This topic has been discussed before on TDP. Smiling Bob first appeared with his goofy grin and his male enhancement pills several years ago on the NASCAR scene.
Unlike the professionally produced TV commercials for products like Viagra and Cialis, there was a very different theme with Smiling Bob. It was not a medical, but a sexual theme running through the ads. Grinning women whispered Bob's secret to each other at a Christmas party and then got to sit on Bob's lap. The message was made very clear.
Click here for a reality check of the ingredients in Enzyte. The 42-year old president of the company that created and sold Enzyte was ultimately convicted of fraud and sentenced to 25 years in Federal prison.
Since that time, male enhancement products have been divided into two categories. Medical products offered through prescriptions and non-FDA approved compounds that are offered directly to the consumer.
During the last five Nationwide Series races, driver Kevin Conway has been shaking up the sport. It was not his performance on the track, but rather his first-person TV commercials for ExtenZe that got a very strong reaction from some fans.
Click here for an article about how Conway's deal came about and what he thinks of the issues involved in his sponsorship. Ultimately, it came down to the money to race.
Click here for the Wikipedia page on ExtenZe. Originally promoted by porn star Ron Jeremy on late night TV, the product has now made its way into the homes of families watching NASCAR racing.
Searching the Internet for information about this product will yield another surprise. EztenZe has flooded the Internet with endless phony websites and links that work to block the real issues associated with this product offer. In an era of new media marketing, it seems that keeping truth away from potential consumers through technology is king where this product is concerned.
Click here for the ExtenZe page at theripoffreport.com, a popular consumer complaint website. The theme of the complaints is that the product is useless and the entire thing is a credit card scam.
Click here for a link to a Conway commercial that might put things in perspective. Far away from the professionally produced ads for the prescription products, several versions of these low-budget ExtenZe ads ran repeatedly in the Nationwide Series races for the last six weeks.
So, where do the NASCAR TV networks draw the line on adult content? Is plain talk about adult products suitable for a sport trying very hard to market itself to families? Just how frank and low-budget do ads have to be before networks say no? Did you watch the Conway commercial on the You Tube link?
Secondly, are TV endorsements of potentially fraudulent products OK because it drives revenue for teams to race? NASCAR has been involved with sponsors who turn out to be scam artists before, but not in the adult product world. Do you fault Conway for accepting ExtenZe as a sponsor and making the TV ads?
Note: TDP is working on a follow-up story about US Fidelis and the NASCAR sponsorships of that company. This column is about adult products and we would request that you hold the US Fidelis comments for the subsequent posting. We know there are many angry people out there and we will allow you to be heard shortly.
We would like your honest comments about the low-budget ads for direct to consumer offers of male enhancement products appearing in NASCAR TV programs and races. We would especially like to hear from NASCAR families who are viewing the races and dealing with these commercials.
To offer your opinion on this topic, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. As always, thank you for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
Brilliant marketing by ExtenZe. Get men in the front and back of their pants.
What man wants to admit that he bought this product? That's what ExtenZe wants. Silence from a ripped off customer. Is this company on the same track as Enzyte? US Fidelis? et al.
As for sponsoring/advertising on races, it's an icky fact of life. The last time we discussed this, I mentioned that my 7 yr old learned about "male enhancement" when Mark (her fave driver) was sponsored by Viagra. It kind of opens the door to "that talk".
There's a comml by Gillette razors on Youtube. It's about grooming the man parts. I will never be able to look at "the Gillette Young Guns" the same again.
I find it deeply ironic that the Conway commercials start with a car wreck and use that as incentive to buy the product. It makes me glad for the "forward through" feature on my DVR. I certainly don't enjoy seeing these products be advertised, and wonder why it is that advertising liquor is considered inappropriate but advertising snake oil is not.
Note: Just a reminder. No more US Fidelis comments on this post please. Thank you.
I can not imagine discussing that with a 7 yr old but many I know can't believe MM AGREED to that SPONSOR but I digress.
I think all commercials sexually oriented aimed "below the equator" (to quote Seinfeld) should be OFF LIMITS for NASCAR.
I'd take 100 digger promos over the embarrassing sex crap. That includes the "Medical ones" that for the clueless is not just for medical problems (men who have diabetes or nicotine causing blood flow issues, for instance)but have become 'recreational drugs for men' (believe it or not)
But there IS a way to advertise more tastefully, but it's LOST on this litigious society.
I grew up in an era where things were more discreetly advertised. My 89 yr old mother who worked in the medical field for years thinks it's an OUTRaGE the "legit" commercials. WAY overdone with the "4 hour side effects? call your doctor" ad nauseum. I have discussed this with a couple of doctors who are OUTRAGED they can't watch sports with little kids in the room. And they are well aware of the true medical issue for these meds but even THEY hate direct to consumer drug adds. FOR EVERYTHING.
I know some say turn the channel and ignore it, well there is a sense of coarseness in society which is why Madison Avenue gets by with this rubbish.
Also NASCAR is not alone in this..Golf allows it, IRL allows it.
Years ago some were OUTRAGED the Cincinnati Reds MAIN PROMOS during their radio broadcast is "Pure Romance" that sounds innocent enough. Well not that outraged as the Clear Channel radio still runs them.
Just last weekend Pure Romance was part of an adult video awards in LA. UGH. How the heck does this happen?
Also my local talk radio plays some HORRIBLE commercials for I think it's Zencor (but forgive me as there are so many, they all blur together) These excited women BRAG of all the things "this medicine does" including 'performance on demand.' Then on tv are the Maxoderm commercials. These should ONLY be allowed after midnight in all time zones imo.
If I had kids I would be on the phone complaining with details of great specificity...provided you can get past a voicemail system.
Also email is too easy and many complaints end up in spam or deleted. Been there done that, no response.
Snail mail helps but not sure to what degree. It takes a lot more energy to make calls and send old fashioned letter. I've used that method on City Hall and gotten results via one person years ago (Anonymously) and another time got front page news. So you can take on a fight if you have a passion for the gripe. I no longer care that much about NASCAR to keep watching so will see if MRN carries this on radio.
Good point about booze as opposed to Fake junk aka "snake oil"
Interesting you write about this today. This morning on FOX NEWS Channel they mentioned a congressman introducing a bill to put adult oriented ads late at night. Didn't say if this was due to constituents contacting him or if he tries to watch NASCAR with his kids...LOL!
Another congressman, who was interviewed, is taking a different approach. Introducing legislation to stop/limit ads for prescription drugs coupled with stopping the incentives doctors get from pharmaceutical companies. Although, as a side note, many drug companies have stopped that on their own. My step-daughter's curent and last company no longer allows visits to spas, dinners, trips, etc. Even stopping give aways like pens and note pads.
Personally, I thought there were some decency rules for TV before 8PM or some such. As much as I even dislike the Viagra and Cialis ads, they are nothing compared to the ME adds. Just don't get it. NASCAR must be desperate for money. And by the way they are not just on sporting events. They are on every program on the Fox News Channel whether first thing in the am, mid day, or at night.
Who does control what ads get on TV?
Please try to limit your comments to the topic we are discussing.
There are only four NASCAR TV networks and this type of advertising is an issue not only for some families, but for many adult fans from the email I received after the Conway commercials.
I have the info on the bill and have reviewed it. Interesting but tough to enforce.
The FCC legislates the type of commercials that run on the over the air local TV stations and broadcast networks.
Cable TV is delivered directly to your home by satellite and does not have the same oversight. Hence the adult channels, the PPV selections, etc...
This issue is going to have to be decided by the four NASCAR TV networks and as we all know it is tough for TV salesman to say no to advertisers that pay in cash.
I think the voice of the fans might help with the decisions on this content in the future.
JD...thanks! I thought that cable was the issue. Who should we contact? NASCAR? Who at NASCAR? Anyone else? I up for a write in campaign. Just want to make sure it is going to the right place.
PS....I DVR everything and FF. It is my mini protest against tasteless TV ads. The "good" sponsors" don't get my eyes, ears or money! If TDP mentions a funny commercial or I see a driver in an ad...not Conway :-)...I'll watch, but miss the rest.
A while back we talked about the side-by-side commercials and how they would motivate fans to watch live rather than join in progress and FF through the commercials.
This adult product issue is on the same wavelength. Families tell me they started to record and FF through the Nationwide races once the Conway ads started running because of his very adult words.
It should be interesting to see everyone's views as the comments roll in. You made a great point.
There isnt much that in some way Isnt offensive about nascar anymore..even the invocation at the start of the race offends my friends of faith that come to watch a race with me!Lets pray for a good race!Are you kidding me!If there not promoting ED, or whatever else..Nascar will always have Its own agenda! That is..The old mighty DOLLAR!!
I don't think there should be any line drawn - let the market decide. If the male enhancement pills can't find a market in NASCAR, they'll stop running them. But apparently plenty of NASCAR fans are ordering - given the cost of national commercials on a network, they must be selling a TON.
And while you and I can smirk and the big-smile guy having ladies sit on his lap at the office Christmas party, I can honestly say that my kids can watch that and not have a single clue about what's going on. Compare that to the "less offensive" but more realistic commercial that shows a cuddly older couple entering a bedroom and closing a door behind them might need some explaining.
At the end of the day, NASCAR is not a rated-G sport, and so I don't expect (or want) my programming to be Rated G, either. If families are watching, it is up to the parents to do their job. In a sport where men flip the F-finger out the window all day long, I don't see how the Burger King square pants ad is out of place.
More than anything, I think these ads are a testimony to the dispair of all involved with NASCAR for sponsorship dollars/ad revenue in this economy.
Cup sponsors are darn hard to come by these days, much less low end Nationwide or Truck teams. Teams are desprate. Who can blame them? Take a crummy sponsor and race, or no sponsor and stay at home?
I personally loathe these 'ads', and couldn't imagine having children subjected to this garbage. But, I think we have to understand these teams are desprate. Perhaps their thought process is 'take this crappy sponsor, have some good runs and get noticed, step up to better sponsors'.
There's a line to be drawn, for sure. Sadly, for all involved, those lines appear blurry these days.
Anon. 1:18 AM said " I don't think there should be any line drawn - let the market decide." I think the market has. Look at the ratings. To many people, NASCAR is NASCAR regardless of which series is involved. If they think their kids or even themselves might be exposed to distasteful ads, they don't watch and take the chance. NASCAR gains a little with the ads but loses a lot in the long run.
This issue, in my book, is not NASCAR problem.
It may not even be aN ESPN/SPEED?FOX isuue.
I am willing to bet many of the commercials run as local cable ad avails. Thos commercial positions are not controlled by the networks or NASCAR
Oh, and as a man who is named Bob, I resent this character maligning my name.
They should have named him Richard
I really don't understand how anyone can see an Extenze ad and in anyway think it is as bad as the promotion of alcohol. Alcohol wrecks more children and families than any double entendre extenze ad.
Do these people who won't let their kids see the spot on tv also take the kids to a race and see all the drunks running around or sit through the endless beer, Jack, Captain or Crown Royal ads??
Do any of the NASCAR networks carry MotoGP? If they, look out for the Playboy sponsored Honda of Randy de Puniet.
I will admit, I was a bit taken aback when I saw Kevin's ad. It took some kahunas to even say that stuff convincingly; he's a pretty good actor. I don't have kids. But I would *hope* that parents complain as much about the ads for violent movies and video games (we have mentioned this in the past--that trailer for Watchmen) as much as they do for Enzyte or Extenz, because I guarantee that violence is a much bigger problem in this country than being forced to teach your kids about sex. But that's typical in our 'puritan' nation. I think smart parents learn that a simple explanation is best. I find the repetition is more irritating than the content of most of these. And quite honestly, I agree with Anon 1:18, I don't see how the 'budget' or lack thereof makes a difference. IMHO, the worst thing the gov't ever did was allow drug companies to do ads for prescription drugs. All it did was drive up prices and make record profits for pharm companies.
But the fraud issue is something else altogether. The idea that the sport is so desperate for sponsors (and no, I don't blame Conway, he's just trying to survive) that they don't question the validity of the products is kind of sad. And teams are private operators, not 'owned' by NASCAR. But how much control does NASCAR have over what ad content is shown during their programs? National vs local ads? I'd like to know more of the legal stuff, I guess.
The issue is becoming what will NASCAR NOT do for a dollar?
NASCAR will NOT make racing more exciting, make the COT more competitive, or make its network partners better focus their broadcasts in the ways TDP continually advocates. If NASCAR WOULD take some of these actions, there would be fewer empty seats in the stands, TV ratings would be higher, and NASCAR would be making more money - which is their goal.
Instead, NASCAR decides its okay for an herbal (and unproven) product with a sleazy background to buy ad time during family friendly racing so they can make some EASY money.
Geeze . . .
Anon at 8:18 said "really don't understand how anyone can see an Extenze ad and in anyway think it is as bad as the promotion of alcohol. Alcohol wrecks more children and families than any double entendre extenze ad."
I have to agree.
These ads are another symptom of the falling standards in society. The KY ads for enhanced female enjoyment (I'm phrasing this delicately) are just as bad as the ExtenZe ads - actually, they're worse. It's not just Nascar programming that's getting slammed with the sleaze factor. That doesn't mean we have to accept or like it.
That said, have any of you ever visited Ephesus in Turkey? Ladies of the Oldest Profession advertised by having footprints carved in the stones of the road, with "for a good time follow me" slogan (the equivalent in Latin). Sex and advertising aren't new bedfellows. No pun intended.
I flat don't know what you're talking about....only because I haven't seen a commercial on TV in years due to the invention of the DVR. I don't watch commercials, so all those advertising dollars are wasted on me. That's one reason I never get to participate with you all on race days with live blogging, I'm at least an hour behind so I can 'ZOOM' past those pesky little aggravations, aka.. commercials.
But, I do read on here you're thoughts on the subject and can understand the situation and was thinking about it. What if the races were shown on the big three networks like NBC, CBS, ABC and not on cable channels? Like I said, I don't watch commercials, were these type commercials shown on Fox during their turn with the first half of the season? I don't remember so maybe some of you will.
My point is, I don't see these ads during prime time, while watching the Today show or the evening news, and they are on the big three networks. If the races were on the big three, do you think we would see the questionable ads there?
Just trying to provoke discussion.
Yeah, let's make all the ads in NASCAR kid-friendly, so that the kids can feel safe watching the Jack Daniels 07 race for position against the 26 Crown Royal while the Miller Lite 2 zips by.
If you want to get on your high horse about what is and isn't appropriate, then the next thing you know you won't have alcohol sponsors because it promotes drinking and fast driving. Then if you allow that some other parent will want Frosted Flakes off the Kellogs car because it is full of sugar and not healthy and Snickers will be pulled from the 18 because it is promoting unhealthy living for children. I guess Dale Jr can kiss that AMP sponsorship goodbye, we don't want kids drinking soda in school, right?!
Censorship is a slippery, dangerous, and un-American slope. It always starts out the same in every single instance: Let's not really do censorship, just restrict the things we think are blatantly offensive. Well, next thing you know someone is offended by something else, and we have to ban that -- and the next thing you know we have a morality police making decisions that we as adults should be able to make for ourselves and our families.
You don't have to watch the ads, people!
I'm glad to see not everyone is upset, angry, or whatever about these ads. Me, I think they are ridiculous but I'm not fretting over my kid seeing the ads. I mean honestly, if I had a choice between him seeing those ads and sitting around a bunch of drunks at a race, I'd choose the ads. I think I would choose these ads over Digger too...maybe. :>)
To tell you the truth, I find the ads for men's hair coloring stuff to be just as dumb, like the one about emmitt smith and his beard.
Funny, I watched the entire Nationwide race and don't recall seeing these spots at all. I don't pay much attention to the commercial's I guess.
I didn't know about them at all until I saw this blog. Ironic huh. :)
NASCAR TV does not really care, I can't believe they do. They just want our advertising money. They had Viagra car in Cup, you think 30 seconds is going to matter?? Roush is on Sirius looking for sponsors on ESPN Radio. Do I like them?? Absolutely not, do I think anyone cares at the networks?? Absolutely not. I know not to even think anyone at NASCAR cares.
I watch NASCAR with a largely male audience, so when these commercials come on it's uncomfortable, I've even noticed a few of them look away when any commercial comes on. We actually had a discussion the other day about women in NASCAR and who would sponsor them and what kind of commercial that would be. It was interesting and wrong. Them boys ain't right.
I waited until the Conway run of ads was over for this column.
That is the reason I supplied the You Tube link.
Count me in as one of those parents who now records many of the races so I can fast forward through commercials, especially if I know my 4-year-old son will want to watch any of it. Maybe some parents are ready to have those conversations with their kids, but I'm not! My son has no need to know what "erectile dysfunction" is--and frankly, I'm not interesting in hearing about it either. Those races I do watch live, I watch with the remote in my hand so I can hit mute as soon as the commercials start, just in case. I wonder if any of NASCAR's other advertisers realize they are losing out, because viewers who record and fast forward to avoid the ED commercials are fast forwarding all commercials.
The Conway Extenze ads don't bother me at all. That's because at least they don't have an annoying jingle like Viagra and some of the others. That said, I'm a mid-twenties single male who often watches races alone or with other friends of the same age bracket. If I watched with children or family, I would certainly be uncomfortable like many people are.
There must be a lot of very desperate, and foolish men, who purchase these products believing that their "person" is going to be enhanced by taking a pill. Don't these men realize that nothing is going to do what they promise?
As far as TV advertising is concerned, we all know that Nascar runs to where the money is. And although a lot of women and kids watch Nascar and other sports, it's still dominated by men, who are buying these products. And knowing how much it costs to sponsor a race car, these snake oil companies must be raking in big bucks from someone.
Nascar stopped Winston's support a number of years ago because they finally came to the understanding that smoking was dangerous. I suspect they will not stop the Enzytes of this world from promoting their products unless those products are proven to cause death. But does anyone here feel that if Nascar could take a step backwards, they would welcome Winston, and all their money, back into the fold? Since sponsorship in Nascar continues to decline, I'm waiting to see those late night commercials that currently run on WE featuring female pleasure devices.
But in the final wave of things, I think we're going to be stuck with seeing these totally distasteful commercials being run during Nascar. I just wish Congress would step in and stop these products from being made at all. But I guess when it comes to men and their "parts", there's no fixing stupid.
For anyone who has followed NASCAR as long as I have or who is familiar with its history, it is clear that NASCAR was little more than a southeast regional sport before R J Reynolds became the sport's title sponsor. It was a different era that more recent fans wouldn't recognize. They raced on mostly short tracks, often more than once a week. That's how Richard Petty was able to achieve 200 victories and why records are often qualified by saying "modern era".
The importance and influence of R J Reynolds cannot be overstated when it comes to moving NASCAR to national prominence. People often cite the Allison/Yarborough fight at the Daytona 500 as the turning point, but it was RJR who made it possible. RJR's influence transformed the sport from a perceived low classs regional sport to one that was cleaned up and ready for national attention.
The France family would not be nearly as rich without RJR. With sponsorships going from local and regional businesses to Fortune 500 companies, sport participants saw their fortunes rise as well. Now we have wealthy "gentlemen" team owners and millionaire drivers who fly around in private jets. Track owners have seen similar benefits.
We would still be talking about the "Winston Cup" if not for federal legislation that prohibited such advertising by tobacco companies. Considering what RJR did for NASCAR, I can't imagine NASCAR ever voluntarily turning its back on RJR because of the product it sold.
What does this have to do with today's questionable sponsors and sometimes offensive ads? NASCAR is and always has been about MONEY. I think it is probably unreasonable to expect a sanctioning body that owes most of its financial success to a tobacco company to suddenly develop a social conscience. They give such things lip service, but a true conscience is not going to develop.
You can expect the sanctioning body to continue to seek big dollar sponsorships so a company can call itself "the official (insert name here) of NASCAR". And you can expect NASCAR to continue to protect these exclusive relationships with their army of lawyers when necessary. But beyond that, anything goes as long as it is legal.
With that example by the sanctioning body, what else can we expect from the networks that carry the sport? Fox is a broadcast network, but Rupert Murdock hasn't built his empire on high standards of programming and advertising. Fox is the lowest common denominator; and if broadcast standards go lower, you can expect Fox to lead the way. SPEED, Turner, and ESPN are cable networks and have even less to answer for. They are all businesses trying to turn as large a profit as possible to distribute to their owners.
I mourn the coarsening of society (THANKS to JD for keeping this site civil and polite), but I think establishing a broadcasting industry standard is a non-starter. I wish team owners and drivers would not sign sponsorship deals with unethical companies, but I understand the need for money to participate in the sport.
I am an old person with no younger family to cause worry about NASCAR related sponsors. I find many of these ads offensive to myself, mostly as an insult to my intelligence. It also concerns me if there are enough NASCAR fans with the poor judgement to respond to these ads. My hope is that these companies will eventually stop advertising because their ad costs aren't repaid by NASCAR viewers. I think it will take these economic decisions to change advertising content. If today's sponsors and ads are the new "normal", it is a sad day.
I admire those who would use a boycott, letter-writing campaign, or other direct action to improve standards. Unfortunately, I am not optimistic that such a strategy can succeed.
Is there anything in the Nascar TV contract that says Nascar must or cannot approve certain commercials? I wonder if any other sports have something similar in their contracts. I'm naive to the legal aspects, but if Nascar is promoting these commercials by allowing them to air, then Nascar is the problem, not Extenze.
@anon 11:43. Excellent post. I to am saddened by the "coarsening" of todays society.
In this day and age with 500+ cable/sat channels on 24/7 that should provide places & opportunities for whatever floats your boat, not sure why some stuff needs to be on programs/channels that have a wide viewing audience.
Why do we have to stoop to the lowest common denominator? Some would say "because we can" and it is your problem if you don't like it. Then again much of it is the "show the money" syndrome.
Not sure if we will introduce our granddaughter to racing via TV, even with DVR, like we were looking forward to (first teddy bear was a racing bear with her name on race suit :-)). She can watch Grandpa race.
There are two separate issues at stake here, and, I think, a general confusion about who's making the money here, judging by the number of comments about NASCAR profiting from this.
The first issue is the sponsorship carried by the team. Whether you agree with the team carrying this sponsor or not, NASCAR isn't getting paid for it, the team is.
The second issue is the TV commercials for said sponsor. The place to direct your complaints about that would be the FCC, the network showing the ad &/or your local cable provider, if it is a local ad. NASCAR gets paid by the networks for the broadcast rights, but it doesn't make a difference whether the commercials during the race are all church-related or all for ExtenZe, NASCAR gets paid by the networks the same.
Should NASCAR have more control over the ads the networks &/or cable providers are showing during their races? Possibly. But if you were seeing these ads during, let's say, Law & Order, would the first thought you have be that the producers of Law & Order are responsible?
Fox and Speed air MotoGP coverage, and I was watching the World Football Challenge where one of the teams had on their jerseys an advertisement for online gambling. AC Milan (which played in the WFC) and selected MotoGP races (all in Europe) all have online gambling advertising. (Europe is more tolerant of such; in the US, there have been bans on online betting for the integrity of the game.) There are many MotoGP races sponsored by bwin.com.
The adult products should not be advertising during sporting events. It's too early in the day besides. If you saw on Fox Sunday's ING Magyar Nagydíj, they had half-dressed women hanging sign boards with the driver's car number and surname. I wonder if they're going to advertise some type of sex product either on-air.
The ads for "male enhancement", hard liquor, gambling, and sexually explicit products have no business in any racing garage, let alone a broadcast.
I did a little research on this, and apparently the NFL can and does refuse ads...last Superbowl some company who runs a 'cheating' website was refused an ad and were then told that none of their ads could be played during any NFL broadcast period. So there is a precedent, but I have no idea if NASCAR has this same kind of clout. Personally, I'm not a big fan of censorship. I do think advertisers need to take the entire population into consideration; you obviously don't put these ads on during cartoons because that's not your target audience. But who decides what's offensive and what isn't? We've discussed at length the TV promos here, it's the same sort of issue. I watch some of the shows that others probably find offensive. Others probably watch some shows *I* would find offensive, ads are no different.
Personally I like seeing things live, plus I use commercials to take a break...but it would seem that DVR or commercial skip is the alternative if you really cannot be on the remote, at least until NASCAR decides that it needs to take control (and I'm not saying I agree with that...) But if they decide that enough people are complaining, well, that may make a difference. But instead of e-mailing JD, you need to e-mail NASCAR, oh, wait, they don't *have* an e-mail...well, there's always snail mail.
glenc1 said... But instead of e-mailing JD, you need to e-mail NASCAR, oh, wait, they don't *have* an e-mail...well, there's always snail mail.
Not sure why you could not use email below??????!!!!!
Need to get in touch with NASCAR? Would you like to work for NASCAR? Want to sound off about a recent rule change, official decision or most anything else NASCAR related? If you truly want to go straight to the source then here is the contact information for NASCAR's public relations department.
For a listing of current employment opportunities directly with NASCAR call the NASCAR JobLine at (386) 947-6878. This recording is updated every Friday.
To contact NASCAR directly with your suggestions, questions and/or opinions you can use the following information.
Email: fanfeedback@nascar.com
Snail Mail:
P.O. Box 2875
Daytona Beach, FL 32120
Telephone: (386) 253-0611
Anon 11:43
agree with many of your points & have used the phrase coarsening of society for years. I am not rt winged nutcase but just can not believe what some people will 'accept'. Perhaps it is the younger generation that grew up with the society today that makes so many shrug off these M E commercials.
I have not seen the one on WE.
Does ANYBODY have a link for the Bob Dole V adds?I have searched and searched and only found a "spoof" he did on V with Pepsi. I thought his were embarrassing but more tasteful than what we see now unless my memory is faulty. It's the repetitive nature, the time of day and the DETAILS of side effects that go on and on that stun everybody I know. Everybody.
Including medical professionals. Maybe I just hang around people with a higher sense or decorum or something. Or it's some of our ages showing.
If I had a number to call to a REAL impact result person about the issues in this column, I would do so. A generic number on a website is not usually going to reach a person in charge of decisions.
I don't think I have a poor sense of 'decorum', lol--generally I know how to behave. For example, I don't use obscenities in public, but I may amongst my friends. Most of us know when to turn things on & off.
If I'm home alone watching a race, or even with a friend or two, I don't find Kevin's ads offensive, I just don't pay attention (well, except for the first time, lol.) I understand that if I had kids, it would change my feeling about it. I've been around my niece & nephew, who are older now, and they just make fun & laugh about stuff like that--which is how their parents taught them, using humor to deal with it. To be honest, I found Smilin' Bob kinda funny...I may have even whistled the tune with them a time or two...
Incidentally, I have a friend in the pharm industry. She was disgusted that what was once a 'men's health issue' in the Dole days now has a theme song and goofy men singing it. But at least that's a real product. I have more of an issue with the hawking of things that don't work, and may do harm (like those endless ads for Hydroxycut, which turned out to be dangerous.) You would think the FDA would find some way of regulating this stuff, although my conservative and libertarian friends say that's government butting in where they don't belong. So if the government can't figure out how to deal with it, I don't know how we can expect NASCAR to.
Since I work in pharmacy I'll explain how these products can be advertised legally without being sued for 'mis-information'.
ExtenZe and Alteril are what are classified as homeopathic medications. Basically if there is any actual medication in it, it is very very very diluted. Something in the nature of 1/1000th of usable potency.
They also contain 'natural' supplements which have not been reviewed by the FDA. Since the FDA has not reviewed them, they can pretty much say that it can do whatever they want it to do. Alteril is slightly different because the ingredients have shown to work, at least someone, towards their intended goal.
Now the cute part is that as long as company does not specifically refer to it as a drug and as long as, in some way, states that it is a homeopathic medication on the packaging, they can do whatever they want.
I could take some sawdust, put it in capsules and sell it as a cure for cancer. As long as I meet those aforementioned guidelines, the FDA has no problem with it.
Really its a loophole in the system for these types of compounds. Originally this was designed for the multitude of folk remedies (some which work, some which do not) which are not reviewed by the FDA for safety and accuracy.
Is it classless? Yes it is, but it's perfectly legal. It's just that few people understand the mechanics behind it and how it abuses people's lack of knowledge.
And just in case anyones wondering, there is no way to take a medication and get the results that Enzyte and the like profess. You could do it, but it would require evasive surgery. Best you can do is pop a few Viagra and hope for the best.
Forget the commercials - try taking your kids to an actual race. The one time I took my boy to a live race, we heard so much profanity, saw so much drunken behavior, and felt that it was anything but a family event. I realize that could happen at any sporting event -- but when you compare that to some of the TV ads, it's really no comparison at all. They don't even compare to 5 minutes of MTV, which is practically soft core porn these days. I saw leave the ads alone and if people don't like them, they'll stop watching, products won't sell, and advertisers will lose money.
I think the following remark by darbar was uncalled for on here.
"But I guess when it comes to men and their "parts", there's no fixing stupid."
I believe JD would crackdown on this if a similar comment was made about women.
Given the state of the economy, anyone who thinks the television networks would tolerate NASCAR dictating what commercials they could run is living in a fantasy world.
What is surprising to me in these comments is that almost no one is addressing the fact that this company is basically fraudulent.
Conway is representing something that does not work and what he is saying is not true. It may well result in the ExtenZe company officials winding-up in jail just like the Enzyte gang.
While the adult issue is one topic, the fact that this product is a complete fraud is also important.
Does the fact that what Conway said has been proven to be a complete and total lie upset anyone?
Anonymous Bob 7/29 - I believe I resemble that remark.
@ JD, who is in charge of false advertising. As someone mentioned, the FDA can't do anything about the product. Is it the FCC? The FTC? Or some other acronym?
Why isn't someone doing their job? Certainly someone with the authority to do something has seen these commls.
Word veri: urose
Daly Planet Editor said...
What is surprising to me in these comments is that almost no one is addressing the fact that this company is basically fraudulent.
Most people understand that is for the courts and not a NASCAR TV blog to determine!!!!
I thought the fact product is fake went w/o saying. I have known ALL these products are fake just like junk aimed at women to grow certain body parts on them.
It's the crass,detailed deliver of the supplement "hype" that is offensive as well.
All marketing is hyperbole to some degree. But many products in drug stores/healthfood stores/foods are LIES. Cheerios lowering cholesterol, etc. They wanted to make Cheerios a "drug".
It's the salacious content. And of course we know it's LIES.
NACAR does not seem forthcoming on things in it's own house though...let alone their "Sponsors"
P.S. Enzyte is a local company and STILL SELLING even tho ruled fraud. One owner, if not both (the older woman) still not in prison either. sigh.
I understand what Phathead is saying, but that doesn't mean the law can't change....not for us to decide here though. I see the disclaimers, and wonder...why *hadn't* the FDA evaluated it? I can guess any number of reasons, including money (or lack thereof), but on this really high profile stuff?
From NYT: According to the law governing dietary supplements, the F.D.A. is empowered to act only in cases when it identifies a harmful or adulterated product that is already on sale."
Enzyte got nailed after BBB complaints about no refunds. And the FTC says none of these things work. But apparently proving fraud is pretty difficult since they're still in business.
About Conway...I know there's a rule about having to actually use the product you say you use. But he doesn't say he actually uses it....it's only suggested. If he hasn't, then he's not really lying, correct? He's just reading a script, and he can claim he had no idea. I don't think anyone has (in court) proven it doesn't work (and yes, I'm sure it doesn't based on FTC comments.) But they seem to get away with this for a long time before someone does take them to court.
This may be a delicate question, JD, but how do you know it doesn't work? :)
I remember years ago TV couldn't advertise prescription drugs but I guess that was the good old days. But I find these commercials for Kevin's sponsor so irritating and I don't believe they should be on tv especially afternoon Nationwide races. I don't like them. There ya go.
Anon 6:56PM,
Now, that's funny!!!!!
The shame in all of this is that the government is slow to react and companies like this are just betting on the fact they will pay a fine and move on.
Useless ingredients in medication that cost pennies to produce. That's what got me about this situation and others. It's millions of dollars of fraud and nothing more.
New world order or something I guess.
DPE - I explained how the company is allowed to get away with this.
I see this kind of stuff on a daily basis. Perhaps the biggest example of this is Airborne. They have since been fined by the FTC and the FDA is looking into it right now.
There's nothing NASCAR or teams can do, it's just how part of our healthcare industry is setup right now.
And people think there's nothing wrong with it...
Anon @ 6:36 - Quite simply, the FDA does not have the time or the funds to test every single thing of this nature that comes to market. What they do know is that since it is labeled homeopathic, they know there is literally no active ingredient in it and thus it is safe.
Now as for the true indication of it, that is even less of a reason for the FDA to become involved.
For instance right now they have a HUGE problem with two of the biggest generic drug manufacturers in the world producing medications that fall greatly outside of guidelines. There was even an instance of one strength being in another strength's bottle. As such, they direct their monies towards these problems as they are far more important than proper advertising of something like Enzyte.
Then it's left up to the FTC which has its own mound of business to attend to.
The FTC has cracked down on advertising in recent years. For instance the Viagra/Levitra/Cialis commericals are heavily regulated. If you noticed they have gotten tamer and tamer over the years. The last 'dirty' commerical allowed was of a guy putting a video tape in a VCR.
In the coming years, these commercials are going to be even more regulated. GSK was fined heavily for mis-advertising Flonase. Purdue has been fined a couple hundred million dollars for mis-advertising Oxycontin. The most recent one, that I'm sure all of you have seen, is for the birth control Yaz.
Change is coming, but its slow and tedious. And they still have to address that entire class of products.
thanks Phathead (I hate calling you that, lol.) I figured it was lack of money. And you're absolutely right, they need to put their money on the big stuff.
And...well, with this & the weight loss stuff, it's like PT Barnum said...I was going to use his phrase but I'm thinking it's a bad pun in this case.....
But people have to have some common sense when it comes to this stuff.
And VickyD...if *only* we could go back to those days...
anon 6:36
Yes, you are correct. This marketing of a nearly complete fraud by Conway is a reflection of the state of underfunded or sponsorless raceteams.
It's hard for me to understand why NEMCO motorsports would do this until last Sunday, at IMS in my outdoor seats, I was directly accross from Joe's pitstall. The total lack of sponsorship was completely evident. I just wonder how much this sponsorship of Conway's will hurt him in the future?
When I see commercials like this, or from that particular company in St. Louis which you may review again, I'm reminded of three quotes which sum up this situation:
a. "It passeth in the world for a great mark of folly, when a man and his money are soon parted."(from a sermon in 1694 by John Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury),
b. "there's a sucker born every minute"(attributed to P. T. Barnum), and c: "Never give a sucker an even break"(W. C. Fields). New world order indeed!
To me there is little difference between the admittedly ridiculous, tacky ExtenZe ads and the smarmy, over-produced and equally weird Viagra/Cialis/etc. ads. Who's to say one is more family friendly, (as you so conservatively put it), considering adults and kids both know exactly what both are talking about. It's a strange elitism that would suggest one is less offensive than the others.
That said, as you can prolly tell, I am not opposed to either one being run. I also find it bizarre, and reinforcing of negative stereotypes of nascar, that it is watched primarily by ignorant, red neck christians, that the topic has arisen here.
1) NASCAR is watched by ignorant, fun-loving Rednecks, not bible thumpers.
2) They run these ads on all shows, and the argument shouldn't be NASCAR specific.
3) I agree these ads are in ridiculously poor taste - all I can do is laugh at them. Still, the violent video games and torture-porn movies often advertised during NASCAR are FAR FAR FAR FAR more disgusting than these tacky penis-enhancing ads.
My 2 cents.
Anon 5:04, comments are made like that about women all the time. Except it's for their chests. Yes, there were a lot of desperate women who purchased, and still do purchase, pills, plastic devices and creams to enhance their chests. But the difference here is, we're not seeing commercials for those products during Nascar races, like we're seeing enhancement products for the men. And, I do think anyone who believes those ads and purchases those products to be pretty stupid if they think those products will grow their private parts, be it the chest or the area below the waist. But that's my opinion.
JD, these products may be fraudulent, but they're not illegal. So as long as the government doesn't shut them down, they are free to sell their stuff to any gullible person who has no problem parting with their money.
Your comments reflect the views of one person. You.
In this country, we constantly struggle to define morals and decency in the media.
What you somewhat arrogantly laugh at or simply attribute to cultural stereotypes could be strongly offensive to someone who had a different religious or cultural background.
The reason this topic has come around here at TDP for the last three seasons is because a significant amount of fans have emailed about it.
How you can bring the words redneck or bible thumpers into this discussion is beyond me.
One Nationwide driver did some tasteless ads for a fake adult product that turns out to be a credit card scam.
That is the topic we are discussing. Nothing more.
JD - It's not really a credit card scam. Those are typically of the Ponzi Scheme nature.
It's just misleading advertising.
Richard in N.C said...
Anonymous Bob 7/29 - I believe I resemble that remark.
Thanks, Richard, for lighting up my day. That was funny as heck.
Regardless of the product, broadcast/cable channels will advertise nearly anything they can get away with. It's all about the money. And it's all about the money and getting a share of it. "If they're doing it, then it's OK for us to do it too." Is it right? Depends upon which department you're talking to; broadcast standards or accounting and sales.
I've no association with either of the four networks nor NASCAR so I don't know the legal mechanics of their agreements but there are probably limits on what NASCAR can control about network advertisers. The only way that will happen is if NASCAR starts their own network. That's a whole different bucket of earthworms.
The salacious aspects of the spots aside, all adverts are constructed to get the viewer to do something the advertiser wants them to do. It's always been that way. To change that fundamental element would dramatically change the advertising landscape and would likely move the marketing spend from TV to less regulated outlets. There's always the wild, wild Web. This whole situation is a bit mucky from a regulatory point of view.
If you don't like it, vote with your off switch and let the networks and NASCAR know that's what you're doing. IMO, more regulation isn't the answer.
As to whether this and other products are alleged scams, does it matter? Every advert is trying to coerce the audience to make a move. Some moves may be smart. Others stupid. As my sainted mother used to say, "use your head for something other than a hat rack." I've lived where government regulators do the thinking for the public. It's more pleasant in some ways but devastating in others.
There are no easy solutions. Just individual choices to be made.
BTW, I used to both sell and buy media time.
Joe and Andrea Nemechek actually own the No. 87 Extenze Toyota Kevin Conway has been driving. Without the Extenze sponsorship, Conway is now sitting at home and the Nemechek-owned team has elected to go with Jeff Fuller and an "unsponsored Chevrolet" to Iowa this weekend.
How long will it run before it "starts, then parks?"
Wow, I guess it is a slow news week......I used to come to this site just as another way to get some more NASCAR info for my unquenchable thirst, but it has turned into entertainment....this is starting to get rediculous......90% of the topics covered here are with a negative tone......I am not saying that these issues do not exist, nor am I saying that everyone is not entitled to their own opinion......Other than the 6 races on TNT, this blog is a whine fest....JD, I love that you are passionate about the TV angle for NASCAR, but come on man, isn't this a little bit of a reach....With the economy the way it is, I think it is OK to look the other way if need be on "questionable" sponsorships or commercials......NASCAR never claimed to be a straight edged conglomerate......Racism, as much as I hate to admit it, is still alive at many of the tracks that currently make up the bulk of NASCAR sanctioned events.......
I will still be checking in and reading what is going on, but I am a little turned off by all the negativity......Remember, it only takes a nanosecond to mute or change the channel during commercials.......
Where did that come from?
Friday night at ORP on SPEED. Loved it and live blogged it.
Saturday night from ORP on ESPN. Loved it and live blogged it. Then wrote a full length column about how good it was.
Loved the ESPN pre-season special documentary and even chased down the re-air information.
As I said before, this topic came around from NASCAR fans who were parents emailing about what the heck was going on.
Just saying "that's the way it is" will not cut it. We like to post, get opinions and then see where that leads.
Sorry this upset you, but I do think those comments were out of line.
I find it funny you want to address the fradulent issue about the sponsor but we had to leave it at the extenze only... How many team owners that came and went that where fraudulent?? A bunch of them, not as many as any other sports that is for sure... Seriously, what was Bobby Ginn doing in NASCAR? I am thinking he was trying to figure out a tax dodge like all the other folks that are in jail. There are not many other sports that have this many shady owners not even talking sponsors. Any port in a storm and NASCAR is that port.. In the end the Fans always loose..
I read your posts, and live blogs from ORP this past weekend....They were well warranted and accurate.....But it seems like it is so much easier to root for the underdog, i.e., CWTS and NNS.....it is human nature.....I don't know, to me it just seems like something has to be complained about constantly around here.......Some of the time, even alot of the time, it is OK......But it seems to me that people are getting mad just to get mad....To each his/her own, I am not judging.....You are the leader here....."Build it and they will come"....You know that your tone sets the tone for most of the readers.......I feel like I am going on a tangent, and that is not my intent.....Let me give you an example......
I Love the NFL......With the luxory of having two TV's to watch, I get to watch NASCAR and the NFL on Sundays......I have to choose which one to listen to....That is a tough decision sometimes......But on Sunday nights, when Madden was commentating on the NFL and there was no NASCAR on......there was a big fat mute symbol on my TV.....Can't stand him, every syllable is a waste.......
My point is, if everyone is so bent about the TV coverage, Watch with the sound off and listen to the radio.....use close captioning if the details are that important.....But if they are that important, couldn't you just take the bad with the good.....Nothing is perfect, and many of the networks have their flaws......But there are some good things going on that rarely get mentioned around here........
I always turn off the sound during the commercials during NASCAR races, and during other television viewing. Always. I don't want to have to explain to my 5,6 and 8 year old grandkids what Viagra is for, or what a 4 hour erection is, or why you should call your doctor if you get one.
Without the sound, all the 'male enhancement' commercials are just people holding hands, etc. I don't think that a NASCAR race is the place to be advertising products like ExtenZe or Viagra or the like.
The most vile element of pure capitalism has reared its ugly head. I find it amazing that people stand for the sexual content that is played out 24 hours/day on TV. I race SCCA and wouldn't put that trash on the side of my car for 10 years of track tires. How about a "community standard" or will they argue 1st Amendment like the lobbyist crooks in DC?
That's two posts aimed at me without letting us know how you personally feel about those ads on TV? Got kids, younger brother or sister watching with you? Have a religious or cultural background that absolutely makes these commercials offensive?
Well, those are the types of fans I heard from in email who were upset about this issue and that is why we are talking about it.
While I understand your point, I have learned over the past three years that the toughest online battle is keeping things focused on one topic.
Perhaps, you could ask yourself why other media types aren't dealing with those issues?
Know where I am coming from on that?
Thanks for this column. I and others have been chomping at the bit to sound off on these &^$#&^#$ commercials
I don't have kids and I am not religous but MERCY one can still have certain high standards in one's life and these commercials? They just ain't fittin'.
There is much hyperpole and fraudenlent/bad advertising but this stuff is the worst. Or, well the one with the rub in cream is the worst but I REFUSE to name it here. It's all the same junk.
Re: Diet aids/anti-aging creams, etc, if it makes you feel better between your ears and you THINK that diet drink or pill is helping you, the mind is powerful. It does nothing for me but the "Placebo effect" can be powerful for some people's mind.
I've YET to hear of the "Placebo effect" making any of this "M.E." stuff work.:)
This column was long over due.
No pun intended.
I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and one on the way, I am catholic, and have no problem with these commercials/sponsorships with during NASCAR telecasts.......Any sporting event on television, especially on cable, are going to have questionable content......That is just the day and age we live in.....I have grown to accept it and don't let it bother me one iota......
Isn't Watching NASCAR races, as well as other sporting events is supposed to be entertaining?.....There are enough things I stress out about during the week, being outraged by what sponsorships/commercials are being advertised is not going to be at the top of my list.....
Do recovering alcoholics contact you and complain about the number of alcohol commercials/sponsorships?
I just wonder what percentage of the positive things readers email to you drive you to start a blog on that particular topic......
it's generally just me, the tv and my laptop for race broadcasts so i can't speak to the impact on young children. and i'm already a committed user of the mute button during ALL commercials, not just suggestive or questionable ones.
but it all gets me wondering about nascar and sponsors. unlike all other major sports, except maybe soccer, the competitor in nascar wears the sponsorship on the car or truck and uniform. vast amounts of time are spent searching out new sponsors, keeping said sponsors happy, and then doing it all over again. this is how the cars and trucks get on the track and teams stay in business.
with that as a reality in our sport, the question may not be "are these ads inappropriate?" it may be "what can nascar do to help underfunded but legitimate teams survive?" if i'm an owner and i want to put a car or truck on the track, it would be an agonizing call: turning down a sponsor, who's standing with a check in hand, because the product isn't one i can support. i'd like to think i'd do that but i'm not in that position. yes, petty enterprises still refuses alcohol money but that's the exception. i'd like to hear from the folks on the teams who make the decision: when to say "thank you" and when to say "not a good match for us, thanks."
and i appreciate anon@11:35pm for stating "I race SCCA and wouldn't put that trash on the side of my car for 10 years of track tires." and THAT started me wondering: why is it that i don't see these sorts of companies on the sides of the cars at my local track? hmmm.
anyway! to the point: i dislike the ads intensely so i take responsibiity for my actions and mute them. i have watched races w/young children and i do the same thing: i mute the ads and i talk about the race during commercials . . . or do bathroom breaks and snacks and set up the hot wheels for the next break and the such. diversion is a wonderful thing.
bottom line: i don't like them, i have no use for them so i simply don't watch or listen to them. for me, that's capitalism in action.
Ryan is way off base. It takes someone like JD to start something like this to allow those of us unhappy with what is going on to voice our opinion.
I find so much wrong with a lot of the ways television, especially sporting events, is telecast, but this remains one of the only places I can find or think of where it feels like we actually have some sort of power to see some changes made as a result of our comments and persistence.
Just saying, "that's just the way it is" and hitting the mute button is not a solution.
Rock on JD!
After a while, you kind of get a feeling when an issue is big.
I think it's the easy way out to just say that's the way it is and leave it at that.
We try to start conversation and affect change, so I can take my lumps along the way.
@Red: yes, petty enterprises still refuses alcohol money but that's the exception.
I was thinking the same thing, then I remembered Kasey Kahne and the Budweiser contract. I know it was in place before the King became part of the picture, but it's still PE with an alcohol sponsor. I have to admit, I was disappointed. I really respected the Pettys for eschewing such sponsorship way back when.
If we, as viewers, express our dismay at the tasteless pandering of questionable products, someone has to listen. Let your voices be heard where it counts: The drivers who hawk them, NASCAR, the network.
@Sophia...great point about not needing to have children or be religious to have a higher moral standard. Hate it when people blame moral debates on religious fanatics, like they have the market on morality.
I just don't get the "it's the way it is" mantra. By whose standards and why do we have to accept it? The "sheeple" standard doesn't appeal to me.
Thanks to the internet and cell phones with no long distance charges I have become much more involved in expressing my views on many issues, positive as well as negative.
It is a shame that it took technology and not just a pen and paper. With that said no reason for people not to let their opinions known....positive as well as negative.
On a scale of things happening in the world, ME ads are a small thing. To me it sends a bigger message that touting the product or being uncomfortable to watch. Ryan said he has a 2 year old. Great message for her that sex is all about performance and that what these products purport to do are so important and what women supposedly want from their man. Not something I want my granddaughter to think about when understanding what is important to a healthy loving relationship.
W.C. Diane
Thank you so much for getting my point in your post. How sad before parents CAN explain about real love, relationship/physical intimacy, they are forced to explain body parts due to Guerilla marketing tactics that wanna shock.
The fact so many want to shrug this off is kind of scary. Sure in the grand scheme of life, illness/birth/life death M.E. may seem like a little thing. But it's the SILENCE of those offended that stops progress from being made.
Whether it's a big thing or a little thing (bad choice of words again :) ) We must speak out against ambushes in the media.
Frankly these commercials fall under that practice.
If I witness a wrong, I write, call and complain locally/nationally. I've yet to see a legitimate petition or VALID phone contact re: to whom to voice gripes to in JD's columns.
Folks made fun of Mayor Giuliani for taking babysteps to clean up New York City but from what I hear he did a decent job.
Think of this column of a babystep towards making NASCAR realize how it's declining sport/ratings has made so many desperate. ANd though drivers/owners are hurting for dollars, there has to be a better way to get funding.
I don't have kids and the ads don't offend me (I just tune them out) But frankly, it's unfair to suggest that those of us who don't mind *for ourselves* are somehow showing how immoral society is. I think we spend entirely too much time worrying about what other people are doing, for example. I happen to be a pretty straight arrow, and am not of the 'younger generation' as we always like to blame...I just don't like to be judgemental of others.... that's 'Someone Else's' job.
That said, I respect those who *do* find it offensive, either for themselves or for children, and if indeed, that is the majority, then I think it's up to you to get your voices heard. There IS a snail mail address for NASCAR on the blog. Inundate them with complaints. Start your own petition if it means that much to you, a website, whatever; do something you think will work (and I get that some believe nothing would work, and you may be right.) But you won't know if you don't try or you expect others to take care of it for you. JD can raise great discussions, but his power is limited.
Now Go forth and complain!
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