The final day of the 2009 NASCAR season brings the Sprint Cup Series race from Homestead. Before the green flag flies, three of NASCAR's TV partners will be offering hours of pre-race programming.
Allen Bestwick is going to have a very long day. He begins the morning by hosting NASCAR Now at 10AM from the Infield Pit Studio. This one hour show on ESPN2 will feature Ray Evernham, Brad Daugherty, Rusty Wallace and Dale Jarrett. The on-site reporters are Marty Smith, Mike Massaro and Nicole Manske.
Bestwick has been the rock for ESPN where NASCAR is concerned. He has cemented his presence as the host of the race telecasts and the Monday hour of NASCAR Now from the ESPN's Connecticut studio. Expect this program to be fast-paced and themed around the Hendrick Motorsports.
NASCAR RaceDay on SPEED offers an expanded three-hour program from Homestead at 11:30AM. The network brings all it's NASCAR announcers together and offers three different sets around the track. John Roberts will host the show from the SPEED Stage with Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace. Steve Byrnes, Larry McReynolds and Jeff Hammond will be in their traditional beach chairs beside the infield lake. Darrell Waltrip and Kyle Petty will be together in Victory Lane. Hermie Sadler, Wendy Venturini and Rutledge Wood are the reporters.
RaceDay struggles with some uneven segments in this longer format, but offers tons of features, interviews and conversation about the NASCAR topics of the day. Keep an eye on Waltrip and Petty. Putting those two outspoken individuals together should make for some interesting discussions. Both of them have strong opinions on various aspects of the sport and have not been shy in sharing them.
ESPN has added a special program at 1PM. Titled as a SportsCenter special, this allows the network to go live up against RaceDay. As viewers know, the networks have been cooperating this season and avoiding overlapping with live pre-race shows, but Homestead is different.
For this program, reporter Dave Burns has been assigned the task of shadowing the #48team from the time that the NASCAR garage opens. TV veteran Marty Smith has the task of following driver Jimmie Johnson from the moment he emerges from his motorhome in the infield. Bestwick will host the ESPN program that will feature his infield cast of Wallace, Evernham and Daugherty.
Ford has imported Mike Rowe from the Dirty Jobs series on Discovery to promote their products. Rowe will be featured on the special as he focuses on various dirty jobs in the Homestead garage area. His off-beat sense of humor may be just what this program needs to add a little spice to the morning.
These programs face a very fundamental issue. This season, the dominance of the #48 team has been well documented. For this final race, Johnson starts from the pole. Other than looking back on the season, the storyline is rather singular. Chad Knaus and Johnson are set to win another championship in the polite, low-key style that has come to define them.
This post will serve to host your comments on the pre-race programming before the 2:30PM start of the actual ABC coverage. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
TDP will offer a live race blog beginning at 2:30PM and another live blog for the four hours of post-race shows from 7 - 11PM. Thanks for stopping by this morning and sharing your opinions.
It looks like Allen's been given the morning off. Interesting decision.
did I miss the memo? why is Nichole in the studio and where is AB?
Checking on that one...get right back to you.
Official info from ESPN says AB was hosting. Let's see if he shows up in the program.
AB is fine and in the TV compound.
Perhaps, they realized that the 1PM SC special, the NASCAR Countdown pre-race, the race, the post-race and the 10PM NASCAR Now show might be enough....
Today's keyword: Dynasty!
Its a mistake to try and make this sport like other team sports that have playoffs. This discussion of two teams/drivers to the exclusion of all others is just wrong. They don't eliminate teams from competition after Richmond. They'e still there, every week, giving it their best.
My plan for all the pre-race stuff is DVR and time shift. I'll catch everything I can before the race and perhaps later this week if I missed a good video piece. This makes it easier to FF if I've already seen something(NN and Countdown do this a lot).
AB needs a break. I was shocked yesterday when he yelled at his panel to "stop talking!" The ribbing was all in good fun, and I was enjoying the break from the stiff, scripted show.
AB, take a long nap and get your cool back.
I think he had just about had enough of Brad's cheerleading.
JD any, any chance jerry is 'undr the weather' and AB is in a pre race production meeting and that's why he missed NN? We've been flirting with conspiracy all weekend, why not that one?
Told all is well, AB just got the early show off.
Everyone ready for three hours of Jimmy Spencer??
Is everyone ready for 6 hours of JJ (or more)?? I like Ri88girl's idea!
the hints were right
Thanks to everyone at SPEED
Is kp making a statement again with the 45 blacked out?
We all remember Adam
dustinlong: Ray Evernham says he's got a contract from ESPN for next year. Will include similar no. of races @ track but fewer NNow shows
@ JD, reading between the lines, does this mean he could replace Brad?
Good morning for the last time this year!
Lots of pre-race. Think I will take Newracefan's approach.
Side note. For the first time this year I realized Friday morning I had not DVR'd any race stuff for the weekend. Usually I am all set up by Wednesday. I surprised myself:-)
I did watch all of Speed practice on Saturday. Made me excited for Daytona. The guys in the booth are like comfort food. As annoying as DW can be at times...the good far out weighs the bad. You want to hear what they are talking about, unlike another group.
FF's thru Happy Hour...just too boring, no info. Stopped on drivers I care about. Went to end to see final times/positions.
Bad news for NASCAR & ESPN. Spoke with my brother this week. He and another brother get together to watch the races every week. NOT ANY MORE. He said they both find the racing boring, too much Jimmy Johnson and that ESPN makes it worse. So there are two "used to be" diehard fans...no more.
I have a funny feeling that Bill Weber is going to pop up somewhere on ESPN for 2010. ( play by play ? )
Is he under contract with anyone for 2010 ??
Could is a good word. But it will be a while until they have their post-season meeting and sort it out.
Does BF not have a styleist? didn't someone tell him before he went on how that coat would come across on camera? geezzzzzzzz he is giving me a headache with that jacket
Ken, When I look outside, it is 82 degrees. I am thinking snow....
@ Ken, bite your tongue. Or your fingers,lol.
Has Brad D. been talking up his contract for next year yet?
No comment from anyone but Evernham.
Good morning!
Breaking my recent history and trying to watch RaceDay. See how long I last.
+1 on the BF comment. You never see the NFL, NBA, NHL or even MLB put their head honcho on camera looking like that. Project some authority and class - sit up straight, put on a tie. My mom would have twisted my ear off if I was about to go out in public like that :)
Tracy I so feel you, I was digging the ribbing! I like Brad they were having fun and AB went nutz! Chill out guy!!!! Ah well good interview with Brian France on raceday. Sounded for once like Brian knew what he was talking about. Dynasty is right --
jd, pete pistone mentioned possible personnell changes to tv and radio for 2010. Beside the obvious with Jerry Punch, any word on the changes at MRN/PRN? Barney Hall retirement?
Damn France showed up at Glucks TweetUp
Brian France just showed up at the NASCAR Tweet up. That is where a couple of journalist and fans who use Twitter meet before the race in person.
If Twitter keeps up like this we may get our own hospitality tent at the racetrack.
I think Ramsy Poston was also there. is this a good thing or a way to placate the disgruntled?
Well, we know that Ray Evernham is back.
No word from anyone on the radio side.
Typically, ESPN keep the changes gaurded until January. Evernham spoke directly to the media so we go that info.
We will keep you posted.
Pistone has a history of just throwing stuff on the wall to see what sticks. You're better off just ignoring him when he throws vague hints.
Who in the heck was the guy in the opening? I've seen him before-missed the first min. Didn't care for it..
I am not constantly watching this Raceday though now I see where the manager of Daytona is on already. And he's saying the pricing has been reduced to entice fans to go there. It looks like a nice day in Florida like when I lived there. Audio messed up.
ri88 I've been to Gluck's Tweet up's, I even met up with Red there, and they generate really good discussions about the racing and the TV coverage. Maybe TPTB finally figured out it is a simple way to get fans opinions. I belong to the Nascar Fan Council but that doesn't generate discussion directly.
I didn't think KP had any real deal with SPEED other than nascar smarts. If he would go full time he would be great during quals, practice, trackside. Another switch hitter all purpose kind of guy. That would be fantastik
ri88, Kyle was under contract when they cancelled Tradin Paint.
Somethings will be changing in the off season. We have already seen Spencer moved off VL, added to TWIN and lots will depend on what MW does as well.
Kyle Petty needs to be a presence on race coverage on a regular basis. He isn't afraid to speak his mind, and has a great sense of humor.
@ NRF I hope you are right and that BF is getting a clue. I guess I'm getting too cynical in my old age and I don't have a good opinion of BF to begin with so that dosen't help.
I hope BF does hear how bad the ESPN coverage is and does something about it. That would go a long way to me ignoring his other foibles.
JD tweets: Charlie Weis does not announce anything about his future. Defers questions to later in the season....
Show of hands, who is surprised by this development?
At least this gives George Smith some more CT today on ESPN News and tonight on Sportscenter.
PammH...that was actor Michael Rapaport.
Also I heard from a friend that Wendy has Jimmie Johnson and Mark Martin play rock, paper, scissors against each other and it's pretty hilarious.
Who is Charlie Weis?
Dot, Dot, Dot....Notre Dame head football coach.
On Twitter as @NDHFC
@ JD, oh. Way out of that loop.
@ JD don't Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot! I didn't know who the heck he was either. We are women, we do not necessaraly follow ALL sports! Hurumph!
@ ri88, thanks girlfriend. Notice I didn't apologize for not knowing who he is?
Count me as anoth who didn't know who he was.
I got your backs gals! Had no idea who CW was either-and what's more, don't care what's going on w/him!
Hey, I learned a valuable lesson. Got to make sure and explain and not assume. I think I have heard that before in my life....
I'm disagreeing with characterizing Charlie Weis as a coach!
First time watching any part of raceday. So far has been real informative. Great information. Pretty solid show. Shows they can fill the time without stupid skits.
Kenny... There's only one Kenny that should be on nascar all the time and his name is not Wallace.
Wendy is just gold all the time. Info interviews.. never do the 'really thats your questions'.
The black band on the 45. Thought Kyle always had it. But if not maybe its just bringing attention to it on probably one of the highest rated shows of the year.
JD noted, in the 'Super Bowl' post:
"There will be thirty-four on-air television personalities involved in just this one day of coverage. They will offer preview shows, on location specials, studio programs, a live race and then four hours of review, commentary and discussion."
And apparently Ricky Craven isn't one of them. Shame on you, ESPN.
No Ricky, Randy or Boris.
just to funny, i did not know who CW was either. thanks
@ Jim KP's hat is in remeberance of Adam. there was some controversy over the blacking out of the number earlier in the year, that's the only reason I said anything.
Don't miss Boris or Randy, but Ricky should have been included. He adds so much.
Kyle's had the black band on the hat all year long
I think they (espn) should replace Brad D with Ricky Craven for next year.
JD, I guess we just proved that many Nascar fans aren't (or weren't) fans of more 'traditional' sports.
only caught this b/c of twitter but . . .
in re: brian france @ gluck's tweet-up? first thought that came to mind for me was nixon at the lincoln memorial during the height of the war protests. if that doesn't make sense to you, i'm afraid that history lesson will take just too long to explain. but i know some here are old enough to remember.
it took france ALL season to discover that there are intelligent fans at the tracks and that maybe, just maybe, he might want to try and connect? it's not as if tweet-ups are top secret: gluck et al have always invited anyone who wants to stop by.
for those who say "but you wouldn't see the nfl or mlb top guys there," i say this: nascar has BUILT the sport on being fan-friendly and drivers and personnel being approachable. instead of being grateful and proud that he showed up, i'm wondering what took him so bloody long?
for this fan: way too little, far too late.
but congrats to gluck and his colleagues for getting france at the tweet-up. the bar's been set, jeff: you'd best deliver at dover! i'll be sending you my driver requests during the off-season!
also, in re: fan council: i respond to each and every survey i receive b/c it's the ONLY way to can get even a tiny moment of attention from the executives. i use the comments screen to the fullest, often bringing ideas and comments from planeteers to the table. do i think the fan council moved the needle on the start times? very possible. but it's also possible that they were headed in that direction anyway and made the media-saavy move of saying the change was b/c of the input from fan council.
as always, the truth is likely somewhere in the middle.
Gee KB didn't walk away from Wendy, he stood there like a good boy waiting for her to rap up proud of him!
Why do I feel like Larry Mac is mad at me? (the fan)
You are right JD he is pissed, who is he aiming at? if it's at BF great if it's at us wrong people
One more. Nope to CW. Although after reading the post yesterday I did look up at TV when I heard his name. Then promptly didn't care...LOL. (Used to catch every ND game in Lou Holtz days).
Enjoying most of RaceDay...Kenny still too much for me...
Love DW info and KP, too. Hopefully KP will replace Jimmy, although I would prefer it if it was Kenny.
I have an AMEN! from this corner, Red!!
Good God....
how many times does Kenny Wallace have to say "race fans " ???
Kenny I got two words for ya ------
Spencer just had a total meltdown on SPEED. That guy is just so full of anger it is scary....
@WCD, I would love KP to replace JS. Would have a calming effect on KW too.
OMG, I'm being lectured about being megative again! Aren't these the same guys that gave a now infamous interview with their own negative comments? At least Kyle pointed out that, when you love(ed) something and see it going down the tubes you feel you have the right to point that out. especially since that fans are what made Nascar aa success in the first place!
thanks, sally: i'm sensing i'm in the minority w/that opinion so i appreciate the response! ditto to ri88girl for twitter support!
prayers going out to the hendrick family once again. sometimes, life just smacks one in the face with a piece of sheet metal and a hammer.
Hendrick back in NC for a family member having surgery.
Has BSPN mentioned Mikey's last f/t race? SPEED hasn't.
I hope some one is putting this on youtube, i will need this video soon after new years just to make it to daytona. someone roll the dvr
okay, great raceday song feature, because they showed sooo many of the behind the scenes folks.
feeling unwell & most likely will miss todays thanksgiving dinner & my birthday din :(
what happened to a Hendrick family member for surgery that Rick is in NC.
Oh, I had NO CLUE who CW was either
Watched all of Race Day and have to say it was a solid show. Wish they could do this every week.
Sad to see it end but not for the ESPN side of things. Be glad for Fox to return next year.
I saw 57-year old Tony the Tiger on Mark Martin's car hood.
The live blog is up for the NASCAR Countdown show and the race on ABC.
Please move your comments up to that post.
now I feel like DW is mad at me! what gives? is this there way of telling us fans to shut up and watch?
This is what ESPN said to the media would happen:
Mike Rowe, host of Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel, will be a special on-site reporter for ESPN and look at some of the dirty jobs of NASCAR. Rowe’s voice has been heard by NASCAR fans as the narrator of segments during ESPN’s coverage of the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup this season.
My thoughts about the Speed personalities.
I now know why I enjoy Speed coverage.
Not one person acts like they're better than me. No suits and ties, so I don't feel somehow they are "better-off" than me. Everyone can poke fun at each other and themselves.
Not one of them has done anything on camera that the fans outside have done among friends.
Watching their broadcasts is like being out in the camping area with my friends.
Just a bunch of people having fun.
We gripe, complain, B & M about things and/or announcers, and as long as it is done considerately that’s ok, no different than we treat our race friends.
Finally, no matter what I think about anyone on Speed, I do believe what was said today.
We say what we say and do what we do because we love this sport and are so compassionate about it.
No matter how good or bad they may do, I am sure EACH ONE gave it their best shot and 100% effort.
This is why I enjoy Speed's NASCAR coverage.
My heart started to beat faster
ny head started to ache ..when I
thought of the race callers who
could take a job with ESPN to
replace the current crew ..
Say a Prayer folks ...
marty ried, Mikey paul page
and Bill Weber. Pray a lot ..
oops and Worstwick. Good nite
Wait .,.. Alan had the chutzpah to
tell his race caller team to
I have been telling them to shut
UP FOR 15 YEARS !!!!! And of course when Alan gets wound up ..he
can say the Word " Championship"
a million times during the race :)
Please I beg you = don't get me
started ON SPEED TV .....
1. Their supposed phone numbers are
listed. One little glitch...both
are not working numbers.
2 The never anwered an E Mail in
over 4 years.
3. They claim that many of the events on Speed are suppled by
vendors and they have no contol over the event.
4. So they cant tell the blokes
on the Bike Races to SHUT UP AND
Oh ha ha ha I forgot they do have
a working e mail address. But dont
worry ..they will never answer .
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