Only two to go for the trucks and Phoenix is the place for SPEED's Friday night coverage. It's the regular gang ready to go.
Krista Voda hosts The Setup pre-race show with Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander as the reporters. Rick Allen is next to call the race with Michael Waltrip and Phil Parsons.
Once again this weekend, TV viewers will be able to compare the production style of SPEED with ESPN as both networks produce races from the same tracks. There is a very significant difference in styles and that has been a hot topic of discussion over the past several weeks.
PIR works well for the trucks with the unique track producing great racing. The coverage will once again be basic and focused on the racing. No infield set, only five race announcers and no cut-a-way truck.
This production team had been bringing quality NASCAR telecasts to fans for many years now on SPEED. With only two races to go, look for PIR to be an outstanding telecast.
This post will serve to host your comments on the truck series race from Phoenix on SPEED. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for joining us on this Friday night.
Here we go! Next to last time for the trucks in 2010!
Don't forget-TruckBuddy
Heck yes! Turner is really sticking it to ESPN. It's hilarious.
Happy Pick 'em Ups Racin' Planeteers <3
Looking forward to seeing how Caitlin does :) Seems like a nice young lady :)
Wish ESPN has promo'ed this race.
JD, just want to ask, where's that picture of that crazy cactus that you have had on here a couple of times?
What was the pic? You know after years in TV, my short term memory is shot!
Man I wish this crew with this exact format would do Cup races.
BTW JD I'm having trouble posting - keep getting 503s
I found it Vicky, check the pic post in a sec.
OK, it's up Vicky and thanks for reminding me.
I swear, if this tuns into yet another Kyle Busch runaway, I'm going to watch 'What Not to Wear'!
Never trust a man who has cats
Thanks for the laugh, Sally :)
Wishing everyone a good race!
JD, you've made my day! thanks a lot! Hope everyone else enjoys it!
Wow, those pictures at Truck Buddy on NASCAR.com are spectacular.
I live to serve! OK, it's really just Catholic guilt!
Excellent pre-race!
Racebuddy even had a shot of the cactus too!
Hi everyone, time for the trucks! Yay.
thanks for the reminder about truckbuddy!
ack, remind me how to sync it with the TV?
Yes sir! Love Pick 'em Ups Buddy <3
LOL, Sally, me, too!
anthem singer was flat
If the three of us suddenly disappear, they will know where to find us...in the 360 degree mirror!!!
Possible S&P Outlook:
89 Lafferty
01 Weber (team running low on cash)
93 Seig
2011 looks very promising for the trucks
Excuse me, but is that a basketball game on race buddy?
Boy, no kidding about the pictures. I'd forgotten how nice having racebuddy is for a race
So, what trucks are the females in? I want to know who I should be rooting for?
Sally, I take my glasses off these days when I have to look in the mirror. I think God screws up the eyesight as I get older so thinks are all "soft focus". So, no 360 mirror for me.
Gina -
In today's race there is #10 Jennifer Jo Cobb and #72 Caitlin Shaw
Did they tell us or does anyone know what the drivers are on Racebuddy.
That NBA feed on Truck Buddy was hilarious.
Did you notice when they were showing the basketball feed the Speed truck race telecast was on the monitors above center court.
thanks very much, Buschseries61
hey we got a NJ person in the 9 truck! someone else I can watch for progress tonight.
Mikey has Caitlin? OH I see, he works for his co. Do we tell her her chances are doomed?
Todd Bodine and Matt Crafton.
Thanks JD
@GinaV as far as rooting for the girls, does it count if Kyle whines like a little girl?
LOL, Diane, no I don't think I'm going to count that. The real girls don't usually whine as much as he does.
Diane, I think he whinew MORE than a little girl.
Not watcing raceday commercials either. click over to what not to wear. I love remote control
Thanks Dodge RAM for helping to bring us Truck RaceBuddy.
Man, this is fun to watch.
well, Jennifer got the lucky dog. Not an great start if she was already lapped this early
Charlie, I'll agree with that. Love this application.
Speed is doing a good job of showing the racing and it seems that truckbuddy is a mirror image.
Nice job so far.
Isn't it a relief to not be annoyed by the coverage and actually enjoy the event?
Thank you SPEED and TruckBuddy!
A few tight shots so far, but the rest of the broadcast has been nice and wide.
LOL, Mikey talking about the way KyBu communicates. Didn't he get fined for that?
I wish they would stop talking about KyBusch.
MW is all over the place tonight. Rick has to learn to take back control when MW starts to wander!
It would be nice to get an update on the #4
Also amazing that, when I'm allowed to actually follow the action on the track as it happens, I find the announcers much less annying than usual. Must be that I don't have to depend on them to figure out what's happening? Just sayin.
Mikey had his 5 hr energy dose for sure.
Hey did you guys read that Blaney had an accident on the way home from the Tx race? Apparently hit a deer and destroyed the car. He's OK, so that's good.
The deer are a menace in Tx as well as NJ
The pictures have been great, but the booth seems to be a bit off. MW will do that I guess.. But Phil talking about Bodine not being able to see Caitlyn because the other truck was passing was waaaay off base. Need to regroup boys..
Sally & Bevo, yes, being able to actually see the racing action makes the announcing only a part of it, not another distraction.
Of course they are in commercial and Ithought it looked on TB like there was a caution. Am I wrong?
Yep, MW in a bit of his manic mode. Still think they do a better job when it's a two man booth.
and back to commercial - sigh. I'm back to clinton & stacy til they come back
I'd suggest using some of the 200 mph duct tape to quiet MW down once in a while. MW in the booth is the reason i don't usually watch the trucks
@ Gina V - Whereabouts in NJ are you? I am Central (Midd Cty). I see Hessert is from Cherry Hill. I (sort of) remember him from IMSA - years ago.
Something a bit off in the old TV booth tonight.
@Gina- MW has been better most of this season on the Trucks. Unfortunately I can't say the same for him on the Showtime program. I finally took it off my season pass list on Tivo a couple of months ago. It became the Mikey Show.
Michael Waltrip has RW disease. "Me, myself and I."
Too bad it took the #4 to wreck to finally get noticed.
Got to love those frisky rakers.
That's a, how should I put it delicately, unfortunate choice of clothing for that young lady singing in the AAron's commercial.
Followed by the horny rakers!
Anon - I'm in South Jersey. You're quite a ways North of me in Midd co. Lessert's from Cherry Hill, huh? That's very cool.
Busch61 -- RW disease indeed. Either that or like Toby Keith - I want to talk about ME!
I wondered how long it would take before IN became the mikey show.
NASCAR offical + fire = FAIL
If the #2 and #18 wrecked each other, it wouldn't be such a bad thing
Mikey cans really go full tilt on his Kyle lovefest now. Oh joy.
TruckBuddy runs much smoother on Windows 7 than it did on Vista for me. Flawless so far and the ambient sound is great.
Buschseries61 -- you aren't a fan of KyBu's? Are we all united on here tonight?
bevo, fans are saying Truck Buddy on headphones is pretty awesome.
And every broadcast must turn into a runthrough of Kyle's wonderful accomplishments. It gets irritating after a while
Come on SPEED the 18 and 2 aren't the only ones on the track. Show some other battles out there.
Yep, I am afraid that I'm going to have to mute Mikey since no one else has a muzzle.
@ Gina - lol! We are on the same page. I've tried to like Kyle, but his juvenile attitude turns me off.
The Chevy commercials with Patrick Warburton need to stop now. Not funny in the least.
oh shoot, there goes Caitlin
@JD- I still have tv audio up but I picked up a Logitech speaker when I got my new laptop. It clips on top of the screen for 360 degree sound. only $60.
Buschseries61, that's been my main complaint with him too. I can see that he's an aggressive wheel man, but he can't seem to tell the difference between bold and obnoxious.
JD...that ad annoys me to no end. One minute you're raking leaves, then suddenly you want to do the wild thing...
JD, do you know if MW is going to be back on Speed for the 2011 truck races?
and you know winter's coming when they drag out last year's Olympic cold medicine ads....
Did it make anyone laugh that they used the old alka seltzer plop plop fizz fizz jingle?
I try never to watch any of the "horny ______" ads. they skeve me out.
We usually get the scoop on all the changes in the week after Homestead.
Someone had to say in a meeting: So, we have these two bathtubs outdoors....
JD, LOL, yeah, I have THAT in my backyard.
And then you have to wonder about the company exec that thought it was a great idea....
Thanks JD
bryanh - we can only hope the MW won't be back next year, but I have no doubt that he will. Unfortunately.
Gotta love Ray Dunlap. Real inside info and actual reporting
shut up, Phil. They need to either play the scanner traffic or let the booth talk. Not both at the same time.
You know MW.. He'll jump on any chance he gets to be on TV and plug his sponsors.
and while we're on the subject of ads....
Honestly, I feel bad for the victims, but the ambulance chasers with the mesothelioma and the accutane and the Yaz...how many victims could justify the cost of all these ads?
During commercials I flipped over to the Active channel on DirecTV. The race isn't in the top 5 in sports for DirecTV viewers right now. Sad. They really need to promote the Trucks more.
It is a shame that the trucks don't get promoted more, but that's NASCAR's fault and actually Speed's too since they chose to put programming on that made people turn off the channel. Maybe with Wheeler in charge, things will change enough and the race fans will come back.
It's been pretty good coverage
Mikey hello now shut the hell up
for once ok shut up you all shut
up one time.
go work at rent a something go
away shut up go away now and shut up No respect no anything..just
blabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeer alld
the nite...u make me want to
He's on a roll tonight! Parsons can't see the replays and Mikey won't give it a break!
Thank God for Rick Allen and great production.
I hope ESPN has noticed how SPEED handled the championship. The race remained the focus, the booth held off championship chatter until 10 to go.
sorry I just had to hit the mute key. Mikey's useless yakking has pushed my button.
I see Hessert is out, so much for the NJ racer. I'm not doing well tonight with people I wanted to cheer for, but as long as the 18 doesn't win, I'll be somewhat happy.
Buschseries61, yes, that is the way that ESPN should present the races. Concentrate on the race and let the championship fall where it does.
if not for Mikey madness, that would have been a great telecast, but he just kills it for me.
Nice job with the camera work and I really liked truckbuddy.
The problem with MW is he just keeps on talking for a full lap or two. State your point quickly and let RA do his job.
so it's nationwide tommorrow - will it be musical channels for ESPN because of college football?
Congratulations to Todd Bodine and the #30 crew on their championship!
bevo, I swear he could be a long distance swimmer since he never needs to pause for breath
Yes, it was a good job for Todd and his team!
Seeing The Onion getting his trophy on TruckBuddy
JD It's seriously time for you to shut up. You don't like anyone.I'm just so thankful to have these broadcast on TV and all you want to do is tear every person involved up for sport. Get a Life!!
Night, Planeteers, see you tomorrow
Anon....and yet you keep stopping by. How are things on the West Coast?
Anon, what set you off? JD hasn't been critical of anyone. WE, the fans, are.
Bye G!
Nice of Pistol Pete to stop by and offer his thoughts on you there JD :-)
Close! LOL!
OK folks, see you all tomorrow for the Nationwide Series race!
Great production as usual by SPEED with the one obvious exception. Still say they're best with a two man booth.
Thanks again JD for hosting us. Don't know if I'll make the Nationwide race. TCU has their final home game tomorrow.
Gina, you are right...cover the race, cover the championship. Shouldn't be that hard. Aric handled that very well for a young guy.
Man, i recorded the truck race andwas about to start watching it, then I hear MW's voice. I just deleted it. When will they learn that MW is just as bad as DW. I will NOT watch anything that they are on the broadcast team of, and sadly, that does include the first half of the Cup season including the Daytona 500. Last year i started a new tradition, snowmobiling in the mountains of WY the weekend of the 500. Lot of snow, no DW. The reservations are in place for this year too.
If it has a Waltrip I wont watch it, te Wallace arent far behind.. Kenny has me not watching the Sunday morning pre race show now.
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