If you missed the original airing of NASCAR Now at 6:30PM, click here for the link to Marty Smith's ESPN.com story on Jeremy Mayfield. NASCAR Now does not re-air due to tonight's Sprint Cup qualifying.
As TDP pointed out earlier Thursday, the Mayfield story about his recent drug testing experience was about to explode. It was Smith who took the bull by the horns and used ESPN's national exposure to relate the emotional response of Mayfield to what he believes is harassment by the sanctioning body.
Here are some Mayfield quotes from Smith's ESPN.com story:
"It's bull---- man and somebody needs to stand up and see through this. There's experts out everywhere saying the same thing I'm [saying]."
"Now, all the sudden, Brian's [France, NASCAR Chairman] coming back saying, 'Well, we have positive tests all the time.' Well, if it's a zero-tolerance policy, how in the hell do you have people testing positive all the time?
"Then he comes back and says there's a list. I forget what big word he used -- an exhaustive list of drugs. Everybody in the world has asked him why the drivers don't have a list. What did he say? Now there's a list -- an exhaustive list. Right? Where's it at?
Smith did an outstanding job of relating the chaos of Monday when Mayfield was drug tested three times. Smith delivered the information and followed-up in his normally straightforward manner.
"The bottom line here is that Mayfield's story and NASCAR's story don't mesh," said Smith. "He's livid, he is absolutely livid," said Smith of Mayfield. "He felt like he has been drug through the mud. He believes he is a marked man."
Mayfield called Smith on Wednesday evening and offered the information contained in the NASCAR Now report and the ESPN.com story. This determination to follow this story by both Marty Smith and David Newton has really been outstanding.
If you watched NASCAR Now or perhaps will take a moment to read the ESPN.com article, please feel free to leave a comment on how you believe the NASCAR TV networks and media are treating this latest development. To offer your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
I just decided that I'm on Jeremy's side after reading Marty's story.
Why would he put up this fight if he were guilty? Hmiel didn't, Fike didn't.
Brian France at his best, double talking.
I truly hope Jeremy prevails. Go get 'em Jeremy.
I have made this comment before but no one seems to be willing to address it.
Even IF Mayfield is telling the truth and all he took was Doctor-prescribed medication for ADD, that doesn't mean that he should be allowed to drive.
ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder and means that the person has a problem paying attention and/or concentrating.
Anyone who has a problem concentrating to the point where they must take medication for it does not belong on the track going 200 mph with 42 other drivers.
If he does not have a problem concentrating, then he obtained the medication under false pretenses and his intention was to enhance his performance - which is also not proper.
Perhaps, with so many children and even adults being diagnosed with ADD, it is not considered politically correct to say that they shouldn't be driving. But, I can't imagine any driver, professional or otherwise who would be comfortable knowing that the person in the next car had a problem paying attention to what he was doing.
Please, at least give this some thought.
the point is, Private, that the meds *control* the ADHD...therefore they allow them to drive. And it would be a lot more serious on a highway in a regular passenger car than it would be in a race car, yet the DMV has no issue with it that I'm aware of. In case you are not aware, Stephen Wallace has Tourette's syndrome...yet there he is.
I've given up trying to decide if I think Mayfield is innocent or guilty, but I don't like NASCAR's policy or how they've enforced (or not...) it.
Unfortunately I have some personal experience with someone with addiction problems; they can be excellent fabricators of the truth. I guess my opionion is that there is Nascar's story Jeremy's story and the Real story we may never get the Real story so I don't 100% believe any of the stories we have now.
Just to clarify I am NOT calling Jeremy a liar, I just can't decide what is fact and what is spin. This is just a mess all the way around
That is what makes this issue so maddening. Who to believe is being clouded by the actions of both sides.
Mayfield darn well knew he was and should have been tested regularly. His objections to that don't hold water.
NASCAR's statements in the media and France's ill-advised comments make them an easy bad guy in the mix.
I just appreciate that the details of what happened were reported by Smith so that we can keep all of this out in the open and eventually solve it.
I have a few problems on each side of the issue.
1 - Mayfield got the prescription from a regeneration clinic. In March of this year. And he never notified NASCAR, with the $$$ involved I would not only call but also mail registered any info related to diagnosis.
2- Mayfield in the begining could not get his story straight. Names of meds, amounts taken & such. Read how much of the allergy meds he took in a short time frame.
3- stalling to take the test this week. Bad directions?!? in this day & age? Google or mapquest, TomTom, Garmin, AAA pick one. No excuse for getting "lost", and now his story has changed again. Now its they didn't give him enough time to get to the test site. No he had 2 hours - read it this morning, the article was quite complete.
I may have a bit of a harsher attitude than some, however, I have a (finally) former Meth user in my family. Stalling, getting lost , being humiliated & whatever is all to familiar here. BTW - in her Court ordered testing & her aftercare testing she was watched while giving a sample.And had a list of banned substances, and a total of 2 hours to get in to the test site they wanted her to appear at, no matter where she was. Same for her aftercare program post in patient treatment.
And now for NASCAR & my problems with them.
1) No list available. No one has a list, not the owners, not the drivers or crew members. Listen even the Courts give parolees a list of banned substances. So do most Union employers. The list is as nebulous as the NASCAR rule book - its out there but we never really see it.
2) Its not like NASCAR can not afford to get in with the World Anti Doping Program. Actually right now they can not afford not to join up. Yesterday.
3) Brian France in charge - no extrapolation needed is there?
* Part of me says "Tim Richmond" part of me says he flunked a drug test. It's 45% likely Mayfield flunked, in my mind, I do not bet on those odds. 45/55 too close to call here.
Jo Im with you.
Though my odds are more 55-60/45-40 that he flunked.
NASCAR is going to have to address this policy at some point, to me that is a bigger issue than Mayfield vs. NASCAR.
NASCAR doesn't have a list yet pretty much wants to know every single thing you are/do/are considering taking and they themselves decide if its okay or not which I have issue with. The privacy issue as well as others becomes clear. Harvick said it a year and ahalf ago when KHI put their policy in effect...it has alot of red tape and hoops to jump through regarding privacy, rights and all those fun things.
Do we need to see a list? I don't think we the fans do however do drivers, owners, crew members and anyone subject to the policy deserve one? I'd say yes.
Jeremy is not excused for his wrongdoings here. He made this worse on himself no doubt. Hopefully this can get resolved but I don't feel too great about how long this will all drag out.
Kudos to MS for being ontop of this and WILLING to get knee deep in this and report on it.
@David - Yes thanks to Marty - he seems to be the only one actually reporting on this mess!
As far as fans seeing the list no we don't need to see it. Yet World Anti Doping has/had a list up last year.
Only NASCAR could make the French cycling testing program look competent - ouch- lol
First of all, NASCAR has suceeded in making me suspicious of everything Mayfield does.
Nevertheless, Mayfield has managed to convince a Federal Judge that there are significant problems with Nascars drug testing program. If he didn't think Mayfield had a good chance of prevailing at trial, he would not have been granted the injunction. Judges do not grant injunctions to people they do not think can win (Trust me, I am an attorney in my real life).
NASCAR's allegations about the Mayfield dodging the test on Monday seems shady to me.
1. While stalling for a few hours might help you beat a DUI test, I cannot imagine that Meth would completely clear anyone's system in a few hours.
2. If I was running a testing program AND I wanted to screw with him, I would do things like leave a message on his answering machine so he missed his test.
In my mind, the fundamental problem with the NASCAR testing program is that NASCAR is the only party that developed the program. Without a union (other major sports) or athletes representatives (Olympic Sports) involved in setting up the testing protocols, it seems possible (or even likely) that NASCAR has program that is not fair to the athletes.
@Finance guy - a few hours will not clear a persons system, it will allow - masking agents- to start to work or actually work.
Ask a parole officer or a criminal defender. Its why Court ordered testing is so very restrictive on the time frame to report for testing.
An answering machine?!? in his tax bracket? puleeze Voice mail yes - code a phone no.
Jeremy Mayfield is fighting for his professional and personal life. Nascar is fighting to save face and to continue to keep it's iron fist control over a sport that's losing it in more ways than one. What I wouldn't give for Bill France Sr to come back to life and kick his idiot grandson right in the family gonads.
The question is: Whom to believe? Why would Mayfield be fighting so hard if he were guilty? Like someone said, neither Fike nor Hmiel disputed their suspensions after being caught. So why is Mayfield fighting so hard, losing money he apparently doesn't have just to clear his name and remain in a sport that clearly is trying to destroy him? Does the Shakespeare quote "Methinks thou doth protest too much" fit here? I'm not so sure. I don't think there can be enough protesting if one feels they are being accused unfairly.
As for Nascar and Brian France, he and the rest of the bigwigs have been so used to ruling this sport without question that they apparently feel they can do whatever they wish, including establishing a drug testing program that's the laughing stock of every other testing program in the world. And unfortunately, much of the media that follows Nascar is too afraid to penetrate the real goings on in the inner sanctum and delve into the real issues that are slowing destroying the sport. I would love it if someone in the media would have a sit down with Brian France and Mike Helton and ask the tough questions, and pound on them until the questions are answered and not brushed aside. Unfortunately, that will never happen, for fear of being blackballed.
One of the questions France needs to answer concerns the comment he made that other drivers have tested positive. If this is the case, then why haven't those drivers been named and as defamed in public as Mayfield has been? Is it because they are top tier drivers? Is it because they played follow the monkey better or bowed lower to the Nascar bigwigs than Mayfield did? Despite that, if there are big name drivers or crew chiefs who've violated the drug testing policy, Nascar must name them also or look like the big bullies on the block, beating up on the weaker rival.
Sorry, but I have had the feeling for a long time that Mayfield is a scapegoat being used by Nascar and Brian France and Company as an example to every other driver that this is what can happen to you if you defy Emperor France and King Helton. Why they don't just drop this whole issue escapes me. Mayfield's future in Nascar is finished, so what do they have to lose, other than face and money, if they just let this go away? Perhaps losing face and a few million dollars in a lawsuit are far too much for France and the rest to handle.
@darbar - others tested positive were crew members, 1 was on Mayfields team earlier ( Daytona 500?I think)
I still don't know what to make of this Jeremy mess.
On the other hand, I missed Brian's comment that many have flunked a drug test before. Say what? and they are still driving?
They never made news?
Either it's Zero Tolerance or "if you are high profile/good for sport/ play well with others tolerance."
I wanna hear the specificities of that explanation (others have failed)
Frankly I am sick of this story until we GET FACTS and not extrapolation.
He said, they said, who said??
@ dar, Brava.
As far as the BF comment I took it to mean other drivers test showed medication IE positive but they had already informed Dr Black about the medication, had a legitimate reason (over the counter) or prescription and not something that that would make them unsafe on the track like Percocet even if legitimately prescribed for real pain so it was not a true violation. 1. Jeremy never told anyone about the prescription he was taking prior to the positive result and 2. they didn't suspend him for those medications but what they say is a third drug the Meth. But of course BR should never speak unless he clears it with PR and legal because he certainly knows how to dig holes.
I am not buying Jeremy's version. Jenna Fryer's story about the late arrival and JM's delay are disconcerting if you want to believe Mayfield. It is in the sidebar of Marty's story.
The Marty Smith story seems to be a lot of Mayfield venting and asking rhetorical questions.
Why would he have to speak to an attorney before testing? He is a NASCAR driver and agreed to follow the guidelines.
Says Black is not a doctor? Not all doctors practice in the field they have listed as their specialty.
I just don't buy what Jeremy is saying.
To me, Mayfield's story just sounds like a bunch of excuses. He is diverting attention away from the main issues - his positive test. All this talk about lists is a distraction. It may be a way to improve things going forward, but it doesn't alter the facts.
What is really lacking from Marty Smith's story, are the type of skeptical follow-up questions you might expect from a journalist. Instead, he just gives Mayfield an open platform. On one hand, yes, we want to hear what he has to say -- on the other, how about some reporting and not just turning on the microphone?
When I hear someone complain that watching a lab tester watch you pee in a cup for a test is "humiliating", I think what he means to say is "ruining my plan to put in false urine." If I were Mayfield, I'd be asking Brian France himself to watch me pee in a cup, and I would be doing everythign I could to comply... not delay and offer excuses, and offer more stories of missed phone calls.
I like how yesterday Jenna Fryer quotes Mayfield's camp with a COMPLETELY different timeline of the various tests than what Mayfield's camp says today. It is bogus. Just like Dr. Black said, he didn't want to take the test.
I'll bet anyone money they find something in his latest sample, too. The guy's behavior is simply erratic.
... This determination to follow this story by both Marty Smith and David Newton has really been outstanding ...
What about Pockrass and Fryer?
Anon 957 - oops my bad - I missed Jenna & Bob.
Yes we have a few reporters digging, yet no one wants to ask the hard nasty questions of either party. Must be the hard card?
Altho' sure didn't slow Jenna down to much on the Grant story.
AP reporter Jenna Fryer is linked on the column previous to this specifically for her Mayfield content.
In terms of Smith and Newton, we are talking about reporting on TV.
Bob Pockrass is a TDP favorite and his appearances on the now cancelled Tradin' Paint show are sorely missed.
Forget meth - Mayfield should be banned just on the basis of his undisclosed ADHD meds.
I'll forget for a second that his so-called prescription for this powerful drug came from some health spa and rejuvenation clinic and not his doctor - and that the Rx mysteriously came only weeks before his failed drug test.
Eve if that is all legit (and I think there are serious questions), he didn't disclose the drug use at all, and he was required to and knew in no uncertain terms he was required to.
I don't care if he has ADHD or not -- anyone on the track who takes a drug that has the effect of increasing concentration is competing at an unfair advantage (not to mention some of this drug's side effects which may be hazardous in conjunction with driving a racecar).
I wonder if any sponsor will step up to help get Mayfield on the track. I wonder if TDP could afford to put the blog on the hood?
I have to say that I'm with Jeremy as well. There's still such an ambiguity around the entire drug-testing program that, like Dot said at the top of the page, Jeremy wouldn't be fighting this as hard as he is if he felt he was innocent. Based on the Smith report, there seriously is something wrong with this entire situation.
On the TV side, Marty has done another outstanding job at keeping us up-to-date on the situation. If only ESPN would ditch some of the "politics" (as TDP discussed earlier this week), we'd be in good shape.
Jeremy, you want humiliating? Try having a baby. Naturally.
Peeing in a cup in front of someone ain't nuttin'...
Marty gave JM's side. Okay. Now I want to know about the legal side of it. What will it take for JM to prevail and recover damages? For Nascar to win? (Besides muzzling BF.)
I am not sure what the so-called ambiguity is that everyone keeps talking about. I think this is all a smokescreen. Why? Because does anyone think for one second that there was any ambiguity whatsoever on the issue of having meth in your system? I don't care if there was a list that had meth on it or not - it only matters in terms of going forward, not in terms of Mayfield's results.
Frankly, I don't see how NASCAR could have or should have done anything differently. They saw last year the reality that drivers could be on heroin and said "whoa, we better test these guys." They hire the biggest and best lab in the country to do the testing, and then lo and behold they not only nail a few crew members, but a driver.
The idea that "why is he fighting so hard" is evidence of his innocence is ludicrous. I seem to remember OJ fighting his murder rap pretty hard, too.
From where I sit, NASCAR has been consistent all along, and the only thing vague and ambiguous has been Mayfied's rotating stories.
I don't think Marty Smith deserves any credit whatsoever. All he did was air one side of the story.
Why do you think Mayfield will only talk to Smith? Because Smith just turns on the microphone and lets him talk with no questions asked. It's an open, unchallenged forum. You think Mayfield would spout off with half of these silly quotes to someone like Jenna Fryer? No way - she would have a response or a follow-up question to provide some context.
My biggest problem with the whole Mayfield situation is the generally sloppy and often slanted reporting.
Except for a couple of references to the similarities with the NFL in 1 article by David Newton, I have not seen anyone in the media compare NASCAR's drug testing program to that of another major racing series or major sport - thus, I presume NASCAR's program must in fact stack up pretty well compared to other major sports or the media would do a comparison to demonstrate the faults in NASCAR's program.
I also have not seen any articles where anyone in the media asked Brian France or Mike Helton to explain how the program was developed and, in particular, who was involved. Were there outside experts involved in developing the program? Why doesn't the media want to know? I have a hard time believing that France and Helton sat down at lunch and drafted the program on a napkin as some in the media imply.
I have read the NASCAR program, but I have read several articles where it seemed clear to me that the writer had not.
The last time I looked at WADA's website, the only essentially professional sports organization that I noticed listed as a WADA member was the FIA. I do not recall seeing the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHRA, or IRL listed as members. WADA's list of prohibited substances is 8 pages of chemicals, the last 1 of which deals with illegal substances - all of which seemed to be either illegal or performance enhancing substances or possible masking agents. I don't recall seeing anything about performance inhibiting substances except for illegal substances like narcotics.
I don't know who is right and who is wrong in the controversy, yet, or whether the test was somehow compromised - but I am convinced that the NASCAR drug testing program is much better than the majority of the reporting about it.
And still no story yet on the other crew members who tested positive on the same day as Mayfield. Do they dispute their test results? Do they admit they were caught? Are they in treatment and on the road back to NASCAR or are they going on with their lives without coming back to racing? Do their stories of testing procedure match Mayfields? How about their stories of notification of positive tests? Did any of them test for the same substance as Mayfield? Do any of them plan on suing NASCAR?
It's called reporting, and the NASCAR reporters would rather watch races, or at the very least not upset their firesuited sources.
One thing that my experience in life tells me in situations like this, is that the truth is some where in between Mayfield's story and NASCAR's story.
The only real problem that I have with NASCAR's version of the truth is that Brian France is the one giving it to me. I don't believe a whole lot that comes out of his mouth. His past history speaks for itself. He lost his creditability with me a long time ago.
As for Mayfield, I find his behavior erratic, illogical and all I'm hearing from him is a lot of excuses. What he is totally missing is that this is NASCAR's sandbox and if he wants to play in it he has to abide by their rules.
I have known addicts in the past and they are VERY convincing because they actually believe what they are saying is the truth. Even if it is a bunch of BS, they believe it whole heartedly.
As for Marty, he's given Mayfield an open mic a couple of times now, but I don't think he's doing any investigative reporting. He's obviously a friend of Mayfield's and is just letting him have his say, but that's not the whole story.
The only thing that I know for sure about this whole mess is that some lawyers are gonna make a boatload of money before this is all over.
I'm not sure how much it means, but Marty's description of Mayfield in the LMS infield weeks ago is eerie in hindsight. As I recall Marty described Mayfield as aggitated and that he became more aggitated the longer he spoke.
There are several coincidences in this that don't get mentioned. Like the top 2 people in sports testing at Aegis are former WADA employees and the consultant to the MLB Players Union on drug testing is Dr. Black, the head of Aegis.
For all his complaints about NASCAR, Mayfield still has yet to offer anything into the record that disputes the scientific finding by Aegis. Mayfield can shoot for sympathy points by bashing Brian France all he wants, but so far he hasn't offered up anything that resembles a counter-argument to his positive test. I mean, even if he proves that NASCAR was negligent in not passing out a list of banned substances, even if he proves that NASCAR's policy was unevenly applied, and even if he proves that the NASCAR policy as is needs an overhaul -- it doesn't change what was in his blood and what will be testified on the stand under oath what was in his blood.
I cannot wait for this next drug test to come back. Given his behavior and at least one account of his unwillingness to be tested, I would think that NASCAR getting another positive on him is pretty good.
PS Jenna Fryer has a new story up today about Mayfield maybe selling his race team. The real punchline, however, isn't until the final paragraph, where Fryer reveals that he leases his space, doesn't have employees, is in debt in parts and probably doesn't have anything but a car to sell. Kinda makes the headline and lede misleading, but hey, at least she got it in there.
Frankly- I think the coverage of this has been poor for the most part. It's still obvious to me that NASCAR is still the ugly, red-headed step-child of sports, because this has received nowhere near the coverage that MLB's steroid mess has received, nor the NFL with its behavioral messes.
The problem with the media is either they're in the tank for Mayfield and firing up people who are already fired up at NASCAR for how they run things OR you have media outlets unable or unwilling to investigates NASCAR's handling of matters like this.
I've had a lot of exposure to the drug culture personally and professionally. It doesn't look good for Mayfield. There's a pattern of behavior pre-dating this that fits that of a drug user.
'Nuff said.
Your comments on this topic are welcome. Please understand that we are discussing the ongoing issue of Mayfield in the media.
Hateful speech and derogatory comments about others will cause the entire comment to be deleted.
Why waste your opinion? Thanks to those who took the time to express their thoughts on this issue.
I'm not completely sure where I fall in this issue, but I do know NASCAR is getting desperate. They made a point of releasing some court documents related to the latest appeal to their #1 mouthpiece who now host the morning show on sirius. While these documents are allegedly "public" when was the last time NASCAR wanted anybody seeing anything that was legal in nature concerning them?
Too many strange inconsistencies coming out as of late.....this may end up being explosive.
Inverness, FL
NASCAR tends to be a pretty savvy group when it comes to PR. I am sure that they would not have let it get this far if they didn't think they had an air tight case. I think Jeremy has done a bit of doubletalking as well. No one will come out well in this.
One thing i have noticed through this whole debacle is there are a large number of people forming opinions who have swallowed the drug war propaganda(koolaid)hook,line,and sinker.Question authority!
I agree with those who feel that Marty Smith should have asked Mayfield some hard questions. It's great that he gave Mayfield a platform to speak his mind and give his side of the story but I think that some follow-up questions were in order about a variety of things. I'd think someone who is as innocent and clean as Mayfield claims he is would run immediately to get tested to prove it instead of getting angry about the way he was asked to do it.
some thoughts and such:
1. a correction in re: shane hmiel and aaron fike not disputing the drug tests that led to their expulsions from nascar: fike was arrested by the local leos while doing heroin. it had nothing to do with nascar or any drug testing they may/may not have done. there is no way he could dispute what led to his expulsion as it was revealed as the result of his arrest.
hmiel had failed two previous drug tests and so was an obvious test candidate for a third failure. again, when he failed the third test, he had little recourse but to accept it: his own personal history precluded him contesting the results. (i will also *speculate* that shane was surrounded by people who knew of his problem and loved and cared for him enough to encourage him to take the third failed test as an opportunity to see the larger picture and get his life straightened out.)
for me, the failure of either of these former drivers to contest their respective expulsions does not speak to the mayfield case at all. in addition, the decision to contest the results or not is a personal decision and i don't feel we can extrapolate from other cases to this case.
2. i second what anon@11:07pm posted: still no word on the status of the 2 others busted as a result of the failed tests at the same time. these guys seemed to have disappeared completely. maybe a quick sidebar from someone who's reporting on the mayfield case is called for? do these guys have any issues with how nascar handled their tests and subsequent notifications? it would be relevant in that it would speak to how the system works -- or fails. consistency of process would be important to establish.
3. richard in NC: you have, once again, hit the nail directly on the head and flattened it into the board! the reporting on this issue is filled with ambiguity, implications, and missed opportunities. i understand marty smith just "opening the microphone" for mayfield to use (getting an exclusive is a big deal!) but i would have expected marty to then take the next step and work to confirm what mayfield said. perhaps he's working on just that as we speak?
4. i can't speak to mayfield's "guilt" or "innocence" b/c i feel that i simply don't have enough objective and concrete information. i have returned to dr leslie-pelecky's column numerous times but even her scientific information about what a test can/can't determine seems to be undermined by the issue of how the two samples may have been handled and i don't feel as if i have enough information to address that part of the case. and that's the bottom line for me when we discuss the media coverage of the case: not enough hard digging and attempts to separate fact from speculation.
or maybe, just maybe, BOTH sides in the issue are deliberately blowing smoke at us and working hard to throw all sorts of irrelevant "stuff" at the proverbial wall to see what sticks?
but i will say this: based on my own life experience, i am suspicious of mayfield's claims and unsettled by his behaviors.
If Jeremy really did take the combo of two drugs he is now saying he did, why can't he just do exactly what he did the 1st time he failed? Why doesn't he just go to NA$CAR show them "this is what happend"! Take the Adderall (sp?) then take the Claridin D's in exactly the same time frame he did the 1st time. Same thing with a drug test. Take one in the same time frame of taking the 2 drugs as he did the 1st one. If he is telling the truth, then the drug test will come back with the exact same result as it did the 1st time. That would solve all problems IMO. At least this is what I would do if I were Jeremy.
I see nothing wrong with Marty Smith allowing Jeremy Mayfield to tell his side of the story. AP's Jenna Fryer has certainly reported the NASCAR version of events.
Jenna's press credentials should be safe - only hope Marty Smith's are not in jeopardy.
It's a long way from the track media center to the helipads and airport runways ESPN's Mike Massaro had to report from when ESPN was not allowed to report from the track after losing the NASCAR TV deal a few years ago.
I have a simple solution to this. And I don't know why it hasn't been (publicly?) proposed: Have Jeremy take, under direct supervision of NASCAR officials/doctors with the exact medications he claims he took. Allow the allotted time to pass under direct supervision. When that time has elapsed, have him pee in three cups. All three samples are taken to DIFFERENT LABS. They are tested. If all three samples test positive for meth just as the original drug test, Jeremy is clear. If not, Jeremy is a liar and an idiot and we can all move on without seeing him ever race again.
Why isn't this being done?
It just doesn't make sense that Jeremy would stake his reputation, his race team and all his money to take on NASCAR with its endless supply of cash and lawyers if he was lying.
Haven't been watching NN much. Although I DVR so I can watch if something is mentioned here.
I watched the Marty Smith piece. IMHO he told me nothing. He just repeated what Jeremy told him.
There is no "journalism" in most of the reporting by anyone. Mostly just repeating what each side says.
As far as Jeremy is innocent because of what he says. He may well be. However, there are many people who don't "look" or "act" like drug users, murderers, child abusers, wife/husband abusers. If all the people who plead innocent were truly innocent, the prisons would be nearly empty.
I do agree that NASCAR does not appear to have its act together. But Jeremy's changing story and the latest escapade in being tested is bizarre to say the least. The "I got lost driving to the lab" story is beyond comprehension. I would have been on the phone with the lab or with someone who could have helped me find it.
Unless we get new "facts" I am tired of hearing about this story.
NASCAR may have a serious legal issue here.
If it is proven in court that NASCAR screwed up the drug testing, (and remember, it isn't a criminal matter, it is a civil case, so the burden of proof is not like you see on TV shows) you can bet Mayfield will go after them (and Poston, who can't keep his mouth shut) for publicly defaming him and making it impossible for him to get a ride or sponsors.
If that happens, and he plays their cards right (and don't settle) Mayfield could end up owning NASCAR.
It would serve NASCAR right for assuming they're untouchable.
IMHO, NASCAR is right more often than wrong, but sometimes they ARE wrong. Their own often subjective and ephemeral interpretations of the rules have created fodder for the "evil empire" conspiracy crowd. Even when they do try to act positively, they find it difficult to provide a transparent policy. It is a PR disaster when the drivers almost universally express confusion about the NASCAR banned substance policy. They have handed a credible defense to Mayfield's lawyer.
The "I Love Jeremy" faction has turned Dr Black into a nefarious villain. It seems to me that Aegis is being placed in a no-win situation due to NASCAR's lack of a clearly enunciated drug policy. Aegis is provided with samples to test. They provide the results to their client, NASCAR. Period. If a second opinion is desired, that is a NASCAR policy issue, not Aegis' problem. NASCAR's arbitrary behavior has contributed to the confusion.
There are some who see Mayfield as a self-created perpetual victim who is quick to blame others for his lack of success. He is probably finished as a driver. Despite the legal costs involved, the current situation creates a perfect storm for the victim scenario. Mayfield wins by losing when TNT or Bravo do a docudrama or reality show about poor ol' Jeremy.
From my perspective, this issue deserves more thorough and objective media scrutiny than we are likely to get from racing related media outlets. There is a bit too much of the "old boy" network for the racing press to be objective. You don't make a mess where you eat.
Marty did a good job with this story. I believe Jeremy is right on this one. It does not add up. Most NASCAR fans I spoke to in the infield of Daytona are on Jeremy's side. I saw a bunch of Mayfield hats in the infield too. Jeremy does have more support then not. If its true that thay have false positives all the time, then why haven't we heard of them? or is it NASCAR's false positives are coming from Dale Earnhardt Jr, Jeff Gordon, Kyle Busch or Kevin Harvick? It's just Jeremy Mayfield ,feild filler, to some, but this is Jeremy Mayfield, fan favorite, to many others. Either way two things are ruined. Mayfield's driving carrer and NASCAR's drug policy.
i wish someone could explain -- w/o exaggeration, hyperbole or emotion -- what nascar stood to gain in "getting" mayfield this way. most of the explanations focus on "nascar wants to 'stick it' to the little guys" but no one's been able to present a clear argument as to WHY nascar would want to do that.
mayfield failed a drug test. the science of it says it can't have happened the way mayfield claims b/c the form of meth that tested positive is NOT the same form of meth that would have tested in the adderall/claritin scenario. sucks for mayfield but here we are. sample A, sample B, independent lab, hair follicle test -- whatever. bottom line: both samples tested positive for meth. no one has gone so far as to claim nascar doctored the sample so what exactly is the debate point here?
so -- back to my original question: why would nascar want to have all this negative publicity over a drug policy that they were forced into creating and which they have enforced several times already this season with no issue, including with one of mayfield's former employees whom HE fired w/o any qualm following that positive test? (guess that positive result and how it was obtained is substantially different than the positive result and testing procedure in mayfield's case -- or something.)
here's the bottom line question for me: what does nascar have to gain out of all this? b/c nascar NEVER does something without getting a return, an ROI. so, what did the organization get or think they'd get by failing mayfield on a drug screening? i just don't see it. someone needs to explain to me why nascar would choose to "do this" to mayfield and in such a way that doesn't require putting the black helicopters into flight.
it seems to me that mayfield's defense is that he doesn't do meth and nascar's out to get him. so, if i'm going to understand his point of view in all this, then i have to have an explanation as to why nascar chose to "go after" anyone, let alone jeremy mayfield.
I heard an interesting take on the Mayfield-NASCAR controversy late last night on ESPN Radio.
The speaker's point was that "admitting" it had a meth-head in the sport made NASCAR look bad because meth-heads are viewed as at the bottom of the barrel. As a consequence, he felt NASCAR would not want to admit to having a meth-head in the sport unless it is true.
I do believe Marty's report needs to be graded down for his failing to point out that supervision of sample providing is common with most major sports despite its being humiliating. Mayfield's statement as passed on by Marty does give the implication that Mayfield was being picked on.
I continue to wonder whether NASCAR's history of settling out of court and the media's immediate bashing of NASCAR when the story broke might have emboldened Mayfield to think he might have been able to settle with NASCAR and have the whole issue just "go away" if he pushed back.
I see a lot of people taking Jeremy's side after reading in-depth into both sides of the story.
I also see at least one person who claims no one will listen to him, then ignoring all the comments in response to his opinion, which indicates the condition listed in dictionaries under the term hypocrite.
There are other comments which make it difficult to show my usual neutral appreciation for opinions from both sides.
One party that, from the continued pattern of writing ang use of verbage, is trying to simply take over the entire feedback section using an "Anonymous" identity; actually serves the opposing side to the arguments presented using that identity...of course the single Anonymous comment for the opposing side stands out.
I think, if nothing else, the comments here would solidify my belief that NASCAR is lying about Jeremy.
There are, however lots of "else" things.
For anyone who trusts NASCAR today, blindly or not, I have this suggestion: Get advice from other people who did trust NASCAR blindly. Start with Fireball Roberts. Try asking him if he will ever trust NASCAR again.
The bottom line: There was meth in Mayfield's urine sample. Aegis has the tests and the chain of custody to prove it.
Anyone who thinks this might be a "false-positive" might want to read Stock Car Science's excellent report about how they detect meth in a drug test and how it cannot be mistaken for other substances:
@ red 6:04...totally agree.
@ anon 7:29...many people don't want to read the science of drug testing. Why? See red @ 6:04 comment.
A few days before the Richmond Race an Music Video was released called DROWNING (FACE DOWN) by Saving Abel with Jeremy Mayfield appearing in the video.
Now could this video has been co-produced by NASCAR MEDIA GROUP?
Earlier this year a founder of the band and an employee had criminal charges in CA that were drop because the charges were not base on fact.
This band has performed at NASCAR tracks in the past.
The bottom line: There was meth in Mayfield's urine sample. Aegis has the tests and the chain of custody to prove it.
No. The "bottom line" is that Aegis claims this.
They have yet to prove it in a court of law.
And what evidence in the world is there that Aegis won't be able to prove this in court?
If you think about it, Aegis has a lot more to lose in this by being wrong than Jeremy Mayfield. If Aegis had a wrong result on Mayfield and that result could not hold up to scientific scrutiny, then Aegis would overnight go from being the biggest and most respected lab to a lab with zero credibility.
So, rather than ask "Why would Jeremy fight so hard if he wasn't innocent?" maybe you should ask "Why would Aegis stand behind a test if it wasn't rock solid?"
If you think about it, Aegis has a lot more to lose in this by being wrong than Jeremy Mayfield. If Aegis had a wrong result on Mayfield and that result could not hold up to scientific scrutiny, then Aegis would overnight go from being the biggest and most respected lab to a lab with zero credibility.
Precisely. Which is why I think Mayfield will put this until the very end. Because NASCAR (and by association, Aegis) isn't used to being challenged--they just throw money at people until they go away (settle).
I'm betting Mayfield will not do that.
Then we'll see if Aegis' results can stand the scrutiny.
OK... so I read Marty Smith's article and am convinced Mayfield needs to keep his mouth shut, just as I believe France does. Three areas where JM loses credibility with me.
1. Response to Smith's question regarding ever using illegal drugs.... "What are you calling illegal? I've drank beer. I don't drink beer at all anymore. I don't drink. Don't do anything." Nice answer Jeremy....
2. Challenging Dr. Black's credentials/qualifications. Yeah, Jeremy... you go! If you cannot find any other way to challenge a world class test lab's results.... impugn the character of the man who has not stake in the outcome of your test... one way or another.
3. I am just not buying the whole I did not have time... I got lost... they watched me pee whinefest. Your very life depends on walking the straight an narrow right now you make the time to get there! I am assuming the lab is in the city he lives in... what never leave your driveway before? And lastly... I pee'd in bottles for the Navy for a career.... standard protocol having an observer. Get over the "humiliation"
Druggies will do ANYTHING to escape the consequences of their choices and addictions. Sound like lots of that going on here.
NASCAR is not with out its own significant issues.
1. Lock France in the idiot's room and do not let him talk to anyone about anything!
2. If they want credibility... quit operating as a fiefdom. Transparency is required to attain credibility... They do not have it... and will not as long as their actions and words portray their propensity to control the serfs. May have worked in the old man's day... but it is time to come into the 21st century.
All-in-all I found Marty Smith's article did the right thing in giving JM a forum... Give him rope... No follow-up questions were required. Mayfield answered all the questions I had.
@anon@8:58pm, 7.10.09: in my opinion? sure hope you have a landing pad big enough for that particular black helicopter.
1. Response to Smith's question regarding ever using illegal drugs.... "What are you calling illegal? I've drank beer. I don't drink beer at all anymore. I don't drink. Don't do anything." Nice answer Jeremy....
Yeah, that was TOTALLY weird! I can't imagine anyone I've ever met in my life giving that kind of answer. It's just bizarre.
Also bizarre is when he says (and this is the exact quote): "I want to do everything in my power to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from here on out."
What does he mean "from here on out"???! Sorry, but it sounds like he slipped up. Sounds like he screwed up and wants to get back on the straight and narrow "from here on out." That's a huge statement and Smith let it pass right by.
Brian Rose, Sammy Potashnick, Kevin Grubb, Tyler Walker, Shane Hmiel, Aaron Fike and Jeremy Mayfield. All have failed NASCAR's drug test (except Fike & Potashnick who were busted by law enforcement).
For the most part, all of the above denied, denied, denied. It's the typical knee-jerk defense of a drug user. In the end, it turns out they were just liars (typical of a user).
So before you get too caught up in Jeremy's pity-party, read the about-faces below (especially the ones about Hmiel and Rose) .
9/19/07 -- Aaron Fike, a suspended NASCAR Camping World Truck Series driver, has pleaded not guilty to heroin charges after his arrest in the parking lot of Kings Island amusement park in Mason in July.
4/8/08 -- Suspended NASCAR driver Aaron Fike admits that he not only secretly struggled with drug addiction for years but also shot up heroin on some race days.
6/8/05 -- Shane Hmiel has hired a lawyer to fight NASCAR about his latest drug suspension. The lawyer is going to have drug test run by Hmiel giving hair, urine and blood samples to prove the NASCAR test was wrong and try to get Hmiel reinstated as soon as possible.
8/16/06 -- In trying to collect his salary from last season, banned driver Shane Hmiel has had to admit that he violated NASCAR's substance abuse policy with a positive test for marijuana in 2003 and a positive test for marijuana and cocaine in 2005.
9/11/06 -- Kevin Grubb was suspended indefinitely when he refused to take a drug test following a second-lap crash at Richmond. Failure to take the test resulted in automatic suspension. The next day, Grubb claimed that his failure to take the test was a result of confusion following a concussion suffered during the race.
5/8/09 -- Kevin Grubb found dead of self-inflicted gun-shot wound to the head. Rick Houston, a freelance writer who befriended Grubb following his 2006 reinstatement, said Grubb was determined to overcome the drug abuse that stifled his driving career. "When we talked it truly seemed like he had his act together," Houston said. "When it happened again, I really wanted to believe his story. That's the story a lot of people wanted to believe because everyone liked him."
4/30/03 -- Brian Rose says he is working to resolve the issues surrounding his indefinite suspension by NASCAR so he can return to competition. He was suspended for not following NASCAR’s instructions on taking a drug test. "I was told to go to a specific location by NASCAR," Rose said. "I went across from that location and checked into an emergency hospital when I should have remained at the designated location. I should have paid more specific attention and detail to what NASCAR told me to do. It was my own fault I didn’t follow specific procedures." He said all of the tests were negative.
9/16/03 -- Former Trucks Series driver Brian Rose is facing criminal charges again after a traffic stop Wednesday, according to a Bowling Green Police Department report. Police said they stopped Rose, 23, after he was seen driving erratically on U.S. 31-W By-Pass. The officer reportedly smelled alcohol and marijuana inside the vehicle. Rose was chewing on something and the officer ordered him to spit it out. The “chaw,” as Rose described it, was marijuana, according to the report.
I'm still not sure who's side to take on this issue, as both sides have come off looking pretty bad. But I will say, I don't think Jeremy Mayfield is the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Perhaps after so many years of going in one direction and turning left has made his road driving skills less sharp. But I will admit that his excuses about the testing site were pretty contrived.
I think that this latest drivel that Mayfield put out there for the media to report on is so damaging to him, not NASCAR. He is so in denial, it isn't even funny. I so agree with all the people that have said that NASCAR/Aegis have nothing to gain by dealing with this unless they are 100 percent sure Jeremy was doing meth. NASCAR is not stupid, like some fans would have you believe. If someone got into a wreck with Mayfield after the test at Richmond and was injured and if they found out about the positive test, that would be the rich person. The liability is too huge to NASCAR.
What makes me laugh in all of this is that all of a sudden, Mayfield has become one of the "popular" drivers, one of the good guys. HUH???? I sure never heard anything like this ever said before. It is a joke. He is a liar and really an all around bad person.
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