The racing TV season starts with the Rolex 24 as the first major event. This sports car race from Daytona is a classic, despite the recent changes in rules. The field is smaller this season, with perhaps a more specific focus on Grand Am cars.
We will keep this post open for the 3-10PM coverage to get your comments on how the race is being produced, the announcers and your level of interest in watching a variety of drivers participate in this American endurance event.
To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
Who ready for a soggy start in the Rolex 24??? Lot's of rain coming at Daytona. It should be interesting.
Looking at the weather radar...not very good!
Starting to rain in Daytona. 1:15PM.
Is this on Speed, or does it start on Fox, then move to Speed like it has the past couple of years?
All SPEED, coverage starts at 3PM ET.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
I am so ready to see Andy Lally and the 66 TRG Team jammin!
Hope it does not flood. Rain is fine, then dry out for later on.
Since Bright House does not offer the NFL Network, I don't have to worry about watching Tebow at the Senior Bowl, so my focus is 100% Rolex 24 at Daytona.
Will be ck'g TDP blog and my preview blog, “The Rolex 24 Is Here!!” on www.UWantSomeRacing.com.
Rain or shine, glad the start of Speedweeks is in less than an hour.
Should be fun to see how the Red Dragon goes in its race after that nasty crash and everything they did to rebuild that beast,
That was pretty daggone amazing.
Every year it seems 2 rain. Will b interesting on how the guys get it done. Good Luck 2 all .
Here we go sports fans!!!!!!!
The one hour "pre-race/pre-season" show that was just shown was the best specialty motorsports production show I'd seen in a while. Congratulations to NASCAR Media Group (NASCAR owns Grand-Am) for a well done piece. I know that Speed's presentation will be first rate, it always is. My wish would be that they would broadcast all 24 hours as they once did. Nothing like taking a cat nap and wakeing up at 2 or 3 in the morning, flip on the TV and see what's happening. The next thing you know, the sun's up and your getting ready for breakfast, while still watching a race. I'd like to think that's what heaven is all about. The North American racing season is about to begin! 2010 is officially here! Have fun everyone!
Bucky B
South Florida
Personally I am looking forward to ther race because it starts the racing season back in earnest and is usually a good lead in to the Daytona 500.
Hello! National Anthem!!!!
Flippin' back & worth between Rolex 24 & make-up sale on QVC-day doesn't get any better than that!!
You don't need make-up! Must be for your mom, right?
One of the things I really like about SPEED's coverage is their announcers. They're some of the best in any form of motorsports.
I agree with Karen B. Even when Calvin Fish mis-calls the race winner in Grand Am as he did several times last season, he makes fun of his mistakes and takes his lumps like a man. Calvin, Dorsey, David and Bob, etc. Some of the best in the business.
Bucky B
South Florida
Rain already? Good old reliable Florida!
JD-yep, that's it! ;) I'm a natural beauty..
It wouldn't be the 24 hours with out a little precipitation.
Looks like DIS as a new flag stand. Looks pretty cool.
Bucky B
South Florida
I missed the announcer introductions and I'm not familiar with the Grand AM announcers - who's doing what today?
What great information about the voltage and track conditions. That's what I mean about the announcers being the best.
David Hobbs and Bob Varsha are starting in the infield.
Upstairs is Leigh Diffey, Dorsey Schrader and Calvin Fish.
Several wet pit road reporters.
@Karen - Agreed, nice to see technical stuff like that! Also very nice to get it without cutting to some iteration of a Tech Center.
@ Andrew
Bob Varsha and David Hobbs in the "infield studio" position.
Calvin Fish, Dorsey Scrader and Lee Diffey calling the race.
(Sorry for any names I misspelled.)
@JD and Karen - Thanks!
This is just freakin' crazy racing in these conditions! I love this race!
Great wide shot as they entered the bus stop under green for the first time. Anything could've happened. Well done.
Bucky B
South Florida
Fantastic camera work! Racing in the big box. Headlights, headlights, headlights. Cutting away to show battles. Very wide angles.
You guys remember it....exciting racing?
It's more difficult to remember exciting camera work and announcers. :-)
ESPN execs should be forced to watch this in the same way Alex was in "A Clockwork Orange".
Calvin will always make a Grand Am racing exciting. His enthusiasm is infectious. Even 20 hours into the race, he'll find a way to make it exciting. His style fits Grand Am. Great balance with him and Dorsey. We should see that in other forms of race broadcasting JD. If you know what I mean.
Bucky B
South Florida
Great post KarenB! I love the Clockwork Orange reference.
Bucky B
South Florida
And Shannon Spake and Jamie Little should take notes on how to do a proper pit report. Prompt, accurate, pertinent information. What a concept...
Jeez, SPEED is putting it all out there with their online presence at this race. Nice to see them using so many resources as they can to give us fans a complete experience.
Pretty darn good start for SPEED!
Well race fans rejoice!!!! Cause we now have racing and I couldnt be any happier! Looks like as if the rain is gone and thats great to hear
ah looks like ill be in front of my tv all day and night
Also a strong field of drivers for the Allstar race later should be one heck of race
What a concept indeed KarenB.
Unfortunately for me, I've missed ID'd Leigh Diffey as Calvin Fish all day. My bad. Leigh is the lead announcer for Grand-AM along with Dorsey Schoeder. Calvin Fish is usually on pit road. My bad.
I always feel bad for the camera people in these conditions. But they do the best they can keeping the lenses clear. A big shout out those guys!
Bucky B
South Florida
How do you miss a restart in a 24-hour race? :p
kbaskins what online presence??? I went to speeds web sight and clicked the 24 hours link and it just brought me to a sight promoting the race??? I see nothing w online feed of the race am I missing something?
Bad timing on the break. No excuse. But going into a break they stayed with the action with trouble on the race track. Does that make up for it? :-)
Bucky B
wow, tire blow out and a spin in the rain. glad they are all OK.
I like these announcers and the camera work so far.
Jonathan, you can go to Grand-AM.com for their live timing and scoring, if that's what you are looking for.
Bucky B
South Florida
@ Jonathan
They came back from a commercial with a laundry list of features, like questions for drivers, feature material, etc.
Didn't pay much attention about where to find it, though. Sorry, I'm an ijit.
Jonathan, you are already in midseason form!
The info is at Grand Am, not the TV network.
whoa was that guys mustache real???
LOL Jonathan! He's the host of "My Classic Car" on Speed. Yes, it's real
Bucky B
Yeah DP just excitied bout the race seaon here, this offseason has seemed much longer than most maybe with all the news and goings on in the buisness
Just in case I can't be in room where SPeed is, can somebody tell me a place to maybe see some of this somewhere else?
DM me on Twitter or email me, please? Long story but can't be where digital box is at the momento. :)
Cars on the track going fast.
Late to the opening, but enjoying the racing. Strange things happening in the wet.
Good commentary regarding the rain tires and wipers for those not used to this type of racing in these conditions.
Bucky B
im not a chevy guy but that one looks nice! Has an older stock car look to it in the front or is it just me
Oh well, family is back and lost control of the remote. Sorry Rolex 24 good thing I have the DVR running
Been looking forward to the 24 for weeks. I wish they'd get a few more than 15 DPs in the field...hopefully they find a few more entries as the season goes on.
Speed also has one of the best all-around broadcast crews in racing, IMO. Leigh Diffey is one of the best lead announcers out there, a close second to Mike Joy on my list. Glad he's doing the Rolex Series again.
yikes no grip w the slicks
The signs say we are in Milton Florida, on the panhandle. We are freezing. Is this a joke :-)
Actually in motorhome enjoying the 24hrs. Hope FOX & ESPN are watching. This is great. Love the pictures and the announcing. Will forgive a few mistakes. First race.
Arrive Daytona Beach tomorrow. We are early (sad story). Should have waited 1 more day so we could watch last part of 24hrs. Will follow blog on way.
Ps...Thks JD...I really don't want to sign up for Facebook. Know you may change for NASCAR, but I can enjoy this while it lasts :-)
All the NASCAR stuff is moving there. Teams, sponsors, manufacturers, drivers, everything.
You can keep everything private and the community is growing.
Looks more and more like Twitter and Facebook for the races this season.
I had just started a FB page so I could keep in touch with some of my friends in distant places. And of course, when I saw that you had started one, JD, I had to sign up so I can keep up.
Very cool to see cars on the track and I hope that the Fox and ESPN people are watching. Such a contrast in the way this broadcast is being done.
Sorry that the weather is not good in FL. Light snow here in NJ.
I have a couple of poor souls who exhibit their personal problems through profanity and hateful speech.
I tried to make everyone members, but they just signed up over and over again when I banned them.
Facebook says they will handle any problems I have with comments and welcomes new fan pages like TDP.
I think that along with Twitter, that is the place we will hold live chat this season.
Some people who are loudly objecting on Twitter to this change are not even using their real name on Twitter. That should drive home the point.
Loving the Rolex 24 coverage!!
anyone know if there's a online running order to follow?
great line "bear bond. it's like duct tape on steroids."
and hey, boris? nascar drivers used to tape styrofoam cups to their heels before heat shields were on the scene . . .
You can get live timing and scoring over on the Grand Am website.
thanks, jd! heading there in a second.
(remember: don't take anyone's crap personally, ya' know? it's your decision to make & your reasons for it are valid. but if it keeps up, i'm thinking there's an "unfollow" button that i might be using . . .)
@jonathan: that was one nice "overtake" by your guy!
JD I'm one of those that haven't gone facebook yet so I have a question. Can I make it really generic, I don't mind if TDP followers find me but I really don't need a bunch of people I haven't seen in 30 years etc.
Interesting apology for interview during the National Anthem from Bob Varshaw
Yes, you control totally who sees what and can even use a spouse or child to originate an account.
Nothing is open or searchable unless you want it to be. My fan page is for NASCAR stuff, my other is personal.
EVERYONE in racing is there.
@nrf: i did the FB "thing" just b/c of TDP, nothing else. on my page, i left a note that i won't be checking it, that my freinds and e-friends can find me elsewhere and that i won't be checking that page at all. no personal information, no photos, just my usual photo so those who know me elsewhere can see it.
like anything else, it can be as safe or as risky as one chooses to make it.
of course, now that other nascar folks are jumping in, i may have to expand my horizons and visit more sites. but i already decided it would all be JUST for feeding my racing addiction!
(by the way: loved the showtime episode on the 48 team and thought of you whie i watched!!)
@JD were you calling Pammmmmmmm's mom ugly earlier :p
@West Coast Diane yup as JD said you can make yourself practically invisibe or use aliases. I have a few friends on there who have alises one isn't even a name.
My 'puter picked a HORRIBLE time to die on me :(. Missing the racin' tinight :(.
Great TDP family checking on me when I was MIA on Twitter <3.
I ditto the comments on the announcers that SPEED uses. They're awesome and need to school some others :).
Jimmie is WHEELING that thing!
Red & JD I've taken the punge and I like your idea Red. I wish I didn't have to use my real name but oh well. Still trying to get the bugs out but we'll seet. Yes the HBO special was great. I knew he works out but WOW, Carl Edwards look out.
Gymmie-I took it that JD was telling me how purty I was from my FB pic w/pupster! Besides, my mama has been passed for YEARS-ain't no make-up gonna help her look better at this pt!!! :)
Well done Dario! Good stint. Go get 'em JPM!
Bucky B
South Florida
@Pammmmm on yes I figured he was doing something like that! Oh no :( know it's been a while but *hugs*.When I'm back up I'll have
to look you up. I'll try now but somethings are frustrating to do on the phone. At least I can check in on y'all on it :).
@red you don't have to use your real name. I have one friend on there as 'I am Name' and another with just her first name and part of her last name and initial of the rest of it.
Thanks Gymmie, I'l have to see if I can change it. I wanted to use Newracefan but it wouldn't let me, maybe I'll mess with it tomorrow.
Great to see cars racing again!Certainly has been eventful so far!
JD, I love this site, but just can't get escited about Facebook and Twitter, etc. I'll just hang out here as long as you're willing.
nice nice nice this is getting good!! Oh wait and we still have 4 hours of the Nascar Allstar event on my
Colin Braun's now in the #75! Go Colin!
WOW AJ showing how to get it done Nascar Style :P
Who thought the fireworks were a good idea? oops! :-0
Bucky B
South Florida
Thanks for all the great comments! Back in the AM for the finish!
Woke up this morning and our team is 15 laps down but pushing. The weather there is like Houston today very cloudy and cool. Looking forward to see who is there at the end. Great booth guys too. I like Dorsey Schroeder a lot.
The 01 car had a drive through penalty for jumping a re-start around 7:30. Even though the car was back in the GT pack, they should've had a camera on him as he was the third place car, last car on the lead lap. They didn't have a view of the offending race start. Bad form Speed. Not the way to start the morning.
Bucky B
South Florida
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