Saturday, July 23, 2011

Live Blogging Nationwide Series From Nashville (ESPN - 7PM)

The Nationwide Series returns to the regulars vs. the cross-overs this weekend as the Sprint Cup Series is off. Brad Keselowski topped the cross-overs to put his car on the pole in qualifying. Carl Edwards is also in the race.

ESPN has the small crew contingent in place for this stand-alone race. No Infield Studio and perhaps Mr. Brewer's expert analysis might be pre-recorded. Marty Reid, Rusty Wallace and Andy Petree are the trio in the booth. Dr. Jerry Punch, Dave Burns and Vince Welch are on pit road.

Nashville is not expecting a very big crowd. ESPN should have single groove racetrack that changes from the heat of the day to finish under the lights. The racing is always tactical and sometimes comes down to calls on pit road to determine the winner.

No doubt the regulars will be ready to go. Reed Sorenson and Justin Allgaier lead a pretty strong group contending for the season driver points championship. That battle should be a strong part of the telecast.

Often, ESPN is torn between paying attention to the big Cup stars and keeping fans of the series up to date on all the teams. It should be interesting to watch and see what approach is taken during the pre-race and the actual event.

This post will serve to host your comments on the ESPN coverage of the Nationwide Series race from the Nashville Speedway. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.


Daly Planet Editor said...

Pre-race starting outdoors for the ESPN guys.

saltsburgtrojanfan said...

Well Well Well

Nashville is not going to get a big crowd.

They are better off racing at the old Nashville Speedway that should not have gotten the axe.

NASCAR better return to the old days because the current era is not the golden age.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Nah, they never draw for a summer race. Peeps at the track say it's mondo-hot.

Anonymous said...

Happy Race Night Planeteers <3

Salts--nope heard 11K last night with seating for 25K.

Roland said...

Whos ready for another thrilling race at Nashville!!!! (sarcasm). Boy last night was a barn burner (not). Even though that small grandstand looks half full, thats still a good crowd for this track. There were 15 people there last night. Gonna listen to MRN tonight instead of the other MRN (Marty/Rusty Network). I cant wait till Steven wrecks somebody so I can hear the booth reaction. Ill unmute for that. Now Carl Edwards is running the pre race show. Whats he gonna do next week, tow the tech garage behind his car? Give me a break and go interview Herring or someone like that cause I have no idea who he is.

Charlie said...

I take it there is no scanner this week because of this stand alone race.

Daly Planet Editor said...

No scanners tonight! What are we going to do for fun?

Can't listen to Marty!

Roland said...

Yes Rusty, your son will cost you money. Excellent commentary.

GinaV24 said...

Hi planeteers, let's see what ESPN can do tonight considering how last night's race was no barnburner.

Mondo hot here in NJ, too.

Anonymous said...

Tim Brewer: "The more laps you run, the more the tires wear down. Back to you Marty!"

Cant they explain something a little more complex to us?

Daly Planet Editor said...

Poor Rusty, begging the entire PO'ed field not to wreck his kid who starts from the front row.

Daly Planet Editor said...

The best part about Brewer is that he is not even there I am told.


Anonymous said...

Feel bad for 3 Doors Down. Went from Top 20 singles on the Hot 100 to Nashville Nationwide races. Sad.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Kryptonite baby! I think I have that on 8 track tape.

jerry said...

If the race was at the fairgrounds a lot more of us would be there. track is too far outside Nashville with today's gas prices.

Not to mention ticket prices. I want the Fairgrounds back!!

PammH said...

what a great explanation by BK!

Daly Planet Editor said...

The Stenhouse backflip feature was a re-air from March of this year I am told.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Not really into the MRN or PRN stuff here on the TV blog, sorry.

Anon/J said...

Being waaaaay away from TN...all I'm gonna say is the usual - wide bloody shots, lay off the in-car cams, and while I ain't expecting to be amazed by this it!

I am expecting to be sorely disappointed, and am drinking like a fish to take the edge off of that.

Anonymous said...

JD, do you think Marty's feeling from the Cup broadcast decision?

GinaV24 said...

I still love my 3 doors down songs -- can we have some kryptonite for the cup drivers, please?

I want to see the nationwide drivers!

PammH said...

this is a horrible prayer...:(

Roland said...

EPIC Prayer!!!!!!!!!!!

Anon/J said...

As an ordained minister (kid ya not!) I want to strangle this so-called Reverend. What a jerk.

glenc1 said...

but it was funnier than heck. Clergy are allowed to be funny too.

Anonymous said...

Best invocation EVER. It doesnt alwayas have to be so serious.

Vicky D said...

Glad the drivers are racing with Sunoco ! Carl was laughing so much. Looks like Kenny has his race face on tonight.

Daly Planet Editor said...

That was different! Nothing like a little sponsored prayer.

glenc1 said...

ugh...when Nashville is 2 for 2 on bad anthems...geez. They couldn't have gotten a real singer in *Nashville*?

GinaV24 said...

ouch, sorry, I just had to change the channel away from the person singing and I use the word loosely when I say singing, the National Anthem.

My siamese cats make a sound like that when they are hungry. geez

Orville said...

"Smokin hot wife"?

Daly Planet Editor said...

Anon, there is a conference call on Tuesday with the ESPN guys before the Indy weekend.

I will ask some questions and get info on that and other topics.

Why make a change now if things were going just fine? Ya know?

Anon/J said...

Hope to heck it was supposed to be funny...cuz I ain't betting the farm on that being the original intent.

Also, supposed to be praying for the drivers and stuff...who wants any kinda fun there?

Just my opinion. I'd strangle the guy.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Yep, smokin' hot wife!

Anonymous said...

I'm still crying from laughing so hard! Loved Pastor Church Revival as always!

terri said...

God, that was an awful National Anthem. She should never be allowed to sing it again.

terri said...

@Anon/J....yes, that was an awful prayer. I'm sure it never made it to God's ears.

Anon/J said...

I know I'm a horse's rear end - and will freely admit to it...but what's with the trolls?

Takes some work to find this blog, show up, and then raise Cain on it.

We collectively need a dating service for these 40 something guys showing up here and taking their frustrations out.

Anonymous said...

I wish the guy giving the command to start engines would have said first let me thank God for MY smoking hot wife to!

billydelyon said...

Well now, that was an interesting prayer, "my smokin hot wife"??


Anonymous said...

if God didn't have a sense of humor, why did He give us one? Just saying.....I think He heard that loud and clear.

But we can agree to disagree.

Aric in this still a jinx?

Anon/J said...

Terri - there's a bit of a dilemma. If JD leaves everything unmoderated, we get idjits like the newest troll. If he goes over every comment made, you don't get that.

Sometimes, he lets the trolls flourish, just cuz it's funny.

All that said, I've seen, here, the most sensible censorship ever. Be patient. Bad eggs tend to disappear.

sbaker17 said...

My wife is a big Rusty W. fan now that he is an "announcer." When he is in the booth, I don't watch which, to her, means I can take care of the honey-dos.

Daly Planet Editor said...

That's "the WICCAN!" He is now our official troll.

Don't know why he was not mentioned in that prayer, everyone else was!

Bill said...

I know this is out of context, but I just figured out something. Perhaps I'm not the first? Austin Dillon has a hatchet face! You could chop wood with that bad boy!

uh oh. Grandpa Richard just took his watch off...

Anon/J said...

Anon @ was a horrific, greedy invocation, IMO. No humor in name dropping. No humor in backroom deals for your parish. I cannot, and will not agree with it.

Daly Planet Editor said...

That was a little weird, no comment from the track or NASCAR.

Think they might just let that one pass.


A favor if you please...
to the folks in the booth ...


Anonymous said...

Austin & Ty both got the worst features of their parents, somehow. Odd looking boys.

Daly Planet Editor said...

The preacher's "prayer" was on YouTube before lap 1!

glenc1 said...

wonder how much tip-toeing Rusty's gonna have to do tonight....

10 laps, time for commercial.

JD got his lesson in Wiccan last night.

GinaV24 said...

I see Steven is dropping like a rock - and we're in commercial.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Good luck tonight SHUT, got three talkers in the booth!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Carl Edwards fan or a fan of Brad's, but I think Carl's going to lay back until the very end of the race and then pounce. Speaking of the #22, a test for announcers in the booth should be to accurately pronounce the words "Kesolowski" and "Hendrick". Rusty, Larry Mac, Spencer, Kyle Petty and Kenny Wallace would be elinated from contention.

Anonymous said...

and no scanner. Oh well


RWar24 said...

I've never figured out why Rusty thinks he has to be the micro-machine guy, or someone ripping through the disclaimer of a prescription drug. If he would just slow down, take a breath and think out what he's going to say, he could be better off. He starts yapping 100 mph and half the time he's not making sense or contradicting himself. Maybe ESPN pays him by the word.

GinaV24 said...

youtube is so great, it's just amazing what you can find on there.

Probably where speed is getting their clips for the new show on dumb stuff!

Terri, we are considering having flamebroiled troll tonight - our little wiccan boy.

Daly Planet Editor said...

I had to go look it up, I thought it was a male witch.

Instead, it's just worshipping one dark God.

Hey, I used to be Catholic, I can handle that! Hehe...

saltsburgtrojanfan said...

Hey I'm watching an old race on YouTube.and BP made a mention of Neil Goldberg during the sat feed commercial.

Daly Planet Editor said...

The only reason AB finally got the nod is because NG is gone.

TV is sometimes very personal.

AngelaJackson said...

Do we have start & park in NW?

glen1 said...

RWar, I agree--I think he could contribute if he just took some time to think about what he's saying and not just talk to fill time.

Bill said...

The track looks beautiful, especially this time of day. At least ESPN shows the track!

AngelaJackson said...

JD - who is NG?

GinaV24 said...

In that case, I am happy that Neil G was so stupid - getting Allen back into the booth is at least ONE step forward for ESPN.

I agree about cRusty, too. His mouth is a hot rod and he never remembers to engage his brain before he talks. Can you tell I can't stand him? Not as a driver and even less as an announcer.

saltsburgtrojanfan said...

Hey JD I do not have an e-mail address, So i'm gonna have to post it here.

On the Watkins Glen race weekend I would like you to do a remembarance of JD McDuffie. He died 20 years ago that WG weekend and it would be nice if you would please do that.

Much appreciated


GinaV24 said...

so was rusty just apologizing for annett? I came back in the middle of whatever noise rusty was making.

at least the kyle busch commercial is less creepy than the one they do with Hamlin.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Oh yes, S&P festival tonight.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Angela, former ESPN producer.

SBTF, I will ask if ESPN is going to do the same. That was pretty shocking for almost all of us working that day.

Daly Planet Editor said...

This track used to pack 'em in!

Anonymous said...

I think that the Bestwick decision shows that ESPN wants to renew the NASCAR contract.
However, I think that Rusty Wallace's role in the broadcast has to be eliminated.
No matter how heartfelt his comments were about Mike Arnett, it still sounded like Rusty Wallace racing P.R.

glenc1 said...

Even if I lived there, in this heat I think I'd be at home with the AC on.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy comparing the TV broadcasts at the top level of other sports to the Network coverage of Nascar racing. The three weeks of the Tour de France will be wrapping up tomorrow. Each day, the end of the race is totally, commercial-free on the Versus network. Yesterday they climbed the famous Alpe D'Huez. The last 45 minutes of the climb was totally free of commercials!!! Once, the lead host mentioned that the commercial free segment was sponsored by Nissan. You could see the momentum and excitement build without the letdown of breaking for several silly commercials or that stupid Sprint commercial with seven laps to go recently. Why it isn't standard operating procedure in Nascar is beyond me, but I guess I'm not seeing the dollar signs they are. For what it's worth....

GinaV24 said...

ESPN will lose Rusty when Fox loses DW. I'm not going to hold my breath to see it happen.

It is time for a beer to get through this race.

glenc1 said...

The footage of JD's wreck is on youtube. I've watched it a few times (which is actually unlike me.) But I wanted to understand it better. What's strange about the footage is that they knew...nowadays no one ever says anything until much later. But you can tell everyone is shaken.

James said...

I notice all the former driver are very mouthy and hard on the ears? I guess they where not formally trained! They give you a headache and they should be limited to a support role instead of always trying to take over the broadcast. Marty can use a little help, but wait till he gets tired around half way.

Vicky D said...

Of couse ESPN misses the first green flag pitstops

Daly Planet Editor said...

James, some guys like Dale Jarrett got TV training but for most is was learn on the job.

That's another reason it is so very important to have a veteran PXP guy with them in the booth.

bozo said...

anon 8:16 PM.. i'm guessing versus didn't pay anything near the rights fee for bike racing as these networks paid for nascar...apples/oranges..

Anonymous said...


Its hot enough for Margaritas!


James said...

JD I agree with yoou , but DJ is also a gentleman.

James said...

You talk about a lousy way to show a pit atop, WTF? sHOULD WE CALL THAT A marty cam?

Daly Planet Editor said...

That was not an all-star round of pitstop coverage.

Paul said...

About time for Pierre Dubris!

AngelaJackson said...

I thought my TV channel changed itself during that pitstop. WTH i that?

Daly Planet Editor said...

Got folks calling for Jacques Debris all over the Internet.

Maybe another "twist tie in turn 3" caution.

GinaV24 said...

LOL, Jimm, too true but i don't have the fixins for those but there is a cold Yuengling in the fridge.

Anon/J said...

This sucks. Badly. I'm more worried about the survival of my ivy plants than this.

I hate ESPNl and I hate their coverage, and I've had enough. Elusive 20 something market right here, getting drunk, and enraged like you would not believe.

Take your stick and ball stuff and do unreasonable things with it. No more.

I hope they all end up unemployed.

GinaV24 said...

sooo bored now. My cats are tussling around getting some exercise and that's more exciting than this race.

James said...


Charlie said...

I missed something here. Just nine cars on the lead lap?

Anonymous said...

Paul--he's depressed because Pastor Church Revival didn't mention him in the prayer ;-)

I was so happy to see Eric's team highlighted wasn't paying attention that it wasn't the usual Memorex. Had wondered why the cut to commercial was odd...because it was LIVE & they still screwed it up :(

Anonymous said...

Bozo@ 8:20 pm

What's apples/oranges is the quality of the coverage!

AngelaJackson said...

Well, I've reached my limit for this. Going to find something else to do. Good night to all & keep cool :)

Daly Planet Editor said...

There ya go, twist-tie caution!

Daly Planet Editor said...

Bye Ang!

Anonymous said...

Caution pit stops?

He means yellow flag pit stops

Charlie said...

Why would you cut away after just showing the cars on the lead lap pitting. The lead cars don't even make up a third of the field. The 2nd group would be the the ones to watch.

Anonymous said...

Another example why ESPN has to let Nationwide go elsewhere if they want to renew the Cup contract.
SPEED would be the likely place, but anything to do with Rupert Murdock makes me sick to my stomach.

Charlie said...

If there are now 14 cars on the lead lap some cars then did not pit. Which ones?

Daly Planet Editor said...

We suggested that ESPN let SPEED take the NNS races once ESPN starts the Cup coverage. No.

We suggested they have two different on-air teams for NNS and Cup. No.

We suggested they put the NNS pre-race online once college football begins. No.

I am kind of tired of suggesting how to help this series.

When September comes, the NNS gets killed and drops off the radar.

James said...

The big question is how id Austin Dillon staying up at forth when the regulars are not even competitive?

Daly Planet Editor said...

Wonder who builds his engines? Hmm...

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see who Rustys kid takes out this week.

Cant that kid drive?

Wow, a follow up on the 32 battery?

Impressed. Would be nice to have scanner

James said...

Speaks to how competitive the equiptment is for the other teams and why the series is really not that competitive anymore with these"new" cars.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Steven is 0 for 2 tonight. Almost took out the field last time!

longtimeracefan said...

It's just about halfway, the sun is going down and the race is just now getting interesting.

Now the fun begins.

ADHD y'all.

jerry said...

Pass for the lead in the small screen. I don't understand.

saltsburgtrojanfan said...

TY for the plug JD

Charlie said...

I bet they miss the lead change. If they would have hung on for another minute we would have seen it.

Anonymous said...

ESPN telegraphs the scenario for the Indy Nationwide race.....Travis Pastranna.
Although i must admit that I have my DVR set for the X Games Rallycross....its different.

James said...

Most exciting pass of the race and we do not see it. If it were the 66 I bet they would have broke in for the pass.

longtimeracefan said...

. Rusty just refered to Marty/Andy as: Mandy>

Roland said...

No offense, but Pastrana being in the Nationwide series is one of the biggest thing to happen to this series in years. There hasnt been nearly the ammount of promotion there should be. This is a big deal. He has millions of fans in a key demographic.

James said...

Well I don't care who they bring in the series, if they can not or will not figure out how to broadcast the race so you can watch it what difference does it make?

Daly Planet Editor said...

Carl's sick and Brad is breaking. Hmm..

Anonymous said...

Well atleast we get and add with Danica in cutoffs bent over an engine.

Anonymous said...

Wont argue with that, Roland but if ESPN treats Pastranna like Danica Patrick......well, you know.

GinaV24 said...

She's such a role model for young women in her daisy dukes.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Danica is 22nd of 26 cars starting the IndyCar race in Edmonton tomorrow.

In a word, she was awful today in quals.

GinaV24 said...

maybe we can get a commercial with Travis with his shirt off for the female fans?

GinaV24 said...

does someone PAY ESPN to cover the 66 this much? is it part of rusty's deal?

Roland said...

@GinaV24 No kiddin. Insane amount of coverage on the 66. Its either the 60 or the 66 on the screen at all times.

GinaV24 said...

JD, I'll be rooting for Simona, not Danica!

Daly Planet Editor said...

NASCAR reporters at track asking why soo much Steve?

Anonymous said...

At least one good thing about the 60; no matter where he goes next year Carl Edwards announced he's cutting back on Nationwide.

Charlie said...

The first in-car cam of the race had the 66 in view.

James said...

Its part of Rustys "deal" alright! Danica commands most of the sponsorship monies in Indycar Travis will have to keep his haed down to stay with her dollar for dollar!, Just kiddin Gina

billydelyon said...

I was at the point of "Anyone but Motor-Mouth Marty"...
Not a huge AB fan, there was a reason NBC replaced him back in the day, although Bill Webber was a horrible choice to move into his place at NBC, Yikes...But like I said, anyone but the Motormouth, he doesn't know enough about the drivers, he really doesn't have a handle on NASCAR history at all, its a huge disadvantage, heck I'd take Dr.Jerry over Marty any time any day...

Charlie said...

It is like this is one of the first races Espn has ever done.

Anonymous said...

This has to be an ESPN "second team" broadcast, since the primary team is probably starting to set up at the Brickyard.

Daly Planet Editor said...


Just like any promotion in the workplace, all you can do it open the door and give someone a chance.

What they make of it becomes their responsibility.

James said...

Hey maybe ESPN will rotate members like the 48 team?

GinaV24 said...

@Roland, geez yes, this race is worthless and the coverage is even worse.

JD, the NASCAR reporters OUGHT to ask why so much 66 coverage. This is just stupid - he's not even running well.

Good news that Edwards will cut back on his nationwide stuff -- wonder if he'll still be ESPN's favorite in car/booth guest.

Anonymous said...

He's inrace reporter for the Brickyard.
I wonder if Disney bought into Roush Fenway to keep Edwards in the 99?

RWar24 said...

Carl cutting back on the racing in the NNS.. He'll probably be in the booth on the ones he's not racing.

Charlie said...

That is at least twice now they have gone to commerical and as they lead into it they get cut off.

GinaV24 said...

that commercial where the robot is banging on his head? I feel like doing that,too.

Anonymous said...

I knew they were just about to find debris!

Why do I keep watching this?

Daly Planet Editor said...

Same twist-tie they used last night.

Charlie said...

What did Nascar do wrong in connection with the 19? I bet they never tell you.

Bill said...

They really need to come up with a better excuse for cautions. Call it a Boredom caution if nothing else.

Jonathan said...

That sucks for Elliott Sadler heart breaker!

Anonymous said...

Seriously - why doesn't NASCAR just announce a competition caution at some predetermined amount of laps before the end.

It would actually add credibility to the sanctioning body!

Daly Planet Editor said...

Been the struggle for several years now. Do you spice it up for TV or just let it run to the end?

Jonathan said...

Gina I agree thats why im looking forward to AB in the booth for the Sprint Cup races on ESPN thank goodness

Anonymous said...

Although to be fair, it is really nice to see Austin Dillon get "equal" coverage considering how much NASCAR seems to have attracting diverse drivers.

Anonymous said...

Marty sandwich reference!

PxP by numbers...

Jonathan said...

The Sandwich!!!! do we need to hear that (#*@ every race?

GinaV24 said...

dillon's in the sandwich. Not even the "meat" in the sandwich. Geez he's so predictable.

terri said...

@billydelyon - enlighten us all to the reason NBC let Allen go way back when.

He broke his leg. They replaced him with "the hair". Any other reason is conjecture.

I'd be interested to know why you don't care for him

Jonathan said...

A HAAAA now Rusty ok im done but the Sandwich needs to get eaten!

Charlie said...

That was weird. They are showing a good battle and then switch without any warning to see Carl cross the finish line and then they tell use he has lead 1,000 laps.
You would have thought they could have kept showing the battle and just told us about the 1,000 lap deal.

PammH said...

at least they are showing some racing back in the field tonite & not just Opie checked out.

Jonathan said...

Brian Scott needs to step it up the rest of the season, he reminded me of the Next Carl Edwards but latley i've been wondering

GinaV24 said...

Charlie, you are asking them to make a decision that makes SENSE! That is so rare for ESPN it might as well be a blue moon.

Bill said...

Maybe we should suggest that Marty start using the word "omelette" in lieu of "sandwich." I don't know, I'm just "brainstorming."

Daly Planet Editor said...

How about "filling in the oreo?"

Anonymous said...

Gotta say...I was complaining to some friends when they kept Weber after AB came back. And they told me on the Internet there were a lot of complainers who didn't like AB. I have no idea why, I totally disagree. But not everyone likes him. But then, there are people who don't like people for any number of reasons....his hair, where he's from, etc, that have nothing to do with the broadcasting.

Jonathan said...

JD LOL hes the cream of the cookie!

GinaV24 said...

Jonathan, I think Brian S heard you. that was a pretty bold move!

Bill said...

Yeah! That would work too! "He's the cheese in that omelette!" or "yeah, he sure is the filling in that oreo!"

Charlie said...

Single car in big window.
4 car battle (and a good one) in the small window.
Common Sense would suggest doing it the other way.

Bill said...

All right! Finally some good racin'!

Charlie said...

14 Laps to go.

Daly Planet Editor said...

I think Bestwick is ESPN's last chance to get fans back for the Chase.

Once pro football begins, so does the channel surfing.

Charlie said...

Ya Rusty you tell'em. Some people do want Tv time for their driver/car.

Jonathan said...

yeah Gina that was nice till about a minute after that??? come on Brian wtheck

Jonathan said...

Is anyone going to the Brickyard next weekend??? im going for the first time cant wait

Bill said...

Yeah, unfortunately for NASCAR, it looks like there will be pro football this season after all.

Buschseries61 said...

This is painful to watch. There is nothing going on and Rusty keeps gabbing.

GinaV24 said...

gee, I guess rusty means that no one would wnat to jump into one of his cars if they could get into Harvick's? or did I totally misunderstand whatever he was babbling about?

SnowdogBob said...

I'm not sure if it's Carl's ego, or Roush personnel, or NASCAR, or promoters. But the best thing Carl (and Kyle) could do for NASCAR is to skip (at least) stand-alone races like this. If Carl loves the series he needs to get off the track and stay in the booth like he seems to also enjoy (and be good at). If Roush wants to run someone like David Ragan in the Busch series (sorry...when i get a check from NW i'll use their name). If JGR wants to run someone they should be running Joey Logano. These are people who could use the confidence boost from coming down here and beating up in the lower tier a little. I don't mind cup drivers coming down. But when the best of the best in Cup (Carl/Kyle) regularly run in this lower series, there just nothing to interest me. I happened to be in position to actually watch tonites race and i'm sorry I did. This would be a much more exciting race all the way around if Carl would just park his car.

Thanks Kyle for taking the weekend off, I truly appreciate it. It allowed us to enjoy Dillon's win last night. Just think how nice if we could have Stenhouse winning tonite what great stories that would make. Carl wins again? who would even both reading that story...everyone who cares has read that story enough times already. Anemic booth coverage and the new faux points system where drivers leading the points barely contend for wins just can't fix something this broken.

Charlie said...

6 laps to go and they just show Carl.
Why to bring it home guys.

GinaV24 said...

JD, its going to take Allen AND good race coverage to get this fan interested. I like his PXP but if ESPN just gives me the same Chase, chase, chase line, I won't be watching on a full time basis. Not only does the NFL start up (assuming they settle things) but the weather is the best there is during September and October and I plan to be outside enjoying it before winter sets in again.

just my point of view on it.

Bill said...

Ain't watchin' the backflip.

Buschseries61 said...

Great post SnowDog! I think ESPN's replay of Carl driving with no hands proved your point. It's a joke.

I mean the booth sounds disappointed calling one to go.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Well, that was not fun to watch.

GinaV24 said...

Jonathan, yeah, I saw that, bold move then dumb one! LOL

Have fun at the Brickyard. I've never been although my friends have. I hope you enjoy the race.

Bill said...

Night all. See ya next week at INDY!!

GinaV24 said...

well at least it didn't go on too late. Carl won another one, like I care.

Hey JD, thanks for keeping the live blog open, it was fun and the only way I can get through these races.

Roland said...

Agree with SnowdogBob. Does Carl need this win to keep his ride? NO. Does Carl need the money to feed his family? NO. Does Carl need the points? NO, cant run for the championship. That leaves 1 reason on why hes even here tonight. Ego. Congrats to Stenhouse on being best in class.

I will say that going into the crowd is really cool. How much you wanna bet he climbs his way up to the booth? haha

ESPN got exactly what they wanted tonight. Carl winning. The fact that they didnt show anyone other than Carl the last 10 laps is appauling. Just plain bad coverage.

GinaV24 said...

Great post, Snowdog. I so agree with you. Once in a while is good, a steady diet of the cup invaders is bad for Nationwide.

Jonathan said...

Thanks Gina!!! Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!! And thanks JD appreciate this every weekend

Daly Planet Editor said...

Have fun Jonathan, take a lot of pics. You can be our on-scene reporter.

GinaV24 said...

Night everyone, if its as hot as hades again, I'll be here for the Brickyard.

JD, I survived my day of sailing - even though it was a bad idea to drive to long beach island on a Saturday when it was 102 degrees and there was no wind. Can you say becalmed? LOL, I think I could have jumped in and pulled the boat back to shore quicker, but it was an adventure and we'll try again another day.

Jonathan said...

:) thanks I would if I had a smart phone but my phone only makes calls lol but ill take many pics w my digital cam ill post em on facebook you know my page im sure so ill let you all know when there up

Anonymous said...

The problem with Bestwick is he comes across with a very condescending attitude to his listeners, and always gives you the impression he invented racing.

I do give him credit for actually caring about the sport, but he is brutal in large doses.

Plus, he is the WORST at overusing catch phrases - "tricky triangle", "bubble boys", etc.

I guarantee you by the end of next Sunday you will be totally sick of Bestwick saying "kiss the bricks".

Anyway, as for tonight's coverage - it was pretty much as expected, although I would have hoped for more out of ESPN on a Cup off-weekend. Of course, for ESPN that means vacation.

Jonathan said...

love my Nascar peeps!!! Night everyone

Daly Planet Editor said...

Anon, look what happened with Doc and Marty.

Really, AB is the last bullet in the gun.

That is how bad the situation really is right now for ESPN.

He better make the best of it!

Buschseries61 said...

Rusty, it's Lucas Oil Raceway Park. He makes himself look like an idiot.

At least we got a good post race!

SnowdogBob said...

Loving this post-race...TNT could take a real lesson from all the interviews. Really glad they made it all the way to interviewing Kenny, when Kenny is speaking as a driver I really enjoy listening to him (that's the only time i find listening to a Wallace palatable).

Next week's race will be bittersweet as we visit IRP for what might be the last time. So many memories of so many great races from IRP/ORP/LORP.

Daly Planet Editor said...

OK guys, have fun and we will see you next time!

AuzGrams said...

I understand it's really hot in Nashville, but the crowds for both races this weekend is unacceptable, please take at least the July weekend events and move them to Memphis International Raceway or Irwindale, or a good road course, the crowds for both weekends at Nashville has been pathetic, the racing has been awful.