The final chapter in the six race story of NASCAR on TNT is about to play out. As you can see from the picture above, what TNT has brought to the past five races has simply been fun.
Marc Fein leads Kyle Petty and Larry McReynolds on the air at 6:30PM with the NASCAR on TNT Live show. Guests on the TNT infield stage will include Jeff Gordon and Carl Edwards. The outstanding Pride of NASCAR feature continues with a profile of Fred Lorenzen. TNT's commitment to spending the time and effort on producing these features has been welcome in the current NASCAR TV environment.
At long last, Ralph Sheheen will present his sneak peek inside the amazing car collection of veteran NASCAR owner Jack Roush. Many fans still do not know the extensive racing history of this man that includes NHRA and sports car racing championships.
The Countdown to Green show is up next, where Fein speaks with the TNT race analysts Wally Dallenbach and Petty. In this program, Marty Snider gets a tour of downtown Chicago from Kurt Busch, who knows the city very well. Also, the final edition of Wally's World airs featuring a review of this wide and fast racetrack.
Once 8PM rolls around, it will be Sheheen teaming up with Petty and Dallenbach to call the race. McReynolds stays in the infield to offer strategy advice. On pit road will be Lindsay Czarniak, Matt Yocum, Adam Alexander and Snider. This group has worked quite well together, including the versatile Czarniak who only appears on the NASCAR circuit for the six TNT events.
Green flag is at 8:15PM and look for NBC's Jimmy Fallon to be a part of the opening festivities. He has been touring the garages and talking on Twitter about the excitement of being at his first NASCAR race.
TNT has been welcomed by fans because of the relaxed style of coverage that has several features. Director Mike Wells keeps the cameras wide and always lets viewers keep a perspective of where a car is on the track. The caution flag pitstops are always followed with a clear view of the cars racing off pit road and a pop-up graphic that lets viewers know who came out where in the order.
Sheheen lets Petty and Dallenbach have the spotlight while the pit reporters offer information without hype or exaggeration. It is a combination of announcers that simply works on the air. This season will be remembered for Sheheen's willingness to step-in and take the play-by-play role when TNT and Bill Weber parted ways during the telecast schedule.
This post will serve to host your comments about the final Sprint Cup Series race on TNT for 2009. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Thank you for taking time from your weekend to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 462 Newer› Newest»I haz a sad :( I can't believe it's TNTs last race already...this summer has flown by :(
@ Gymmie, yes it has. I'm fizzed up that we'll get to see good coverage tonight. Let's hope the racing's better and not 11 cars on the lead lap.
Probably going to be the lowest rated race of the year going up against UFC 100. Going to eat into NASCAR's male demographics.
So watching raceday for the first time in a long time. Gotta say is anyone else as tired of Jimmy and Kenny as much as I am. Hearing them say what EGR NEEDS to do to better itself when both have been mediocre drivers in cup to say the least cracks me up. I mean I love Kenny but sometimes I scratch my head.
I enjoy Raceday but man the editorials that are Spencer and Wallace are starting to wear me down...
Ah that must be what AJ is showing tonight. He's my other connection to online Live TV during the week. He's setting up his site to have a mathematical password to get in and watch.
Hey - did Jimmy say what happened to his left arm? It's all taped up.
Spencer will tell fans what happened to his arm as the last item on RaceDay. Just a couple of minutes.
This should be an interesting broadcast. Chicagoland can be a difficult track to call a race from, due to the fact, as we saw last night, the field can get strung out. With this being TNT's last broadcast, and knowing how Chicagoland can get, I look for quite a bit of emphasis to be placed on the guys around the 12th place area in points.
Sittting through Spencer and Wallace is a very high price to pay. Just so you can hear a couple of the best NASCAR reporters Wendy and Hermie. I am now convinced Kenny Wallace has some sort of Cranial-Rectal malady.
Frank in Sebring
Wonder how long it will take before they start talking about Joey Logano, or as my wife calls hime Joe Smiley (reminds her of Bob from the Enzyte commercial)
Bill H
OK. They need to fix the audio. Had TV turned up and commercial just about blew me out of the chair. Hope we don't have to contend with that all night.
@ Karen, thank you. I thought I was going deaf.
Dot, I have like 39 bars showing when the broadcast is on. Now on commercial, back to 24, my normal place on volume.
@ Karen, we may have to learn to read lips. That, or turn on the closed captioning.
Good job by Marty on the Truex interview... surely didn't take the ESPN route and shy away from asking the tough questions.
I know this is a bit off subject but I would like to comment on Speed's Block Buster Thursday.
Here is their schedule and what I would like to see -
Speed’s Block Buster Thursday
8:00 pm Pinks All Out
9:00 pm Jacked!
9:30 pm Jacked!
10:00 pm Wrecked
10:30 pm Wrecked
Speed’s Block Buster Thursday (my version)
8:00 pm NASCAR Tracks
A look at a NASCAR Track from construction till now.
9:00 pm Crew Chiefs and Drivers
A behind the look at a particular Crew Chief.
A behind the look at a particular Driver.
10:00 pm NASCAR Miscellaneous
This week a look at Goodyear and the tires of NASCAR
Plus a look at Driver & Pit Crew Uniforms. Past, Present and Future.
I love these features with the older drivers. They're just awesome. We need more stuff like this while these men are still alive. I'm hoping the Hall of Fame will jumpstart an effort to explore more of NASCAR's history through some new archival material.
The experiences and memories of the pioneers are too important to lose.
TNT is doing the NASCAR fans a great service by producing these features.
My Yumyum did a great job with the Mr. Lorenzen interview! I love it when they talk about and with the guys we don't "know" and get to learn about them.
Tip of the cap to TNT. The Lorenzen feature was awesome. As a newer fan, I didn't know much about him, and it was a fascinating piece.
@ KarenB, you are right. My hope is someone is putting a show together interviewing these guys.
Did you notice, no window net on Fred's car? Things like that just amaze me. Their seatbelts back then were rope, too.
Ugh storms in the area keep screwing around with my satellite reception... missed almost all of the Fred Lorenzen piece.
Growing up listening to the NASCAR races on the radio in the '60s, Fast Freddy, the Golden Boy was one of my favorite drivers. He quit way too soon. Great interview with him and Matt. I love these interviews with the guys that built NASCAR into what it is today. Great job TNT!
Did I miss Jimmy Fallon on RD?? There's the piece about Jack's cars!!
Love seeing the older driver stories. INDEED we need to see this while they are alive. Nice interview.
Too bad it's TNT to bring us this..more info from the real personality.
I'm just enjoying this pre race show. The spot about Fred was awesome.
Actually trying to decide for my last TNT race meal ( b4 being condemned to bspn) pizza or homemade burgers?
JD, tweet Kyle about this audio problem, would ya?
@ Jojaye
Put some BBQ sauce on a pizza crust, top with cooked ground beef, cheddar cheese, mushrooms and onions, bake the pizza, and add cold tomatoes and lettuce after it's cooked. It's the best of both worlds. :-)
Sound not a problem here might be a local issue
Been working on it, they say no problems from the track...
I'll take a burger! Please...
No Bill Weber mentions...
we had coupon for little pizza place near us. We ate and now just have egg rolls for snacks later but I am full at the moment.
But I did a quick run to Kroger & forgot to get any chocolate darn it. Too hot/humid to cook...and too late now to even use toaster oven to bake.
NOT missing a moment of tonights' race.
I shall have the rest of the summer to eat and fix foods. BSPN leaves one PLENTY of time to multitask/ignore. Wonder if the boombox will get MRN in the kitchen...weak Fm station.
Man I am so gonna miss these TNT guy. Fun!
Indeed thanks to those we SEE and those we don't see!!!!!!
oops I take that back there is a difference in the sound with commercials. It's like those 3am infomercials that wake you up when you fall asleep with the TV on
First race where we have seen the Turner Master Control slam the commercials at a much higher volume than the program.
Amazing how much one person can affect a lot of TV viewers.
I think Dot's in the LV area and I'm in Orlando so that's not a coincidence. Driving me nuts.
And, Sophia, you forgot to buy choc at store? The heat must be getting to you. I thought that was a must-have.
@KarenB - You are a genius, true American & My Personal Hero! Thanks!
sounds like they are trouble shooting on the air at the site.
Anyone else having "audio cutting out" problems?
My sound is messed up too.
Getting better but not quite there. Must be doing something b/c Marc's audio is cutting out.
say goodbye to a couple of people....at least for the cup broadcasts.....Matt Yocum and Larry Mac. Today is their last race for the season. They've covered every cup race since daytona this year. Larry will probably been on SPEED the remainder of the year.
lol. i enjoyed wally's segment. he couldn't get busch out of the grass
Much better than last years W-World.
the dewpoint was horrible today and I WAS lightheaded standing in Kroger so hurried since I was shopping alone.
Yes chocolate is a must have but if it is not on my list, I often forget at the grocery..sigh.
I Do have Hershey's syrup for chocolate milk tho..so that helps. :)
Pretty full from pizza at the momento...oh my fave brothers interviewed. Kyle and Kurt !!
you mean the one from Pocono-Land?
all this talk about pizza...i just called dominos
Steve L-I totally agree! It got kinda old seeing how much Wally could scare the crap out of some "celeb".
Did Wally say Wyan Newman?
LOLLERS at the Truex/Ragan picture
My volume seems to be better.
@ KBaskins, I'm going to try your pizza recipe. Thanks.
WOW! Stella McCartney is following me on Twitter. First time a celebrity followed me. Paul's daughter dress designer. :)
Hmm..wonder if she thinks I can afford her stuff. HA!
Nice to see blue skies at Chicago. What is it with all the driver's hairy faces this year..think they would be hot and scratchy in this winner.
Just got home from dinner. We always have issues with volume, the the commercials blow us out of the room! Looking for my favs to have good races. We saw a bit of the pre-race at the restaurant but no audio. Sad to see TNT go . . .
Has anyone updated the Jeff Gordon problem getting through tech inspection?
Jimmy Fallon interview on RB. How come we didn't get one?
@ Karen, if this were BSPN they'd show it during GF racing.
Karen is it really a bad thing we didnt get one? lol
I could do with any celebs at the track but thats JMHO
love these overhead shots of the crowd and color guard
Kyle Petty just posted this on Twitter with the caption "Wallys custom jacket". These guys have too much fun!
Once again, I volunteer to be the flyover vs. anthem coordinator.
that was rough, but i still got a crush on the girl lol.
I'll give her credit... she can scream :)
Awful anthem! Who was this chick again??
wow wow and wow.. great great shots during the anthem.
Rushed through the anthem to make the flyover...
Muted anthem -
Lots & lots of empty seats
BTW the house smells awesome from Karens pizza recipe
@ JD, and to think they showed that guy on that CNBC show the other night.
Pam shes a pretty new singer...like Dave said, she rushed through it to make flyover
@ Jo, I'm on my way over. Save me some.
Heard anthem, muted it.
the track announcer introduced jesse james as "he" guess we are just reading from the paper.. and the guy who just introduced the race said Illinoiz...
Sound is awful here - sounds like march of the droids
Also notices nascar.com is burying the pitcommand link at the bottom of the page below all the order now ads. Usually when signed in it is at the top - guess they are getting desperate for money and trying to trick people into paying for it again.
Bill H
Dear ALL Mr and Mrs James' - please stop naming your children "Jessie".
Thank you.
Dot, just like the Roush guys he is having a tough year.
Jimmy, You okay?
that was annoying
My throat hurts just by seeing/listening to Jimmy Fallon!
David, I didn't say I like Jimmy Fallon. Just wondered what else we were missing. In fact, that call to start engines was silly.
hey gang! ready to rock: i have my adult beverages ready, RB is keyed up and refreshed (altho' i hope to NOT need it again this week!), TDP running and a few other sites opened for business.
before we all forget: many thanks to TNT for covering racing as it should be done! we appreciate all the hard work done by this team and we will miss you next week! thanks, gang!
I think everyone is having verbal typos today.
Well, last chance to enjoy RB. Still gotta find a cheap adapter so I can run the SIRIUS in the house.
Hrm, Harvick had the engine running...did they give the command yet or no. Shows how much i pay attention to these pre-races anymore lol
Probably the first time he's ever seen a NASCAR car.
who is jimmy fallon.. never heard of this guy.. and that command was disrespectful. He looked like a jackbutt
My ears hurt already and we haven't even started the race... It could just be a long long night...
The singer was just at another race not too long ago. Remember her name.
Those entertainment folks sure are dramatic.
Yup Karen. I think she did the anthem for the all-star race if i remember right.
guess it was a good thing i tuned out the command lol
Well JD, you're certainly the master of understatement.. rofl
"Those entertainment folks sure are dramatic."
the digital age doesn't like my old school tv. cant see the CC's names for the outside row
I also thought the "command" was stupid and I could have done without the "anthem"
They need a SHORT list of whose allowed to do both
Did you see Wendy with Vickers and SPEED during RaceDay? Those guys would not even look at each other.
Anybody hear on RB who might be black flagged? Car no. ended in 2, if not the 2.
JD- You say "dramatic"... I say "attention _ _ _ _ _ " :)
Speed wrecks in how many laps folks...
Vickers and what guy couldn't look at each other? I must've missed that...only caught RD in bits and pieces...TOO Long
I thought Fallon was trying to outdo Kevin James. I like Fallon, but this wasn't that funny. Hard for the guys without a deep voice.
Anthem girl was okay on lower notes, could not hit the high...such a hard song to sing though.
I sure hope they lay off those Shell ads... I don't think I can take much more...
David....I usually love Raceday, but after about five minutes of Jimmy and Kenny, I decided they had a profound grasp of the obvious & turned over to home improvement shows. I just think I've had enough of those two.
Think the magic of Kenny and Jimmie is gone from RaceDay.
glenc1 - I think you are right, but it could have been Kevin James or Adam Sandler that Fallon was trying to outdo. I think they are all friends. Nevertheless, it was still bad....
yeah glen. im with you.
82 dropping like a rock
Methinks RD needs to go back to ONE HOUR. Less nonsense.
No reason to be 2 hours. can't believe THAT many watch ..too much pre-race
Glen I can't watch Raceday and VL any longer. However, I turned it on Speed to see what show was on and noticed Jimmy Spencer with a big bandage on his forearm but of course, I didn't watch long enough to see what was wrong. I sure hope they get two new guys next year.
Feeling another 48 runaway
For myself, I just couldn't find the magic in the first place.
@ JD..ummm, I'm thinkin' things aren't so well in the Red Bull camp! Couldn't happen to 2 nicer guys...NOT!!
Vicky I was told by Gymmie and Dot, Jimmy was working in a tree and fell or something.
On Twitter that's all I got in 140 characters.:)
Jimmy fell outta his tree?!!!
Good weekend for Red Bull. Mark Webber got the pole for the German GP and Vettel is starting 4th
Back to the COT follow the leader until 20 to go...Oh boy...
I don't know that you have to overhaul RD. I just feel Kenny and Spencer are playing "characters" now. I wish there was a more established, "credible" driver alongside one or the other who could put KW or JS in their place every once in awhile. Between Spencer, Hermie and Kenny you have 2 cup wins which Spencer got on plate tracks...its hard for me to take those guys to the bank with some of their commentary at times.
Hermie has really stepped it up though but maybe if a guy like KP or even a Schrader got into the mix it would be a good experiment
So before I forget - Thank You TNT all of you, those we see evey week & those we don't - You gave this fan great race coverage, sorry you won't be with us for the Chase. You will be missed.
And now to get my pizza topped up & eat.
Someone at TNT, follow the 14 though the field please.
Blaney and Gilliland off already. What a shame.
Don't think you could get KS to sit for two hours of Raceday.
Off to pay attention to the tv.
I have two tvs (one with RB and two laps..need to ENJOY TNT..back if something happens.
Per KW, Jimmy got road rash from a tree. Didn't fall from what I gathered.
@ David L, yep. Single file til the end. Like last night.
more of a distraction for Denny since he has the new style gauges so its flashing which is more annoying
Jimmy said he hurt himself working in a tree.
Kenny was tweeting during the show, but he and Spencer are just not working anymore.
When Petty sat in earlier for Spencer and then Hermie sat in for Kenny, we maybe saw the future for that show IMHO.
Oops, should be Steve L.
so, what i like most about this broadcast team is the interplay among the guys: questions being asked, everyone chiming in, agreeing and disagreeing, and all the while giving us solid information.
i also enjoy not having commercial bumpers a whole lot!
its alright Dot, you were thinking of me when ya wrote that.
Dang JD...i missed that RD...
It already looks like they'll be cars going down a lap shortly. And it looks like two cars are off I wonder if they'll be acknowledged by the tv crew.
I forgive you Dot...
Thank goodness, no more Bill Engvall promos after this week...
I think those were your only two S&P's today. The 36 and 87 have sponsorship as does the 09.
Cant blame TRG after blowing up Thursday.
A few cautions would at least give us some side by side for a few laps. Then back to follow the leader.
Bummed RB seems to be missing Stewart's march too.
One good thing about CUP races like this. NASCAR tends to throw the "debris" caution flags when the field gets strung out. Unlike the NW race.
now that was a solid start of thru the field: good info, smooth transitions among the reporters and the producer stayed with the shot of the car being discussed.
can we have some more, please? and how about starting the next thru the field w/the 11th place car?
My new 8 week old baby, rescue
Hope this link cut and pastes.
Dot, I'd rather go caution free then get a bogus excuse of a "competition" caution.
Two different points of view I imagine tho
Bogus yellow #1
Dot, did you wink? There were two caution flags last night and I never did see the debris.
My sister's name is on the Cheerios car - can everyone see it????
last one from cat tree again
he keeps walking on laptop..he is a smoky gray and nikname SMOKE..he moves fast.
back to the race
(sorry JD)
I don't know if you guys stay up with the news, but one of Junior's friends who is a retired boxer named Arturo Gatti was just killed on his second honeymoon in South America. He was 37.
Junior has gatti's name on his helmet and it might be some additional motivation. Jr. is already in the top ten.
caution out for debris in turn 3: dot, from your mouth to nsacar's ears!
Racebuddy sinc'd with the tv. Great surround sound. Great info so far.
As far as raceday. I for some reason watched some today. Jimmy... well he lost credibility when he would rip on Jr.'s sister during the talks then and his many other ill thought out shots. He seems to shoot from the hip then be ready to apologize by VL time. Kenny. he's admitted its a character. This is reality not character acting. BUT Wendy and Hermie.. top notch. Wendy has always brought the A game and Hermie has REALLY stepped it up.
JB or Schrader and knock it down a few hours. Look at the TNT pregame. You get great interviews with people that most fans would not even know to remember.
On to the race.
Caution out for boredom
tnt, please lose those pylon graphics. unnecessary clutter on the screen. thanks
Hey guys, just let me know when you want another caution. I'll do my best.
They told me there are different lines at the different tracks and they put the pylon at the official out line on pit road.
Still weird, but at least is has a function.
Saw that JD. Gatti wasn't a great boxer but he sure was entertaining
Yeah, Jimmy & Kenny are a tough act to sit through for more than a few minutes. Watched VL last week since Smoke won but Tivo'd it so I could FF through the stupid JS/KW crap.
JD. Do you think after the TNT series of races is over we might find a little more about the Bill Weber issue? Im sure you have been digging for answers with no success :(
jd, thanks for the info. you're right: it's good to know it at least has some thought behind it but i still think it's not necessary. i only notice it b/c it annoys me when i see it!
Kenny Wallace just tweeted lots of empty seats at Chicago.
You had to buy SERIES of seats...could not just go to one race.
Thanks for the caution. Was able to view Sophia's baby Stewart. Such a pretty kitty. Thanks for the pix, Sophia. Sorry, JD. Back to the race.
Anon, Bill was simply upset with his accomodations in NH. He just lost his temper and it cost him this gig.
Nothing sinister, just someone who got upset and perhaps should have thought it over before speaking.
Don't know about you, but I certainly have been guilty of that. Bill just paid a big price.
well no wonder i couldn't find the 14: he's carrying crayons on his hood! here i was, looking for that office depot red and he's all rainbowed out!
JD is he done with TNT or just done for this season?
Yup red, I think the cameras missed it too. 29th to 10th in 50 laps...yet we saw none of the passes. Little down on that. Good racing in 20-somethingland, oughta show it.
Thanks..new baby HELPING to heal a very sad heart.
Sunlight is pretty as it goes down on the track..hope we get another gorgeous sunset like last year.
Shame about Bill W losing the gig. but Ralph is doing great.
No clue David.
Boy, I cannot wait for the legislation to go into effect that limits the decibels for TV commercials. The ones on TNT tonight are wayyyy loud.
I hope they catch the sunset. Always beautiful.
Weed made an adjustment to his car. I bet he's happy.
Looks like Gil is getting Harvick dialed in. Horrid first run, much better this run.
Red, Stewart's car is Office Depot's Kids Back To School car. I kinda like the colorful look
Many commercials are too loud. For us the LOUDEST ARE TW COMMERCIALS PROMOTING something on TW..boxing or something. Mama Mia!
@ dar, I can't either. The worst offender are the ads for my cable company. Rhymes with fox.
Caution anyone?
Just got a nice note from Marc Fein for all of you:
"Thanks for the kind words this summer. It's been a great six weeks. We're going to miss it alot."
Can't stand these tracks where the leaders get so strung out from everyone else. How can they call this great racing?
darbar-Absolutely right!. Direct tv commercials also insanely loud.
TNT ought to make Larry Mc their race strategist ala Versus with Jack Arute.
darbar said:
"Red, Stewart's car is Office Depot's Kids Back To School car. I kinda like the colorful look"
me, too! but when david mentioned smoke's moves thru the field, i realized i couldn't find him on RB or tv and then i figured out why!
They call it good racing for the 2 las after a restart when the cars are briefly in the same galaxy. They insist these cookie cutters have close competition? Oy.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Just got a nice note from Marc Fein for all of you:
"Thanks for the kind words this summer. It's been a great six weeks. We're going to miss it alot."
classy. very, very classy.
and as i said earlier: we will miss this team very much next week. race broadcasts are made so much better when the guys doing the work care about the sport and the viewers.
dar, look from 17th to 23rd, they are all within a second. this is nothing new...im just glad we dont see guys with 5 lap leads anymore lol.
dot...got cox here too but IMO they are the best because out in NC had to deal with those jokes of networks...not fun at all.
Mark happy with his car this early is scary.
Thanks TNT for all the hard work and a solid 6 races. May others take note.
Oh, how we'll miss you Marc Fein and TNT.
Up to this season AB was hands-down the best host. Fein has made it a competition now. Really enjoyed his work this season
LOL love smoke's commentary on the 11 and 99
I can't believe this is the goodbye to TNT. These guys have done a great job!
David said...
LOL love smoke's commentary on the 11 and 99
missed that, david: recap?
"What the heck are those 2 doing up there?"
Spotter "Not cooperating"
"Any particular reason why?"
Spotter: "Not that I can think of"
Big change coming when the sun comes down. I have a feeling Chad knows something....
red keep watching tony's in car on RB. he is watching denny and carl waiting for something to happen.
The past 5 races on TNT everyone was saying espna dn fox could take some pointers from tnt on how to broadcast a race - I sure hope that fox and espn didnt decide to sit down and take notes tonight
If that Nationwide race last night was a sign of things to come, it might be a very long seventeen races with ESPN.
thanks, david: quintessential tony stewart excahnge!
RB was showing some intense racing among the 24, 11 and 99 during commercial: don't be surprised if that comes back as some nasty racing in the late laps.
I really like it when they show the intervals between cars. Lets me know if someone is gaining or losing time on the car in front.
Marc Fein
We have so enjoyed you and the entire gang on TNT.
SIN you only get 6 races!
ok, this is THE big miss for tnt: tech center should never be full screen or bigger screen during green flag racing -- never.
Oh no cutaway car on full screen and there are green flag it stops. Guys don't fall off the wagon now you should have known they were coming
Mega thanks TNT.. to those in front of and behind the cameras, and also the suits in the corner offices at TNT Hqts. Wally and Kyle have great chemistry. They have humor and integrity. I don't think Ralph is the long term answer as Weber's replacement. They need a big event sounding guy.. maybe Dave Despain or Eli Gould.
Well from Tony's commentary either the 11 or the 99 is aggravated with the other or perhaps both at each other. So yeah, it will get quite intense.
Ouch, Shrubby lapped, green flag stop. Not what I wanted to see tonight =(
uh oh..
NO bueno! FULL SCREEN of Larry mac OVER GF!! sigh
RBuddy to the rescue. Now 18..sigh..
Remember last year Larry Mac did a magic act OVER GF racing last TNT.:)
Then again, not the most exciting track.
@ red, agreed. Still better than BSPN.
5 cars out by lap 96.
@BillH- other than the audio levels what exactly do you find so horrible about TNT's work tonight?
JD, please let the TNT gang know that I appreciate all the great work they've done this past 6 weeks.
I also add the thanks of my best friend in Montana.
I'm getting cold chills thinking of ESPN til the end of the season.
wellll, those pit stops were less than crisp. maybe the confusion because of the tech center piece still running? we heard about the 48's stop while we watched the 9, a toss to the wrong reporter. little stuff but it really put a dent in the rhythm.
Oh no fav gone down a lap my night might be over.
These pit road mistakes are pretty big. Nice shot of new daddy Kenseth scraping the wall.
You know, I think a big problem with Jr is his pit crew. They really suck. He comes in in the top 10 and they get him out in 15th. Not a good pit crew---at least not as great as Tony's has been.
I hate it when they cycle thru green flag stops and it takes forever to reset the field on the ticker. frustrating.
bevo said...
@BillH- other than the audio levels what exactly do you find so horrible about TNT's work tonight?
The announcers, at least ralph, sound tired, not talking that much.
Predictable commercials every 10 laps.
Messing up the split screens.
Audio issues as everyone has noted.
Marty Reid is coming in to handle the ESPN Nationwide races for the rest of the season.
Punch will handle the Cup races with DJ and Andy.
No word on who will call the practice and quals when they go over to ESPN.
This is the network's third season of trying to handle this coverage and it should be interesting.
Does anyone really think Charlie Sheen cares if his drawers stay in place. Doubtful, just a silly commercial.
Dar Jr is in 10th
@darbar- helps the crew when the driver can find the pit stall ;)
Wow, lots of weird rules---non-compliant fueling? That's just stupid mistakes by pit crews. What's up with these guys? Drug testing, anyone?
and yet they are 2nd in the at&t standings? -sigh- doggone 88 team.
Brad K hanging on like a pit bull to the lead lap.
Jamie trying too.
Nice of Denny to let Tony by.
There are more compelling images to show instead of Mark lapping cars. Get into the middle of the field, as has been stated before, who is leading on lap 50 or lap 100 really doesnt matter
"Non compliant fueling" means catch can guy took his hands off the catch can I am guessing. It is required they stay in physical contact with the catch can at all times
@BillH- fair enough. I personally like a booth that isn't constant chatter. I also flip over to the baseball game during commercials, come top of the hour I'll flip over to drag racing on ESPN2
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