The final part of a motorsports tripleheader is on FOX. After F-1 on SPEED and IndyCar on ABC, it's time for NASCAR's longest race.
Chris Myers hosts with Jeff Hammond and Darrell Waltrip. Mike Joy calls the race with Larry McReynolds and Waltrip. Krista Voda, Steve Byrnes, Matt Yocum and Dick Berggren are on pit road.
This post will serve to host your comments on the race telecast. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for stopping by.
Currently my internet access is limited, so please be patient.
1 – 200 of 471 Newer› Newest»Sorry folks, just a bit basic right now on net access.
Anyone else seeing as what I can best describe as a "compressed" picture, not filling up the whole screen?
Myrtle Beach, SC here watching on WFXB
Sounds like seeing an HD format on an SD set.
Whoopie. 4+ hours of DW. If I live thru it, I'll need a lobotomy.
were 7 minutes in and already its clear these clowns dont get it. ABC covered the show today, while Fox tries to be the show.
Was thinking more of the opposite..have a 50' Panasonic here, forgot to mention that part..
@Brett- It's in letterbox format here on DirecTV SD tv. DFW area
Nothing to apologize for. We appreciate all you do. Should have some spectacular aerial images when the sun goes down. Let's hope for some clean, hard racing with a minimum of BS from the booth. Unfortunately, this is a long race which lends itself to a lot of 'windy' commentary.
Happy Memorial Day weekend friends! Thanks to all who have served, are serving, or have family members serving our country.
Just checked here in FL, same compressed format.
Hi GUys n Gals....WoO was off the hook last night...now I look forward to criticizing Waldrip and Faux...heh....Happy Memorial Weekend to all and God Bless our troops!!!!
I'm sorry but DW said that he has been to Walter Reed and everyone there says the same thing to him. "Shut up!" is what came to mind.
Pretty interesting start after F-1 and Indy.
Afraid this is going to be a promo-fest for that movie and the fall season on FOX. Hopefully someone will notice a race going on.
Mike Joy...seriously?
I'll bet those guys are hot in those suits!
Pre race just one long commercial.
So it's a commercial for the movie and the phone. I thought there was going to be a race?
What? No book shilling?
MW rumor is that he has a movie deal with Sony.
well now that I see 2 waltrips, the sound is definitely staying on mute until they get closer to the race.
OMG! When does it stop???
Oh dear Lord...a Mikey promo for his dang book....SUCH pandering!!!!
21 minutes in and no i
live interviews from the drivers. PRN has done more than 10. oh great now mikey shows up. epic fail by Fox so far
Imagine, Mikey hawking a book and movie??? No way? Could vever happen, right?
Weather here. No race til they get done yammering about the huge red blob moving in. Things are gonna happen, eh.
Book-shilling. I thought maybe they'd cover some racing.
Going to be a long night - and not because this race is 600 miles.
btw Fox 2 in Detroit NOT showing pre-race rite now. Bad, huge storm system going thru lower MI at the moment.
So this is the pre race for a Nascar race.
Not yet. We have commercials to do during the show. MW promoting a movie before it is made. so this is information we need to better understand this race.
Detroit TV pre-empting NASCAR for weather coverage. They say they'll go to the race by the green flag.
This is a Waltrip world, we are just living in it.
For locals, Pam, you have to admit, it's terrifying. Eh, from what I'm hearing, us Detroiters are not missing anything.
I think maybe DW ought to put his glasses on to read the teleprompter, cause he suremessed that up.
Anon/J-not faulting them at ALL! I was extremely lucky-not bad where I am. I just switched over from 7 (my fav).
Mikey. TMZ where are you when we need you???
I bet after today and all the racing on Tv the highlight will be hearing that MW is going to have a movie made.
BTW....Juan Pablo Montoilet ran his GOLF CART into the backstretch grandstand last night at the dirt track....Some talent there, huh??He may've been ticked that no one recognized him but Trevor Bayne got mobbed...lol
Agreed, Pam - but worse a little bit later. Don't live in Monroe. If you do - move within the next 30-45 minutes.
I want my race. Weather will have huge blobs and my plants in the garden will get drowned. Fine.
Enough Terror of '11 - THE RAIN! from our Michigan locals.
Anon/J-Ann Arbor area for me. But from the comments, doesn't sound like I'm missing much anyway. Stay safe!
For the last two commercial breaks the station out of Marquette that has the HD channel in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan just shows the Fox logo and no commercials.
JD..sounds like you're seeing the same thing I am? I sent a tweet to N O F, asking what was up with their signal, no response..not that I expected one.
There is the man!
Yep, it's letterbox compressed.
Back full strength here, was on FOX's end per Horry Cable. How about there? Thanks, too.
Mike Joy says "stock car racing's longest night" -- and I say "Amen Brother, in so many ways".
Pace yourselves folks, it's gonna be a long one!
Fox in Detroit is doing pic in pic with weather in small rite hand corner. Showing pace laps but no sound yet, which matters not to me anyway.
Holy...yes, JD - I wanted to say that - local station is doing side by side for everyone here getting smited.
Pam, Dearborn here. Out westerly like you I'd be a bit more concerned - things can touch down and head yer way. Explains why the Plymouth area is still farmland west of 275. :)
Nice way to start a long night by being about 6 minutes late on the green flag. Ugh...
Green flag commercial? nice.
Whoa? Atlanta TV went to a commercial right at the green. Came back to the broadcast a few seconds later.
Not sure if that happened for anyone else, but FOX in Atlanta went to commercial just as the first cars crossed the line to start the race. They came out of commercial while the leaders were coming off turn two.
Tight shots, in-car cam on lap 2 but if anything happens we have Replay.
The booth is off to a bad start. Stenhouse hardly touched the wall and DW, Larry and Mike thoyght he hurt it. When they showed a close up of the right side, the decals weren't even rubbed off. The tires took the brunt of it.
Happy Marathon Race Night Planeteers <3
Some stations went to break?
Full screen from Detroit now. They stayed on until all the tornado warmings expired. Nice, close 1 car shots I see...
Looks like Alex and I are both in Atlanta. Fox 5 went to break in the middle of the "boogities" and came back as the leaders came off turn 2.
Wow, now that was a WIDE shot! So long in fact you could barely see the cars.
Yay, us in MI get racing. I'll watch til my driver quits for the day, I think.
Hey, director guy? It's a race, front to back, and while you're obligated to use certain cameras, this is disappointing already.
Loss leader for network indeed. I'll take the inclement weather instead.
Yep. At least it was limited to just one affiliate.
Weather up here by Flint, MI too. So far so good. Luckily I had DW muted for the start.
OK, just got in from food gathering, so as you expect me to say it I shall: Everyone Repeat After Me, "KYLE BUSCH WILL WIN!"
(mumbling, quotes Pink Floyd, "Is there anybody out there?"
*sighs and mumbles"
Sorry Ancient, but I have you muted.
Amazing how much easier it was to read the crawler during Indy than it is to try to squint enough to read the Fox crawler. Gives me a headache.
I do like the steering wheel on that graphic.
Right next to home, and just not worth it to race. How many more people will pull in for this one before the night is out?
Why so many in-car cams views.
This is almost like a practice.
Sally-checked the weather over the country-we were the ONLY state getting anything! I see this is gonna be a long nite-sowing JJ by hisself on TV now...sigh.
That got my attention! S&P at CMS!
Makes you wonder how all those drivers managed to drive the old race cars...no fresh air box, no power steering. Guess they were a lot tougher in those days.
Sally I was JUST going to comment on the hard to read crawl!
Indy car chose large, easy to read fonts, in a clean format. FOX gunks it up with off fonts for # & garish colors.
I'd think that would be basic tv 101 have Easy to read graphics without all the clutter & busieness
Split screen or in car cam with everybody. WHY waste time on this?????????????
Indy 500 camera work was good.
NASCAR, i'll see ya later.
Fox or Powers the Be, you've lost your focus on how to "present a race".
This isn't a video game though I'm guessing a 12 year old is in the truck playing :-(
This is not reflection of the guys in the booth or pit road. They have no input
Enjoy the trainwreck Mr. Hill & Producers/directors.
I think this Denny H commercial is FUN! :-D
I'm new to NASCAR only watching since 2004, but the older cars I read had windows w/o glass. Thus drivers had air flow.
Now with the aerodynamic reasons, cars are totally closed in thus become an oven/solarium type heat.
So yes you have to be tough no matter what but the baking w/o windows to push air through would be stifling.
just my 24 cents :-D
How many S&P cars? Anyone know?
Cool to see that #43 car out front, isn't it?
JD - I know they mentioned Nemechek, Stremme, and one other. Don't know beyond that.
Now since they had green flag pit stops will they go through the field so we know where all the drivers are.
so glad this Faux's last race this year
@JD - I'm going to guess the #46, #87, #30 and #60 are S&P for sure. One maybe is the #66 with two sponsors, which is unusual for that team, although they've parked before with K Love on the car.
Thank you. Reality of making money I guess.
@Jeff - Kansas next weekend is Fox's last race.
S&P's would be the usual suspects I guess
Jeff, one more this year! Kansas.
Been thrown a bone - there are indeed more than two cars on the track!
Thanks, tv dudes.
Agree about ticker, don't need each driver's custom look with color and number font. Make it uniform.
side by side?
@JD - All 5 teams I guessed are now apparently out, don't expect any more as the #95, #09, #32 and #36 usually run the distance. Don't know about the #7 as he's awfully close to slipping out of the top-35.
Just like always - Do you know where your driver is without looking at the ticker and why?
I'll be in the stands at Kansas, screw Faux, lol
Larry Mac seems to be more involved tonight than he has been in recent races.
this race keeps interrupting the commericials
@Martin: I believe that I heard on HotPass that the 66 blew up. Plus, they usually try to run the distance in the "big" races.
Again - when going to local commercials all I see is the Fox Sports logo.
Guess they weren't able to sell Ad time.
@Jim - Unless HP Racing has a new plan for 2011, they rarely run full races. Do you remember McDowell running in the back of another car at Martinsville and saying on the radio "I only get one race a year, I'm going to make it count"?
JD, has anyone noticed or commented on how much the Yellow walls at Charlotte define the track so much better, enhance the cars and make a better picture on TV? Just asking.
Did they show the debris. No
Did they go live when the caution came out. No
Was this a planned yellow. Maybe.
Going w/anon @ 6:57 wtf, man. Trying to watch commercials here. Not okay!
Crank It Up on pit stops. First time I remember seeing that.
Same old garbage. Field is spread out, FOX covers this like a practice session and DW reads the mind of each driver.
The S&P teams annoy me in this situation. While #71 Lally & #37 Raines would have ran the distance had they made the show, we are stuck with 5 cars that won't even make 50 laps (including the #60, a second Germain car with a sponsor). Come on, how far do these teams have to travel to get from the shop to the track? NASCAR should force these teams back on track like last season.
Torn on this Bud ad.
Is your brother at the track? If so can he communicate with U? Might be interesting.
Anon 6:57 pm---you're funny!
I have been cooking dinner and running into the tv rooom whenever I get a second. Been 4 times and each time its been a commercial over a span of a half hour
Speaking of that, caution was for beer cans on track Turn 4.
Bud or Miller Lite?
For 10 seconds they did such a great job showing that restart, I think I saw 8 cars in that angle
JD-Funny you mention that Bud ad. I don't like it at all. The Bud ads are often outstanding. The soldier comes home and no one is at the airport, train station,etc? In this era of cell phones and hand held devices, its almost inconceivable he could come home unexpectedly. Maybe I'm just too logical????
It is about the money. I do not fault them. But I could go into my rant on how everyone should have to race their way in every week.
Um,"No?" "No Ranting?"
OK. Planet Control sez I should not. Got one penalty this week. Not longing for another -- this week anyway. ;)
Junior os passing some cars...wish I could see some of it. Up to 9th from 23rd.
Hi, AR -- no sorry he's not there this weekend although he's still in NC. So unfortunately no live updates from my personal track reporter.
Jr. up to 6th. Havent seen pass one.
Seeing a lot of tailpipes right now.
Note to self: bottles not allowed at CMS, sneak them in.
I quit watching the race; it isn't one.
Bet a lot of ticket holders are teed off.
were they throwing them at the 48 or the 18?LOL
irritating isn't it Sally??
I know Bud has new ad peeps, but that one just rubs me wrong.
Looks like Robby Gordon has given up for the season. Really sad to see.
bored with all the in car cameras!
That Bud commercial bothers me, too. It makes me feel sad for the guy.
@Martin: I remember that at Martinsville. McDowell indicated on Twitter that they were gonna try and race tonight. Funny how whenever the S&P guys get a sponsor and try and stretch out their stuff, it usually breaks on them. (Take the money and run...?)
Hi all - Just got in here & went to watch DVR to catch up -Fox HD WTVTHD here in Tampa FL gave me 1+ hour of black screen And going live its still black. Anyone else having problems? Or is it a Brighthouse thing?
There goes Larry Mac. saying, "Ole Five Time" Jeepers.
Is Waltripisness a communicatible diseae?
Looks like the #7 is out of this race. If the #21 finishes 28th or better, it will pass the #7 in the standings, but since Chicagoland is not on its schedule, Gordon gets a mulligan and gets the last guaranteed spot after all.
If they keep covering the race like this, I'm going to switch the channel to soapnet and catch up with General Hospital.
Went back to look, went to commercial. Meh. If it weren't ugly out, I'd go work on the garden.
there's the way they might be able to top the indy story... JR wins!
"All New Digger Cam" - Wonderful.
Have not watched GH in awhile. Who is the bad guy now?
(and if you answer KyBu I shall not believe you)
"waltripness" Love it, AR. I fear that it is indeed contagious. Remember all of us fans adore him and beg him to say all those things.
Jr. lost 5 spots on pit road...not a word from the booth. Good time to get dinner going.
I've been reading some F1 forums these past two weeks and seeing the comments from F1 people who are watching their first Nascar races because of Kimi. Most don't see how you can appreciate the flow of a race with the constant commercial interruptions.
Does anyone here remember when you could not watch a race on TV?
I know JD does.
We are lucky to have what we have.
And, by the way---
Starts and parks have been going on since the Roman Charriott races.
So why does that seem so new to you all?
Went to the 500 today and this race looks ho-hum already. Probably won't make it through all of this one.
AR -- would I do that? LOL
Let's see the real "bad guy" is old man zacarra - he's supposed to be crazy but he's evil! Remember Bruce Weitz from Hill Street Blues? He plays this guy too.
Sonny and Jason have become sort of quasi good guys -- not nearly as much as when they were supposed to be gangsters.
I do remember the '70's! I had big hair.
tweet us a picture, JD!
Because this race is at CMS!
Let's see the hair JD. Please!
@JD - I started watching the races in the late '80s. If races were on TNN or TBS, I couldn't watch them in Canada. Took a while for TSN to start carrying them like they did the ESPN races.
I learned my lesson from Jayski! Keep some things private. Smart dude, even if he is from Jersey!
"there's the way they might be able to top the indy story... JR wins!"
Hildebrand and Jr. are both in National Guard cars. So no.
Not like there was a chance anyway. He'll get a top ten finish but the only way he'll win the race is on gas mileage.
S&P wasn't important before the stupid "top 35 rule".
I remember the 70's. I got married in 1971. I posted during the Indy race that I'd have to listen to Indy on the radio when I was a teenager. It was shown later on TV. "Same Day Coverage" was a biggie back in the day!
I remember barely hearing the races on a scratchy AM radio in the 60s as a teenager. I still can clearly "see" some of the things I heard. My clearest imaginary memory is of the crash and fire that killed Fireball Roberts. I have the picture imbedded in my mind based on the description on the radio. Sometimes, our imagination makes a better picture than reality.
JD, that is too funny. what happened in the 80's stays in the 80's, is that it?
This, so far, is pure Faux visually. Tight. Tight. Tight.
Daly Planet Editor said...
I learned my lesson from Jayski! Keep some things private. Smart dude, even if he is from Jersey!
Honey, you are going to want to stay away from saying things like this with me (and Gina) on board. Those of us from NEW Jersey don't take those comments well.
We used to get together in my VCU dorm and watch Ned Jarrett's weekly highlight show.
No it's what happened in the 70's stays in the 70's cause we don't remember much of what did happen in the 70's.
And I don't know why, cause I can't remember.
Man, I hated same day coverage of the Indy 500.
Just try to persuade five other family members to give up the entire prime-time TV schedule so that you can watch a car race.
The 60's, 70's and 80's were crazy times. Now, where were we? Is the race winding down? Oops, Biffle's losing it.
Wow, there ARE 2 race fans in NJ. Impressive!
Biffle looks like a real 56$$y.
LOL, Cathy -- he did say Jayski was a SMART dude though, so it is a left handed compliment -
Ancient -- I'm definitely watching GH - I can't handle this many hrs of Faux coverage - seeing views through in cars, etc.
Hey JD, the Jersey lady caused you Honey. Are you offended? LOL
Maybe I'm dense...but I don't understand why they have to show the car when relaying information or radio chatter. Did we need to see only Biffle's car going around for two laps while we heard him yell at his crew chief?
Gosh, with one Q to Gina I got a short string going! Wicked! I love me! ;)
Hehe...Jay's got one of the best NASCAR media stories ever! Air traffic controller to NASCAR powerhouse.
Hey, I remember Modified races at Flemington!
They talk more about a driver and his life and how he feels then they do the handling of the car, gas mileage, tires.
Jim, you would think that would be unnecessary but in the mad mad world of Fox, watching one car ride around makes perfect sense.
Two BIG succesful people out of NJ. Jay and Bruce.
Weird Biffle meltdown going on.
I've had enough NASCAR on FOX for the day.
oldnewenglander, my brother used to crew for a guy who raced at Flemington. I talked my mom into taking me one time when I was about 9 - it was my first live race and I was hooked.
Jersey Girls rule!
I didn't notice as many screen-filling graphics during the Indy telecast. No animation either. Even the ticker was low-key.
I also realize that the ABC booth was fairly quiet and they had plenty of time to tell me how the race was progressing. They weren't busy cross selling phones and sweepstakes.
Also Darrell can't let Mike Joy say ANYTHING without adding his own perspective.
All i want for Christmas is new production staff and DW out to pasture
Robby Gordon back in the race,... don't quite understand why at this point.
Busch, wait! We are almost half.....oh.....nevermind.
Don't blame the Biff at all :(
The pit stop is more important than the leader. especially a one-shot of the leader.
Kenseth's not being challenged, it's OK to take the camera off him once in a while.
Anon, 7:38 at least I am proud of where I am from. Plus there are way too many famous and successful people from NJ than you can count. And we have a great coastline...
Gee, it'd be a great story if Stenhouse got the win.
Sorta like the old days of the Wood Bros when Pearson would only show up for the big races. And crush everyone.
Buschseries61 Maybe you should go and mow your lawn. Just do it in an oval and start your on race. LOL
I don't hate the coverage as much as some of you all do(that's cool different strokes for different folks).
However, there is no way Larry Mac can be happy with his "new role", I can't believe he really want to tell us who bicycled where in the off season.
He's a crew chief, DW needs to shut up and let Larry tell us what is going on when someone is having a issue with there racecar.
And I like DW! But, FOX is wasting Larry.
Gina - Yes, we Jersey girls do rule! Plus we don't pump our own gas. :)
As to hair. I had beautiful aubrun hair. Long. Long. Dressed into curls, a la Robert Plant.
Then the top went down in the back, and I was told to "act my age." I did. I was unhappy.
Last year I went to Finland. Bought a Beaver Hat just like the one Benjamin Franklin had in paintings of him.
Then I thought, and I thought and I thought some more.
Result? KyBu wins lots and I am now at my advanced age working on a "Full Franklin"
Got the hat so why not? :D
Anon not only isn't proud of where he's from. He's also embarrassed about who he is.
His self-esteem is so low that the only way he feels good is to troll chat rooms and say bad things about people that have never heard of him.
If you want us to talk well of New Jersey then you're going to have to get rid of that Ooomapa-Loompa and her reality show. She reflects badly on you.
So Jayski was an air traffic controller? I read where today they average $161,000/year. You'd think they'd be able to stay awake! I have never listened to Biffle's radio, but supposedly he whines almost as much as Junior.
LOL, AR - none of us should ever have to act our age. Where's the fun in that? i like the idea of the hat - although tough to wear in the summer I'll bet.
So the cialis commercials have moved the bathtubs to the roof top instead of on the deck -- why isn't that risking indecent exposure charges?
I don't know what a "full Franklin" is, but the image in my head is of a short fat bald guy wearing grandma's glasses and buckles on his shoes.
Not a look that I would strive for personally.
ok did we really need to see all of them peeling off their visors?
and throwing them out the window? maybe someone needs a debris caution?
I hate this commercial with the green 57 Chevy. It's repulsive
Jay probably got a lot more than that when he did his deal with ESPN. I hung a banner up for him in Talladega when he first launched the site. When he explained to me what he was doing I said, "What, a site with no pictures, you gotta have pictures" so I hung the banner anyway. Wow did his site take off.
He made a few people not happy but quickly became an icon in the sport by sticking to his guns.
I am still proud to be his friend.
@Andy D - they are in Italy now. And Italy isn't happy with them there. Maybe that will be enough to cancel them. (And they aren't from NJ anyway.) BTW that is an insult to Oompa Loompas... Not quite sure what "it" is but not an Oompa Loompa.
which oompaloompah? Snooki or whoever is in the "real housewives" NJ version?
I am proud to be from NJ -- the people seeking their 15 minutes of fame come from all over the US as is shown by the many many reality shows on TV.
hmm, Jr. about to get lapped? good thing he has plenty of fans to throw beer cans on the track :(
By the way, Go Matt! ( Just jinxed him, didn't I?)
@ Gina - I thought it referred to Snooki. (ick) I didn't realize that the "Real" Housewives counted. (BTW I am a real housewife...)
Hey, a commercial for ANOTHER movie!
Per Jayski's site, he was a "C5-A Crew Chief and General Aircraft Mechanic, also worked in Supply and on the Aircraft Inspection Docks (ISO)"... I thought "air traffic controller" didn't sound right to me.
I'm a big fan of Jayski, wish my website could take off the way his did. Not being envious, just wishful thinking! :)
I think if you are Larry Mac right now your head is spinning. Have to wonder if FOX in 2012 is in the carsa.
Noticing all the empty spots in the stands. Too bad.
Dinner's ready, so I'll keep checking in...
way too much defense for New jersey. You'd never be able to handle it here in the South.
Everyone from out of town thinks we're all like Larry The Cable Guy (not from the South, like Snooki isn't a Jersey Girl). Or they're expecting some variant of Deliverance or Cletus from the Simpsons.
In other words, no matter where you go, everybody hates everyone else. The Pentagon makes a living from it.
Hey guys in the booth. We don't get to see all the racing in the middle of the pack on restarts.
We are watching on Tv and only see the two cars up front.
Cathy -- I am sure that you don't act like those crazy people do. What little I know about the show is based on seeing some of the commercials/trailers for it.
The whole Snooki thing makes me nauseous.
Wow, JG's radio is really screwed up.
LOL, sorry Andy D -- can you tell that the race is boring?
is there a race somewhere?
Is there in the booth a sign saying "when you mention fues always say 'Sunoco'?" Hardcores like us know who the provider is, and I am willing to admit casuals do not, but Puuuullleeezzeee.
This is right about first deep breath time.
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