Rain is an issue as ESPN heads into another Sprint Cup Series telecast. Nicole Briscoe will host from the Infield Pit Studio. Brad Daugherty and Rusty Wallace will be alongside.
Allen Bestwick will call the race with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree from the TV booth. Tim Brewer is in the Tech Garage. Dave Burns, Jamie Little, Vince Welch and Dr. Jerry Punch are the pit reporters.
Bestwick made a big difference in the last telecast. Information gaps were gone, the commentary was smooth and all things were put into a veteran's perspective. It was like having a good referee in a basketball game. You never knew he was there.
ESPN's issues continue to be what battles to highlight, easing back on the promotion of other events and figuring out how to handle the finish. Those topics may have been discussed in meetings this week.
This post will serve to host your comments on the ESPN coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from Pocono Raceway. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below.
1 – 200 of 357 Newer› Newest»Rain, rain go away. Looks good at the moment. Scattered showers and 50% chance this afternoon.
Darlington on steroids?
Guess who is coming up next on espn?
Got to love Brad!
Future employee?
Carl.......wonder how they finally got him to come on tv?
Happy Race Day Planeteers <3
Is this the NA$CAR version of "The Decision" :p
Cannot believe that ESPN did not ask Carl about his NNS plans for 2012.
they should of asked carl if he needs some glasses since it looked like he was the one pissing other drivers off instead of the other way around
I thought I would check out the Countdown and there was Carl. I'll just come back for the green flag.
Wishing everyone a great race! :)
osbornK,what a crock. I've been to Darlington and Pocono both. Pocono is a bore!
It seems like it always rains a Pocono - makes an even long race longer.
skipping prerace waste of time again today.
back for green flag
thanks, Brad (re: Paul Menard)...because we fans are really too stupid to recognize good drivers without your help.
I hate that from the commentators.
I'm trying to watch the pre-race, but
R. Wallace is too much for me. He adds absolutely zero to the content,
"There's no There There"
Double oops!
they clearly did not know they were on the air there. They think they deserve a raise?
What is up with this switching around?
Pocono drinking game: Take a drink each time someone on TV says "Tricky Triangle".
Glad Dr. JP is doing the BradK interview, his medical background makes for a very informative segment.
Little too up close for me during the Brad interview
Did you hear what they said? Classic!
Rusty: Get us a raise.
Brad: That's what they need to do.
and it's a big no no to say how dark it is...
I'm not seeing anything on the radar for a while yet though.
LOL yeah that was funny they didnt know they were on air! lol
ESPN having some issues
Whats with all these commercial issues!? Its fun to hear the announcers off air though
good grief, who is directing this? Usually this is a TNT thing.
I hate the word tricky.
Pretty bad when ESPN cannot go to commercial break. Something big going on back in Bristol.
This is awesome, they CANT go to break! Lets hope they dont fix that problem!
Well we complain about having so many commercials, I guess this is a good way to cut back on them.
Why don't they acknowledge this problems? Nicole,Brad, and Rusty should know something is wrong since they are only in "commercial" for 5 seconds right?
lets all hope the commercial machine is broke at ESPN, wouldn't that make it a better race to watch!
But seriously, twice in less than an hour guys, someone at the mothership needs to wake up and pay attention.
The flubs in master control may be the only reason I'll keep watching the pre-race show. LOL Seriously, Rusty thinks he deserves a raise? And what was Brad blathering on about with Jeff Gordon? Embarrasing. Nicole does very well, have her give us a few news pieces and do the hand-offs to the driver interviews and features. Give HER the raise and let Rusty and Brad go do something else. Nobody GAS what Brad thinks and Rusty is plain annoying.
Guys in TV truck saying ESPN dumped out of commercial and back to them with no warning or countdown.
Boys in Pocono not happy right now. Sounds like a commercial master control issue.
I hope they don't try to add those "lost" commercials back in during the race.
If I'm working at Pocono, I'm making sure that either Nicole or AB is always ready to go live in case Bristol does that again.
why is anybody TALKING during Taps??? We think that's terrible.
ESPN FAIL...disrespectful in our opinion.
Lots of technical issues if you ask me!
My Tv just went to commercial right in the middle of them talking.
This is a local ad insert.
'We're having technical issues' Nicole says then mid sentence we are seeing commercials?? Anybody else? Now seeing local commercial?
THEN back to Rusty mid sentence. Is this TWarner?
Yikes this is bad lol
No sooner than Nicole says they're taking us all the way to the green flag because of technical issues, I get the local commercials inserted by the cable company for pay-per-view events.
Apparently, Bristol cannot run commercials!
Just after nicole said theyre staying with us my local cable company took a local commerical break lol
Just loved the comments about last years crashes, especilly BRADS moaning, did he think it would change?
Then the commercial was cut short and back to Pocono.
A local ad insert at Dish or on every carrier? What a mess.
I have no problem with not acknowledging on track stuff while they're doing other things. Those ceremonies are meant for the people who are there. They don't have to show everything on TV.
hahahahaha "we will take you to the green" 2 seconds later cut to commercial. Thats classic right there
Yup, cut to commercial while they talk, then rejoin them unaware. Cant wait for this fiasco to coontinue
Lol. "We will take you all the way to the green flag". - within 5 seconds, commercial for the Deadliest catch.
This has been one rough hour...the taps glitch (the worst I've seen) many many years of watching sports TV...they hung David Ragan out to dry...
I wish they would show preface show instead of them saying the same things over and over. Seems disrespectful to be talking while taps in the background. Especially this weekend when we have lost so many great servicemen.
Who was that women leaning on Kurt Busch? I thought hte was going through a divorce.
Product mention time. Grecian Formula for Jeff Gordon's hair...and Crazy Glue for Brad Doughtery's mouth.
Glad we got to see the smoke billowing up from the fireworks guys!
If Brad D is going to talk over the others, then please ADD something to the conversation.
Whew, that was big for ESPN!
This snooze fest will be a true test of AB's ability to carry a broadcast
Wooo lets do this
I think they should worry about this telecast instead of this sprint challenge stuff.
Loved the National Anthem. I can imagine grabbing my golf clubs, taking Mr. and Dr. LaRoche (she is my long-time voice teacher) with me to the club where Clark is the head pro, and all four of us playing eighteen. That says much when a local golf pro can outsing the pop and country wailers!
Just talked to ESPN. Master Control equipment failure with commercial playback. Entire network integration team moved to another Master Control suite on the fly and got is set up for air.
Should be sorted out now.
Clark's a bit too grandiose for me. But at least he sings it properly.
The importance of having redundant systems to live broadcasting can never be overstated.
I like the wide shots on Lap 1. Keep it up!
Lets listen to Harvick in car instead of the start of the race. Nice job.
Oh no not the third ticker. I just tune in.
HERE WE GO AGAIN, they can not stay on one shot long enough to figure out what you are seeing
These back of the car camers shot are good for accidents only, who wants to see behind a car?
Lap 8 and "Barracuda!"
Why a caution. Kyle was not in the way.
ESPN is the best in the business leaving a camera angle while an accident is in progress.
i saw raindrops on Dale Jrs in car on Hot pass boooo no rain
I hope things start to pick up, it's too early (Pacific Time Zone) for my nap
AB keeps it interesting.
No Racebuddy, no scanner, no raceview.
Did not another car spin to.
looked like the 47 BB
I just don't get Delana Harvick keeping her cap on during the National Anthem. It is so disrespectful at all times, but even more annoying today in light of so many service members losing their lives.
The Kenseths - nice picture.
Horrible coverage, two cars spun, idiots.
Allen knows how to call a caution as it's happening.
I thought ladies could keep their headwear on when it was appropriate for men to remove theirs.
C'mon! Everybody know the Harvicks can do no wrong! The world revolves around THEM!
Wider shots please ESPN director.
Ladies should be same as men....caps off!!
After all don't we ladies want equal treatment or at least that is what I hear
Anon, that used to be the rule of etiquette that ladies kept their hats on, but with the advent of baseball caps, I think that rule has gone away. At least I always treat my baseball cap as a unisex item and I take it off for the invocation and national anthem.
Camera work is sure hopping around a lot. No flow to what we are seeing.
Watching Countdown..using DVR...just saw Carl in booth...now using FF.
Little battle between AB and the trucks seems like.
He called the Kyle spin before they got it and called the Ragan deal when all the director could do was grab an infield camera.
I think the truck guys need to step it up a bit.
Charlie, I so agree, the camera work is bad
§ 301. National anthem rules.
(a) Designation.— The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b) Conduct During Playing.— During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1) when the flag is displayed—
(A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
(B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
(C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
Commercial, restart, two laps, commercial.
Di, they purposefully did not ask him about his NNS plans for 2012.
All of this Carl stuff should be a great lesson in just how fake the TV stuff you see outside of the actual race coverage can be.
Roush said very clearly Edwards is going to ESPN to call the NNS races in 2012.
I like the wide copter shot. With the forest and the haze, it make Pocono look like its an Island
JD, the truck needs to step it up a LOT!
Good to see someone race hard every lap great effort David Ragan sucks the 00 didnt give him much room
I dont know who makes the "Motorsports Calendar" graphic but its always wrong. They said the Nationwide and Sprint Cup races from Watkins Glen next weekend are on ESPN2 when they are actually on ESPN.
They had the same issue last year with putting the wrong networks.
Anon, thank you for the official rules. However, I stand by my opinion that baseball caps whether worn by male or female should be removed during the national anthem.
So does everyone know where your favorite driver is and why.
USflag.org spells out the accepted etiquette for the National Anthem. Men are the only ones asked to remove hats, not women. And you do not have to put your hand over your heart, it's also acceptable to stand at attention...which is what I do despite overly-conformist patriotic busy-body bullies who think it's their business to dictate how I show my respect. Those people should use their time during The Anthem to reflect on the sacrifices made to keep this country free, rather than look around for a chance to pass judgement on others.
I don't remove my hat if it's attached with bobby pins...I think part of this goes back to that era when ladies did this more often, plus it was considered inappropriate in some circles for women to have their heads bare. Until they change the wording, I will continue to do so. The rule is what it is; Delana did nothing wrong.
Charlie, no. Thanks alot, ESPN.
Note to Worstwick can you
possibly stop YELLING and talking
way too loud ???????????????
I know it is tough with the ego
and all ...but truth is ..it sounds
Bestwick is the best part of this broadcast, thank you.
If a lady has a hat on that is held on with bobby pins and is part of their hairdo I could see why they would not take it off but otherwise I think they should.
Now was the coverage that much better last weekend? AB is great but feel the broadcast as a whole could be much better
What would Mrs. Manners do?
thank goodness Allen is telling us what is going on since the camera work is way off.
did they forget about the racing on the track???
Noun: Mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned: "a poem learned by rote".
Pretty much ESPN's modus operandi.
Covering a Bobby LaBonte pit stop?
notice the rules also say 'those present'. I once saw a man harass a guy who was *way* outside the track for not taking his hat off. In my mind, he is not 'present' at the ceremony. Same as the taps deal earlier. Who decides how far away you can be? I also heard a man harassed who had simply forgotten. He was a *veteran*; he was just not paying attention. I agree with anon 1:53. We spend too much time judging others (this said on a blog where we judge the networks, I know, I know.)
showers just popped up on the radar. Not a big blob though.
great bridge stone commercial lol
All are free to leave cap on or off, to like tv coverage or not. And we all all FREE to complain or not.
Nice to have AB upstairs. If Marty was on this deal, we all would be snoozing right now.
Pocono telecast looking good do far. My Buccos jagging me off so i'm watching this and flipping back to the Pirate game occasionally.
P.S. Don't forget JD that this thursday will be the 20th Anniversary of J.D. McDuffie's death.
R.I.P. J.D.
One car and two car camera shots on a big, big track.
I would zoom out.
Charlie, the idea of coming back from break and doing a wideshot or aerial and full "scene set" is lost on ESPN.
It's the only way to get a perspective of what is going on and let the analysts give an overview of race strategy.
We are at the point in the race where the producer's and director's personal insight, or lack thereof, concerning motor racing begins to have an adverse impact on the quality of television coverage of the race. Now we can tell that those two people do not like or understand racing and it is self-evident.
I DONT love that view, unlike the booth
"If your new to Nascar" -Bestwick is like fingernails on a chalkboard-can't stand him.
Bestwick is the best part of this broadcast, thank you.
"If your new to Nascar" - That's something Allen's done for years. I like it honestly, since he's trying to captivate the audience and trying to help make it easier for newcomers to understand.
I wish we had the camera we had at Indianapolis of the front stretch.
I've been busy & only able to view small pieces of the race. Typical boring Pocono race. Bestwick is finding things to update, productively waste time & keep viewers intersted until the racing picks up.
If there was ever a track to get out the TV gadgets, this is it.
Green Flag pit stops are the true test for those in the production truck.
Really gotta be on the ball !
Split screens are mandatory during Green Flag stops.
Why can't we use some of that Live Dual Feed stuff during green flag pitstops. You know, split-screen. I know you can, ESPN.
Bestwick and the improvement with Andy and DJ are the only things making this race tolerable. While the truck is making bad decisions on camera work, I think the strung-out nature of the racing seems worse than usual at Pocono. I'm getting an itchy trigger finger on my remote to flip back-and-forth to Versus instead of just watching the IndyCar race later off my DVR.
Another commercial?
Bestwick loves the sound of his own voice.Nothing more than an ESPN yes man.
ESPN yes man? You obviously ignored all of his TNT & radio work.
I keep pounding the TV truck on Twitter to stop with the BS and show us dual-stream, in car telemetry, talk to crew chiefs...get in the freaking game.
The comment about the producer being short on NASCAR 'sperience is on the money.
Cant believe people are bagging on AB. Would you rather have that clumsy, awkward sounding, mistake prone, clueless, disaster that is Marty Reid call this thing? Oh please...
Talking about his current employer.
How many time can the word shifting be used in the same sentence?
R. Wallace, yikes
First, Bestwick saved NASCAR Now while he was being used as an NNS pit reporter.
Then, he saved the infield pit studio after Brent Musburger and Suzy Kolber.
Bestwick started the Monday NN roundtable show and still hosts it.
Now, after four years of getting beaten like a dog ESPN puts him in the highest profile role they have at the last minute because of yet another failure.
I admire his spirit and his drive to work hard to make things better.
Is he a NASCAR man? Totally. But I will take that over Jerry or Marty any day.
Well there's your crew chief interview. :p
These guys sure love them some Sergio Leone. They are wearing us out on "The Italian Shot".
Up there in the woods. Three maybe sixteen sixteen or eight of them. Walk down up through the path to the woods and the railroad tracks used to be there. I saw one kid who looked sickly. A girl too, with another guy who had a blue hat and a pair of jeans that were loose fitting. On that path the river is really close. People have parties on the banks, but these kids who walk on the path walk a long way. They walk through there. I don't think they're walking for the sake of seeing a deer. Nope.
good grief, let's show canned interviews during green flag racing. Of course, if you show it one car at a time.....you might as well do that.
Nope Walt. Sorry to inform you but they're going there to get high man. Maybe the long pond cops should take a hike someday and watch em and and and noooooooo wait, I mean, they can't do that cause its not their territory but that hasn't stopped em in the past right?
Well JD,maybe your god Bestwick can save the world too.
This is now the.....Commercial show.......with a few laps of racing.
Reports of rain at the track.
"Heads up for some light sprinkles" 4 car radio
This is a boring race. Damned boring. I'm finding myself outpaced in terms of drinking enough for this to be reasonable and watchable.
Pocono sucks - turn it into farmland or something.
As for the potheads - jeez, leave them alone - they're not like drunks...your cars will be safe, your children will be okay around them, and they aren't exactly lighting up in the grandstands. What's wrong with you people?
Those JGR cars look serious today! Don't know what's worse, lots of commercials or having to listen to Nicole,Rusty and Big Brad!
I have no problem with Allen saying "if you're new to NASCAR" at least he doesn't explain tires are round and go on the bottom.
Anon, it helps to have a solution in mind when talking about a problem. I try to do that.
If you think someone else should be in the booth, free to make your case.
It's just TV!
Rain very close
JD, bravo on your commentary about Allen! I totally agree.
Idea: instead of having the pit reporter yell at the crew chief and hope he heard the reporter, how bout write the question down on paper and hold it up off to the side so the crew chief knows what the reporter asked. I was sitting here during the Mike Ford interview thinking to myself "really? its 2011 and we still have this problem?"
I tell you one thing tho, if Larry Mac was on this broadcast we would know the weather situation. Instead we have to bother the crew chiefs while their trying to do their jobs to ask them something Tim Brewer should be all over.
That being said those are the only 2 complaints I have about this broadcast so far. Very solid work.
Rain drops now on TV cameras.
Gina, & Adam, AB's 'if you're new' is fine with me also....he always make it quick; that's the key.
Roland, heck, yeah. There is paper, white boards, ipads and what have you, but no, they have to shout at the guy when obviously NO one can hear.
and we get the sage words from johnson that were already covered in pre-race. whoopee.
Racing to halfway.
Not taking a serious dig at you JD-I just think you defend Bestwick with too much vigor.His voice is just a monotone sounding drone to me.
24 just said "big drops over there now!"
lol, the Bestwick anon is more entertaining than the race.
But seriously, you could have the best announcing team ever here and this would still be boring. ESPN looks like they are trying to find racing, but there's nothing.
Time to get back to work, good luck getting through the next 100+ laps everyone!
I once had a manager that gave me good advice. He said I should never come to him with a problem unless I had a proposed solution or a well thought out idea as to how to solve the problem. I suggest that those that complain about the talking heads come up with an alternative before griping.
they may be racing to halfway, but if they wreck half the field because it's raining, will that make them happy?
Busch, they always pull a big crowd which I don't know why because I went twice and will never go again! Boring at the track, better to watch it on TV
The solution is Mike Joy.
NASCAR trying to get to halfway, radio guys say it is raining on them. Spotters too.
This is why it's so key to have a good announcing crew when the event isn't exciting in and of itself. It's like the old days of MNF when many would stay tuned in during a blowout just to hear what Cosell and Dandy Don might say...Madden in his prime would be another example.
Fine, Osbourne - radio announcers (see Bestwick for results) and committed, passionate individuals running the cameras.
Leave the money out of it - why ESPN et al take bribes is totally beyond me...costing them a lot more in enraged viewers.
There. Problem solved. Barely.
Mike has an existing contract with FOX. We went through this earlier on the NNS race and the only other option for ESPN was Dave Moody!
Could you see him with Schrader and Craven on the NNS races?
Except that Mike Joy doesn't get to call the race on Fox any more. That's DW's job.
Moody is good on the radio, but I would never take him over Allen for TV.
I know Joy has a contract with Fox-but just saying he could save this train wreck.
To the anonymous poster who keeps complaining about Bestwick, is that you Marty?
Basically, ESPN is looking for a back-up for AB and for the stand-alone NNS races and the ones from Sept-Nov.
Remember they already gave Dave Burns and Vince Welch a shot and that did not work out at all.
I find nothing monotonous about AB's voice...in fact, I've always found it just right as far as announcing goes. Right tone, right speed, right amount of excitement (going back to his radio days.)
We never all agree on any one guy though. Even DW has fans. :)
LOL, yeah, it does sound like a lot of sour grapes from that particular anon, doesn't it.
Honey Badger would be a good backup for ESPN.
I can survive any talking head whose last name doesn't start with a W.
I know he works for TNT, but let's not forget Ralph Shaheen. Couldn't they steal him?
if it would just be a backup for Allen, I'd take Dave Burns over Vince any day.
More showers / sprinkles before the next round of pit stops....not a huge downpour.
48 is on the move.
caution for debris
Listen,the point is,I have never liked Bestwick's tone and never will.Those of you that do,that's fine.
debris on the track, caution is out
When I watch Pocono it reminds me of the year Kasey Kahne had that wreck against the fence a few years back. It was boring up to that point and then on the Sirius Post Race show the hosts were saying "that was just one incident....this was an exciting race. It was jam-packed with action." I tried calling in to ask them to cite examples of the other exciting pieces of action, but they ran out of time before I could get on.
Thank lord in heaven a caution. And its not mystery debris :)
well they got to halfway so now whatever happens with the rain, can happen.
debris right at halfway. Something how that all worked out.
Brad and Rusty are just ridiculous. This whole Jimmy Johnson discussion is a waste of breath and air time.
OMG Brad D. adds nothing.
No troll here--an avid reader of JD's blog.
Rusty Wallace adds nothing either
During commercials I am switching to golf and I am not missing that much golf coverage.
Where is Ricky Craven when you need him.
Mod on as we flush out the Anon traffic. You want to contribute, take a second and get a blue nick so we know who is speaking.
harry potter and the goblet of fire is on ABC. That's my go to during commercial and during any time rusty or brad are using up oxygen.
A long caution for a debris caution. I think they'd been waiting to get to halfway to throw it so they can sweep off the track some.
Here we go! Business picking up, rain in the area, drivers told to hang it out.
If you want to stay Anon, just sign your posts. No way to understand who is saying what without that. Thanks.
Junior shows up to save the day...and the telecast! 5th.
I tuned in late, but the camera work seems good again this week. Nice shots of the two and three-wide racing. Minimal use of single car shots.
Mini Chad? How perfect for the Dr. Evil of the NASCAR garage. :-D
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