Getting a lot of email on all kinds of Friday topics from John Roberts' hair to the Hendrick team having some cars excluded from competition.
Let's focus all the comments on this post as the remaining NASCAR TV partners go through the day. Both ESPN and SPEED have a variety of live and same day delay programs running through 8PM ET. The complete schedule is on the right side of the TDP main page.
To add your NASCAR TV related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
I just want to say Happy Birthday to John Roberts!
It's Mad Max's birfdate this weekend too :)
From coverage of the action on the track to covering the action on the track with graphics and full screen nonsense! :(
Gymmie, I concur.
Back in the day LOVED ESPN's graphics package, since they came back I HATE it more than any of the networks.
Is it my imagination ... Or are the girls of the Deuce MORE annoying today than usual??
SPEED's coverage is so much easier on the eyes / ears compared to the Disney kids ...
The tv networks need on-screen translations for some of the drivers ... Vickers / Ragan / Joey ... I just can't understand what they're trying to say ...
I'm cheating at work. What happened to Kurt in qual?
Happy Bday John Roberts.
just slow.
Dot it was windy when everyone ran except Tony, it got calm now everyone after Jr is running in calm conditions so the laps are really picking up
Thanks David. I wondered how Jr got the pole so far. So out of character for him. Any rain issues on the way?
Sorry to bug you guys for this info.
Well so much for Jr. If MM stays there, he'll have something to talk about on TS.
Wind is back, times falling off big off 4 again.
No rain, overcast and cool but no rain.
Dot - There's a storm north of the track ... moving south ... They might get hit about 9-10pm ...
JP already mentioned MM's age. Guess it'll be a long weekend.
SPEED is just so much more fun compared to ESPN.
What was that pouty face on Scott Speed after his interview?... He goes from a smiley face to a pouty face as he's giving the thumbs up. I swear this guy is like a real-life Derek Zoolander!
I'm watching qual via Jayski. There's an ad with Rusty about donating your car to the Natl Kidney Found. I guess if US Fidelis can't fix it, you can donate it.
Did ESad push his car around the track?
Dot, he had a decent first lap going then lost a ton of time in center of 1-2, ESPN wasnt showing him until off 2 and never mentioned what happened. Lap 2 just sucked.
Car looked loose
04, 36, 37 go home.
Kez timed in 3rd, Nemecheck 7th! Wow!
Thank you Planeteers for your commentary regarding qualifying. Glad I was spared BSPNs coverage.
@ Gymmie, Max is in. Good for you.
YUP! YUP! So happy for Mad Max!
Dot - Wind @ track like Dorothy & Toto's wild ride ... LOL The guys couldn't figure out which direction it was coming from as it kept shifting ...
Wow, a Zoolander mention!
@JD - I guess I'm not the first one to notice Speed's expressions are very Zoolander-ish! :)
So DJ and AP seem to be clicking better with Marty today...
6- HEY! I love David's accent, it's cute!
David interview aside, same ol' BORING coverage. zzzzzzzz...
Nice to hear DJ and Andy working better with Marty. The team thing might work out yet.
Now, as for the TV pictures they had to talk over...that's another issue.
I loved the canned applause when the 88 had the pole.
Just like Letterman last night!
Did I say that?
How about those Elliott Sadler sunglasses? Pink?
I missed the pink sunglasses but they couldn't be any worse than TJ Bell's from last week.
JD- Thank you. I always enjoy TDP and the thoughtful comments here. I also never cease to be amazed and entertained by the pictures. I really appreciate the time and insight you apply in choosing them - and you never can have too many pictures of Carolina fan DJ in a Duke blue shirt.
Wow, the website has never looked gayer.
Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness and the Susan G. Komen Foundation this weekend.
Google it for more info.
Here's my overview of this weekend's on-track coverage:
No, ESPN absolutely does not deserve to cover either qualifying or final practice, just like they don't deserve to cover NASCAR Sprint Cup Racing, especially when final practice is going to be tape-delayed in favor of college football when final practice should be covered live! SPEED, who has covered final practice live and as it happens all season long, should have all practice sessions and qualifying, since they are stellar at covering on track activities and have a good balance at covering most of the drivers on the racetrack (not just the Top 12 in points), while ESPN (or should I say BSPN!) continues to just be Top 12 in points only and singing their praises for Jimmie Johnson (I respect the guy, but ENOUGH WITH THE WORSHIPPING BSPN!) WHICH IS GOING TO DRIVE EVERYONE AWAY FROM THE SPORT! As a matter of fact, since the Brickyard, I have not even bothered to tune to ESPN's lackluster Sprint Cup coverage not one single bit. Why? BECAUSE THE IDIOTS OF ESPN WERE PUTTING ME TO SLEEP AND HAD ME YELLING AT MY TV WITH THEIR SAME NONSENSE LAST YEAR!!!!!!
There's no excuse for it! How many on-track activities should ESPN cover? None! How many on-track activities should SPEED cover? ALL OF THEM! While SPEED continues to be coverage of the action on the track, ESPN continues to covering the action on the track with graphics and full screen nonsense! It really is obvious that the clear favorite to cover all on-track activities for Sprint Cup is NASACR on SPEED!
P.S. The reason I put capital letters (yelling) was to show my frustration and hatred towards, and how mad and angry I am at ESPN/ABC, especially after last year. I made a very good decision for myself to turn away from my TV (except for SPEED) after Chicago, being the absolute disrespect ESPN/ABC shows towards NASCAR, with the crap that they have and refuse to fix. Unless something changes with this TV coverage before the year's over (not next year, not during the offseason, not after the contract expires, now!), I refuse to turn to my TV, except SPEED, for the toilet network that is ESPN. There's no room for stupid, and stupid is who ESPN is. ESPN = The Worldwide Leader in Sports? More like:
Dot, you're cheating at work? Are you sure your name isn't Knaus? LOL
I cannot stand when ESPN handles qualifying. Since it's obvious they really don't care much about Nascar, why not let Speed handle all the pre-race activities?
And another question: Why, oh why, can't ESPN get their stuff together and start programs when they're supposed to? I come home wanting to see Tivo'd shows, but wind up with God knows what because ESPN can't schedule properly.
@ dar, Yep, just call me Dot Knaus.
I hope ESad had the glasses on on TS. I recorded it. Will watch when I gain control of the remote.
JD, I like the pink. Good for you to support such a worthy cause.
Whew Smokey! I feel your pain and well said, no probs with the caps.
Agreed and well said Smokey!
Kudos to you, JD, for breast cancer awareness. I love it.
Wow, Smokey14, dittos
okay, I understand why you deleted anon 9:06, but it still made me LOL! Smokey, good job-what alot of us feel here.
Smokey 14
I think a few of us have felt the way you do and SOMETIMES caps are the only way to emphasize things..but now it's obvious BalognaSPN ain't listening.
thus, i've given up being angry.
They've given up caring about the sport. :(
Yes they have Sophia and it's truly sad :(
We suffer in the end because we can't enjoy the "coverage". We either give up or search for a radio broadcast.
Thanks for the comments, join us to live blog the Nationwide Series race on Saturday afternoon.
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