This has all the potential to be a very special night for the NASCAR on ESPN team. NASCAR has added the new restart rules to the Nationwide Series and the field is full of cross-over Sprint Cup Series drivers.
Allen Bestwick is going to start the night with NASCAR Countdown at 7:30PM. Brad Daugherty and Dale Jarrett are alongside.
Update: TDP error. Rusty Wallace was not scheduled to be on this telecast.
Dr. Jerry Punch, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree are going to call the event. Jamie Little, Shannon Spake, Mike Massaro and Dave Burns are on pit road.
If there was ever a night to get things right, this is it. The entire ESPN TV team is on-hand for this huge event. The weather has cleared and the Nationwide Series cars under the lights in Daytona should make great pictures.
Look for the triple-split issues that ESPN has been experiencing on pit road under caution. The race to the line in the pits may play a key role in letting teams get track position with tire and fuel choices.
Daytona has long caution laps, so TV commercials and replays should not be an issue. Bestwick and company have been good at resetting the scene for viewers during the event and the ESPN pit reporters have been getting better at offering information and not hype.
This post will serve to host your comments about the ESPN coverage of the Nationwide Series from Daytona. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
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1 – 200 of 339 Newer› Newest»Hi all, this should be fun after a tough day of TV.
I agree :)
Look forward to some good racing. Still a shame that Mad Max has to go home I cried when I read his tweet.
Lets hope so JD.....I am setting the over/under on "Shoot out Style" being referred to at 14....Lets hope for the under
That was my error, Rusty has the night off even though his team is racing. DJ on the pre-race show.
I think the SPEED guys got the message, let's see if we can get it over to ESPN.
I am pushing for "new restart rules" as the catch phrase.
Theres one.......
ESPN actually reminded me that Rusty is in the UK for the Goodwood Festival of Speed.
Another show that used to be on SPEED.
If it were up to me FOX/SPEED would cover all nascar racing. Today though, SPEED surprisingly dropped the ball.
From your fingertips to the NASCAR racing Gods ears JD!
The last 3 years I have been in Daytona this weekend, just couldn't swing it financially this year. Go figure, DFR's this year and I'm not there to enjoy in person.
JD......any chance of a "NASCAR Network" in the near future?
Ryan, the current TV contract is up in less then ten years but the economy put the whammy on most everything.
What we need as a first step is Turner letting Sirius stream channel 128 online immediately.
NASCAR needs some help right now.
No Weber or Mayfield tonight OK? We will address that tomorrow.
You know, Bestwick is kind of like the Jerry Punch of the old days.
Does that make sense?
Absolutely !
If you are on Twitter, Marc Fein is asking for your questions for Kyle Petty and Larry McReynolds for the pre-race show tomorrow.
It's @nascarmarc on Twitter.
I really like what he and Kyle are doing this season.
@Ryan--us fans have been asking for that since at least I started watching in 2K/2K1.
@JD--My Justin feeds all had Trackside what did Allen say?
Daly Planet Editor said...
No Weber or Mayfield tonight OK? We will address that tomorrow.
July 3, 2009 7:44 PM
Maybe that is why the networks did not address today... They also will address tomorrow with canned stories and live follow-ups on Mayfield.
Gymmie, he cleared up all the issues of the day in about two minutes. Showed Junior and Kerry qualifying and set the field for tonight.
I sure hope Doc had a cup of real coffee a bit ago so he'll stay awake for the whole race.
Any chance DJP can catch a case of Weber-itis and be relieved of his duties the rest of the year......I really miss Bestwick in the booth and think he could really take ESPN/ABC's coverage up a notch or 10
Anon 7:53PM,
I addressed that all week long with columns and reader comments.
TNT had legal issues and could not comment any more than they did.
Not a simple deal to change announcers in mid-stream.
Tonight is ESPN's try at a big time race telecast only two weeks before they hit the air with the Brickyard.
That is the only reason I am trying to keep the focus on them tonight.
I have some great topics for next week and some great pics for tomorrow.
Sorry SPEED buried their head in the sand today, but that is just the way they roll.
Ryan, this season Marty Reid is going to take over all the Nationwide telecast in late July and Punch will only handle the final Cup races.
No word yet on who will handle the practice and qual coverage down the stretch.
Punch was deadly today on quals without Bestwick.
I feel your pain.
Wow, Brendan Gaughan missed driver intos and is being sent to the back.
This is a test tonight, for sure. How can you not get excited for Daytona?....with double file restarts to boot?
Something I believe they should keep an eye on tonight is varying pit strategies. This is one of those tracks where a green flag pit stop can be made without going a lap down. But a person also has to take into consideration the draft. Lots of things at play besides the normal script.
Mike...The wave around rule could definately come into play tonight as well
TY JD :) That's what I was figuring! Allen is awesome <3. He's always keeping us up to date and doing what he can to explain hiccups and such
Those fighter pilots love to set off the car alarms in the infield by coming in low....it is hilarious.
Mike, this has all the potential to be the best NASCAR race of the season for any series...until at least tomorrow.
No MRN on KRKO-AM ...
Apparently, froggy baseball is more important ... :-(
Hey, I got some pre-race news. I am going to be hosting the Marbles blog on Yahoo.com while Jay is on vacation. That should be wild!
How does a driver miss the intros or even the driver's meeting for that matter? They never say why. Do we know why about Brendan? I missed the prerace.
DFR SOS. Here we go.
JR's got the curse tonight.
Kewlness JD :)
@Dot--that I don't understand either. Short of being sick I don't get how'd they miss it. Even if they had a commitment or something they know that they have to end it by X time to get there and if it's away from the track to allow for traffic issues.
I think we may have found the secret to Kerry's run on Twitter *giggle*
Jared still looks great and that's what it should sound like.
Did Shannon just try to explain there is a speed limit on pit road? I didn't think I was that uninformed about racing.
wow, pre-race pit report has just turned into nascar 101. Are you kidding me? We are half way through the season!
Let's hope the racing is good at least!
Any rain on the way?
I guess she got confused and figured that since we're at Daytona that it's the *beginning* of the season....le sigh!
Pleasantly surprised they didnt air a bunch of old wrecks from Daytona to hype the Big One
@ Gymmie, too funny.
@ Ryan 7:36, it's going to be over 14. Way over if they leave to JP.
crap, in car cams already. &^%$#^
I give up.
My fave track and BSPN camera will spoil it
Did Punch just say "Nascar Style"?? Bud Linderman he's not.
Already one miscall by DJP....that was Keselowski's on board camera, not Dale Jr's.....could be a long night........
I like the bumper cams
That's "Bud Lindemann" my bad.
yeah, they keep on saying the DFR SOS it's already so old. It looks like a nice evening there too and lots of fans in the stands.
Wish they would get rid of the bottom line.
It looks like one car already off.
Please...more bumper cams. I hate seeing packs of cars. I want to see just a tiny slice of the action. Who wants to see big packs! Not me.
/sarcasm off
@ Charlie, you have to watch Tennis not to see the bottom line. Those fans rate.
JP proved that bumper cams confuse everybody. No perspective.
@Vicky D
Leaderboard says Johnny Chapman
A lot of the regular S&P cars have sponsors tonight, so the #90 MSRP car may be our only S&P.
A SC update, wth??
SportsCenter Right Now.......Are you serious......at least put the race in a small box......unbelievable
Wickedj I also have live leaderboard up and running and noticed it was Johnny Chapman.
Poor Kerry
@ PammH, my thought too.
DAYTONA and we get the CONSTANT CRAWL. Tennis does not have it . NASCAR does.
tx bspn
o yes more in car cams so it looks like freaking bristol.
i would NOT be watching but it's DAYTONA.
woulda been nice to see this live
Here we go....restart time!
Andy, it's "Neuenberger", not "Nurenberger".
anyone have the url for FOX tracks for tonight's race?
Hey atleast the Indians are winning.. yay Tribe
Guess the leopard undies luck ran out :(
I didn't get that SC report either...and it ran over into the action
one of the most historic tracks and camera work bad at start and SC updates.
i wish there was another channel to watch this online
"the new ruling"....love it!
JD: I caught that too, what new ruling lol
"oh no, how will we handle this??? our first DFR SOS...we have never seen this before, eh except for 11 laps ago..."
this is sooo over hyped!
Hey Ryan, are you keeping track? It's your job now. Like Martin V keeps track of the S&Ps.
looks a little light on the TV ads tonight.
JD, did you know that Dale Sr's youngest daughter, Taylor, is running the Childress number 3 car in the Goodwood race? I would love to see that race, but the bozos that be don't agree.
I don't have Fox's link, but here is the link to ESPN.com's leaderboard for tonight....
Atleast if you're going to mess up, then do it early
dar, I am trying to find where Taylor and Rusty Wallace can be seen online or on a later TV program.
SPEED used to carry a huge bunch of programs on Goodwood, but that went away when you know who left as President...
Maybe the pit issue has to do with the car number, and not the driver. :)
- one practice blackout
- qualifying coverage that missed parts of several runs for full-screen junk (mainly during the go-or-go-home portion)
- the network left the air with cars still left to qualify and never came back to finish covering the session
- a bottom line score display on ESPN
- in-car camera overkill
- a live Sportscenter update interrupting the event under green less than 10 laps in
Yep, it looks like the Cup rehearsal for ESPN is in full swing with the Brickyard looming. Sigh.
Did you see Kenny Wallace talking about his Bosley hair transplant on NASCAR Live? I was howling...
Oh, Oh. Looks like Brad K caught Jr-itis and messed up his pit stop. Perhaps this is some new form of swine flu---this can be called Pit-Flew-By
I wonder where that update came from? It has not happened so far this season and we have been doing night races already.
Interesting decision.
@ dar, too funny.
wideshots!!! hello....wideshots!!
@ JD could it be that they are on ESPN tonight instead of ESPN2
Despite their many flaws already in the last 2 days at least ESPN finally figured out how to properly use the triple-pit split to cover the entire duration of the yellow flag stops.
Interesting that it took losing the triple-pit sponsor to actually keep them up there the whole time.
It has to be. Wonder what ABC will bring...
I didnt see a SC update...
By the time this race is over, I may be ill from having to listen to
"Double File Restart, Shoot-out Style!"
JD, I did see KW talking about his hair transplants earlier today...it was quite funny! Seems like alot of that going on w/ALOT of Nascar drivers. Noticed Andy did not add SOS to DFR (btw, took me forever to figure out what that meant!)
strick, they did a perfect job. Just like the TDP readers asked them to do.
Sophia, I see that tennis does not warrant having the score crawl on the bottom of the screen. So I guess tennis fans are more high brow and don't much care that the Cubs beat the Brewers in 10?
I think the updates are an insult to any fan no matter what sport is being televised. If Wimbeldon was on, the people who were watching ESPN were more than likely watching ESPN to see tennis, not to see who is winning in whatever baseball game. ESPN has a 24 sports news channel, if we as fans wanted to get some scores, we can change the channel.
Camera direction is RUINING this race. too many in car bumper cams.
horrible job so far
My aunt sells drinks at Daytona to raise money for her church. She says NO ONE is there. Sent most of her volunteers home.
I have SOS at 6 right now....took time to cut some pizza, may have missed one or two
This is McDowell's last race for JTG/Daugherty unless he wins and they use the money for the next race.
Brad is shutting down his Nationwide team after this race probably.
anyone notice that jump cut right before break? looked terrible.
@ Ryan, thanks.
Camera had trouble picking up Annett.
Wide SHOTS you maroons.
hello!!! Wide shots ...you ARE at DAYTONA.
clueless and arrogant and care not one whit what we want.
BETTER ENJOY TNT TOMORROW. Gonna be the last of GOOD CAMERA WORK on superspeedway.
JP's energy seems to be pretty good, so far. Let's see if he can keep it up as the broadcast goes along.
JD, what's the story about attendance? Weather? Economy?
I think JTG Daugherty Racing has said they hadn't filed an entry for Chicagoland, so if they do participate, they'll be running for prize money, but no points. And if qualifying is canceledm, they'll go home because of being a late entry.
@ Mike C, that's because DJ & AP have the cattle prod handy.
Does the 47 shutting down say more about the new owner or the driver??
and of course come outta break with bumper cams.... idiots.
DFR SOS - actually means dumb flippin racefans need help.
I was going to try and just watch the race my blood pressure is up & Mochachino is almost gone, it left with the 6th DFRSOS.
Sarcasm on high/
Please more bumper cams & close up shots of 1 car its Daytona & always has no passing &is a boring race. I like watching the splitter of cars & bumpers too/
More Bongos please
Sarcasm off
I am going to try and get Bestwick to sign big Brad up for Twitter. He would be fun to read during the races.
No intervals on the ticker?... Has anyone seen them? I haven't.
They only had a half-season sponsor and were not able to get another.
@ Martin V, I just noticed the same thing. You beat me to it.
that's a shame JD :( I hope your Aunt and her church are able to get the funds they need
@Dot - can you get a cattle prod to some one to help the video selections please? LOL
MV, have not seen anthing but the name crawl. Been watching that as well...
Gymmie, she says tomorrow night is looking bleak. Rumor is only 80K instead of double that...we will see what happens.
BSPN is wasting the numbers on the scores down below.
EVERYBODY go to TWITTER and ask ESPN for WIDE SHOTS 4 the race!#NASCAR
Weird directing tonight huh? Great on the triple splits and the wideshots but using the in-cars at really bad times and ruining the perspective.
Dot, you don't want to know the Saturday night pitching match-ups?
John my suspicion on the SportsCenter update is that this is ESPN and not ESPN2.
JD - I knew that the 47 didn't have a full season of sponsorship ... But, the query was more along the lines of the high profile owner vs driver who made a lot of highlight reels last year be the deciding factor on sponsorability ...
how about showing us the mid pack, back of the pack and not excessively nauseating in car/bumper cams.
NASCAR wants to KNOW WHY RATINGS ARE DOWN on Trackside, earlier to DW?
Better camera work can do wonders.
Man, I go outside to water the garden and the Shrub takes over first place. Yuck.
3 tickers - none listing intervals. But we get score alerts from the world wide leader of non coverage!
Geez loud thunder boomers test before the professional fireworks go off 1 mile from here. One cat hates these and they shake the house.
@ JD, in all seriousness, is the ticker broken? I don't even know who is the last car on the lead lap.
Finally, intervals.
%$#@^!&! bumper cam interruptus.
The thing that makes me queasy is that the lower crawl from Bristol and the upper crawl from Daytona are at two different speeds....like being seasick.
If the pit reporters didn't provide info, you could watch this race on mute and know the whole story......and JP needs that cattle prod, he is falling asleep coming out of a commercial break........"meat in a sandwich".....wow, original
You mentioned Rusty being in the UK. That reminds me, I live in central Illinois and for the last few days I've seen him doing tv ads for payday loans!!!
What's left??
Illinois Mike
now showing the intervals on the ticker
thats the top graphic :)
MV, there is your interval. Let's see how many started and parked.
#90 is the only S&P, even Mark Green is still running with the #49, with sponsor Blue Ox whose decals weren't even on during qualifying.
Neuenberger is still shown as "off", but I thought they said "we're done" over the radio.
This reminds me of Fox's 2008 Talladega coverage - we're basically missing everything and have zero perspective of the whole picture when you combine this in-car camera overkill with the outdated scoring crawl technology.
A terrible day of television is getting much much worse, and I really didn't think that was possible.
Now we finally get an on-track lead change and completely miss it due to these archaic full-screen commercials.
Thank goodness TNT and Wide Open Coverage will be there tomorrow to save what has otherwise been a holiday weekend NASCAR television debacle.
OK, here we go. Ryan.....
Payday loans? Wow. He got bent out of shape at me about the US Fidelis column but that was nothing but a review of that company's problems.
I guess times are really tight on the sponsorship side. Nothing against Rusty, just wish he had better sponsors.
@Dot--LOL! That or he finally got some of that 5 hour energy
@darbar--so it's your fault!
@JD--such a shame :(
@Sophia--poor Kitteh loud scary noises aren't good for animals
i must say, there is no excitement in this race so far...as others have said, there is no flow to the camera work. there is no perspective on what is going on where on the track.
Is Rusty auditioning a new sponsor? What next, Cash 4 Gold?
There's the gold comml now.
Oh, my word --- Doc DIDN'T say
Shoot-out Syle!!
NASCAR's going to get him.
It just occurred to me that there are more than ten cars racing. It seems like all that's shown are the front ten or so.
Maybe it will change in the second half but right now the front pack is pretty much staying the same.
Dot, that's better than commercials for ED.
Watching the in car/bumper cam coverage tonight is REALLY a let sown after TNT did such a great job last week. Thank goodness they have the race tomorrow night. If ESPN wonders why ratings are down, they should try to watch their own coverage.
@Dot omg LOL
Gymmie Have windows open but fans on and will close windows when the real noise starts. Also outside music at park 1 mile from us...sheesh.
But with that and other week events :( I was hoping for a distraction to watch DAYTONA but I knew it would only come from TNT.
I do not understand why they enjoy ruining a race with dreadful camera work.
It's a no brainer how GReAT wide shots are.
NASCAR really needs to take control of the situation and add some parameters.
Like the infield recap effect. Think we will be seeing that a whole lot during the Cup coverage.
So much for effective yellow flag pit stop coverage....
Bailing out on the triple-pit split mid-stop is completely moronic, plain and simple. I'm stunned that I have to say this but even Fox did better than this. At least their inadequate pit stop coverage let us see the race off pit road live.
I guess we can chalk up ESPN rightly leaving the triple-pit split up for the entire first round of pit stops as being either "human error" or a complete fluke then huh?
Brad must be channeling Rusty all the way from England --
"hot rod".
Why for the love of heaven is the "coverage" so dang bad tonight?!?
Clint it doesn't look like anything on TV - we dont get to see the race!!
you can tell NOBODY in the TRUCK reads TDP tonight..or are thumbing their noses at us re camera work.
i think i am rooting for mikey tonight...he hasn't won anything in a long time...
yea, show us the cc. that's exciting in a RARE wide shot moment.
Imagine, Bowyer behind the worst driver in NASCAR.
Matt, my fellow Badger. DON'T help the Shrub.
Like the Director is not listening to what the announcers are talking about. This is a shame because it is a great race. Mike Joy would be busting a lung right about now.
Cameras aren't listing to JP either.....was going to say something about the 47 and camera switched......lol, we aren't the only ones who tune the doctor out
Anon at 9:11. I think ESPN only is following the cup guys and to heck with the full time NW or one car teams.
Where have the intervals gone?
And cover the bottom 1/2 of a wide shot with graphics - hey thanks ESPN
but did we SEE MW go to the front.
NOOOOOOOOOO! in car/bumper cams ruined it
The wheels have fallen off this telecast.
One good thing, it's not the Kyle & Carl show. What was that? JP got excited?
@Dot ---
Yeah, commercial coming up.
this race is so exciting! let's go to commercial. pathetic
Worst driver ( per Clint) is leading the race huh, imagine that! Go Mikey
ESPN should have a commercial like the one with Jr. and Keselowski.....Bestwick would be Jr. and the doctor would be Keselowski......
Oh, that is a big hit. Nice to jump out of break...
Told you JR got the curse.
Back mid comm'l to show wreck on track. wow.
Don't show any excitement there Dr., only the biggest incident of the race so far
The first good thing ESPN has done tonight...breaking away from commercial.
Like they did not see MW get clobbered....
@anyone who really knows -
Can a driver refuse to be in race reporter?
with TNT and RBuddy woulda seen all of this.
not to mention ESPN woulda missed it anyway playing with bumper in car cams so dang much
What the commentators didn't mention is that the replay showed Sheltra getting in the back of Kahne before getting tagged by Austin. He must've backed off after touching Kahne and got run into as a result.
@JD - they can't see MW, he works on SPEED TV. therefore he does not exist!
So, a double file restart where everyone can make it on fuel. This is the real deal...
@ Ryan, get ready, though I didn't heat SOS last time.
@ Jo, you couldn't pay me to be the inrace reporter.
SC update. Looks like the last one. Good grief.
The same camera guys do all the races! The directors change but the core group of camera operators are freelance contractors and work all the races.
they also didn't mention that mike bliss got into steven wallace and that is what sent wallace into jr.
another update - imagine that the tennis score didn't change....roddick and federer are still in the finals - just as they were after the last update.
BOO another Sports Center update
At least it was during yellow this time
At least they did that SC update under caution after pit stops
Ever see those races on ESPN Classic where the camera stays wide and just shows the pack racing?
That is kind of what we need with these new restart rules. The racing is through the pack and not just a single line.
Every time the Director takes an in-car, you lose who is where and what is going on.
I kind of wondered what the double file stuff was going to bring to TV. This is certainly one element.
As long as DIRECTORS CHOOSE BAD CAMERA angles/inCar/bumper cams, all the great racing in the world is lost on viewers. thus does not exist
THAT is what nobody at NASCAR "seems to understand".
make TPTB sit thru tonight's broadcast, THEN a MIKE WELLS directed race.
difference? methinks so
theres a "Shoot it Out" from Brad, give it a half for a total of 6 1/2 for now
Poor Brad...
Requirement for pit road reporter...how well can you say, "what happened?"
Jr takes his wrecks in these races better than I do. Good to see him smile.
7 1/2
7 1/2 DFRsos
What a wonderful sporting event for ESPN to cover---human beings stuffing themselves with hot dogs.
At least Jamie didn't ask Jr. how he felt when he spun!
I hope the 47 wins this race
aargh...detest full throttle on top of the lame camera direction.
DFR are USELESS if WE can NOT C them. Somebody tell Mike Helton that, k?
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