The familiar feel of the Camping World Truck Series TV package comes back tonight in Daytona. One face is gone, however, and a new one steps in.
Adam Alexander has left the truck TV package to anchor the new SPEED Center show back in Charlotte, NC. It will be Hermie Sadler stepping in to fill his shoes for the entire season. Sadler will also continue his reporter duties on the RaceDay show for the network as well.
Krista Voda kicks off another season as the host of the pre-race show and sometimes a pit road reporter. Voda's style has always meshed well with this series and she has proven her value to NASCAR and SPEED for many years.
Rick Allen will call the race with Phil Parsons. These two have been the core of the TV package in the booth for a long time. Tonight, Darrell Waltrip steps in because younger brother Michael is racing.
Yes, Michael has an in-truck camera and it should be interesting to see how the producer manages the contact between the two Waltrips. These two have been on a self-promotion tour this week and frankly, it's getting to be too much.
Ray Dunlap will be returning to anchor pit road along with Sadler. Watching these two this season should be fun. This is the first opportunity for Sadler to put his personal stamp on something for the entire season. This assignment is quite different than the scripted RaceDay program.
The same producer and director return as well, two guys who strive to produce old school television coverage that focuses on the racing and the drivers instead of fancy TV gizmo's and announcer personalities.
The field is packed with a ton of personalities from Kyle Busch to 18 year-old Johanna Long. No two-by-two drafting in this series. The trucks should put on a good show.
This post will serve to host your comments on the Camping World Truck Series race from Dayton on SPEED. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for stopping by.
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»Trucks at Daytona. I like it!
Man, don't you ever give it a break? What does this help you prove?
I sure hate that we're going to get a double dose of Waltrip tonight. I'm looking forward to the race but dread the brotherly love we will hear.
Got to watch the Dillon boys they're going to be something to contend.
They just showed Mikey and he didn't look happy. Wonder why?
With 2 teenagers no wonder he didn't look happy LOL
Old Ray did not look too happy after that moustache feature!
I like that Krista had a BIGGEST moustache! Cute..:)
Yeah, that mustache segment was a waste of time. We want Houston's David Starr winning this truck race! Go David Go!
Still waiting on TruckBuddy over at NASCAR.com and a little nervous about it. Come on....
I predict that this is the best race of the weekend.
OK NASCAR where is TruckBuddy?
Would'nt be surprised if it is Sally
Been looking for Truckbuddy since 7. Nothing
The National Anthem shouldn't last longer than the original Ft. McHenry bombardment.
Pit reporting for Krista tonight, she had her Speed shirt on under her jacket.
Finally, racing that matters.But it doesn't seem right to send 10 teams home from Daytona. Maybe expand the starting field for superspeedways?
You could tell that young gal was VERY nervous. Not a bad voice, but too slow..
With the exception that her young voice doesn't yet have the range that the National Anthem requires she at least sang it like it was written.
Drat, I just switched over and found DW in the booth. Sheesh, I was hoping for a waltrip free race.
I think the singer was terrified and was afraid of rushing through it. She knew the words better than some far more famous singers though. It took more courage than I have to get up there and sing that very difficult song.
Starting to wonder if someone is forgetting to throw the switch to start RaceBuddy
I'm rooting for either the dillon boys or Johanna Long!
@ Foto-Finish. I think 36 is fine. That makes Daytona so prestigious to make.
At least she didn't forget the words AND she did it with respect. I'll agree it was a little slow but I'd rather that than some of the bad versions we've heard.
Hope your not getting tired of the same commercials. This is just the start of seeing them over and over again.
Still no Racebuddy unless I can't find the right place to click.
Man, this is not the way NASCAR.com wanted to start the season.
Does SPEED really expect us to read Matt Crafton's name with that bright yellow background?
ok, how do I get racebuddy to come up? I clicked on the live thing but no joy
Osbornk, agree about the singer. She really had to pause an extra beat to catch her breath for the last line.
Still respectful & better than that famous Superbowl sing. This young lady sang slowly probably due to hard to hear herself & the reverb or breath work. Little flat at first as she wanted to start too low to hit high notes.
Honest, earnest & still one of the better ones we heard all last season imo. ONLY 12. Good for her.
NASCAR.com WHERE's Race buddy? Not starting when I click on the pointer thingie. sigh.
The home page at nascar.com has a link that says to follow the race with RaceBuddy....and then that page is showing nothing to launch RaceBuddy.
and our first MW contact has resulted in the tv being muted! Sorry guys this is NOT why I tune in to the races.
Dear Speed,
Please invest in black text.
Thank you.
This SUCKS! They'd better get this sorted out quick......I don't have Speed channel and I HAD the chance to watch it at a relative's house, but I thought 'Hey, I can watch it at home now cause of RaceBuddy'.
I hope I didn't speak too soon.
Not real happy with NASCAR.com right now. Nothing online live. Trying to get it fixed.
The crappy heavy metal sound track while those in the booth are talking reeks of a WWE Monday Night Smack Down.
Very annoying for those with quality sound systems.
Slash was at SuperBowl half-time show. R.I.P.
Time to root for the ladies.
"Doing the Craftsman...Nationwide Truck Series" - DW
Here ya go!! It works Drop the URL back to truck_racebuddy and it'll work. drop the speed/index.html
"The Craftsman's Nationwide Truck Series" . . . come on DW, it's not brain surgery.
You are THE MAN, JD!
DW is tired...he called it the Nationwide Truck Series at race start.
Great aerial camera work, tho!
thanks, JD, that did it. Obviously someone at NASCAR.com didn't get it right though.
Is DW having an episode? He can't get anyone's name right.
It works but how will normal people figure it out on their own?
Thanks JD for the TruckBuddy/RaceBuddy link. Pitiful that Turner?NASCAR can't get it together.
I just realized they have a "waltrip cam" -- for which one, Mikey or DW? sheesh, again, NOT why I tune in. But I do like the camera work so far, love those overhead shots.
Thanks JD... Waltrip Cam? You have got to be kidding me.. Ugh!
Thanks JD for the Race Buddy fix. It's up and running now.
Now that TruckBuddy is working, I have NO interest in the Booth Bozos or commercials on TV! My pic isn't as big & I have NO idea who's radio I'm listening to (I'm tuned into battle) but it's fab!!!
@Gina--if Mikey isn't in the booth due to being in the race or another reason, DW will be there especially if it's the FOX half since he'll be there. Homestead usually always has DW in there with Mikey as well.
New Surface = No bumps on bottom lane = single file line hugging
for the first time i tried the Race Buddy....
evidently my cable internet speed isnt fast enough.
5 seconds and stops for 15. 5 more seconds and then stops again.
Man, I was hotter than a hornet at those guys.
Looking a lot like the ARCA race. Yaaawwwwwwwn. I'm sure it'll be a great finish, but right now, kinda boring.
I could tell by your tweets JD
OK, I know my eyes aren't what they used to be, but trying to read some of the names in the ticker with the colors is impossible.
Well here ya go.....
do you want single file racing or the 2 car tango ??
TruckBuddy is showing the passing and 2 by 2. TV, just the leaders.
Lesson learned!
@Ken...is there really much difference?
I guess we will have line dancing tonight and pairs dancing the rest of the weekend. We just need some music.
I give high marks on this new graphics package.
Great job to the people who worked over the winter on the graphics.
Its a shame that Skinner, Crawford and Malsam are sitting on the sidelines watching Norm Benning trot along 25 mph slower than the rest of the field.
Boring? You kidding me? Get on TruckBuddy!
Norm Benning had a lot of sparks and smoke coming out of his truck. With the amount of competition this season, he will have a very hard time once he falls out of the top 25.
Racebuddy is a few seconds ahead of my TV.
I'm in Hog Heaven! Once I got RaceBuddy working, it is great!
Thank you Ford Trucks.
Agree with you on Norm Benning!
I don't have SPEED HD, but the picture is much better than it used to be since they have "letterboxed" it so that you can see the whole screen even without HD
Good point, MVA
Norm Benning doesn't need to be out there anyways.
Since our standard cable package does not include Speed, we've been using one of those optional online streams all week for all of Speed's coverage.
Watching Speed's muted coverage now in one window and TruckBuddy in two additional windows, one with battle cam and another with the In-Truck cam of #18 Dollar General Kyle Busch.
Online is way better than Speed. You control the action without all the distractions.
DW talking about a wall of air. I think that's what Phil Parsons and Rick Allen runs into when they enter the broadcast booth with DW.
Would really like to see the old Gatorade Halfway Award.
Some company would be a huge hero to sponsor that award.
Wish I could use race buddy in this iPad. Big disappointment.
Boring race but I am watching with Race Buddy so its a little better. Can't wait for the last 20 laps.
Even better than the old halfway awards, I would love to see points given out for halfway and maybe even each quarter of the race. The drivers would run harder if they could gain points at certain parts of the race before the finish.
Told RaceBuddy works on Apple products with FireFox broswer and also works on iPhones!
Got folks watching. Just iPads are out.
Amen Osbornk !
Halfway, Bonus points to the halfway leader and $25,000 to a lucky fan.
Somebody needs to tell some teams that they can use more than one person to fuel the truck. I saw on the first round of stops some teams wasted a lot of time having the fuel guy go back to the wall to get the 2nd can while others already had a 2nd guy with the 2nd can.
Actually, TB & Sirius radio is working terrific for me! No Waltrips...:)
I think business is starting to pick up a bit.
David Hill must be corrupting the telecasts
The blimp shots are nice.
Tony Kornheiser just called and he predicts #3 Dillon will win tonight.
Man, it's great having TruckBuddy during the TV commercials.
I thought this was going to be the best race of the weekend. I sure hope I'm wrong.
Tv missed the whole deal of the 30 moving up from the outside. If you were watching the Battle cam on Racebuddy you saw that group had been coming up from way back.
Anytime you get these folks running at speed at Daytona, it's just fine with me.
I'm at least glad to see "regular" Daytona racing.
Sunday is going to be a debacle, IMO.
Sick of the same commercials already. Two more days of them, sadly. One more shot of Mikey's butt shaking and I may have to throw up.
When, oh, when will someone shut DW up with the boogity. I know - never - but a girl can hope.
This make sense?
For RaceBuddy on iPhone, download the splashtop app, follow steps, leave your pc/Mac on to access it from your phone anywhere.
okay, here's my dumb ? of the day...why would ANYONE like the in-truck or waltrip cam, when we complain about that crap ALL the time on the other broadcast?? ~taking a deep breath here~
Lots of good blimp shots tonight. Thanks for the platform, Goodyear.
Tried Chrome and Firefox, racebuddy stutters for me.
Cable modem cant keep up here.
Not all of us have the 200mph connection.
Yesterday Michael Waltrip was saying even he was sick of seeing himself shaking his butt on TV.
Pammmmmmmm! You are starting to sound like me! Scary.
Wish they had a lap counter on Racebuddy.
I want to Thank Ford for sponsoring Racebuddy.
I agree that so far this race has been the best of the races at Daytona in 2011.
Gymmie -- did you mean to depress me with that comment about DW or Mikey in the booth? LOL I need a glass of wine to wash that down.
It needs scoring for sure as well as graphics on the in-truck cams.
Anyone know what happened to the #20?
I seem to remember seeing the 20 stay on pit row a long long time on RaceBuddy in the early part of the race.
Wow, that was scary looking! Geez, how did everyone else miss that and thank goodness they did!
Wait a minute, they let them run without the pins to start the race?
JD-we agree ALOT! Don't be scared..LOL!
Good to see the tethers on the hood do their job and not allow that hood to fly away.
NOW business will really pick up !
Stacy Compton must have a headache
Don't understand why there is no live timing and scoring for the Truck race. Am I missing something?
I need a big HDTV I can just plug all this crap into and then watch it all in one place while I type.
Anyone got a coupon or something?
Just wondering....
are you all watching on laptops / desktops....
or do you have them plugged into your TV for racebuddy ??
What happened to the race off pit road???
They have left pit road on RaceBuddy as they came in on TV. Live?-Nah
This is the downsized version of RaceBuddy that is used on TNT.
The truck series has much less available telemetry and lower budgets for that stuff.
Am told that some things might be added as the series rolls on.
At least it's a start!
Ken-Mi -- I watch the race on TV and use my computer with racebuddy or trackpass and this blog up. Twitter too once in a while but mostly TV, computer and trackpass
Thanks for the info JD. I've always felt the Trucks got short shrift.
@Ken--I'm watching on Smoke the Toshiba laptop :).
@JD--that'll be kewl if they can add other stuff. No complaints just glad we have it :)
Hated that for Justin :( He's a good kid!
This is fixing to get a little ugly shortly. Pushing and shoving about to commence.
oh, man, what a mess.
And that, kids, is why I like the two-car drafts better. There are simply fewer cars involved in the accidents we've seen in that configuration.
Well, maybe not like it better so much as not dislike it as much as the full pack.
and that's what we probably won't see on Sunday, thank goodness. I'm with Robbie Loomis. Sunday might be actually interesting. I've never understood what people saw in big packs except the 'excitement' of waiting for the big one.
Tired of DW's schtick already.
boy that's a shame for Johanna and the others, too, of course.
Donnie Neuenberger wins worst move of the race. The brake is on the left, Donnie.
I really wish these analysts would just shut up during an incident and allow the play by play guy do his job.
Stop stepping all over the play by play guy.
Buschseries maybe Donnie's throttle stuck I'd like hear what happened. I wish we could hear an update on David Starr haven't really seen/heard a lot about his tonight.
Been watching all day......man that infield looks way empty compared to the past.....i say GREAT that folks have decided to speak with there wallets. Those camping prices for the 500 are ridiculous
I really can't stand DW anymore.
Too much DW for me on SPEED today. He was everywhere.
Buschseries61 - and what was his spotter doing, I wonder? watching the wreck instead of saying slow down!
yeah, I'm sick of hearing DW's voice already and its only been a few days.
Max Papis causing a wreck...what a surprise
That was a great spotter audio replay!
Why did they have to stick us with DW tonight?
@ Gina - I wonder as well. If he had no brakes, he could have turned his Truck into the wall instead of into 5 other trucks.
JD, agreed on the audio replay, that shows a spotter doing a great job.
Busch -- yes, for heaven's sakes do somthing, instead of just piling into all thos esother trucks.
Jeff, it's simple. We get DW because Mikey's racing.
DW not bothering me. LOVING the camera work. So far . .
great spotter audio on JJC down pit road, too :)
We will NOT see this kind of camera work tomorrow, sadly NOR Sunday. Enjoy tonight, kids.
p.s. Sound went bad on Krista & for few mintues..what was that?
Maybe I shoulda held my praise for the end
I had to mute the tv for a few minutes to give myself a break from all the yakking.
I hope they add audio to truckbuddy. I'd listen to the scanner or a radio feed on that over the TV PXP any day.
Sophia, sadly I agree that you are right. We won't get good camera work for the 500 for sure. Instead we will see incars and bumper cams and that daggone gopher cam.
Speed does do a really good job showing the race.
What I said earlier, again.
oh man, oh man, what an absolute mess. This is why I hate RP racing.
What the heck was that kid thinking?
You could see that coming soon as Busescher stuck his nose in there
Anybody else think Kyle isn't going to get moving again?
do we want the 2 car tango or this situation ....
thats the big question
has DW ever raced a truck at Daytona? He always sounds like he did when he talks.
What a mess. If JJ Cobb really pulled up next to kyle to give him what for...you go girl!!!
This could be an awesome finish with a possible surprise in victory lane...or Sadler and Waltrip could run away from everybody again
Ken, I honestly don't know. I have been to Daytona and I really didn't enjoy the racing, I was too worried.
But I thought the 2 car tango was dumb looking.
they sure do have neough replays for this -- so far they have blamed everyone and the kitchen sink.
Palmetto, I may be the only one, but I so totally agree....
Sally, I'm with you! Good for Jennifer Jo. I'd like to see someone kick KyBu's bony butt and it may as well be a girl!
@ Ken - We will have to see what the Nationwide & Cup races bring. Switching roles every 3 laps due to overheating in a 43 car race may be just as dangerous.
So WHY is there not SAFER EVERYWHERE at this track?WFT? No excuse.
ALL tracks should have. Inside & out walls/
Lookin like an ARCA race:(
I think we can have two by two racing and still have big wrecks when they are all racing together.
Mikey: NO.
There has to be middle ground between Dancing with The Cars & this mess :(
and there is Mikey raving nonsense as always. "making it exciting" because 90% of the field is wrecked at the end of the race?
At least Mikey did not plug his book.
Sophia, give it a week :-)
Man, I would have loved to see Kyle push that kid to a win.
Sophia, LOL, "dancing with the cars". I really like that much better than lovebugs.
Me too JD. Would have been really neat.
I just see Sunday coming down to someone or some pair blocking when another pair has a big run, and that could make it ugly.
Seems like some teams have already figured out how to stay tucked behind another car for 20-25 laps.
I'll reserve judgement until I see the 500. But "blocking", might be a big story come Sunday night
Think we are done wrecking?
"guts or glory" moment, that looked more like a boneheaded moment to me. some of these companies need to be careful what they are sponsoring.
Anon, there are no "you people" here. You got a comment, say it.
But don't try to paint this group with one brush.
Try again if you want. The floor is open.
What was so wrong with what I said?
3 wide finish again JD !
ok sorry
done wrecking with multiple GWCs? Nah,not hardly
Jeez, theres no shuttin him up now
well, I was wrong, they didn't wreck again. Is it legal to win with no spoiler?
DW ruining another exciting finish...he's not biased at all by the way
This is where they need a NASCAR official IN THE BOOTH !!
We need information right now !
We going to get a book plug in Victory Lane! Oh yes, we are.
I just put myself in DW's place and I would be so excited for my brother too, especially 10 years later.
OK, I can do without all the waltrip emotional baggage here.
It's brothers night
I'd love to hear what the official says when the spoiler issue comes up.
Love mikey or not, how fitting he won today of all days.
Crying for the boy's win
I don't see how on earth that win can stand with half the spoiler missing. Obviously it wasn't intentional with it collapsing, but it's obvious it's going to give you an aero advantage when you're trying to drag race someone to the finish line.
I still want to know, is that truck legal? Without the spoiler?
it was fun talking with all of you, but it's time for me to go to bed. Gonna try to make the gym early tomorrow.
See you all for the N'wide! If DW is there, he'll be slobbering all over KyBu in that one.
I would like to find out why jenn jo cobb was mad at kyle..am i asking for too much?
someone's going to say it was fixed. No matter how wacky the ending was, and how many cars wrecked for that to happen.
This spoiler issue is only going to give even more people and media another reason to doubt NASCAR and the "rules".
This isn't right...just sayin'.
I don't know why Jen was mad, but I am picking her in the brawl!
God you DW haters never stop.......family is first ask ned jarrett.......ive been watchin nascar since 1985 and fox far and away has had the best race broadcasts of anyone.....people have weird memories of cbs and espn back in the day. They covered it the SAME way fox has
back of Krista..sheesh..im' crying, mikey's crying...give him a moment
Mr Editor -
Thanks for pushing NASCAR.com to bring Race Buddy to the masses tonight ...much appreciated ...tip-of-the-hat to Ford for making the online gizmos a reality ...great race, plenty of action with a bit of drama at the end.
I guess jen thought Kyle caused that big wreck?
I did not realize Michael Waltrip was the only one who raced tonight, because it seems that Speed thinks that's the case
I wish Darrell and Michael would be more open like this all the time, and tone down the schtick. They're actually enjoyable when they're not role playing.
NASCAR.com should be ashamed for their total incompetence tonight. Please do not support them in the future, they are pitiful.
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