Three races remain in the 2009 Sprint Cup Series season and all of them will be on ABC.
Allen Bestwick leads the NASCAR on ESPN team on-air with NASCAR Countdown. He will be joined by Brad Daugherty and Rusty Wallace. Tim Brewer will contribute from the Tech Garage.
Jerry Punch is calling the play-by-play action from TMS. He has Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree alongside of him for the race. Down on pit road are Jamie Little, Shannon Spake, Vince Welch and Dave Burns.
This race is fast and dangerous. Accidents happen very quickly and the on-track action under green leaves very little time for features and the playback of recorded material.
It is hard to use the in-car cameras at this track live because there is almost always passing and action going on somewhere in the field. The aerial shot is effective and really puts things in perspective in terms of track positions. It should also show the double-file restarts quite well.
The low angle "speed shots" at TMS work quite well to deliver the reality of the speed to the TV viewers. They are most effective on restarts when the pack is still bunched together and coming up to speed.
Pit stops under caution should have the normal triple-split video coverage. The race off pit road is key once again. Green flag pit stops demand a split screen, as the action continues at full speed regardless of the cars cycling through pit road.
There has been great sound and pictures from TMS on Friday and Saturday for the truck and Nationwide Series races. With all the TV toys available to them, it should come down to smart choices being made by the ESPN producer and director to keep the focus on the racing and update the stories unfolding during the event.
1 – 200 of 592 Newer› Newest»Hey everyone, this could be a great race today. Just wish it started a little earlier.
I agree last week I could make dinner after the race. This week it's back to crock pot meal.
This is abt pre-race, cuz you keep moving the posts!
I really wouldn't have so much fun on Raceday without Jimmy Spencer. I realize he can be annoying and down right unintellegable, but he is funny! I love that raceday song would like it as a ring tone do they have it up online anywhere?
ri88, sports TV works best with a mix of characters and personalities. That is a good example.
ABC time!
I can see jamie is trying to improve on her q's but they still have too much of a how do u feel slant.
They haven't said the D word yet...
JJ kissing Chad - really didn't need that visual rolling eyes
Wow, Kyle was not to happy to answer those questions....geez.
That was interesting. We have not really seen that before unless there was breaking news.
News? this is different but the prerace is too long anyway so better now and not during the race
Think it was just because of the top stories?
I liked this abc news update. a different a new addition. I think this week it makes news appropriate with all the breaking news going on with the shooting and health care.
Never seen her before, but that was brief and to the point.
They are pretty big stories, I'm kind of OK with it
News on KITV Honolulu!
I agree, not bothered by the news break, I don't think this is going to be a standard feature, but rather become of some of the very significant events going on right now...
being in Texas though, I think they missed a good segway into the events nearby in fort hood, and TMS response, the new grass logos, moment of silence, etc, but i haven't been listening that closely, so they may have already mentioned that on-air at the start
How many times have we seen this story and flips by Newman, McDowell, Martin & McDowell?
Interesting that the montage they just showed from dega included the MRN as a voice over rather than their own crew.
We get a two fer this week, Ryan & Michael McD. That's right, play up those wrecks.
wow this is an interesting piece on the physics of a crash.
JD, please set me straight.
ABC/ESPN and FOX pay, NASCAR for the right to broadcast race content don't they?
I keep reading that NASCAR pays the broadcasters and I just don't think that's correct.
For every dollar a company pays NASCAR isn't it like NASCAR only keeps 10%, and the rest goes to the teams and tracks.
The main point of this is, what we see on tv is basically what the network want's us to see. They bought and paid for it so they can and will do whatever they want. At this point NASCAR's hands are tied in regards to changing what we see.
If mud is to be thrown, some needs to be thrown at the teams, tracks, and NASCAR because each one is getting a piece of the pie.
Not watching any coverage right now, football is on.
Been a while since I watched football but the coverage is better than ABC/ESPN.
But then again anything is better than ABC/ESPN.
Time to make the popcorn a NN rerun
poor mark, and he goes over and no one cares... :(
Hear ZZ Top is tearing it up live at the track.
I noticed that to. thats funny. It was more exciting that way.
Really interesting spot on the Physics of Nascar. It was truly interesting and a fresh presentation. "The Physics of Nascar" by Diandra Leslie-Pelecky is a great book. She makes a credible and thoughtful guest. This is refreshing for the ABC/ESPN coverage. Maybe they are listening (and reading)...
Each of the four NASCAR TV partners (Fox, TNT, SPEED and ESPN) negotiated a contract that includes a set number of events.
These include practice, quals, races and studio shows.
Each of them have paid NASCAR to broadcast some races. SPEED has the trucks, the Daytona Twins and the All-Star races. Fox has the first part of the Cup season and a couple of truck races. TNT has the summer six pack.
ESPN has all the Nationwide races, the final seventeen Cup races and a daily TV show.
This group entered into a multi-year deal that began in 2007 and runs for several more years.
NASCAR also has their own TV and media company called NASCAR Images. SPEED hires this company to produce the shows from the SPEED Stage and TWIN. SPEED itself produces the truck races and the practice/qual coverage.
NMG also produces Quest for the Cup for Versus.
NASCAR does not pay anyone or any company to broadcast TV or radio.
One of the most popular sayings is that NASCAR cashes checks and rarely writes them.
Do the reporters not listen to Bestwick? Was that a prerecorded piece made to look live? Burns just repeated exactly what AB just got done saying.
I do not get the point of listening to music when you can't understand the words.
Going to be nice with earlier start times next year.
I agree about the earlier start times. 12:30 is even late for me in LV.
this is still gonna be a 3 pm race next year tho...
cool deal with the pace car.
Texas stealing PIR's idea
If we were at the track we would have to stay overnight in Ft. Worth area as it would be a long long drive back the 4 hours to Houston after the race. Much prefer earlier start times. Nice looking pace car.
Can't tell ole DW there ARN'T any black helicoptors LOL Geat idea, he looked like he wanted to do a burn out when he pulled onto the track!
B-52 flyover from Barksdale AF base.
David, this is one of the key races to change the start time and get it one hour earlier next season. That's what is on my list.
I say no more celebrity anthems...stick with the marching bands and the military groups!
I saw that earlier tweet that there are only 40 folks but were to be 45 but 5 were injured :(
Horny Frogs!
That was a great Anthem, wish they could do it every week!
@ haus14, and the kids.
Just finished reading Dustin Long interview with Baby Brian. Wow. I always suspected he lived in his own universe, but that interview shows how completely out of touch he is! I'ts everyone's fault but his! There is truly no hope for Nascar to get any better. He thinks everything is just fine. I give up.
Sally, I was bummed that he did not watch the race after all the media issues this past week.
Again, great work by Dustin Long.
Happy gets the curse.
Guess we'll be watching KB & JJ all day long no matter where they running per ABC's script.
John did you read this article by Dustin Long yet? What do you think?
Brian France 1-on-1 discussing TV commentators, TV coverage, the car, the Chase
@ VickyD, you are correct. :(
Brian France certainly blew off some of the questions & is well out of touch. He didn't watch the whole Talladega race? How do you not monitor the product you own?
There's our full screen pit stop guy right there.
I like Hollywood but I miss DJC :(
Just tuned in. Havae we got
ushers or undertakers in the booth?
I'm changing to DirectTV/MRN HotPass. Oh no, before I could change we get the weekly recurrent
tire changer, who JP says we'll
be watching "all day"
There went the script.
Poor ESPN what now?
On no! The script is useless at lap 4!
Well there goes my fantasy pick points but a break for Mark!
yesssss no script.
Script is history, except for KB's.
Gymmie same here but I cant freak out too much. I may just have to score PIR tickets after all!
Should have known, 77 takes out the points leader!
The crash of Jimmie Johnson.
Something us thought we would have said that last week.
Hornish what a surprise
I mean "some of us thought".
oh no! what will abc do now? will we now have a stationary cam in the jj garage?
@ haus14, you got that right.
Going to be an interesting balance between the live racing and the JJ updates.
Do you suppose Brian France paid Reut to do that to try to inject some 'excitement' into this inert 'chase'?
Boy, they prepared those 'points as of now' fast. I have a feeling we will see a lot of that today.
I am not a JJ fan, but Nascar has to do better in faking these races...they are too obvious with the planned accidents to keep the chase interesting.
That car is toast. Maybe we'll get some drama down the stretch after all.
ok where's tim brewer to show us how to change the rear end?
breaking news?
Here we go. Garage cam.
The Chase is alive and well once again. JG and MM no longer on life support.
Come on "points as they run" it's the 3rd lap!
Alan trying not to smile
NorCalfan:a re you surprised? The only shock is that JG didnt hit JJ with a folder metal chair, or MM put the japanese sleeper hold on him.
This is too obvious.
Ok..just came in from a walk (in 70s in Nov in Ohio? ) turned on tv and in 10 seconds JJ crashed..to the garage.
Might have to watch a bit..not sure I want to watch more Bengals get injured.
WOW just saw replay, glad nobody is hurt in race (unlike Chris Henry's broken arm in NFL) but Lawdy, the booth will talk NON STOP about Jimmie and show him constantly in garage...
If I were the 5 or 24 team I'd be in a rush to the Goodyear trailer to buy some tires for the 36, 70, and 87 teams. They need those cars as buffers right now.
Are they really asking Mark Martin's crew chief how he feels about JJ's wreck?
How about getting ready for the restart?
ok BREAKING NEWS. I have a gripe with Hotpass...everytime they put a graphic up they include stupid sound effects....STOP!!!
70 out
why did we not see ANYTHING else during the yellow? jimmy setting in his car! good lord.
the camera is jumping around too much for me
Jerry Punch about p*ssing himself with glee. I hate DSPN.
Steve L - That was NOT Sammy's fault ... It was Mark / Rooti / Jimmie's fault ...
And it was part of the script ...
Really? Split screen for JJ repairs.
Too much points racing broadcasting. What about the guys running in 30th?
ESPN: Jimmie Johnson is NOT the Story Of The Day. It is the RACE! This will be a long day.
They finally point out that jJ can't lost the lead today. even if he finishes last. Which he won't. I can do without the play by play garage cam.
WOW! They can NOT leave the garage with JJ..good grief...just kindof amusing myself with how long the booth will FLIP OUT and FOCUS on JJ
Pitiful, ain't it? ;-)
How would they (48) ever be able to pass post race inspection replacing all the rear end parts?
Carl Edwards with a little media smackdown!
Guess we now know where the race stands in ESPeeN's estimation --
the 48 gets the big window, the race gets the small window.
Wide shot would be nice to get some perspective on how cars are lined up on the track.
Oh, good grief ---
The BIG STORY is NOT Jimmie Johnson.
It's the RACE !!!
But, what do I know, I'm just a fan.
Steve, once a car is involved in a wreck it is not exactly expected to fit templates again. They won't tech that car after the race, i guarantee that.
In all seriousness though, ESPN needs to un-fixate on JJ's repairs, touch up on it when the repairs are done and just track the race right now. Re-hashing the points won't matter because Jimmie should probably pick up a minimum of 5 places before the end. Follow the race please, not the Chase
you would think that we have never seen a car repaired before...did you know there was a race today? evidently we are going to have the pleasure of watching 2 guys garage formerly of the speed channel.
87 out, 36 out
had tv muted...What did Carl say on media?
Need to find PRN..on roomies laptop
I guess since Hornish isn't in the Chase, we won't see the damage to his car.
I'm sorry, but unless ABC/ESPN does the 'timer' while team is fixing a car (and showing the repairs being done) for EVERYONE, don't do it at all.
Interesting to see how many new nicknames for ESBN we have.
BTW, what does DSPN mean?
This stupid "points as they run" is maybe the most annoying thing in these broadcasts. It is the most meaningless thing you could possibly tell me.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME????????????
spli screen with LARGE on on JJ's repair.
JUST when ya think ESPN can't get worse.
They jumped the shark before so I don't know what to call this mess.
back to football game ( and I'm not even a fan, really)
I wonder what BSPN would do if Jimmie's engine blows.
Anonymous said...
This stupid "points as they run" is maybe the most annoying thing in these broadcasts. It is the most meaningless thing you could possibly tell me.
November 8, 2009 3:54 PM
*sigh* Better get used to it. I have a feeling it will said every 5 minutes for the rest of the day.
My hometown Giants are going to start in a few minutes, maybe I can get some entertainment out of that.
Chad's earning his paycheck today.
ESPN is having a tough time figuring out how to do this.
Another Jimmie update....
No Jerry its not the story for right now. could we have the race in the BIG box please.
man these single shots is getting on my nerves
Dr. Punch says, "the story is what's happening...to the three time champion..jimmie johnson." Some people just don't get it. There in lies the problem with the ESPN broadcasts.
You've got to be kidding me ...
Split screen of Jimmie's car in the bigger box ...
What is the point in watching this disaster???
JD says "ESPN is having a tough time figuring out how to do this".
Because it's not in the script. No back up plan. This is bad.
We will yearn for the return of FOX.
Then when that happens, we will wait for TNT.
For now, I'd rather watch the Giants, even if they get their @X$es kicked.
I'll leave it to you guys to explain why I'm saying this.
Sorry, Brad, but we Texans do NOT call Turn 2 the Texas rattlesnake.
Bah, humbug
Oh Look! There's a race going on!
We can't even rely on the ticker anymore, it is the points as of now.
bite your tongue, Chris...I'm hoping they've regrouped.
Since MRN is not on today but PRN is, are those guys worth tuning into or are they also POSSESSED with JJ?
Bengals are winning and not turning off if it's same "Garage Cam" news, via radio
man ESPN just sucks. cover the race and let the Jimmie Johnson story play out.
Rusty's blind ...
Sammy did NOT hit Jimmie ...
Disney just keeps sinking to all-time new LOWS ...
Go back to the friggin' race, DSPN! Morons! Idiots! Forget Jimmie for the rest of the race.
Pit stops in a couple of laps. Let's see how they get covered.
Listen you idiots, JJ is the story. You people are freakin morons.
Ive been watching football, checked in for an update and saw the 48 was last. I went to NASCAR.com to see the highlight. Could Jerry Punch have been more DULL when the #48 wrecked? That should have had a HUGE reaction especially when ESPN is so FOCUSED on the championship rather then the race. They need to have AB doing play by play or something. And I agree with most people. ESPN needs to stop with the "Big Story" Bull $#!t.
We're watching Kurt Busch...
for what reason? Sponsorship mention?
TX rattlesnake....that was interesting huh?
Oh boy, full screen pit stops. Just whay we all like!
seeing the guy in the welding hat made me think of the line, 'what are you doing Jimmie?' "Welding, Chad"
that Valvoline on the 43 looks so weird...
Glen - JJ's saying - sitting Chad!
Epic Fail.
I hope they reset the field after this mess. I am lost again
JD, if Brad ever met a real Texas rattler, he jump out of his skin.
Debris caution coming up next?
If Jimmie Johnson is the story then everybody else should park their car now.
If they insist on showing full screen pit stops, could they at LEAST keep the stop watch running. Thru the entire stop? For all the cars?
Are these pit stops under GF racing??????????
No split screen? Zowie.
I hear cars running but we just see one after another on the tv screen???
ESPN stayed for all the pit stops instead of going to commercial. +1 Positve Comment
Sophia-PRN is ESPN Lite when it comes to JJ. They interrupted ten minutes of green flag racing at California to give a campaign speech about what an interesting, fun-loving guy Johnson is because he was messing around on a golf cart. Listen at your own risk.
OK, I am lost already. Lap 61.
...I missed the wreck, but this is what Terry Blount wrote: "Johnson was running on the outside line exiting Turn 2 when Sam Hornish's car got loose inside and slid up into Johnson's car. Johnson almost saved it up by the wall, but slid back down the track into Hornish again." Is that not what happened? That would make it Sam's doing. I'm sure they'll show it again, mind you. 45 times.
I've been listening to the 48 scanner. JJ silent and still in the car. Chad has only dropped the F bomb once and is so calm as he directs others it's amazing. Too bad he's not on TWIN this week. Now if I could just stop throwing up.
That's why I just used the world's strongest 2-word statement to describe this coverage.
And to all these early holiday commercials - a bah-humbug to them.
hey gang! just got in: will catch up w/comments & join you soonest.
Bobby L got a pass thru to fast enering
But if this turns into the Kyle Busch show (not just the race, but the 'story'), I'll have the Giants game on soon....
Anon at 4:13 - that's not exactly how it happened.
@ nrf, thanks for the update.
Full screen JJ repairs again.
@Sophia--there's a race going on at PRN. They do updates but it' not all about JJ all the time. The updates are quick and to the point.
Dammit, Kyle.
Let someone who is running for a championship win for once. You didn't do that on Friday.
Why is Jeff Gordon back to 11th? How many cars are on the lead lap? Why are we watching 1 car on the screen?
The full screen pitstops has to be some lame attempt at giving the cars sponsors the television time they are asking for. Remember the report that came our a few months ago that showed how much time Jimmy and Jeff were getting compared to everyone else??
I am willing to bet a lot of the sponsors are complaining of no tv time and asking why they should re-up....
In other words, full screen pitstops brought to you by na$car
Tim S! 10 minutes?!
Thank you for the PRN tip.
Yes I ALSO think they are BSPN Lite. Well, got some fresh air and sunshine, eating leftovers, and tired.
Maybe I should have a glass of wine and just amuse myself with the aggravation that is SURE TO STAY WITH US.
MRN, if you guys will call my house to give pxp, I will send cookies and brownies. :-0
Missin my MRN. . .
p.s. Anybody got Brian France's addy
@ Dot
Saw your sick freak tweet on BF and best laugh I had all day. Squeak!!! ;)
Anon @ 4:13 - No, that's not what happened ... Mark was loose & slow ... He'd backed up to Sammy / Reut / Jimmie ... Reut got into Sammy sending him up the track as Jimmie was tryin to go around ... Jimmie & Sammy got together ... Jimmie spins & then collects Sammy and then Jimmy spun into the inside wall
BS61 - I have to have live leaderboard open since I'm not getting the field summary updates enough.
I am flooded on Twitter by fans who have no idea where their driver is or how he got there.
Jimmie bleeding the brakes now. Won't be long until he's back on the track and the JJ love-fest will continue.
This single car business is making me furious. Aren't there more cars running?
And why replay in full screen, a previous pit stop under green?
The BMS track president is on PRN and he just said he is going to combine every marching band in their county to play the national anthem before their next race.
twitter is where I found out about lebonte's pass thru.
Twitter is better than tv. reporters in the garage and people updating leaders and points without all the BS
Why are these radio stations being so frickin' cheap!?
Why don't they just put the PRN broadcast online so the rest of us can listen to it!?
JD I know where my driver is but the it's the 48 :( Now if you want to talk about the other cars I follow clueless.
48 has restarted the engine!
Sophia-Maybe it just felt that way because nothing at all was being said about what was happening on the track.That and I can't stand JJ so I'm a little biased. Probably more like three to five. I'll shut up now.
Ok I lied, I tried PRN, coming in fuzzy, and they are talking Bristol????
Where's David when we need him to explain this mess?
JG lost positions 'cause his car was way too loose.
Anon 4:13: I replayed JJ crash quite a few times and Reuti started it off by getting into Sam who then got into JJ.
NEW LOWE'S COMMERCIAL: (Chad) "What are you doing Jimmy?" (Jimmy) "Wreckin' Chad"
Single car / Crew Chief shot tells the viewers so much! (sarcasm)
This is bad.
where is the radio link
one of the benefits of JJ wrecking is that Tony Stewart is now on JJ's hot pass channel!!! YES!
THIS JUST IN: Sam Hornish brings out a caution!!!!!
better grab youself a beer. My NASCAR radio station is fuzzy, they are going off topic (PRN not MRN :) )& just finished a Bristol Promo.
Bengals won, and I think I need a glass of wine and just know, this is a &^%$*@( broadcast and enjoy the comments here.
BUT Since we took a walk today and came in in time to turn ON race and SEE JJ mess up his car, I am walking before next CUP race:)
oops Hornish spins for 3rd time.
This fuzzy PRN has go go.
For those of you watching on ESPN, the Busch brothers were just battling for the lead.
There's that debris caution I was talking about. Debris on wheels.
I really don't understand how, with all the technology they have at their disposal today, I can be totally lost as to who is running where and how far back. 20 years ago with less cameras and tech I could keep track of all the cars without too much trouble. Ridiculous.
Anonymous said:
where is the radio link
Like I said before, the radio stations like to be cheap. There are a lot of fake links. None of them are to the actual live broadcasts.
Is the 48 starting and parking part of Chad's strategy today, you know, like running in the rear at 'dega?
Triple split....here we go.
Blew it and missed the race off pit road totally. Amazing.
No reason to watch this disaster
Triple split fail...again. Why is this so difficult?
Chris, it's NASCAR, not PRN/radio. They don't allow them to do that. But....that doesn't mean a few don't slip through the cracks...
Is that Robby Gordon I cought sight of briefly coming off pit road? He's still on the lead lap? He's still in the race? This is SO frustrating!
Shoot the producer who summons this EmessPN. I'd rather watch the Giants eff up a fake FG.
82 penelty to fast on exit
Hello all. Packer game is over. From reading the comments I see this is another bad telecast. The JJ show and the car isn't even running.
Recap...no. Race lineup on ticker...no. Anything to sort through this mess?
So, rather than reset the field before going back green, they have the point standings on the ticker. Get the baboons out of the production truck.
ESPN is packing their bats and balls and going home. They'll leave it to PRN and the Sprint Screen for the remainder of the race. Miffed the race went off script.
Doc can't wait to leave Texas and watch the Country Music Awards...
For those wanting radio please google WPSK FM
Ok got PRN clear
can't give links here, I understand if even this gets deleted
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