Here we go with the Nationwide Series from the Bristol Motor Speedway.
Allen Bestwick starts the show with Ray Evernham, Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty alongside in the Infield Pit Studio. Tim Brewer will be in the Tech Garage.
Marty Reid will call the race with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree. Jamie Little, Vince Welch, Dave Burns and Jerry Punch are on pit road.
This is a fast-paced race that often comes down to the Sprint Cup Series drivers in the field vs. one or two of the best Nationwide Series regulars.
This post will serve to host your comments on the Nationwide Series from BMS. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendy website, please keep that in mind when posting.
1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest»I know AB is having a family crisis. Good thoughts going his way. Now Vince gets his chance.
Yep, AB is a private guy but things have been tough for a bit now. Hope he gets through OK.
So, Shannon is going to be on pit road tonight and Nicole is going to host Countdown tomorrow night.
has AB shared what his family problems are?
Anon at 7:19 - I don't have a clue.
No, I checked with ESPN and they said he wished to keep it private.
Hope it all sorts out for the best.
Lots of hype for this Bristol race. onder if it will live up to expectations?
I certainly hope that whatever is keeping AB away works out OK. And that it doesn't have the same effect on his career that his broken leg did! We miss you, Allen!
Hugs and good wishes to AB and Larry Pearson too.
That is exactly why we needed Jerry Punch to come back to pit road.
I too wish the best for AB. A great guy and great announcer.
Man, I like it when Ray Evernham is on these telecasts.
From AP reporter Jenna Fryer:
Guess what Reutimann ate yesterday that might have made him sick? EGG SALAD.
Thoughts with AB too and hope to see him back at the track soon when the time is right.
Welch doing okay as fill-in. Burns probably would have been better though but is probably lower in the totem pole.
Great update by Punch and I liked seeing Gator's piece again.
Long LONGGG pre-race for the NW series though. Totally unnecessary IMO.
Can you tell Reid is a drag guy?
Hope the booth is better for this race then they were for Cup qualifying.
Funny how Rusty Wallace is such a lobbyist for himself. Really sounds like he wants testing back and changes his tune to whatever suits him best...
Hoping for a great race though, Love Bristol
I was gonna raise he77 with ESPN for putting Vince on instead of AB till\ I saw this, hope it all works out and he's back soon.
Frankly, I am amazed that Vince got himself a suit and tie! Has to be a story there somewhere.
Marty was great on the NHRA and he does a better job here than alot of the NA$CAR retiree's IMO. Much rather listen to him than DW, Mikey, Rusty to name a few.
I see NASCAR.com has the Nationwide scanners up tonite. Has anyone heard anything on them on the officials channel? I did get the page to load, but I'm having issues loading other stuff on the site (couldn't load PRN or PitCommand during qualifying and still can't load PRN). I just wanted to check to see if I needed to reboot my computer so I could hear the scanners or if it's still too early.
Becky, same trouble for me. I have a feeling the word "free" is bringing some big traffic right now.
Yay, JD, thanks for keeping the live blog going. I know its hard work for you, but I really appreciate it.
Sorry to hear about AB's family. I wish him well.
Thanks Gina, it's been interesting watching how working on an Internet project can affect family, friends and real life!
I feel like an ongoing human experiment!
Wow, the pre-race is still going on. I thought by the time I got back from my ride and showered, the race would be on. I think I still have time to eat while they are talking
Happy Race Evening Planeteers <3
I'll miss Allen tonight I hope all is OK :(.
I like Ron glad he was able to stop by :)
Nope it's not you Gina they've had issues all afternoon :(
And yes "free" does = problems JD :(
LOL, JD. Human nature sure is "interesting" and I'm sure you see it all -
This pre-race is waaaaaaaay too long for Cup Lite.
At least tomorrow night we're on ABC, at least we shouldn't get pre-empted by a T-ball tournament!
ROFL! Jeff!
Jeff...the golf tournament could always go to 'overtime'
Looks really hot there...no surprise. I always felt lucky to have beckstretch seats that were in the shade by 3 PM!
Before the race starts, could I ask a favor of all you folks here?
Pass the word about the 3 feet of distance when passing a bike on the road.
I bike for recreation and exercise and I try hard to be courteous to the drivers out there by staying close to the shoulder -- of course on country roads that shoulder can disappear real quick. I know there are a lot of bikers who aggravate drivers by riding in the road and not giving way, but man, I had 2 close calls tonight when the other lane was clear and the driver just crowded the heck out of me. Skinny tires and gravel DO NOT mix. I know from experience and I don't bounce as well as I used to.
If you wouldn't mind, pass the word around and ask people to be kind to bikers.
I'll get off my soapbox now -- thanks!
We've had rain, mud and flooding around here all week and now we get a beautiful night for the race. Bristol Va/Tn blocks off State Street (the state line runs down the center of the street)and both cities have a BIG celebration for the race. The races are the biggest thing that happens here in the mountains and it is headlines for a couple of weeks.
Darn weather forecast calls for a 50% chance of rain tomorrow evening.
I eat eggs for breakfast every morning and when I heard the recall on the news I went and checked the name and the plant # on the almost completely eaten dozen of eggs.
Scary to hear about Reut --
I think I'll have donuts tomorrow!
Saw that flash flooding on the news! That was big.
JD, your blog has made the Nascar experience much more interesting for me.
When you left for awhile before, there was a real void.
I enjoy the personal interest stories in the pre-race.
Now, I really will be thinking about Allen and whatever his situation is.
I learn a lot from the bloggers.
I tried to sign in with google account. but no success today or yesterday.
Marsha - Iowa
Wow-saw Krissy's baby bump in that shot!
Why do so many of these singers sound as if they're constipated? While not the worst, her anguished quashing wasn't great.
Marsha, blogspot has been having some issues, sorry about that.
Thanks for the good words, it been an interesting experience!
Anthem singer was ok... drawn out style which is not my cup of tea, but the voice was ok.
At least we get the NASCAR kids tomorrow night!
Wasn't it quite rude to see the National Aanthem singer with her iPod on?
Also, can we hear 1 normal rendition of the National Anthem anytime soon?
NASCAR.com scanner for NW all screwed up.
OT-Gina, if you are one of the bikers that doesn't jump to the sidewalk in town, stops at signs & lites-you'll get no complaint from me! Glad you are okay. Also, if you buy local eggs, you are good to go!
Surprised Jr is in this race. Nationwide is usually not his cup of tea.
David, what do you have over there? I got nothing.
and I meant Becky not Gina earlier! Had Gina on the brain :)
@OSBORNK :( TN doesn't need rain everyone still drying out from the Nashville floods :(. Yes I always thought that was kewl that Bristol was on the state line. I 'member Dan doing a live QVC with Rusty a few years back on the state line :)
@Pamm--yes I was thinking the same! Baby bumps <3
Gina, two bike riders killed in accidents with cars in last few weeks in my town. One was on a residential street and a pick-up turned right in front of her. She had a helmet, but it didn't help.
Marsha - Iowa
OK, what am I seeing in the stands. Is it my TV or does it seem like a lot of people are wearing red? Ir are the empty seats painted red?
JD ... every once in a while if I click on 'Scan All Drivers', I get a bunch of static and can hear voices but mostly static. I have to refresh the page then I hear nothing. :(
anthem was a 4 at best.
scan all drivers is messed, officials channel is dead, Kyle Busch channel dead, nothing is working right.
Darcie...the terrace level seats are red. That may be what you are seeing?
I'm kind of surprised that Eddie Haskell is going to run the full Nationwide series next year.
He said regardless of the rules too! That's going to be interesting.
Wow! I think Hollywood is trying out for a TV gig-he was great!
There are a lot of people at the race for a Nationwide race. Years ago,before they filled the ends with seats, they would limit us to the stands on one side of the track when the JV race was run.
That Wednesday crowd was huge!
I am trying the scanner and I had it on Kenny Wallace and nothing. Clicked on All Driver and it sounds terrible. You can't understand a thing.
Hollywood is surely auditioning for something! Go Brad!
Marty....Ryan Newman is not in the #39!
Marty just said that there were 65,000 fans for the truck race. What a terrific crowd!
Setzer & Jeff Green look to be off the track already. Look for #90 Miller, #91 Gilliland to join them.
geez, 8:15 and they finally started. Hope they don't do this long a pre-race tomorrow night -- way too much!! I won't be able to stay awake for the end of the race.
I have been watching the top ticker to see where K. Wallace is and each time they do a replay the ticker starts at the beginning again. I have no idea where he is.
Charlie, I share your fustration.
Charlie, the booth is GIDDY over the cup guys leading this race so that's why we don't know where Kenny Wallace is.
The crawler drives me nuts! It takes forever, and if they go to an incar, it starts from #1 again. Frustrating!
Did they just speed it up??
Gymmie - LOL, its nice to have people thinking of me!
PammH, I try very hard to be a good citizen on the road. I made one really big bad boo boo last year and rode through a stop sign -- the truck was VERY annoyed with me and rightfully so. My excuse was that I had been riding only in spin classes all winter and had a mental lapse on the rules of the road. Fortunately, although it was close, I didn't get hit. It was MY fault and I felt really stupid.
JD, still not getting NASCAR.com scanners for this race to work...
I think 8:13 was the scheduled time. Did seem like a long prerace. Julie Roberts--I could swear I've seen her do the anthem before & better than that. She was having issues with the lower range, but compared to some...not so bad (perhaps the Abel guy has made us grateful, lol.
Sounds cutting in & out for me...anyone else?
cup lite overkill. I have to say I'm tired of Kyle Busch the same way I'm tired of Jimmie Johnson.
I fondly remember the 'old days' when they used the drop down in the top left corner. showed 5 cars at a time, and if they had moved up or down. Got thru the field quickly and let you know if a driver was moving up or not.
No, I dumped the scanners. Useless!
Happy birthday, Jerry Punch! I heard them say that earlier - its nice to have him back on pit road doing a great job.
Junior was just lapped! Holy cow!
They've had plently of pols at the track. Mostly conservative Republican NRA members.
btw, Gina...I try and be very careful. I will admit, I get annoyed when bicyclists don't follow the rules, like the other morning there were 2 riding side by side. Last week there were two riding against traffic on a busy street. But that's the exception, most bicyclists are courteous and I try to give them room. My morning drive is near a school so it's even more of an issue when they go back in a few weeks. It's always good to remind people.
There are always those types at the tracks, esp around election time!
I really wish they would ban all these Cup drivers with their big money. There's no chance for a small team to compete.
@ Gina, I agree. Not only will Cuppers stay next year, there will be less stand alone races. The new Nationwide schedule is very underwhelming for next season. I was expecting more short tracks & new standalone events. Shorttracks may not have 50,000 seats, but a track packed with 10,000 fans is better than a half empty speedway.
Good to see them show debris.
Sally, I miss that too but those days are long gone, especially with the aspect ratio of wide screen vs SD.
FOX tried to play with that last night for the preseason game using a HD feed for the whole game...didnt work for me so yeah. not a fan of the mixing technologies.
Ever since they repaved Bristol, it's been boring racing. The old Bristol was much better.
In general, I found the 'big changes' in the schedule for next year underwhelming. Putting the crapshoot opener in Chicago on a Sunday during football/baseball playoff season? really stupid. they did nothing to help the JV series at all.
Darcie, looks like they can run all they want next season but they will not be eligible for the championship if they are fulltime Cup drivers.
So, the car could still win the owners title but a NNS guy would win the driver's title.
Brian France said this week there will not be "a chase" for the NNS guys.
GlenC1 - I do know what you mean, I see that myself and it makes people mad at all bikers. I can't say I blame them, since it bugs me too.
Buschseries -- yeah, I was so underwhelmed by the 2011 schedule - all that hoopla for not much. the NASCAR shell game at its finest.
If this is how they are going to cover this race, I'm only going to watch with one eye and half an ear.
Sally, Terry Blount over at ESPN.com has a killer column on the new schedule and why things really came about this way.
@Darcie, it started downhill after the crapshoot. The 'innies' are busy protecting their spots in the top 10/12, and the 'outies' are making sure they don't ruin the chances of the innies. It could be called 'The After You Alphonse 500'. Now it's MIS with traffic.
ESPN sure is enamored with Edwards. He gets his own crawl at the bottom of the screen just to announce he's doing the entire NW series next season. Big freakin deal
I read it, JD. Wonder if it passes Nascar muster, or it's 'detrimental' to the well being of the sport?
Missed restart!
Since Marty said a short track has quick cautions does that mean it is ok to miss the restart and it will happen again?
NASCAR color commentators ranked
1) Larry McReynolds
2) Andy Petree
3) Dale Jarrett
4) Darryl Waltrip
5) Wally Dallenbach
6) Kyle Petty
play by play
1) mike joy
2) marty reid
3) anyone on TNT
Anyone know how Sean Caisse fell a lap down and in the 30's? He was running in the top 15 the last time I saw his name on the ticker.
have they mentioned anyone who isn't a cup driver?
The Cup drivers will run the truck and Nationwide series as long as they are allowed to do so. They race because they like to race. Money and championships are not what motivate them. Look how many races Kyle Busch ran for no pay. The sponsors get the exposure and the racers get to race. I don't think anything short of banning them will get them off the track.
@series61 - he isn't a Cup driver, so I'm sure you will never know what happened.
Darcie, I couldn't disagree more about Bristol. I've enjoyed more racing and less wrecking, but I guess that's just me. To me, it's what racing should be.
On the other hand, agree on Cuppers. And Kyle (and others) acts like it's a even playing field with the NW regulars.
Buschseries61 - we'll never hear about Sean since he's not a cup guy! Dang.
Marty is having a tough night updating. We really needed some AB telling them in the break what to update!
Holy cow! That was just like my local short track!
Darcie, didn't you just hear DJ tell you how much better the racing is now at Bristol?
LOL I wonder how many times they will say that tomorrow night during the broadcast.
there goes one Cup guy. Joie Chitwood. Glad he's okay.
That #38 has no luck this year, regardless of the driver.
Wow! I'm glad Kasey's OK
I saw that happen to Martin Truex at the busch race in Richmond one year, Fortunately he wasn't hurt so it was just a wild ride to watch.
Anyone remember the call letters or the website of that radio station we use online to hear the races?
Even a lot of those in the mainstream media (although not those who are paid by Nascar/ESPN/Speed) that Bristol is not the same since the repaving. Even some of the drivers complain it's not nearly the same as it was.
Nasty wreck for Kasey
Hornaday did rode on 2 wheels a few years back...I forget what series, but I remember them talking about Chitwood.
wonder what that feels like?
I remember that Gina! It was Richmond 2005 I believe.
what is that horrible 'music' (I use the term loosely.)
That will make the highlight reels for sure.
That's one way to get the cup drivers out of the series. (joke)
And Jr is back on the lead lap!! wheee.
ESPN made a big deal out of some theme music from a teenage rock group and then never used it!
Anyone else think Chevy made a huge mistake by running the Impala instead of the Camaro in Nationwide next season?
JD, I really miss AB & the infield studio right now. Marty is trying, but it's still a mess.
Buschseries61 -- yes it was -- my brother and I were there. Truex was one ticked off driver and went looking for Mike Wallace who had already ducked onto pit road.
JD ... The one I've used in the past is WNPV1440.com.
AB talks in the breaks about what needs to be updated.
Marty and Vince just don't have the chops for that.
Darcie -- absolutely! Bad choice on Chevy's part. The impala says "family car" to me, the camaro was always a muscle car.
sorry, JD. I don't know the radio station info
jd...wnpv 1440. I have it on now.
Buschseries 61
Caisse had a penalty for pitting outside the box.
Dave, swing and a miss with that interview.
Kane - No big deal. lol It would have gotten my attention.
Thanks Becky, that was it! Had a guy marooned in radio land only.
Thanks Glen!
oh good, finally a split screen to see more action.
I believe Kasey just put DB in his place! Wow!
Great seeing Danny O'Quinn not in a S&P tonight!
Willie Allen, Coleman Pressley & Parker Kligerman should be the shining stars of the Nationwide series right now.
Vicki, I met Danny a couple years ago...nice young man. Called me 'ma'am', lol.
Found the scanner by going to the Cup scanner. Dale, jr. is on the MT, Jr. channel....I think.
LOL! Too funny!
I thought Marty's reaction to Kahne's comment was pretty funny too.
Buschseries61 Parker Kligerman comes from the same part of Connecticut that I do. Always great to see someone from there do well!
Many complain that the racing at this track is not as good as it used to be. I agree. However, at its worst, it is still far better than the racing at most of the cookie-cutter mile and a half tracks that dominate the series.
JD, I didn't think Kasey had it in him to do that to a pit reporter.
Another cup guy bites the dust!
See that zoomed out shot of the whole track. Why not show that for about 10 green flag laps.
they are not going to want to let Ryan drive the 1 car if he keeps wrecking it.
Bummer for Ryan after that great Mod win on SPEED Wednesday.
Bushseries & Gina,
My hubby & I were at that night race at Richmond 2005 that Jeff Green ran Martin Truex up the wall. There were so many sparks flying it looked like a 4th of July fireworks show.
OsbornK, I do love short tracks
Lots of sparks on that problem with Ryan Newman.
just barely got to see that restart! Go Parker!
Tim Brewer better look out, Dr. Jerry Punch knows what he is talking about.
NorCalFan, yes, that is the thing I remember too. Truex rode around a long time on the drivers side of the car.
Then Truex jumped on the pit wall with obviously a plan to throw his helmet. Of course that was before NASCAR got all prim and proper.
Things that go good together -
Jerry Punch and Pit Road.
That was a killer follow-up question from JP! Killer!
Marty, yes the front 3 ran the truck race...but they also run the Cup series every week. Of course they would be in the front. He left out the obvious.
So ... am I watching the Nationwide race or Cup practice? If I count correctly, there are only 2 non-Cup guys in the top 10 ...
Does the director think that a bumper cam shows close racing better then a zoomed out shot.
JD, I love how the Doctor can explain things without treating the audience like idiots.
It's like they almost get it, then go back to the bumper cam and the bad music.
Machine head? Come on. Grunge!
"We have lap traffic!" *Switch to bumper cam* Gurrr.....
funny isn't it that they are running ads with the Nationwide drivers in the breaks but all they talk about on the track are the cup drivers.
I understand that the cup drivers are up front so I guess they have to but man it gets old!!
hmmmm, I'm not sure I buy that explanation about Bowyer's wreck.
they get it, JD, they just can't hold on to it.
I prefer metallica myself
Rusty just stated aero is not important here, then asks Ray if aero is important here. Brilliant work!
I have a ton on my iPod, but that's where it should stay for NASCAR races.
The flippin storms are messing with Dish. I'm missing a lot of the racing.
rusty needs a cup of coffee or a 5 hr energy pill.
How the heck did Jr get so far up, when he was one lap down?
JD, do you have that new teenage band that ESPN is pushing? kidding!
Tim B needs rubber gloves; wife spotted too nice of a manicure for being a crew chief or whatever.
I forgot their name! Laughing clowns or something!
mrn is really delayed from the TV
action tonight.
It seems Brad manages to include the word 'opportunity' in every broadcast.
oops..PRN. Sorry, Bruton.
Brad is looking at Ray Evernham and saying to himself...."uh oh."
laughing clowns? Wow, what a name for a band, I'd buy that - not.
Not much into the boy bands myself.
prn just did a full field rundown. Imagine that...
Darcie, isn't it spectacular that Jr was able to get the free pass when a caution came out so now he has a chance to win this race! Magnificent driving skills I would say.
Dale Jarrett is shoving the NASCAR agenda tonight.
well that was fun!
Would Kyle be mad if he was taken out like that.
That was pretty weird from DJ for sure.
NASCAR needs to black flag that (expletives deleted) Vile Kyle! That was obviously payback and they have penalized others for the same thing. But they will cheat for him so he can try to make a new record.
I so don't want KyBu to win this race tonight.
You know, I thought Kyle made his point with the first bump. If he had backed off, BK could have gathered it back after Kyle passed him. It was that extra shove that did it. I think Nascar really has to look at that stuff.
Actually, Dale Jarrett was right. That was obvious payback and NASCAR should have black flagged the little cheat.
you will follow the script. you will not deviate from the script.
The stepford broadcasting team is in full swing.
I can't help but think it would be karma if Junior managed to beat KB...even if it takes a little rub?
I don't think spinning another racer and winning a race shows skills as a Nasdcar driver.
I got no favs, but it would be a kick in the pants for the sport if Junior got one tonight.
Kyle did exactly what Dale Sr. would have done and did do many times at Bristol. After a while, the other drivers learned to not mess with him.
It would be worth it just to hear Kyle's reaction, wouldn't it? ;-)
Vicky, I've said for some time now that Jr would do a better job in Nationwide. For some reason, he can't handle the COT.
Why hasn't Nascar penalized the Shrub for the obvious payback? Just because he's the Shrub??????
OSBORNIK - I agree. Brad deserved it. Notice Kyle didn't hook him into the wall, either. That's exactly how to do it (CARL!).
And ESPN still showing that creepy Fruit of the Looms commercial.
A field run down would have been better then back to back commercials.
Let's hear that again from Terry Labonte on being spun out at Bristol!
I can't stand Kyle...but Brad started it, ya know? Or am I missing something?
This is fixin to get funky. Hope Marty is up for it.
Sally, me, too. that's the problem with these guys, can't just bump em, they have to wreck them.
The broadcast currently matches the chaos on track.
Gina, Brad doesn't spin these other guys, the other guys think they have to spin Brad to get ahead.
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