For years now SPEED has tried to offer a program on Friday nights after the action at the track was done. Eventually, it became the Trackside show hosted by Steve Byrnes.
As those who watch Race Hub already know, Byrnes works on the air with a simple philosophy. He includes, rather than excludes, the various personalities in the sport. Byrnes had two guests on every Trackside show while simultaneously controlling his panel of Darrell Waltrip, Jeff Hammond and Larry McReynolds. No easy task.
The result was a program that was interesting to watch. It had information for hardcore fans, but also often put the two guests in an informal light and let them discuss topics not normally heard in the standard NASCAR TV interviews. Byrnes worked hard to keep things informal and fun.
The downside was that six talking heads on the SPEED Stage was a lot for TV. Add in the Friday night fans at the track and sometimes it was just not the best mix. The bottom line, however, was that SPEED was using personalities at the track who were up to date on the happenings of the day. NASCAR fans got interviews and information.
Once Byrnes made the transition into the studio to host Race Hub, the network began a major overhaul of the entire Trackside concept. Though still using the same name and being shown in the same timeslot, the entire program is different.
The picure above is from last week's show. Trevor Bayne and Jeff Hammond got "TP'ed" by host Krista Voda and reporter Marianela Pereyra. There is now a lot of that on Trackside. Apparently, the network is trying to go after the younger fans with these forced hijinks. Whether it is Clint Bowyer in a dance-off or the on-air cast playing Pictionary, the real question is what's the point of all this?
SPEED's PR guru Erik Arneson offered recently on Twitter that Trackside ratings are up over 20% and up almost 70% with Males 18-49. The network is heavily promoting the team of Voda, Pereyra, Rutledge Wood and Kyle Petty as the "new look" Trackside.
Pereyra admitted in an interview this week that she had never been to any kind of racetrack before her Trackside reporter job came along last year. Voda is a tremendously talented TV veteran who has been working inside and outside of the studio for years in motorsports. That makes for an interesting on-air combination.
Wood began as the DJ at the SPEED Stage in a job listing he found on Craigslist in 2005. Now in his early 30's, Wood partners with 51 year-old Petty to form the new "expert panel" on Trackside. Wood admitted in a published interview that he also had never been interested in NASCAR until his job with SPEED.
All of this makes for a very interesting situation. On one hand, we hear from hardcore fans who tune into SPEED after work on a Friday expecting information and updates from that day's NASCAR activity. Instead, awkward silliness ensues.
Meanwhile, SPEED remains firm in twisting and turning this show every which way to try and make it more hip, young and fun. Unfortunately, there are no twenty-somethings among the cast and racetracks after the engines stop tend to offer fun only in the infield.
Since Byrnes and company departed there have been lots of hosts, lots of different sets and lots of different show formats but one constant remains. Trackside is just as much in transition this season as it was last year. How long SPEED will keep chasing this demographic with dance-offs, Pictionary and toilet paper remains to be seen.
This is an opportunity to voice your views about the "new look" Trackside and your opinion on this type of programming on SPEED supposedly aimed at younger fans.
Keep your opinions respectful and language polite in order for your comments to remain posted. This should be a timely topic as Trackside from Auto Club Speedway airs Friday night on SPEED with Jimmie Johnson as the featured guest.
Thank you as always for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
As much as I like all the on-air talent, the format repels me. If I want to watch Pictionary, I'll tune into the Game Show Channel. It's bad enough SPEED shows so little actual shows involving, well...speed, but that they think so little of fans interest in actual NASCAR coverage that they dish up such fluff shows how little they know about real fans, in my opinion. For real news, I'll stick to Twitter.
Love Krista Voda and quit watching when Marianela Pereyra is on, She's more annoying than someone that's name has Waltrip in it. Rutledge Wood and Kyle Petty do have the silliness but they work well together for me and I wasn't a big fan of Rut when he first started. I'm in that 18-49 male group with a job with the pay range they like which luckily affords me the luxury of a DVR to fast forward not just the commercials but the also much of this program now.
Too bad whoever is in charge of Nascar programming at Speed has never seen a single second of that channel's F-1 coverage. Between the race coverage and F1 Debrief, they treat the sport with the respect it deserves. I guess they figure Nascar fans want to see a clownshow all the time. Trackside and Pitbulls used to be the shows to watch if you wanted to stay in the know. Well one of those shows is gone, and Pitbulls is too.
If ratings and viewership are up how can you really fault them? I mean I don't watch and based on the desciption I don't really have any desire to go out of my way to try to catch an episode, but if it is successful in it's current format I wouldn't expect many changes.
I have almost completely abandoned TV for radio. The Waltrips and the Wallaces have driven me away from practices and qualifying.
Trackside has gone over the top with the silliness. I have even quit watching Race Hub thanks to the garbage from the cigar puffing fool in the back room. I really like Steve Byrnes, Krista Voda, Rutledge Wood and Kyle Petty, but the half-wit silliness has just become too much for me to take.
Most of the time this season, I have been watching the race on TV with the sound muted and listening to SiriusXM.
If you want serious interviews and information about happenings at the track, SiriusXM NASCAR and whatever MRN and PRN offers is the only ticket at the track. Yes, it is another subscription to pay and you have to buy one of their radios, but in this case, you really do get what you pay for, which is excellent news coverage and interviews. On most Thursdays and every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Claire B Lang is at the track for her 7pm (Eastern time) show. She gets the interviews that TV seems to not want to be bothered with providing.
I gave up on Trackside years ago as I have with just about all pre and post race shows. I just can't take it. Rest assured that if any significant point is made, it will be repeated hundreds of times across the Nascar media for at least a week. I concluded a long time ago that the only way to watch Trackside was if one consumed an obscene amount of beer.
There comes a time when you become the "old guy" yelling " Get off my lawn you kids".....very hard to make a show for everybody...ratings rule and many of the most popular shows on TV I'm not a fan of....
I have stopped watching Trackside. This coming from someone who watches ALL NASCAR shows, if I think I'll miss one, I DVR it. Trackside has become embarrassing. The guests seem uncomfortable and that makes the viewers tune out. The addition of Pereyra was just for sex appeal as everyone can tell she knows nothing about NASCAR. All in all, it looks like SPEED is trying too hard and they should just dump the show.
I watched one episode during Speedweeks and they never mentioned anything related to the racing, at least while I was paying attention. Bruton should but this production and repave it.
Agree with comment of the F1 team. They are the best!
At its best, Trackside was of marginal interest to me. I watched about 2 minutes of the first broadcast this season, and abandoned it forever. As previous response put so aptly, too bad Speed doesn't apply the professionalism of their F1 broadcast/pre-race crew to NASCAR. I guess its a case of "as goes the sport, so goes the coverage".
I am not in a demographic Speed is looking for (over 55 and female) AND I stopped watching. The show got too annoying. Too many hours of KP going on about Twitter. I belong to a NASCAR group on LinkedIn that began a discussion about our wish for a 24 hour motor sports channel. We came up with tons of far better ideas than anything Trackside is doing now. (And I miss Steve Byrnes)
I couldn't believe last week's show as I don't normally watch it but it was on the tv. Too many people talking at once too.
Maybe they will change this absolutely stupid format when they cannot get a driver to come on. Very few drivers want to be made to look foolish on TV.
I can't imagine what age group would enjoy this except maybe 4 to 8 years old. They have destroyed this show and the viewer only feels embarrassment for the guest.
West Coast Diane said:
Don't watch Trackside or Race Day anymore. Fan of the previous Trackside with Steve B and Race Day before silliness & yelling.
There is an article in the NYT that I got on Twitter via Mike Joy from Mike Mullern. It is about GM going after the young demo and using an MTV guy to help design/sell cars to that demo. Even to the point of having the younger GM employees rat on older employees that aren't getting with the hip ideas/concepts. Mike M's comment was maybe Nascar needs to take note. If this happens, I see racing disappearing in another generation or so.
Again, SPEED is LYING about the ratings. That's total B/.S. There is no way anyone would willfully tune in to watch Pictionary. NO WAY!
This new format is garbage. I liked the old show better. I tried watching a few minutes of it last week and quickly turned it off. The people that run SPEED must think we're all a bunch of idiots.
Rarely watched it in the past, because I have other things to do on Friday night. Never will watch it now, because I can see clowns at the circus in person.
The forced laughter during the show is cringe inducing for me. They force themselves into awkward banter about subjects that none of them would laugh, giggle or even smile about if they watched it off the air. It's like the weather guy and the sports guy forcibly laughing about the skiing squirrel story at the end of the news. For the past 8 years, the young demo have been on youtube watching people getting hit in their junk while skateboarding...Trevor getting TP'd is not making them laugh or watch.
Even Krista Voda has become annoying in this new format. I never thought she would stoop so low. What a horrible mess. I watched once, and will never watch again. Is Speed trying to commit suicide?
The new show is awful. Krista does her best to be professional and seems embarrassed by the stupid stuff. Kyle knows a lot about the sport and is good. The new girl is simply awful and I've never been a fan of whatever it is that Wood does. Way too much silliness for me. I think they'll have trouble getting drivers to participate. I felt sorry for Trevor last week. That was enough for me. I won't watch much anymore.
Agree with so many here. I used to record everything, but have stopped,do not watch any pre-shows and rely on radio and twitter during the race, muting the TV. The Waltrips are pandering and annoying and extremely biased. Believe, with others, that the Waltrips are ruining the race coverage. Thank God for DVR, fast forward and mute.
Wood is funny at times but can't ever stop the clown act, annoying. Pererya is just annoying. Kyle and Krista have to be asking themselves why they have lowered themselves to this level. IF it's on my TV, it's in the background but I don't/won't actually WATCH this show anymore. There's nothing real or relevant, just a bunch of clowning around with 50% of the cast clueless and the other half wondering 'when will this stupidity stop'? FYI I'm a male and 46, apparently in the demographic they are looking at?
Love Krista Voda, she has always done a great job in whatever role she has been asked to fill.
I no longer watch Trackside. When it was Steve, DW, Hammond, Larry Mac and whoever the guest drivers were, it was fun AND informative.
IMO, it has degraded into a level of nonsense that simply doesn't interest me, but then again, I'm neither male nor in the 18-34 demographic so fox may not care that I don't watch.
I'm not sure I believe the whole ratings info since without information from an outside source, I won't take an insiders word as reliable. I find that it works about as well as NASCAR's estimates of attendance.
Toilet paper is sooo appropriate...
Wipe, flush, repeat...
Trackside is a joke.
Has been for going on 2 years now.
Pretty girls who know nothing about race cars and a driver who has lost a lot in life and a clueless weirdo with glasses is a terrible mix.
I tune in to learn about the weekends events, racing on the track. Latest news and interviews of drivers, team owners, crew members etc....
What we have know is a clown show.
I believe in having fun but not stooping to this level. I quit watching because it dumbs down everything to a point where a 5 year old can understand.
Nascar is BIG business, big in every way and should be treated as such.
Not so watered down that even the sports hardcore fans turn the channel.
Speed.....are ya hearing me?
Good points, as usual JD. It has become a joke and I'm wondering, now that Mr Corporate himself (JJ) will be on tonight's show, how many drivers would avoid this 3 ring circus if they could ?
I very rarely watch Trackside any more, I do DVR it, but I have been hitting erase more than watching, the show has just become stupid. Nothing about racing involved in it. And I do not like the new girl at all, she thinks she is all that, and she not at all.
if they want to waste talented people (and yes, I even like Rutledge) on a ridiculous show that apparently appeals to young men with the mentality of 11 year olds, who am I to say they are wrong? (actually, maybe most 11 year olds I know are more mature than this.) But why not supplement it with a program with actual intelligence for the other half of use who do not want to see people embarrassed by wrapping them in TP and making them play charades? A different half hour in which they actually allow a driver or two to talk about their careers and what's happening that weekend....
Yes, I watched last week because Jamie Mac was on--I cringed the entire time (and it will be the last time, no matter whom the guest is.) I bet once the drivers get wind of what they're doing, even sponsor mentions won't be enough to get them on it.
Ugh. Dreadful.
I hope we get a chance to comment on Racehub soon. Except for Jimmy, the silliness has gone away for now. Much, much better.
This is the point of your piece
"Though still using the same name and being shown in the same timeslot, the entire program is different."
They should just give the old Trackside its retirement check and send it to Florida never to be seen again.
They should just give this travesty a different name and stop pretending its Trackside.
I have been railing about the re formatting of Trackside for some time!...If they were to create a new program with a new name and fill it with this non sence it would fail in a short time....They are using the name Trackside to sucker punch us into watching. This tact will fail in the long term!...Speed TV is doing themselves great harm with true NASCAR fans!...
I'm in the demographic they are looking for (20 year old male) and I can't stand this show. Was much better when Steve Byrnes was the host. I love getting my NASCAR news, and twitter seems to be the only way to get that now. No one cares to see if tan man can get "mummified" quicker than Bayne. People care about driver interviews, owner interviews, and crew interviews. I'd much rather hear about what drivers think the racing will be like on Sunday or how they feel about happenings in NASCAR (Bristol debate) rather than watch stupid silliness.
It pained me to have to delete Trackside from list of DVR recordings. The show has turned into a reality show nightmare. I am embarrassed for Krista Voda who actually said on The Morning Drive on Sirius radio this morning that the show is "GOOFY" - no kidding. Sorry Speed but you ruined a perfectly good show that people like me who work on Friday could tune into and catch up on the track activities of the day.
They should run this on Saturday morning because that is when the kiddies watch. They are the only age group that might watch such foolish. Wrapped in toilet paper, REALLY??
If ever you wondered what the folks in TV land are trying to do, this is a great example of the view and understanding of the mentality of the NASCAR fan has evolved to in their opinion. Take into fold, the arguing that the racing at BRISTOL is not what it used to be. Well, form a car owner’s point of view, my 40k race car now cost 100K, and to race knowing that it will probably be destroyed due to fan expectancy is ridiculous, these are the same folks that cannot afford the outrageous cost of tickets and accommodation’s fifty miles away from a track that has 160,000 seats.
My gut tells me BRUTON wants to use any excuse to move a race date to Las Vegas, it does not much matter to him where it comes from, HE wants a race in Vegas.
Trackside is dead to me, has been that way since early last year. They really had a good thing going and ruined it. Trackside was cant miss, now its cant watch.
JD has mentioned this before, but they tried to replicate nascar.com's 30 Minutes Youll Never Get Back by having Kyle and Rut on, but what it really turned out to be is everybody talking at the same time and playing ridiculous games. If I was a driver, I would not go on this show.
Marianela adds absolutely nothing to the broadcast and needs to go away. Krista is a TV pro, but this show needs Steve Byrnes. Bring back Hammond and Larry Mac and Elliott Sadler, no DW.
As someone whos in the 18-49 market, there is absolutely nothing about this show that peaks my interest. Speed execs made up those numbers for sure.
This show has become down right stupid. As long as Nascar keeps doing stupid things that they think will attract new fans the grandstands will keep getting emptier.
"Trackside" should be aired on Saturday mornings, along with the other children's programming.
Anyone notice that on FB the other day Speed asked its followers what they wanted to see on Speed. Overwhelmingly the answer was MORE RACING and less reality show crap. I think this applied to Trackside, it is just horrible to watch, I can't imagine why the hosts would put up with the BS on it and stuff they are forced to do. Maybe Speed will start to listen..
Thanks for the article John. I stopped watching midway through last year, when I finally ran out of patience. It used to be GOOD stuff to watch on Friday. If I had to choose between Trackside and most anything else, it was Trackside. With the DVR, I would never miss. It was insightful, interesting,and never boring. It is now fodder for racing dilettantes (look it up). Race Hub has replaced Trackside on the priority scale. Even Kyle has turned into a lightweight. I hate to say this, but give me Jimmy Spencer instead of Kyle right now. I could go on. Dont get me started on ESPN and their treatment of NASCAR Now.
Signing off. Tim
Garry--it really isn't fair to accuse someone of lying when you have no evidence. Just sayin. I can't think of what reason they'd have to lie about it, their advertisers must have some proof. People watch 'Wipeout', which IMHO is about the dumbest show ever. So there is a market for mindless drivel, whether you like it or not. In fact, there was a TV game show version of Pictionary that did quite well in the ratings back in the day.
John, another excellent piece as always.
Maybe I'm not the average viewer but I don't get the new direction Speed has taken. The stuff they do on Trackside is ridiculous. If I were a driver I'd refuse to go on there unless my owner/sponsor made me.
If I want to see a bunch of clowns I'll go to the circus. This is simply nauseating to watch. I tried 3 times and after 10 minutes I couldnt take it anymore. 3 strikes and your out Trackside. How disapointing to waste Krista Vodas talent on such dribble. I find it hard to believe anyone over 10 yrs old can enjoy this comedy clone show. DOA is all I can say!
Wow, lots of fan reaction with this show.
I haven't watched Trackside on a weekly basis for over three years now. I caught about 5 minutes of the show a few weeks ago at Phoenix. If this is what they want the show to be, that's fine with me. But I have no interest in watching. It's no longer a group of people in the sport just having a conversation. The show now revolves around embarassing gags.
I'd love when someone like Schrader would come on the show, the realistic storytelling of yesterday and today was fulfilling to listen to, and the viewer felt like part of the circle listening in and having a good time. It was really the only time I saw a toned down Darrell Waltrip on tv. Occational there would be a gag on the show, but it was not the premise of the program like it is today. The foundation of the show was much deeper featuring the friendships, recollections, and extracurricular activities of the NASCAR family. I don't feel that connection with many of the drivers today. In a combo of duller drivers, overly corporate NASCAR, and magnified tv demographics, Trackside changed and doesn't appeal like it used to.
Too much silliness for me. I stopped watching last year. Speed should be happy since it doesn't matter since I'm not in that all important male demographic. Surprisingly the bleached blonde with the bit boobs hasn't shown up YET.
This new format is why tou'll never NEVER see Jr. Gordon, Johnson,Montoya, Harvick et al. on this garbage. I posted before, and just in case the Speed personalities who read this are skimming down to find a positive post, I will prevent it. SPEED IS LYING ABOUT THE RATINGS!
I always thought that Rutledge was one of the long lost Wood Brothers. You know, the one that Mom dropped on his head when he was a baby.
Sorry SPEED, but watching "Trackside" now a days is like watching a giant train wreck and not entertaining.
I understand that SPEED is trying to give fans something at the track with information and interviews, but its not working. Solution, you can't reset the show again, instead delete the show and start fresh with a new concept.
But its too bad that NASCAR hated "Pit Bull", because while it was too far out their, they do have a decent concept with several tweaks.
I wonder what SPEED will come up with next to use all of there on-air characters at the track?
So sad but I have to agree with everyone. Krysta has to make a living like everyone else but such a waste of her talent. Someone mentioned Schraeder. Imagine him, Ned or Dale and Krysta to moderate? No wonder I don't work in tv.
i caught end of it last week. i just shook my head cause i thought it was a spot on ellen.
one thing....could you see dale sr letting anyone tp him?
give me racing new, not dribble entertainment. i guess this is the last strong hold for hammond.
don't watch the hub cause of spencer's mouth...crying towel and cigar. jimmy stuff the towel in your mouth and the cigar you know where!
And I thought I was the only one who had given up on this show! Wow! When they took Steve off this show it started down that slippery slope! I quit watching soon after that and I watch all the racing shows I can but this show is a total waste of time. It has no racing information at all and if they are now TPing drivers...well I will never watch it again. I want to know about racing. How is the track, what things do the drivers think are important to win, how are the tires affecting the racing...race related stories. I don't mind hearing an occasional story about the driver's personal life but if I want to watch silliness I'll watch cartoons. Pereyra adds nothing to the show at all and I am sick of women getting positions in NASCAR broadcasting that know nothing about this sport. It insults my intelligence! Learn, know and enjoy the sport or go talk about one you do know! Speed isn't interested in my thoughts though because I don't fit their demographic either. Female in her late 40's who LOVES all things NASCAR. Don't enjoy the circus!
Trackside used to be a fun & informative program, but is now not worth air time. I think Marianela is quite annoying and mute the TV when she's speaking. Bring back the old format with quality interviews.
Trackside used to be a fun & informative program, but is now not worth air time. I think Marianela is quite annoying and mute the TV when she's speaking. Bring back the old format with quality interviews.
Like most of everything NASCAR it was a GOOD SHOW at 1 time now its a waste of time watching it.
I have a lot of the OLD races taped and it is joy to actually watch a RACE , 1 person announcing it and everything is covered.
Today its OOPS there was a wreck in turn 3 but we were being shown an EX race driver or crewchief XPLAININ how a shock absorber works and missing the race action.
I am also a former Trackside viewer. I did try to watch this new format and gave up.
I do feel sorry for Krista being involved with this mess.
I'm grateful the Internet offers a variety of resources that let me know when the green flag is scheduled to drop. I don't turn the broadcast on until then. I learn all the pre-race information I need during the pace laps - pit window, who's goes to the rear and why, weather, etc.
Hey, where's the vision test? :-)
Mr Editor -
Good read and to the point ...I, too, haven't watched Trackside since the early days ...too much fodder, too little info ...feel embarrassed for Krista in current format ...as with many ratings claims, twisted to suit the interests of the claimant ...a la FOX, SPEED continues to expand it's 'personality focus', disrespecting the sport as it does so ...I have no interest whatsover in seeing this needless pap
Can't stand the new format. Can't watch it anymore. It's just awful.
After working dining out on Friday arount this show for years, I don't even watch any more. I love NASCAR and racing. Am not the desired audience - am a 72 year old female techie who loves things like NASCAR performance and understanding personalities of drivers and crew chiefs.
Thanks for letting me know what the new format is JD. I haven't watched Trackside in years and it looks like I haven't missed much.
Trackside used to be one of my favorite NASCAR shows. I gave up on it last year when the format changed. I enjoyed the old format so much that I always recorded it if I wasn't going to be home. A good show has been ruined.
Less 'talent' (Voda, Petty Rutledge..)and more track personalities. More folks from inside the garage that are normal and talk about their life off the track...I'd love to see the inside of Bowyers house and shop, Steve Letart's workout area, 48 team bowling ...and I heard Gil Martin has a potatoe gun. he should show us how to build/shoot it on the show.
Put it out of its misery. It's an embarrassment for the sport. "Let's be honest"... I like the Kyle on TNT, loathe the Kyle on Speed.
I used to look forward to Trackside but now I can't stand to watch. Made it thru snot 5 minutes of the foolishness then changed the channel. I fo not plan to watch unless the format becomes the informative show it wad before.
I looked up the 2010 Resident Population of the United States just to see what young group Speed is trying to get to watch Nascar.
The population stats below exclude Armed Forces overseas.
Here are the top 3 groups -
45 - 49 age 22,709,000 people
50 - 54 age 22,298,000 people
15 - 19 age 22,040,000 people
So it looks to me like Speed is trying to get the 15 - 19 age to watch, which would be 17 - 21 now in 2012.
and totally ignoring the top two age groups, 45 - 54 or 47 - 56 age now in 2012.
I got this information from Census.gov
Well I no longer watch it, it has just gone silly. No I do not want to watch a bunch of People Over Thirty Acting Twenty One. Nope no POTATO watching here.Hope the prized 18- ? demographics enjoy.
Its officially off my dvr recording list. Only way I'll watch is if my favorite driver is on, and I honestly hope he isn't on there this year...I'd rather not see him humiliated by playing some ridiculous game. Its unfortunate, because I used to really enjoy it. Its nice to see the drivers have casual interview/conversation, but these silly games have crossed the line. Sorry SPEED, but you've lost a viewer.
Yeah, don't know who they want to attract to the show, but it is plain stupid. I like Kyle Petty, Krista and the rest would have to go. It's not a comedey club, it's suppose to be about racing. As far as having drivers on, I am sure their sponsors don't want them in a not so bright light. They pay millions to drivers to put their product in the right light.
Think about it speed, clean it up.Trackside should be just about what the name reflects! What is going on at the track, with the drivers and teams. Not toliet papering someone. Gee Maybe that is why Bristol seats were empty cause everyone stayed up late watching the re-run of Trackside? NOT.
Not only did Speed lie about the ratings, they paid a ton of people to be in the live audience. How despicable!
I love Krista, but I cannot watch even 5 minutes of Trackside anymore. What a stupid show -
Really, a freakin Muppet playing CornHole? Can we please get some grown up NASCAR programming on Trackside? This show is a waste of air time!
I changed the channel to the "real" Cartoon Network. In this format, I will never watch the show again.
We quit watching Trackside a few years ago when it turned into the DW show.Speed really does not have much for the race fan anymore unless you are immune to Waltrip nonsense. They better soon get Spencer off Race Hub or it will be down the tubes also.
The suits at Speed have destroyed Trackside. Who wants to watch 4 people playing a video game or cornhole? The show has lost its' direction and is no longer relevent to true racing fans. As far as Pereyra and Wood go, they should be given their pink slips ASAP. It's time to 86 the silliness and fluff. Let us into the lives of the drivers, owners and crew members. That's what REAL race fans want to know about.
Trackside is now a joke. I stopped recording it mid-season last year, haven't even turned it on this year and haven't missed it at all.
Wow, 75 comments. I've not read all of them so excuse me if I'm redundant. I no longer watch Trackside. I didn't even go to the taping of it at LVMS when I was there for Q. This coming from a fan who would rearrange her life to watch it. What was so wrong with the old version? Good for Steve B to take the job at Race Hub, saves him from this embarrassment.
If women make up approximately 50% of the fan base, why do they keep marketing to the golden 18-49 male audience?
Are the ratings really up for Trackside? I find this hard to believe especially after hearing nascar Now got nominated for an Emmy :0. Someone must be doing some federal government type math.
IMO,if it's not practice, qualifying, racing, or Wind Tunnel, there's no reason to tune into SPEED. Trackside is a Train Wreck! You couldn't dumb it up anymore if you tried, which matches most of the rest of SPEED'S programming. I stopped watching Trackside early last year and I detest Social networking being shoved up my ying yang every other breath. I am fast losing patience with Victory Lane btw the Kyle/Kenny show and listening to John Roberts gulping air because he's trying to talk to fast. For me, SPEED in general has become an epic fail.
Just found out that Speed is not the only TV channel that is trashing good live programming. I just learned that the Weather Channel is dumping several hours of daily live weather news for the pre-recorded reality garbage. Fox and NBC both seem to have the same arrogant attitude toward live informative programming.
Sickening is the only word I can think of when ever these stooges like Wood, the Waltrip's the Wallace's are on TV. Kyle "the mouth" Petty thinks he is God's gift to the Speed channel. My stomach can't take it anymore. I didn't even watch the Bristol race because of Michael Waltrip on the air. What a bunch of non sense that Speed has become since allowing these clowns on TV. I don't know if they think they are funny or whatever, but I just call it plain sickening and stupid.
The guys with the F-1 comments are so right! They treat their sport with the respect that they deserve. I used to hear talk about comparing the WWE with NASCAR. At the time I thought that comment was ridiculous, but now with the stooges they have on Speed and Fox, I think WWE is a step ahead of NASCAR.
Speed and Fox needs to clean house and bring in some people that are serious about racing, and someone who does not have the last name of any of the afore mentioned stooges.
Clearly I'm in the minority in disagreeing. I love Trackside the way it is currently. There are plenty of ways to see the nascar news. Trackside, for me, is a way to see the drivers in a less professional setting. The silly games and candid questions remind me of talk shows that racing fans rarely, if ever, get to see drivers on, such as Ellen or the Daily Show. It's what I look forward to most each week, aside from Nascar Performance.
Anon 9:54, you and I are in total agreement. To each his own.
Don't watch it anymore...
Krista & Kyle, run , you guys are too good for this silliness.Its really gone down hill.I watch for awhile then turn the channel.
Thank you
The demographic information you posted last night at 8:01 is interesting, but it doesn't tell the full story.
True, the raw census data make it look as if Speed is eschewing huge swaths of viewer in favor of a smaller slice of the demographic pie.
What is not obvious, however, is the younger demographic is much more lucrative to many advertisers. The younger demographic spends a lot more than other demos on soft drinks, energy drinks, beer, fast food, casual dining, mobile phone and wireless service, and some other products or services I might be overlooking.
The other interesting and hidden factor is that age group is much less likely to be loyal to a single brand in each category than older viewers. Not only do they spend more money per capita in those product sectors, but they are much more easily swayed from from one brand to another than other customers.
There's an interesting article on the Crowd Science blog: "Is Generation X the Last Mass Market Brand Loyal Group?" (It's easy to find on Google.)
The percentage of those that agreed with the statement “Once I find a brand I like, I tend stick with it” was far higher for Gen-X than other age groups at 42%. Compare that to 33% of those under age 30 agreed with the same statement. Additionally, those under 30% far outweighed other age groups when asked if they “Like to try different brands.” (emphasis mine)
It makes a lot of sense if networks target the demographic which makes ad-buyers salivate.
It all comes down to the immortal line from All the President's Men: "Follow the money."
[Note, individuals who read this should not react defensively. These are clearly identified market trends, and are not meant to be hard and fast rules for every individual who falls in those groups.]
I just wish Trackside and all the shows and race coverage would quit reading tweets to us. We actually have our own computers and know how to use Twitter. Do not need someone to read them to us. I guess that is hard investigative reporting.
Twenty years ago, I had no clue that I would one day long for "Inside Winston Cup" with Ned Jarrett.
There's precious little dignity to any of these shows. I never did get the Krista Voda fascination, and now she's considered the sane veteran.
I stopped watching Trackside two seasons ago. The silliness is disgusting and embarrassing. The PTB are on their way to irrevocably ruining Nascar Performance as well.
hey John, have you read these messages? looks like I am not the lone ranger. trackside needs to go back to the basics
I watched trackside this past weekend and all I have to is YIKES!!!! and im 30
If the show is going to be this irrelevant of a NASCAR program then it makes sense that they hired someone like Marienela Peyrera who knows nothing about racing, but at least she's hot, maybe to boost ratings they Put her In a bikini! Seriously though, I was joking about that, but I could see them doing something like that.
Worst. NASCAR. Show. Ever.
I'd rather watch a test pattern. SPEED continues to defy belief.
SAD SAD SAD is all I can say......
Always looked forward to Trackside every week with Steve and the boys
Sorry Krista and the other girl but this is garbage and I never tune in anymore...
Trackside is now almost unwatchable.
I won't go so far as to say that Marianela is the Scrappy-Doo of Trackside, I actually don't mind her at all. But, I can see why many don't like her even if I don't agree. At worst , IMO, she is a symptom of the problem, at best she might fit into something closer to what Trackside was.
Remember how great it was to go back to Rockingham? It hasnt been quite so long for trackside, but maybe TPTB ought to be looking for a little more old-fashioned and a little less "Pimp my Nascar".
Is Krista ok, she looks, I don't know, tired or something.
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