Here we go! The big finale is on the TV from Homestead. ESPN has 72 cameras, 16 in-cars and tons of announcers. The script is written, but the big question is will reality let it happen?
Nicole Briscoe has Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty in the Infield Pit Studio. Upstairs it's Allen Bestwick with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree. On pit road is Dr. Jerry Punch, Jamie Little, Dave Burns and Vince Welch.
This is ESPN's biggest NASCAR telecast in years. The nation is watching two veteran drivers, teams and manufacturers end the season in a head-to-head battle.
We have discussed all year long the issues with "hyper-tight" coverage. The challenge today for ESPN is to maintain the integrity of the race telecast while keeping viewers updated on the Chase.
There is little more to say. This is the ultimate pressure cooker for a sports TV telecast.
This post will serve to host your comments on the final NASCAR race of 2011. To add your TV-related opinions, just click on the comments button below. Thanks you so much for taking the time once again to join us.
1 – 200 of 563 Newer› Newest»I'm so excited but so afraid ESPN will screw this up if yesterday is an indicator.
Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but we all know how television loves to find pointless human interest stories to fill up the huge amounts of time during a pre-game or pre-race broadcast, so has anyone interviewed Bob Osborne about his alma mater?
Followers of the sport know the large connection to Virginia Tech in the garage area, and that Darian Grubb has a VT sticker on his notebook. That angle was pounded into submission after the shootings in Blacksburg in 2007, especially during the Martinsville and Richmond races.
Well, in case no one knows this, Bob Osborne graduated from Penn State.
Some NASCAR TV producer out there has got to be crude enough to get one of his/reporters to ask Bob his thoughts on the recent tragedy.
Am I right, or will I be pleasantly surprised?
I've already got 3 hours invested in this thing. RaceDay was, uh, well, Aaaa, well okay I guess. Said everything that was covered all week. Hope this entire day watching NASCAR is going to be worth it for the racing.
Well, this is going to be good.
Whoa! Cool! Nicole is out of the infield studio! (I switched off Sirius/XM wathing BSPN).
That did not last long.
They're reallyyyyyy pushing characters.
Pretty good start. Nicole has come a long way from the bleach blonde on SPEED!
What did I miss? Nicole out...what, next year?
There are 41 other drivers in the race aren't there?
Say it with me....storytelling!
Bill, you watching? Nicole on pit road to start the telecast.
OK, JD: "B-O-R-I-N-G"
Well they did say "script" It's like an after school special.
Darn it! I missed the opener.
Oh yes....off the chart boring. That has been the problem. They need to turn AB loose and let him call this race like radio.
Nothing major. She just stood by the trophy and did her best Krista Voda impression.
Now we know where Brad's going after the season! He's joined the Army! Check out that basic training haircut!
Oh, and Tony in an ESPN studio? This ought to be good.
I hope they ask a dumb question and Tony roll's his eye's classic
Switching back to radio after this Smoke infield studio interview. Hate the scripted story telling!
Carl will miss the drivers intros because ESPN will keep him in the booth for 30 minutes!!!
The Godfather is talking about the drivers that will be trying to get into the top 35 points in this race to have guaranteed starts in the first 5 races of next season. Wonder how much BSPN will cover that.
Sorry you had to ask it, Nicole, but that was a stupid, scripted question. But Tony was magnanimous.
ESPN holding things up at the track.
If R. Wallace & Brad have someone provide them with the questions they ask, then that person(s) needs to go away.
For all of you worried about ESPN only focusing on two drivers today rest assured they'll focus on three. Oh boy, another feature on Jimmie Johnson!
Going to be interesting for sure when the green flag flies. Junior, Jimmie and Jeff want a shot at the win and are very fast.
If Junior wins today ESPN might confused!
Musical storytelling?
Sorry might get confused!
JD, AB would be the man to make this a radio call
Did ESPN forget about those drivers that will be out of a job today!
Anon, we are wondering if ESPN is going to talk about any of the reality behind the scenes today.
Lots of emotion right now. Told over 100 going to be fired from Roush, no number yet for RCR. Red Bull still totally closing as of today.
It's going to be race on Sunday, unemployed on Monday for many folks.
*DW sighting*
ESPN needs to stop profiling Jimmie Johnson. Sometimes, I don't mind telling a story. However, if they want their ratings to go up, they need to start telling a different stories. Viewers needs a different compelling story with new characters.
We go from a live shot of Carl to a Subway ad with Carl!
JD, I read in an article linked off of Jayski.com that RCR might not have any layoffs, considering that they are picking up the KHI NNS cars and adding a 3rd NNS car for Austin Dillon.
Mark Martin better be ready to sing with the Aaron's girl next season.
They said we would know next week. That does not really make matters better because if the RCR folks stay, then the KHI folks get the shaft.
Boy they already got ol Reutimann edited out of the stupid Arrons commercials,
This prerace show would be much better with Ricky Craven replacing BOTH R. Wallace & Brad and keeping Marty
Tim Time!!!
Afternoon folks!
I like Marty Smith and I hope that this early feature is the last time we see Brewer today.
I think Brewer is good. He is soo much better on NASCAR Now than he is cooped up in that stupid garage.
Hope they let Tim out of the Tech Garage next season.
I think ESPN has gotten the most out of Tony vs. Carl, time to move on. They are starting to repeat themselves.
Mike (Detroit) -
That happened the same weekend they announced the driver change.
As they continue to read the script....yawn
@Busch I hope Aarons makes Mark Martin wear that same stupid yellow dress and line dance! LOL!!
I only have three words to share - script, script, script!
This ESPN loves Carl thing is making MRN happy!
LOL Debby, I think that's one part of the contract Aaron's will let slide.
It's like 4 hair dryer's going full blast, (lota hot air)
And now ladies and gentlemen, it's time for "The Real Housewives of D.C." followed by a car race
Soo interesting. What does ESPN do if Carl or Tony goes out early?
I wish there was some way we could see MRN, PRN and Sirius/XM ratings along side the TV ratings. I really think this scripted story telling BS is driving people away from TV to radio.
Garage watch, JD. JJ @ Texas set the precedent a few years ago.
ummm Tia!
If Tony or Carl go out early = air leaving ESPN's balloon.
I almost choked when they introduced Pia for the National Anthem, but that was a good job. Straight singin' it without a lot of theatrics.
Great job Tia
It's Pia. She was a great ballad singer; went home too early. Okay so I watch Idol, sue me. :)
Hey Glen - I watch it too, and it's less scripted than NASCAR on ESPN.
That HAS to on record as one of the best National Anthem performances all year for all race series. And yes, I too watch Idol. Pia was voted off way too early!
There you go Bestwick - remind us that other guys are racing today. Thank you.
I really hope they take the bottom ticker down for the race but I doubt they will.
I agree JD that Tim Brewer has settled in and doing a great job.
His raceday pieces are quick, maybe sometimes too simple but it's working.
Anymore info why Hammond got moved out of the Hollywood Hotel?
I kinda understand that his cut away stuff got boring.
So what happened?
Afternoon all!
Going to try to watch as long as I can, hopefully espn will show the race. Radio fired up & hopefully this will be good
Agreed, Allen deserves this big moment, glad he's there calling the race.
Wow, lots of boos in there.
Cheers for the vets, boos for the politician's wives. Makes me proud to be a NASCAR fan.
I thought I heard boos.
I'm gonna listen to Jr on Sirius radion. They have him listed as the 8...oh boy.
Had TV on Mute for past hour and just played around on laptop. Didn't need to hear same old quotes from Tony and Mr. Ed over and over.
Now, lets get to the racing!
Is this race a sellout? (hoping for wider shots)
why boo a politician's wife? They're supporting a group for military families, sheesh.
The final race of the season should have never left Atlanta
Bigger crowd then the last few times here at Homestead.
I'm thinking if I was a crew chief I might not like my guy talking to the press during the race. But maybe that's just me.
I'm really hoping either Carl or Tony go out early just so it ruins ESPN's day.
They have really beaten to death the tony vs. Carl things all week. I'm already sick of both of them!
ESPN on TV and MRN on surround sound! The perfect set up if only ESPN would actually show all the cars racing on the track.
If you did not get it earlier, Tony's in-car cam and team radio is online at the NASCAR Facebook site.
Interesting twist.
Where is it published that Rousch is firing 100 people? And why?
That's why I just turned on the TV. It's nauseating the way Race Hub and others hyped this race all week. I'm sick of it. Let's race and move on to 2012. Enough already!!
It is really a sad state of affairs when the First Lady, VP's wife and a military family get booed. FLOTUS is there supporting the military folks that serve our Country, not for political reason. Like the President on not, she is a wonderful lady working for the common good of everyone, not the Democratic Party line.
@Nascarnut - it would be a dream come true!
Here we go!
72 cameras?
Not sure if it is ESPN or Time Warner Cable...my TV is cutting in and out.
Roush is only running 3 vs 4 cars next year with UPS leaving the 6 car.
SD80MAC is certainly entitled to his opinion....
Racingfoot...that is because they are losing the 6 team to no sponsorship.
Stewart needs to remember that they're not all as good as he is. Would you wanna count on going 3 wide with David Ragan next to you?
Just saying...
WOW! Was AB calling the rase?
did Kurt just salute someone?
Another national TV Busch finger. Sweet.
Radio is way ahead of TV
Kurt Busch with the 1 finger salute. Awesome. ESPN didnt even notice.
Now its back to story telling!
Jr. must be happy with his car...when he runs next to the wall he tends to do well.
SD80MAC, good TWC signal in Raleigh
Already BSPN is back to story telling and I am back ti Sirius/XM.
Saw that; roland, I had to run it back. Must have been for a fan giving a hard time.
Obama and Biden came at the request of NASCAR to cap off military family program.
She said nothing political, did nothing but meet the families and do the command.
Address in driver's meeting was brief, thanks to NASCAR for military family support and be safe.
She stayed on message and will be long gone shortly.
Let's move back to the race coverage as a topic. Thanks.
Those Busch boys really have class, don't they? For a broken tranny or drive shaft? Who is he mad at?
My TV problem is probably local. Just checked the radar, heavy rain moving into the area.
Kurt Busch, radio sweetheart.
I think KB was saluting the driver of a truck that was in his way in the garage area.
Wonder who gets to do the Kurt interview!?
I get slight audio dropouts periodically. I thought it was local.
I sure hope Napa retires that song along with the commercials.
I heard David Reutiman was released from MWR because he couldn't lipsync.
The NASCAR bunch must be sick to their stomach
I looked at the radar earlier...was hoping they would stay away. There were just little cells...typical south Florida.
I knew it! Rain! Instead of just stating that rain was in the area and showing the radar, AB waffled around the issue.
What did Kurt say on the radio?
Uhhhh....awkward timing?
Well, Kurt Busch can wait I guess!
Why did they bring 72 cameras to the track? They only use 2 or 3. Heck they could have had Fed Ex deliver them
Is that BZF standing awkwardly in the background?
is that Brian Z in the background?
Brian France sighting! (behind biden)
Ol' Bri in the background. Can't miss the opportunity.
This interview should have been during the pre race. Its race time. This is bogus.
Who was the politician that didn't want the military to sponsor Nascar?
oh...that explains the crowds. Cynical of me....
Tony pitting again under yellow. ESPN missing it because of this recorded interview.
JD, can you remove that imposter at 3:37?
Is this a P.R. show or a race?
Maybe Brian can have gay sex with me. Ill cook mim up some smelly taders
Kurt Busch, #1 trending topic on Twitter. First time Nascar has been #1 all year and its for a #1
holy crap...now that's a story.
WTF.....this is tragic. Tony Stewart on pit road and can't pull away from that intervie????? Arg
BTW, a race is going on. Oh look, Steewart in trouble. What awful timing, ESPN hurts itself again!
It amazes me every time the television network always doesn't report about rain in the area. Isn't that part of story (line), too? When the caution came out, it's the first time I heard that rain was in the area.
Got a little story developing here now!
How could anyone hit any debris as many debris cautions we have had this year.
BZF standing in the background biting his nails, picking his nose - what a lost soul.
They7 have 72 cameras with 14 on the two championship cars and we don't know what happened to tony's grille?
Tony drove over Kurt's middle finger!
Latest is transmission parts from Kurt's explosion may have punctured Tony's radiator.
If both 14 & 99 had iso cameras how has ESPN missed seeing what happened? oh wait probably shot too tight, imagine that
That's right, OSBORNK, it's all in how MUCH technology you have, not how you use it! Some producers and directors can tell the story of the race with minimal equipment, but these guys...
ESPN gets a massive F so far from me. This has been crappy.
Speed mentioned the rain on Raceday...I didn't watch all of Countdown though.
This is going to get bigger soon! Being told it's a real problem for Smoke.
Let's keep an eye on what ESPN does and how they focus.
Bestwick not playing the favorites game. He is the only part of this I like! Junior might be a story here shortly.
You really need to find the volume control on your TV, Dude.
Just saying, now would be the split-screen time for Smoke.
We got the split screen, JD...in car and iso camera split.
caution again and ESPN is in break...lol
Commercial = caution.
Race Buddy is break up and freezing on me, anyone else?
Caution out, scanner is at LEAST 15 sec before TV. But we get this fine commercial!
Caution. Missed both cautions because of commercial. We should really have side by side for the entire race today since we didnt get it at Charlotte.
Seventy-two cameras and it's the second caution that ESPN missed. Thank goodness for RaceView and MRN radio.
And it took ESPN all that time to let us know what the caution was for. sigh.
@Skeet...I am getting the same thing on TV. Sirius/XM radio is OK now, it was also cutting out.
Lots of folks asking for a replay of what hit Tony's car.
Looks like ESPN does not have it, even with the 72 cameras.
Wow, just for a minute it seemed that AB was going to call the race - until the ESPN single camera shots got involved again.
It's nice when they use the wide shot at least for the restart.
Could it have been when he moved the #00 out of his way?
RB only last a few minutes then freezes, and it sometimes turnes to a green screen.
Thats an epic fail on ESPN not having a replay on what Tony hit, all that hot air about all the camera's etc....EPIC FAIL !
Wow. Looks like they don't have it at all.
All of a sudden, Sirius/XM (MRN) is about a half lap ahead of TV. They are usually a few seconds behind what I see on TV. Time Warner Cable must be having some serious problems locally. Every few seconds the TV just locks up. Checked other channels, they are doing the same thing.
And they take the camera off Tony just as they show Bayne scraping the wall? Hel-lo?
ESPN's whole plan for today revolves around two cars. Yet, when something critical happens to one of them they miss it????? How is that possible? How incompetent can they be?
Do they ever miss a touchdown pass? Do they miss a game winning home run? No, and no. But they don't care enough to do NASCAR well.
That was such a stupid choice to cut camera views right when Tony came up on the 21. What on Gods green earth where they thinking?
They're missing important incidents, and cutting to new shots at inopportune moments, but as far as framing of shots, amount of zoom used, and focus on the championship leaders, it's a lot better than I had feared.
@Mike (Detroit) Radio guys said Smoke got hit by something that came off the 22 car.
JD- No records of the iso cam's? That's poor!
I don't think it's Earth Roland
Aaaand, the infamouse points (if the race ended now) has made it's appearance...and will probably haunt us the rest of the race. Sigh.
If Allen keeps calling the real action, I'll be happy with this race. I wonder if they will keep it up or fall apart toward the middle/end of the race.
Being told ESPN has searched and does not have it. Geesh.
My Race Buddy is 8 laps behind.
@ SD80MAC Laughing so hard! tears in eye's
every car on the track should park,and let stewart and race for the title.Espn is ignoring everybody else.Just sad-Very sad.
Bestwick is doing a great job so far. Hope ESPN doesn't fall apart any further.
RaceBuddy showing us out the front of 99 where there's nobody, but only face view of Stewart.
Being told that ESPN lost it after 2000 and never found it again.
You guys having any RaceBuddy freak outs?
And todays biggest story, hold on, we're still tring to find it, please stand-by
If ESPN would televise this race properly they would have no need for mid-race recaps.
This coverage is embarrasing.
blah blah blah Allen, yeah, yeah, Stewart and Edwards are just wonderful people. Call the daggone race.
Espn is going to look really foolish if Tony isn't Champion. They're certainly pulling for him. 72 cameras and nothing showing what hit Tony's grill???
OK, a camera shot of the 14 and the 14's crew chief does not make me want to sit here and watch this race.
Cowboys and Redskins just tied the score at the end of the 4th qtr - going to OT
It's been over 55 laps, guess there will be no Kurt Busch interview
Espn is slobbering all over Edwards-thier colleague.
OK, what story has ESPN dropped the ball on? Darian Grubb's future is suddenly a story in the middle of the race?
Hey! Have we lost the bottom football crawler for good?
ESPN refused to confirm Edwards is working on the NNS telecasts next season, but he is not racing any NNS races so it looks like a lock.
Producer needs to call a wide shot into a curve, let 99 pass through, then hold it so we can see the interval between 99 and 14.
It's about time for a pre-produced feature shown fullscreen, isn't it?
Did Grubb deliver his 2 week notice to Tony over the radio during the caution or something?
Here's a theory on Stewart's damage - a lug nut from a car stopped in front of his went through his grill during the stops. They wouldn't have caught that on camera.
Showing Smoke in 13th,
Sally, we were dissing them on Twitter about putting that in for the championship event when they remove it for other high profile live events.
A bit later, it was gone. Will see if it returns.
Anon 4:09 - which is why they should just call the race and let things work out the way they will for the championship.
"Sally said...
And they take the camera off Tony just as they show Bayne scraping the wall? Hel-lo?"
Just goes to show they don't watch the race. Busy playing with toys
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