After six months of rehearsing with the Nationwide Series, Sunday at 1PM brings the debut of ESPN's transition to the Sprint Cup.
Allen Bestwick will lead the panel of Rusty Wallace, Brad Daugherty and Ray Evernham from the Infield Pit Center through a one-hour version of NASCAR Countdown. This pre-race show is going to be talking about the critical Goodyear tire issue which will dominate this telecast.
This pressing issue is sure to change the scripted nature of what ESPN had planned for this hour and continues to change as showtime approaches. The pit reporters are going to be put to the test in this show.
It will be Dave Burns, Jamie Little, Shannon Spake and Mike Massaro who will be charged with keeping the viewers up to date from pit road, the garage area and the Infield Medical Center. Spake was a fill-in last season and is still coming up to speed with live TV, the other three are veterans from last season's coverage.
Upstairs will be Dr. Jerry Punch, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree. Punch will be handling the play-by-play duties for this second season with the very bright spotlight shining on this high-profile position. He struggled last year on these longer races and often appeared to be very tired only halfway through the event.
The big new fish in the ESPN pond is Dale Jarrett. He has been the savior of ESPN this season with his calm demeanor and his strong knowledge of the sport. Coupled with Andy Petree, this duo has all the bases covered for ESPN and should be the strongest part of the Indy coverage.
ESPN has been challenged to abandon the "scripted" approach to these races that drove fans crazy last year, and the Indy tire problems may be just what the doctor ordered. The network is going to be forced to deal with the reality of this problem rather than stick with the stories it chose to highlight in the pre-race show.
Look for solid triple splits on the caution flag pit stops with ESPN trying to do everything possible to cover the most important part of this event, the race off pit road. It is entirely possible that the order leaving the pits will be the order finishing the race with all the COT issues.
Bestwick is very different from former infield host Suzy Kolber, so TV viewers should not be subjected to celebrity interviews and ESPN promos during green flag racing. The network also has to choose when to insert SportsCenter updates and other non-racing content.
The HD cameras at Indy are always outstanding, and this season the ESPN crew produced a memorable Indy 500 IRL telecast. Hopefully, the outstanding pictures and sound will continue with the ESPN TV crew on this broadcast. Look for moving boom and jig cameras in the telecast, especially on pit road.
The final laps of this race call for the big decision on the part of the Producer. Show the drama of the winner alone crossing the finish-line or keep the bigger perspective and show the lead-lap cars all racing to the stripe. It should be interesting to see what ESPN decides this season. In 2007, they chose to show only the winning car and no others cross the line.
This post will serve to host your TV-related comments about the Brickyard 400 telecast on ESPN. To add your comments, simply click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks for joining us for our second Brickyard race.
1 – 200 of 591 Newer› Newest»Hey folks, this should be a good one.
I don't know JD, I see a possible beating from ESPN about the tires. We might end up knowing who every single rep from Goodyear is.
I was wondering how fast Hermie had to get off the bricks (Raceday ended with Hermie on the bricks) until I realized AB's intro was taped earlier, there's no way he got into the booth that fast.
I hear there will be a competition caution at lap 10. Hopefully the tires make it that far.
Great explanation from Ray on the tire load between the old car and the COT.
So much tire talk, I think I'm watching a Unocal 76 commercial.
I missed the intro. Did they use any dumb music videos?
Wonder how Rusty feels with Ray now being the star of the Infield?
Why does ESPN play commercials for another sporting event on another channel, that airs during the race? I know ESPN and ABC are the same company, but it still seems strange to advertise something that would pull viewers from the race.
Trying to make sense of ESPN promo placement will result in mental duress.
Anybody having RaceBuddy withdrawl?
How many times have we seen that piece on kissing the bricks, this is where it belonged, I'm pretty sure it was first shown when we were suppose to see cars on the track.
The DJ JG interview was fun
Good start so far, Ray's explanation was very good.
I'm glad Brad was candid and said what I was thinking, that he hopes this race - one of the biggest of the year - isn't marred or overshadowed by tire wear. Sounded like from Allen's explanation that NASCAR is planning to throw competition cautions every 10 laps or so - not just the first 10 - until they feel the tire wear is under control. That would be a nightmare for ESPN in terms of casual viewers, who might get bored with a stop-and-start nature of that situation.
Hearing Ray speak in a normal tone of voice is pleasing and easy to listen to.
Notice that on the wideshot of the four panelists ESPN is slowly creeping the camera all the time.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Anybody having RaceBuddy withdrawl?
Count me as one, wouldn't it be great to be watching that camera as all the drivers started to go driver intros, I loved that part.
So should we start a pool? Who is Ray going to replace in 2009? Choices are Rusty or Andy.
Creeping the camera?
The camera is on a track. It creeps slowly one direction or another when the wideshot is on TV.
It gives a panoramic feel and is something to watch for as we talk TV.
I wonder why this race is on ESPN and the Arena Football game is on ABC? Seems like that should be reversed today. Even though it's the title game, I don't think Arena Football is all that popular.
They've done a really good job so far. Ray's explanation was great.
As far as RaceBuddy, it'd be really cool to see all the behind the scenes activity like driver intros and such that made you feel like you were at the track. I loved the souvenir camera they had..
Please let it NOT be Andy I really like his prespective during the race and needless to say Rusty's opinion is nolonger anything I wish to hear.
Hopefully Rusty. Don't know if Ray is too interested in added time commitments though.
Anon 1:22,
Arena football isn't as popular as Nasacar, by a long shot. However, it's popularity has improved ten-fold in the last 2 or 3 years with their current TV contract on ESPN. Since this is their Super Bowl, they're trying to reach as wide of an audience as they can to help grow the sport further.
I would have watched the game, if it wasn't going head to head with one of Nascar's biggest races.
If you Google Daly+Planet+pictures you will get some photos of the Infield Studio, including the camera track and anchor desk
The rumor is Ray is out after this year and is going TV fulltime.
A lot of pointing on that panel :)
Moving the camera back and forth on that track makes me feel like I had a few too many drinks before watching the race. It's not necessary, unless ESPN thinks that's what they have to do to keep things interesting.
Is he really going to replace someone? I wouldn't mind saying bye to Rusty.. it better not be Andy.
OK now I see it, I can't watch too close makes me dizzy. It's like that affect when you are stopped and the car next to you starts to drift slowly and you push your brakes harder because you think it's your car.
ESPN will never say. They didn't tell us anything this season until Feb. But Ray is not there for his health.
Re: Arena Bowl
Also, you have to keep in mind the mouse owns half the league. That might have something to do with it being on ABC.
I didn't know that about Ray. He does a weekly segment on Sirius but I haven't listened the last few weeks.
As far as AFL game on ABC; they might loose more viewers from the race to NBC for women's beach volleyball :)
Hm should be interesting to see JD..
Anyone else feel like the commercial breaks are short so far?
Ooops, you have to Google Daly+Planet+tech+center+studio
Too many daggone pics on my site!
Thanks to all for the explanations about Arena Football growth maybe being the reason they're on ABC instead of the Brickyard. Didn't know it was growing that fast. I could see ABC wanting an offseason football franchise if they could get one.
Please let it be cRusty that Ray replaces. I enjoy Andy.
Speaking of Rusty, I think it was kind of amusing that his good friend Roger Penske came out on Saturday and refuted Rusty's assertion that Ryan Newman was fired.
It's yet another example of how Rusty just can't let the past go, and how he really is unsuited to his role as a commentator. His credibility (or what little he had) has taken a big hit.
A speak from your heart w/Richard Childress. Very well done.
Yes, Very well done.
Should be interesting to see Shannon once the race is underway. The Cup pits are very different from the N'wide Series.
Really? More hectic? More people? I imagine the storylines are similar, aren't they (well, except for the tire issue today)?
Nice shot by AB intro DJ as 2time winner & Rusty LOL
Shannon and pits are not a good mix, talks to fast and tells me nothing "made adjustments and down and away" useless. What changes and why forget that away stuff
Seeing that ticker at the bottom reminds me again why I love HotPass
It is night and day. Like the Durham Bulls and the NY Yankees.
So far, I've enjoyed the Richard Childress and Jeff Gordon pieces. Simple, straight talk.
I think Rusty is looking uncomfortable today.
I'm one of the people that thinks this race should be on ABC. This is the Brickyard.
This should be an interesting transition between Bestwick and Jerry Punch about to happen.
What are the odds we'll have a LIVE SPORTSCENTER cut-in of Favre not at the front gate of training camp???
Adam, you better believe he is. He just needs to look around him.
I know we discussed this last year, but I agree that it just doesn't seem right that this race is on ESPN and not ABC. I wish they would change it for the upcoming years, but it might already be in the contract..?
bevo - We'll probably have 2 or 3. At least the Yankees/Red Sox don't play until 8, so we won't have that update every 30 minutes.
All we need are wide shots and no ticker on the screen. Too much to ask?
Shannon has tried very hard, but she's another person who should be gone or moved to another role at the end of the season. Jamie Little has improved, Shannon has not.
In case anybody misses Lindsay Czarniak (who would be a great replacement for Shannon), she will be the host of Olympics coverage on the NBC-owned Oxygen channel when the Olympics starts in a couple of weeks. She's one of the eight hosts of Olympic coverage (which includes famous names like Jim Lampley and Mary Carillo), so good for her.
"Lindsay Czarniak will make her second Olympic appearance and her first as host of Oxygen's coverage and as a Sports Desk reporter for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. She made her Olympic debut as a Sports Desk reporter during NBC's coverage of the 2006 Torino Games."
These are the new SC promos for the live SC shows. Over a thousand ESPN employees tried-out for the opportunity. Get used to him, you are going to be seeing him a lot.
OK, that is the worst promo for SportsCenter ever
Yea Adam, I would be uncomfortable if Ray was sitting next to me also.
How I miss Keith and Dan...
I wonder if Nicole Manske has any interest in being a pit reported. I think she would do a good job seeing how she has done well on Nascar Now this year.
sorry, pit "reporter"... Too bad they couldn't dub in a mute for that moment of silence, since the profanities came through.
Nice choice for the anthem - no mute here
Now, that's the way to sing it.
"OK, that is the worst promo for SportsCenter ever"
You said it. This maybe the new Dark Mane for ESPN.
Oh the insanity.
Nice national anthem.
Best performance of the anthem this season.
The anthem + camera shots gave me the chills.. I love it
Again, the National Anthem was awesome.
Nice flyover.
Uh oh. Dark Mane is back.
Phew, back to the Brickyard.
Between SC promo dude & Darkmane
wow did espn waste $$$
Fantastic anthem, I usually hit the mute but no this time. I missed the end of the prerace after Brewers piece did I miss anything?
Randy Pemberton HotPass just welcomed us to the AllStar 400 :)
GREAT ANTHEM! I was out of room for part of it and missed the singer.
I missed the flyover...was it early? I stepped into the room too late...sigh.
KUDOS to the man singing!!
What is with the green screen in the booth? Is "out the window" a bad shot or something?
I guess Allstate did not buy any DirecTV ads huh?
Fabulous fabulous national anthem! Too bad flyover was late.
So, ten laps to chaos? Has Punch or Jarrett talked tires? Hmmm...
Mari Hulman George knows how to deliver the command to start engines in my opinion.
Calm, but excited.
Funny thing JD - after he said it they showed the Allstate 400 logo on the screen. Randy and Hermie always make mistakes on Hotpass - makes it fun.
LIstening to 48 scanner. Rick is looking for the 48's pit. The respect just oozes out from Chad as he answers him. Calls him Mr. Hendrick
Randy is a good guy. I hope SPEED lets him sub for John Roberts on some shows next year.
Larry Mc doing HotPass for Harvick
I wish the announcers would go through the entire starting grid like they did in the past.
I can live without the in-race reporter but that is just me.
Count my vote as being for Ray to replace Rusty next season.
It should be an interesting broadcast/race. Here we go...
Oh RaceBuddy where are you.
I would also like to have them go thru the field showing each car (it might be the only time we see or hear about some cars) instead of the in-race reporter thing
Time to make the donuts. Let's keep our eyes on the pictures and our ears on Punch and company.
I also miss RB! After poo pooing it when it was announced.
Here we go!!
Nice camera work and absence of ticker so far!
I missed the whole pre race, did Rusty open up his mouth about the Newman situation again?
Any over under bets on number of times we will see draft tracker? I go for 2, considering they used it at Bristol last year.....
hi all! should be . . . interesting today, huh?
jd: i already miss racebuddy in a BIG way! with these competition yellows, that pitstop screen would have been awesome.
stayed away from pre-race: with the exception of the squier piece, doesn't sound like i missed too much.
nice camera work so far: long shots from different angles, whole pack shots.
Beautiful shots.. please keep it up.
Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mikey torn up.
Sniff, sniff
(sophia grabs an early tissue)
big sigh
so, lap 4 yellow. will that do away with the competition yellow or will they just keep the pits closed?
Very good replays on the 55
Agree about the GREAT WIDE SHOTS!!!
Please keep it up.
Ugh..that horrible bumper music...geez..just like in the Indy series.
I would rather hear ambient noise.
WOW...commercials LOUD!! must be local...ouch.
They may postpone the comp yellow until lap 15 or however many laps this caution lasts..?
Pit road closed, according to Carl's spotter.
Some decent camera work so far. The zooming in is a bit nagging but I like the camera work as of right now.
Replay was nice.
So far, so good.
TWIN will be interesting Mikey does well on flat tracks so I am sure he will be crushed. OOPS were's the remote Darkmane is back
That puts a damper on my race already.
Red, usually they'll let cars pit, but they can't fuel the car.
Well, one thing about Mikey wrecking, will the ratings go up for backflip TWIN? :(
Raceview is awful. No audio - typical.
Refreshing to hear DJ call it the Brickyard 400. I wish the others would "forget" the corporate name.
Whats more disturbing.... The Bill Engvall daughters undies promo, or these weird guy in a mask X-Games promo??
Bill Engvall is far more disturbing, but DarkMane is way more annoying.
A replay involving Carl Edwards Dale Jr.
I think the announcers should forget the corporate name.
Brickyard 400 for life.
Wow...over 100 comments already.
JD, we may break a comment record.
Can't get used to the AFLAC colors...looks like something out of Florida.
Pit road open now, competition caution on lap 14.
Sophia, Carl's my favourite driver, and those colours make even me throw up in my mouth a little.
Next year's version has considerably more black.
Agree with the Aflac colors.. next year's scheme is much better.
Raceview audio is down totally right?
Is it just me or did ESPN take the FOX slide when two cars change positions? Guess it is better than last years abrupt change.
Pitcommand scanner for the 48 works
I haven't been to Florida since the 70's but that car is colorful!
AWESOME wide angle shots of the cars COMING AT US on the front stretch. Keep up the great camera work Mr. Director!!
Really enhances the viewing to have great camera work..as long as they do NOT overuse in car, bumper cams or the Digger cam...I will be happy camper.
Gonna miss Rbuddy on the competition caution!!
Kurt and Kevin hard crash.
hmmmm...tires raising their ugly issue?
Nice replays of the Harvick/Kurt Busch wreck.
Larry Mc noticed the steering is screwed up on Harvick, might be serious
This is going to be a long long race. 8 green flag laps and we have our first blow.
Busch lost it and slid into Harvick
Harvick to the garage
Raceview audio is now working, but was not earlier.
i have to say: the picture quality seems especially crisp today. i don't have HD but the picture is cleaner and the colors brighter as well.
Is it my imagination or is Dr. Punch a half a step behind in his calls today? Andy and DJ are bailing him out already.
Doing a lot of work on the steering and suspension for Harvick. Larry Mc giving a lot of information.
Agreed about the picture and colors. i am watching on two old tv's as well.
Crap! Jr has tire going down...bad vibration.
bevo thanks for the info on Harvick!
Burton is replacing Harvick on HotPass
kudos to ESPN for cutting out of commerical to follow the Jr. story.
as a side note, why has nascar not told goodyear to fix their stuff or take a hike by now?
Anyone on DirectTV in the NE having trouble with ESPN? My dad's ESPN is blacked-out - only channel in the line-up that way.
Carl's starting to have a bit of a vibration. Tires are going quick...
Now, its official. This is going to be a tire mess. Should be interesting to see when Punch actually starts talking about what is really going on.
Where does he live?
there is so much crap on the screen right now: 2 windows, ticker across the top w/race positions and time behind, espn logo, and 18/58 across the bottom.
we used to call it "visual clutter" and "eye poison."
tires: is this bringing lowe's to mind for anyone else?!?
This is gonna get ugly fast with the tire situation. Not good. Nice pics from ESPN today. Good camera work so far. Isn't it great to come back from commercial to AB and not Suzy?
am19psu said...
What is with the green screen in the booth? Is "out the window" a bad shot or something?
July 27, 2008 2:08 PM
There is no green screen in the booth. What you see is shot from the second floor of the Pagoda.......Green screens are for the Weather Channel, not here.....
tires: is this bringing lowe's to mind for anyone else?!?
Red please no that was a nightmare
The pit reporter "chick" said Harvick radioed that he blew a tire.
What race is sha watching???
Nice black frame on the triple split.
SD DirecTV here in Texas no problem.
Lowes 2005... Wasn't there 22 or 23 cautions?? At least this is only a 400 mile race.
JD, he lives in N-W PA.
Anon 3:01,
I was a bit confused because it wasn't the normal shot that I am used to seeing from the announce booth.
I assumed it was a green screen because I know that Saturday Night College Football on ABC uses them. I figured that it was a similar idea.
Dad just called - he has SportsCenter on the ESPN channel 206 right now. Some kind of regional switch-off gone awry?
I'm in NYC and no ESPN blackout here.
I was at that 2005 Lowe's race with 22 cautions.. wow what a night. Even though it was like 5+ hours, it was so much fun haha
Alex~ Lowe's 2005: there were 22 & 15 cautions in those races
Carl's right rear tire down to the red cords (the second layer). This is not good. That means his tire had nearly met the end of its life.
This is gonna be awful.
I'm normally not a fan of in car interviews during the race, but DJ and Tony are doing a great job with it today.
I sure miss RaceBuddy.
Massaro just showed us a tire off the Gordon car who had a fairly comfortable lead and didn't appear to be pushing too hard.
And we have red cords!
Are you sure he's not getting ESPNews 207?
LMAO at Harvick in that commercial.
I like the new Team Tylenol commercial. Harvick's hilarous
Ok, somebody tell us why Jr. didn't get the Lucky Dog...........
Was there a lucky dog?
I saw them wave by Hornish.. I think he got the lucky dog. Must've been more drivers that pitted right when the caution came out.
I'm heading out there around lap 80 (which should be post-tire excitement and pre-Brickyard boring) to see what the heck is going on. Sorry for the diversion. Thanks crew.
vince said...
Ok, somebody tell us why Jr. didn't get the Lucky Dog...........
dunno: race control gave it to the #77. eury jr and earnhardt jr both vehemently "disagree" with that call!
I hope ESPN has tasked some junior-level statistician or production assistant with keeping a tally of tire issues
You don't get the Lucky Dog if you cause the caution
Carl's crew chief says they can get 16 laps on a set of tires. How many sets of tires do they have? I've lost track. NASCAR has changed their minds so many times.
Well, the coverage is solid so far.
It is the competition yellows that hinder the race, but I guess for this tire issue it is a necessary evil.
I can also do without that in-car shot showing the driver.
What a tire mess !!
DJ & Andy are doing really well - another comp.caution on 46? Well we will find out who the real fans are.
JD if- no - when the race runs way over will espn stay with it?
This is going to be a long race if they call competition yellows every 20 laps or so.
am19psu said...
Anon 3:01,
I was a bit confused because it wasn't the normal shot that I am used to seeing from the announce booth.
I assumed it was a green screen because I know that Saturday Night College Football on ABC uses them. I figured that it was a similar idea.
July 27, 2008 3:03 PM
Understood, am19psu.
This booth isn't a normal set up. Usually the announcers are in front of their monitors, but here the view is better of the front stretch for the "on camera" position. Normally the booth is not this close to the ground. It will be back to normal in Pocono.
Thank you DJ for backing-up and explaining the JR lap-down situation.
Jr didn't cause the caution and Punch and the boys said Jr was the first in line for the Lucky Dog before that caution.
Jo said . . .
JD if- no - when the race runs way over will espn stay with it?
Not JD, but the ESPN grid should be able to be cleared until 8 PM Eastern (Sportscenter and Baseball Tonight follow). By then, it'll be almost dark in Indy anyway
Sorry, I thought he brought out the caution
ESPN is going to stay with no problems for the duration. ESPNEWS will be live right after the race and the Sunday night NASCAR Now starts tonight at 10PM.
Somehow, I don't think the Jack Daniels post-race show is going to have a big crowd.
kbaskins said...
Carl's crew chief says they can get 16 laps on a set of tires. How many sets of tires do they have? I've lost track. NASCAR has changed their minds so many times.
well, they start each race with 10 sets. i understand that nascar brought 400 pocono tires to indy this morning for the crews. i'm still unclear if it was 100 sets or some combination of full sets and extra right sides. don't know if that helps.
how about an update on those cars in the garage
Thanks Anon3:16
Anyone know why they actually need competition cautions now that they know the tires can only go 15 laps?
If the tires can only go 15 laps, then the teams could make green flag pitstops every 15 laps. It'd be just like when they had those small fuel cells at Daytona and Talladega
Camera shot of #48, yet we're on board with Stewart???
Despite the limited racing action, ESPN is shooting things a lot wider and is not afraid to go back in the field to pick-up the two or three wide racing.
No problem Bevo.
We sure aren't hearing much from the pit reporters about those that have fallen out or those with tire problems that pitted. Nor are we hearing anything from Goodyear or Nascar about the tire problems.
How long before someone from NASCAR gets on-the-air? This has the makings of a disaster.
Wow Kennseths car is ripped up.
Good camera shots
Does IMS have lights???!!!
I hope folks setting their DVR's set it for 6 hrs or more.
I agree on Tylenol commercial...Harvick is FUNNY!!
Ok...this tire issues is going to drive casual fans away in droves...and I am thinking about making a lemon cake with all the breaks.Course, there is a 19 inch tv in the kitchen! LOL.
How many competition cautions are there going to be??? Ugh.
Do they need to change to Pocono tires?
now, Matt K blew a tire...
Ok, this is starting to so not be fun...the poor drivers. :(
And fans there live.
newracefan said...
tires: is this bringing lowe's to mind for anyone else?!?
Red please no that was a nightmare
well, i'm seeing monsters under the bed here. any bogeymen in your area?!?
Wow #17 destroyed.
Hornish should get the lucky dog again.. I'm assuming that's what happened last caution too. He got out of the pits just ahead of Jr.
This reminds me of the Formula 1 - Firestone fiasco at Indy from a few years ago. I would hate to be at the race, paying hundreds of dollars for a ticket to see the "racing".
Daly Planet Editor said...
How long before someone from NASCAR gets on-the-air? This has the makings of a disaster.
JD -
Probably when Robin Pemberton calls for the Pocono tires to roll out
Think this should be renamed the Russian Roulette 400
Great explanation of the communications troubles on the backstretch with team radios. DJ & Andy are really doing good
daly planet editor said...
How long before someone from NASCAR gets on-the-air? This has the makings of a disaster.
i say helton comes on after the next competition caution.
this is unsettling at best.
Why isn't anybody challenging NASCAR in how they are changing the laps they are going to have competition cautions - after they've already announced it?
First NASCAR told the booth it would be lap 14, but the lap changed to 14 and no caution was called until Harvick/Busch crashed late in the lap.
Then NASCAR tells the booth next caution lap 32, but changes it to lap 30. Then they tell the booth lap 42, but change it again and Jerry announces it as they go to commercial as "six more laps" ?
What a joke - and ESPN should tell NASCAR they shouldn't have the booth announce the lap for the caution if they're going to change their minds.
18 right rear worn down to the belts, he lucked out there
Anonymous said...
Think this should be renamed the Russian Roulette 400
July 27, 2008 3:23 PM
Good one lol if NASCAr doesn't like that name how about "The Goodyear 15 laps to Caution 400"?
Looks like 14 laps might be the limit for tires right now.
I consider myself a dedicated fan, and I might not make it to the end of this race if this keeps up.
When they did tire testing in April was the track re-ground at that time or was the grinding done after the tire test.
Drivers are going to be earning their money today. I feel for them. Like driving with a handgrenade under each fender and you don't know when it's gonna go off. Geez!
Red with Matt's mess I knew we were doomed. Chad's acting like everything is fine with everything but he has thrown non Lowes team people out of the pit area twice. Might be a little stressed don't you think.
Haha the Goodyear innovation ad coming back from commercial.. kinda ironic.
Charlie said...
When they did tire testing in April was the track re-ground at that time or was the grinding done after the tire test.
July 27, 2008 3:26 PM
Supposedly before the tests
Thank the good Lord for DJ and Andy. Dr. Jerry is just not suited for the booth.
I think the problem is Goodyear tried to bring a faster tire after all the complaints of hard tires we've heard from the drivers.
What a catastrophe. Got to feel sorry for ESPN and the race teams. This makes Michelin look smart.
Is it me, or has Punch still not really grasped the reality of the situation?
This thing is only a couple of tire runs from being red flagged and the tires changed to the Pocono rubber.
Amazing he has not referenced the F-1 race mess at the speedway.
NRF is right on, Kenesth blowing out a tire should be all the evidence needed to make some drastic change.
Everyone in the paddock knows that Matt can be one of the most careful and consistent drivers out there.
I think John should take Johnson's advice on the Tylenol commercial.. he'll lose a ton of weight if he runs a lap every time the field pits.
newracefan said...
Red with Matt's mess I knew we were doomed. Chad's acting like everything is fine with everything but he has thrown non Lowes team people out of the pit area twice. Might be a little stressed don't you think.
uhh, yeppers, justa teeny bit stressed is mr. knaus and everyone else! on most race days, i tell myself i wouldn't want a crew chief's job for one million bucks. today? i would want to be as far away from this track as possible.
have never seen a c-post blown out like that by a tire blow. scary to have all that metal blwoing out of there behind the driver's head . . .
like letarte telling gordon "no complaining. we got what we got."
Well my fav has a big problem. This is going to go down as a joke race considering it's such an important race. Again Matt says it - it's very disappointing.
Chad Knaus said earlier today it's not entirely Goodyear's fault. He said the lack of downforce on the COTc ombined with the tires is the problem.
But of course NASCAR won't address that.
Seriously - still no references to the Formula One debacle?
I have another sports analogy for today, the 2002 Major League Baseball All-Star Game - when the teams ran out of pitchers and Bud Selig was forced to declare a tie.
If this race fails to reach its scheduled distance because they run out of tires, this would be very similiar for Mike Helton.
To add on to Anon 3:31's point, Mark Martin - another careful and consistent driver - is also having multiple problems.
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