Here we go again with the second try at getting the Camping World Truck Series race underway from Gateway in St. Louis, MO.
Conditions are going to be very different now in the heat of the day. On TV, there will be no pre-race show and the trucks should be taking the green only minutes after SPEED gets on the air. Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip return to call the race. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander are the pit road reporters.
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Here we go again!
Wow, it's going to be a very hot day!
I wish they wouldn't allow shirtless men to sit in the stands of these races! Ugh!
I didn't think I would miss the white Jimi Hendrix wannabe
That was painful.
Didn't the booth guys bring another Speed shirt with them?
Looks like they just took them out of the packages and put them on.
I'm thinking on working on a theme for today's race - men's clothing or to be specific - shirts.
Same shirts and it's blazing hot. Think these trucks are set up for the heat?
The chick was painful ... just like the guy last night ...
Isn't there any churches / military near STL who have someone that can sing it ?????
Stands are EMPTY!
Yeah me bad I had to mute the anthem. It's going to be hot in the trucks, on pit road and in the empty stands!
Probably too hot to sit on the metal!
95 ambient ... on metal grandstands ...
Bouncing from camera to camera every couple of seconds is not the way I want to watch a race. Little difficult to follow.
There's more people on the pit crews than there are people in the stands.
Was that an official "settle down boys" caution??
No one crashed, but they were about to....
You can tell after just a few laps how well the camera work is going to be. This camera work is rather choppy and not much flow to it.
Happy Double Header Race Day Planeteers <3
Yup I don't blame folks for not wanting to sit on metal benches :( But bless those who came out.
Remember the big wreck last week?
I remember the big wrecks from 6 yrs ago today ... at this track ... LOL ;-)
Seriously ... This would be so much better with a MRN station carrying it ... as well as an online leaderboard *coughnascardotcomcough*
NASCAR just hired the top online exec from Disney. No clue why but they have to make some changes ASAP.
When under green race conditions why do they follow a truck going to the pits and forget about the race.
They might just miss a wreck by doing this.
Oh, they just did miss a wreck.
Anyone wanna bet he felt a vibration?
Charlie, seems pretty simple to me!
I hope they fix the website layout...that site is a hot mess! I don't even try to find anything there just put in Google what I want and make it do the work!
I always laugh at that commercial where Larry Mac says "whatever you need, I promise you NA$CAR.com has it" yes it MAY BE there Larry Mac IF you can find it on that hot mess of a site!
When I first started watching, the truckseries.com site was the best kept secret out there. He had everything on there including practice, qualifying and race leaderboards. Not sure why he doesn't have them anymore :(. He use to also seem to have updates right away now there seems to be some lag. I know it's not easy to run a site but it was a wonderful "go to" site.
Summer's getting a lot of teasing for jinxing Grampa :(
Only a couple yrs ago, NOL had the live leaderboard for Truck practice / qual / races ... even when the P&Q weren't being aired ...
Yesterday, the speeds for both practice sessions didn't show up until about 1/2 hr AFTER the end of Happy Hour ... Qualifying Order didn't show up til right before SPEED started airing it semi-tape delayed ...
How's one supposed to get excited about the races when you can't find info on what's supposed to be the "official" NASCAR site?? It's a rhetorical question ...
tia- I believe this is a MRN broadcast, it's just the "b" or "c" team.
Mikey and Phil are really doing to much pxp for me.
This just came to mind;
7:30 Legends Million
8:00 Dave Burns :(
Speed is really going to lots of in car/bumper/ one truck at a time shots.
Does Michael Waltrip ever take a breath? It makes me dizzy listening to his non stop babble!
Not too sure this is a good setup for the NNS race tonight.
@tia - I have to correct you here, NASCAR.com has never had live leaderboards for anything related to the Truck Series. I've been producing my NASCAR website since 2001 and have always had to wait for NASCAR's updates after the fact for Truck-related information.
@Gymmie - TruckSeries.com used to have a qualifying live leaderboard for the Truck Series, but I don't believe they ever had practice or race leaderboards.
Glenn - Yeah, I know it's a MRN weekend ... But, my local affiliate as well as one online aren't airing the race
MV - Yes, NOL has indeed had live leaderboards for the Trucks for everything ... Not always for every race ... But, I've seen them have it ... And it's been several years ...
Truck series emergency crews right there after that wreck.
Foot on the brakes Ricky...
Jeffrey Earnhardt will also have a neck ache tonight and tomorrow, like Kevin Harvick!
@martin--I swore he did...guess I'm 'membering wrong :(
@Gymmie - My guess is they had staff at the track and they no longer do. I used to go there for the photo galleries, but they are gone too.
Boy Mikey sure is talking so much!
Jeffrey sure looks like his daddy, doesn't he?
Who else led a lap, besides Aric & Harvick? I'm sure I missed it (or they neglected to say?). Did someone stay out while the leaders were pitting?
Who owns the 29 Kes is driving?
Karen, Kez owns it himself.
Harvick let Hornaday led a lap for the 5 points.
Thanks Steve L.
I was distracted watching IndyCar qualifying online. They have a great online presence that NASCAR could learn tons from. However, they were having technical issues with the live timing & scoring, but video and audio from XM/Sirius was perfect (including an extended audio session with CEO Randy Bernard answering fans' questions). I know JD was a fan of this.
A flag for a smoking truck? What?
Interviews that I have seen & heard with Randy Bernard have been very interesting I like him a lot.
Sure am...
@Steve L. - Looks like the caution may have been for Clay Greenfield's stalled truck, which I just saw getting towed back behind the pit wall. How come the announcers didn't mention that?
4 to 5 wide at the restart and they show the leader by himself pulling away.
Makes you think the people doing the directing of the cameras has no idea how to show a race.
Harvivk & Keselowski up front in a truck race on an off weekend for cup. Young guys don't have a shot anymore. And NASCAR wonders why they are losing fans.
NASCAR hires bigshot IT guy from Disney? That'll really help the competition and at track problems.
Camera views that go from one shot to another with no rhyme or reason.
Chopped up, no flow viewing.
The addition of in-car cams, bumper cams was a big mistake for viewing a race under green. I can see them being used for replay.
Wasn't that long go we were saying Speed did the best job showing a race with these trucks. Not sure what's happened, but the coverage just isn't what it used to be.
David Ragan is one of the drivers who qualified for the Legend's Million feature tonight. Can you hear the whining if a Cup guy comes in and mops that up tonight?
Question - in a 25 lap match race in a CW Series Truck who would you rather bet the farm on - Kevin Conway or Jennifer Jo Cobb?
There is pretty much nobody in the stands. Wonder how that bodes for the Nationwide Series Race tonight?
zzzzzzzz snoozer of a race
Did Waltrip ever shut up?
Anon @3:42
Conway actually seems to be showing improvement. He survived the wreckfest at Daytona and got a good finish. He doesn't qualify very well, but he hangs on to the lead lap much longer than he used to. So, I'd take him over Cobb in a match race. That's not to say that JenJo couldn't get better with more seat time and better equipment. But today, Conway is the better of the also-rans.
NNS up next.....
I just don't get it.... If you attend a truck race, it seems so much more exciting live than on TV. What does it take to show a good broadcast of a race?
This wasn't it. Is it the announcers? Radio is so much more exciting!! They paint a better picture than what we see on TV.
I'd love to see a race on TV using radio announcers! Bet that would be so much better!! But... you still have to have good pictures!
Anon at 3:44 maybe by the start of the NW race, the metal bleachers' temperature will be down enough for folks to be able to sit on them.
TRIED watching the race but stunned at the FOX/BSPN like camera work so turned it OFF :(
Not even gonna try tonight.
ENJOYABLE tv race viewing left me with tnt.
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