Coverage switches from ESPN over to ABC for this night race. That means no RaceBuddy or Watch ESPN app as ABC is a broadcast network and has exclusive rights. There will be ESPN Nonstop commercials in the second half of the telecast.
Some ABC local stations might be showing local news during the pre-race show, but all will join for the race which has total national coverage live. Please let us know if any station does not join for the green flag.
Mike Massaro is handling the hosting duties for the Infield Pit Studio. Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty are the analysts. Tim Brewer is in the Tech Garage.
Rusty and Brad are once again going to be asked to talk about the Chase, but not neglect the race. It's a tough mix that ESPN has struggled with for years. The script this week may be Jimmie Johnson, but keep an eye on the topics featured in the pre-race. They often become the script for the race coverage.
Allen Bestwick, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree have been on the air for three days now on ESPN working hard. We will see how much gas they have left in the tank for a couple of hours of night racing on the ABC side. The good side is they handled the practice and qualifying coverage, the downside is they have to be exhausted.
Jamie Little and Vince Welch are out in Las Vegas for the final IndyCar race of the season. Shannon Spake and Mike Massaro are working pit road for the race with Dr. Jerry Punch and Dave Burns. Pit road could be a lonely place if this becomes another gas mileage race or a hectic mess if incidents happen on the track.
ESPN has a great Nationwide Series race and a rough Cup telecast last week. Somehow, the Cup races seem to keep the tradition of "hper-tight" coverage rolling along. CMS has a ton of action on the tight two-groove track and it's easy for TV to miss a lot of it with the focus on only one or two cars at a time. Keep an eye out for how ESPN produces the actual racing.
The quad-splits for caution flag pitstops are still outstanding. The ESPN Nonstop makes a big difference. Having Allen Bestwick has made a huge difference and closed the information gap. Punch has been outstanding on pit road. Those are the good things.
The bad is that ESPN still tries to work back to the stories from the pre-race show. Rather than let the racing just happen, it's been about the topics selected in advance and then forced into the telecasts. That has alienated fans and TV viewers.
So, here we go. This post will serve to host your opinion about the ABC coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from the Charlotte Motor Speedway. To add your comment, just click on the comments button below. Thanks!
1 – 200 of 447 Newer› Newest»Here we go folks. Fast track in the cool weather under the lights.
Skipping the pre-race. Already exceeded my tolerance for blah, blah, blah today.
As suspected, WDAY in Fargo, ND is showing local news rather than pre-race. I expected it. Didn't even bother to send an email complaint this time (didn't want to waste the energy).
KOCO in Oklahoma City is airing a special Oklahoma State post-game show instead of the pre-race.
Looks like it's going to be all JJ all the time. Oh goody.
'evening Planeteers!
Wow, that opening copter shot showed good seats still available 30 min before the start!
My daughters at the race in turn 2!
ANYBODY by the 48 tonight.
Good evening folks. Switching back and forth between the prerace and UGA/Vandy.
anybody BUT the 48
I'm with ya' Jimm.
Good lord we have CFB, Tigers/Rangers and Nascar oh and hockey. Nascar race better be good to keep me watching with such a menu to choose from tonight.
You need to change that Brian France name. We also do not allow hate speech or profanity.
Opinions about why so many fans are so underwhelmed with JJ's 5 straight titles? Is it because they are all with the 'chase'? Is it because so many find him boring? It seems no matter how hard Nascar and the media try to sell it, fans aren't buying. We all know he's really good...so why the ennui?
My affiliate (KXLY-TV in Spokane) is airing the local news as well.
I'd love to know who just got all the 'boos' during driver intros.
Sally, tonight a family member is introducing the drivers.
Kyle introduced Kurt and then Kurt introduced Kyle.
Told it did not go well.
How good could the pre-race show be if we could replace Brad and Rusty with Ray Evernham and Ricky Craven?
Personally, I think he is too robotic - totally without personality or swagger. He doesn't intimidate anyone, he's not the King of anything. He just goes about his business and wins. What fun is that?
By the way, I was responding to Sally about JJ.
Sally, for me its all the above. Im tired of all the talk about him, the stories about him, etc. Theres 42 other drivers, and little coverage of them. There's so many stories to cover during the 3+ hrs of coverage, but he dominates most of it whether he has a good or a bad day. JMO.
WFTS Tampa Rocks! Went with Nascar Countdown..Thanks
I think JJ just reflects the latest generation of drivers that are more concerned with political correctness and appeasing their sponsors' views of what a driver should be than the previous generations were/are. Maybe Lowe's is a more conservative company than some of the others too. He just comes across as bland and robotic.
I agree with you. I am sooooo tired of hearing about JJ that I no longer watch any NASCAR shows and keep the race on mute.
Strong crowd tonight, despite the high ticket prices
And Chad's a cheatin' dog -- but I respect him for it.
Well that was awkward... Now to you Allen!
I'm tired of all jj all the time too,
but the media are to blame for the constant blather.
Ha - BOFA spokesman - they are proud of so many things - are they proud that they have alienated most of their customers??
They did the exact same awkward thing with Massaro last night.
Even showed a replay of him running to pit road.
I predict a low turnout. Race
City not overrun with fans this
weekend. No activities in downtown Charlotte either.
Rusty said track in not sensitive
but it is sensitive????
Sally, I think part of it is Jimmie overkill. I turned away as soon as I saw him, only because I've already heard what he has to say this week. But I personally just find a certain slyly arrogant vibe from Jimmie a turn off. I actually don't mind Knaus. In Jimmie's defense, it might be just that he's a bit defensive from having to listen to all the 'vanilla' comments. Anyways, I think a lot of people just don't like anyone dominating. Jeff G got a lot of hate back in the day too.
Where is Nicole Briscoe?
Not that I'm complaining.
I don't normally watch pre-race. Actors doing canned hype segments is one reason why.
Pick up the pace, please. This broadcast is only scheduled for four hours.
Oops, left out the word 'anthem'.
OMG - this singer can't pronounce spangled!
no fly-by?
Nicole is in Vegas for the Indy race. That was a long anthem!
Sara is a great singer, but unless someone was asking her to stretch, that was just not a good way to do it.
With apologies to Snooki, that Mr Bill Pistachios commercial makes me laugh every time. No idea why.
I'm wrong on the turnout comment. Crowd looks good!
Sarah trying to make the anthem a nasal ballad.
Now that is how the National Anthem should be done everytime.
Looks like AJ is back with his wife?
that anthem gets a F! worst and most disrespectful anthem ever, focused all on her
jimm57 - should have been a long, low flyby - maybe it would have drowned out that horrible singing.
I stopped watching pre/post/weekday race shows a couple of years ago. I can barely watch the actual race. But I can't afford to go to any race, it's all I got.
I see Andy wore his pink tie tonight. ;)
Fly-by was earlier. They don't do it after dark.
thank you Sarah Evans
Do a commercial lady
this BoA advertising is sickening, trying to make themselves look like the good guy, what a joke...
She thanked Bank of America! This isn't a good time to thank a bank!
OK City just now joined the broadcast.
jimm57, the planes didn't have enough fuel to wait around for the anthem to finish.
Anon - not a good time to thank BOFA for sure!
No speeches before giving the command. Apparently a teacher that can't follow instructions.
No fly over? The singer dragged out the song in such a slow manner, I thought she was waiting on the jets??Bummer.
My sister is spending the night with trooper 91 yr old mom who fell last night & took her hour to get to phone. She's been sick & lost 30 lbs before this....Thankfully it was on carpet in her bedroom and she's fine but sore. no broken bones but I digress.
I need some distraction & will watch the race live & tweet with friends on a girlsNightout I'm missing locally.
Also will check in here if the camera work annoys me. ...if it annoys me...WHEN it annoys me.
Least Tony is on the pole :) so that is good thing.fun to watch nice racing but I WISH they would get rid of the grass...how often will we gripe about the splitter getting messed up by the grass drive thrus.
PS Also drinking adult beverages so expect mellow Soph tweets, er, comments :-D
Time for NASCAR to crack down on the commercials during start your engines. It's getting pretty ridiculous.
Palmetto - LOL
No Sprint Cup Mobile on my Sprint iPhone 4s :-(
That crap needs to stop! We need Adam Sandler!
And for race 3 of the weekend. The Bank of America 500. Let's hope for wreckfest. (And AJ Allmendinger winning.)
Sophia, a flyover at night in the dark?
No HOT PASS on DirectTV. Someone
I asked Sprint about that, they said Apple will not allow it!
Nice partnership.
There seems to be a lot more hype than normal around this race.
Where is HOTPASS!
They could have had Apache helicopters flying low around the track like they did a few years ago.
That was cool
52, you get Hot Pass for ABC races?
Roadgeek Adam, if you wanted a wreck fest then you should have watched the trucks. 50 laps out of 143 run under the yellow. I enjoy a good fender bender as much as the next redneck, but I'm glad I didn't pay to attend that caution parade.
actually flyover at night is pretty cool. At Richmond sometimes it's close to dark & you can see the lights of the jets...I liked that. The sound & feel is what's most impressive anyways.
JD & others
I NEVER knew they did not do flyovers in the dark....but makes sense...so what is her excuse for dragging out the song? hmmm?
The things I learn on this blog.
The 600 was the only of the 5 crown jewel events that did not produce a first time winner. (Bayne, Smith, Ragan and Mernard were at the other 4.) AJ Allmendinger stands the best chance for it tonight. I know the Richard Petty Motorsports clan would love it.
Palmetto, I watched all but the first wreck of the Truck race
Good questiion. Drivers listed
are 88,48, 24 & 2, but no
coverage. Maybe ABC won't allow it on Direct.
I've got HotPass and it's tuned to #24. Been a long time since he's been on a channel.
DirecTV guys said oops...Hot Pass is on!
HOT pass on Direct now.
What a surprise...
Thanks much JD. You woke 'em up.
They do the flyover at the night race at Bristol. And, if military jets can't fly at night, we're in a heap of trouble!
Apple allows Verizon's NFL Mobile app, but not Sprint's Sprint Cup Mobile?
Too much car noise in the audio. Don't they have windows in the booth? :)
Anon, I have no idea. Have a feeling that if Apple is involved, it has something to do with money.
Very thankful to ABC for the larger names and numbers. Can now read it. Ls
Wish they dumped the lower third. Makes for three and sometimes four lines of moving content on the screen.
yea the car noise is pretty loud...fun if the guys are quiet...starting the DREADED in car chop fest :-(
I thought I remembered seeing flyovers at night...if it was at Bristol I wonder why not here. . . .
I always enjoyed the access to the scanners, streaming video, and radio broadcasts. I guess no more. Hopefully something can be worked out.
I was having a terrible time hearing the guys but changed my tv from stereo to mono, made a huge difference. Ls
If the Sprint phone app is flash then it won't work on Apple phone or ipads.
Anon, the ABC stations will not allow it just like the FOX stations will not.
The big problem with the current technology available is that is does not mesh with the old school broadcast TV networks.
Expect changes in 2014, but for now this is the deal.
Single car shots. in car cameras give no perspective already. And no crawler.
Curious, doesn't Bristol begin before dusk?
4 lines of moving graphics. I am not a fan.
Just about sundown. You can usually see the afterburners glowing. Very cool. and they ususally seem to fly really low!
Lots of clutter. extremely distracting.
I can only suppose that it's OK to put all of that extra graphical "action" on the screen as there is apparently no close racing going on right now.
If Nascar wonders why the fans at home think all the races are nothing but single file parades, I suggest they watch the crap that we are shown during the race. It's like watching qualifying all night long.
Man, that is a lot of graphic stuff!
TV screen is way too busy with the updates/scores below and the ticker above.
I only have two moving lines of graphics--Nascar on top and ESPN crap along the bottom. What am I not missing?
A new NAPA commercial!
YEah, the screem is too busy to show racing, so we get commercials!
I have SD televisions in my house so the graphics are cutting off in places. It's readable, but not that great.
Buschseries: Nope, old one in repeat.
Nascar is the only one that has 3 or 4 bars on the Tv.
Wish they would just show the race and forget all this promotional stuff when they come back from commercial.
I'm in Chico, Northern California and nothing unusual. The normal ticker on the top and bottom.
In case anyone is wondering why the race is on ABC and the featured college football game is over on ESPN.
Most likely, this is really all about the football. ESPN only has cable rights to the SEC. CBS has the network rights for the SEC.
Didn't know that Adam, how old is it?
The pit reporter just said that Trevor Bayne said that he may have brushed the wall. Instead of following up on that, AB starts in on Glenn Wood's picture on the hood of the #21. Sometimes, AB seems to be in another world. When there's a report that someone brushes the wall, they try to get a good camera shot of the right side. They didn't seem to make any effort. I got a look at the right side and the lettering seemed intact on both right side tires and the bodywork looked clean. Its just a nit, but shows how superficial Espn's approach is.
Probably the one right before the one previous to this one.
Lapping cars after 30 laps - getting really spaced out and really ugly early tonight.
And speaking of ugly - here's Brewer with something we don't need to hear again!
This was a tweet from Bob Pockrass at the track earlier. There was also a photo posted on Twitter of the fly-by by a C-130. It would have disappeared after dark.
If you're at track today, flyover at 6:39 p.m. ET following God Bless America. Would be too dark after national anthem.
Media at the track saying looks like long green flag runs for the night.
Just gave Mikey some grief on Twitter about the new NAPA ad. He said they did not retire his shaking butt ad just yet.
AB says Biffle closing in and we see the sainted Edwards driving by himself....
I'm going to learn how to drink.
1-0 Detroit
Go Tigers!
Sorry but long drawn out single file racing is sending me back to the ALCS game where Caberra just hit a HR in the 1st inning.
Oh Boy! A s l o - m o full screen replay! Yeah, thats better - NOT!
Anon, you are not alone and NASCAR knows that is clearly the challenge for this Chase.
OK, Did everyone take 4 tires? They are terrible at reporting this. They said some might try 2 tires to gain track position. Really amateurish.
was that another replay where they stopped it before they should have.
Production crew for ABC is actually same as ESPN, right?
Daly Planet Editor,just want say it's nice to have you give insights and explain things us lay people would never know. Great job
My scanner keeps dropping out. Anyone else having problems with scanner?
Yes Chris.
Why can't NASCAR do something to stop this single file racing with very little passing. Losing viewers with each race. For now they need a caution every 25 laps. Give me plate races any day. Ls
Tight shots do not get it. There has to be a car passing another car.
All the TV networks, NASCAR radio outlets and NASCAR officials help me out all the time.
If not for their info and updates, it would not happen!
Only 27 cars on the lead lap after 63 laps. dismal.
Nice to see coverage of Kahne even tho he's not in the chase.
Identical cars with aero push...you get races like this. My pillow is cdalling to me!
Now, do you notice all the idle chit-chat in the booth. Some of the cars are faster and some are slowing up, but they give no particulars other than the 3@. Big Brad and Rusty just chimed in.
I've had it. I'll check back in for the final few laps, but I just can't put up with this carp for 500 miles.
OMG! They accidently showed 3 cars in the same shot!
Well this race is a milestone, 64 laps in and I am changing channels. Will not bother with dvr. Definately last season of NASCAR, was fun at times but last few years have sucked.
Charlie, I'm beginning to wonder if there's any passing going on right now except of lapped cars. On the few wide or long shots we've seen, this looks like a pleasant late night drive on I-5 in California through the Central Valley.
My switching over to college football games is becoming more frequent.
Can you even imagine Keselowski getting lapped 60 laps into the race!
We ask ESPN to chase the best or even any racing on the track. They stick with "telling the story" from the pre-race show.
It really does not make for good TV.
But I would watch a lead car pass a lapped car.
Better then zooming in on one car.
ESPN is eagerly waiting for something to happen.
Personally, I find it &^%$#*@ annoying the bottom scroll non stop. It's insulting to the race imo.
Why do they do this even on ABC? I detest the "Mothership".
So it's good to multi task when listening to the race or drink. I discovered Sobieski Vodka. Great stuff, CHEAP..and friend of mine told me she puts it in diet coke. Works. Don't even taste it.
Anybody have a PRN link to listen to online? I miss the radio guys, tho I prefer MRN. Have lost the links that used to carry racing.
P.S.I must confess, I detest the musical NAPA adds :( like the talking ones with Mikey better. They were FUNNY. this dancing stuff is just....creepy
3 cars in one shot!
Even ESPN makes mistakes.
They'll fix it and go back to making sure only one car at a time is shown.
Looks like they have seats on the back stretch covered again.
here ya go, a whole segment of tight shots, then commercial.
I smell a debris caution with the #2 about to be lapped.
2-0 Detroit.
Nascar decides to close up the field.
There's your debris caution.
And ANON 8:29 is the winner!
Here we go a twist tie on the track to bring out a caution and give the guys on pit road something to do.
You called it. Debris sitting on the track until they needed it.
Looks like lots of good seats are available.
link to prn broadcast on WKLM http://www.wkml.com/streamer/?sid=403aiq01gr3dmts2uf4f321u6m30p0nt
Hot Pass with PRN is great tonight. NO Brad,Brewer, and Rusty
to endure.
The first Charlotte race I went to, Fall of 2000, I actually saw a guy throw a turkey leg over the fence at the 24. But that didn't bring out a caution.
It makes up for the silly typo I made in my post at 8:25 pm when I tried to type #2 and typed gibberish. Its easy to predict debris cautions. You start by watching where the #88 is running! Lol.
thanks MtnVwJay
@52 yes sir. Listening to PRN as well. No Rusty and Brad = no complaints
It's been minutes since a JJ or Saint Carl mention. Major ESPN fail.
The PRN guys have been working like dogs to try and get their races on NASCAR.com by working with Turner.
I hope that happens down the road.
So I think it's been a year plus since I have been on here for a full race but going to give it a whirl.
Booth seems pretty strong but still has an awkward roboticness about it. I'm really starting to put it less on the networks and more onto NASCAR itself.
RD was interesting, so Jimmie hasn't won the last 5 championships? Seems like he has and the fact no one talks about it? Lies!
Monitoring the 18 radio tonight. No longer scanning JPM since Pattie got the ax.
The turn 4 grandstands look empty compared to the frontstretch.
Told it was smaller crowd than May.
Why didn't they just keep the camera on Biffle. You could tell he was going to pass for the lead.
Director does not understand Nascar.
i am listening to wysh.prn has had a few tech. glitches and it is at least 1 to 2 min. behind abc/espn.
Goos thing they have this thrilling 'chase' to draw huge crowds to the track, eh?
Sally, remember last year when one reporter told Brian France that fans did not like the Chase and he was just shocked?
That was classic.
These ABC broadcasts are weird. They say such basic facts. "Nascar has spotters around the track..."
It'd be like watching an NBA game where they kept mentioning there was a ball and two baskets. Ug.
Bestwick is explaining the basics more than usual tonight. Must be because it's primetime broadcast tv.
Apparently the media thinks that Nascar is akin to rocket science, and the basics must be explained at least once every race. Or that only idiots watch.
Appropriate that they play "I really don't care..." as the bumper music before that commercial.
Not fun seeing Jeff struggle. He's 27th (maybe 28th). Doubt he's going to go much further forward.
Their gonna have to deal with that 21 car tonight. Well Fords in general. They got some smoke under the hood. To quote Rusty "them hot rods are flat flyin"
I was surprised a bit that they didn't talk more basics when they showed the V-8 cars in Australia. They could have but Nascar thinks they has to be basic every race.
We know, sucks not to be surrounded by Yes Men for any significant length of time!
They have to explain the basics for the dozen or so new viewers that get their TV signal from an antenna on the roof.
Rambo, he did NOT look good at his press conference. Not at all.
Ricky Craven posted a great comment on the Twitter just now.
He says "Cars qualified 17 mph faster this week than last week. Check with your engineer friends - creates more overall df @ 190 than 170"
Obviously talking about the Roush/Yates engines. Boy you can see the advantage tonight for sure.
Not even a 1/3 over yet.
Worth noting, perhaps:
It was ten years ago today that Ricky Craven scored his first Cup win at Martinsville in a door-to-door battle over Dale Jarrett. Rusty Wallace finished 14th.
Alan Bestwick had the call, and didn't have to explain the basics to anyone that day, IIRC...
Roland - Thanks for reporting that! It's a shame Ricky reports something useful, but he is not on tv while Rusty & Brad are.
yawnnnn lol
Completely incoherent explanation by AB, partly saved by Andy.
Much better song choice this week as far as buffer music goes.
what happened to nascar boring they better fix it or I am done
well there goes jr to the back
Have PRN on for the race, reading TDP and watching Tigers/Rangers. Sad state of affairs to have baseball on as opposed to a race. Any race. I used to use baseball as a sleep aid.
Charlie, 1/2 way is 167 laps
gunna need more beer....
Did you know radios have a delay?
Actually, I missed that particular awkward moment of his, only read about it after the fact. Wish I did't. If I recall, he looked like rather a slob for the occasion too? Or was that another conference?
I would call that 6 rows of graphics
@Rambo M..that would be any press conference. He always looks like he just got up from sleeping on the couch.
Who y'all talking about looking like a slob?
The #2 and #24 haven't moved forward the entire race. Now, with the race 1/3 over, the Network finally analyzes the situation for both cars. For Chase contenders, the Booth should be all over these situations.
I do like that double box, wished they used it for the Nonstop commercial stuff.
...That was 'short-pit'. Study the definition for your vocabulary test next week!
Rambo, he was heavy, his face was puffy and he was whisked away after his appearance.
Feel bad for the guy really.
Can they schedule SNL on earlier? This is not even funny anymore. Do they care what we think?
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