pockrass at Scenedaily.com.
Wednesday, Mayfield called ESPN's Marty Smith to vent his anger and Smith reported the details on ESPN2, SportsCenter and (click here) ESPN.com.
By testing Mayfield on Monday, NASCAR would have the results back on Friday. Some believed that was done to then make an announcement at the Chicagoland track of Mayfield's continuing drug problems. Instead, NASCAR related to reporters that Mayfield's results were still being analyzed and said nothing more.
So, the entire Chicagoland weekend came and went with Mayfield only being briefly mentioned by TNT's Marc Fein during the Sprint Cup Series pre-race show. While that was a relief to fans tired of this drug testing debacle, it also means that NASCAR still needs to provide some information.
Simply by saying that Mayfield's sample is clear, NASCAR will be making a statement that is certainly going to shake things up in the sport. By making the statement that the same meth problem was found, the sanctioning body will be confirming faith in the initial results that started this saga.
Either way, Sunday or Monday the next page in this mishandled public relations disaster may unfold. All the while, ESPN is tightly sitting on the footage of Dr. Gary Wadler from the World Anti-Doping Agency who was an earlier guest on the NASCAR Now program.
Wadler clearly said NASCAR's drug testing policies would not hold up in court when challenged. He explained the reasons why and was clear in his perspective that NASCAR had overstepped the legal boundaries of drug testing professional athletes. Since the time that Mayfield won his temporary injunction, that footage has never been used.
This Week in NASCAR on SPEED has steadfastly refused to deal with this topic. That leaves Allen Bestwick and his NASCAR Now Monday roundtable program to handle whatever information is revealed by NASCAR. Ricky Craven, Boris Said and reporter Terry Blount make up the panel this Monday.
Blount, Marty Smith and David Newton have been very good about relating facts in this case and adding-in some personal observations. Whatever NASCAR says or does not say on Monday may either end this issue or cast additional doubt on the results of the original test.
NASCAR Now is at 5PM ET and repeats at 9:30 Pacific. This Week in NASCAR is at 8PM and re-airs at midnight. ESPNEWS carries breaking stories during the day and TDP will pass along any media information on this topic as it happens.
We welcome your comments. To add your opinion on this issue, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
If Jeremy Mayfield had tested positive for ANYTHING this past Monday, we would have gotten the pre-race press conference before Saturday night's race at Chicagoland to make sure everyone heard the results. NASCAR would have made sure we all knew they had made the right decision to do everything in their power to keep him away from the track.
The silence from NASCAR was deafening!
Devils Advocate here - so if he tests clean that is supposed to prove what? That he hasn't used in how long?
Its now mid-July.
If he tests dirty it proves he is a regular/chronic user? or stupid? Both?
What has the current test got to do with the older test being disputed in the Courts? Has he not been tested by NASCAR,since? If not - why not?
Devils advocate mode off
In the interim between NASCARs disputed test & now did he get himself tested - say about weekly? If he did he has a clear record of what he puts in his body.
The link posted by an Anon on 7/10 at 7:29pm is very informative - as there are more than 1 form of meth
it is a very interesting read.
Surely NASCAR has done a hair test on Jeremy, whats the result of that
Meth is an addictive drug. Not normally used just recreationally. The premise of rehab is to change the habits and lifestyles of addicts. NASCAR says Mayfield is an addict and needs rehab.
A clean test gives credence to what Mayfield has been saying all along. That he has never used a non-prescribed drug and the test was a false positive.
The defense noted that the levels of meth reported by Aegis to be in Mayfield's blood when he was tested in Richmond would have made a normal person "a zombie" and that was a day when he drove his car on the track.
A clearly positive test would indicate that Mayfield is done. Sell the team and get some help. This is a very big moment for both NASCAR and Mayfield.
I asked the same thing but all Mayfield said was NASCAR asked for him to urinate in a container while the drug police watched.
This is going to be a very interesting week.
And the plot thickens.
Are they running a more extensive test? How come they knew in 4 days last time? Still too many questions.
Why didn't NASCAR hook up with the same people that the other sports or the Olympics use? Even when the results were questioned, they were correct. Had they done this, they would have been above reproach.
I'm one of those fans who is suspicious of NASCAR/BF. Those "debris" cautions and some teams and not others penalties come to mind. That's why I'm still on Jeremy's side.
Sorry but the defense can note anything they want in court especially catchy sayings; it doesn't make it so. The only thing the judge ruled on was the potential harm that could come to the parties pending a verdict. The potential harm to Mayfield's reputation and earning ability was greater in his opinion than NASCAR's need to prevent him from racing.
Mayfield succeeded in avoiding the time frame for the test. Since he doesn't own a GPS unit, map or computer to access Yahoo or Google I guess there was no he could find the testing facility. Somehow I think if someone had called him up with a $100 million contract offer and given him two hours to get there he would have made it with plenty of time to spare.
JD, If you listen very carefully to what the WADA official said on ESPN he based his comments on what he "understood" the NASCAR policy provides - making it clear to me that he likely had not read the policy and was relying on media reports of it. Also no mention was made that the top 2 people running Aegis' sports testing program are former employees of WADA - so it is possible that there might be other issues involved between Aegis and WADA.
As I recall, there are no major US professional sports organizations that are members of WADA and I suspect F1 is connected to WADA only because the FIA is a WADA member. WADA obtains the vast majority of its financial support from governments and amateur sports organizations. In other words, there is a lot more to NASCAR's not being a member of WADA than has been reported in the media. MLB is not a WADA memeber as far as I can tell, but the media is more than willing to crucify Manny Ramirez and Sammy Sosa nonetheless.
I have no experience with drug testing programs except what I have read, but it seems clear to me that simply adopting WADA's program would not necessarily satisfy NASCAR's needs. The WADA list of prohibited substances is an 8 page list of chemical substances (no brand names), the last page of which deals with illegal substances. Except for illegal substances, it appears to me that WADA's list does not address performance inhibiting substances or performance inhibiting results of drug interactions.
A great deal of what has been written about the Mayfield situation reminds me of litigators- never let the facts interfere with a good story.
A big question the media has left hanging is whether a hair test would disclose anything meaningful. The federal judge apparently thought it would, NASCAR has said there is no such test, but I've seen no one in the media quote someone knowledgeable about a hair test for meth - but then Matfield has stated he has his hair cut weekly.
I wouldn't expect TWIN to discuss this matter just for the reason that I'm not certain someone like Mikey Waltrip has the ability to discuss something so serious in a serious manner. He's just too goofy to be able to take something as hard hitting as drug use and discuss it with the intelligence and authority that this issue needs. Plus, we all know that Mikey has imbibed in the Nascar Kool Aid, and would never say anything against the sport, so why bother? Plus, wasn't Mikey himself guilty of driving while under the influence? No one ever really made it clear what that "influence" was, so I'm not sure Mikey could be a voice of reason on this subject.
Our company does random drug tests for the employees who work on the DOT gas transmission pipelines or offshore platforms. We need to notify the employee less than 24 hours before they are to appear at the testing facility. I think only giving Mayfield 2 hours to get to the site is asking a lot. I feel Dr. Wadler's explanation of Nascar's testing polity was right on especially saying he thinks they are wrong the way they perform the tests. Like Dot, I'm on Mayfield's side on this one.
a few years back, WADA showed up at the door of a figure skater (Kyoka Ina) at 11pm. IIRC, the story was she was about to go to bed, and told them she wouldn't be able to 'produce a sample' right on the spot. I think she asked them to come back in the morning. They ended up suspending her for a year for refusing the test. She decided to turn pro anyway so it wasn't a big issue, but it certainly made me question some of WADA's methods. All that said, I also don't trust putting all your trust in this one doctor as NASCAR has; plus the conflicting stories on a list; I've said before, no driver should be afraid to take legitimate pain meds because they're afraid of a test. The system needs work, regardless of Mayfield's situation.
While I know meth can be addictive quickly, I think we also need to remember he tested negative in December. Just hard to picture someone that busy falling into it in 4 months and still be running a business, although I know it's possible.
If they had test results by Saturday last time, after a 2nd test, it's hard to believe the results wouldn't be in yet. Id imagine we'll have something by tomorrow.
glenc1 said ...
While I know meth can be addictive quickly, I think we also need to remember he tested negative in December.
Glen, where did you get that information? My understanding is that he wasn't tested preseason b/c he hadn't even put his team together until three weeks before the 500.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Meth is an addictive drug. Not normally used just recreationally. The premise of rehab is to change the habits and lifestyles of addicts. NASCAR says Mayfield is an addict and needs rehab.
Exactly my point - if he has the record of tests AND they are clean Jeremy owns NASCAR. No one I ever knew who did meth did it on ,lets say, Thursdays only. Also if addicted a persons levels go up, so why no follow up testing if they (NASCAR) are convinced the test was right?
This whole entire thing has been very badly handled on both sides. They both look guilty, of something, & that ain't good.
I wonder if no ones talking because of the gag order or because of the attorneys. To be honest a part of me really doesn't care. I don't want to hear about it on TWIN either and I don't blame Chad and Mikey for not going there. It does belong on NN since it is more of a news program unlike TWIN. This entire thing is just getting more bizarre by the minute.
Hey, guys, Google hair testing + methamphetamine. Interesting.
Karen, to be honest, I may have based my comment on early info...I will admit at some point I got tired of too much info and I must've missed that.
but if I'm wrong wouldn't that beg the question, why would you not make a test mandatory for everyone? If he showed up at the last minute, why wouldn't you test in February after they got to Daytona..??? It would not make me trust their procedure any more than I do...that's unfair to all the other drivers...
I think the Wadler footage should have been all over NASCAR Now from the minute the temporary injunction was issued. The question is, why wasn't it?
That would have allowed for an open discussion with a point of reference from someone with experience in the athlete testing field.
Aegis might be good in a workplace setting, but NASCAR is quickly finding out the reality of testing professional athletes.
I hope we see Wadler or someone else from the doping and drug testing world who can offer an opinion that does not represent either NASCAR or Mayfield's point of view.
When I look at the breakdown of stick and ball issues on the ESPN family of networks it certainly is tough to swallow that SPEED has just dropped the ball when it comes to covering the sport during the week on TV.
Karen said...
Hey, guys, Google hair testing + methamphetamine. Interesting.
July 12, 2009 8:24 PM
So much info - wish I had NASCARs email addy I could send them links to info they need.
Look out, Mayfield's on the way to beating NASCAR in court and I think NASCAR knows it.
He's going to end up owning the entire corporation by the time is this is over.
Would be very surprised if NASCAR is not putting pressure on the "media" they can control to keep things quiet unless they [NASCAR] are the ones talking.
AP's Jenna Fryer is on vacation this week - so she is not going to rush back to do a story if she can help it. She may have to phone it in.
I have the most faith in Marty Smith for a truthful followup to last week's shenanigans. David Newton's a little questionable here.
Have heard NASCAR is telling car owners not to put Jeremy Mayfield in their car and risk that "start and park" money. Would also be surprised if NASCAR is not putting pressure on anyone that would drive Mayfield's car in the event they could bring sponsor dollars to help him.
BTW - Hearing Jeremy Mayfield tested clean last week. The plot thickens....
Mayfield couldn't get a ride before this situation so I doubt there is a vast conspiracy to keep him from being hired now. The reason he started his own team was to have a ride. We're not talking about a guy with the resume of Jimmie Johnson here.
@ Karen, just got back from Google. Very interesting indeed.
I'm beginning to think that NASCAR has a body part in the wringer.
Again, wouldn't Jeremy display some signs of meth use? Has anybody near him said anything? You know, with all the media around, someone would be saying something to them anonymously.
Bill, I think you brought up good points in your 9:14 comment.
Hardcards at stake here.
I believe the hearing on NASCAR's appeal of the injunction is sometime this week. NASCAR has nothing to gain by letting Mayfield's team know the results of last week's test until the last minute. Sports' testing is a big enough part of Aegis' business that, according to its website, Black is a consultant to the MLB players' union on drug testing.
I still find it strange that I have seen no one in the media do any comparison of NASCAR's procedure to any other major sport except for one (good) article by David Newton noting that NASCAR and the NFL both handle the testing of the B sample in the same way - and, it appears, no other major professional sports organizations are members of WADA except for F1 through the FIA.
Also, I think there are a lot of myths out there about the reliability of hair tests. If you read NASCAR's legal papers (linked from some of the Mayfield stories) they submit affidavits that the hair tests are not as accurate and that there isn't a better or faster method of testing than the testing they use.
One thing I read about hair testing is that it takes 4-5 days after a user has used a substance before hair starts growing that will generate a positive result. That makes hair testing for NASCAR useless, unless they have every driver shave their head on Monday and then monitor them to make sure they don't use anything in the final four days while the hair is growing. I am reading a lot about hair testing, not just the above, and just about everything I read shows me it would either not help NASCAR prevent drug users from being on track, would not help Mayfield clear his name, would not help NASCAR convict Mayfield, and is not generally considered the best or most accurate form of testing.
After some of the comments I've made on The Daly Planet lately I feel it's important to show how much I appreciate a discussion that's far more like what I'm used to seeing here.
No personal attacks, irrational behavior, or antagonistic statements; just a discussion of facts and responses!
Usually when I see this kind of discussion, I am quiet and just enjoy reading...like I said, I've complained a lot lately so I wanted to voice my appreciation, today!
Thanx, John!
Bill, if NASCAR is actually involved in telling teams not to hire Mayfield, then they would be on the hook for millions of dollars because any jury would look at that as a deliberate attempt to drive Mayfield from the sport in retaliation. I don't think they're that stupid...but I've been proven wrong before.
If I was NASCAR, and I got a positive test on Mayfield Friday, I would not reveal the results until I was in court asking for the ban to be re-instated. It would not only be pretty powerful evidence, but why would you want to give Mayfield's attorney's time to prepare a rebuttal.
I was in a meeting at work last week that pertained to meth addiction. The Drug Enforcement officer indicated that only 6% of first time users escape the clutches of meth and that it is possible for a false positive of meth to occur from taking too much of say..........CLARITIN D.
What i find disturbing is the number of posters who don't seem to understand or dislike what"innocent until proven guilty" means.
I'm not sure what testing Mayfield again would prove with regards to the original findings.
If he tests positive again then he is either an idiot (for not stopping) or a full blown adict.
If he tests negative it means he's stopped doing whatever he was doing when he tested positive 3 months ago.
Darbar, Michael was never found to be guilty of driving under the influence, in fact he was never even charged with such. Futhermore, as the owner of an organization that it's been said in the media has a drug program and tests all employees, Michael is actually more qualified than a lot of people to speak on this issue. However, I don't think TWIN is the appropriate show for debating the Mayfield situation unless it directly relates to something that happens in a particular race, since there is so much speculation right now and not a lot that is known for sure.
Beyond that, I think NASCAR and all involved shouldn't be rushing the results of this test for any reason, and especially not because fans or the media want to know what the results are. It's essential given all the issues that they make sure they have an accurate result. That said, if the test result is negative now, it doesn't mean that the positive test in the past was inaccurate which is what many will assume, simply that Mayfield is clean now.
I have a question regarding them having to tell Mayfield's lawyers of the results of this test -- isn't it required as part of disclosure before they go back into court? I don't know, I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me that if I was the person tested, no matter what, I would be entitled to know the results of the test.
Once again nas$car is leaving themselves wide open for even more litigation. They seem to have forgotten that people have certain rights. It's the David versus Goliath symdrom. Question the bully on the block and he tries to beat the hell out of you. This latest fiasco is just going to make nas$car look even worse. The sad part is that even if Mayfield wins, he loses. They've done their job by dragging this out. As an owner and a driver he has to have sponsorship. They've smeared his name and caused so much doubt that he will have a very hard time finding a sponsor. You couple this with the way nas$car treated Carl Long and it leaves a lot of people with a bad taste in their mouths. I've pretty much had enough. Their are other forms of racing than nas$car. This is coming from a fan of 25+years. If letting this drag out is nas$car's way of keeping Mayfield off the track, they might succeed in the short run. In the long run they're going to make themselves look even worse. The sad part is tthat this would never have happened with a driver from a major team. Anybody that doesn't believe that is pretty ignorant.
NA$CAR has clearly decided to crush Mayfield just like they did Carl Long. With their checkbook. Any shred of respect that I had for them is long gone. It's too bad that The Captain has his plate full. He would be perfect to take over NA$CAR when the current crop of Frances finish mismanaging it.
"The likelihood of a false positive in this case is quite substantial." - Judge Mullen in his verdict.
bevo, you are correct that the initial trial was about which side would suffer more harm if they lost. BUT, the biggest part of assigning harm to NASCAR was determining the likelihood Mayfield would race impaired and cause an accident. So, while Judge Mullen didn't make a legal ruling on whether Mayfield used Meth, he was very clear on the subject in his verdict. NASCAR did nothing to prove to him that Mayfield used meth, is an addict or any kind of threat.
You say the defense can note anything they want in court but that is foolish. Are you contending that a federal judge with 40 plus years of experience wouldn't have seen right through a horse and pony show? In truth it's NASCAR with it's substance abuse policy that can litterally say anything they want without a single person looking over their shoulders to ensure they are being honest and fair. The days of NASCAR being treated like the burning bush when they make any statement are over. It's time for NASCAR to prove it's allegation. So far they have come up completely empty in that attempt.
You have got to be kidding. Just because the judge doesn't understand the science and was confused by some of the things the defense presented does NOT mean that a false positive is likely. The fact is that a false positive is NOT likely in this case given the type of testing done. I have no doubt that you might get a "false positive" on one of the many superficial drug tests which only attempt to broadly identify a category of narcotics. But Aegis labs didn't do that, and is not mistaken in what they have found. They have not only positively identified a substance that is meth (and positively not something else, see the stockcarscience.com report) but they have ALSO eliminated the possibility of it being other substances by additional testing. These results were then not only confirmed by the B-sample, but by another lab -- both of which are independent and not affiliated with NASCAR.
You know what, forget it -- it's clear that to some fans science doesn't matter. They have it in their heads that NASCAR is evil, and so they will concoct all sorts of conspiracy theories, all the while ignoring the most obvious story that makes the most sense: That the top lab in the country busted a drug abuser and NASCAR acted right in making sure he can never race a car again.
Also, NASCAR is going to win their appeal this week. They have ample ability to win on the merits, but the simple fact that Mayfield isn't racing is enough. You see, Mayfield applied for an emergency injunction. Then he didn't even attempt to qualify for the races, calling into question why an emergency injunction was even needed. Emergency injunctions are given when someone needs something right away, either to prevent someone from acting or in this case to allow someone to act right away. The fact alone that Mayfield asked for an emergency injunction then didn't even use the rights granted him with it will not be looked upon favorably by the court -- because they see these moves as attempts to earn early verdicts. Meaning - Mayfield is sort of claiming he won based on getting an injunction. But the case hasn't happened or been decided and he isn't using the injunnction, and that's not what courts like to see. They are likely to revoke it until he can prove he is ready to race, if nothing else. If the entire decision of the judge is based on financial harm to Mayfield, and he doesn't take a chance to make money, they'll lift his injunction.
Again, why isn't everyone participating in a very simple test: have Jeremy take the prescribed meds in the prescribed doses under direct supervision, allow a few hours to pass so it's in his system and then have him give a sample, divide the sample three ways and have three DIFFERENT labs test the samples? That will tell us yes/no about the original test if Jeremy was either using or he was simply taking his meds and generated a false positive.
I don't have much to say, I think I've spoke my mind before and plenty others have spoken theirs.
i just find it irritating that some insist on calling others that disagree with their opinion names like ignorant and stupid. Certainly takes a whole lot away from their opinion IMHO.
The only question I have is to those that are insisting that because NASCAR hasn't released the test results that in someway proves they were wrong and JM is innocent. Maybe NASCAR would just like to have a race weekend when JM and his drug tests didn't overshadow the whole weekend of racing, after all JM wasn't even at the track.
But my real question is in the articles I've read, in JM statements he went to 2 different private labs on Monday and got tested besides the NASCAR tests. Shouldn't those tests have been back before last weekend too?
So if he went to 2, not 1, but 2 different labs to be tested and if the tests came back clean and the tests proved him innocent why didn't JM produce the proof?
Just as Bill said about NASCAR, I find the silence from JM deafening since he's had so much to say so far.
Just my observation.
Love the irony here...
2/19/09 -- CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Pit crew member Paul Chodora of Jeremy Mayfield's No. 41 Sprint Cup team has been suspended indefinitely by NASCAR for violating the new substance abuse policy.
Chodora, who NASCAR confirmed was a member of Mayfield's team Thursday, is the first person to be punished under the policy that was amended last season to mandatory preseason testing and random testing throughout the season.
"Mayfield Motorsports respects the decision by NASCAR to indefinitely suspend Paul Chodora," Jeremy Mayfield said in a statement issued Thursday. "We as an organization appreciate NASCAR's drug testing policies and policing efforts as it makes the sport stronger overall. If Paul doesn't comply with NASCAR's reinstatement process, then he will no longer be an employee of Mayfield Motorsports."
Awe Jeremy, how nice of you to be so supportive of NASCAR back in February... When it wasn't you that was caught!
NASCAR's lawyers should've read his statement verbatim to Judge Mullen. You couldn't ask for a more ringing endorsement!
Oh, and by the way...
7/10/09 -- Mayfield attorney John Buric said he told Mayfield to go to an independent lab and submit a sample there to avoid missing a test. Those results were given to Mayfield’s lawyers Thursday, but Buric said a court order prevented him from revealing the results.
Puhleaze! I'd like to know what about any court order prevents either party from saying if the result was positive or negative.
Why isn't Jeremy shouting the results of the independent test from the mountain top? After all, he told Marty Smith he was going to do nothing but tell the truth "from here on out". (LOL!)
If you've got nothing to hide, why hide?
There's no reason for JM to produce the results of the two independent tests that he took until the next hearing. JM could test negative 1000 times in a row and it wouldn't change any ones opinion of him. The only thing that he can hope to do at this point is to win in court. That's it. So why reveal the results now? What good would it do? It won't do any good and it might just violate the gag order that the judge has put in place.
Guilty or innocent he's done as a driver and he knows it. He doesn't have the money to race which is why he didn't go to the track. He didn't stay home this weekend because he knows that he's guilty, he stayed home because he doesn't have the money to race and no one will sponsor him. He was struggling to find money even before this mess started. Where is he supposed to come up with the money to race now that he has all these lawyer fees and other bills?
Any ways, this mess is far from over. The next hearing and the results of his three tests are just the next step. I will be very interested to see if the results from the independent tests match the results of NASCAR's test.
Anon 12:06
Now that's really funny right there. lol
So it is only NASCAR that it proves guilty for not discussing the results of their tests?
All the excuses you used for JM can apply for JM too.
To be honest, I do not believe the tests that were taken by these independent labs even need to be considered by NASCAR as they do have the right to choose the lab.
I meant can apply to NASCAR too.
Then he didn't even attempt to qualify for the races, calling into question why an emergency injunction was even needed.
He did try to do so, but was told by several car owners that he was "marked" and they couldn't deal with him--which is why NASCAR's gonna be a major trouble if they lose this.
If Mayfield is telling the truth about everything, then he will fail this drug test too, because of taking a perscribed drug. Remember, he claims he was perscribed Adderall(sp?), because he has ADD and had been taking it for his ADD. He has to still be taking it, because you just don't stop having ADD in a month or two, right? So if he is telling the 100%truth like he claims, Adderall will be found in his system again. After all, he has ADD and needs this drug to help him. If it is not found in his system, that will say an lot won't it?
Julia when they do drug testing they can break down everything in your system. Yes he will have adderall in his system but the test can break down the amount and know if it is the amount as prescribed or if there is more in his system than is supposed to be there. Also the problem was supposed to be caused according to JM by the combination of adderall and Claritin D. Dr Black had said they had accounted for the quantity of adderall as prescribed in his prescription and also for the Claritin D he claims to have taken as per recommended usage but he still had a 3rd substance.
Aha! Thank you for the interesting info eaglesoars. I just have a problem with JM answers to things. I take a perscription allergy med (Allegra D 24 hr),along with a perscription nasel spray(Ast... something,I forget LOL!) (both VERY strong)I have taken a drug test during this time and I passed. I did tell those giving the test what I was taking. In fact I brought both things with me, so I could show them. I don't know if that made a difference or not, but maybe it did, since they knew I had those drugs in my system. Maybe they that into account, and that is why I had no problems.
GinaV24 said...
I have a question regarding them having to tell Mayfield's lawyers of the results of this test -- isn't it required as part of disclosure before they go back into court?
Gina, you are correct. Mandatory disclosure of any evidence to the opposing party is required so the opposing party is not "surprised" or "ambushed" in Court. Fed Rules of Civil Procedure 1.1.
I'm sure all involved will know the results before the hearing.
Julia said:"After all, he has ADD and needs this drug to help him."
I have a close friend who was diagnosed with ADD in her forties and was put on Adderall (sp?). She found it helped her a great deal to function normally, but the side effects were just dreadful, and she finally stopped taking it just to feel better physically. She's still ADD and has worked hard to learn coping techniques, but then again, she doesn't have to concentrate while driving 180 mph with 42 other cars.
So yes, you can have ADD or ADHD as a diagnosis at any age. But the Adderall can make you feel awful, which is one good reason to stop taking it.
Richard in NC,
The reason WADA is not involved in other US Sports organizations can be summed up by one word:
Also, have you guys noticed that the Claritin D car has been absent since this all went down? May be on the quarterpanel but not a primary paint scheme.
Didn't Nascar claim he was an addict and needed to go to rehab? If he was in fact an addict then he just can't quit without getting some help. Meth as I understand it is very addictive so I don't believe he could just quit. So, if this sample comes back clean, I think it really looks bad for Nascar. As I have stated before, If Mayfield is guilty, then I have no sympathy for him. But, If in fact those two drugs caused a false positive then I have a big problem with Nascar and what they have done to the man so far. And, If you think for one minute that Nascar won't influence car owners, sponsors and so forth you are badly mistaken. This is not about Mayfield and whether you are a fan or not, this is about being fair and being sure before you ruin the man which Nascar has come pretty close to already. All you have to do is look at what they did to Carl Long. If this had been Jimmy Johnson, Edwards, Steward, Gordon, Earnhardt, there is no way they would have gotten those fines and penalties. Those guys have big sponsors and you think Nascar would have kept them off the track? No way. If Mayfield is addicted to Meth, I don't think he could go cold turkey off of it without some help and if he has some help someone would know about it. Again, if these tests are negative, I think it really favors Mayfield because Nascar claims he needed to go through rehab. If he comes back negative, why would he need to go to rehab?
I take issue with anyone who says NASCAR wouldn't have done something if a big-name star was in the same situation. To which I say: You're crazy!
There is no way a big-name star would test positive for a major league hard core illegal drug like meth and just skate. They would suspend him and make an example of him. I have seen a lot of groups that are anti-drug, but NASCAR has got to be at or near the top of that heap. No one - not NASCAR officials, not drivers, not team owners, not a single person in the sport supports drugs or illegal drug use.
No, I'm sorry - if Jimmie Johnson or Jeff Gordon tested positive for cocaine or meth or heroin, they would absolutely be suspended immediately and their reputations would be just as tarnished. I don't think NASCAR would have any tolerance for a serious drug user no matter how great his resume is. And I'm sure every driver feels the same way.
I wasn't talking about drugs when I mentioned Carl Long. I was talking about what Nascar would have done to a name driver in that instance and I really believe there is no way they would have given a name driver those fines/penalties for the same violation as they did Carl. My point is to illustrate how Nascar operates sometimes.
Thank you for following up. These issues are very different, but you comment will stay.
Long is the part time driver who was given a large fine for using an engine slightly larger than allowed.
The engine was not used in the race and the part time driver was trying to make the tail of the field to start and park.
There are no drug allegations of any kind against Long.
and again, i have to ask: what does nascar have to gain by "singling out" mayfield? why "choose" this particular driver for suspension and offer of rehab? no one has been able to answer that part of the discussion for me yet.
(an aside: if there's a belief that nascar, for some reason, wants to "crush" the little guys, then i have to ask why robby gordon is still running! i like robby but heaven knows he's pulled nascar's chain more than a few times!)
as for the suspicion that nascar wouldn't take the same action against the "big name" drivers: bottom line is those guys have also been tested, some repeatedly, and none of them have tested positive. so any theorizing that nascar wouldn't treat them the same is just that: theorizing. they've been tested: no positive results. mayfield was tested: positive result. if one can believe that the mayfield test was flawed when a positive result was produced, then can one also claim that there are authentic positives out there that we don't know about and there are other drivers racing with drugs in their system? for me, that's a stretch.
i can understand being suspicious of nascar: as someone noted earlier, they lack transparency and that leads to all sorts of suppositions. folks fill in when the details and consistency are lacking. but there's a major difference between throwing a phantom caution and stating unequivocally that a driver tested positive for a banned substance.
and once again: why no follow-up on the others suspended in the same weekend? apparently, nascar handled those cases without problem or at least that's the impression we are given when there is no word of how those cases are progressing.
what i'd like someone in the nascar journalist pool to do is put together a timeline that covers this entire saga, complete with inserts for what the science of testing says can/can't happen and addresses those perceptions and misconceptions that are out there. there are bits and pieces out there that are helpful, like stockcarscience, but folks have to read and understand it -- and be willing to let go of preconceived notions as well.
with all the smoke and mirrors that have become part of this story, it's no wonder we're all getting confused. for me, this is where the nascar media has fallen down most dramatically.
Anonymous at 7:18pm
Thanks for the info, I did not know about that about Adderall. If that is the case, then Mayfield does not need to be anywhere near a race track either way.
Anonymous at 11:02
Sorry, you can not actully believe it would be any different, just because of who the driver is? NO WAY IN HECK IS THAT POSSIBLE! They all would be treated exactly the same. Of that, I have no doubt. In fact, if I could, I would bet my house, and cars. And win.
anon @ 10:52 pm
I know it was 20 years ago but Lawrence Taylor played linebacker whacked out of his mind on cocaine or whatever he could get. He had it on him when he played.
What is the NASCAR link? Dr. Forrest Tenant was the head of the NFL's drug testing program back then. He was also the Doctor who NASCAR enlisted to get rid of Tim Richmond.
I guarantee you if it were a big time driver, and I won't spell out names as it would be unfair and slandarous on the part of a blogger to do that, NASCAR would look away especially in this current climate. Not only are you losing a driver, but sponsors will flee, owners will be looked at suspiciously, all of that. There would be a heck of a lot of collateral damage if a name driver, and let's face it at this point in his career, Mayfield is not, were to test positive.
Besides, knowing Mayfield from past behavior, I imagine there would be a community within NASCAR of users. Being involved in one of the longest season sports cannot be easy, especially when running a grass roots race team. I mean these guys on average have what 6 weeks off and Mayfield has to be on top of every aspect of the team from payroll to sponsors and car prep.
You are a traveling roadshow for all intents and purposes, so I imagine there's a lot of scuttlebutt. Don't you think Mayfield would have ratted other drivers out the way he spilled the beans on Evernham when he was going out the door? He has proven that he is not afraid to burn bridges.
@ red...my thoughts exactly on all points.
As far as other sports and testing. The French are doing a number on Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France (the French people are ticked as they basically adopted Lance when he was winning his 7 tours).
Since he announced last August he was racing this year he has been tested 40...forty...times prior to the race. Now that the race is on he has been tested every day up to 3 times a day. Its become a joke but Lance has been taking it in stride.
All this because of suspicions!
can I just mention, dude...that was one of the *dumbest* movies ever???????? My teen-aged nephew enjoyed it though....
BTW, Joe--I don't think Claritin D has been a sponsor, it's regular *Claritin*, and it's because it rotates on the 99 with Aflac and others. It's relevant because the 'D' is the part that can test false.
And just because anon 7:18's friend reacted to the Adderall with side effects doesn't mean everyone does--that's why the labels say 'possible side effects include...'. All medications have different effects on different people--even OTC's....some people get loopy on Benedryl.
Thanks for all the great comments, we are just posting this topic to provide a location for fans to talk about the media coverage of this story since it is so unique.
We are not representing one side or the other. We have no dog in this fight.
I appreciate all the informative comments and interesting opinions offered by our readers.
Again, just trying to provide a moderated forum for this discussion.
We've all seen this before with NASCAR. They always shoot themselves in the foot with their credibility. I think whether or not this test comes back positive for a drug or clean, they are hurting their credibility regardless. There's no reason to analyze results for eight days, is there? I'm not trying to side with Jeremy, but it just seems shady the way NASCAR has handled this whole situation from day one, and this is just another chapter.
Going back to JD's write-up, I think it is hurting TWIN for them to completely ignore the Mayfield saga. What happens if the test comes out clean? or if he tests positive for something? They are going to have to report it sooner or later, and I find it ignorant that they have just swept this under the rug for over two months now.
I think NASCAR has more credibility than the majority of the media reporting about it. In the last 10 or 15 years it has apparently become conventional wisdom in the media that bashing NASCAR sells, or that they deserve it. Lee Spencer became decidely more negative when she moved from Sporting News to FOX Sports, the same for Jerry Bronkowski after his position at Yahoo Sports was eliminated, and in over 15 years I have yet to see Mike Mulhern admit in writing that he was the first reporter to have a physical run-in with Tony Stewart. NASCAR's credibility is colored by the bias of the media.
The only people who are saying NASCAR is losing credibility are people with whom NASCAR had no credibility to begin with.
From where I sit, NASCAR decided to hand over testing to the largest, most sophisticated, most respected independent lab in the country. And when that lab said one of the samples came from a meth-head, they did the right thing -- they ran that meth-head out of town.
Now, if someone can offer something to question the credibility of Aegis, or offer a motivation for them to stand behind a bad test and/or cook up a false test, let's have it. But the only people I hear questioning the test have absolutely no idea what is involved in Aegis' testing process, which is much much more than a single that gives you a positive or negative. No, they positively identified three substances in his blood - Claritin-D, the ADHD drug, and meth.
Those are the FACTS. NASCAR can stick to them and their credibility will be fine.
As for Mayfield, well he just wants to "tell the truth from here on out" Hahahaha
Anon 12:06PM,
The reason this story is still around is easy to understand.
Mayfield worked every day, is married and ran his race team without a problem. He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has no drug history and has continually denied the allegations.
In addition, unlike Shane Hmeil or Tyler Walker, Mayfield is a veteran driver has raced many times without any indication of problems from medications or drugs.
Not too often that you can find a "meth-head" who is married, working fulltime and traveling regularly on business.
If and when Mayfield shows up at the Brickyard, it is going to be one of the top stories of the year.
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