The ESPN boys had all winter to lick their wounds and recover from the thumping they took in the media and with the fans about the TV coverage of both the Nationwide and Sprint Cup Series down the stretch last season.
Now, instead of making changes in the broadcast line-up, the only news is that Rusty Wallace's TV contract has been extended through 2014. That is the current end of ESPN's NASCAR agreement to cover the sport. The fact that Ray Evernham quietly stepped away wasn't even a blip on the radar.
In ESPN's world, everything is always fine. In reality, it certainly is not. Marty Reid struggled with the sport and his play-by-play down the stretch was off-balance. He returns to this role today with the Nationwide Series race from Daytona.
Alongside of Reid are Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree. It should be interesting to see if Jarrett takes this role and expresses his opinion or continues to be just a bit too polite and far too politically correct. Jarrett still has tremendous credibility and he could be the key to returning ESPN to a position of authority in the sport.
Consistency has defined Andy Petree but the faces around him have continually changed. He started with Rusty Wallace alongside, then the next season Jerry Punch left and Reid came aboard. His original producer is gone and this year he again is cast in the role of the third guy in the booth.
Allen Bestwick will lead the Infield Pit Studio group. Wallace and Brad Daugherty are alongside and assuming their normal roles. Wallace gets agitated and intense, while Daugherty speaks in broad and general terms about any topic in the sport. While Bestwick is the best in the business on TV right now, he is surrounded by a less than stellar cast but still makes the best of it.
There really is nothing to say about Tim Brewer and the Tech Garage. He is cast in the role of making guesses about incidents on the track and is often completely incorrect. His updates on the very basics of the sport make fans feel stupid. In his fifth season in this role, it should be interesting to see how he is presented.
Jamie Shiftan is the new ESPN producer. He is popular with the crew, a homegrown production veteran and maintains good relationships with almost everyone in the sport. The reaction when he was named to this position was overwhelmingly positive. Now, it is his turn to make the TV donuts beginning with the biggest race of the Nationwide Series season.
This blog will host your TV-related comments as we watch the pre-race and race coverage from Daytona. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you for taking the time today to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 265 Newer› Newest»He everyone, still recovering from trucks and now getting ready to go NNS racing. What an awesome day.
Man am I excited for this race, but not excited for the telecast. Ill listen to MRN instead of the espn "talent". Should be interesting to see how this race is presented. Lots of storylines for a network who likes to make their own.
JD. Spot on the Brewer Comment in your article. Which, by the way the article was on the money as usual.
The ESPN Tech Center is a Low Tech Center at best.
Tim really is way behind the times and always presents a remedial approach to his explanations. Just a waste of air time.
Even more so is the stuff that Fox attempts to present with ole Hollywood Hammond also trying to pretend that he knows something about modern racing.
The most shameful part of the Fox Cut-a-way segments is they haven't upgraded or spent a dime on improving the gimmicks in 3 years and just let the equipment lay outside the Hollywood Hotel.
Except when Hammond come out, much like Brewer and explains to us what a lug nut looks like or what a track bar does for the 100th time. We get it dude!
Find something that is interesting to tell us and hire someone that will do the announcing that has command of the English language or can at least pronounce the word paint instead of saying pint.
Those guys are also afraid to say anything about the racecar that would offend NASCAR, like how the teams beat the system every week. Now that's a story.
JD, given the online cup streaming with ESPN b/c of the time warner stuff end of last year, should we bee expecting the same unannoucned nascar.com streaming of nationwide?
Just a reminder, Trackpass scanner at NASCAR.com is free today.
Just sign-in and it will pop up.
I, too am hoping I can find the MRN broadcast to listen to, 15 minutes and I'm already sick of Brad and Krusty.
Brad's analogy od Dale Jr last night on NA$CAR Maybe was terrible, made me angry actuall. Was hoping BD and Wech would have been given thier walking papers over the winter.
The Espn Nascar Now Countdown is on the TV now, but I've got the volume turned down. I just can't tolerate listening to the same information rehashed for the 100th time. Tim Brewer's segments should be retitled "Nascar Nuts n' Bolts for Dummies". If lots of new comers were entering the sport like 5-6 years ago, the remedial stuff could be tolerated, but how many times has he pointed to the same part or guage for a viewer audience that has watched 300 races? The Nationwide race will probably be better than the 500. The 500 will probably look like the automotive equivalent of 'speed dating'. I just hope a few wrecks don't spoil the Nationwide or Sprint Cup races. I'm not even comment on the guys in the booth until later.
Ahh, Danica. You know, me and you both Junior, you know.
My understanding is that Time Warner Cable is only offering ESPN streaming and not ESPN2.
So, that does not let NASCAR.com stream the NNS races.
You know when you have got a basketball player who knows absolutely nothing about NASCAR, he has got to be in the studio crew
Cant get the scanner to load. Every time I click on a driver it takes me to a microsoft support page. I have windows media player 12 so there shouldnt be a problem. Im using Chrome and have no other browsers on my computer. Help!!
Roland, might have to switch browsers.
Here we go again...a long time til November.
I pay for Sirius radio & since TPTB at BSPN & Fox think things are fine, I won't be listening to anything with Brad, any Wallace or any Waltrip. I've had enough of being ticked off every wk-end. So I'll have to miss my favs of AB & Mike Joy & Kyle Petty. I'll have to depend on the Planteers to tell me how the broadcast goes.
I find Chrome great for some things, a pain for others. Used Firefox for years but it's become bloated but I bounce between the two. Get Ad blocks for both.
I also sometimes use Opera :)
Make sure NOT to download special toolbars for these browsers, unless you like to gunk up your page:) (They try to sneak them in when you do the download or installs)
Good luck. Diff sites seem to like different browsers or OS (Operating softwares) over others. This is true for NASCAR.com & sites to listen to radio online with as well.
My local MRN affiliate from last year has bailed. No local radio stations broadcasting MRN this year. Boy this sucks. Now I'm trying to find one that broadcasts the feed online.
Aw jees, Brewer already?
ESPN has yet to change their grahpics for NASCAR. They're soooooo boring. This is their fifth year and they're still using the same bland colors. Almost has bland as their broadcasts.
Yes JD I agree what an awsome day! What an absolutley perfect weekend at Daytona... This is going to be big!!! Last night was great but couldnt enjoy the race and ending as I was getting ready for work but now its time to sit back crack open a cold one and enjoy something awsome! Have loads of fun everyone.... I know I will ;)
Patty is too slow with this anthem, however great harmony. Why does ESPN insist on showing so many cup guys in their advertising of the NW race??? Where's the NW only drivers?
My scanner isn't working either - I have that same Microsoft page pop up. It was working fine last week during the Bud Shootout.
Happy Race Day Planeteers <3
From the preview show it'll be the Jr. & Danistar show today.
Yea, scanners are working! 22 being held off to the side and the 05 can't start.
OK, it's no secret I'm not a Danica fan, nut that commercial with her and Junior made me LOL
Scanners working, leaderboard working, TV on, radio possibly on....hehe..
Vince; here ya' go for online race broadcast
live broadcast link is on the right side of the home page
they're my local radio station, about 300 yards down the road from where i sit now.
ESPN will still not advertise the FOX Cup races. How silly!
Scanner, Twitter, JD blog, HD Tv.
I am ready.
Think we will get to ten laps before break?
Thanks Red, but I'm getting talk radio with that station. Two guys talking about baseball.
Bet we get a bumper cam in the first lap.
Hate when Marty does that "is green" stuff. Come on.
Thank goodness that without DW I don't have to mute the TV for the start!
OH my Danica.
This is so stupid...whichever 2 car hookup gets the run gets the lead. Yawn. And Nascar will just talk about how many lead changes take place.
JD, No, oh my Danica. Sweet!
Can't zoom in on this stuff, will miss everything.
Exactly what does the incar camera lend to this part of the telecast? Nothing valuable-total distraction. Donkeys!
&^%$#@! Nothing but zoom cams & bumper cams +EPIC FAIL ESPN.
Only "Glimpses of WIDE shots"??
SPEED last night was great. This SOS. Lather, Rinse, repeat.
surprised no commercial break yet
The cars having to dart around to either hook up or change places seems a recipe for disaster.
If we get past lap 10 I'll be surprised.
Is there a Race Buddy for this race? TNT gives us Race Buddy when we do not NEED it i.e. Wells gives us great pictures.
This broadcast Truck group RUINING this in only hand full of laps.
Will turn off & FF later at this point. Click
shocked no comml yet...
Marty still watches the monitor.
Communication between drivers historically has been almost all profanities.
wow, sorry vince! they're so reliable with the broadcasts that i didn't check before i linked it for you. i'll drop them an email & find out what's going on.
again: apologies. didn't mean to mislead ya'!
I think this would be a great race for Randy LaJoie to be in the booth.
Loving the fact that they haven't gone to commercial yet. I just hope that doesn't mean more commercials at the end of the race.
sure enough, missed a caution
No problamo Red. They might just be doing the Cup races and not Nationwide. I'm still looking if anybody has a link for online audio streaming for a MRN station.
Vince, I think scanner is free on nascar.com.
Ah yes, they STILL haven't figured out that "0" means "no tire stop" and "-" means "missed the pit box." It's only been HOW may years since they had a "race off pit road" graphic?
For some reason the scanner isn't working for me today. :-(
Go to NASCAR.com, click on the front page NNS story. On the right side of the 2nd page, scroll down to quick links.
Selece the Listen Free option and follow the directions.
Vince and Red...very hard to find a radio station anywhere that has NNS races much less one that streams. FYI, many radio stations will now stream different programming when NASCAR is going out over the air to avoid getting in trouble with MRN and PRN.
I find that one has to be extremely patient and often re-search every week to find a stream that gets through.
Why is Marty bringing up the championship in race #1?
Because Marty can't wait to once again put the coffin in the nail. XD
Yep JD, I'm on the scanner page. It's just not playing anything. No matter which driver I check. Scan all drivers isn't working either. I use Linux and I'm guessing it is only set up to work on Windows computers. It is probably using Silverlight which Linux doesn't have. I've got Flash running, so it's not that.
Oh well, guess I wasn't meant to listen to the race today.
Other than Marty, everyone including the producer is doing a bang-up job.
Vince, Linux is not going to fly with that simple stuff.
Gee about 1/2 of Annett's car has damage on it, Marty!
Hahahah KoHoSo, that was hilarious.
@Vince - It's not using Silverlight. I don't have that installed but scanners are working for me. It does require Windows Media Player 11 tho (according to the system requirements on the support page).
I always use radiotime.com to find a station streaming the races.
KoSoHo: weird thing is: wnpv always carried nationwide as well as cup races. this is the first time i haven't been able to have their broadcast running online while i watch the n'wide race. & the site clearly indicates it's supposed to be the n'wide race, not sports talk.
have an email in: will see what i get back.
just curious.
Michael Waltrip pushes Danica to first win. I can see it now.
Bite your tongue, JD!!!
Wish I had that 30 seconds of my life back after watching that tech garage segment
Tim Brewer's engine is down a cylinder.
The only amusing part of Mr. Brewer's lecture was the way he said crayon.
I think ESPN listend to me for once there actually somewhat letting us hear the cars go by when they come to speed... they always start talking asap! Even at the start the let us hear the cars usually they start talking 10 secounds into the start of the race...
Buschseries I also thought he said crayon funny too.
OK, Clint Bowyer!
With the way this race is being run with cars pushing cars, lead changes don't really mean a whole lot Marty.
wow.. Danica is lost, clueless
She might be pretty, but she isn't very perceptive.
I use Linux (Linux Mint based upon Ubuntu) but I'm not registered with NASCAR as I don't want to give them or Nationwide any of my personal info and don't want to bother making it up. While somebody has already said that the site is not using Silverlight, make sure you have the Moonlight installed through Firefox. Once I did that on Linux Mint, I have found only a mere handful of obscure streams that will not work on Linux (and I'm a big online radio freak so I think I'm a pretty good judge on that).
not sure if she was unsure whether clint trusted her to push him or not or if she was clueless
2 complaints:They ram Dale jr.down my throat then cut to commercials with him in them.I just wanna throw a brick at the t.v.everytime he's on.And then they start every race with that godawfull HILLBILLY "music".
Come on espn show the pack for once! Theres more than 4 cars on the track.
Thanks for the Moonlight tip KoHoSo. I use Linux Mint also, but had forgotten about Moonlight. I'll try that.
I'd like to see some action back in that 2nd pack.
8th on back.
Cannot believe that Danica had no practice pushing. How is that even possible?
Well, I guess I should be grateful that now they can show 4 cars at a time as they concentrate on the front of the field instead of just 1 or 2.
As I said during the duels, I think they should have co-winners. I don't see how this type of racing is that different from playing doubles in tennis. Neither partner can win without the other.
No big deal,but twice Patty changed the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner. As an old fart, I can tell right away when someone does it. Junior missed his pit during the first caution despite his crew chief counting him down, ....4...3....2....1. Andy and others in the booth felt the crew chief didn't do enough. Go figure. It's been a good race so far. Too bad I'm listening to Marty Reid!
don't think i'll be watching much of the 500 cause this 2 car racing stinks. This isn't racing
If you listen to the comments that Danica made over the radio last year and today, you'd think she has never been in a race car. She's leading Bowyer, but there's a gap between them and she comes on the radio asking what to do??? Drag the brake like everyone else is doing lady!
Without wide shots you can't really tell how far ahead the lead cars are with the rest of the pack.
Pack racing? Anything besides glorifying the Cuppers again.
This is pairs figure skating.
I just wonder with Danica...is nobody teaching her what she needs to know because they're satisfied with the money she brings in or is she not showing enough initiative?
And, speaking of IndyCar drivers...poor Sam. :-(
Is that the second one Todd collected?
That's what I am saying. How possibly can she not know how to do this after multiple practice sessions? She is clueless and I am listening to her radio.
Did they use Jr's cup number so he wouldn't be confused?
It is almost embarrasing listening to Danica on the scanner.
Now power steering
At the very least they could have sat Danica down on a NASCAR racing simulator game. :-s
Easy for the camera guys today.
Forget the pack. Just follow the top 4 cars.
Marty Reid: two words-Roget's Thesaurus.
"Like it or not, this is the type of racing we got" Well, Rusty, I don't like it.
Brad and Rusty still add no insight to the broadcast.
At least Brad knows enough to tell fans that the real racing is further back in the pack. Now, if only the crew in the truck would figure that out. :-s
Danica is trying to get her mascara on, but the mirror is vibrating too much.
Just got home...
Wow! There must have been some kind of wreck. There's only 4 cars racing. What happened to the rest of the field?
This coverage of the front 4 is terrible.
Marty, duh, the cup guys have a whole lot more experience with the changeover than the full time NW drivers.
I nominate robbiejr for Comment of the Day. :-D
"Wow! There must have been some kind of wreck. There's only 4 cars racing. What happened to the rest of the field?"
They were deemed non-essential to the broadcast by the production truck.
Seems like JR Motorsports doesn't exactly know what to do with Miss Danica. Not sure that bunch is a good fit for her, development wise.
Heh, well...another season - more of ESPN's games.
Least I've got the scanner thingy and sites like this one.
All the good racing is in the back, and we have a whole four cars - I sincerely hope Speed picks up the NW series in the future...it and its competitors are butchered by this.
43 cars, get to see none. Meh.
Too much infield pit studio talk.
at the very least give us split screens for the racing back in the pack.
Truly amazed at this coverage by the NEW producer and the choice of shots.
Danica obviously has a strong car. As lost as Danica has been today, Jr Motorsports job of developing her has been worse
Danica is pissed that no one will push, but she does not know how to switch and push, so no one will go with her. She is about to get lapped.
At least we are getting some midpack updates
Wow! Time spent on some drivers further back in the pack not named Patrick! Somebody get me some smelling salts!
25 of the remaining drivers just don't get it.
Why don't the cars in the back hook up in a two car draft.
Excuse my ignorance here, but I have a question. What is the cause of the 2-car tandems? Is it the new track surface or the cars or a combo of both or something else completely?
I find it crazy that the 7th place car is 11 sec behind the leader and the 10th place car (Dale Jr) is 25 sec behind the leader. Not used to this at Daytona. And I do not like it.
Tv dudes: Nemechek will be running with the 51, we think...
87's chief: #51 won't do us any good running with him, we'll leave him on pit road...
ESPN sho is edumacated up in the glass tower thing...
A nice contrived way to go "back in the pack" and talk about some drivers. That pack just happened to include Danica in it. They masked giving product placement for the #7 car by talking about the cars around it.
"She's done a super job all day long."
Oh, Brad.
There are many issues in the booth, but one of them is that they talk like we're all listening to them on the radio, that we've never seen a Nascar race before and we have no idea who's driving the car. They show a tight shot of a car that everybody recognizes with a tire flaying around and they say " ...the #5 car has a flat left front tire!" Duh...
sounds like Danica has not watched any of the racing the last two weeks. She is clueless and I think Tony Jr. has given up on her.
ESPN has no problem with the top four and covers their progress all race long. ESPN says if anyone else wants to be on television they should run up front. Unless you have some product placement money with ESPN's name on it.
Wait... Todd Bodine too fast? That's a first...
This broadcast has lost its way. ESPN = no improvement in coverage. They have no idea what's going on. Period.
It must be a local thing, but every time ESPN heads for commercial, Marty gets cut off mid-sentance by a commercial.
I don't remember a booth being as confused and lost as this one.
Rich, I was just thinking that. Sounds like Tony is just there for the paycheck and the spotter is a zero.
That guy never tried to hook her up with anyone or work with another team.
Totally strange and they ran her all the way to the back of the pack.
Coverage like this, and Nascar, Fox, and ESPN think the reason people aren't watching on TV is the start times? Really? I guess it's lots easier to blame someone else than take responsibility for your own shortcomings.
Okay, odd one out here - I don't subscribe to the Danica-bashing.
She's new, seems to be undersupported, and unlike many is lucky enough to have a decent-paying sponsor.
Gal's at least taking it reasonably slow and easy and trying to learn, as opposed to some idjits I've seen who end up wrecking half the field.
Not gonna blame her because ESPN stinks, because money makes the racing world go around, or because stock car is vastly more different, and often more difficult than the Indy stuff.
Me - I'd take Indy racing or whatnot over Nascar any day - IF I had to do the driving. For her to just jump in and stomp the field is impossible.
They finish up green flag pit stops, TV goes to commercial, and bingo....a caution for debris, with just 20 or so laps to go. How convenient. Gotta work towards that exciting finish.
Don't mention the race tomorrow Espn.
Sally...don't forget the points system...we were all leaving because it was so confusing. :-s
Anon, just to be square. Not a moment of Danica bashing here. She is ripped her spotter is not helping her team up with others and Tony Jr. is just a freaking mess on the radio.
She has a right to be steamed when this one is over.
12 cars on the lead lap at Daytona? Unreal. There's definitely something wrong with that picture.
So they just casually mention that Danica is a lap down. But do they bother to say what happened??
Two minutes ago they were running a spot about how she was in the lead.
ESPN's consistency is that they never learn and never change.
I really do not understand this scanner traffic from Danica, this is a Jr Motorsports / Hendrick car, right?
Daly - anon here, and didn't mean you - have seen a lot of howling over and over about the chick...she's as green as, say, Jen Cobb breaking into the NW series.
Only help she seems to get is Jr. or asking Martin...holding her own pretty decent considering how hard she's getting screwed.
I'm not gonna complain - if she runs midpack it gets deserving racers a little tv time.
As for her stock car career - how she tackles that is her damn problem.
It's a JRMotorsports car. Her usual spotter treats her very differently.
She actually asked what she was supposed to do to switch places drafting.
She asked that on the radio in a race while the other guy was trying to do it.
That is a cluster!
I think Danica team realizes she's going to be in Cup next year and it'll be for a different car owner. So they've resorted to the 'what's the point' mentality. Not to mention the high maintenance attitude she has can wear think on people real quick.
I thought I heard the spotter tell Danica to let off a bit so a car could catch up to her and then Tony voiced in and said No.
You begin to wonder if teaching and helping her is the last thing on the team's mind. That they may just be looking at her for marketing purposes. And her success on the track is secondary.
I, for one, am absolutely disappointed, shocked and generally dismayed that the booth monkeys didn't immediately and profusely apologise for what the spotter said. Shocked, I tell you...
anon, it's not so much Danica bashing, at least on my part, I just tire of all the hype about a middle of the pack driver, her PR machine far exceeds her driving talent, NA$CAR or Open Wheel she's just not that great.
Haha...cluster indeed. I can't imagine asking that at 200 mph midpack while holding a line, not running into someone, and trying to hold your temper.
Makes unmentionable parts of me shrivel with terror.
Still, first race of season...hopefully this will wake that entire team up.
Tony Jr. and the spotter have no emotion, nothing. Just like they can hardly wait to catch the plane.
To be fair, I don't think ESPN has gone as overboard on Danica as they did for this race a year ago. Seemed like last year they were showing her once a minute.
Jeff...wasn't specific to anyone. Yeah, she's a mediocre driver in any Nascar series. I'll bet that at least some of the push for ESPN to focus on her is Nascar's doing - driver diversity et al.
I think all of that sucks aside from the ancillary benefit it provides people running around/with her.
Far as technical ability...it's not an easy learning curve, and I won't throw too many rocks. Just the crawl-before-walking one can expect switching to a vastly different car/racing style.
Agree. They are much better, but the director needed to use a split-screen when the leaders are just drafting and riding.
When Danica leads a lap at Daytona when being pushed but loses everything in the race because she does not know how to push, that is amazing.
12cars on the lead lap because if you don't have a partner you're screwed.
13.294 million watched the Daytona 500 last year. I'd bet on the "under" this year, especially if we see only two or three "pairs" all day long.
Punctuation/grammar - learn it, use it make it your...
OK, red flag, folks! Who needs a beer...or a shot...or both? :-D
going to have a race report from jr back from the break
Danica in a Cup car next year?? You've got to be kidding. I'm surprised that no one in the media asks her about the goofy comments she makes over the radio. Should be an interesting finish to this race despite only a dozen cars on the lead lap. Personally, I'm enjoying JD's perspective of things!
Tsk tsk. :)
Daly, how would she? Everyone and their brother really is just starting to learn to.
Lower series, couldn't do it. NW pre-COT, couldn't do it Cup car, took two revisions.
Bumpers didn't line up. You certainly don't bumpdraft with an open wheel car, or a Rolex series ride, or, really - anything *but* a stock car, set up exactly like it is now.
I guarantee on my best, most alert day, I'd prolly wreck out in 3 laps trying it, and that's knowing most of the principles involved.
Again, horrible team support, but this is the only way she can learn it...practice is never the same.
I think Danica has limited support from her team because they see her as a meal ticket and not as a serious driver. They know she will get attention and bring in a lot of money regardless of where she finishes. They also think a celebrity part time driver will not be with them for the long run. I think she would be treated differently if they thought she would be with them for a long time and would dedicate herself to the team full time.
Dancin partner... Texas two step... Dancin partner.... Twosome.... DANCIN PARTNER!!!!!!!!!! I do nor ever want to hear this again!!!!!
The red flag conversation with Danica is amazing.
"Obviously, I haven't practiced swapping off."
"I mean obviously, the more I know up their third party from [Bowyer's] spotter . . .the better of we will be"
Spotter is getting rather defensive about being too far away from the #33's spotter.
What's amazing is that Danica actually knows what's going on -- not the narrative I'm used to hearing.
Interesting scanner talk with Danica.
Jayski has Wise in the #39 for the first 4 races. Dave Burns just said we won't see Wise until race #5. I wonder who is right?
Sounds like Tony Eury Jr has given up on Danica. It had to be tough last year knowing you had a top 5 car/team, but a driver that finished 3-4 laps down every race. In fairness, the #20 team went through a similar challenge with Joey Lagano.
The very first actually informative Lo-Tech Garage.
Wow. Just wow.
Marty just said Danica is "Running well"?? OMG
Are they going to award co-winners?
Well, that was just weird all the way around.
I'm confused again
Who won the race, Marty? >:-(
Well, it was a close finish, down to he wire, but I didn't find myself enthralled. How about the rest of you?
If Junior had been in first instead of second is there any doubt the yellow would have come out?
Can't believe they go back in the pack on the next to last lap when there is a challenge for the lead??? Then the booth blows the winner call. Pretty pathetic...
Did Marty call Bowyer the winner at the stripe?
bottom line, you want to be in 3rd place at the end with a car pushing because the 2nd car will try to go around his partner but the 4th guy has room to go anywhere so he'll continue to push the 3rd guy
How can they not throw the caution? I've got no problem with the finish, just NASCAR's inconsistent decisions.
And they linger on the wrecked car instead of showing the battle shaping up for the lead on the white! Director headupazzitis...
I can't believe the TV booth was that confused over who won. I know it was close, but wow!
Does anything really need to be said??
Marty Marty Marty
If you were into just following the top 4 or 6 cars and didn't care who was driving, you would have enjoyed this race.
I enjoyed the fact that the finish involved good, clean racing. Great finish for a plate race! The comments on this blog today were excellent, in my humble opinion! Lol!
Terry Blount thinks Danica earned some respect today! What scanner was he listening to???
This racing sucks.
Whooped di do a cup driver wins. The audio just went off our broadcast too.
lost audio in post race interview on directv
This racing sucks.
No freaking sound as the winners interview started!!!
No sound in Victory lane. Nice touch.
No sound at the end or is that just my cable company blowing it?
Not to be too much of a pessimist...but if this is what we can expect fer coverage/lower series racing...I'm not too enthused.
Some change all that championship stuff made - same Cup dudes, same irritating coverage, same people who in 3 years will probably quit due to lack of funds, support, and continual wrecks.
I suppose I can always take up the illustrious sport of curling as a new weekend-warrior pastime.
I just lost audio on Stewart interview on Dish Network --- anyone else or is is a Dish issue?
WFT? Where is the AUDIO!&%!*&#%!#*&%!&#
Cant they replay this..not picture lost. Way to go BSPN.
Tuned in for the END & got screwed. !*#!*#^!*&#^!*&#^
Then video went to black - what a fustercluck!!
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