The Fords are nowhere in sight at New Hampshire. The Roush guys are scratching their heads as the other manufacturers dominate. The weather is good, the track is slick and tempers are hot. What a perfect recipe for a good NASCAR race.
Nicole Briscoe will open the TV day with Brad Daugherty and Rusty Wallace alongside from the ESPN Infield Pit Studio. Briscoe has been solid while directing traffic on the air, but Wallace is struggling without a viable partner for conversation in this setting. Daugherty is a NASCAR cheerleader this season and nothing more.
Allen Bestwick will call the race with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree alongside. As fans saw with ESPN's Chicagoland coverage, Bestwick is sometimes limited in his ability to call the race by the pictures selected by ESPN. Perhaps today Bestwick will be able to look out the window instead of only at the TV screen.
On pit road are Jamie Little, Dave Burns, Vince Welch and Dr. Jerry Punch. In this New World Order of NASCAR where few cars experience mechanical troubles and passing is limited, the role of the pit reporter had been diminished significantly. It should be interesting to see if this tough and very flat track changes that for one race.
Tim Brewer is in the Tech Garage and is completely out of things to say. He almost seems resigned to his fate as he repeats the same basic points over and over again. Brewer has a lot more to offer, but the Tech Garage has lost its magic.
ESPN has a signature style of showing races called "hyper-tight." Once the start or a restart is over, the director immediately begins the process of tightening the camera views until they are tight shots of one or two cars. ESPN said this approach works better for HDTV viewers, unfortunately it misses most of the racing.
New Hampshire Motor Speedway is a pot that boils over about halfway through the race. Contact is going to happen, unless the field simply strings out and uses pit road for track position. In the Camping World Truck Series race on Saturday, only six trucks finished on the lead lap.
This post will serve to host your comments about the NASCAR on ESPN coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from New Hampshire. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for stopping by.
1 – 200 of 304 Newer› Newest»So happy, no rain in sight in NH!
Do I watch NASCAR Countdown for 1 hour that has R. Wallace,Big Brad, and features rehashed information? Or do I watch 1 hour of football before the race?
Issue of the day. This always gets pushed under the rug, but NASCAR could take it on the chin today big time in ratings.
Hope there is some action on the track.
I have an HDTV and the ESPN approach does not work better for me. As we have all said, we just want to see the race.
The ESPN approach is why I have watched the races delayed through my DVR and FF through most of their broadcast.
Wishing everyone a great race! :)
I watch wayyy too much NASCAR programming. I keep seeing the same pre-produced packages on every ESPN show.
All these shows are filled with the very same information.
Boring and not entertaining.
Today I have decided to not watch Nascar. Why should I get frustrated with tight camera shots, etc when there are two other sports I enjoy. I am watching Golf and at 4 pm I am going to watch an NFL game and record the rest of the Golf match.
No room on the recorder for Nascar today.
Carl Edwards is the in-race reporter? Again? How many times has he done that now? #sigh
Not sure what makes ESPN think fans with HDTV are gettng a better viewing experience with tight shots and only showing two cars racing. I tune in to watch 43 cars (well 36 with S&P) race.
I could not believe when they told me that one about Carl!
That was an odd MNF promo, though Cowboys Redskins should bring in the ratings.
This pre-race show is going over other stories from this week. Oh well, it's Nascar what can we say?
Vick, NASCAR Countdown is a re-run of NASCAR Now from the week.
How weird is that?
Mr. Planet, threw a audible at my viewing today. Surfing the web with iPad and watching baseball on iPhone.
Hope this race is better than the truck race. This is the first Cup race I've been able to watch on tv in a while.
Yep, this sure is *NASCAR* Countdown! Wasting the hour plugging entirely unrelated sports that ESPN is in love with.
They won't give NASCAR the time of day nor care, so neither will I. See ya.
What baseball is on and what network, Jerry?
Oh well the Eagles/Giants game and golf is now on my TV vs Nascar Countdown. If today's race is anything like yesterday's truck race; I'll be sticking with the NFL and golf. That truck race was sad.
That truck race was brutal.
Red Sox vs Yankees 0n TBS
I jumped back from football to see what is on NASCAR Countdown and the first image I see on my 57" HDTV is R.Wallace and his forced grin. Then his mouth starts to move way before his brain kicks in. So it's back to the NFL
Good morning/afternoon, Planeteers!
NFL or not, I gave up watching most NASCAR pre-race shows long ago. Come to think of it, I hardly watch pre-game shows for any sport that I follow anymore. In this age of the Internet where the information is already out there, these shows just don't have much to offer especially when most are staffed by a bunch of goobers that drive me up the wall.
I didn't know Anthony Weiner was a NASCAR fan............
TBS! Got it! Thank you.
NFL Red Zone for me now
I don't watch pre race/game shows as well.
Mr Planet. I'm watching my horrible Twins via MLB.tv
Poor kid, it's got to be a rough life when that kind of behavior brings you purpose.
Jerry, please call me JD. Lot easier to spell.
Was gonna watch the Giants and Eagles but when I switched over it was 14-0 in the 1st quarter (Giants).
If I wasn't such a hardcore NASCAR fan, I'd be outta here today. The weather is beautiful for this time of year in ND, and my friend and her little girl are at a fall festival in town. I should really go join them.
Becky, if this race is a dog like the trucks, we might be joining you!
bad races, bad broadcasts, boring drivers. No wonder NASCAR is falling fast.
If this race is half as bad as the truck race there is a nice afternoon nap on my to do list.
Hahahahaha, "bunch of goobers". I'm stealing that!
Issues with the 22, not on the grid. I tweeted ESPN, let's see what they do with it.
Not on the script.
NFL Red Zone now then Falcons only @ 4:00.
Will do all my NASCAR education today today via twitter and RaceBuddy. This is a first for me to do the non-tv at all thing for a race.
You must have the touch JD they are talking about it (22).
kurt should be forced to take rhe green flag in the garage, and then come out to the track
Kiteman, between MLB and the NFL, I might be headed to the darkside of NASCAR online.....could get ugly.
ESPN is cool, all the personalities on Twitter. Nicole Briscoe gives me grief all the time!
Bestwick is on during the race as well.
It would be nice if they got Race Buddy up early but since it's free they figure how dare we complain.
Gotta be kidding me !!
JD...where are they hiding Race Buddy on the Nascar page?
There are three things I don't want to hear today:
1. Rain
2. Fuel mileage
3. Debris
Nice anthem.
Too bad that beautiful bomber didn't drop one on the infield studio and tech garage.
Hello everyone!
Not showing the Canadian anthen?
Geez.... interview crew chief - car chief - Penske - NASCAR !!!
Just because Kurt wont talk, you could still get some kind of info !
National _______ Anthem: C. The gap was a bit surprising.
Also Hi Everybody.
TV does not have time for the Canadian anthem, been an issue for years.
PRN radio carries it live.
Today was the first time I watched the full pre-race since ESPN took over. Waste of an hour. Won't make that mistake again. Who do they think cares about this stuff they are dishing out?
Ricky Craven is now on Twitter. Mike Helton pulls Penske off the spotters stand to "chat".
Ken I imagine crew and car chief were too busy or refused to talk. Penske keeps stuff close to the vest.
What's the deal with Penske & Helton?
Carl, I never watch the pre-race show. Besides, I was coming home from Liberty State Park.
I like the big Sylvania light switch, that was fun.
Buschseries61 - Helton needed to chat with Penske re Kurt's car and failing tech.
Ah ok! Thanks Anon
I asked Mike Massaro to get Ricky on Twitter since they were going to lunch today in Bristol, CT after NASCAR Now.
Waiting for a msg from Mike on that topic. Be nice to get him online.
Junior is next.
Mike posted it on his twitter account RickyCravenESPN
I'm curious, does anyone like the in-race reporter segment?
For me, it tends to become the same mundane thing each week. Stay out of trouble, fuel, track position, fuel, pit stops, fuel. I've always liked the announcers call of the starting grid, but nobody really does that anymore.
Hoping there's not much delay between TV and scanner radio today, and its a MUCH better race than yesterdays truck fiasco.
Hiya planeteers!
Sounds like a fine and penalty could be coming on the 22.
Looks like Everham is tweeting during the race, Awesome.
Jerry, I was giving him grief this AM. He is going to be a big hit for SPEED.
Buschseries61...no, I greatly dislike the in-race reporter and for all of the exact same reasons reasons you listed.
10 laps in and a commercial. oh boy
finally a sunday at the race track! Pretty good anthem. KuBu had problems in tech, huh? Had to wait for the explanation until the race began. I am so NOT interested in listening to kuzin carl do his in race deal.
I'm not bothering with the neutered version of racebuddy, I'll stick with pit command on trackpass.
Sorry, been busy online. RaceBuddy is blocked today for any fan outside of North America.
Turns out the Sprint ads that run on RaceBuddy cannot be seen/shown outside of that area.
So, all my UK, Aussie, German, French, Aussie and South American fans are just steaming.
Seems not very fair to me.
Looks like a decent crowd at the track today.
Why is Worstwick Yelling and more
yelling ? Is there a Shrink on the
board here - who could explain this insane behavior ??
Maybe he thinks that yelling will
get the fans excited.
Actually we think his height
has something to do with it..
At any rate it just makes it less
fun and harder to stay tuned.
Peace out
Junior drives past both the Busch brothers and we didn't get to see it. Hmmm.
Come on ESPN! Show me the race! Lots of chatter.
There has not been one moment on this boring telecast so far when any announcer was yelling.
JD, just to add this for those unfamiliar with these issues, it is very common for sports streams to only be available within their country/region of origin due to rights issues and/or union rules covering those that perform in commercials. Folks in, for example, Brazil, would have to hope that a Brazilian broadcaster that shows NASCAR would put up a stream.
Yes, that sucks, but that's how it is.
With the 'coverage' so far, it looks like I'm going to be able to work on my Sunday crossword puzzles, no problem.
I observe this: ESPN is far too busy making tv to televise this race. Camera selection is irrational and does not transmit much of anything to the viewer.
KoHoSo, they just need an international version like they have an iPad version.
The Turner guys are not impressing me. Last week the same ads ran on the same site and could be seen worldwide.
ESPM = "hyper-tight." Two cars max, zoom tight...jump to two more, zoom tight...jump...you get it.
It seems like we see one car and Bestwick & Jarrett verbally analyze all aspects of the car, driver, team, weather...Whatever passing there was/is we don't see it.
No screaming on my TV by AB.
PLEASE ESPN show CARS lots of cars this is a race after all. Oh wait another set of commercials. Eagles game update and golf.
There HAS to be racing for position somewhere on the track. But I guess we will never be allowed to see it. And they wonder why ratings are tanking?
lots of single file racing? Imagine that! Pretty much the norm at NH.
I'll switch back and forth between the race and the Eagles/Giants game since the weather is NOT nice here in NJ.
As for RaceBuddy, I got Crown Royal ads today instead of Sprint. Maybe that's the problem.
JD, no disagreement from me on either front. "The 43 best drivers in the world" should be available to the world and NASCAR should find a way to get that done. On ads, it would be like radio stations that stream online where they feed out different content during the commercials that are heard over the air.
Even my dogs fell asleep. So my better half is snoring away along with our Shar Pei and Jug.
Man the Eagles game has turned into a close game.
Love to get a count on the percentage of NASCAR fans watching either NFL or MLB right now as well as the race.
Seems to be the way to go.
I would like to see a broadcaster understand what a race is. Every entrant competes for the best possible finish their team is capable of. The race is not over until every car running has taken the checkered flag. David Hill has a philosophy that a race consist only of a winner crossing the start/finish line and even ESPN has adopted that philosophy. Both networks are unconcerned with whatever happens between the green flag and the checkered and NASCAR seems indifferent to anything TV does. I am increasingly becoming unconcerned with whatever FOX, ESPN and NASCAR do in response.
40 laps in and 10th place is 9 1/2 seconds behind the leader. It's currently 71° with a light breeze in my neck of the woods. With a poor race and even worse camera work, I'll be going outside. The least ESPN could do is TRY to make it interesting
Have switched over three times now from Football and from Baseball.... and each time NASCAR is at commercials.
ESPN is not helping NASCAR get an audience away from the NFL with this kind of TV.
I can tell more listening to the scanner on trackpass than the cameras.
At the Kudzu residence, both dogs are sleeping, my wife is Christmas shopping by computer, and I'm folding clothes, listening to the race on the TV, and watching fantasy football scoring (and the Planet) on the computer. Dull, dull, dull race.
Amen Anon. The booth continues to treat each car as a case study, the shots are tight, & ESPN is advertising itself at the moment.
I posted my NASCAR TV Bill of Rights last season because the coverage was soo bad.
NASCAR laughed at it. They cashed the check and they only care about 2014 and more TV money coming in.
Harsh lesson for me.
How delayed is RaceBuddy for everyone else? I'm seeing Dale Jr in front of Truex on tv but behind him on RaceBuddy. Frustrating ...
JD, I would think that it's going to be extremely difficult for Nascar to match, much less exceed the $ from the networks that they got last time. Don't you think?
JD, I'll stick with the race and not any games. But I may take a break and mow the lawn for a change of scenery!
Stewart is up to 14th. Happened to see it on tracker. Wouldn't know otherwise.
Sally, networks always believe they can do better. Might see some new players with new ideas come in and pony up.
TV dollars run this sport.
AB: "Dave Blaney isn't doing anything wrong though, right?"
(as Blaney races leader)
AP: "No! It's a race!"
Andy Petree is the BEST!
The online application RaceBuddy is useless. It is garbage. The video is blocking when it doesn't stall and this is a 18mb cable connection capable of anything BUT RaceBuddy.
If not for Twitter, we would learn little about what happens today in New Hampshire. The NASCAR shows do not get enough usable footage to comprehensively recap and narrate the events due to incompetence at ESPN.
Are any of the networks making any money showing (parts of) the races? seems like a stretch.
While dollars run this sport (and all others, see The Longhorn Network), it still seems odd to me that those in charge would not want to present the best product possible to keep that money rolling in...especially since improved on-track and on-air presentation would not hurt anybody's bottom line.
I think the next contract should be based on ratings and not on a set amount. That way, the networks would try harder to produce a better product that will cause and keep people watching the racers. Of course, it could backfire if NASCAR decides to lower the payment with even more boring races.
Wow. Junior didn't lose any positions on the pit stop!
NASCAR is just one series among the hundreds ESPN produces. These production folks have to follow the same guidelines and make the same kind of TV that ESPN does for other series.
Even though they dumped Marty Reid just days before the Chase races, they have been unable to produce a NASCAR race intended for NASCAR fans.
It's really been a disaster when you look back at the last four seasons.
Are we ever going to see a caution?
8 cars already parked, in a Cup race.
Yes, that would be an interresting stat to know JD,(How many NASCAR fans are watching NFL or baseball) I would think a high percentage are watching NFL, If your in a playoff baseball town,(Like lucky me) your for sure watching baseball, I'm actually blinking between, baseball,and NFL, Hey everyone, I always read this blog no matter what.
RaceBuddy in-car audio is WAY behind the race.
We saw a pass!!!!!!
Guess I'll keep watching the Giants/Eagles game since my Redskins don't play till tomorrow night.
Thanks Mike! NASCAR tried to downplay this time of the year, but the Monday overnight ratings will start to tell the tale.
lol Mike, peer support makes these bad telecasts less painful.
Kudzu Carl are you watching football and saw a pass?
OMG! I'm running a support group!
Will we see the actual debris?
Good one Anon!
Hey JD -- do you track number of participants per race? I know the number of comments per race drops when NFL starts -- but what happens to actual number of people on the site?
A caution and they don't know why?
Every debris caution is like a mad lib. Just guess the turn and type out of a bag.
As you well know, JD, I've been here since about a few months after you started this blog. I know all too well and in the most painful detail what a disaster ESPN v2.0 has been for NASCAR.
That being said, it still befuddles me that ESPN would see the overall fall in interest yet not change their style of camera work even with their stick-and-ball mindset. As you well know, I also follow college football. Aside from the announcing crews that vary in quality, the camera work is usually top-notch especially on the bigger games.
And, as I type this, great shot of the 83 and 14 running nose-to-tail for three laps. I might just DVR everything from now until Talladega. :-(
JD- Add me to the list of people watching ALL of MLB. some of NFL and the race. This is when 67 monitors is a good thing.
Guess who's in Secaucus today.
JD-you mean you didn't know you were running a support group all this time?? LMAO!
Caution? Really? JacqueDeBris?
JD, this has been a support site from the beginning! Those of us who have had our interest in Nascar slowly eroded over the past 10 years or so have always needed you to give each other hope and support!
Buschseries61, Yes yes! This blog is watched, I just know it is. You wouldn't believe who I think the "Troll" really is!
What a beautiful day for a race. Too bad no one is watching it. And even if you were, it's same ole, same ole, no you'd never know what was happening.
And where again was the debris?
Looks like the Red Sox phoned it in again last I checked. Have fun.
JD !! I'm laughing so hard, (OMG! I'm running a support group!)
Dear ESPN pxp guys. Please explain to me why everyone only took 2 tires. Also, I missed what and where the debris was. Anyone know?
Just couldn't bear to watch NASCAR anymore without TDP!
I used to have to pause my dvr to sync the broadcast with the Trackpass Scanners. Now the scanners are ahead of tv. Yet RaceBuddy was a minimum of 2 laps behind tv (at least on my computer). The joys of technology in today's day and age. #SMH
Red Sox @ Yankees Game 2 6:30 est on MLBN (Friday night's rain out make up game.)
Jimm, they said it might be debris or maybe oil (when they didn't see anything).
Embrace the WIDE shots while we have them!
I think we've gone down the support group path here at least once before. Shoot, it's needed. People need support when they lose a loved one, especially when the loss happens for no apparent good reason.
Adam, they had one caution just a few laps ago. bunch of cars came in for 2 tires.
Hey Makiki! NASCAR fans in Hawaii.
The shots are getting tighter...
Do you think that eventually they will show just the decals on the front bumper, they get so tight?
The debris was a fan's ticket to an NFL game that he passed up to attend the race.
JD, it's a good thing you run this support group. If you didn't, I would bet that NASCAR ratings would be even worse.
Think about how many of us come here to tune in and talk about the race while we watch.
Even if I am switching back and forth between the NFL and the race.
@Anon...I assume the fan was scrambling to get the ticket back so he could head for the football game and see some action?
It's the in thing. Sports TV is all of a sudden up close and personal.
I get NFL fans telling me they do not see the linebackers or safety's positions before any snap because the director is zoomed in on the QB.
Baseball guys hate FOX because they talk about everything but the game. You know the problems Monday Night Football had recently.
It's a weird time in sports, where the network showing the event wants to be as important or even more important than the event itself.
Interesting that they don't realize that what will make them the 'tops' in their sport is to show the game/race better than anyone else.
I would've dove in front of a race car to get that ticket back. Not to worry I would not have been hit. Plenty of space between the cars and ESPN would never have caught me on camera anyway.
We've got some semblance of a race for the lead and we're listen to Crusty and crew blabber on? Ugh.
Am I the only one that's convinced that Nicole isn't too swift?
@Anon 3:18...LMAO! Now we know what the devris caution was for!
Carl, 11 announcers at the track...got to use them all!
Count me present and accounted for at today's support group meeting. Unfortunately, these broadcasts could cure just about anyone of being addicted to Nascar.
Back to laundry and pedicure.
JD...yep, it's all about the brand, not the event. That's pretty much the root of the problem with both ESPN and NASCAR these days IMO.
Did Chad just say impervious?
Once again, we miss any passing. Pathetic.
Anon, Nicole is very swift and tough as nails.
Look what she has to work with and just like Bestwick she has to do what she is told.
When have we heard Bestwick actually call even one lap of the two Chase races he has done?
It's typical ESPN. Conversation and scripted content.
I bet those two are pretty frustrated right about now.
They can't be any more frustrated than those of us who keep hoping we will actually get to see a race!
I think the networks get jealous that we tune in to see the event, and not the network, It all started when all this reality TV crap started popping up everywhere.
Sally if you want to see passing watch the NFL. You'll never know what a pass is watching this race.
Daly Planet Editor said...
OMG! I'm running a support group!
September 25, 2011 3:03 PM
I found this blog at lunch one day at work some time in late 2007 and have been a steady reader ever since then.
At the time I didn't know there were so many people out there that thought the TV race coverage was less than acceptable as I do.
So this IS a support group
Hi everyone. My name is sbaker17,I hate ESPN and race announcers whose last name begin with 'Wal'
These #napaknowhow commercials are more painful to watch than this single file race.
Boy, the NFL has some 1PM barn burners going on too. That is not going to help ratings.
non 3:24...I live in Michigan...Lions...you have to be kidding, right?
Jake, Mikey told me over two months ago that he thought those commercials were done airing.
Even he is over his butt!
Anon 3:24 -- that's a great comment!
checking the clock, past my afternoon siesta, goes to show how boring this race has been thus far.
You got that right JD!
Sally, Eagles vs Giants and Dolpins vs. Browns.
Just checking in, finally get to sit and watch a race quietly at home and this is what I get. I just have no words. Thankfully I am at Dover next week and can actually watch the race
I'm going top watch the Eagles and Giants before I turn it back to the TV.
When will this conversation-style coverage end? This is terrible!
JD, Unfortunately, I find the most 'exciting' football game even less exciting than this race. Not a football fan.
hyper-tight ...hyper-tight ...hyperrrrrrrrr ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This Giants/Eagles came is unbelievable. I'm sorry this is blog is about Nascar my bad!
I bet those two are pretty frustrated right about now.
And those two came from (or fired) Speed!!!
Watching this mess, the 49ers, another mess and NHRA.
Many thanks for allowing all of us to vent.
Our only hope is that a new network will take cover coverage in 2014.
Argh...Bestwick can't call the pass for the lead because he has to recap the race for the ninth time. Let Nicole recap the race.
On the support group front and repeating something we've gone over before...
A quote usually incorrectly attributed to Albert Einstein says...
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.
Maybe this is more a psych ward than a support group? :-D
"Our only hope is that a new network will take cover coverage in 2014."
Any word on the mystery network partner that will allegedly bid on NASCAR rights in 2014?
Assuming the sport doesn't suffer some sort of upheaval/meltdown by the time that happens, which is looking ever more likely by the week to me.
Maybe HGTV, because watching this race is like watching grass grow?
KoHoSo you didn't know Nascar fans are insane? Every time I try to explain to a non fan about Nascar I get looked at like I have a third eye in the center of my forehead.
Anonymous ... good followup question. I had forgotten about that.
worst wick is theeeeee worst
and even worse today Sunday 25th.
Lookslike the board doesnt like anything less than be nice to Alan
Alan didnt get the name
yA KNow what ....If I give you the
phone number for espn...you can
talkto a live person..
and say anthing you want...
But u dont look like a person
who wants that
peace out
KoHoSo, LOL, yes, I wonder about myself, too when I tune in each week expecting a different result. No, that's not really true, I don't really expect a different result, I just hope that ESPN will screw up and show us the race.
The eagles/giants game is really good!
lol KoHoSo!
Just talked to the new potential TV player last week.
As I said in the column, will bring all the info on the TV negotiations that I can when things get underway.
ESPN: "I'm not the one with the problem. You're the one with the problem!"
Anonymous 3:36...
Yes, we NASCAR fans have always been crazy especially when viewed by outsiders. The difference is, in years past, we had something to be crazy about. Now it's more like me and cigarettes...no matter how much I know they are bad, I just can't put them down.
KoHoSo said...
Maybe this is more a psych ward than a support group? :-D
September 25, 2011 3:33 PM
I was thinking GITMO. Watching ESPN try to show a race and then getting R. Wallace put in front of me every now and then is probably worse than water boarding
Anon: Cannot tell you how often I hear that. Must be some kind of hidden agenda on my part.
I left ESPN in 1989! That's ages ago.
I'm watching football and keeping an eye on the race both here and on NASCAR.com. I refuse to watch boring, strung out races, even during the fake Chase. There's nothing about even remotely interesting about watching bad directing followed by even worse "racing".
Just past halfway? Oh Lord help us.
sbaker17...and if you're really way up there on the terrorist suspect list, you get the Clockwork Orange treatment by being shown an endless loop of Tim Brewer tech center reports! XD
Third time they've run this feature. Twice in the pre-race, and now. Stupid.
A beautiful day of racing? We've seen more of the trees in NH than the cars.
I walked away, did they show Cassill's wreck?
No. Not that. Please!
I'll leave, tell you what you want, anything, just not that.
But I am waiting for him to show us all now to use a Metric Crescent Wrench :)
Just brushed the wall, never stopped.
JD, halfway thru the race just means we'll be able to talk about the 4PM NFL games here too.
Stop having a conversation and call the action!!!!
Good point. Man, even that little bit of racing was screwed up.
This random cutting cameras and zooming is killing the sport.
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