Every day, SiriusXM channel 128 puts out a steady stream of NASCAR information and interviews. This channel originates right down the street from Lowe's Motor Speedway, NASCAR's Research and Development Center and many major NASCAR team shops.
If you have a SiriusXM receiver in your car, then perhaps you can catch a bit of this content during your daily commute. SiriusXM also makes portable receivers that snap in and out of automobile. Finally, there are handheld receivers that are designed to work indoors. Designed to work being the operative phrase.
While SiriusXM claims to have a total subscriber base of 19 million, things have not been going very well in satellite radio land for a while now. SiriusXM was recently saved from filing for bankruptcy by media mogul John Malone in return for a sizable stake in the company.
While there are some limited NASCAR radio and TV programs during the weekdays, the big fish in the pond is the SiriusXM Channel 128 daily line-up. NASCAR Chairman Brian France called in days ago just to review some topics with afternoon host Dave Moody. Among the scheduled guests Thursday on channel 128 are Greg Biffle, Casey Mears, Steve Addington, Larry Carter, Brendan Gaughan and the list goes on and on.
Today's technology also allows selected Sirius channels to be streamed online. After an initial sign-up, the user can simply turn on a computer or cell phone to get the live signal. Sirius NASCAR Channel 128 is not streamed online and that is the topic of this column.
Back in 2000, Turner Sports acquired all of NASCAR's Interactive rights for a hefty price tag. This included the online video and audio rights. Since 2001, Turner has been the sole producer of the NASCAR.com website. This practice of allowing a third party to run a professional league's website is not unusual. Turner does the same thing for other sports, including the NBA.
The situation we are discussing today is the stalemate between Sirius and Turner. Without a payment to Turner, that company will not allow Sirius to go online with NASCAR audio content. Without a dime in the bank, Sirius has little to offer. Instead of NASCAR being exposed to millions of Internet and cell phone users, SiriusXM Channel 128 continues to broadcast to only a very small slice of hardcore fans.
Today, we find NASCAR trying to wade through the muck of a struggling economy that hit the auto manufacturers very hard. The truck series has been decimated, the Nationwide Series is struggling and this week in Pocono there are only 42 cars. If one team leaves after this week, short fields may begin in NASCAR's top series. So, what NASCAR needs from its own media partners down the stretch is some help.
What would happen if the NASCAR.com website offered SiriusXM channel 128's weekday programming for free through the end of this season? Think about that one. Just go to NASCAR.com, click on the audio player and there it is.
NASCAR.com would get all the website traffic from fans every time they wanted to listen to the SiriusXM channel. No live races would be carried, protecting the existing copyrights of all concerned. Turner's site traffic would go through the roof, Sirius gets the exposure for its product and NASCAR gets the publicity for making its top stars and personalities finally available to fans without charge.
At the end of the season, decisions can be made about what to do for 2010. No one can predict what business dynamic might be in place by then or what lines of discussion this simple act might open for the future.
Let's get the great comments, interviews and questions being offered every day out to the fans right now while the sport is struggling. This one simple act might build a stronger fan base for all of the parties concerned. There is only one way to find out. Ask the fans.
Would you listen online to SiriusXM's NASCAR channel during the week if it was made available for free at NASCAR.com?
Leave us a comment on this topic by clicking the comments button below. We are lucky enough to have folks from Sirius, NASCAR and Turner review this site on a regular basis. They have all told us just how much your comments have helped them to focus on various topics that need some attention.
As always, this is a family-friendly site, please keep that in mind when posting. You can follow us on Twitter by clicking the logo on the right hand side of the screen. It is fast, easy and free. Thanks again for taking the time to stop by.
I don't think Sirius is rushing to get the content on the web. NASCAR is a huge selling point for them to get people to buy into their format and players. If too much Sirius is available on the web they stop being a technology/format and start being just a syndicated content provider. It is one thing to stream classic rock or news/talk -- but the big sports they have as selling points I don't think they will put online any time soon, even if Turner gave them free reign.
If you don't have a car radio equipped with SiriusXM, it's not an option. Hell, I go out to my car and sit there for hours listening to Tradin' Paint.
Oh, they have a ton of sports on their online app. Mostly sports that only require one ball (boring baseball, football, etc).
Anonymous @ 10:57 doesn't realize that the Sirius content that is available on the web is only to subscribers. There is nothing to prevent this is 128 were to be broadcast through the NASCAR.com website. It wouldn't be any more complicated than when they made Trackpass available for free to Roadrunner subscribers a few years back. This wouldn't have to mean undermining their own product by giving it away on the web.
I would be on board. I listen to as much 128 as I can. I've even rigged setups so I could listen inside because home kits are outrageously priced. I didn't have a suitable exposure for the antenna anyway so I abandoned that.
Clever users can take that in-home feed and rebroadcast it to themselves wherever they have webacess, but they shouldn't have to resort to that as the only choice.
Between my daughter's laptop and my home computer, we pay $100 a month for the Internet. I would love to hear Sirius on N.com for free.
I cannot justify paying for radio, NASCAR coverage or not. I have a five mile commute, so not too much time to listen in the car. I'm online everyday after work. I would love to listen then.
I don't know how many people can afford Sirius whether current or new subscribers. If you've been downsized financially, that's one expendable expense.
Sirius & Turner, do us fans a favor and stream channel 128. Your efforts will be rewarded.
I have to confess, the last time I heard Sirius was when I rented an SUV to drive down to the Florida Keys. I thought, this is really good stuff.
Even the person who I was with, not a NASCAR fan, was interested in all the fan opinions and calls.
Thanks for the comment Andy.
When XM and Sirius merged, much of XM's programming was ditched. We lost Joe Castello's Power Shift - one of the best racing shows to ever hit the airwaves - along with Dale Jr and Michael Waltrip's shows. I had to pay extra to add the special Sirius package so that I can listen to Sirius' NASCAR channel. It was either that or ditch satellite radio entirely (also because of Sirius' Top-Hits-Only music playlists and repetition, too). So they have me - but only because their are no real options for those of us who spend a lot of time on the road. The FCC did no one any favors by allowing the elimination of competition. If the NASCAR site puts Sirius online, people may just record it onto their iPods, which is precisely what Sirius used as an argument in their favor - that they compete with iPods, etc. Go online and suddenly your major argument is dead.
Anon 11:26PM,
I understand completely what you are saying. But, there are dynamics at work right now that top those concerns in my view.
This sport is a mess. TV ratings are down, short fields and start and parks are in all three series and major sponsors are leaving.
The simple thrust of this topic is how to get more NASCAR content to the fan without charge.
When 2010 rolls around, those other issues can be addressed of many have been solved by then.
I think we have to start somewhere.
Would you listen online to SiriusXM's NASCAR channel during the week if it was made available for free at NASCAR.com?
Yes I would. I know I would enjoy getting a bit more Nascar information during the week.
Not only would I love Sirius Nascar to stream on the web, I'd love it if it were part of the Direct TV radio package. Currently, they have no talk stations on the XM/Sirius offerings for Direct TV. I've been asking why that is for quite some time.
I'm not in my car all that often, so being able to listen to Moody, Chocolate and all the rest via computer would be fantastic.
We are original XM subscribers. We signed up because we travel by motorhome. Once our 3 yrs is up next April we will cancel our subscripton. With the merger we lost a number of the programs we listened to including NASCAR. I refuse to pay substantially more for channel 128. There is not one other station in the package that has Nascar that I care to listen to. Certainly not Howard Stern. So, Sirius will lose me as a customer.
They have the same problem that cable/satellite tv have. Bundled packages instead of ala carte. Can't believe in this day and age with all the technology they couldn't put something together. But then, they wouldn't make as much as they forcing to buy more than we need. We are on the 3rd tier at Directv so we can get Speed and a few other channels.
Not sure if it would change anything if 128 was on NASCAR.com. Since I have an air card for my laptop then I might listen while traveling down the road, but not at home.
I rec'd a Sirius radio for free last year and I was set to get the receiver, etc. and subscribe last December when I learned that Tony Stewart's show was going off the air - at the time he was the only reason I was going to get Sirius, I was going to spend my money just to listen to his show because he is my favorite driver. But, once I heard that news, I said "forget it", I have no other interest in Sirius. Then early this spring I had a chance to access channel 128 for about a month and I was completely hooked on their lineup of shows.
I never did complete my purchase of all the components to install the radio in my car, but I would definitely pay to stream the channel thru my laptop...and I'm unemployed right now, but I'd still do it. Sirius lost my money and a lot of other peoples money when they pulled Tony's show, but I bet everyone involved could gain some big bucks if they would stream channel 128 thru the computer. Wake up Turner, Sirius and Nascar - you're being morons by not taking advantage of this opportunity to reach an even bigger audience...especially during these economic times! You're all in business to make money and you're missing out on a golden opportunity!!!! Wise up!!!!
I'd pay for Sirius, but not until I can listen online. I work on a computer all day in an office that isn't anywhere near my car or my home stereo system.
No NASCAR channel online? No money from me.
Scroll down the page for the TWIN and NN story. It is the third column on the front page.
Yes I would listen for probably 10-14 hours day. My desk sits in a area that hardly gets cel phone and radio reception so to have Sirius Nascar radio streamed would be awesome. Not being about to listen to live races would not be an issue since I'm normally sitting with family watching the race and putting up with those horrible broadcasters
I'd definitely listen to Sirius but would not pay for it. My cable bill is through the roof already. Short four-mile trip to work so not worth it in the car. Used to just love NASCAR in-car when it was available.
The business challenge for Mel Karmazen (ceo xm/sirius) is that the merged companies have totally separate satellite systems using disparate technology. XM is based in D.C. and Sirius in NYC
I think he'd do well to offer some free channels via the receivers that are commercially supported and use that to promote subscription services
I would love to get the programming as Podcasts delivered to iTunes. That way I can consume the media however I like, on the computer, on the go, doesn't matter. Cancelled my Satellite to save money so I'm having some NASCAR withdrawals. I wish I could watch all the NASCAR series races over the Internet, streamed live or even download the next day. I'd pay for it, not a lot but a little.
JD, thanks for addressing this. Had to get new car in November and it came with Sirius for 1 year and I'm hooked, mostly because of 128. I extended my subscription and I added the premium 'Net subscription because I was led to believe it would have 128. Didn't, but I kept it because of a few other channels (and the country-music station here Delaware is awful). Sirius Nascar is the only place to get news/info consistently (other than the Internet). Nascar/Turner should see that this is a way to pull in new fans.
I would definitely listen at work IF it wasn't blocked by our IT dept!!
I would definitely listen for free on the web site if it were offered since I am not a Sirius subscriber and think that this would be a great service to all of us NASCAR fans.
I couldn't listen at work, but if I could go home and playback things; heck, I might even pay for that--why not let NASCAR.com run ads before you could listen to it to defray cost (lots of sites do this.) I am not on the road enough to bother with sat radio. I have the music channels on my DISH. I don't know what works financially, but I definitely would like to listen. I just could never justify paying for all that radio that I *don't* want.
I am a current Sirius subscriber. Both hubby and I have it in both cars. We loved it so much and I couldn't get 128 online so we went and purchased a home receiver. Of course I hear every other word as the home version antenna is not as strong. :-(
As a subscriber I wish that I could get 128 online but then I would drop the 3rd subscription for the home version and I guess that is the issue that Sirius has with all of this.
If they provide the channels online as part of the subscription package would they get more people to sign up as you would have more access without having to buy a receiver? or would it not be worth their investment?
As far as having it online for free on Nascar.com what benefit would that do for Sirius? More people listening to the channel maybe but Sirius would be picking up the entire cost with no revenue to offset it.
Why buy the equipment if you can get it for free? I understand your point but Sirius is a business and I don't see any up side for Sirius.
I drive better than 30 minutes every day to and from work and that's mostly when I listen to channel 128 -- I was disappointed when I realized that I couldn't stream this to my computer at home (not allowed to stream online at work -- takes up too much bandwidth). I would certainly listen to this channel more if I had better access than the time when I'm in my car. I enjoy Moody's show a lot -- NASCAR/Turner and Sirius need to get their heads together. Fans are falling away in droves, partly because of the economy, partly because IMO the racing just isn't all that exciting, I know I don't like the COT car - yes, I know it's safer, but it's boring and doesn't LOOK like a racecar and because the broadcasting has become more about entertainment than racing.
I listen to MRN on the computer and Sirius in my car to follow the races far more often than I watch on TV.
JD, I completely agree that Sirius 128 ought to be available over the internet. With SPEED dropping it's racing programs, it's really the only way to keep up with things during the week/off-season.
That said, I can't see any reason for Turner to allow 128 on the internet without compensation. They paid for the rights, they maintain their clunky nightmare of a site, and that's the way it's going to be for the forseeable future.
Sirius 128 will never be on the internet unless NASCAR takes control of it's internet rights rather than farming it out. That's really not part of their business model, though.
Yes, I would listen. I always listen when I am on the road and find the content interesting.
I am an XM subscriber that added Best of Sirius when it became available to XM users thinking I would get Nascar online. I had already signed up when I learned online was not available. Not in car enough to make it useful most days. It would be appreciated if Turner would allow Sirius subscribers to get the content on line. Now I seldom listen to satellite radio at all. As indicated in other posts, it is an expense that is expendable. If Nascar does not become available online soon in some format, I'll be dropping my radio subscription. Then everyone is a loser.
YES YES YES! I have my Sirius in the car and a boom box in my office that I use to listen. BUT I can't get the signal in my house to save my life. If I could listen to 128 on the 'net, then I would be a happy camper!!!
Can't afford Sirius, so the internet would be my only option. Maybe Sirius should run it off their own web site instead of having to pay Turner. It's a pain navigating the official sanctioning body's web site and I don't even bother with it since it's primarily fluff and what's suppoed to be news from the Kool Aid crowd.
I certainly appreciate the perspective on the company history. When you have a moment, perhaps you could tell us your opinion on the topic we are discussing.
I definitely would listen to Nascar with my online sirius account. I'm at work thru the afternoon and miss most of Dave Moody's show (the guy is hilarious and so are his callers).
Unfortuantely Nascar isn't the only station missing from the online portion that I would listen to. I mean you would think if you have a sirius or xm account you could access ALL the same channels thru online and your car reciever. Maybe I'm just crazy!
I think it should be on the internet with a PAID subscription, but if your saying to do it free to help NASCAR you are crazy.
How bout NASCAR just opens the gates for free at a race and see how many new fans they can get!!??
I'll bet if they did put the button on NASCAR.com to listen free, there would be 50+ people on here complain that it was too hard to find the button!!
The key here is free. I enjoy watching the races but I wouldn't pay to watch them on tv. Nor would I pay for Nascar content from Sirius. I would listen if it was free and I think other people would as well.
However, as long as the product we are watching on tv is less than compelling then Nascar content elsewhere will be irrelevant.
I would certainly listen to Sirius on my computer. Since I can't afford to pay for it, I miss out on a lot of good listening.
Nor is that Sirius/XM channel available as part as a DISH or DirecTV channel, as so many music channels are.
And yes, it is sad that we lost so many good programs in the merger.
Junior, Mikey, Tony Stewart, even Jimmie had shows at one time.
Having said that, I still pay for satellite radio primarily for NASCAR Radio.
I can't see how giving me the option to also listen online would hurt Sirius/XM at all.
I listen to archived radio shows daily on line. The LTN Hour out of Milwaukee, all the PRN shows and Racing Radio. The key is they are FREE ! I hear the advertisers so isn't that enough? If Sirius was free on line I would listen to it also as long as it was FREE ! I work a spilt shift and don't listen in my truck. Why wouldn't NASCAR want to get a larger following ? Bill @ Lake Summerset Illinois
Out of those 19 million subscribers to Sirius/XM how many subscribe just for NASCAR?
I do and I know a few others that do also. I listen to Sirius from 7am - 5pm West coast time, the same as I used to watch Speedvision before they changed to what ever it is they are now.
I bought a Sirius repeater receiver that has antenna and power supply for both home and auto. When I leave home I take the receiver and plug into the car.
I would like for my subscription to allow me to have online access, but I do not think it should be free.
Honestly what good would that be to a financially struggling company like Sirius / XM to force them to give away for free their source of income? They'd go bankrupt and then back to having nothing again.
Now if the question was; Should Turner be forced to allow Sirius / XM to stream their content online as an additional income source to help save the radio network and increase NASCAR's potential exposure.
This would also allow users another source to use their service without purchasing a radio unit and would help increase subscribers.
In our area there is NO local stations that even cover the races anymore because advertising dollars just are not there, and all across the country they're fewer and fewer every year.
I'm just not sure how folks think Sirius/XM can do this for free and stay in business?
On second thought. Maybe if it were free on nascar.com I would become hooked on listening to all the NASCAR programing. I might want to listen in my car/motorhome so therefore I would renew instead of thinking about cancelling :-)
@Anonymous 10:36 AM
If you read the article that JD wrote you would have read that he was just suggesting that Turner and Sirius get together and provide a Free on-line feed through NASCAR.com for the remainder of the season and see what responses they got. After the season they could then evaluate how many people used the Sirius Nascar channel and go from there.
Sometimes you never know how something might work out unless you try.
JD, I think you've left this too open to get a good response. What I'm seeing is distinct types of responses right now:
Fans that already have Sirius and want to access 128 online at no additional charge.
Fans that don't have Sirius and want to access 128 online at no charge.
I think that the first should happen. The second, absolutely not. At least not until UNICEF gets into the satellite radio business.
The key here is free. I enjoy watching the races but I wouldn't pay to watch them on tv.
Unless you are stealing cable or only watching the fox races, you ARE paying to watch the races via your cable TV bill. Which is the exact same thing as Sirius.
"FREE" isn't going to happen. Internet ads don't foot the bill for stuff like this and Sirius isn't built around being successful under a "free radio" model. Their business plan revolves around a subscription based plan.
What should happen is that Sirius should be able to offer everything via the internet that they offer over the air. Until they do (at least for the few channels I care about) they won't get my money.
Anon 10:51 AM:
"I can't see how giving me the option to also listen online would hurt Sirius/XM at all."
Have you figured that those of us who currently subscribe just for channel 128 might drop our subscriptions if we could get it for free?
I would not object if the online stream was made available only to current subscribers, either exclusively on nascar.com or in conjunction with the other sirius channels currently available online.
The idea that sirius should give this away for free, with the idea that they can turn around and start charging for it after "things improve", I don't see people being very happy about suddenly being charged for something they were used to getting for free. Just as I wouldn't be happy about people getting for free what I have been paying for.
As a side note, this is just one more example of NASCAR's cluelessness of the "new media" age we have entered into. It's sad to see IRL taking the lead in terms of internet broadcasts and web-interaction.
While I realize that the business situations are different between the IRL and NASCAR TV packages, the fact is that to the average fan, all they see is the fact that they can watch an indy race for free on the internet. NASCAR.com makes you pay a overpriced monthly fee to watch a bunch of cartoon cars jump around the track. Sure, for 6 weeks a year we get to see what NASCAR could be offering. but then it goes away and we get nothing but the cartoons again.
Pathetic. Much more pathetic (in terms of the future of the sport) than the TV package complaints that we love to harp on here. NASCAR needs to get their butts in gear regarding the internet and the new ways that media, including stuff like Sirius, is being used by consumers.
"Have you figured that those of us who currently subscribe just for channel 128 might drop our subscriptions if we could get it for free?"
Anon 10:51 appears to be a current Sirius subscriber. I don't get that he/she was asking for anything for free. Like the rest of us, just asking that he/she get to listen to ALL the channels that were paid for via the internet rather than just over the air.
JD's original column advocated letting nascar.com stream the channel for free through the end of the season, with the idea of reevaluating that decision next year. He didn't say he meant for subscribers only, and that is what I was responding to.
I am one of those people who signed up with SIRIUS just to get the NASCAR channel. I have been a subscriber since Dec. 2006. I don't agree with the idea that it's up to SIRIUS to take it on the chin for the good of NASCAR.
Satellite Radio is fascinating.
On one hand, it's awesome content. I've been listening to SIRIUS NASCAR 128 since '04.
I have 2 disappointments; The surprising amount of ads, and trees.
Ads, I can take. I hit the channel change, listen to Bloomberg for 3 minutes, pop back.
But yes, trees. I've moved to the Bay area recently and where I'm living is peppered with Redwoods. If you live in any other region that is forested, you'd be driven slowly crazy too.
S. . ...n yo. .re list....g to the radi. ... ge. ......uptions al...
I'd love streaming radio from them. It's been a fan question from almost day one but there's never been a satisfactory answer. That is, until now and your bit of info John.
And you are right - they have no money. In fact if I remember correctly, SIRIUS is in some serious amount of debt. $175 mill was due in February, in May, $350 mill was due, and by the end of the year, $400 million in senior convertible notes is due.
And through it all, I hope they make it. I love the NASCAR channel & the RADIO CLASSICS. Heck I've even learned that Howard Stern is a pretty intelligent guy if you happen upon those moments when he speaks his opinion.
Yea, I'd love to see NASCAR stream. That would help them convert subscribers I think. A focused market is what they need to address and that's a great way to do it.
Bruce Simmons
NASCAR Bits and Pieces
Have you figured that those of us who currently subscribe just for channel 128 might drop our subscriptions if we could get it for free?
Read the post. I'm a current subscriber. I am asking for more usability, not a free product.
My only suggestion was that a realistic look at the sport would put anyone in a panic mode.
Four months of streaming free NASCAR talk radio content on weekdays might just go a long way toward opening up the real world of NASCAR that many of us know to those who only see the current TV shows and races.
Current subscribers would be unaffected, except for the fact that the same signal would be made available online for them as well.
With all due respect to the NASCAR spin doctors and the vanilla NASCAR reporters on the gravy train, there is trouble brewing right now and we all better pay attention.
How many more sponsors looking at limited TV opportunities for exposure on a Sprint Cup Series hood might be ready to leave at the end of the season?
How much longer can SPEED pretend that the truck series can start 33 trucks and have 13 pull off before the first fuel stop without a viewer reaction?
How many more times can Carl and Kyle show-up, wipeout the Nationwide field and just walk away?
The next four months are going to be crucial and we better circle the wagons. If Sirius, Turner and NASCAR all cooperated for a change maybe this idea would come up for discussion.
Thanks for the comments, the best perspectives and ideas come from the fans...as usual.
This has been an issue forever. Fans have been asking for this since Sirius Speedway moved from Channel 123 when the NASCAR channel went live. It has been addressed many times on Sirius Speedway. Moody has mentioned this is the topic that produces the most emails to the show. He also stated that Sirius and Turner tried to negotiate the rights but Turner wanted an unrealistic and cost prohibitive fee for the rights.
If Sirius did allow for free streaming, I would probably cancel my subscription. The service should be FREE to Sirius subscribers, not anybody.
When Sirius started charging for Internet access to their feeds, which were free for years by the way, they provided some very deceptive marketing in my opinion. Leading people to believe everything is available online, which is far from the truth. I refused to pay the extra money for their Internet feeds and still do until NASCAR radio is added.
Also of note, the iPod application has the Internet feeds, but not Howard Stern (last I checked), so Sirius is selectively choosing channels by application. This means that if it did come to the Internet subscribers, it might not come to mobile devices. Only available through a PC.
This is unfortunate because Sirius really is the only place to get real NASCAR news these days. Speed has abandoned the sport except on race day while ESPN does nothing but promote a few drivers. Oh and they mention every series on 128, not just Cup or Nationwide or Truck. They even get into some of the lower tier series.
I live in Iowa. The Nationwide race is getting loads of media coverage in several large newspapers and on the local news in the state and has been for several weeks. They are expecting at least 50,000 people. Newton has been devasted from an employment standpoint with Maytag leaving town a few years ago. It was the town's largest employer. Yet when this race track was built, it has been able to draw many people to the attractions being held there. My point - Kyle, Carl and Kevin might be bringing in some of the fans, but the majority are going to be there to support the local economy and the Midwest's Nationwide "regulars." Its the publicity that has brought the awareness to our state of stock car racing. If more people can be exposed to Nascar by Sirius online coverage, it can only make the financial stability of the teams and sport more sustainable. Just because we are paying for 128 (and I am), let's not be shortsighted. If the sport doesn't survive or the fields are reduced, everyone will be hurt.
One other thing. Does anyone actually know what Turner's rights are related to NASCAR are? Take for example the many MRN and PRN shows available on terrestrial radio. Some of the MRN shows are broadcast on 128. If say, NASCAR Performance Live from MRN (owned by ISC) was going to be on the regular radio and 128, why couldn't Sirius negotiate with MRN to stream this show? Sirius Speedway is produced by MRN EXCLUSIVELY for Sirius as the deep voiced announcer states at the end of every show. Why can't they negotiate to put that on. The other shows (The Morning Drive, Trading Paint, Dialed-in, etc.) are all Sirius produced shows. So why can't they be streamed across the Internet.
I can see how the race broadcasts may not be authorized from MRN and PRN under the agreements with Turner, but independently broadcast shows should be able to be put on the Internet.
And before someone says that this will not happen because of NASCAR and ISC being essentially a monopoly. I hate that and I know that is a huge problem, so no need to reiterate. With any luck the Kentucky Speedway Lawsuit will cause NASCAR and ISC to become more...separate.
In a word, YES!
For a reasonable fee, I would be very interested in Sirius NASCAR online, even if it involved a blackout of the race broadcasts themselves, which are part of the NASCAR.com Track Pass package most of the time. Sometimes I do get the radio broadcasts of N-wide races free off NASCAR.com.
I would suggest that you take a step back and stop looking at this issue from only your perspective.
The entire sport is in trouble. Right here and right now. It's not a rumor, it's not a suggestion...it's reality.
What other positive thing could be done to get NASCAR content to fans right now through the Chase without additional cost?
This is a short-term solution to a growing problem. Current Sirius users can be rebated, credited or whatever. That's not the problem.
We need the folks who have online access during the day by computer and cell phone to get a hold of NASCAR content and be fans down the stretch.
Just between us girls, things in TV and radio land are awful. Ratings down at Indy for ESPN and Sirius still struggling to stay afloat as a viable company.
Just as I challenged in my column, there are those who will look at the past, not get the message and do nothing.
It is only those parties who understand that the very foundation of this sport it being threatened right now who might have the guts to stand up and creat change.
Let's clear some things up. Sirius is not selectively choosing channels for the iPod or iPhone. They only have satellite radio agreements with several channels, just like NASCAR. They do not own the online rights to things like Stern. Just that simple.
Turner owns all of the interactive rights to NASCAR for many years to come. That is why Sirius is not streamed online. That is why the NASCAR Media Group does not have a website with video content. That is why there is no other online location for official NASCAR content other than NASCAR.com.
Good discussion.
If I could 128 on DirecTV, I'd listen.
Streaming on the computer is not viable for me ---- limited bandwidth on dial-up.
If I could ever get true high speed connection, I might stream Sirius on my computer.
I am a Sirius subscriber and would have no problem with NASCAR.com offering up ch. 128 for the remainder of the season. I think it's a great short-term solution as well as a chance for the 2 companies to test the waters of a possible long-term deal. As an incentive for Sirius, non-Sirius/XM subscribers could be sent to a "sign-up" page, providing Sirius/XM with a potential marketing opportunity. With a link, NASCAR.com could gain an instant presence on the Sirius/XM website.
John, with the economy, sport and interested parties in the condition they are all in, I can't see a down side to trying what you suggest. GREAT IDEA!
Add my voice to those agreeing with you, although I'm not sure free is fair to those who have been supporting the service all along. Perhaps some token fee, like $9.99 through the rest of the season or $2.50 a month be reasonable.
I might sign up for Sirius next year anyway just so I can hear Vin Scully's final season with the Dodgers.
West Coast Kenny
Alameda, California
If anyone didn't believe the sport is in trouble, look at the entry list for Pocono on Jayski. There are NO "Go or Go-Homers"! Only 43 cars are entered. I wonder if we'll see short fields for Cup before the end of the season?
Kenn, some teams who do not make the Chase may take their funds and keep them for 2010. Nothing says a team has to show up every race.
Dale Jarrett said on NN that we will probably see short fields in the Cup series before the end of the season.
Considering where we were two years ago, that is simply amazing.
JD, I hear what you're saying about the state of the sport right now, but I thing what you are proposing is risky for SIRIUS. If anyone should be called upon to make sacrifices for the good of the sport, it is NASCAR itself, not a struggling satellite radio company, of which channel 128 is just a small part.
As many others on here have said, getting access to the channel online would be great, as long as SIRIS is compensated in some fashion. Just think of the newspaper industry for example. When papers put all their content online, for free, subscriptions tanked and newspapers are disappearing.
Among the problems in NASCAR you mentioned were the cup drivers dominance in NW and the S&P situation in Trucks. The solution for both of these problems belongs squarely in NASCAR's lap, IMHO.
When papers put all their content online, for free, subscriptions tanked and newspapers are disappearing.
Newspapers never made a substantial revenue from subscription fees.
They make (and make) their money off advertising, especially classified ads.
Sites like Craiglist soaked up most of that business, which meant less money for the newspapers.
LOVE my SIRIUS! Hate my new receiver doesn't allow me to bring it inside anymore since I dont have the cash to scoop up a power plug for the house.
I wish it was available online because as a paying customer for the product, it would be nice to get this online as well as in the car. Especially if to get it online it adds $3 to my bill each month still its worth it in my eyes.
The shows are first rate and the interviews are excellent yet entertaining.
Just wish it was available online.
I would love to get Sirius/XM on the web or phone. I have XM in my car and pay for it just so I have access to the Nascar Channel.
Unfortunately, that means I don't get to listen unless I'm driving or sitting in my driveway. Not an option in the Texas summer! And work would frown if I spent my day in the car.
I already pay for it -- wish I had access outside my car.
Shawnna in DFW (formerly OKC)
John, I agree with you that NASCAR's deal with Turner is hurting them both with Turner not doing an adequate job on their end, and that their internet exclusivity rights is very limiting on what others can do.
But I just don't see how Turner is involved with the lack of Sirius NASCAR talk shows online. Sirius can't stream the live race play-by-play, but they can't be stopped from talking about NASCAR. Examples: The MRN and PRN weekly talk shows are streamed by local affiliates online (plus podcasts), SPEED and ESPN archive segments from their NASCAR shows on their sites. Rowdy is all over the place.
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