1 - Thank you for commenting over the last three days on the NASCAR TV activity. There will be a full week of columns beginning Sunday night about the issues involving all three racing series and the TV coverage of them by ESPN and SPEED.
2 - The dates of the postings did not match-up over the weekend as I was traveling and monitoring the site from the road. The dates will be correct starting Sunday evening. There are some things that even Google is not great at doing quite yet.
3 - We are talking about whether or not to continue the posting of comments as events are in-progress. This original forum has changed into two groups who are "taking sides" and "making statements" about the two TV networks currently involved in producing NASCAR TV programs and events. That was not the point of allowing these comments, and we will decide this week if they will continue.
4 - Jayski has been a friend to this site since it began in February, and there is absolutely no conflict between The Daly Planet and Jayski in any way. We stay in regular email contact, and he posts the stories that I forward to him in a timely fashion once he has decided they fit the criteria for his site. If you have a question or comment about Jayski, direct it to me by email at editor@thedalyplanet.tv please.
5 - This is crunch time for the TV networks. This past weekend was the result of nine months of preparation and practice by both the ESPN on ABC and the SPEED Network production teams. While ESPN used the Busch Series as "practice" for the NEXTEL Cup telecasts, SPEED has been producing the Truck Series and their weekly programs all season long. Over the next several weeks, we will be talking specifically about which of these programs and networks is currently serving the NASCAR fans, and what issues remain to be solved.
Please feel free to add your comments to any of the issues above. Thanks again.