Here we go again! The Camping World Truck Series has put on the best show for TV all season long. No lovebug racing, no fuel mileage races and no whining!
Krista Voda starts the action off with the pre-race show. Ray Dunlap and Hermie Sadler are the reporters. Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip are the trio in the booth for the race.
The trucks on this short-track should be lots of fun. A good field is going to feature some regulars running up front for the series title with some ringers.
There are few bells and whistles on this track. The action is right in your face and the challenge for the director is to strike the correct balance between the high cameras for perspective on the field and the low cameras to relay the speed.
This may be the final truck series race at this track due to a variety of factors. What we do know is that this racing doubleheader weekend of Nationwide Series and trucks will not exist next years. That is certainly a shame.
This post will serve to host your comments on the SPEED coverage of the Camping World Trucks from Indy. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
Hi folks! Truck series time from Indy.
One of the top five races of the season, regardless of series. Tomorrow's N'wide race is too. It's truly a shame that one of the most 'Old School' tracks is losing its weekend. These two events are much more typical of what NASCAR should be like than Sunday's over-rated spectacle, and I've attended all three.
I can't believe it! One of my fav TV doubleheaders of the season. Such a shame!
Glad the weather is holding.
Happy Pick 'em Ups racin' Planeteers <3
It'll be sad to see them no longer race here. Hope they get to come back.
why is there going to be no more NASCAR at IRP anymore.
NASCAR is taking the NNS race over to the big speedway next year to try and help the ticket sales.
NNS will be on the big oval
That does not leave enough of a draw to have a standalone truck race. Lots of excuses flying around, but right now it's not happening.
Loved that feature on Rick Crawford, miss that dude!
Hard to believe this will be the first and last time I watch both IRP Races. I've missed this weekend several times.
Why isn't he singing on Sunday????
He nailed it! And it looks like he is going right back on duty. Loved that anthem.
Anthem gets an A+ from me. That was Luciano Pavarotti all over it.
I was in the other room and heard him singing, came around the corner and I was surprised how small the guy was. I was thinking it was a huge guy with this deep voice.
Nice Job.
Am I the only one already sick of 'Dumbest Stuff on Wheels'? Hundreds of hours of racing across the nation every Friday and Saturday night and Speed has to drag in another 'Stupid Human Tricks' video compilation. I'd rather watch 'Home Track' action shot on a cell phone.
Rick, Phil & the SPEED team were fantastic last night in the ARCA race. Tonight should be just as good!
Please tell me the whole race won't be like this.
They are getting after it!
I wish in-car cams were not around.
If your into arcade games, yes. Racing, no.
spotter says rain drops.
Yet another reason short tracks rule: They dry quickly.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. Rain!
Repeating what's going on here....RAIN. This caution is a good field reset since the field has shifted since the last caution.
The race is just getting started and I got a headache from Waltrip already! Now we got three people all trying to talk over each other.
Love the fun these guys have.
Letting the races at this track just proves thatBZF and Nascar have not clue ONE why they need more short tracks, not more hype!
#1 truck in racebuddy switched their radio freq. Waiting for racebuddy to switch to.
Races go away, is what I meant. Sorry.
Can't believe they are going to try NNS cars at the big track.
Just move the Cup guys over here and tell IMS to pound sand.
lol JD. So true. The crowd they get would fit right in for this track.
IMS is the most over hyped race of the year
If this tells you anything, all the Cup teams aren't working on handling at IMS.
They are working on qualifying and fuel mileage. Ugh.
#1 Truck has radio again. Thanks !!
spotter feels a bit of rain
A little confused on how these guys got out front.
Yep, wish the pit guys told us but it sounds like they might have been yanked for weather.
Waltrip Sponsor Plug Alert!
Hi everybody -
Great pictures from SPEED at a fantastic race track.
But the booth needs to chill out a bit. In my mind, we don't need constant chatter every single second. Let some of the pictures tell the story. Let the viewer hear the in-car audio WITHOUT the booth audio. Other words, shut up a little bit.... geez....they are all fighting over the microphone like a teenager at homecoming going after the last dance with the homecoming queen. All 3 of them are way overboard with audio.
It's been the driest July on record for the Indy area and it has to rain tonight. Figures
DPE @ 8:31pm...you are correct sir. I listened to Hammond he said everybody doing long runs and the big deal was consistency. Staying within a tenth for that mileage data. I observed few if any multi cars challenging in the corners.Probably disappointing for the few fans today.Likely to be the same for Race Day fans.
Nothing like we're watching tonight!
That was great racing!
@ Ken - Agree with you on the announcers. The dynamic changes when Waltrip is in the booth. All three of them jump on the mic when given the chance and speak a triple digit number of words per minute.
This race is fun to watch admittedly. Now if someone besides Sauter, Dillon, Bodine or Hornaday would win I'd be gleaming.
Call me crazy, but I think the rain may just hold off.
The top 5 graphic heading to commercial break has been wrong with the manufacturers all night. Bodine in a Ford lol.
At least they are mixing it up in the front. Pretty well behaved in the middle of the pack
spotter feels sprinkles again.
Not a TV comment,(sorry) but, I'm amazed at the empty seats.
In such a rich racing environment in central Indiana, I expected a larger turnout.
140 laps on a fuel run. Green flag pitstops and bidness is gonna pickup soon.
A bit too much discussion of the weather from the booth. Kudos for concentrating on those racing for position instead of focusing on the leaders.
After what happened with Kentucky, how can you blame these people for staying away!
Ken-MI (upper or lower peninsula?), if it looks like that over here, what will the big track look like?
I'd rather sit on the hill here for a rain-shortened event that sit in the Pagoda for 400 miles.
How do they not black flag the 13?
@ Buschseries61.....GOOD EYE ON GRAPHICS !!
Doesn't look like rain will make it to the racetrack....should stay away.
Rain - not a factor the rest of the way.
Upper here.
James, nothing hanging off and he is keeping minimum speed/time.
@ Palmetto, I'm an hour from MIS.
Would love to see more open wheel racing on TV from L.O.R.P.
I'll be at Anderson tomorrow night, Indy on Sunday, Kokomo on Sunday night.
JD> Sparks don't count?
Really enjoy the split screen and always have enjoyed it.
With so many BIG screen TV's in most of our homes, the networks ned to utilize more split screen moments to show us all the action.
BIG fan of split screen action !!
I have a feeling in the years to come, we'll all see more and more split screen for many sports.
Nice track. Racing everywhere.
We don't have big screen TVs in my house, in fact 3 of the 4 in the house are smaller than 20 inches.
Most homes have Big screen. Not people I know.
No, sir....just fire!
15 Laps to go.
Fuel mileage race at a short tracks. Unreal...
I still love an unsponsored race car/truck beating all their butts !
Congrats TP !!
Well, Mikey and Phil stepped all over Rick on the last lap after stepping all over him for the entire race.
That was not fair and it kind of blew the call of the finish.
But great racing and good coverage.
Well deserved win for Timothy Peters.
A little messy at the end. Hard to know who was where.
Roadgeek Adam, you got your wish!
Good stuff. 100+ laps there is an eternity.
Great race, congrats to Timothy Peters!
SPEED did a pretty good job. A little too much talking in the booth, but that's it.
I will be at Riverhead watching the modifieds tomorrow night & setting the Nationwide race on the DVR. Hope you guys & girls enjoy it tomorrow!
JD I disagree. Seems like that booth appreciates a great race and it shows!
Is Richard gonna hammer on Todd.NASCAR officals on site. Todd says he thought he was clear. Rightttt.
Anon, you have to let the PXP guy call the last lap.
Rewind it and listen. Mikey ruined it like his brother did to Mike Joy at Daytona.
Must run in the family.
Todd totally slammed him. Need an interview on that one.
These points are getting fun. Smart decision to do this. :)
Per MRN Austins' crew chief was in Todds window before he could shut the truck off on pit road.
i wonder who thinks this was the best race ever even with it kind of being a gas milage race?
real shame they have to take it out as this being the first time i'm watching the doubleheader live.
Pretty good show! Don't forget tomorrow night NNS from same track.
See you then! Thanks for stopping by.
Showed the worst of the "Have" and "Have-Nots" in the race. The scroll really told the story with laps down of more than 2/3 of the field.
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