Over the past several seasons, ESPN has rounded-up three NASCAR reporters several times a year and put them on the Monday version of NASCAR Now.
On a Sprint Cup Series off-week, it makes sense to let some of the media talk about the season to date and review the news. Normally, this is an exercise in who is going to win, why are teams struggling and some snippy comments about NASCAR.
All of this changed when a combination of elements struck the sport like a meteor. The economy plummeted, the US car manufacturers tanked and an active driver tested positive for methamphetamine.
Into these topics and more stepped media members Ryan McGee, Jenna Fryer and Nate Ryan. The program was hosted by ESPN veteran Mike Massaro. Kudos to ESPN for bringing only one employee to the table, as McGee is a full-time senior writer for ESPN the Magazine.
Massaro set the tone early with a fast pace and straight talk. Fryer and Ryan admitted that their early predictions of a tough season for Tony Stewart and his new team were off-base. McGee pointed out that the people and technology surrounding Stewart had been key to the surprising season.
Jeremy Mayfield is a topic that has the NASCAR media just as confused as the fans. A great video review of this year's Mayfield saga set-up the following discussion. Ryan reinforced that the image of NASCAR has been deeply affected by this entire matter. Fryer focused on the main problem of deep confusion in the garage area by the teams themselves. "The confusion in the industry among the competitors is insane," said Fryer.
"It's kind of like politics," said McGee. "When politicians start slinging mud at each other, they say that no one comes away clean. Nobody is going to be a winner in this thing."
One final key point exposed by Fryer was that Mayfield was allowed to return to the track even after his positive drug test because of flaws in NASCAR's own system of testing. The judge's ruling did not determine anything about the test, it was the system that needs to be repaired.
Moving on to the identity issues of the Nationwide Series, the reporters agreed to disagree. McGee reminded everyone that the attraction of the "Nationwide regulars" back in the day was strong for the fans. While Fryer floated the notion of having only one support series, Ryan reminded everyone that TV ratings and full grandstands come with having Cup drivers in the field.
Massaro gets credit for bringing up the struggling Brickyard 400 race at Indy on ESPN. Reviewing the past using video made the comments of the reporters even more biting. "I don't know that NASCAR really needs to be there anymore," said Fryer.
Ryan pointed to the damage done last season by the struggles of Goodyear to field a tire that worked on the new Cup car at Indy. After more than a decade, it seems that this event has lost a lot of luster. The USA Today veteran indicated that reports from Indy suggest about half of a capacity crowd this weekend.
A general discussion of potential Chase teams led to Mark Martin and Kyle Busch being profiled. Busch was not the most popular with the panel and his maturity issues are well known. Martin continues to command the respect of the media and that is no easy task.
The media jury is still out on Kevin Harvick and his future with Richard Childress Racing. Suggestions from the panel included Harvick moving to Stewart-Haas with Shell or perhaps just leveraging himself for a new team in 2011. It is clear that Harvick needs money for his own KHI racing operation, so his decision may well be driven by that need.
The reporter roundtable shows offer the panelists an opportunity to make a closing statement. This has proven to be both a blessing and a curse for those on the program in the past.
Ryan was upfront in reminding viewers that not one word had been said during the entire show about Dale Earnhardt Jr. to that point. Ryan reminded us that Tony Eury Jr. has blamed the media for Junior's problems. Now, without the same level of publicity and scrutiny, Ryan wondered how Junior will do for the rest of the season.
"It's been 72 days since Mayfield was suspended for failing a random drug test," said Fryer. "The fallout has overshadowed almost everything else. What was left of Mayfield's career is ruined and NASCAR's handling of the scandal will forever be questioned." Fryer made her point that there is still no end in sight to this mess.
McGee added a little tribute to legendary West Coast driver Hershel McGriff. He compared the 59 year-old Tom Watson being referred to as ancient during the British Open TV coverage when the 81 year-old McGriff had run a race just last weekend and finished in the top twenty.
This type of TV show is exactly the reason we continue to push for additional NASCAR TV programs that allow for conversation. Fans get to see and listen to those reporters who are normally hidden on the Internet and seen only in a snapshot above each column.
At a time when the NASCAR media has come under scrutiny for its slimming numbers and spotty coverage, the ability to see veteran reporters talking about this sport is refreshing. Putting a name with a face is always a positive when the media is involved.
Mike Massaro deserves credit for keeping things on track and adding in his own veteran views as well. This was a program that is likely to start some discussions and possibly return the focus of this NASCAR season to the action on the track.
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It was a really good show with load of info, some opinion & stats. Just enough of each.
I really enjoyed the look back at Dale, DW, Rusty & Co going to Brickyard for the first tire test, & then giving a clip showing AJ Foyt. WOW, just great stuff.
And to think back then some thought stockcars would defame hallowed ground...
The show had a flow to it - one subject led into the next. Could this be a taste of things to come for NASCAR ( all of it) on ESPN - we can only hope.
Good job to everyone involved the seen & unseen. Thank You
I was puzzled in the Mayfield discussion that no one mentioned the possibility of hair-test samples and blood being tested. I heard that Jeremy had the hair-sample test but no results...?
This show had a lot of potential, but really fell flat for me.
First of all, there were WAY too many pre-taped segments. I could have done without the drawn-out highlights from this season, and some of the pieces, like on the Brickyard were repeats or partial repeats. So boring.
The first topic of Tony Stewart was kinda boring -- no one really said anything new. And then the Mayfield discussion was not what I expected. No discussion of the facts, just a superficial "where are we now" discussion that didn't dig deep in the least.
It wasn't until Fryer made the suggestion of trashing the Nationwide series and onlyl running trucks that the show got interesting. You can agree or think she is crazy, but that was certainly something to talk about -- and finally there was some animated back-and-forth between disagreeing panelists. But by then we were halfway through the show.
Jenna Fryer needs to be signed by ESPN or SPEED or someone to host her own show. But even as great as she was on this panel (the other guys kinda seemed drowsy), she wasn't given much to do.
Another NASCAR Now where content is overshadowed and minimized by format. What a shame.
Anon @ 6:34
Anon, you need to read back in some of the Mayfield threads on this blog. Hair tests are not reliable and not even approved for use in federal workplces - which are the standards Mayfield was claiming NASCAR should have used in his first complaint.
I don't usually talk technical on the studio stuff, but I agree.
Way too much recorded material and what is called B-roll uses. The other maddening thing is the ESPN practice on all shows of using music under every single piece of video. Drives me nuts.
What can you say, it's their playground.
Hmmm...well I guess I will watch later this evening. I am a bit disappointed with the Mayfield piece based on your comments, JD.
I was hoping someone would lay out the facts one by one what Jeremy has said/did compared to same for NASCAR. And some info on how tests our conducted, processed and communicated.
That fact that yous said the media is as confused as we are is perplexing. Someone needs to be an investigative reporter, like many of the Planeteers, who have provided excellent information witht the use of their keyboards.
As far as the drivers being confused. Based on the interview on a prerace show several weeks ago with Jeff Gordon(can't remember which race), it was apparent he wasn't following it. Doubt many of the drivers are. If they know they aren't taking anything illegal and notify Aegis/Dr. Black about prescriptions they are taking, then they have nothing to worry about.
Why can't someone do an investigative piece. Enough with opinion...just the facts, maam. (PS..realize this would not dispel all the conspiracy theories, but I believe there are many who are on the fence and confused by what they have seen and heard in the media. A good piece of investigative journalism would answer many questions.
The first segment about Tony was worthless, imo. I thought the discussion about Mayfield was pretty light, considering how headline maintaining the situation is. Waaay too much video, although it was nice seeing the old footage of Indy. Not their best show..
NN needs to have a writers only Roundtable on once a month. I enjoyed the panel and they were respectful of each other.
The only way for the JM mess to go away is if they quit reporting on it. I know they can't do that. They only need to mention recent updates and leave it at that. No big discussion about who's right or wrong, who did this, who did that. There have been no big developments lately anyway. I like discussing here at TDP though.
I agree with Jenna about Indy. It's not my favorite race. We'll see what happens after this Sunday. I was amazed about the 315,000 fans and 60 some odd cars there(to qualify) for the first race.
The NW Series could be fixed if they didn't allow the CUP drivers to run for the Championship. Run for fun only. Let for NW drivers go for the gold. Driver/owner excepted, like Kevin Harvick.
I haven't had a chance to see show yet.
Interesting discussion about JM situation on PRN Monday show with David Newton and Greg Biffle.
I missed the first 7 minutes or so of this show and had some interruptions. What I did see I enjoyed *but agree too much canned video, came complaint as TWIN*.
I LOVE Jenny Fryer as she says what she thinks, doesn't care if it's popular. BUT DO NOT give her a show on ESPN or SPEED as that will muzzle her would it not? How about some syndicated shows..one for her and one for Robin Miller. Some folks NOT afraid to think outside the box but keep folks interested.
JD, I know I was distracted but "I thought" Jenna saying the system did not work was referring to the Justice system. That even though Jeremy CLEARLY failed two test, the judge (in between the two tests) re-instated JM.
I loved the closing statements about the older driver and Tom Watson. :)
Sophia, you are correct. She thinks the court system has failed. She said it more than once.
I was a little disappointed that there wasn't more substantive info on JM. I didn't learn a darn thing I didn't already know.
The look back at the first tire test was good. There was Crusty saying hollowed walls instead of hallowed walls. Can't teach an old dog...
Jenna Fryer said the courts had failed in this case because they allowed someone with a positive test for meth to be put back on the track. The court ruled that the NASCAR system was flawed, not that Mayfield was innocent.
It put a potential addict back on the track, that was her point.
Ok, I missed that the court thought the NASCAR testing was flawed in Jenna's comment. yes, it's crazy he has access to the track again.
Thanks for clarification. :)
I must agree with most of the Planeteers, too much canned stuff.
I, too, wondered if any of the panel had done any investigating like our Planeteers had done. Apparently they hadn't -- because no one saw fit to bring up the differences in the testing procedures.
While I enjoyed seeing the old video about Indy, they really needed to discuss whether or not the tires were going to hold up.
Seeing AJ climb out of Dale's car was priceless. I'd totally forgotten about Super Tex taking the wheel.
Absolutely loved the discussion about the N'wide series after Jenna's assertion that it needs to go away.
A good show, but lacking meaty substance.
I thought the most of the show was pretty boring and very predictable. I was expecting more controversial comments, but the whole thing was quite white bread. Too many canned pieces and although I guess it was supposed to look this way, it appeared to much like some of the boring Sunday morning news shows. I much prefer to see the regular Monday line up on NN.
I was a little let down by the first part of the show, but was glad to Jenna voiced her opinion on the JM situation, and agree with her take.
At first her suggestion of doing away with the NW series kind of irked me, but the more I've thought about it, the more I can agree with it.
The rest of the panel had good points, but I'm glad it didn't break out into a pit bulls segment.
I have added Nate to my twitter list along with other reporters. also want to thank JD for his tweats.
Where the heck were Marty Smith and David Newton on this show? Aren't they the ones that have talked to Mayfield the most?
"One final key point exposed by Fryer was that Mayfield was allowed to return to the track even after his positive drug test because of flaws in NASCAR's own system of testing."
That's patent BS, with the single "A" sample being positive and the specter of it being a false positive NASCAR had no choice but to keep him off the track until the second and confirming "B" sample results came back.
Anon - "I heard that Jeremy had the hair-sample test but no results...?"
"Puzzled" shouldn't be the word you use, the correct phrase is more on the lines of "the ramblings of a drowning man."
His alleged hair sample test is just that alleged, it has never been entered into any court record and I defy anyone to point to a quote by his lawyer noting it.
West Coast Diane said - "That fact that yous said the media is as confused as we are is perplexing. Someone needs to be an investigative reporter, like many of the Planeteers, who have provided excellent information with the use of their keyboards.
Precisely, has anyone seen a reporters from the Lame Stream Media research whether NASCAR's program falls under Fed guidelines as his attorneys are suggesting? [not req'd BTW]
Has one reporter called him on the "spiked" samples allegation?
Or asked Mayfield's proof that NASCAR paid Lisa Mayfield cash for her affidavit?
I haven't seen a damn one, they are just glad he "honors" them with his presence and spews whatever BS he so desires and fail to question anything.
It's friggin' shameful is what it is.
The hallowed halls of EESPN sure would have been a convenient place to have someone on conversant with the drug testing program of the NFL, NBA, or MLB to explain how it compares with that of NASCAR - but that could have been inconvenient since EESPN immediately finds players in other sports guilty, and forever tainted, if they fail a drug test.
Correction to my last - "NASCAR had no choice but to keep him off the track until the second and confirming "B" sample results came back.
That should read "NASCAR had no choice but to allow him to race until the second and confirming "B" sample results came back."
You know, that whole "innocent til proven guilty" meme the Mayfield syncophants have been screaming since May.
I said in my earlier post that the JM soap opera shouldn't be covered as much. I should have added, unless a reporter wants to delve into all this and ask the pertinent questions to JM.
Why hasn't the B sample been tested yet? Court docs say JM/attys haven't picked a lab. Who pays for the B sample test?
Oh, by the way, I cracked the case. The FED EX driver spiked the urine sample.
I agree with most of you, too much video, not enough discussion. There is aother person that I wish had been there, but he is no longer with us:David Poole. When he was on before, he looked very uncomfortable,in the high chairs, with no desk, and the necktie. I always enjoyed his take on things, even if I did not agree with all of them.
Hated the taped segments. Hated them. Why assemble a special round table if you are going to make them sit there and watch video? And also - most of that video was old. A couple of neat shots in the Indy segment, but even that was getting a little old. The more I hear drivers talk about the magic of their first time inside Indy, the more the magic wears off for me. Enough already, we get it. I'm getting a little bored of the long sweeping camera shots of an empty Indy raceway. It's a cathedral, I get it - but sometimes the level of appreciation of the place is so shallow and repetitive, I tune out.
The Mayfield discussion was the lowpoint, with really no clarity offered. I at LEAST expected them to go around the table and ask each person whose side they were on, of if as journalist that is too heavy-handed, at least ask them to take a stand on who was telling the truth and who was casting BS. Instead, they just vaguely talked about how bizarre it was, spent too mcuh time talking about how the incident reminds them of NASCAR"s hillbilly stereotype (which was a completely new take that I think was shared only by the panelists), and then at the end they went around and excused themselves for their poor coverage because there hadn't ever been a drug scandal in racing before.
And I don't think the little closing comment about Dale Jr excuses the panel from taking a pass on talking about the 88. I'm not a JR fan, but the deterioration of his team and failure to rebound from changes is one of the top racing stories of the year.
Most interesting nugget thrown out all night: That Tony Stewart wants to run the Indy 500 in 2011. I would have liked a follow-up question there, because that seems to imply that he'd decided now that he will miss the 600 that year and run Indy instead on that day, since running both is now impossible and there is no indication of a date switch. Even the most cursory exploration of that bit of news would have been more interesting than the entire segment on the 14.
Great show but!When It comes to JM,I have known people who have been on meth and It takes them down quickly..From what I can see in Interviews of JM he does not seem to show the signs of a constant meth user..In most cases Its pretty obvious!His step mother claims him to be a long time user..I think the media are doing the best they can on this subject but!A long time user would be showing signs big time!I dont see that with JM!!What is going on here JD!!
Let's see:
Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto... ummmm....ditto and ahhh, ditto!
There! Now I've put in my two cents. I agree with almost every comment, and further add that SPEED also uses loud music under all video, and it plays havoc with intelligibility.
The NASCAR media have completely forgotten (if they ever knew) how to obtain and present inside information. The lack of true investigative reporting (or even a decent "newsmagazine" style show a-la 60 minutes or 20/20) means what we get are press releases and news bites. Not the way to get me to keep tuning in...
Mr. Daly:
Not terribly on the current subject, but in response to your comment at 8:37pm.
The Court did not rule that NASCAR's drug testing procedures were flawed, but rather that NASCAR had not, in its filing of response to Mayfield's original lawsuit, demonstrated a sufficient problem existed for the suspension to have been executed per the drug policy and the NASCAR rule book.
Unfortunately, not all filings are readily available online to the general public for this case. Accordingly, most everyone can only see selected filings and not the complete docket in this case.
NASCAR's original response(to the case filed in NC court)was short and was lacking in detail. The subsequent filing by NASCAR seeking to overturn Judge Mullen's injunction was highly detailed. Had they done this detail in the inital filing, possibly Mullen's injunction would not have happened.
It's dangerous not to be able to see ALL of the filings in a case like this to come to an understanding of the forces and the arguments lining up before the commencement of actual courtroom proceedings.
Right now, Mayfield is on a media blitz(right or wrong)to butress his side, but I feel his some of his statements could only solidify the other side from reaching any type of settlement.
NOTE: I used the PACER system of US Court system to access all of the filings - it's only available to registered users.
PS: it's nice to be posting again...too long of an absense.
thanks, Mr. Daly and congrats on your selection!
You know I’m really glad this was brought up;
Jenna Fryer said the courts had failed in this case because they allowed someone with a positive test for meth to be put back on the track. The court ruled that the NASCAR system was flawed, not that Mayfield was innocent.
It put a potential addict back on the track, that was her point.
I have wondered ever since the hearing exactly how this happened and have given a lot of thought to it. This is just my opinion and I am not a lawyer but I feel the Judge was far to preoccupied with the funeral service he was going to, then had just attended to really grasp what the REAL issue was in this case. It appears for whatever reason the issue he focused in on was the money. DW was right on because all other issue have taken a back seat because JM’s attorneys have chosen to do the smoke screen to hide everything else. With the limited time that was allowed there was no time for expert witnesses to refute the claim that the numbers were to high and show that they were consistent with long time users. Because that statement was allowed to stand without expert testimony to support or the opportunity to refute Judge Mullen chose to take the quick easy road ad assume the system could be flawed. That’s fair, it is possible but I guess he forgot that if that was possible it was also equally possible that it was not and was correct. That would have still been okay if he had actually considered what should have been the real issue and that is WHY and from WHAT JM was suspended from should have been the safety of all other competitors, crew members, officials and fans IF it was correct. As this was a hearing to determine if the suspension should be lifted or upheld and NOT a hearing to determine if the system was flawed or not I for the life of me can not understand why he chose to make his ruling based on who would lose the most financially “IF” the system were flawed OVER the safety of 1000’s if the system was not flawed?
Had he not been preoccupied and just wanted out quickly, knowing what the case coming in was about should have preplanned. As a Federal Judge he could, and should have looked up and had a Federally approved lab send personal for a collection for a random test immediately as court came into session. Then told both parties that because It was his courts responsibility to determine if the suspension should be lifted and it seemed the contention was “IF” the test was accurate that he had to lean to the safety so when he received the results from the federal lab he would base the injunction on those results.
I get real tired of hearing everyone saying “he has his rights.” I agree he does all the way up until he tries to impose his rights over everyone else’s. To make his rights more important than the guy that’s racing next to him that has the right to expect to race a drug free driver. Another 4 or 5 days to run a test by an approved lab is a very small price to pay to the permanent result of death “IF” he was stoned and killed someone.
JM won’t let his tests be tested by any lab that is affiliated, fun many they have turned down has no REAL affiliation, they are just capable of performing the complete and thorough tests needed.
JM’s original claims were they did not follow Federal guide lines, yet he’s insisting to use NON accredited, NON Federally approved labs. ????
The fact is if you took the word “NASCAR” out of there and looked at the highly accredited, highly reputable Laboratory, looked at their 20 year track record, lists of how many athletes they’ve helped clear, This would be a non topic, period.
Sorry this should read;
JM won’t let his tests be tested by any lab that is affiliated to Aegis, some they have turned down have no REAL affiliation, they are just capable of performing the complete and thorough tests needed.
Mike is much better at this than hosting an entire show almost by himself. I don't know what role they will have for him next year. He does not need to be an on-site reporter. Marty should have all the bases covered on that one. He does not need to be a pit reporter. I wonder if they will let Nicole do that next year. I wonder if they would let him host this show more and let Allen host the on-site pit studio. It will be interesting to see what decisions they make for next year, which is really not that far away.
I have known people who have been on meth and It takes them down quickly..From what I can see in Interviews of JM he does not seem to show the signs of a constant meth user..In most cases Its pretty obvious!His step mother claims him to be a long time user..!A long time user would be showing signs big time!
Myths, myths, myths.
Don't substitute your anecdotal evidence for the truth -- there are many, many meth addicts who use and function just fine. Not all chronic meth-heads fit the media stereotype of a toothless, homeless destitute.
This is one of the most ridiculous pieces of evidence that is constantly offered up in favor of Mayfield. I guess it's to be expected - after any murder, there isn't a news story printed where the neighbors don't feel compelled to tell the media that the accused "didn't seem like the kinda of guy who could shoot up a day care center." Go figure.
MASCAR's version of Meet The Press? Hardly. Until the day comes that strong journalists are allowed to follow a story where it leads, that's not happening.
Massaro does a fine job. But he is no David Gregory, and is far from Tim Russert. Currently, there is nobody of their standing covering NASCAR.
Anyone old enough to remember when guys like Richmond and McDuffie were driving with colossal hangovers?
Seems a tad hypocritical to me as far as NASCAR banishing him
I though the show was great and I am totally shocked to read the comments that no NASCAR writers are doing investigative work. Didn't Ryan McGee break the Aaron Fike story and reveal that the un-ID'ed drug that Mayfield tested positive for was methamphetamine? And it was Nate Ryan who got Mayfield on the Sirius radio just a few minutes after the latest test results were announced last week...and Fryer who broke that story. I'm not sure what else people could want.
I came away from last night wondering why McGee isn't on the panel more. That last bit about Herschel McGriff and Tom Watson was priceless.
I think Mike did an excellent job, I usually prefer AB on Mondays but Mike worked very well for this format. I was disappointed that all those questions we posted here were never addressed in the JM fiasco. I am fairly certain I know more than they do at this point. I was left wondering if ESPN had this show planned for a long time and the JM mess changed everything. I enjoyed the old Indy footage but am very much afraid we will see it again during practice, qualifying or perhaps the race itself. While it did belong on NN at one point it should have been bumped to the pre-race show when the s...t hit the fan.
Jenna cracks me up with some of her ideas but she always makes me think and isn't that really the point.
This is a fun type of show and should be done more often just decrease the volume of video clips, we don't need them all
Anyone old enough to remember when guys like Richmond and McDuffie were driving with colossal hangovers?
Seems a tad hypocritical to me as far as NASCAR banishing him
Hmmn, in one case you have guys have legal drinks well before a race and feeling the after-effects.
In the other case you have an alleged user of hardcore illegal narcotics, possibly using them in conjunction with being behind the wheel.
Yeah, same thing. ::rolls eyes::
Jack in Chicago:
I stand corrected on Mc Gee's breaking of the Fike and JM meth stories. I try to keep up by perusing the Jayski articles page, where I first became aware of the Daly Planet last year. Prior to that my info mostly came from people like Ed Hinton, Mike Mulherne Marty Smith and David Poole (I absolutely LOVED Lug Nuts too!), but lately it seems to me that everyone wants to stay out of lawsuit trouble.
But Sirius radio? Sorry, that's less than 10 million paid subscribers; and I'm not one of them.
Anon 3:15: Technically, meth is not a "narcotic"- it is a central nervous system stimulant. And as for it being banned by major sports: it is most widely banned as a PERFORMANCE ENHANCING substance, not because it's "unsafe".
Jack in Chicago said... "Didn't Ryan McGee break the Aaron Fike story and reveal that the un-ID'ed drug that Mayfield tested positive for was methamphetamine?
Why yes he did, but the Fike story is old news and gee how about a follow-up to that breaking news?
You know like when and if the two sources he used on the Meth story will be brought up on charges for breaking the judge's gag order.
"And it was Nate Ryan who got Mayfield on the Sirius radio just a few minutes after the latest test results were announced last week...
Sure was, and Nate let him ramble on about "spiked" samples and accusing Lisa Mayfield of murder and didn't make the slightest effort at asking for any proof Mayfield had for wild and unsubstantiated accusations.
In short, he didn't do his friggin J.O.B.
It sure seems to me that monday night would have been the perfect time for someone to explain how the NASCAR testing program was developed and who was involved, but it appears that no one in the media thought (or wanted) to ask Brian France a couple of weeks ago when he appeared before the press and talked about the situation at length.
I thought the most pertinent comment was Ryan McGee's observation that NASCAR, the teams, and the media were all naive and unprepared for a situation like JM's. I continue to be very disappointed by the apparent lack of effort and depth in the media's handling of the matter.
I'm still trying to figure out Jenna's rational for questioning whether NASCAR still needs to be going to Indy.
Richard in NC
I think this says what I have been saying all along, Aegis designed, set up, manages and administers the program, NASCAR is pretty much hands off.
NASCAR will continue to work with its outside experts at AEGIS Sciences Corporation and its founder, Dr. David L. Black. AEGIS helped design and implement NASCAR's substance-abuse policy.
"We've had a relationship with Dr. Black for the last 20 years," O'Donnell said. "AEGIS right now is the largest sports and forensic testing laboratory in the United States, so we feel like we've always been with the right group and we're going to continue that relationship moving forward."
AEGIS personnel will administer all preseason and random substance-abuse tests, and O'Donnell said a computer-generated list would be used at "most if not all" weekends to test "from 12 to 14 people." O'Donnell said in a typical weekend, an average of two drivers per series would be tested with the balance coming from the ranks of over-the-wall crewmen and officials.
That is the link.
I found some links today that tell you how to fool a bladder test, looks like JM studied it.
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