Rain has delayed the Sprint Cup Series race from Pocono, PA until Monday at noon ET. SPEED will provide the pre-race show with a one hour version of RaceDay at 11AM.
John Roberts will host for SPEED with Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace alongside. Wendy Venturini and Hermie Sadler are the reporters.
ESPN finds itself in a very interesting position. The Tech Garage is closed and Tim Brewer is in Bristol, CT for the Monday NASCAR Now program. Also, the Infield Pit Studio is vacant. Allen Bestwick, Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty are also back in Connecticut for the studio show.
This leaves Jerry Punch alone with his analysts Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree. Down on pit road will be Jamie Little, Shannon Spake, Dave Burns and Vince Welch. This is a very different dynamic than ESPN usually has in place, so the coverage will also be different.
Usually on Monday things are a little bit more relaxed as everyone is really concentrating on getting the race done and moving on. Punch actually had some fun on the Sunday coverage and lead the group in telling some great stories. Hopefully, that relaxed attitude will carry over to coverage of the live race.
This is a long grind at a track that does not lend itself to TV. Without an aggressive approach to the directing, Pocono can become something that drives the viewer to the remote control. It will be up to the ESPN director to keep the pictures interesting and the producer to make sure the stories are told.
This post will serve to host your comments on RaceDay on SPEED and the live race coverage on ESPN. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
1 – 200 of 339 Newer› Newest»Tim Brewer doesn't have to be at the track. They can just show prior bits of what went wrong with the car.
No live audience for RD.
The SPEED Stage is gone. This is the Victory Lane set.
Just flipped on RD. Had it on DirecTV channel 101 for the debut of the Dan Patrick show. Great studio they built for it. Dan isn't Robin Meade but he might put a dent in ESPN in the morning on satellite.
Little off topic here.
Looks like Darius Rucker is having fun at Victory Junction with Kyle Petty.
Looks like nascar.com doesnt have the pit command today - less they are waiting till last minute to activate it
I just got an e-mail from Nascar.com and they have Raceview up and running. Not sure if that is the same as pit command or not.
Hermie and Wendy on the grid!!!!
Drivers are sure relaxed around Wendy.
Thanks to good doctor for explaining what a triangle is :)
Whole different vibe going today.
At least we have three guys in the booth who are savey, use decent grammer and will speak their minds and not spout the NASCAR issued crap. I quit watching the truck races because I can't bear to listen to Mike Waltrip tell us how nothing is Nascar's or Goodyear's fault. After 40 years as a loyal NAPA customer, I quit buying because of this no-talent idiot.
Pit Command working here
Did I miss the invocation and the National Anthem?
This is a hurry up race, starts ASAP. Did all that right at the top of the show.
@Brenda- yes you did
I wish they would stop talking to the drivers in the car
Mark, we have been talking about MW for three years now. Fans either love him or hate him.
Luckily for him, SPEED loves him.
Half of the driver scroll at the top is cut off. DirecTV SD.
Love streamlined rain postponed broadcasts...limits the fluff.
Wonder if they will follow Tony's progress today?
Luckily for a LOT of us.
I take that as a no...
Wish they would talk about what might be changed on the comp caution stop.
Only thing they can't do during the competition caution is fuel
They can do fuel on that caution. They can't add before then
My personal internet was down for about an hour. Came back on Lap 5. Whew! My RaceView and PitCommand (plus of course TDP) are up and running.
So I noticed after the critique about a certain commercial that I haven't seen it since...
Then again said driver's race package for 2009 is over as well
Just a shame the ESPN coverage is not easily available oneline. Even with the ads, it would make a big difference today.
Looks like Raines just S&P'd
Amazing how Junior has just faded off the TV planet. Even ESPN dropped he hype.
oops..the...did I mention I hate my laptop?
29 probably the car to watch, has made a steady march forward
Let's see, that's twice....."if you just joined our coverage". Real crutch for Punch.
Anonymous said...
Looks like Raines just S&P'd
And the #64, too.
Would you be concerned if your car hit the outside wall? Gee. But that plays right into tim doing his spot.
Tim Brewer lives....on the hard drive!!!!
@JD- actually a certain site is two seconds ahead of my DirecTV :)
Let's see, that's twice....."if you just joined our coverage". Real crutch for Punch.
We can add that to the drinking game...
Jerry Punch mentions the Start and Park cars....nice.
Jerry just said start and park?! Bizzaro World?
I suspect ESPN's not going to be happy with Jerry.
They don't say "Start and Park."
JD said "Tim Brewer lives....on the hard drive!!!!"
How true is that? I've often wondered since the spots are in a dungeon without any reference to the real world. They could easily keep him and his set in Bristol.
I like the addition of # of tires that were taken
Any particular reason why it says "FOX" on Denny's endplate?
robby gordon....speeding leaving...
bevo said...
@JD- actually a certain site is two seconds ahead of my DirecTV :)
I've experienced the same w/Dish. I'm assuming it takes longer for the signal to bounce of a satellite and return to earth.
I went at it with ESPN last season when we thought Brewer was not live. They started sending me a weekly pic of the Tech Center on site.
I just wish today they had said something different, rather than pretending Brewer is there.
David said...
Any particular reason why it says "FOX" on Denny's endplate?
I backed up the DVR. It says "PDX", i think
Just heard the #71 is going to the garage. CC said NASCAR knows what you are doing.
Guess I better put the contacts in.
Be interesting to see this passing instead of more damned in-car cameras
PDX is the three letter city code for Portland, Oregon.
In the FedEx system it can very though. Not sure if thats the case but it could represent the closest ramp or station to Pocono. Though it might be Portland.
I look at local Phoenix identifiers all day long at work, our ramp is PHX but locally in Phoenix they vary.
Thanks, Doc, we couldn't figure out what that tape was without your 5th-grade explanation.
Starting to lull a bit, time to follow the stories and do the first field recap.
#37 & #36 are back on the track.... but... for how long?
09 to the garage for work.
there you go. through the field.... good call, JD.
#71 out, alternator
Don't forget, the infield pit center would do recaps and through the fields out of commercial.
It is going to be up to Punch to handle everything today.
Shannon? Jamie? Are they on a union break?
I need to try one of those free Ice Coffees today...been missing previous mondays..may need to stay awake for the long race. but I hear the Chocolate Mocha tastes like Chocolate cough syrup! :-)
Gorgeous day at Pocono and here. Multi tasking so I don't get annoyed by all the in car cams or full screen pit stop things we're showing. BSPN DIRECTOR does NOT get it. sigh
Have access to MRN too, YAY
Its strange not to have AB and Rusty bring us out of break
A day without Rusty is like a day with sunshine for me :)
Gotch Bevo, but I have to agree with JDs comment earlier this week that RW has really improved this year
So the #37 gained one spot to NOT finish last, while the #36 stayed out until it was ahead of the rest of the in-garage cars. Nemechek is now out "Ignition". #88 to pit
No one said anything about why Tony went so far back after first pit stop. They even put the camera on him at the restart and still no explanation. ESPU!!!
They really need to hop around some more and start telling stories. Things are bogging down.
Blogger bevo said...
A day without Rusty is like a day with sunshine for me :)
Ha! Funny, I hear that was a nice track he helped designed, tho. Hope others learn how to treat fans from there.
More tight camera shots today. Isn't this a huge track? ;)
Where are the stories from the pit reporters??
JD, I think the Bwins went out for an ice cream cone. :)
Tony had to start at the very end of the field after the lap 20 stop because he was the lucky dog. He had to pass every car still on the track which the car couldnt really do.
Now that he is a lead lap car they can make ground up on pit road. Guess not with the handling problems.
I know we complain about Jamie & Shannon...but is Danielle Frye able to complete a sentence without tripping over her tongue? Yikes, it's been years and she doesn't seem to improve.
Who is Danielle frye?
Clueless in Ohio
Probably the pit road reporter for MRN.
Does well on SIRIUS during the week when she fills in but haven't heard her on pit road too often so I cant comment
Just saw a commercial on TSN for NASCAR Day on September 12... I thought we already had a NASCAR Day in May. When did they decide to have a second one of those?
glen, lots of politics behind that one...don't ask.
MRN pit reporter
@Bevo....thank you :-)
If passing is going on during a restart why show bumper cams?
What is the point to the full throttle thing. Just sounds like jibberish.
This looks a lot like the same director from Iowa. Tight shots and in cars...
everybody's fave full throttle aAND more in car cams.
I need to get in the car on this nice day after lunch hour and get my free ice coffee and ENJOY MRN guys.
This Hop Scotch of cameras must STOP.
Did JP just call 11 car biffle??
&^%$ Bumper cam.
James, we suggested they try to do only the top ten radios on Full Throttle. They said since every restart is different, it is all or nothing. So, we get all.
Makes even less sense than the ESPY Awards....
Why not just pick a single car for full throttle. One random car beats every single one.
Pocono ever gonna fix this caution light debacle?
@WCD- glad it's up today. Checked on it and it's actually a couple of seconds ahead of my DirecTV :)
Is this the track where the lights FELL ON the track earlier this year?
Amazing that Petree said that in yesterday's coverage about the caution lights.
Full throttle is just dumb.
Doesn't work.
Only sounds "cool" if you don't know racing and think lots of gibberish on the radio is cool.
Yeah Sophia. Same one. Either this year or last.
I was thinking the same thing. The Mattioli's need to invest in some superglue.
if your getting 34 laps a tank from here, your one stop better than if you get 33. fuel mileage has begun
DFR SOS is worthless for us at home when ESPN always goes to the speed shot on restarts. Did you read that. ESPN? Let me say that again.
DFR SOS is worthless for us at home when ESPN always goes to the speed shot on restarts.
#88 said the #5 pit sign is HUGE. Crew chief said 5's eyes are old. funny stuff.
What happened to that Bat-Cam gimmick?
Does Whelen make the caution lights for the tracks too? I know they supply the lights for NASCAR pace cars
"Tricky triangle."
Take another drink.
Racing Curmudgeon said...
What happened to that Bat-Cam gimmick?
I don't know. I wish they would lose a lot of these gimmicks down the "Worst Gimmicks in Broadcasting" hole.
I thought the Bat-Cam was an IMS exclusive.
Nice restart. No gimmick-cam.
@Holmes said...
So true about DFR lost on those at home (ALL VIEWERS) due to DREADFUL CLUELESS camera work. I am burning Dean Martin songs to a laptop & on to a site. When done, downloading/uploading I am onto MRN radio.
This is such a gorgeous track, can look great on TV but BSPN PU does not care. Didn't JD once tell us headlights not tailights? We get side by sides/in car cams/roof/bumper cams ad infinitum!
I've finally given up griping. After ALL these months, they do what they wanna do. It is what it is and it's ugly as long as the frustration of camera work chases one from the tv.
Punch has officially checked out of calling the action. Lap 68 of 200.
Plz, no in car until the field shakes itself out. Zoom out, zoom out. Too many tight shots.
I don't expect much conversation about the #88 these days (as an also-ran lately), but he's got a racecar. Last 2 restarts, he's gained at least 5 spots on each first lap.
That Bat Cam needs to fly away.
somebody needs to put a paper weight on the switch for WIDE SHOTS!! Keep it there. :)
No more gimmick-cams. Wide field-ov-vision shots, plz. This is senseless.
They sure missed a lot of passing just now. They would let you see some of it in the back ground but would go to a tight shot and you lost the view.
RIGHT NOW, is when ESPN just blows it. We have an interesting situation involving pit cycling and are provided with no context. We know Reutimann and Kenseth were the highest ranked cars to pit. To provide context Jerry Punch should include in his discussion he just had 1)what cars BEHIND Reutimann did NOT pit.
2) how many laps after the leaders originally pitted did the second group led by DR come into pit
Without these key facts, facts the announcers should be there to provide, Jerry Punch might as well just be having a hypothetical discussion abuot the fact that 4 tires are better than 2.
Gimme a break punch, why even mention it.
Where is Larry McReynolds when you need him. (Also on TNT they make fun of McReynolds for being some kind of math nerd when he actually tries to get in an important discussion about such topics)
0 = the number of times the leader has been passed on the racetrack in 75 laps.
Ain't that great, NASCAR?
Charlie said...
They sure missed a lot of passing just now. They would let you see some of it in the back ground but would go to a tight shot and you lost the view.
Their vision of race-casting doesn't include overtaking and passing. Doing everything in their power to make this race look like a F1 parade.
@bevo - I think Pocono is still using the same setup as regular street traffic lights.
Director thinks he is covering single lap qualifying.
%$#@$!^! agree about jumping to car cams. Sheesh.
ESPN has been bad with this but they've completely jumped-the-shark, haven't they??
No sense of perspective. thus as well as Tim Brewer, they could use the same track OVER and OVER again on tv. They all look the same when you just see close ups! Tight shots.
Getting in the car to MRN and I bet they paint pictures in my head that do not annoy. :)
See ya later BSPN & your cub scout directin'
Zoom out.
Just because the conversation in the booth is about one driver that doesn't mean you have to zoom in on the car til we can see the driver's face!
p.s. according to TWITTER some ESPN and others say a good race. WOnder if THEY are watching from home. Methinks not. Now off to the car for my free McIced Coffee.
Has anyone considered that maybe Jerry Punch reads stuff off the monitors instead of looking outside the booth window because his vision isn't as good as it used to be. Get the man some glasses!
Maybe the reason he's not on pit road anymore is because his legs aren't as good as they used to be.
One word, Jerry... Retirement!
Dinger in 13th...
Did Jerry say "both these cars are on the lead lap"?... Jerry, ALL the cars are on the lead lap!
JD, about Frye...I think I know the answer to that one...
Sounds like MRN is better than TV though, yikes. Makes me not feel so bad....lol.
JP wears glasses. I'm just getting the feeling he doesn't care for racing anymore.
Why do full shot of pit stops when there is a race going on. Put it in a smaller window.
I think JP had rather be covering football.
Charlie said...
Why do full shot of pit stops when there is a race going on. Put it in a smaller window.
One doesn't get nominated for Emmies and Espies like that. Not creative enough.
and why the hurry for the commercial break? at least hang on long enough to see if the #24 stays ahead of the #11 to remain on the lead lap (which he did nicely and is pulling away).
@Bevo...maybe retracting my thank you...LOL!
Because I did "if you just joined us" when JR had to pit for tire prob I have not been able to figure out who is on what pit strategy as per jone1981 comment.
Where is the JP we heard on rain delay yesterday? Oh, that's the JP that does great at telling stories, not doing PxP!
Nice pit-stop show. What channel is the race on?
I'll take back that last complaint. They came back for the rest of the pit stops.
@WCD- no guarantee on content :)
David Ragan followed Kenseth, so he won't be the Leader, JP. Jeez. #47-Ambrose stayed out to be the new leader. Ragan never led a lap
@ Martin Vincent:
Whether you were being sarcastic or not, I think you nailed it. Jerry calls the race based on the information that you and I see on the ESPN broadcast. He might as well be sitting on a couch in the lounge at ESPN headquarters in Bristol. I don't see any other explanation for how he is unable to contextualize ANYTHING better than from what we see on the TV screen.
14 trying to make it with only 2 more stops after this on fuel
The problem this crew has faced all season is once the pit stops are over and the green is out, Punch refuses to call the action.
He will just start asking DJ and Andy questions again.
This is where we miss AB, those guys need a break. The periods of silence are getting longer.
and the caution is out. someone in the booth should've been listening to the official's channel. they would've know that they were talking about debris. it was inevitable.
Why can't the director use that little picture/big picture thingy with all the fancy graphics around them when pit stops begin so he can still show the track as well as individual pit stops? Is there a party in the production truck and we are not invited?
Figures, caution.
@Sophia Do Not bother about McIceeCoffees. Price is right (free) taste off, & you will just be hyper from caffine. I drink tons of coffee & it makes me jittery.
This race is not the race I hear on radio - is this the Iowa crew that made me watch open wheel?
Punch is hosting, not announcing. Question is, is that what ESPN wants him to do?
@jone1981 - About the only thing Jerry has that we don't have as TV viewers is the scoring feed coming directly from NASCAR. We only get the "fan oriented" application and that's usually a lap or two behind.
But I'll bet Jerry rarely to never looks out that booth window.
Theodore said...
Punch is hosting, not announcing. Question is, is that what ESPN wants him to do?
Prolly. But that's not what his television audience needs. (That would be us.)
Jerry: Kasey Kahne didnt pit! If you looked at the window for a half of a second you would see he is now in the lead!
Every female Police Officer should be livid w/that commercial.
Fuel out of the equation for some, question for others. Need to set the scene for who can make it on 2 stops from here and who is going to be close.
Good break for the 14, lets see how the car is with some clean air on it
Maybe Rutledge could snap another pic so we could see if JP is facing the track or is he looking at the monitor with his back to the track:-)
9, 00, 6, 47, 17 and 26 stayed out and are ahead of the 14. for those crying for passing, here's your shot.
Barney Hall on MRN is doing his normal super job.
Gimmick-cam time again.
ok, on this restart show the wide shots and don't focus on tony.
Hubby is on 4th beer- something about Swagger
I just caught up on comments I guess Sophia left before my icecoffee warning
Stop the in-car shots!
Replay turn 1 please.
What is the obsession with the incars on the restarts? The most exciting part and they have to mess it up.
Great shot of Joey's left rear tire! Bravo! Genius!
Need help! Can't get to MRN Radio on my computer!
This is sad
Anonymous said...
Need help! Can't get to MRN Radio on my computer!
August 3, 2009 2:18 PM
go to NASCAR dot com
down the right side is a link. only way I know to get it
And THATS why Chad is the best in the business
We need to organize a raid on the production truck and smash the damned board for the in-car cameras
If your using Firefox and Adblocker you may need to turn adblocker off to see the MRN link. Just a guess.
You can try to get an MRN affiliate on the computer or use Raceview on NASCAR.com, which is pay.
Folks here can give you suggestions.
Same thing they did to ruin Iowa. Rusty builds this big speedway, fills it with 55 thousand folks, and all we see is tight shots and in-car cameras.
Absoutely mind blowing...
Did you see in the back ground when Jimmie was coming out of the pits the cars that were passing as they were coming out of turn 3
I couldn't hear commercial - I understand Swagger makes you grow a third arm - right?
Right now we have at least 3 different cycles amongst the relevant leaders, Kahne, Reutimann, and Hamlin groups if you will. All have different tires. All pitted at different times. Still nothing from Punch.
Kyle Busch ala Kansas last year?
Pulled some debris down the carb waiting for it to pull all the way through the engine?
google: 'mrn affiliate'
YES large graphics over green flag racing - Thanks thats why I tuned in today ( not)
00 and 11's strategy are 2 more stops the rest of the day. 9 is hoping for a caution to get on same fuel cycle.
I'm convinced they are trying to get out of their contract...
or they are trying to drive us insane.
Or both!
@Jojaye- no, that would be Enzyte you're thinking of :)
Missed the pass for the lead while in break (9 passes 48)
no pass for lead 48 was getting lapped
Hi guys, I'm watching via the leaderboard. I should be able to get through this race in about 45 minutes when I FF after work.
Thanks for entertaining me with your comments.
Dot, cheating @ work.
Has everyone given up on this broadcast?... Or is it Jerry-induced nap time? :)
There is the effect that should have been used for the green flag pit stops. Double video boxes.
Now, here they go again!!!
We are watching the leaderboard, too. Getting more info there than from the broadcast.
Well I'm bailing on ESPN. I'll listen to the rest of the race on Sirius.
Y'all have a great day!
I think he chased everyone possible over to the radio.
Never once, for one second, a moment of excitement.
JP was so excited about the baseball promo I wanted to change the channel to find the game!
Those of you at work and DVRing this race, don't watch it when you get home or you will get mad.
Just go and relax and wait for the next race.
Well folks I can not sync up what bspn is showing with what I'm hearing on MRN & "seeing w/Raceview.
It was wondered if TB was at the track my question is - is bspn director& PxP guys at the race?
Hey guys, ESPN will re-air the race tonight on ESPN2 at 9PM ET.
One of the things JP has always done and it bugs me, is how he starts talking like the race in almost over and when he goes to commercial he says be back for the final laps or the conclusion of this race.
Take note he first said this at 2:46pm track time.
"my question is - is bspn director& PxP guys at the race?"
The Speed guys call a much better F1 race from halfway around the globe than ESPN can do from location.
Something Ive noticed is the fast cars have been setting themselves up to pass entering turn 2. They don't pull down in the front straight unless they have to or feel they can clear someone before turn 1. Kinda surprised more wasn't discussed about that. Denny's move from turn 3 to the exit of 1 is textbook how the fast cars have passed today. Kasey just let him go off 1.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Hey guys, ESPN will re-air the race tonight on ESPN2 at 9PM ET.
My question is: Why?
Everyone except Allen Bestwick, Rusty Wallace, Brad Daugherty and Tim Brewer are at the track.
The SPEED Stage, ESPN Infield Pit Center and the Tech Garage are long gone.
Some folks like pain. Nice nick by the way.
Can the work on the 48 car be in an inset rather than full screen?
What was that caution for?Ambrose smacked the wall earlier and no caution.
What was that caution for?Ambrose smacked the wall earlier and no caution.
Holmes said...
Can the work on the 48 car be in an inset rather than full screen?
August 3, 2009 2:55 PM
No the director is not a race fan & the 48 is only one he knows is important ( cuz he got a memo)
Sarcasm off
Another restart and will we see the whole field. I bet a bummer cam as they go into turn 1.
NASCAR's pithy, 2 line, lap by lap coverage gives more perspective to the race situation than ESPNs entire telecast. Disgraceful.
Let's watch this restart from the concessions-cam.
No offense to those of you calling for JP's head to be moved.
THE CAMERA WORK CHASED ME AWAY. Great booth on NW but &^%$& camera work then, too.
MRN what a difference. NOt only excited but PAINT pictures of the race. Only get for cup races.
And those pictures are not incar/roof cam/bumper cams, lathered, rinse, repeated.
I wish SOMEBODY could tell us why BSPN is intent on spoiling all the races.
Judging from the comments its not improved otday.
If BSPN wants to save money just show the rest of the racing at any track (re-use the video, They are good at that, too) and say what they want in the booth. We NEVER SEE the race in perspective anyway.
Mind boggling NASCAR puts up with the killing of their sport (and don't give me this bologna they have no control over production) May as well have a blank screen/
Gotta a small plain coffee with lots of ice...just enough to not make me sleepy-er...and I got MRN in da house today. YAY.
See, I was right.
call the action and stop reporting!
Punch is clueless. This is sad.
I'm not able to watch the race live as I'm in my cubby hole at work here, but checking the live leaderboard every once in awhile. After a few comments today, guess I don't even have to watch the replay tonight. Thanks!
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