Here we go for the last time in 2009 on the Nationwide Series trail. ESPN has twelve on-air announcers coming at you for the live race from Homestead.
Allen Bestwick has done a stellar job of keeping order from the Infield Pit Studio this season. On this final race, he is joined by Ray Evernham, Brad Daugherty and Rusty Wallace. Daugherty seems to be the odd man out and the presence of Evernham certainly is interesting.
Tim Brewer is in the Tech Garage, although it is not very clear what he can say or show that has not been repeated many times this season. No doubt Brewer understands the topics he explains, but the forced nature of many of his explanations just rubs some folks the wrong way. Especially, under the green flag.
Pit road will be covered by the four ESPN reporters who have been on the NASCAR trail all season long. Shannon Spake, Jamie Little, Dave Burns and Vince Welch will once again be reporting before, during and after the event. This group has responded well to the addition of Marty Reid on the Nationwide events and seems to finally be having some fun.
Reid will call the action with what appears to be a very tired Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree. Instead of continuing to use Rusty Wallace and Randy LaJoie in the booth for the Nationwide races, ESPN caved and made Jarrett and Petree do the exactly type of double-duty that Reid came in to help Punch avoid.
This race is clearly a showcase and audition for Reid. Punch has been stumbling this season and after three years things are at an all time low for NASCAR on ESPN. After cutting the IRL TV contract to only a handful of events, Reid is now clearly available for an increased NASCAR role in 2010.
Homestead is one of those tracks that needs wideshots of pack racing. The drivers search high and low for grip and speed. Like Michigan, there is racing all over the track. The Nationwide race has all kinds of unfolding storylines.
ESPN will keep one eye on the leaders and one eye on Brad Keselowski. How this driver is treated by the Sprint Cup cross-over drivers in the race will probably be the big story.
This post wil host your comments on the Nationwide Series race coverage on ESPN2 from Homestead. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Thanks again for a great season of Nationwide Series race chats and thanks to Jeff Gluck from scenedaily.com for the picture.
1 – 200 of 305 Newer› Newest»Final time for Nwide this season!
Any word if MW has asked the media to not say anything about this being his last full season in Nascar or are they just missing this story?
headed out but wanted to wish all planeteers the best of luck tonight w/n'wide broadcast. while i haven't watched any nascar today, sounds like it's been a tough day so far.
so good luck, gang! this life blogger will catch up with you later tonight, long after it's all a bad memory.
red, have fun! Laurie, no clue but I really don't think he has made definite plans. He even talked about racing N'wide again.
These new Hendrick helmets are kind of weird....
thanks, jd! adult beverages are included so it will be a relaxed evening with a ton of friends -- many of whom are my nascar gang! these folks got me started on the sport and are likely regretting it!!
I find JP particularly annoying today. Its like he has a fetish for people's ages and saying "_____ is trying to make history."
okeedokee...Nationwide series would be great for MW....I feel like a teenager...this is my first live blog!!!!
JP, DJ and Andy just sound totally wiped....
@ Sgt Schultz aka JD, any word if the three Rs are in the NW booth next yr to prevent wiped DJ & AP?
Kind of know how the booth guys feel, sinus about to make my head explode. Don't know how long I'll hang in for the race.
@red- have a great time!
Won't know a thing until after this weekend is over for sure. Sometimes, not until Jan.
Thank God JP is done for the day.
I can't believe how ESPN haven't run out of words every time they talk about Jimmie Johnson.
What a difference when the booth went to AB in the studio - lots of enthusiasm as opposed to on air silence and/or tiredness.
Take a deep breath, JP is done and it is Marty Reid and Allen Bestwick for this race.
What?? They're not using the simmering fued as the top story?!?! LOL
How much would it take to bribe Ray & AB to put a sock in BradD's mouth now?? LOL ;-)
Sound synch problems for anyone else or is it just me?
Weed gets the curse today?
Looks good here at the worldwide headquarters.
If I was Brad Daugherty, I would be looking to my left a lot in this show...ya know?
#07 Danny O'Quinn
#37 Kevin Hamlin
#47 Chase Miller
#49 Mark Green
#61 Kenny Hendrick
#90 Johnny Chapman
#91 Terry Cook
#92 Dennis Setzer
At least 8 S&P's + 11 Cup drivers in the field. They sent home 9 cars that would have raced all 300 miles. Just sickening.
@ tia, there you go.
At least 8 S&P's + 11 Cup drivers in the field. They sent home 9 cars that would have raced all 300 miles. Just sickening.
I couldn't agree more, Buschseries61. S&P cars are totally bogus.
Per Jayski.com's Nationwide news page, Parker Kligerman is supposed to take the green flag in the #42 car qualified by Todd Bodine.
@B61 & Karen, I agree.
Thanks JD. Synch is just slightly off on DirecTV SD. Not on other channels.
Just an aside - someone with NASCAR needs to either get France to sit up straight or get a longer mic for him on those press conferences. Doesn't project an authoritative presence slouched over.
Damn did you guys see AB get pissed while trying to go to an interview while RW, BD, and RE were joking around about old time. They were getting loud and laughing and u can see AB start to talk to head to the interview and u couldnt hear him... Stop it im trying to talk STOP IT IM TRYING TO TALK AB yells looking all pd off! See thats why I hate the producer trying to spark things up w interviews and not staying with the fun. ESPN for ya
kbaskins - I know, the series is a wreck.
Cup drivers win nearly every week and the regulars have to settle for 11th on back. Eventually sponsors leave for the Cup drivers and the Nationwide teams run out of money. When the well runs dry, the teams show up to the track with a qualifying setup and skeleton crew and park the car just to break even and show up next week. The S&P cars with qualifying setup take out the newer drivers and teams, the future of the series.
The system they have now is not working. Changes have to be made.
oh and I agree they need to get a longer mic for Brian. While watching that interview all I was thinking SNL and how they could so make fun of him
Nice to hear AB, but that phony energy is overkill. We have been here all season long...
Tim Brewer does not amuse me any.
Jonathan - That seemed more aimed at BD than RW & RE ... He grandstands way too freakin' much and it's beyond annoying ...
That just sounded like a bunch of braying donkeys to me. ESPN trying to out-Fox Fox
BS61 - Kevin's just trying to keep his name / face out there ... He's got a baby boy coming in the next few weeks and really wants a FT ride ...
Once again ... Morgan gets screwed by MSRP ...
I dont mind Brad and his outburts. better than the silent sounds of JP during the Sprint Cup broadcasts
Marty Reid had better be getting his game face on. This could be a career maker....
@ Buschseries61
I agree about the Buschwackers. It's the one thing that totally disappoints me about my boy Carl. I know he just loves to race, but why can't he see that he's taking away a spot from a young guy who needs the seat time? And Carl is someone who knows what it's like to claw for a spot in one of the top three series. I may be a big fan of his, but I hate that he's in every N'Wide race.
I think NASCAR should limit cross-series racing. Drivers should declare their full-time series, and only be allowed to race a limited number of times in another series.
'My band's dinner gig got canceled so no bday celebration tonight.
I am so depressed I am going to watch ESPN broadcast!? & yes I called it by it's real name. :)
but I will eat and have a glass of wine if my whining gets excessive, but I've sounded off enough on Twitter. Off to clean up some TWEETS...
I need to check for some MRN outlets...
Just thought about this but this is the last weekend we can do this this year. Lets all enjoy the final Nationwide race woooo cheers to all
6p01... I understand completely. It isn't like I'm angry at the drivers. They do what they have to do to make a living and stay in the sport. There just need to be tougher restrictions so drivers like Kevin Hamlin get the chance to race an entire season. Kevin worked really hard at Ganassi as a development driver and test driver. He helped out a lot around the shop when he wasn't racing. He deserves a full time ride.
Hold on.Somebody actually WANTS
MARTY REED? Yes I want him to....
to GO AWAY ...and stop with all of
the voice changes and telling me what I can plainly see on the screen.
As for the doctor -he should go
baaak to footbal. I will say this ..He hasnt done his shtick ..
R A I S I N G his voice at the
end of a sentence ..hasnt done it
nearly as much this year.
Alan: what can we say ...he still
yells way TOOO LOUD. And just goes
on and on. RWis just fine and and
Ray is just fine.
The other guy
went crazy today in the pre race
I still dont know why.
And I still dont get it :: Why
do the announcers feel a need to
yap and jabber durint the opening
lap or 2 ???? what is the point ?
It surely would be great for us
peons out to hear the roar of the
engines !!! See yawl next year
Just play the song as it was written!
two trumpets in a row for anthem. Last week and this week.
I remember THIS guy from last year I think..other guy tweaked the tune too much.
What's with the staccato notes though? The high parts are making my cats ears scope in all directions like some control tower controls :)
How can you screw up the anthem on a trumpet????
damn that was awsome dude can sure play that horn!
Awwww rock! Hang in there and give old Marty a try.
Vicky D said...
Just play the song as it was written!
How do you know how it was written?
@ bevo, I wondered the same thing. Had to mute. Lounge lizard on a trumpet? Good grief.
23 minutes before they mentioned a NW regular. Pathetic.
The Kyle Busch interview sucked too.
Carl made his despite poor questions.
JD, I disagree with you on the S&P thing btw. But that's another issue. I say you want in, if your running the whole race or not you have every opportunity to go fast enough in qualifying. You can't go fast enough on your 2 laps, you deserve to be on the trailer period. The rest is irrelevant. That's my take on it though. I do believe if your just there to start and park tho that there should be someone calling a spade a spade as Marty Reid has done since he got in the booth...
Wasnt the anthem written on an envelope or some other scratch paper? Might be getting it confused with something else.
America the Beautiful should be the Anthem imo..gorgeous song, easier to sing :)
MARTY is what ESPN needs and Nascar for that matter, will bring some excitment back to the Sprint Cup series next year when its ESPNS turn next year. Anything will be better than what they gave us this year.
@Sean- Sheet music :)
@Buschseries61 - I was discussing the Buschwackers with a friend this week. I told him the Cup drivers could race all they want in Nationwide, but should get no points if they're in the top-25 in driver points in Cup. That way the Nationwide drivers would be competing for the Championship, not the big-name drivers. I doubt many Cup drivers would race every week in Nationwide if they couldn't earn points.
david, technology has changed to allow the S&P teams to exploit lighter oils and change a ton of things in order to make the race.
The end result is a car that cannot even race!
NASCAR has told Morgan S. they will look at the policy over the winter.
These are not poor teams. They are teams created specifically to do just this.
MV, I feel the Buschwacker solution is simple, schedule more stand alones. But by doing that your going to diminish your purse money...so take your pick of what's more important.
Without Cup guys, the series completely dies and becomes ARCA version 2
YAY Robert :)
Nice to see Robert Hight there ... Saw John Forcer earlier ...
Ashley's got NO plans to race a car that makes turns ... LOL
The rule is that you must have a legit reason for pulling off the track to get paid.
If NASCAR enforced this, things would change in a hearbeat. No money, no fake teams.
The song began as a poem written by the amateur poet Francis Scott Key on 14 September 1814. On that morning Key was looking at the smoke rising from Fort McKinley in Baltimore, which had just endured twenty-five hours of British attack. Through the smoke Key caught sight of the large garrison flag still flying, and this image inspired him to jot a few lines down on the back of a letter.
Then added to
the popular British song "To Anacreon in Heaven.
Martin - I like that idea. It's been nice with Marty Reid because he talks about the full time regular NW drivers that might even be scratching and clawing for 30th place.
It's Ford weekend so they have John Force Racing there. BTW they're going back in Pro Stock next year
I forgot Kyle B is the winner of this series..how did I forget that...is he in the in car cam driver?
@ dear Sophia, It's Fort McHenry. :)
bevo, who is the driver?
JD, the same opportunity is open to other teams too. Your talking about MSRP when you talk about a specialty team. Thats really the only one out there, the 47 too since it's fielded by MSRP now. Day Enterprises, Baker-Curb, etc aren't specialty start and park teams and are truly poorer race teams whom start and park to keep the doors open.
This is nothing new from when you had purely qualifying trim cars...and its completely nothing new than what ANY GOGH Cup team does for the plate races. Yeah, they go a bit trick, but these aren't teams that are putting a totally new engine in week in and week out I really don't think. If you walk up to a S&P car, and I saw it at Phoenix, those bodies are beat to hell. They are teams that have 2 or 3 cars in their inventory, so going completely trick in qualifying still comes at a risk.
I just feel if you can field a car, put a driver gutsy enough to drive it on the edge and make the race...more power to you. Morgan's had help from KHI and others and still wasn't getting it done....
I hope so JD I hate that Mr. Jesus gets bitten by them :(
@BS61--you can call her Six it's one of her nicknames :)
@rock--I like Marty he's still learning but still is a refreshing voice :)
@Jonathan--LOL! I seem to tune him out his voice goes to the adult voices from Charlie Brown to me.
Martin Vincent - I think that is a good idea. This way ESPN is forced to cover the Nationwide teams and drivers.
David - Look at the current stand alone events. Attendence is great. Just a few years ago we had no Cup driver run both schedules all season long. People came to the track. I do think the series needs more stand alone events (which would mean more of Marty, Rusty & Randy in the booth). The Cup drivers are a problem and something has to be done.
Available does not make the case. They can plead poverty, but they are there for the cash.
Either run the whole race or don't get paid if you pull off. Then we will see who shows up.
NASCAR is right in the middle of this because of their decision to allow it this year in record numbers in all three series.
@JD- Right now just Larry Morgan but I imagine a few more will be announced over the winter. Mustangs!!!
MV, if they did what they used to do, they could cure the Cup double once and for all. Run a NW and Cup race at different tracks on the same day.
Problem solved.
I say we go back to Myrtle Beach and South Boston but that's just me...
Ft McHenry? That was a cut and paste on SSBanner bio site. tx 4 clarifying :)
If Brad & Denny don't wreck each other, the ESPN storyline will be a flop.
Pops said Denny better look out. If he worries too much about wrecking Brad, Brad might wreck him instead...
3 wide off the corner and they cut to bumper cam?! Stupid!
David - Myrtle Beach is not coming back anytime soon. The stands are rotting and all need to be replaced. Mansfield, Rockingham, North Wilkesboro would be great stand alone races.
" The nhra champion to give the
command """"
My question is WHY ?????? For
what reason ?? I will leave it at
that. What's next ..Funny cars or
demolition ?
And in honor of Marty Reed and
John Unitas.. who said...Talking
is over let's Play ... But I changed it just a but...
I say TALK IS OVER...and keep it
that way ..JUST SHUT UP AND let
marty reid shut up good nite
jabbber jarrett shut up ...
I'm sorry, but this is just bleepin' ridiculous. Every time Hamlin and Keselowski get near to each other the broadcast booth has an aneurysm.
Grow up, guys. This is a bleepin' race, not a demolition derby.
Sorry Dot.
we gotta get rock DirecTV and Hot Pass. No ESPN announcers....ever!
Buschseries, Mansfield is dead. Not coming back any time soon.
Losing Memphis really sucked in my opinion though. Rockingham would be fun but Andy doesn't have the money for SAFERS...
That's probably the biggest obstacle in not going to some of these stand alones...
@ David, you were expecting to see the racing instead of car cam? Silly boy, :)
No Dot, I was expecting them to stay wide since it looked like Denny and Joey were pretty close off 4 with Brad up high. Coulda been ugly.
@ David, sorry for what?
John Force Racing is the Ford operation in NHRA, Hight is a Force driver and the Funny Car champ, Ford is sponsoring the weekend at Homestead.
Well, there goes ESPN's script. Good. Now they may have to cover the race. I was tired of them focusing entirely on Hamlin/Keselowski, and getting so excited at the possibility of a big wreck.
Man, ESPN sucks.
@David - Read today that Milwaukee might be in trouble for 2010 too.
Your boy finding the wall...
Brad fan right?
This would be a "scene set" but it is a little early to catch the channel changers.
It's called a brain fart by Brad K :)
David - Mansfield is still alive. They just announced ARCA is returning there for their second year.
@ David, duh to me. Yes, I'm on team Kez. Don't like Diva in NW or CUP.
BS61 - I know all about Kevin ... He's from up here ... He's still with EGR and works as Andretti's spotter ...
Rock - It's "Ford Championship Weekend" ... Hence, Ford brings in Robert Hight because he WON in a Mustang ...
Busch--I had heard when NASCAR got dumped earlier this year that it was closed and all events had been canceled. Good to hear its not dead but that little issue with the Truck Series probably killed any goodwill they might have had. Pikes Peak is still another option too...
Oooo...Toyota Speedway at Irwindale =)
Saying someone lost a R side window and NASCAR is trying to figure out who. Out of the racing groove.
@JD--only on Sundays but would be nice to have HotPass on Saturdays :)
Caution's out and we're at comml.
Caution is out. Now on 2.5 commercial since it came out.
What happened to #81 Blake Koch? He dropped out of the race at lap 20, but wasn't expected to be part of the S&P group.
Some folks won't like my saying this but Conway looks like he is running decent today....
OK, there's my answer. :)
Wow, they showed why the caution. And it was on an Odd Wad car. I'll be go to punch.
I enjoyed Tim B showing where the kill switch was..I'd forgotten WHERE it was...easy to hit when fighting the steering wheel.
Heck, that's where a lot of car horns are..least is in mine.
Wouldn't it be funny if they had horns in NASCAR? That sounded like a Foghorn? :)
Good job of Marty pointing out Blake Koch's side window. Looks like they got a new one in there finally.
RE: BK & DH....sounds to me like Dr JP talked with Marty and told him that you stick with one story line and talk about it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....these guys just can't seem to multi-broadcast in any manner
so we come back for less than a min, then go to comml again?
Seems like marty is looking out the window at the track instead of the monitor...catching action as it's happening? And the camrea is actually finding it!
Good wide shots - keep it up!
Gotta give Kez credit for keeping the car off the wall...twice. nice catches! Too bad Diva didn't take him out...he might need to look over his shoulder now!
Hate to admit this, but that was a hell of a job by Brad not hitting anything.
Black flag time I imagine :)
Hamlin should be parked for the rest of this race AND tomorrow's race as well. Kevin Harvick set the precedent.
I thnk Nascar should do something to DH he threatened to take out BK last week.
ESPN got their wish. Lots of drama. Hopefully NASCAR lets the drivers settle it during the race.
I love the shot of the 88 crew laughing after the spin. Pops seems to be ready for whatever happen next!
Booth and truck guys doing a good job so far.
And there's the black flag
Boo to Nascar for black flagging Denny. They should have let Kez deal with it.
only 1 lap?
Marty is havin a tough time. Like someone is talking in his ear all the time and he is trying to follow what they want him to do.
After last week. I'm pleased.
@ Sally, sorry. Diva just wasn't subtle enough.
Script writers busy again.
HAMLIN radio: "Look at this, all the guys down pit road laughing at me. Every guy from every crew is laughing. This is hilarious!"
Isn't rough driving usually 5 laps in the penalty box?
Denny cannot get lap back by lucky dog
I bet Jenna Fryer just blew out her Twitter account with her buddy's little stunt ... LOL ;-)
too bad Kez didn't hit the wall
This broadcast has been a load of crap so far. You wouldn't know there's a race going on out there.
Maybe now ESPN will do their bleepin' jobs instead of concentrating entirely on a feud, to the detriment of the rest of the field.
I've never seen such a blatant disregard for an entire field of racers. What a load of crap.
Hamlin should be ineligible for the Lucky Dog for the rest of the race.
Sally - I know! NASCAR doesn't let the drivers settle anything anymore. Let them bump and slam into each other. It's racing! They can't settle these things off the track either, or else they will be fined for 'actions determinal to stock car racing'. Let the drivers have emotions, they are not robots.
@JD- He's fighting through it but I think they're doing a pretty good job so far. Better than the last one I watched with them.
Giving the 88 another set of tires is bogus!
@MV--I thought so too
I also thought that NA$CAR wasn't going to intervene? hmmmmmmmm
Lets face the facts. NASCAR wanted Denny to pay Brad back. They won't say it, or admit it but they did. It got people tuned in to this race. It had my intrigue. A 1 lap penalty isn't the end of the world and they gave Brad another set of tires? No harm, no foul seems to be the message here. "Okay boys, you got it out of the way now, just race."
I'd like to comment on some posts earlier in the thread:
1 - Regarding the Bushwhackers, I think there's a better and more effective solution than not awarding points. The rule should be that a driver can only collect prize money for one event per weekend. That way, the prize and bonus money would go to the Nationwide- and Truck-only teams.
2 - I have a soft spot for Start and Park teams, for several reasons. I find it ironic that many I talk to (not necessarily the people here, just those in "real life") who are constantly claim it should be the "fastest 43" racing complain about start and parks. They had to "race" and go faster than other drivers to get in, so why should they be treated unfairly? While I hate that my driver parks around lap 10 every race, he shouldn't be penalized because he lacks the multimillions to challenge for wins every week.
Not trying to stir things up, just providing a different viewpoint. Enjoy the race!
They actually sell stuff for S&P cars. The problem is, they make the race with all that junk and could never do it in a real qual setup.
It's a good issue. Be interesting to see what they come up with.
@Rob, I like the prize money idea! How many truck/Busch teams would sign a Cup driver if they didn't get any money?! How a bout a Cup driver in his own car, like Harvick?
I think many state how they trick up the engines to run GREAT for a few laps (quals) but would blow up like that in a race. don't know if that's true or not but I've had emails with some in NASCAR media saying the hysteria of S&P is over DONE. Sign of the economy might make more obvious but they've always been in NASCAR
& this guy KNOWS what he's talking about more than me, trust me :)
I like ur idea for carpet baggers, er Buschwhackers :)
Sounds to me like Brad D is defeated. He oozes I just lost my job
Rob, its a theory I have heard before, but I am not a fan of different rules for different people.
Was it difficult for anyone else to hear Dave Burns report just now?
Rob: I have to play devils advocate. If it was the fastest 43, everyone would be in qualifying trim and there would be no issue. A few years ago positions 1-36 were based on speed. 37-43 were provisionals. There was no impound, so all teams would use qualifying setup to get in the top 36 and not use a provisional. They would change to race setup in happy hour. If the S&P teams got in, they earned it since everyone was on the same playing field. With the top 30 & impound rule, teams do a lot of crazy things to gain speed and make the race.
bevo said...
"Was it difficult for anyone else to hear Dave Burns report just now?"
It is always difficult for me to hear Dave Burns.
1.Wow revelations from the aunnouncers : Goodyear sometimes
puts out a set of tires that are not matched properly. Amazing..
wait ..they have just told me that the Sun Will rise in the east.
2. In your heart of hearts you just
KNOW that the announcers are hoping
and praying that a wreck will happen between the 11 and the 88.
Okay my friends, will return later. Cable person is coming over to troubleshoot the issues I have been having at night with the Internet/modem. Shrubby!!!!
@ B61, I agree with you. NASCAR really is to blame for the S&P issue now. I don't like the unfairness of it. I'm guessing no major changes for 2010.
BTW, the commercials are really interrupting the flow of this race IMO
ri88girl - You gave me a good laugh. Brad D just serves no purpose with the current lineup. The booth is energized with Marty Reid. Rusty has Ray Evernham, who knows what he is talking about. Brad is just there and has little to offer.
@it'sonly... You're right about #2 but I found the info on the mismatched tires helpful and I've been watching racing since the early 1960s. I know that it happens but but a description of the effects was probably helpful to a lot of viewers.
Caution's out.
Yesterday, Kyle was ready to throw in the towel and had to be convinced to finish the Truck race. Today, he's complaining that he hates this track and he's running 2nd. Is that guy ever happy?
Spake, "We're under pit stops."
Sheesh! She ought to be worried about her job IMO.
Apparently being gracious whether winning or losing (or placing second) is not a lesson that the Busch brothers parents felt was necessary when raising their sons. A tearoff causes a caution? Good grief.
We here know that Denny is ineligible to get his lap back via the Lucky Dog. Apparently, ESPN is unaware of this.
Please, NASCAR, dump ESPN.
How would you like to be in the ESPN meeting after this season?
@MV--Nope! the kids WON races and still threw everyone from the car to the crew under the bus and ran them over a few times :(
Yumyum and the reporters are fun on twitter right now :)
JD... I'd drive down to Bristol for sure!
My bet is that the post season ESPN meeting is like a BZF press conference. "Things have never been better!"
Who knows that maybe at the Espn meeting they all get congratulations and each a bonus.
@ JD, why? To see them patting each other on the back and fist bumping for a job well done? That's what they're thinking.
No, once Ramsey Poston put that story out in public, it was made clear that the Emperor had no clothes. It's over.
@Buschseries61 - Surprisingly, #49 Mark Green is still in this race. Maybe they finally realized they should give their new sponsor their money's worth.
@David - Is ESPN right? Hamlin is getting the Lucky Dog?
Oh yea, little show caution to get Denny back on the lead lap.
MV evidently it's at Nascar's discression.
This is a joke! Harvick gets parked for the weekend in 2002, Hamlin gets away with it. He gets a 1-lap penalty when other drivers have received a 5-lap penalty in the past. NASCAR's inconsistency in rule enforcement is never going to change.
Hamlin is ineligible for the Lucky Dog unless he passes and is then passed again by the lead car. Then, it is up to the discretion of NASCAR.
If they're giving it to him, they're just breaking their own rules. Wouldn't be the first time, I guess...
Comes down to the show huh?
Shouldn't they be covering Denny as well?
MV - Dennis was INeligible for the LD immediately following his penalty ... But, was eligible for any after that ...
Dennis should really be parked for tomorrow ... and the car's sponsor should be livid ...
I give an A to Marty Reid for the level of excitement in his voice that is reminiscent of Rick Allen on the Truck Series broadcasts. I don't care what anybody says, Marty Reid would be a definite improvement over Jerry Punch.
I don't think there's a PxP announcer that likes his job more than Marty. He is definitely enjoying himself and it's even infecting DJ.
Denny Hamlin up to 17th spot. Better watch your mirror, Brad! :)
Still can't believe the blaring music when the race is under green.
Marty Reid is much better at this point than he was at the drop of the green. Maybe he took his headset off!
Rule is a driver becomes eligible after being passed up on the first Lucky Dog.
Tks. JD Ron Il.
These commercials are getting to me today. Stephen Wallace, then Extenze, then Billy Mays yelling at us. What next?
Martin - I know! This is the first time in a LONG time the #49 has attempted a whole race. I was suprised Nemechek parked. He missed the Cup race, so this was his last race of the year.
Why is so hard to hear Burns?
well, I'm flipping back and forth watching this race since I just got home and when I first tuned in there were only commercials.
At least the guys in the booth sound excited and are calling the action AND they aren't pretending that there's any mystery as to who is the champion for this series -- Shrubby! Blech -- sorry I do hate that so many of the cup regulars run in this series. I don't think they should be able to compete for the championship in a lower level series once they've been "elevated" to cup. Hamlin should have been penalized at least 5 laps AND parked for tomorrow, but the selective rule enforcement branch of NASCAR is in full swing today.
I read about Brian France's press conference and I find it unbelievable that he can be so daggone out of touch with the reality of the sport. If he really wanted to know what was going on, he'd read this blog, but "everything is wonderful".
At the bar with a bunch of people watching the race.
Were having a bet, how many full time non S&P cars will be in Nationwide next year.
Whats your guesses?
Mine is 25.....
The pit reports are still bland.
Driver + crew chief + stat or read old PR's + cliche ("go out with a bang', 'finish on a high note', 'they have nothing to lose') = BLAH!
damn - Charlie Wiess just shot down his own reporter on his own network now :)
Bill, with the economy the way it is right now, that sounds like a good number. Especially after several adult beverages...
What did he say Bevo?
@ Bill... Completely depends upon the economy. If you believe that the recession is V shaped and we're on our way up, I think your number is quite low. If we double dip it, which I think is very likely, you may not be far off.
It's all about the sponsors' spend both for the teams and the broadcasters.
Lucky me im on call this weekend. So no adult beverages.....
Caution out, Darnell
Bill been there done that my sympathies
@JD- I just flipped over there when we went to commercial and he was finishing with her about how disappointed he was (guess they lost in OT) and she started with a follow-up. He interrupted her and said two times something like "that's enough with questions" and kept moving.
Never mind, did hit wall though
Think denny will make it a 2fer?
Pathetic crowd for this race. Do you all think it's because the title is done before the race, who the champ is, or just general lack of interest in 'championship weekend' as opposed to focusing on just the race.
Pit reporters not having such a good night....on pit road.
Hey Rusty hasn't lost any money tonight!
Dave Burns having trouble with the "J" names today.
Ugh, I hate that crewman camera thing. It makes me feel sick to watch.
@Sally- think it has more to do with the economy. Not as many people making the trip down there and the locals in Florida have their own problems
The pit stop helmet cam always makes me dizzy.
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