Tonight was supposed to bring the Camping World Truck Series race on SPEED as the big conclusion to an All-Star day. Instead, rain interrupted the final cars of the Sprint Cup qualifying and has delayed the truck race.
Update #2 - Krista Vode on the air with the pre-race at 9:30PM, so expect trucks racing around 10PM live on SPEED from CMS.
We will continue to post updates, but as of 7PM ET we are told the rain is coming down harder then before. Sorry folks, stay tuned to SPEED for schedule updates.
Update #1 - Now told the rain has stopped and the jet dryers are working the track. Should be 9:30PM ET at least before the track is dry.
Driver Jennifer Jo Cobb from the CWTS is saying the truck race could start at last as 10:30PM ET.
Still raining right now at CMS.
If they that late do hope everyone takes the time to nap :)
Speed is showing last year's truck race but I don't recall them saying that beforehand.
Vicki, I missed that too...I'm thinking, wasn't it raining, lol? But I was messing with my PC so I mighta missed something.
Yeah, by then the trucks will be racing on Monday.
any chance the Waltrips will be too tired and decide not to be involved with he broacast????
Dare to Dream Dare to Dream....
Simple easy when you have Nephews
around watching the tv. For example
Max - 12 years old said ..Why does that guy with the really bad
suthin accent ..talk so much ??
Case closed. He really is getting to be MORE OBNOXIOUS THAN
EVER. aND THATs the way it is
good nite gone click **********
Yeah, DW wouldn't stop talking during trackside and I don't normally watch it but hubby wanted to. Couldn't wait til it was over then Speed started showing last year's Charlotte race. And they left it with 25 laps or so to go and went to the pre-race show. Hope the truck race is not too much longer before the start I might not be able to stay up that late if it doesn't go green soon.
JD, good to have you providing all of us this forum, thanks for that. Not to get off subject but I see my buddy Chris has hit a media bump on the track. Oops! I really did not understand the big deal other than his comments seemed like they were off of racing but he brought the thought home as his point was made about the racers helping. He's smarter than people know. Very smart. How did he insult minorities? Am I missing something? Maybe I did not read enough? Do you have an opinion on it quickly before the green?
Looking forward to getting this going.
JD, tomorrow the green flag for that Showdown is going to be wild! 2 cars with no business being up there leading the outside, it's going to be huge!
Hey TV,
I added the Chris Myers story to the mainpage posts. Just go back to the main page and scroll down.
He apologized today for his comments, but that is not the point for this blog.
As I said in the post, he has the right to any political view. What he did was express his view at the wrong time and place.
Luckily, it's over and FOX is almost done for this year with NASCAR. Should be interesting when Myers is the sideline reporter for an NFL game in the Superdome.
David, that is going to be a cluster!
Glad to see the truck race start. It'll give me something to watch after the hockey games end!
Now that were going to get this going I was curious as to how long this race was scheduled for and the time slot for this race on Speed was for 2 1/2 hours.
Charlie, SPEED has certainly had a wild weekend so far. Last night, that storytellers ran way over and they hung tough.
JD, you are right, nuff said. I don't care what Fox does anymore. I was loyal to them and Speed for over three years and they tossed me out like a rag just to save a couple bucks. I am now out of work, broke and tonight hitting a low point. I will be OK. But-- Never mind the quality of the broadcast vs the almighty dollar. The show has gotten worst with every race. I thought that Fox had the best thing going for a while but not anymore. They have let the bean counters make the rules and as a result the "saving" are showing up on the air not only in quality but the general moral of their troops. They use you up, eat you for breakfast then spit you out. The fans on your Blog have no idea how stupid it really is behind the scenes. I used to joke and say, "are we really doing a national broadcast or is this a kid pretending to be doing a TV show in his basement?" They, the Assistants producers, the producers, the directors and all the heads haven't a clue about racing and treat the sport like it's a joke. They don't want to learn either. "They" on the other hand revere Baseball and Football. It is showing up now in the show and your people are seeing it live and in color. Yes thank goodness they are done with Cup.
Interesting report from X-Ray.
FOX and SPEED are in the middle of a major transformation right now for sure.
What emerges as the new SPEED should be interesting.
I thought that his report was a little bit under investigated and may have needed some more facts before airing. NASCAR will not be pleased with him and Speed over that one.
The booth is making it worst now.
Yeah strange story by Ray, was it just a mistake on the crew member's part for not tightening the lug nuts or did someone actually loosen 11 of them. Like MW said, I can't believe someone doing that since there are so many people standing around and could notice. If they don't start soon, I'll be asleep before the green.
When did they qual?
I think Rick is doing a great job.
He has a future.
Qualifying was at 3:30 today
Please rise and be proud to be a hard working American.
Ouch. that hurt my ears a little. I guess the better you look the better you sound.
They did not get all the cars qualified. Cancelled it after rain to get trucks in tonight.
Nobody could get near that truck and loosen lug nuts. Someone on the team screwed up and will pay for that one. It would have been better to keep NASCAR outta it.
LOTTO really helps huh?
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If the temperature went down and some how loosen the lug nuts, would not other trucks have this problem to.
Lets go racing.
Was that for the Lotto blog that you follow?
Ren said they were 3 rounds loose
It was on TV as the sponsor of the race and for Speed. Slightly close to the subject mister moderator. LOL
NASCAR has squelched that nutty story already. Ray may be slipping again.
The only loose nuts around here is me! They made me that way. LOL
Just give us Racebuddy for the truck race.
This has to be the latest race start time in NASCAR history. Any later it would be tomorrow. (midnight)
zzzzzz yall go to bed or are you asleep in the recliner?
PRN is messed up
The guy thought that the Tire Monkey truck got into Austin ... and that's how Tire Monkey got the damage
The July Cup race in Daytona back in 2005 was around 11PM and got done around 2AM. I was there and that was brutal.
We usually do not get a lot of comments during the truck race because the fans are actually watching...the race!
Oh yea, that one in Daytona. I was working it too. I think I must have blocked it out. It was brutal, long day and long night. No drinks at the hotel bar after that one. They were all closed up at the Hilton.
Smoke sending a message to the booth. That was cool.
opps, more loose nuts.
How about that, following a Group of cars for a few laps and even threw in a blimp view.
Rick has some great pipes. Makes the race exciting. Better than the Cup announce guys.
Who is in the chair?
SPEED's crew. Keith and Roger.
Much better than Barry's work. he runs the deal like a madman and I think the loyals are fed up with it.
No teamwork. Thus the bad broadcast.
Just basic camera use.
old school
PRN had the report and they were talking directly with Rick Ren who said that it was not loose when they sent Kyle out to qualify. They went in and re-torqued all their wheels as a result.
NASCAR will be investigating and already is.
TVTrucker, thanks for the insight, I thought for awhile maybe I just saw it as that but glad to know someone who lived inside it saw the same things too.
Wow, big wreck there
Yes it is old school. Neil was his mentor but didn't teach him everything he knew. Neil is sharp.
Barry relies on the younger people on his team to huck it up a little. It just done't work. (like the saw Mark in half during the race TNT comedy disaster.)
David, you are welcome. You would not believe how un-rehearsed, un-planned and goofy it is.
You folks on this Blog are helping me realize a lot of things about the way they handle racing TV broadcasts. Your comments are fascinating.
WOW, I thought it was just me being overly critical while I worked with them. Too funny, I just realized that. Thanks Dave!
Wait till tomorrow night. The NASCAR on FOX team is handling the production for SPEED of the All-Star race.
Oh boy....
It's like they tried to re-invent the wheel. And it turned into an octagon...sure it works but man its rough!
I get they are trying to cater to the "casual fan" aka joe schmo who doesn't care diddily for NASCAR and they keep forcing NASCAR to change the way it operates to fit TV when it should be the other way around. I really felt the debacle at Talladega last Oct by ABC covered it quite nicely when they flat out criticized NASCAR and the racing because it wasn't what they tried to hype out all week.
Hopefully someone wakes up soon though, for FOX having these "production meetings" every Tuesday and everyone on the broadcast getting a DVD of the race, clearly no one seems to be watching or someone is in complete denial about what they are seeing.
Thank God for SPEED and now ESPN (man, whoda thunk that after the last 3 years lol)
David, I promise you that me, being a raised around the sport fan/person, I was the ONLY member of the entire FOX crew that cared at all about the sport, with the exception of the one other dude and the retired racer announcers. No one else even knew anything about racing and often made jokes about how boring it was. Once again, as I said, the talent guys did care about racing and have a knowledge of racing.
Don't forget about pit producer Pam, she has a ton of experience. Wish she was producing.
TVTrucker, what was it that you did for Fox? Did you try to make it a better show and weren't able to?
It's cool that Speed announces the sponsors of the cars names. Fox created that rule a while back and that helped kill the sponsorship business.
JD, you are correct, but she ain't a fan.
LOL!!! pace car got a flat
Jaime, moved equipment from track to track and set up, mopve a truck umpteen times a race, tear down, plus--- answer a bunch of questions, hurry up and wait, put up with all kinds of stupidity, jump thru hoops, and how high, not to forget tolerating and fielding some tremendous egos cause they are all superstars. Not the racers, the talent. (maybe that is a part of the problem)
TVTrucker, do you try and suggest things and they just wouldn't take them? were you setting up the TV trucks? how often do they have to move each week?
Jaime, can't tell you everything I did as I would love to. But, my stuff was always done with taste. Oh they love suggestion as they don't have the brains to come up with ideas. It shows doesn't it?
why did you leave it? Just fed up with them? how about trying to get on with one of the other networks?
Cut my Budget 45%, specialized work and yes I am burned out on the entire BIG picture. Rather be broke than deal with it.
Thanks for hanging in there everyone! Have a great night/morning!
don't tell me you were the graphics guy....i'm really NOT a fan of the new style graphics they are using. Even ESPN's sucks. I like simpler and cleaner. ESPN's 2000 graphics were best I felt. Also that wasted space on splits screens now. Ugh.
Good race tonight, SPEED stayed tough and did wonderful, catch you guys tomorrow! night!
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